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14,874 emails sent from this site in just one month only!!

Before we start, please know that Allah Almighty is a Witness on my words that I am telling the Truth and nothing but the Truth.

Taking the count of daily emails sent since 10/19/2004 to 11/19/2004, my web site's "Email this article to a friend" program (the push button that you see on top of every single article on this site, as you also see it on top of this article) has sent a total of 14,874 emails in just one month, by the Grace and Mercy of Allah Almighty!! 

It appears that this program and feature on my site has become recently very popular on the net because the number of emails sent has shot sky high for the past month compared to the previous ones.  Also, this means that just about every visitor of this site has used and is using this program, and around 14,000 or so new visitors already visited this site this month alone.  Of course there are a number of possibilities that would reduce the number:

1-  People can try the program and send themselves "test emails".

2-  The emails that they sent to their friends had been accidentally deleted as unwanted junk mail. 

3-  People were sent multiple emails for different articles.  In other words, one person receiving multiple emails each one for one article.

But anyway, since I've had this program for over a year now, it is less likely that my regular visitors had sent themselves test emails last month, because they should've already tested it on themselves a long time ago.  Since the email addresses are not stored anywhere, as I made this clear on the page that appears when you click the push button, and are deleted as soon as they're sent, this has encouraged most visitors to use the program knowing that the privacy of their friends or "email list" that they collected will not be violated by future spam emails from me, my site or anyone else. 

Unfortunately, I don't know which page(s) had been sent mostly, because I kept the program as simple as possible.  I only kept track of the number of valid emails sent by the program.  Keeping track of the exact pages requires heavy unnecessary storage and complicated programming that I didn't feel like doing :).  I just kept track of the numbers, but I will insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing) try to know which pages are emailed the most, because I myself am anxious to know.

By the way, and as a side note, you can see how popular this site is by visiting my "Free Muslim Marriage Connection Site", which so far as of 11/19/2004 has 1276 members.


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