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By the way, I am not a Hadiths rejecter!

Due to the false roamers and lies that had been spread about me from my personal enemies and haters of Islam on the internet, I decided to set the record straight and end this lie once and for all in this article, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

I am not a Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him) rejecter!  I do follow some Hadiths.  Today, there are more than 2,000,000 (two million) "Hadith" narrations collected in volumes and books, most of which are lies that were put on the mouth of our beloved Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him.  While almost 100% of the Muslim scholars today perfectly agree that not all of the two million hadiths are all true, and they actually all claim that we must go back to the "chain of narrations" of each hadith to determine its truth from falsehood, but unfortunately, the volumes and books of these hadiths are still available in the Islamic Libraries.  This had created the dilemma in not knowing which hadith is true and which hadith is false!

The way I personally filter out truth from falsehood in the Hadiths' collections, is by comparing whatever Hadith I run into to the Noble Quran; if they are in agreement, then I consider taking it, and if the topic doesn't exist in the Noble Quran, or if the hadith contradicts the Noble Quran then I simply discard it.

The reason I do this is because this way I make sure that not only do I completely eliminate all of the false hadiths, stories and narrations that were fabricated by the hypocrites and liars whom Allah Almighty Warned us against numerous times in the Noble Quran, but I also eliminate even the true Hadiths that had been abrogated or nullified through the Noble Quran where Allah Almighty replaced or corrected a decision that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, took by Sending a Revelation in the Noble Quran.

While this all sounds great and practical, but please know that this SOLID AND UNCOMPROMISED BULLET-PROOF belief that I strongly and dearly believe in that truly filters out all of the lies and corruption in the Hadiths does have a serious confrontation with some of the Hadiths that Most Muslims today seem to value as if they were absolute Truth, even though these Hadiths don't have any basis or support in the Noble Quran.  These Hadiths are:

1-  Stoning the married adulterer or adulteress to death.  While this law exists in the Bible, but it doesn't exist in the Noble Quran.  Allah Almighty only ordered for the adulterer and adulteress to be flogged 100 stripes each in front of the people.  No mention about stoning to death AT ALL in the Noble Quran.  For more information, please visit:  What is the punishment for adultery in Islam?

2-  The punishment for gays and lesbians is not putting them to death as it is mentioned in the Bible.  Allah Almighty clearly talked about gays and lesbians in the Noble Quran and specified their punishments.  For more information, please visit:  What is the punishment for gays and lesbians in Islam?

3-  The killing of apostates (those who desert Islam) had been abrogated in the Noble Quran.  After Islam became complete and the hypocrites became totally helpless, Allah Almighty nullified the killing of apostates.  The punishment of death to apostates is clearly listed in the Bible.  It is a Biblical Law and not a Noble Quran one.  For more details, please visit:  Freedom of Religion in Islam.

Also, please visit:  Apostates are to be punished to death in the Bible.

Frankly, I find it quite unacceptable today that a Westerner, for instance, who embraces Islam and then decides to desert it due to the overwhelming false propaganda against Islam has to be seeked out and killed!  I strongly believe that the reason why Allah Almighty never allowed punishment of apostates in the Noble Quran is because He, the Almighty, truly Made the Noble Quran for all times and all places.  Allah Almighty clearly Said that the hypocrites were the ones who pretended to embrace Islam during Islam's partial and weak days to confuse the Muslims:

Let us look at Noble Verse 3:72 "A section of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) say:  Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers (Muslims), but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam)."  To protect Islam from such satanic attempts done by a group of the people of the book (Jews and Christians), Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him ordered the death of those who enter Islam and leave it.  This temporary law that was put by our Prophet had stopped the hypocrites from the People of the Book who carried so much hatred toward Islam to enter Islam and desert it afterwards. 

Many tried to Christianize Islam 1500 years ago!

While it could be very true that the mentioned Biblical Laws above were indeed actual Divine Revelations from Allah Almighty to the People of Israel 1000s of years ago, but we Muslims are not obligated to follow the Jewish Law, even if it was proven to be Divine.  An example of this is the "Not working on Saturday (Sabbath)" Jewish Law.  While almost all of the Muslim scholars today agree that the Biblical "10 Commandments" were indeed The Divine Revelations that Moses peace be upon him carved into the stone tablets, but still, we're not obligated to follow them by the letter JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE THE JEWS' LAW that was Revealed by Allah Almighty to them.  While the Noble Quran does contain all of the 10 Commandments except for the "Not working on the Sabbath" one, and much more, but we Muslims follow the "10 Commandments" only because they exist in the Noble Quran and not the Bible.

It seems quite obvious that either some of the hypocrites tried to inject the Biblical Laws into Islam through corrupted Hadiths, or Muslims back then CONFUSED the Prophet's Execution of Laws -- social and criminal Laws -- that existed in both the Noble Quran and the Bible on their proper followers, especially after knowing that the Hadiths were documented at least 150 years after the death of the Prophet, peace be upon him, which means that the immediate generation that was with him and several ones after him were already dead.  They most probably mixed up the Prophet's verdicts on some of the Jews and Christians when he used their Bible to judge them with Islam's Real and Pure Laws of Punishment.

To me, a sincere non-Muslim today who embraces Islam and then decides to desert it has to be taught Islam properly so that he/she can get back to It.  Killing them is not practical and it is a clear crime!  The Prophet's laws against the hypocrites 1500 years ago were completely different, because their agenda was to "embrace Islam in the morning and desert it at night" (as Allah Almighty Said) to create the impression on the new and weak Muslims back then that Islam was not a Religion worth embracing and adopting during the days when Islam's Divine Laws were partial.

Again, please visit:  Freedom of Religion in Islam.

And last but not least, please visit:  What part of the Hadiths and Bible do Muslims (INCLUDING ME) believe are CLOSEST to the Truth, and Why?


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