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I was told that what's happening in the Middle East today was all foretold in the Bible.  How do you respond to that?

The following article responds in good details to this question:

The future of Jerusalem in the Noble Quran - Examination of the end of times prophecies in the Bible and the Noble Quran.


The Bible's claims about Gog and Magog:

It is important to know that the Bible's claims and prophecies about the army of Gog and Magog already took place.  Let's see the proof:

“Son of Adam, set your face toward YHVH of the land of Magog, the prince of  Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and Prophesy against him: And say, thus says The YHVH Elohenu, I am against you, O Gog, the chief prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn you back, and put hooks into your jaws...(From the NIV Bible, Ezekiel 38:1-4)

It is quite obvious from the above verse from the Bible, that the events that were prophesied about the army of Gog and Magog were going to take place SOON from the time of the narration, around 700 B.C.  The Noble Quran, talks about more events that ALREADY TOOK PLACE with the people of Gog and Magog and historical discoveries had confirmed the Noble Quran's claims. 

Please visit The End of Times Battles in Islam.

The story of Gog and Magog and the Iron Gates in the Noble Quran.

The Gog and Magog in the Bible and the Noble Quran. 

Was King Cyrus of Persia the Dhul-qarnain of the Noble Quran who stopped Gog and Magog? 

Please be advised that for this link, I disagree with the author for claiming that Alexander was a Pagan.  According to the historical references above in this article, Alexander was considered a great person to the Jews and is considered like a Saint for the Christians, even though he existed before Jesus peace be upon him.  His importance to both Jews and Christians eliminates the (perhaps false) fact that he was an idol worshiper.


What about the Prophecies about Gog and Magog in the Bible's Book of Revelation?

The Book of Revelation is the last Book in the Bible.  This means that it came 600 years before Islam; 700 years after the first coming of the people of Gog and Magog.   This means that any Prophecy about the people of Gog and Magog in the Book of Revelation means that it has YET TO BE FULFILLED, for the People of Gog and Magog have not come yet.

Actually, Islam also Prophecies about the army of Gog and Magog.  It is important to know, however, that the battle with Gog and Magog at the End of Times will be between all Good and all Evil.  All of the Idol Worshiping societies, such as the Hindus and the Oriental Pagans, and the Sexually open societies, such as the Western World where they have open sexuality (such as nude beaches and illegal sex [boyfriends and girlfriends living together and having sex]) and homosexuality will all gang up against the Muslims (The Good people who prostrate to GOD Almighty in Worship 5 times a day, Fast the Month of Ramadan and pay Charity for the poor).

Please visit The End of Times Battles in Islam.

The story of Gog and Magog and the Iron Gates in the Noble Quran and read the last two sections of the article.

Now, as for the Book of Revelation and its prophecies, it is important to know that according to the Historians and Theologians of the NIV Bible, this Book is not reliable and is highly doubtful.  Its original author is not known, thus making its claims all doubtful and not trustworthy.  Let us look at what they said about this Book:

The following was take from the commentary of the Historians and Theologians of the NIV Bible to every Book and Gospel in the Bible:


The Book of Revelation:

"Four times the author identifies himself as John (1:1,4,9; 22:8).....In the third century, however, an African bishop named Dionysius compared the language, style and thought of the Apocalypse (Revelation) with that of the other writings of John and decided that the book could not been written by the apostle of John.   (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1922)"

Again, we don't know who wrote the Book of Revelation.  It is certainly highly doubtful that it was written by Apostle John.  The Theologians and Historians of the NIV Bible seem to agree with the invalidity of this book from the above quote.  So are you now going to consider the other John's words as the Words and Inspirations of GOD Almighty?

Notice that in the sections of "Gospel of John" and "Gospels of 1, 2 & 3  John" in the article, the author did not identify himself and it was ASSUMED without actual proofs that it was Saint John who wrote them.  Notice how they said that if he were to identify himself, then it would be hard for them to explain it.

Now, notice the author in the Book of Revelation does identify himself as John, but he has a complete different language and style of writing from the other books, which created much uncertainty about its validity in the Church.

