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So what is the point from believing in GOD then if everyone will end up in Heaven anyway?!

Well, If you visit the article Would you describe Heaven and Hell according to the Islamic doctrine? then you would see that both Heaven and Hell have different levels according to the Noble Quran and the Sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

So to answer the question:  First of all, believing in GOD Almighty is not really a choice.  It's natural!  Even if a person doesn't like the Philosophy of Allah Almighty about Heaven and Hell and the Judgment of Mankind, he still would believe in the existence of Allah Almighty, unless he is an atheist. 

Now in regards to the point of believing, Heaven in Islam has 500 levels.  The highest level is where the Prophets and the Angles and the most righteous from the Jinns and Mankind reside.  They are physically the closest to Allah Almighty, and they have the absolute best of what Heaven can offer!  The levels of reward and pleasure get reduced as the levels keep going down until the lowest level of Heaven.

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him taught us that each person's Heaven in the lowest level will be 5 times bigger than the size of planet earth!  You can imagine what the Higher levels of Paradise are like.

So, for those who treat the Signs of Allah Almighty with intentional arrogance and stupidity after the Truth was irrefutably made clear to them, I would ask them the following question:

Which would you prefer?  To live in the lowest levels of Paradise for Eternity after perhaps serving billions of torturing and very frustrating human-years in Hell for punishment and purification, or to try to win as much higher level as possible in Paradise and to minimize the punishment of Hell?

Again, please visit Would you describe Heaven and Hell according to the Islamic doctrine?






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