المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

اعرض النسخة الكاملة : موثق: جامعه اكسفورد البريطانيه تشهد للامام البخارى بالتدقيق و التحقيق(هام)

د. نيو
20.12.2019, 08:39
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

جامعه اكسفورد تشهد للامام البخارى بالتدقيق و بعد ذلك تجد احمق لا يجيد قراءة العربيه يشكك فيه

الرابط الاجنبي:
http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t125/e380?fbclid=IwAR2pksmRSV2nca9hgYPkYHZlVCbyLcuv3bj2 ycS3wW0xvZ5ZZmv2WEs3Lao
Bukhari, Muhammad ibn Ismail ibn Ibrahim ibn al-Mughirah al-
(d. 870 )Major collector and transmitter of Sahih al-Bukhari, one of six works of hadith widely recognized as authentic and canonical and considered the most authoritative source of hadith along with Sahih Muslim. Noted for careful testing of genuineness of hadith reports. Gave definitive shape to the body of hadith as well as the means of determining accuracy and tracing genealogy, giving rise to the methodology of ilm al-rijal (“science of the men,” i.e., authorities in hadith transmission). Organized hadith by topics, covering faith, purification, prayers, pilgrimage, fasting, commerce, alms, wills, inheritance, oaths, vows, murders, crimes, war, hunting, judicial proceedings, and wine. Offers anecdotes of Muhammad 's dealings with same.

د. نيو
27.01.2020, 01:25