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Response by Randy Desmond to Contradictions in the Qur'an: Further numerical discrepancies

Resolving the proposed "Days" conflict:

Surah:Verse Context
22:47 This verse talks about the unbelievers wanting God to hasten on their punishment. Then it says "a day in the sight of your lord is like a 1000 years of your reckoning.
32:5 In the end will all affairs go up to Him in a day equal to 1000 years of your reckoning.
70:4 The angels and the spirit ascend to Him in a day equal to 50,000 years of your reckoning.

For the presented arguement to be correct, these verses would have to be talking about the same things at the same time from the same points of view. Angels are not affairs. A day in God's sight is not a day for which the angels ascend. At best we could say that the day when all affairs go up to Him is the same length as a day in God's sight. So please notice that the days which differ in terms of years of our reckoning are not even related to the same subject matter. The only inherently obvious connection between these verses is the fact that the days are reckoned in human years. It should then be clear that there is no contradiction among these verses at all.

Resolving the proposed "(The/A) Garden(s)" conflict:

"The Garden" is "a garden" consisting of many "gardens" each of which can be referenced as "a garden".

Resolving the proposed "Number of Groups for Judgement" conflict:

Let's look at the verses that are claimed to contradict...

Surah 56:7

And you shall be sorted out into three classes.

Continuing in Surah 50 the classes are mentioned; Companions of the Right Hand, Companions of the Left Hand, and those Nearest to God. (Note: those Nearest to God are defined as those foremost in faith)

Surah 90:18-19

(18) Such are the Companions of the Right Hand. (19) But those who reject Our signs, they are the Companions of the Left Hand.

Here it does not mention the third group. Does that mean the third group does not exist? It does not say "You will be sorted into two groups." In fact, looking at verse 17 of the same surah in conjunction with these verses we see that these verses are plain. They are defining who are the Companions of the Right Hand and of the Left Hand, and not counting the total number of groups for judgement.

Surah 99:6-8

(6) On that day will men proceed in companies sorted out to be shown there deeds that they had done. (7) So anyone who has done an atom's weight of good will see it (8) and anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil will see it.

This does not mention what the companies are or how they will be sorted, it only mentions what the people will see; their deeds. And it should be pointed out that companies is plural, not singular and not dual. So we can infer from these verses that there are at least three groups.

What we then have from these verses respectively is (1) a count of the number of groups and naming of the groups (2) a definintion of two of the groups already mentioned, and (3) a description that there will be at least three groups for Judgement and people will see their deeds. Where is the conflict or contradiciton?

Resolving the proposed "Who at the Time of Death" conflict:

If you look at the solution of "Messengers to Pharaoah" below, you will notice that it is possible and quite reasonable that an assignment of a task can be done with a chain of command under the one assigned to the task.

Let me illustrate it. If a leader is credited with saving his country's economy, did he not assign tasks to the people under him? And did not those under him further assign tasks to complete the work? Then who is it that saved the economy? The leader? Those directly under him? or those workers under the the appointees of the leader? The answer is they all did.

Resolving the proposed "Messengers to Pharaoh" conflict:

If we look in Surah 20:24, Moses (Peace be upon him) is given the order from God to go to Pharaoh. Reading on, in 20:29, Moses (Peace be upon him) is praying to God that his brother, Aaron (Peace be upon him), would be sent as a helper, and in 20:31-32, Moses (Peace be upon him) qualifies his need of his brother which is to add to Moses(Peace be upon him)'s strength and share in the his task. Please notice that the purpose is to share in Moses(Peace be upon him)'s task. Knowing this, please reread those verses Jochen mentions and verify for yourself that there is no contradiction.

Resolving the proposed "Number of Wings on the Angels" conflict:

The verse mentioned does not say that the angels have "only" 2 or 3 or 4 pairs of wings. In fact, the Arabic does not say "or" in between the 2,3 and 4. The Arabic says "and" denoting possibilities. Having more wings is just not qualified or disqualified. It is interesting to note that the same verse continues on saying God adds to creation as He pleases.

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