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Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: ALLAH, ISLAM'S ILAH" article:

The following article is a rebuttal to Craig Winn's article that is located at:  


Important Note to the Reader:

Craig Winn purposely twisted and modified the English translations that he used!  He changes words in translations and uses non-Muslim ones.  I've noticed this a lot through his translations of the Noble Verses that he used from the Noble Quran.

Please visit:

List of Craig Winn's fabricated lies and deliberate alteration of quotes, WITH CLEAR-CUT PROOFS!




He wrote:


Ishaq:324 “Allah said, ‘Leave Me to deal with the liars. I have fetters, fire, and food which chokes.”
Qur’an 68:44 “Then leave Me alone with such as reject this Message and call Our pronouncements a lie. Systematically by degrees, step by step, We shall punish them in ways they can not even imagine.”
Qur’an 73:11 “Leave Me alone to deal with the beliers (those who deny My Verses). Respite those who possess good things for a little while. Verily, with Us are heavy shackles (to bind), a raging fire (to burn), food that chokes, and a torturous penalty of a painful doom.”
Qur’an 104:4 “He will be sure to be thrown into that which breaks him into pieces, flung to the Consuming One. And what will explain that which Breaks him into Pieces, the Consuming One? It is the fire kindled by Allah.” [Allah is in hell, kindling the fire.]
Qur’an 89:12 “All made mischief so your Lord poured on them the disaster of His torment, a scourge of diverse chastisements. Most surely your Lord is in laying in wait, watching.”
Qur’an 89:21 “Nay, when the earth is made to crumble the Lord comes, His angels rank upon rank, and Hell is brought face to face, man will remember, but how will that avail him? For His Chastisement will be such as no other can inflict. None punishes as He will punish! None can bind as He will bind.”
Qur’an 67:16 “Are you so unafraid that He will not open the earth to swallow you, pelt you with showers of stones, or let loose on you a violent wind so that you shall know how terrible is My warning? But indeed men before them rejected My warning. They denied, so then how terrible will be My punishment of them and My wrath.”
Qur’an 91:13 “The Messenger said: ‘Be cautious. It is a She-camel of God! And bar her not from having her drink!’ But they rejected him as a false prophet, and they hamstrung her. So Allah on account of their crime, obliterated their traces, doomed them, desolated their dwellings, leveling them to the ground, crushing them for their sin.”
Qur’an 48:6 “He may punish the Hypocrites who imagine an evil opinion, or have evil thoughts about Allah. It is against them that the wheel of misfortune will turn, a disgraceful torment: the Wrath of Allah is on them: He has cursed them, and He has prepared Hell for them.”
Qur’an 47:12 “And how many cities, with more power than your city (Muhammad) which has driven you out, have We destroyed?”
Qur’an 53:49 “He is the Lord of Sirius (the Mighty Star the pagan Arabs used to worship). It is He Who destroyed the (powerful) ancient Ad (people) [who never existed], and (the tribe of) Thamud He spared not; And before them, the folk of Noah, for that they were (all) most unjust and rebellious; and He destroyed the Overthrown Cities.”
Qur’an 40:1 “Ha Mim. (These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur’an and none but Allah understands their meaning.) The revelation of this Book is from Allah, Exalted in Power, the All-Knower, The Forgiver, the Accepter, the Severe in Punishment.”
Qur’an 40:21 “Do they not travel through the earth and see the end of those before them? They were superior to them in strength, and in the traces (they have left) in the land, yet Allah seized and destroyed them, and they had no one to defend them against Allah. That was because their Messengers kept bringing them Clear (Signs and Proofs) (of Allah’s Sovereignty), but they rejected them: So Allah seized and destroyed them: for He is Strong, Severe in Punishment and Retribution.”
Tabari VII:3 “I recommend to you the fear of Allah, for the best thing which a Muslim can enjoin upon a Muslim is that he should…fear Allah. [Qur’an 87:10 “He who fears will obey.”] Beware of what Allah has warned you concerning himself. The fear of Allah, for whoever acts according to it in fear and dread of his Lord is a trusty aid to what you desire. Allah says, ‘The sentence that comes from me cannot be changed, and I am in no wise a tyrant unto the slaves.’ The fear of Allah will ward off Allah’s hatred, retribution, and wrath.”
Qur’an 33:26 “Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before.”
Qur’an 59:2 “It was He [Allah] who drove the People of the Book from their [Medina] homes and into exile. They refused to believe. They imagined that their settlement would protect them against Allah. But Allah’s  (torment) came at them from where they did not suspect and terrorized them. Their homes were destroyed. So learn a lesson men who have eyes. This is My warning. Had Allah not decreed the expulsion of the Jews, banishing them into the desert, He would certainly have punished them in this world, and in the next they shall taste the torment of Hell Fire.”
Qur’an 8:2 “The only believers are those who feel fear and terror when Allah is mentioned.”
Ishaq:322 “Allah said concerning the pebbles thrown by the Apostle, ‘I threw them not you. Your tossing them would have had no effect without My help. But working together, We terrorized the enemy and put them to flight.”
Qur’an 8:17 “It is not you who slew them; it was Allah who killed them. It was not you (Muhammad) who threw (a handful of dust), it was not your act, but it was Allah who threw (the sand into the eyes of the enemy at Badr) in order that He might test the [Muslim] Believers by doing them a gracious favor of His Own: for Allah is He Who hears and knows.”
Ishaq:327 “Allah said, ‘A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.’”
Qur’an 64:11 “No calamity occurs, no affliction comes, except by the decision and preordainment of Allah.”
Qur’an 3:62 “This is the true account, the true explanation: There is no Ilah (God) except Allah.”
Qur’an 3:102 “You who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared.”
Ishaq:392 “It is not your affair whether Allah changes His attitude to them or punishes them.... I may change My mind toward them. Punishing them is my prerogative. They deserve this for their disobedience to Me.’”
Ishaq:393 “Fear Allah that you may be prosperous. Obey Allah and perhaps you may escape from His punishment of which He has warned you and attain His reward which He has made you desire. And fear the fire which He has prepared for the disbelievers, a resort for those who disbelieve Me.”
Qur’an 78:37 “None shall have power to argue with the Lord, none can converse with Him or address Him.”
Qur’an 3:98 “Allah is self-sufficient, standing not in need, independent of any of His creatures.”
Qur’an 21:16 “Not for sport did We create the heavens, earth and all that is between! It wasn’t a plaything. If it had been Our wish to take a pastime, to make a diversion or hobby (like a wife or a son), We surely could have made it Ourselves, in Our presence, if We would do.”
Qur’an 52:43 “Have they an ilah (god) other than Allah? [An odd question to ask the Meccans since their primary deity was Allah.]”
Qur’an 5:4 “Pronounce the Name of Allah: and fear Allah; for Allah is swift in reckoning.”
Qur’an 21:107 “Say: (Muhammad) ‘It is revealed to me that your Ilah (God) is only one Ilah (God). Will you submit to His Will? But if they (disbelievers, Christians, and Jews) turn away (from Islam) say: ‘I give notice (of war) to be known to all. But I know not whether the (torment which you are) promised and threatened is nigh or far.”
Qur’an 114:1 “Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of men and jinn [demons], the King of men and jinn, the Ilah (God) of men and jinn.”
Qur’an 20:8 “Allah! There is no Ilah (God) save Him. His are the most beautiful Names. To Him belong the most beautiful attributes.”
Qur’an 20:14 “Verily, I am Allah. No Ilah (God) may be worshiped but I. So serve you Me, and perform regular prostration prayer for My praise. Verily the Hour is coming. I am almost hiding it from Myself.”
Qur’an 20:96 “Now look at your ilah (god), of whom you have become devoted. We will (burn) it and scatter it in the sea! But your Ilah (God) is Allah: there is no ilah (god) but He. Thus do We relate to you some stories of what happened before from Our own Remembrance.”
Qur’an 2:132 “And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons by Yah’qub (Jacob); ‘Oh my sons! Allah has chosen the Faith for you—the true religion; then die not except in the faith of Islam as Muslims. He said to his sons: ‘What will you worship after me?’ They said: ‘We shall worship your Ilah (God), the Ilah (God) of your fathers, of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, the one Ilah (God): To Him we submit in Islam.’”
Ishaq:324 “He said, Fight them so that there is no more rebellion, and religion, all of it, is for Allah only. Allah must have no rivals.”
Qur’an 8:45 “O believers! When you meet an army, be firm, and think of Allah’s Name much; that you may prosper.”
Qur’an 73:8 “But keep in remembrance the name of your Lord and devote yourself to Him whole-heartedly. Lord of the East and West: there is no Ilah (God) but He.”
Qur’an 87:1 “Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High, Who creates, then proportions, Who has measured; and then guided.”
Qur’an 87:14 “He indeed shall be successful who purifies himself, and magnifies the Name of his Lord and prays.” [Allahu Akbar!]
Qur’an 59:22 “Allah is He, no other Ilah (God) may be worshiped; Who knows both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. He is Allah, Whom there is no other Ilah (God); the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Security, the Guardian of Faith, the Majestic, the Irresistible, the Superb, the Compeller: Glory to Allah! He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or Colors). To Him belong the Best Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth declares His Praises and Glory: and He is the Mighty, the Wise.”
Ishaq:162 “Abu Jahl met the Apostle and said, ‘By Allah, Muhammad, you will either stop cursing our gods or we will curse the god you serve.’ So the Qur’an verse was revealed, ‘Do not insult those [gods] to whom they pray lest they curse God wrongfully through lack of knowledge.’ [Qur’an 6:108] I have been told that the Apostle then refrained from cursing their gods, and began to call them to Allah [rather than Ar-Rahman].”



