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If Muhammad was the Messenger of GOD, then how come he was sometimes influenced by magic?

The sections of this article are:

- If Muhammad was the Messenger of GOD, then how come he was sometimes influenced by magic?
- It wasn't magic.  It was hypnotism!
- Muhammad was a Prophet from Allah, how come hypnotism was able to effect him?
- How do we know then that the revelations from Muhammad that he claimed were from Allah were indeed Divine Inspiration and not the work of hypnotism?

Let us look at the following Saying (Hadith) regarding Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him:

Narrated Aisha: "Magic was worked on Allah's Apostle so that he used to think that he had sexual relations with his wives while he actually had not (Sufyan said: That is the hardest kind of magic as it has such an effect). Then one day he said, "O 'Aisha do you know that Allah has instructed me concerning the matter I asked Him about? Two men came to me and one of them sat near my head and the other sat near my feet. The one near my head asked the other. What is wrong with this man?' The latter replied the is under the effect of magic The first one asked, Who has worked magic on him?' The other replied Labid bin Al-A'sam, a man from Bani Zuraiq who was an ally of the Jews and was a hypocrite.' The first one asked, What material did he use)?' The other replied, 'A comb and the hair stuck to it.' The first one asked, 'Where (is that)?' The other replied. 'In a skin of pollen of a male date palm tree kept under a stone in the well of Dharwan' '' So the Prophet went to that well and took out those things and said "That was the well which was shown to me (in a dream) Its water looked like the infusion of Henna leaves and its date-palm trees looked like the heads of devils." The Prophet added, "Then that thing was taken out' I said (to the Prophet ) "Why do you not treat yourself with Nashra?" He said, "Allah has cured me; I dislike to let evil spread among my people."   (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 660)"

From the above Saying (Hadith) of our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, we see the following:

1- Magic was played on the Prophet that he sometimes used to think that he was having sex with his wives when he actually was not.

2- A hypocrite played this magic on the Prophet and effected him by Allah Almighty's will.

3- The Prophet relied only on Allah Almighty to cure him.  He could've used the "Nashra" treatment, but he chose not to.  He waited until Allah Almighty cured him, because he wanted to teach the Muslims to rely only on Allah Almighty for cures, and not on superstitious acts.

Please visit: Is Islam a superstitious religion?  The practice was not a superstition, but rather a spit and insult on satan.  Voodoo and superstition is actually found in the Bible.


It wasn't magic.  It was hypnotism!

The following is an email I received from a Muslim brother; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.

From: "Moe _" <>
Subject: Muhammad (PBUH) and Magic
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 20:01:50 +0000

I just read your page on Muhammad (Peace be up on him) and Magic and I realized something.  This is a clear case of hypnosis, plain and simple.  We know that the *science* of hypnosis evolved in the 19th century and so we can accurately deduce that in the 5th century (600AD) hypnosis was only known by the term Magic.  Even today there is no one word for hypnosis in Arabic. And even today people can be hypnotized, so why wouldn't Muhammad (Peace be up on him) be able to get hypnotized, ESPECIALLY if Allah wants to teach us a lesson.  How you can tell this is hypnosis.

1. The person who performed it didn't do anything really spectacular, it's not like he did Magic and made Muhammad's (Peace be up on him) hair or other body part disappear.

2. Look at the Hadith: Magic was worked on Allah's Apostle so that he used to ***think*** that he had sexual relations with his wives. But back then there was no other way to describe it but Magic.

Next look at the Webster's dictionary definition in English for hypnosis:

Main Entry: hyp·no·sis
Pronunciation: hip-'nO-s&s
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural hyp·no·ses /-"sEz/
Etymology: New Latin
Date: 1876
1 : a state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose
suggestions are readily accepted by the subject
2 : any of various conditions that resemble sleep

Look at the date!! 1876... if the word didn't exist in English until 1876 then why would it exist in 600 AD in the Middle East?



Again, please visit:  Is Islam a superstitious religion?  The practice was not a superstition, but rather a spit and insult on satan.  Voodoo and superstition is actually found in the Bible.


Muhammad was a Prophet from Allah, how come hypnotism was able to effect him?

Because Allah Almighty wanted to teach us that non is perfect but Him.  He inspired Muhammad peace be upon him to only seek the cure from Allah Almighty to set the example for all Muslims.  Muslims need to have high faith in Allah Almighty no matter how difficult their situation is.  This event showed the Muslim even Muhammad peace be upon him is helpless without the help of Allah Almighty.


How do we know then that the revelations from Muhammad that he claimed were from Allah were indeed Divine Inspiration and not the work of hypnotism?

The Noble Quran (Allah Almighty's Noble Book) is a book that proved itself to be the Truth.  It's Prophecies were all fulfilled.  It's Divine Message and strong Literature proved itself to be the Truth among all of the pagan Arabs who all latter embraced Islam.  Muhammad was predicted to come in the Bible.  The Message of the Oneness of Allah Almighty and the sacrifices that Muhammad peace be upon him has put to embrace it and spread it only prove that he was indeed the True Messenger of Allah Almighty.  Islam's "Oneness of GOD" Message came and conflicted a great deal with the Pagan Arabs customs, culture and business, because they worshiped more than 360 idol gods, and those idol gods were the main factor for generating money for them.  Muhammad and his followers were forced into so many challenges/battles and survived all of them and by the Will of Allah Almighty were able to ultimately defeat all pagans and make the entire Middle East a Muslim region.  How could Muhammad and his Message survive all of this if GOD Almighty wasn't backing him up all the way?  How else would a True Messenger from Allah Almighty prove himself to be truthful? 

Allah Almighty promised to keep His Noble Book safe from corruption; "We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption).  (The Noble Quran, 15:9)"  Also "Nay, this is a Glorious Quran, (inscribed) in a Tablet Preserved !  (The Noble Quran, 85:21-22)Today, there is only ONE Arabic Noble Quran copy in the entire world.  

The following links on this site will help you fully understand the Truth of Islam:

1- Allah Almighty scientific claims about how He created things accurately matches the Scientific Discoveries that we have today.  Muhammad could not have come up with these claims on his own.  For instance, the Big Bang Theory today proved that the Universe was originally formed from "hot gas".  The Noble Quran also claims that GOD Almighty Created the Universe from "hot gas".   Another example is science proved today that the metal "iron" was not formed from earth material.  It came from traveling stars that collided with earth billions of years ago, and when their melted metals cooled off and turned into solid form, they formed what we call today the metal of "iron".  The Noble Quran says that Allah Almighty sent down "iron" for us.  It was not created from earth.  This link has many details regarding this subject.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CLICK ON LINK #1 to get the most details.  The other links in this link are short articles that I wrote, and I recommend for you to read them as well.

2- Prophet Muhammad's Prophecies.   Click on this link and read the "Prophecies" section.

3- Muhammad was foretold in the Bible.

4- Human equality in Islam.

5- What is the wisdom of Islam?

6-  The Blessed Jesus peace be upon him in Islam.




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Is Islam a superstitious religion?  The practice was not a superstition, but rather a spit and insult on satan.  Voodoo and superstition is actually found in the Bible.

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