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What does Allah Almighty say about cheap and excessively-spending people?

Let us look at what Allah Almighty said in the Noble Quran:

"Those who, when they spend, are not extravagant and not niggardly, but hold a just (balance) between those (extremes);  (The Noble Quran, 25:67)"

As we clearly see from the Noble Verse, Allah Almighty doesn't like those who are cheap and those who spend too much money on unnecessary things.   He commands us to be balanced spenders.  Those who follow Allah Almighty's Holy Commands will proper in Paradise, while those who intentionally disobey His Holy Commands will burn in Hell:

"But those who disobey God and His Apostle and transgress His limits will be admitted to a Fire, to abide therein: And they shall have a humiliating punishment.  (The Noble Quran, 4:14)"

"Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it!  And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it.  (The Noble Quran, 99:7)"






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