My response:

First of all, as I proved in my previous rebuttals, the Al-Tabari and Ibn-Ishaq and other sources are extremely doubtful and unauthenticated.  Most Muslim scholars today firmly and strongly believe in this.  Not that the hadiths above are bad or anything, but as most Muslim Scholars agree, we Muslims can't take them as absolute Truth or accurate information.  Much of these volumes are either corrupt or taken out of context.  Again, this is according to the Muslims scholars.  This is why these volumes are considered "unauthenticated".

Also visit:  What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?


There are 3 main points that he raised:

1-  Allah Almighty and His Wrath on the unbelievers.

2-  The Jews status in Islam.  We'll also see their status in the Bible and how GOD Almighty damned them.

3-  The Laws for Captives and War in Islam.




Point #1:

There is really nothing of substance that he provided regarding GOD Almighty and His Wrath on the unbelievers.  If he takes his Bible, he will also see GOD Almighty's Wrath on the disbelievers and the Promise for Eternal Punishment for them.

In the Old Testament, the Bible's Prophets even brought great annihilation to EVEN INNOCENT people:


Terrorism in Islam?! (click here)
Let's look at the real terrorism in the Bible:

Pedophilia with 3-year old slave girls in the Bible!
Forcing 3-year old slave girls into sex during the Mosaic Law in the Bible!
(click here)

"kill all the boys and non-virgin women" under the Mosaic Law! (click here)

Another killing all men, women, children and animals by Moses! (click here)

Another taking all women and children as spoils of war by Moses!
(click here)

Moses was a murderer before he became a Prophet! (click here)

Both equal: "Kill Righteous and the wicked"! (click here)

Killing all of the
"suckling infants" by the thousands by Saul!
 (click here)

Dashing little children against rocks in the book of Psalm!
Praising the dashing of little children against rocks as a form of revenge! (click here)

42 innocent children were killed using Wild Bears by Prophet Elisha!
Prophet Muhammad on the other hand loved children even those who threw stones at him in the city of Al-Ta'if. (click here)

Maiming of the enemies' bodies under Moses' and David's Laws:
Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their alive bodies on trees until they DIE.
(click here)

David's Selective Murders!
David so carelessly killed an innocent man for only telling him news.
(click here)

X-Rated Pornography in the Bible, by King Solomon!
Literally, women's vaginas and breasts taste like "wine", and brothers can "suck" their sisters' and lovers' privates!
(click here)

Fathers' fingers into their daughters' vaginas!
Under the Mosaic Law, fathers were allowed to do "Digital Defloration" to their daughters.
(click here)

Shutting the loud mouths of those who unjustly attack Islam, with Truth.

