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Old 03.04.2016, 03:38




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Default The affairs of Muslims

The affairs of Muslims

Bismillah Ar Rahman Arrahem

We find today Muslims suffering on a wide rage, from syria or Burma or gaza and many others, and we can't help but ask why is this happening?

Truly why is this happening, we hear some shiekhs say it is a test of faith. But are we to the level of faith for our faith to be tested? One may ask how can we know if it is a test or it is a punishment and is there a way to know? The answer is yes. We can refer back to the sources of guidance( the Quraan and Sunnah) as evidence. If we look to the Quraan, we find Allah swt sending disasters and calamities to people who do major sins or many sins and tests to people who are righteous, so we can tell if the current affairs of today is a test by the actions of the majority of us. Let us ask our selfs, do we commit major sins? How many among us pray fajr on time? Do you know that missing fajr is a major sin? How many are good with our parents? Are we good with our family? Most of us will say no to these questions. Among other things. So how can we wonder why calamities are hitting us when we are not following the right path?

Some may say I don't care what is happening to the ummah my concern is my self and my well being. He/She should know calamities will hit him/her if they per take in major sins and they will suffer on a personal level as well, whether it is what the ummah is suffering or other then it.

So for our own well being and life on a personal level, the ummah must leave major sins.

You are well today and how do you know that Allah will not send his wrath on you tomorrow or sooner?

Don't be among those who wish that they obeyed earlier before it was too late.

So don't be concerned if the Ummah as a whole doesn't take heed. We will suffer our own deeds, so everyone must start with them self. No one will take the sin from another.

As long as majority of Muslims do not fix them self, then nothing at all will be better and things will get worse on a ummah level , if we don't follow the obligations at the very least, we will suffer on a personal level as well. For that reason worry about your self and reform if you have not.

When I was fourteen I was in Jr. High I studied in public school in the US. I used to see the non Muslims doing major sins and wonder why they are happy and not being punished and I would think , I am closer to the truth then them but I am miserable. So sadly at that time I had doubts of Islam, I thought if it was true then why are they not punished and I am miserable? Can you answer this question? The answer is : as for the Non Muslims then Allah swt gives them time before he punishes them with the final blow, out of his mercy and as to why they are happy and I was not, the answer is: He does punish them as the Quraan tells us; even if you don't see it, and he prolongs some of them in good so that they earn more sins and fool them self to think they are on the right way, before he gives them the killer blow. And as to why I was miserable then that was because I did not pray some of my prays on time and may have not been that good with my parents and was leaning towards disbelief may Allah protect us. So I was being punished. Shortly after that year while I was miserable and leaning not that much to Islam. I got diagnosed with a form of cancer. And I fooled my self and said it is a test and maybe a punishment, but rather it was a punishment.

The point is; calamities will not just effect us on a ummah level but on a personal level as well if we do major sins, like missing fajr or other prayers or being bad to our parents or cutting ties of family or not giving zakat etc.

If we want things to change and want honor as we had on a personal level and ummah level then we must stop doing major sins Before its to late.
للمزيد من مواضيعي


الموضوع الأصلي : The affairs of Muslims     -||-     المصدر : مُنتَدَيَاتُ كَلِمَةٍ سَوَاءِ الدَّعَويِّة     -||-     الكاتب : Mohammed89

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