My questions here are:  Who wrote the Books?  And is or is not Saint John supposed to identify himself in his books?  And where are his books that have his name on them?

Again, keep in mind that the NT was not even documented on paper until 150 to 300 years after Jesus (depending on what Christian you talk to).  So the dating is way too long for us to be assuming books to belong to certain people.  Let alone considering their nonsense (contents) as the True Living Words of GOD Almighty.

The Book of Revelation is a very important, probably the most important Book in the Bible today, because it has prophecies in it of what Christians believe is for our future today, even though it has nothing to do with our current world.  It talks about Jesus soon (1800 to 2000 years ago) will return (Revelation 22:7).  I don't know how soon is 2000 years to the Bible.  All the people that this book was told to had died.  

It also talks about the great battle of Gog and Magog fighting the righteous; "and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth  [The earth DOES NOT have four corners and no the earth is not a square or rectangle.  It is round almost like an egg!!]--Gog and Magog--to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore.  (From the NIV Bible, Revelation 20:8)"

The thing that we need to notice here beside the grave error about the shape of the earth in this false book (sorry to say that), is that the Gog and Magog existed before.  Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (Ezekiel 39:1), is the name of the leader and Magog is the name of his nation (Ezekiel 38 and 39).  The Gog and Magog army had already been defeated and the Noble Quran confirms their story.   There had been historical discoveries that perfectly match the Noble Quran's claims regarding the Gog and Magog, such as the discovery of the "Iron Gates", and other literature that mentions the Gog and Magog army and location.  There is even historical documentation about them which matches the Noble Quran in London, England.

Please visit The story of Gog and Magog and the Iron Gates in the Noble Quran and the Bible to see the references and proofs of these historical discoveries and several more.

The Bible says: The earth is flat!  See all the verses in the Bible that claim the earth is flat.

It is a common Christian answer to say "We support Israel because it is God's promised land to the Jews, and He will prevail them against the army of Gog and Magog who seems to be mainly an Islamic army today."  They mostly rely on the Book of Revelation from the Bible to support this claim.

The story of the Gog and Magog army attacking the Jews exists in both the Book of Ezekiel and the Book of Revelation in the Bible.  The Book of Ezekiel which came literally thousands of years before the Book of Revelation predicted the attack and defeat of the army of Gog and Magog.

The Noble Quran (The Muslims' Holy Scripture) talks about the army of Gog and Magog in details and explains the events that ALREADY took place.  As I mentioned above, there had been historical discoveries that perfectly match the Noble Quran's claims regarding the Gog and Magog, such as the discovery of the "Iron Gates", and other literature that mentions the Gog and Magog army and location.

Please visit The End of Times Battles in Islam.

The army of Gog and Magog and the Iron Gates in the Noble Quran and the Bible.

The lie (sorry to say that) of the Book of Revelation, however, also predicts the coming of the army of Gog and Magog.  But as I said, the army of Gog and Magog were ALREADY predicted in the Bible thousands of years before the Book of Revelation.

So, the prediction in the Book of Revelation proves that the writer of the book, lacked a great deal of knowledge about history, because as I said, the event of the Gog and Magog battle (i.e., the battle of Armageddon) already happened!

The point is that the Book of Revelation, however, like most of the Bible today seems to be nothing but a big hoax (sorry to say that).  It is very doubtful, but yet ironically, very important to the Christians of today.

Would you honestly deep inside yourself call nonsense of this kind the True Living Words of GOD Almighty, especially after knowing that very important early Christian resources thought "the book could not been written by the apostle of John"?

Please visit What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe in?





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Allah, Islam, Quran, Muhammad questions and answers.

What is the place of Jews, Christians and non-Muslims in Islam.

Moses, Jesus and several other Prophets in the Bible never liked the Jews.  How can the Jews be considered GOD's "Chosen People" then? 

Isaac and Ishmael in Islam and Christianity.

Why did Allah Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted?

The End of Times Battles in Islam.

The army of Gog and Magog and the Iron Gates in the Noble Quran and the Bible.

The Signs of Armageddon (The End of Times Battles) in Islam.

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