Aisha in Islam:

Let's discuss the age of Aisha being 9 when she married our Prophet (CLICK HERE):

1-  See proofs, in the "Aisha being 9" article, from the Bible about little girls as young as 9 were married off and even sold off by their fathers as slave girls to men who were even older than their fathers.

2-  See also irrefutable proofs that pedophilia and terrorism exist in the Bible.  During the Mosaic times in the Bible's Old Testament, 3-year old slave girls were literally forced into sex under Moses' Orders and Command.  You sometimes have to read things twice to believe them!

See also: Maiming of the enemies' bodies in the Bible.   Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their live bodies on trees until they DIE.

*** Killing of innocent children in the Bible.

*** X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

*** Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible.

  See also proofs how Aisha's parents were the ones who married her to our Prophet, and that no Muslim or even pagan objected to the marriage because it was widely practiced.  The reason no one objected was:

  1. People used to have very short life-spans in Arabia.   They used to live between 40 to 60 years maximum.  So it was only normal and natural for girls to be married off at ages 9 or 10 or similar.

  2. Marriage for young girls was widely practiced among Arabs back then, and even today in many third-world non-Muslim and Muslim countries.

Please visit: The age of Aisha, girls similar to her in the Bible, and unbelievable pedophilia against 3-year old slave babies in the pedophilic Bible.

Also visit: Why Muta (temporary) Marriage was allowed and why it was discontinued.




Point #2:


My below responses will be divided into 3 main sections:

(A)-  The Jews' status in the Bible.
(B)-  The Noble Quran is clear about the Jews.  Some of them are Great people, and most of them are evil ones.
(C)-  After the Jews' betrayal to the Prophet peace be upon him, it became necessary to punish them and cleanse them out of the Holy Lands.



(A)-  The Jews' status in the Bible:

Now according to the Bible itself, most Jews are people of evil, lies and worst of all, betrayal.  Let us look at what the Bible also says about them:

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!  (From the KJV Bible, Matthew 23:37)"

"Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.  (From the KJV Bible, Matthew 21:43)"

"You have heard these things; look at them all. Will you not admit them? "From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you. They are created now, and not long ago; you have not heard of them before today. So you cannot say, 'Yes, I knew of them.'  You have neither heard nor understood; from of old your ear has not been open. Well do I know how treacherous you are; you were called a rebel from birth.  For my own name's sake I delay my wrath; for the sake of my praise I hold it back from you, so as not to cut you off.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 48:6-9)"

"So I will disgrace the dignitaries of your temple, and I will consign Jacob to destruction and Israel to scorn.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 43:28)"

"But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches, go, walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze. This is what you shall receive from my hand: You will lie down in torment.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 50:11)"


Further more from

The Bible gives ample evidence of their blasphemy to GOD Almighty.  You can read in full details the following Biblical books:

Exodus 32 -  They built their golden calf god using their jewelry.

Exodus 34 -  The Jews are hard-headed people who don't listen.

Deuteronomy 31 - Moses is concerned about the Jews' future after his death because they are constantly rebellious against the Holy Words and Law of GOD Almighty.

Here are some sample verses from the chapters above:

Exodus 32
1 When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, "Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don't know what has happened to him."

Exodus 32
7 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of Egypt, have become corrupt.
8 They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf. They have bowed down to it and sacrificed to it and have said, 'These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.'
9 "I have seen these people," the LORD said to Moses, "and they are a stiff-necked people.

Exodus 34
8 Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshiped. 9 "O Lord, if I have found favor in your eyes," he said, "then let the Lord go with us. Although this is a stiff-necked people, forgive our wickedness and our sin, and take us as your inheritance."

Deuteronomy 31
25 he gave this command to the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of the LORD :
26 "Take this Book of the Law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God. There it will remain as a witness against you.
27 For I know how rebellious and stiff-necked you are. If you have been rebellious against the LORD while I am still alive and with you, how much more will you rebel after I die!
28 Assemble before me all the elders of your tribes and all your officials, so that I can speak these words in their hearing and call heaven and earth to testify against them.
29 For I know that after my death you are sure to become utterly corrupt and to turn from the way I have commanded you. In days to come, disaster will fall upon you because you will do evil in the sight of the LORD and provoke him to anger by what your hands have made."

Numbers 16
12 Then Moses summoned Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab. But they said, "We will not come!
13 Isn't it enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to kill us in the desert? And now you also want to lord it over us?
14 Moreover, you haven't brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey or given us an inheritance of fields and vineyards. Will you gouge out the eyes of these men? No, we will not come!"

Numbers 14
10 But the whole assembly talked about stoning them. Then the glory of the LORD appeared at the Tent of Meeting to all the Israelites.
11 The LORD said to Moses, "How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the miraculous signs I have performed among them?
12 I will strike them down with a plague and destroy them, but I will make you into a nation greater and stronger than they."

Numbers 14
22 not one of the men who saw my glory and the miraculous signs I performed in Egypt and in the desert but who disobeyed me and tested me ten times-
23 not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their forefathers. No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it.
24 But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.

Numbers 16
29 If these men die a natural death and experience only what usually happens to men, then the LORD has not sent me.
30 But if the LORD brings about something totally new, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them, with everything that belongs to them, and they go down alive into the grave, then you will know that these men have treated the LORD with contempt."
31 As soon as he finished saying all this, the ground under them split apart

Note:   I believe this is where they were transformed into apes and swines according to the Noble Quran.  The earth probably never opened up and swallowed them.  Or may be it did after they were shown to everyone.  Only Allah Almighty Knows about the exact timing.


