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It is possible for a person in Heaven to be sent to Hell according to the Noble Quran!

Here is what Allah Almighty said:

"Those who are wretched shall be in the Fire: There will be for them therein (nothing but) the heaving of sighs and sobs: They will dwell therein for all the time that the heavens and the earth endure, except as thy Lord willeth: for thy Lord is the (sure) accomplisher of what He planneth. And those who are blessed shall be in the Garden: They will dwell therein for all the time that the heavens and the earth endure, except as thy Lord willeth: a gift without break.  (The Noble Quran, 11:106-108)"

Few points to notice here:

1-  As we see in Noble Verse 11:108, the Gift of Paradise is endless and "without break".  Hell's torture is NOT "without break".

2-  Human will, and free will, will always exist.  While wickedness will not exist in Heaven, anyone who dares to attempt to bring it will be SENT BACK TO HELL!   When Allah Almighty said "They will dwell therein for all the time that the heavens and the earth endure, except as thy Lord willeth", He said it even about the inhabitants of Heaven.  This proves:

(a)  The inhabitants of Heaven are not sinless and perfect, but however, their sins will never make it in Heaven.  In other words, Heaven is SO PERFECT that no sin will ever be executed in it.  Perhaps once the sin is thought out, then Hell will be opened again to the violator before he defiles Heaven with it by committing it.   Again, humans will have senses and thinking and appreciating brains.  We are taught in the Noble Quran that we will have bodies, and we will be able to hear, see, smell and feel.  We are taught in the Noble Quran that there is meat to eat in Paradise and rivers of milk and honey (to drink from), and the water of "Al-Kawther" (the purist and best water) will be available for us to drink from, etc...  We're also taught that we can wear gold and silk, and we will also have mates, sexual mates (Houris), and Servants as well.

Therefore, we will have a similar life-style to the one we have here on earth, but in a much much (unimaginable) higher style and pleasure.  All of the appreciation and the perception of pleasure of Paradise needs a thinking and processing mind to make it all possible.  These thinking minds, while they will remain sinless, but they will always have the capability of thinking sin.  Perhaps, this is where Hell that Allah Almighty Created comes in play.  It will continue to purify the soul and body that make up each individual in Paradise and cleanse out the sin from them.

(b) He, the Almighty, DID NOT say "They will dwell therein for all the time that the heavens and the earth endure, and never get out of it" or something similar to that.  The fact that Allah Almighty explicitly said about the inhabitants of Heaven "except as thy Lord willeth" clearly supports the possibility that some inhabitants of Heaven might be sent back to Hell.

3-  Therefore, Hell will always remain as a purifying place, and not a permanent place for torture.






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