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They say to me: "You say the Bible is corrupt. What makes you think that the Quran isn't too?"

The sections of this article are:

1-  They say to me: "You say the Bible is corrupt. What makes you think that
      the Quran isn't too?"
2-  What about the Prophecies in the Bible and the Noble Quran?
3-  The Quran has much better ground.
4-  What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth?

Many Christians constantly ask me this question.  One thing we need to set the record straight on is believing in a book is something, and proving that it wasn't altered by men is something else.  You may choose to disbelieve Islam all you want, but to claim that the Noble Quran is altered by men is something else.

The difference between the Bible and the Noble Quran is the following:

1- The Noble Quran was revealed to one person, and it was also recited by one person.   The Bible was revealed to many people, and it was recited by many people.

2- The Noble Quran was memorized by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his followers.  They then documented it on paper.  The Bible wasn't memorized by anyone, nor was documented by it's Prophets.

3- The Noble Quran was and still is recited in whole in the Holy Month of Ramadan, and recited partly during our daily prayers.  So corrupting it during Prophet Muhammad's time was virtually impossible, because EVERYONE knew it.  The Bible is not recited by anyone.  It's own theologians today don't even have it memorized.

Having said all of the above points, it becomes now clear that the Noble Quran was much easier to maintain and protect than the Bible. 


What about the Prophecies in the Bible and the Noble Quran?

Christians believe that since the Bible has many prophecies that had been already fulfilled and many more to be fulfilled, then it is safe to say that the ENTIRE Bible is the True Living Word of GOD Almighty.  Right?  Wrong!

This logic can be safely applied to the Noble Quran, because it was revealed to only one man.  Protecting it from man's alterations was much easier.

Please read the "Prophecies and Miracles" section in this link to see some of the prophecies in Islam.

Also please visit Science in the Noble Quran and Islam.

The Bible on the other hand as I said was revealed and written by many.  So, if one book in the Bible contains a true claim, then this only make THAT BOOK a good book, not the entire Bible!  And actually, even that book itself would still be put under a lot of questioning, because no one is certain about who the original author of that book was.

Take this example:  Please visit The lie of 1 John 5:7 later discovered by the Roman Catholics Theologians.  Some Bible do have verse 1 John 5:7, and some don't.  So, even if there was some prophecy that was fulfilled in the book of 1 John, which there isn't by the way, then this still doesn't make all of it TRUSTFUL, because according to the Theologians and Historians of the Bible, most of the books and gospels of the Bible were written by MYSTERIOUS AUTHORS.  No one really knows WHO THE REAL AUTHORS WERE!

Take another example:  The NIV Bible's Theologians and Historians wrote the following about the book of Mark in dark green below.  Pay close attention to the commentary on Mark 16:9-20 doubtful verses below:

The Gospel of Mark:

"Although there is no direct internal evidence of authorship, it was the unanimous testimony of the early church that this Gospel was written by John Mark.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1488)"

So, in reality, we don't really know whether Mark was the sole author of this Gospel or not. And since The New Testament wasn't even documented on paper until 150-300 years (depending on what Christian you talk to) after Jesus, then how are we to know for sure that the current "Gospel of Mark" wasn't written by some pro of Mark?

I hope you see the real danger in making these assumptions when you are willing to DIE for the fact that such Gospel is the actual True Word of GOD Almighty!

Further regarding this Gospel, we read the following commentary about Mark 16:9-20:

"Serious doubts exists as to whether these verses belong to the Gospel of Mark.  They are absent from important early manuscripts and display certain peculiarities of vocabulary, style and theological content that are unlike the rest of Mark.  His Gospel probably ended at 16:8, or its original ending has been lost(From the NIV Bible Foot Notes, page 1528)"

This quote raises a very serious issue here.  First of all, as we've seen above in the first quote, we have no evidence that proves that John Mark was the sole author of this so called "Gospel".  Second of all, we see that this Gospel has some serious problems/suspicions in it.  The issue of Mark 16:9-20 is a scary one, because many Christian cults today use poisonous snakes in their worship and end up dying.   

Removing Mark 16:9-20 is quite appreciated by me personally (to be quite honest with you), because it prevents people from dying from snake bites.  But however, the serious issue of man's corruption of the Bible remains. 

We can be absolutely certain now that the above quotes prove without a doubt that the Bible is doubtful.  The quote "or its original ending has been lost" proves that what we call today "Gospels" were not written by their original authors such as Mark, John, Matthew, etc...  It proves that the Gospel had been tampered with by man.  Let alone considering it as the True Living Words of GOD Almighty. 

If John Mark wasn't the one who wrote Mark 16:9-20, then who did? And how can you prove the ownership of the other person? Let alone proving that it was GOD Almighty's Revelation.  And as we saw in the first quote above, we don't even know that John Mark was indeed the one who wrote the so called "Gospel of Mark".

To say the least in our case here, we now have enough evidence to discard the entire Gospel of Mark from the Bible, because you can't take bits and pieces of it and say some of it belongs to him and some of it doesn't!  Let alone considering the entire corrupted Gospel as the True Living Word of GOD Almighty, which is a complete blasphemy.


Again, even if the book of Mark had some prophecies in it, it still doesn't make all of it TRUSTFUL, because according to the Theologians and Historians of the Bible, most of the books and gospels of the Bible were written by MYSTERIOUS AUTHORS.  No one really knows WHO THE REAL AUTHORS WERE!


The Quran has much better ground:

Again, you don't have to be a Muslim to agree with this.  This is not about whether you believe the Noble Quran is a Revelation from Allah Almighty or not.  This is about proving whether the Quran had been altered by men like the Bible had been badly done or not.

There is no historical evidence what so ever that proves that the words of the Noble Quran came from a different person other than Muhammad.  But there is however ample historical evidence that prove that the Bible had been very badly corrupted.

Please visit Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible.

Responses to the so called "Textual Errors" and "Historical Corruptions" in the Noble Quran.


What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth?

Islam is a witness on the Bible.  It filters out the truth from falsehood and corruption in the Bible.  Anything that agrees 100% with Islam is valid, and anything else that has even the slightest disagreement with Islam is discarded.

For more proofs from the Noble Quran, please visit What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth?





Allah, Islam, Quran, Muhammad questions and answers.

What is the place of Jews, Christians and non-Muslims in Islam.

Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible.

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Why did Allah Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted?

What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth?

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