(B)-  The Noble Quran is clear about the Jews.  Some of them are Great people, and most of them are evil ones:


What is the place of the Jews and Christians in Islam?

According to Islam, the righteous people from the Jews and Christians will have their Great Reward from Allah Almighty and will enter Paradise.  Let us look at the following Noble Verses:

"And there are, certainly, among the People of the Book [Jews and Christians], those who believe in God, in the revelation to you, and in the revelation to them, bowing in humility to God: They will not sell the Signs of God for a miserable gain! For them is a reward with their Lord, and God is swift in account.   (The Noble Quran, 3:199)"

"Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of God all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration.  They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all) good works: They are in the ranks of the righteous.  (The Noble Quran, 3:113-114)"

"Those who believe (in the Quran), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.  (The Noble Quran, 2:62)"

"Nay,-whoever submits His whole self to God and is a doer of good,- He will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.  (The Noble Quran, 2:112)"

"Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and establish regular prayers and regular charity, will have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.  (The Noble Quran, 2:277)"


The Righteous and Beloved Jews in the Noble Quran:

"Of the people of Moses (i.e., the Jews) there is a section who guide and do justice in the light of truth.  (The Noble Quran, 7:159)"

The above Noble Verses clearly speak about the righteous Jews and Christians who believe in Allah Almighty and do righteousness and will have their Great Reward and enter Paradise.

However, according to Allah Almighty, from among the people of the Book, most of the ones who will gain Paradise are Christians; few of them are Jews.   Let us look at the following Noble Verses:

"Strongest among men in enmity to the believers [Muslims] wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, 'We are Christians': because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. (The Noble Quran, 5:82)" 

"The Jews say: 'God's hand is tied up.' Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for the (blasphemy) they utter. Nay, both His hands are widely outstretched: He giveth and spendeth (of His bounty) as He pleaseth. But the revelation that cometh to thee from God increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. Amongst them we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Judgment. Every time they kindle the fire of war, God doth extinguish it; but they strive to do mischief on earth. And God loveth not those who do mischief. (The Noble Quran, 5:64)"

"But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few - ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for God loveth those who are kind. (The Noble Quran, 5:13)"

We must also know that according to Islam most of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) are perverted transgressors, deceiving, in some cases are hypocrites, and most of them are considered Truth rejecters!  Let us look at the following Noble Verses:

"Ye [Muslims] are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in God. If only the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors. (The Noble Quran 3:110)"   

"And they say: 'None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.' Those are their (vain) desires. Say: 'Produce your proof if ye are truthful.'  (The Noble Quran, 2:111)"

"A section of the People of the Book [Jews and Christians during Prophet Muhammad's time] say: Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers [Muslims], but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam).  (The Noble Quran, 3:72)

"Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: 'The Guidance of God,-that is the (only) Guidance.' Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against God.  (The Noble Quran, 2:120)"

"They say: 'Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To salvation).' Say thou: 'Nay! (I would rather) the Religion of Abraham the True, and he joined not gods with God.'  (The Noble Quran, 2:135)"

"They do blaspheme who say:  'Allah is Christ the son of Mary.'  But said Christ: 'O Children of Israel!  Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.'   Whoever joins other gods with Allah - Allah will forbid him the Garden, and the Fire will be his abode.  There will for the wrongdoers be no one to help.  (The Holy Quran, 5:72)"


(C)-  After the Jews' betrayal to the Prophet peace be upon him, it became necessary to punish them and cleanse them out of the Holy Lands:



Let us never forget that the Jews fought against the most honourable person and the master of the Prophets and Messengers; our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, until the very last moment of his life, despite the fact that they knew for certain that he was the seal of the Prophets which the Torah and the Bible had mentioned. They also knew for sure that Allaah would grant him victory over them and all other disbelievers; but despite all of this, they still fought, betrayed and deceived him. Moreover, they actually plotted to assassinate him sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and never lowered the banner of war against him.

During the worst and most difficult times of times for the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, at the battle of the trench, while there were armies surrounding Madeenah, the Jews plotted to kill the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and his companions from within Madeenah. The companions, may Allah be pleased with them, were having a terrible experience during this battle, yet the Jews of Banu Quraydhah (who were one of the Jewish tribes of Madeenah), at this most critical of times, broke the pledge of non-aggression and mutual defence which they given to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.

The Jews intimidated the Muslims, which added to their sense of fear and danger of being in Madeenah. Their families were at great risk and had it not been for the mercy of Allaah, the Jews of Banu Quraydhah would have started another front in the war against the Muslims from within, just when the Muslims were at their most vulnerable.

Allaah rendered the Jews plans as futile as well as those of the confederate tribes who had surrounded Madeenah. He sent down His angels who cast terror into the hearts of the confederates and they withdrew, leaving the Jews of Banu Quraydhah alone with no support. 

When the battle was over, the Muslim army and the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam went back to their homes. He sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam then took off his armour and began to have a wash when the angel Jibreel, peace be upon him, came to him and said: “O Messenger of Allaah! You have taken off your armour, but I swear by Allaah that the angels have not yet put down their weapons, go to them” (and he pointed in the direction of Banu Quraydhah). Thereupon, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam instructed an envoy to command the Muslim army to go to attack Banu Quraydhah by proclaiming: “None of you should pray ‘Asr until they are within the territory of Banu Quraydhah.” After this, the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam set out with his army of believers who numbered close to three-thousand mujaahideen.

Banu Quraydhah were surrounded and blockaded for more than twenty nights until they offered to surrender on the condition that Sa’d Ibn Mu’aadh, may Allaah be pleased with him, would act as an arbiter in their case. They asked for this because he, may Allaah be pleased with him, was from the tribe of Aws who were their allies before Islaam and therefore they hoped that he would give a biased judgement in their favour. Also, they refused the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam as a judge because they where afraid of the consequences of his judgement.

