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Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun’s article

A Series of Answers to Common Questions


Sami Zaatari



In this article of his, Shamoun's main point is to show that people and angels worshiped him. Sam's conclusion is that since the angels and men worshiped Jesus, and are commanded to worship Jesus and that Jesus did not reject the worship of people, then this makes him God. So basically this is another attempt by Shamoun to show that Jesus is God.


However so let us assume Shamoun is correct, and that people and angels did worship Jesus and he did not reject them. To start of when someone worships you as God, you must prove yourself to be God so the worshippers know that they are not worshiping some false deity. In other words if Jesus was truly being worshiped then he must have done something to earn that worship. However so, when we read the NT we find that there is nothing that gives angels or us humans the right to worship Jesus. Jesus never did something or said something that qualified him as God. I have already written an article proving from the NT that Jesus is NOT God, I urge all readers to visit my articles which can be found here (*).


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So the fact of the matter is that Jesus in the NT never did something that showed he was God, nor said something that proved he was God. Hence if angels and men worshiped Jesus then that is their loss because Jesus never was the man they thought he was. Christians would respond to this by saying that Jesus did not reject them when they prayed to him so therefore he is God. That argument too is a fallacy because the Christian must first PROVE that Jesus is God which then allows him to be worshiped. If Christians cannot prove Jesus is God, which they cant, then it does not matter if people and angels worshiped Jesus or not because the NT shows he is not God. The Christians need to connect the dots. Jesus proving he is God by his actions and words leads to a connection of why people worship him. However there is no connection between A and B. Jesus does not prove himself to be a God, so therefore point A has not been established to connect it to point B, therefore point B stands alone. So it does not matter if people prayed to him and he did not reject it, what does matter if he is indeed God and if there is proof that he is God, and sadly there is no proof he is God and people worshiping him does not prove it neither, because as I said A and B must be connected. There has to be some link between the two. Jesus must prove himself to be God THEN the people must pray to him. Its not that people pray to Jesus which proves he is God. It’s his actions and things he does which proves he is God which then leads to Point B which is people worshiping him. So hence the burden is on the Christian side to bring forth the evidence showing that Jesus earned the right to be worshiped as God making him God, so far they have not brought that evidence.


Now if Jesus did in fact accept the prayers and worship of people, then I will simple say this is a lie and a fabrication. I for one do not believe Jesus accepted the worship of men, and if Christians say their book says he did then I will say your book is lying and that is an invention. The reason I say this is not because the Quran tells me your book is corrupt, no not at all, my proof of this is your OWN Bible. As I said the Bible or the NT specifically does not show Jesus being God, in fact it shows the opposite, that Jesus is not God. Once again visit my previous article and you will see for yourself. So the NT establishes the fact that Jesus is not God, so therefore if the very same book later on says that Jesus is worshiped as a God and accepted it is plain contradiction. So hence my proof that Jesus accepting being worshiped as a God is a fabrication and lie is thanks to your own Bible, because it shows Jesus is not God, so hence the rest which shows Jesus being worshiped as God and accepting cannot be true, because the book cant say he is God and then say he accepts worship as a God. Both cannot be true, therefore one of them is an invention, and the invention and lie is that Jesus was worshiped as a God and accepted.


I bring this challenge to Christians:


1- Bring me one single miracle that Jesus did on his own while he was on earth.


2- Bring me one verse where Jesus says I AM GOD WORSHIP ME.


3- Bring me one verse where Jesus said he knows the last hour.


This is an easy challenge. I call upon Christians to meet it although I know they cannot.







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