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Rebuttal to Walid's book's "Take the Bible Challenge" section:


He wrote:

Take the Bible Challenge

Several years ago, I passed by a stand with a sign that read "Take the Pepsi Challenge". I thought to myself, why not, I have been drinking Coke all my life, I wonder if I can find out if I still prefer it. Since the two cups laying on the table had no labels, I could not know which is which, I tasted each and made my decision. Its a simple choice of course, and it probably would not make a bit of difference to my life if I choose Pepsi or Coke. On the other hand, I would have never found out weather I prefer Pepsi or Coke, without tasting both.


My response:



He wrote:

I realize that this comparison is by no means the best, but there is no way to know which is better, the Bible or the Quran, unless we taste the words. We do not have to swallow them, just taste and decide whether we want to swallow or reject. One day a great desire in my heart caused me to open the Bible and compare it with the Quran, I set them side by side and started to study. The study lasted many months, as God overwhelmed me with His truth.


My response:



He wrote:

I vowed not to stop until a found out if they are really equal when weighed side by side on the scientific scale. It was the only way... to take the Bible Challenge. I have documented all I learned from this experience, which I am forwarding to you. I urge you to take the Bible Challenge.


My response:

Mr. Walid, I took the "Bible Challenge" and dedicated several years of life for it as clearly shown at:   The result is, without being biased, Islam is the Ultimate Truth!  The reason for this is because Islam is the simplest and most straight forward religion of all.   The Bible, while it agrees with Islam, but it has unclear sides to it, which is why you see Christians today coming up with nonsense such as trinity, while the word "trinity" itself does not even exist in the Bible.  Not even once!

Please visit: What is the Wisdom of Islam?


He wrote:

Note: Try to respond to the questions presented here, they all end with "?" in bold. These are questions directed to you. If you are able to answer them, then indeed you have faith based on facts. Please send the answers back to me. I will be waiting patiently for your response.


My response:

Ok, I will answer them as thorough as possible insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).






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