So the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam sent for Sa’d, who was injured during the battle and therefore had to be carried. The judgement of Sa’d was that all their men should be beheaded, their properties be seized and distributed among the Muslims and that their women and offspring be held captive. Thereupon, the Messenger of Allaah exclaimed:Allaahu Akbar! O Sa’d! You have judged by the command of Allaah.”

Indeed, this is the judgment of Allaah with regard to the Jews who are the people of betrayal, deception, evil and corruption; the people who exhibited these repugnant characteristics even with the most honourable of the creations of Allaah; His Prophets and Messengers.




           WHEN the Prophet (Pbuh) first arrived in Medina, the Jews whowere living there had welcomed him. The Prophet (Pbuh) had returned their greeting, as he wished to be on good terms with them. An agreement was also reached between the Muslims and the Jews, which gave the Jews the freedom to practice their religion andwhich also set out their rights and their duties. Among these duties was that in the case of war with Quraysh, the Jews would fight on the side of the Muslims.

            Despite this agreement, however, some of the Jewish tribes, who resented the Prophet's presence in Medina, soon began to cause trouble amongst the Muslims. They tried to set the Muslim Emigrants from Mecca and the Ansar against each other. The troublemakers were given many warnings but they continued to be a nuisance. In the end, the Muslims had no choice but to drive them from Medina. A new agreement was offered those Jews who remained but the trouble did not end there. One of the Jewish tribes, the Bani Nadir plotted to murder the Prophet (Pbuh) but their plan was discovered and they, too, were exiled from the city. Knowing that they could not defeat the Muslims themselves, some of the leaders of the exiled Jews secretly went to Mecca to enlist the help of Quraysh. Knowing what the Meccans would like to hear, they pretended to believe in the same things. They said that they thought that the old Arab tradition was better than the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) and that they believed that the Quraysh religion of worshipping many idols was better than the Prophet's with only one God. Then the Jews told them that if all the Arab tribes attacked Medina, the Jews inside the city would help to defeat the Prophet (Pbuh) and Islam once and for all.

            The leaders of Quraysh were pleased to hear all this and seizing on what seemed to them a very good opportunity, agreed to the plan and began to gather together a formidable army. In the meantime in Medina, only one Jewish tribe, the Bani Quraydhah, refused to betray the Muslims.

            Eventually the Muslims learned of the preparations being made for war in Mecca and of the plotting of the Jews within Medina itself. The betrayal of the Muslims by the Jews did not surprise the Prophet (Pbuh), who said of them: 'The hearts of the Jews have become closed to the truth. They have forgotten what Muses taught them long ago that there is only one God.'

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

 The likeness of those who are entrusted with the

Law of Moses, yet apply it not, is as the likeness of the ass carrying books.

Evil is the likeness of the people who deny the revelations of Allah. And Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.

(Koran lxii.5)

           The Muslims wondered how they could defend Medina. They heard that Abu Sufyan was coming to attack them with an enormous army which included many other Arab tribes, as well as Quraysh. What were theyto do with only a single week to prepare? The Prophet (Pbuh) and his men knew that it would be impossible for them to fight off all these tribes! The only thing they could do was to stay inside the city and try to defend it as best they could.

            Now among the people of Medina was a Persian named Salman, who had to live in the city some time before the Prophet's arrival there. As a convert to Christianity he had traveled to Medina after Christian sages had told him that a Prophet would be born in Arabia. On arriving in Medina he was, however, sold into slavery by the merchants with whom he had traveled. Later he became a Muslim, gained his freedom and became a member of the Prophet's household.

            When the people gathered to discuss a plan of action against the approaching enemy, Salman was present and it was he who suggested that they should dig a trench around the city. The Prophet (Pbuh) thought this a good idea, so the Muslims set to work, although it was in the middle of winter. They worked day and night, digging the trench as quickly as possible. The Prophet (Pbuh) himself carried rocks and when the men were tired he gave them the will to carry on. Someone later recalled how beautiful he looked, dressed in a red cloak with dust upon his breast and his dark hair nearly reaching his shoulders.

            There was little food at this time and the men were often hungry as they worked. On one occasion, however, a little girl gave some dates to the Prophet (Pbuh), which he spread out on a cloth. The men were then called to eat and the dates kept increasing in number until everyone had been fed. Even after everyone had eaten their fill, the dates continued to increase so that there were more than the cloth could hold.

            Similarly, there is the story of the lamb, that has come down to us from one who was there: 'We worked with the Apostle at the trench. I had a half-grown lamb and I thought it would be a good thing to cook it for Allah's Messenger. I told my wife to grind barley and make some bread for us. I killed the lamb and we roasted it for the Prophet (Pbuh). When night fell and he was about to leave the trench, I told him we had prepared bread and meat and invited him to our home. I wanted him to come on his own, but when I said this he sent someone to call all the men to come along. Everyone arrived and the food was served. He blessed it and invoked the Name of Allah over it. Then he ate and so did all of the others. As soon as one lot were satisfied, another group came until all the diggers had eaten enough, but still there was food to spare.

            On March 24, 627 A.D., Abu Sufyan arrived with more than ten thousand men. The Muslims numbered only three thousand. Quraysh and their allies surrounded Medina but between the two armies was the long, wide trench. The Prophet (pbuh) and his men stayed behind this trench for nearly a month defending the city against their more powerful enemy. Many times warriors tried to cross the trench and enter the city, but each time they were pushed back by the Muslims. The Muslims were afraid that if any did manage to cross over, the Jews inside Medina would join forces with them and the Muslims would be beaten. The Jewish tribe of Bani Quraydhah, who had stood by the agreement with the Muslims, were pressed by a Jewish emissary from the enemy without, to break their promise. Eventually they agreed to do so and when the news of this reached the Prophet (pbuh) and his companions they were greatly troubled. Sa'd ibn Mu'adh, the leader of the tribe of Aws, was sent by the Prophet (pbuh) with two other men to find out if this were true. When they arrived in the part of Medina where the Jews lived, they found were even worse than they had previously thought. Sa'd ibn Mu'adh, whose tribe was closely allied with the Bani Quraydhah, tried to persuade their leader not to break the treaty with the Muslims, but he refused to listen. This meant that the Muslims could not relax their guard for one moment, for they were now threatened not only by the enemy beyond the trench, but by the Bani Qurayzah, within the walls of the city.

