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How can I convert to Islam?

To convert to Islam, all you really have to do is to say "I bear witness that there is no GOD but Allah, and Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger."

There are 5 pillars in Islam.  This is the first and most important pillar.   Doing this by itself and truly believing in it will by itself make you a Muslim and grant you Paradise.  Of course Allah Almighty's acceptance to you, and His forgiveness to your previous sins has to be accomplished before you get admitted to Paradise.  Every human being is unique in his Judgement by Allah Almighty, His Lord and Creator.

Please visit What is the Wisdom of Islam? for more details.

Then, as a Muslim you have to fulfill the other four pillars, and they are:

- Praying by prostrating to Allah Almighty in worship.

- Pay Charity (Zakah) to the poor, which is 2.5 percent of your net annual income.

- Fast the Month of Ramadan.

- Do the Pilgrimage in Mecca at least once in your life time, only if you were debt-free and able physically and financially to do it.


The steps after becoming a Muslim:

Being a "Believer", Mu'min in Arabic, is the higher level than just a Muslim.   A Muslim Believer is one who believes in the following:

1- Allah Almighty as the One True Living Undivided GOD Almighty.  A Muslim too believe in this, because this is a Must to fulfill the first pillar above.

2-  Believing in the Angels, i.e., believing in their different roles and their spiritual powers and influences to us, such as the "Holy Spirit" inspiration.

3- Believing in the Books and Revelations that Allah Almighty sent. 

4- Believing in the Prophets of Allah Almighty, from Adam all the way to Muhammad.

5- Believing that Allah Almighty is the only One that determines the outcomes, results and destinies.  In other words, after you try your best to accomplished a lawful task such as getting hired for a job, or starting a new business, or getting married, etc... it is only Allah Almighty that is responsible for the success or failure of your work.   If you succeed, then it is from Allah, and if you fail, then it is also from Allah.

6-  Believing in the Day of Judgement. 


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