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Rebuttals to the Infidels.org team:

The following table contains links from one of their dedicated section on Islam at: http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/theism/islam/.


Their Articles: My Responses:
A Declaration of Women's Rights in Islamic Societies
  • Radio National: The Religion Report (Wednesday 10/10/01)
  • Page no longer exists.
  • My response.

    Ibn Warraq on the World Trade Center Atrocity Page no longer exists.
    The Terrors of Islam My response.
    Jehad and Civilization - Part 1 (The Battle of Badr) My response.
    The Logic of Allah's Existence My response.
    Negationism and the Muslim Conquests My response.
    New Secularism in the Arab World My response.
    Protocols of the Followers of Baha'ullah My response.
    The Skeptic's Annotated Quran My response.
    Toplumsal Geriliklerimizin Sorumlulari: Din Adamlari My response.
    Muslim Freethinkers Review of "Why I Am Not a Muslim" My response.
    Review of "Why I Am Not a Muslim" My response.
    Turning away from Mecca: A Review of "Why I Am Not A Muslim" My response.
    Two Sword of Truth Reviews of "Why I Am Not a Muslim" My response.
    Cosmology and the Koran: A Response to Muslim Fundamentalists My response.
    Evidentialist Apologetics in Islam My response.
    Hadith Combat Kit: Vulgar Ahadith My response.
    Introduction to Hadith Response by Bassam Zawadi.
    Islamic Science: Does Islamic literature contain scientific miracles? My response.
    The Koran Predicted the Speed of Light? Not really. My response.
    The Platygaean Qur'an My response.
    Predicting Modern Science: Epicurus vs. Mohammed My response.
    Qur'an: A Work of Multiple Hands? My response.
    Revelation: Qur'an My response.
    Super-Scientific Religious Scriptures! My response.
    What is the Koran? My response.







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