            Things became more difficult for the Muslims day by day. It was extremely cold and food began to run out. To make matters worse, the Bani Qurayzah began openly and actively to join forces with the other Jews and cut off all supplies to the Muslims, including food. The enemies of Islam then planned how to capture Medina.

            The situation looked desperate and the Prophet (pbuh) prayed to Allah to help the Muslims defeat their enemies. That very night a sandstorm blew up which buried the tents of Quraysh. The storm continued for three days and three nights making it impossible for the enemy to light a fire to cook a meal or warm themselves by.

            On one of these dark nights the Prophet (pbuh) asked one of his men, Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman, to go on a dangerous mission. The Prophet (pbuh) told him to make his way across the trench to the enemy camp where he should find out what they were doing.

            With much difficulty Hudhayfah crossed the trench and made his way to a circle of Quraysh warriors talking in the darkness. He sat near them, but as there was no fire, no one noticed him. He then heard Abu Sufyan's voice: 'Let us go hom!' he said. 'We have had enough. The horses and camels are dying, the tents keep blowing away, most of the equipment has been lost, and we can not cook our food. There is no reason to stay!' Shortly after hearing this Hudhayfah made his way quickly and quietly back across the trench and the next morning the Muslims rejoiced to find that what he had overheard had come true-Quraysh and their allies had gone away! The siege of Medina had ended in a great victory for Islam.

            But this was not to be the end of the difficulties, for the Archangel Gabriel came to the Prophet (pbuh) and told him that he should punish the Bani Qurayzah for betraying him and the Muslims. On hearing this, the Prophet (pbuh) ordered the Muslims to march against the Bani Qurayzah as they hid in their fortress. The Muslims besieged them for twenty-five days until they finally gave in. On surrendering, they asked the Prophet (pbuh) to let someone judge their case, and he agreed. He also allowed them to choose who would give the ruling.

            The man chosen to judge the Bani Qurayzah was Sa'd ibn Mu'adh, leader of the Aws, a tribe which had always protected Bani Qurayzah in the past. Sa'd ibn Mu'adh who had himself been wounded in the battle, decided that the Jews should be tried by their own Holy Law, according to which anyone who broke a treaty would be put to death. As a result all the men of the Bani Qurayzah were executed and the women and children made captive.

            If the Jews had succeeded in their pact, Islam would have been destroyed. Instead from that day on, Medina became a city where only Muslims lived. Very soon after peace had been restored to Medina, Sa'd ibn Mu'adh died of his wounds. It was said that the Archangel Gabriel came in the middle of that night and said to the Prophet (pbuh) 'O Muhammad, who is this dead man? When he arrived, the doors of heaven opened and the Throne of Allah shook.' The Prophet (pbuh) got up as soon as he heard this, but found that Sa'd was already dead. Although he had been a heavy man, the men who carried his body to the grave found it quite light. They were told that the angels were helping them. When he was buried, the Prophet (pbuh) said three times 'Subhan Allah!' (Glory be to Allah!), and 'Allahu Akbar!' (Allah is Most Great!). When asked why he did this, he replied, 'The grave was tight for this good man, until Allah eased it for him.' This is one of the rewards that Allah gives to martyrs and good Muslims.




Point #3:


My below responses will be divided into 2 main section:

(A)-  The Laws of War in Islam.

(B)-  The treatment of Prisoners of War in Islam.



(A)-  The Laws of War in Islam:

In regards to Jihad and fighting the hostile enemy, Allah Almighty Made it crystal clear in the Noble Quran about being peaceful to ordinary and peaceful non-Muslims, and being very hostile to the hostile enemy:

"Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors.  (The Noble Quran, 2:190)"

"But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things).  (The Noble Quran, 8:61)"

"If thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee: for I do fear God, the cherisher of the worlds.  (The Noble Quran, 5:28)"

The reason for "Jihad" Noble Verses:

The so-called "Jihad" Noble Verses came for specific times and places.  They don't apply for all times and everybody!  I can't slay you, a non-Muslim, just because you're not a Muslim.  The pagan Arabs were very hostile people and only knew the sword as an answer.  Many wars were imposed upon the Muslims, and thus, it is only normal and natural to find Noble Verses that deal with these specific hostile situations.  But the Message of the Noble Quran is PEACE, as clearly proven in Noble Verses 2:190, 8:61 and 5:28 above.



About Islam:

Islam is not a religion of arms and swords!  When Allah Almighty revealed the Noble Quran to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and Muhammad became the Messenger of GOD Almighty, Muhammad had to spread Islam to 365 Pagan Arab Tribes.  These tribes showed so much hostility toward the Muslims and Islam, and have imposed so many battles against the Muslims. 

Later, when Islam was the religion of what we call today Saudi Arabia, and the 365 Pagan Arab tribes mostly converted to Islam, the Muslims had to yet face another type of challenge.

The Nuclear Soviet Union and the United States of America of our days were the Great Empires of the Christian Romans and the Pagan Persians.  If you know geography and history well enough, then you would see that the Muslims were trapped between those two big Super Powers.

Hostility and Battles from those two Empires were imposed upon the Muslims.  For instance, when our Prophet peace be upon him sent his messenger to "Kisrah", the Emperor of Persia, introducing Islam to him, Kisrah ordered for the Muslims' Messenger to be executed!

Back then, like today, this was considered a coward act.  It was the Persians who showed the hostility toward the Muslims and declared the many battles against Islam.

The Christian Romans weren't any better.  For instance, in one of their many battles against the Muslims is when they saw the threat to their religion in the Middle East, the King "Herucl", sent out an army of 100,000 men and ordered them to go to "Madina" in what we call today Saudi Arabia to destroy Islam once and for all.

