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The Bible is in contradiction with itself in explaining paradise:

Christians believe that in heaven we will not have our earthly bodies.  We will be spirits without bodies living peacefully in heaven.  They base their claim mostly on the following verse:  "Jesus replied, 'You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.  At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.'  (Matthew 22:29-30)"   Christians took the verse from Jesus peace be upon him so literal when he said that we will be like angels (spirits) in heaven, and based their entire theory that in heaven we will not have bodies upon it.

Muslims believe that GOD Almighty at the Day of Resurrection will recreate our bodies to have the same exact size and age as Adam's body when he was created which is 70 arms in length and 20 arms in width.  Muslims believe that heaven will contain beautiful materials that we feel and touch in earth today such as food, drink, relationships, joy, etc.... but on a much larger scale and in a much more beautifully designed fashion.


The Old Testament contradicts the Christian theologians!

In the old Testament in the book of Genesis, we read about the famous story of Adam being the first human being created in heaven.  Then GOD Almighty created Eve from his rib.  Then later we read about Eve deceiving Adam and tempting him to eat the apple that GOD Almighty had forbidden him to eat it, and because of it GOD Almighty sent Adam and all mankind after him to earth to suffer.

Here is a comment from a Jehovah Witness Christian, Shane Umfleet, regarding this topic:  "I have been investigating more of your web-site. I find that you base your ideas on the Bible contradicting itself on the false teachings of Christendom. Have you considered that their interpretation is not correct?  That Adam and Eve were created on Earth, as stated at Genesis 1. Also, has it occurred to you that only a select few were intended to go to Heaven, as stated at Revelation 14:1,4; 7:2-4; and 5:9,10?  Also contrary to Christendom's interpretation, the Bible says that the Earth will not be destroyed, but will be inhabited by submissive human subjects of God and His heavenly kingdom, after the earth is cleansed of all wickedness.  Genesis 1:28; 2:8-15, Isa 55:11; 46:10,11; Ps 72:7 Isa 9:6,7 ; Mt. 6:9,10; Revelation 21:3-5.  Do you have any enlightenment on these Bible verses?"

It is interesting to know that "Bible Theologians" or "Bible Interpreters" differ a great deal among themselves.  In the example of Heaven in the Bible, it is important to note how the Bible is so confusing and so filled with inconsistencies that a group of Christians claim that we will not have our earthly bodies in heaven and earth will be destroyed, and yet others claim that we will have our earthly bodies and we will live in Paradise on Earth.  Like throughout most of the Bible, this serious difference of interpretations does put a big question mark on the reliability of the Bible.  As a Muslim, I believe that the Bible used to be Allah Almighty's pure words (free from errors), but man had so corrupted it that it no longer became a valid book.  Please visit History of man's corruption in the Bible.


Contradictions in the OT and NT to notice:

1- GOD created a husband and a wife in heaven.  This contradicts the New Testament above when it claimed that we will only be spirits that don't marry in heaven.

2- GOD created a body for Adam in heaven, he had a head, a mouth, a neck, a stomach to feed himself the forbidden apple and digested it in his stomach/body.  This also contradicts that we will only be spirits with no bodies in heaven as the New Testament claims.

3- Adam peace be upon him did feel hungry enough to get tempted to eat the forbidden apple.  This proves that our earthly feelings and desires such as hunger, sexual desires, love, emotions, etc... will exist in heaven as well.

The Noble Quran talks in great details about how Paradise will have rivers from honey and milk, how much beautiful nature we will have and how we will have beautiful angels serving us in heaven.

The Noble Quran and the Old Testament seem to agree fully that (1) Heaven has materialistic things that we can feel and live with in it; and (2) We do get married in heaven and practice our sexual desires (although that's not the main point because the Noble Quran only talked very briefly about it) when we desire it.



I as a Muslim who loves and respects our beloved Messenger of GOD, Jesus peace be upon him, think that the Bible is full of corruptions and fake sayings about Jesus.  I don't believe that Jesus contradicted himself by saying that.  I personally think that if indeed Jesus said that quote in Matthew 22:29-30 above, then he only meant that women are not given in marriage without seeing their husbands as the Jews used to do back then with their pre-arranged marriage culture.  Also, Jesus probably meant to say that women in heaven will not be forced into any marriage without their will.  But according to the truth, we will live in paradise in earthly bodies.   We won't have our current bodies according to Islam.  We will have bodies that look similar to Adam's which is 70 arms in height and 20 arms in width. 

We also can not take everything in the Bible so literal because it will mislead us.  In the case of Matthew 22:29-30 above it is quite obvious that we must not take the saying of Jesus so literal because it is contradicting the way GOD Almighty defined heaven from the very beginning when He created it in the Bible and in the Noble Quran.






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