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The following software(s) was thoroughly tested by me and it works!

The sections of this article are:

1-  Operating System Solution.
2-  Software Solutions.




1-  Operating System Solution:

This is definitely the fastest and easiest solution.  Plus it is guaranteed to work against all viruses and situations!  You can just simply reinstall your operating system without necessarily deleting your entire 'C:\' drive.  Follow your Operating System's CD's instructions to overwrite your 'Windows' directory only and this will fix your entire problem with the spyware and all of the other satanic viruses that you might currently have on your system.

The reason these viruses work is because they get installed in your 'Windows' directory.   So by deleting the directory and reinstalling it, your system will go back to its original state.

Note:  You will have to reinstall some of or all of your softwares, because the "dll" system files that they copied to your 'Windows' directory will also get deleted, along with the registry files as well.

Another Note:  You will also have to reinstall your drivers for CD, Monitor resolution, Sound, etc...  If you have your drivers' zip files stored in your local drive, then I recommend copying them to any directory other than the 'Windows' one, because they would get deleted.  Once your Windows Operating System is reinstalled, then you can go ahead and reinstall your drivers.  They won't take long to do.



2-  Software Solutions:

Important Note:  This solution does not work for all viruses, but it does work for many of them.


You must complete the following two steps:

  1. Download this software to stop abusive and annoying internet popups.  It works (but not for all viruses) and it is free!  You will need to run the 'Spybot Search & Destroy' Program again if few popups start coming back.  Some of them rebuild themselves and the program needs to run multiple times (couple weeks in between) to fully destroy them.  I ran the software multiple times (several weeks in between) and my computer is all fine now.

    By the way, if your internet browser is infected by unwanted toolbars, then you need to uninstall them.  Otherwise, they will keep rebuilding popups in your system.   To uninstall a foreign toolbar, go to www.google.com, and type the toolbar's name and the word "uninstall" in the search text box to find out the details of how to uninstall it.

    You can also try your windows' XP (if you have XP) "Remove Software" utility.  Click on "Start", "Control Panel", and "Add Remove Programs".  Try to find the unwanted software (toolbar) in the list of programs and remove it.  It doesn't always work though.  I tried it already.

    let me know if you need help.

  2. Simple manual steps to insure a complete block on all of the bad processes.  You must do this step (#2) after you complete step #1 above.  You might only need to do steps 1-6 and then SKIP to step #20.

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