The Muslims were not stable yet at that time, and they only sent out an army of 3,000 men at that time to drive the Christian Romans away from Madina.  The battle was named "The battle of Mo'ta" and it took place in Mo'ta, Jordan today.

The Muslims' plan was to meet the Christian Romans far away from Madina, and to have them stray away from Madina.  The army of 3,000 men was successful enough to fight the Christian Romans for few days and then to pull away from the battle and headed South of Jordan.  The Romans strayed away from Madina and the small army of the Muslims was able to run away through the mountains.  More than half of the 3,000 Muslims however were killed in this operation.

The point is that Islam didn't spread by sword with much choice.  The wars were imposed upon the Muslims. The Muslims didn't ask for those wars. 

Islam is a Religion of Love and Peace and Forgiveness [1] [2] [3] [4] [5].

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him never took any personal revenge from anyone.

What does the Qu'ran say about violence?  Why does the Noble Quran contain Verses that command the Muslims to fight?  See the justified and good reasons behind it.



(B)-  The treatment of Prisoners of War in Islam:



Can Muslims torture prisoners of war?

The sections of this article are:

- Can Muslims torture prisoners of war?
- Did Prophet Muhammad ever abuse his Captives or take personal revenges from them?
- Muslims are commanded by Allah Almighty to treat their Captives with kindness and to feed them!
- When is the captured enemy must not be considered a "Captive" or "Prisoner of War"?  And how can Muslims punish them? 
Is Ethnic Cleansing allowed in Islam?
   - So what are those times where Muslims must not accept any captive?
   - Further explanations from Sheikh (Minister) Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
- Conclusion.



For the Captives of war, absolutely not!  But for the enemy who has treacherous designs against the Muslims, there is a punishment that he must face as shown below in the article.  Those "treacherous designs" are the tricky and deceiving evil actions such as causing a war between the Muslims and other non-Muslim tribes by using tricks and deceptions.  Another example is when some of the hypocrites during Prophet Muhammad's times used to falsely embrace Islam to be accepted among the Muslims, and then later try to create conflicts among Muslim men and cause them to revenge from each others, because they belonged to tribes that had bloody wars with each others before they embraced Islam.  The punishment for such enemy is Noble Verses 5:33-34 as shown below in this article.

Let us look what Allah Almighty Said regarding the captives or the prisoners of wars:

"O Prophet! say to those who are captives in your hands: 'If Allah findeth any good in your hearts, He will Give you something better than what has been taken from you, and He will Forgive you: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.   But if they have treacherous designs against thee, (O Messenger!), they have already been in treason against Allah, and so hath He given (thee) power over them.  And Allah is He who hath (Full) knowledge and wisdom.  (The Noble Quran, 8:70-71)"

The following explanation of Noble Verses 8:70-71 was taken from the commentary of Sheikh (Minister) Abdullah Yusuf Ali's (may Allah Almighty rest his soul) English translation:

"This is a consolation to the prisoners of war.  In spite of their previous hostility, Allah will forgive them in His mercy if there was any good in their hearts, and confer upon them a far higher gift than anything they have ever lost.  This gift in its highest sense would be the blessing of Islam, but even in a material sense, there was great good fortune awaiting them, e.g., in the case of Al-Abbas (who was among the unbelievers and was taken as a prisoner of war). 

Note how comprehensive is Allah's care.  He encourages and strengthens the Muslims, at the same time condemning any baser motives that may have entered their minds.   He consoles the prisoners of war and promises them better things if there is any good in them at all.  And He offers comfort to those who have left their homes in His Cause, and knits them into closer fellowship with those who have helped them and sympathized with them.

If the kindness shown to them is abused by the prisoners of war when they are released, it is not a matter of discouragement to those who showed the kindness.  Such persons have in their treachery shown already their treason to Allah, in that they took up arms against Allah's Prophet, and sought to blot out the pure worship of Allah.  The punishment of defeat, which opened the eyes of some of their comrades, evidently did not open their eyes.  But Allah knows all, and in His wisdom will order all things for the best.  The Believers have done their duty in showing such clemency as they could in the circumstances of war.  For them "Allah sufficeth" (Noble Verse 8:62)" [2].

Note:  For the captives, paying money is not always the way to freedom.  It is true that they would lose their weapons and other equipment such as their carts, horses, camels, etc..., but to gain their way out of captivity doesn't always have to be through paying money. 

When the Muslims won the first battle of Islam against the Pagans, the battle Badr, our Prophet peace be upon him told his captives that whoever wants to earn his freedom he must teach 10 illiterate Muslims how to read and write, and he will then be set free.


Did Prophet Muhammad ever abuse his Captives or take personal revenges from them?

Absolutely not!  Our Prophet peace be upon him forgave the enemies of Islam.  When the Muslims liberated Mecca from the Pagan Arabs, and the Pagans' army gave up, because they were widely out numbered by the Muslims, our Prophet peace be upon him said his very famous word that was taught to us in schools:

"Go, you are free."

Please visit Prophet Muhammad never took any personal revenge.  This article covers this issue. 


Muslims are commanded by Allah Almighty to treat their Captives with kindness and to feed them!

Let us look what Allah Almighty said in the Noble Quran:

"They perform (their) vows, and they fear a Day Whose evil flies far and wide.  And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive -- (Saying), 'We feed you For the sake of Allah alone:  No reward do we desire from you, nor thanks.'  (The Noble Quran, 76:7-9)"

In these Noble Verses, we clearly see how Allah Almighty orders the Muslims to treat their captives with kindness and to not expect anything back in return.  Muslims must do it for the love of Allah Almighty, hence they have to feed their captives in kindness and love.

Notice here how Allah Almighty is so Great, Merciful and Gracious, that even the captives are given His Love.  Allah Almighty's door for Mercy and Forgiveness is always open.

Please visit The Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah Almighty.


