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What do you say in response to the fact that many Christians are killed in Islamic countries for their faith?  I know you said on your site that Muslims are forbidden from doing that...why does it still happen?

The sections of this article are:

1-  What do you say in response to the fact that many Christians are killed in
      Islamic countries for their faith?
2-  The Muslims and Christians conflict?
3-  Christians too have conflicts among themselves, look at Canada and the US.
4-  Conclusion.

First of all, it is important to know that killing non-Muslim civilians and innocents under the Islamic ruling is clearly prohibited in Islam:  [1] [2] [3].

You have to differentiate between political wars and religious wars.  The last time I heard of a religious war was the war between the Muslims and the Crusades during the Christian Medieval times.

The political wars that occur today that seem to be religious such as the war of the Christian Eastern Orthodox Serbs against the Muslim Bosnians, Kosovars and the Roman Catholic Croats in Yugoslavia.  The civil wars in Sudan and Indonesia that happened between Muslims and Christians, etc... are not really religious wars.  Here is a web site which refutes the Christians' so-called slavery in Sudan:

People at first don't kill people for the sake of their religion.   The problem with Yugoslavia which happened between Christians among themselves (Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics), and between Muslims and Christians (Easter Orthodox) is that Slobodan Milosovic (the former leader of the Serbs) wanted to separate the Serbs sect (which were the majority) from the other smaller sects in the Yugoslavia Republic.

Before he came to power, these problems did not exist in Yugoslavia.  It was him that created this conflict, and HE USED RELIGION TO JUSTIFY HIS EVIL INTENTIONS.  Just like Hitler used Christianity to justify his evil killings of the Jews in the Holocaust.

That's all there is to it!


The Muslims and Christians conflict?

Now as for Sudan and Indonesia's civil wars between Muslims and Christians, let us examine both countries:

For Sudan, the Muslim population mostly exist in the North side, and the Christian population mostly exist in the South side of the country.  The Muslims are by far the majority, and the ruling government is an Islamic government.  

The Christians in the South were pursuing the separation from the North, and wanted to declare their own country.  The government and the majority of the people (which are Muslims as I mentioned) strongly opposed to that, and this is where the Civil war broke.

I saw several dialogues regarding the Sudan conflict several times on the Arabic Satellite TV.

You must also know that the US and Britain supported the south, and gave them weapons.  The point is, the war in Sudan has NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION!  It is all politics.  Here is a web site which refutes the Christians' so-called slavery in Sudan:

As for Indonesia, the same exact thing happened there, except it is not between the North and the South, but it is one of the country's states that has Christians as the most population, and that state wanted to be separated from the Muslim Indonesia.

Again, the US and Britain and also Australia in this case supported the Christians and gave them weapons.  Again, the war in Indonesia has NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION!  It is all politics.


Christians too have conflicts among themselves, look at Canada and the US:

You must know that these problems occur every where, and really they have nothing to do with religion.  If you look at Canada and the US, then you will see that these two countries do also have a big potential of a break of a civil war conflict.

In Canada, where English is the first language in the country, the French speaking State, Quebec, wanted and still want to separate from the federal government and declare their own Quebec Republic.

If this were to occur, where the people in Quebec want to pursue this violently or by force, then I guarantee you that a civil war in Canada will break down.

Most Canadians are Christians.  The conflict, however, would have NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTIANITY!

In the United States, the State of Texas has a big potential for such problem.  Did you know that the State of Texas is the only state that raises its flag on the same level as the US national flag?  All of the US states raise their flags under the US national flag.   Texas is THE ONLY EXCEPTION!

Texas has the potential to pursue a separation from the US.   And if this were to happen, then I guarantee you, you will see a civil war in the US.  But then again, this has NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTIANITY OR WITH ANY RELIGION!



Please differentiate between political wars and religious wars, and don't believe those who call for religious wars in the middle of a civil war conflict, because they are only using religion to justify their cause.






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A web site which refutes the Christian so-called slavery in Sudan.

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