When is the captured enemy must not be considered a "Captive" or "Prisoner of War"?  And how can Muslims punish them?   Is Ethnic Cleansing allowed in Islam?

What power did Allah Almighty give to Prophet Muhammad over the enemies who had treacherous designs against Islam; "....and so hath He given (thee) power over them.....(The Noble Quran, 8:71)"?

The captured enemy can not be considered a captive or prisoner of war if he had treacherous designs against the Muslims.  There is a punishment that this enemy must face as show below in Noble Verses 5:33-34.  Those "treacherous designs" are the tricky and deceiving evil actions such as causing a war between the Muslims and other non-Muslim tribes by using tricks and deceptions.  Another example is when some of the hypocrites during Prophet Muhammad's times used to falsely embrace Islam to be accepted among the Muslims, and then later try to create conflicts among Muslim men and cause them to revenge from each others, because they belonged to tribes that had bloody wars with each others before they embraced Islam.  The punishment for such enemy is Noble Verses 5:33-34 as shown below in this article.

And yes, Ethnic cleansing can be applied to that person or group of treacherous people.  Ethnic cleansing is not allowed in Islam for any other case!  Normal people can not be Ethnically cleansed as the Yugoslav Serbs did to the Muslim Kosovars just because they differ in religion or race.  Only the treacherous people or individuals can be Ethnically cleansed or exiled.

Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

"The punishment of those who wage war against God and His Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter; Except for those who repent before they fall into your power: in that case, know that God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.  (The Noble Quran, 5:33-34)"

There are times when Muslims must accept no captives.  This is the time when the Muslims are ordered to punish the enemy severely. 


So what are those times where Muslims must not accept any captive?

When they had been betrayed by the enemy.  Let us look at some incidents where Noble Verse 5:33 had been applied to the enemy:

The first incident is when the Muslims were just starting Islam in Madina.  Along with the Muslims there, there were some Christians and three big Jewish tribes:  Bani Al-natheer, Bani Qaynuqaa, and Bani Quraytha.  When the Pagans of Mecca wanted to end Islam once and for all, they finally agreed along with several other Pagan tribes out side Mecca to attack the Muslims in Madina. 

Prior to this, the Muslims had already signed a treaty of united defense of Madina with the Jews.  When the Pagans of Mecca and their allies finally started marching to Madina, the Muslims became aware of it.  One of our beloved Prophet's close companions, Salman Al-Farisi (may Allah Almighty be pleased with him, rest his soul and grant him Paradise), suggested that the Muslims should dig a big trench to along all of the plain areas of Madina to disable the Pagans from attacking the Muslims. 

The Jews' tribes were stationed in the North side of Madina.  They didn't need to dig any trench because they had such high mountains that they could easily defend by stationing their troops on top of the mountains, which would then disable the Pagans from entering Madina from the North.  But the Jews will always remain Jews no matter what.   They betrayed our Prophet and told the Pagans that they could attack them from the North along with the Jewish army.  Allah Almighty had blessed the Muslims with a big victory after long battles and Allah Almighty's blessings of the winds that blocked the eye sights of the enemies of Islam. 

After the Pagans withdrew back to Mecca, our Prophet peace be upon him executed Noble Verse 5:33 and exiled Bani Quraytha, the first Jewish tribe to betray the Muslims, from Madina.  Later on, the other two Jewish tribes were exiled too.

The second incident is in the following narration about our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, which further explains in details when the Muslims need to apply Noble Verse 5:33 to the enemy: 

Narrated Abu Qilaba: "Anas said, "Some people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribe came to Medina and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they went as directed and after they became healthy, they killed the shepherd of the Prophet and drove away all the camels. The news reached the Prophet early in the morning and he sent (men) in their pursuit and they were captured and brought at noon. He then ordered to cut their hands and feet (and it was done), and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron, They were put in 'Al-Harra' and when they asked for water, no water was given to them." Abu Qilaba said, "Those people committed theft and murder, became infidels after embracing Islam and fought against Allah and His Apostle.  (Sahih Bukhari, Ablutions (Wudu'), Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234)" 

Notice in the above incidents that the enemy had betrayed the Muslims.  In the first incident, the Jews betrayed the Muslims by breaking up the treaty and fighting along side with the Pagans.  In the second incident, the Pagans killed the Shepherd and and stole all of the Camels after they gained the Muslims' trust by embracing Islam.   These are the only times where Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ever applied Noble Verse 5:33 to anyone. 

Please visit Did Prophet Muhammad prescribe Camel Urine as Medicine?  See from Medical proofs that several of our medicines today are indeed extracted from animal urines.

The point is that Muslims are not allowed to kill ordinary "Prisoners of War" as it is clearly stated in Noble Verses 8:70-71. The sever punishment for the enemy and the refusal to accept any captives is when the Muslims had been betrayed by the enemy (Noble Verse 5:33). 

Note:  Notice also in Noble Verse 5:34 that the door for mercy and forgiveness for the sincere enemy is open.   The Muslims can not do any harm to the enemy if the enemy repents. 


Further explanations from Sheikh (Minister) Abdullah Yusuf Ali:

The following explanation of Noble Verse 5:33 comes from the Noble Quran that I used, which was translated by Sheikh (Minister) Abdullah Yusuf Ali; may Allah Almighty rest his soul:

"For the double crime of treason against the State, combined with treason against Allah, as shown by overt crimes, four alternative punishments are mentioned, any one of which is to be applied according to circumstances, viz., execution (cutting off  of the head), crucifixion, maiming, or exile." [3].



Islam is a merciful religion and Allah Almighty gives the enemies of Islam the opportunity to be forgiven when they're captured in the battle field.  Muslims must always treat their captives with kindness and feed them.

If the enemy was caught after they played a very dirty trick on the Muslims and caused the Muslims much damage from their evil deceptions and tricks as the Jews and some of the people of Tribe of Urania did to our Prophet and the Muslims, then Noble Verse 5:33 must be applied for their punishment.

The door for mercy and forgiveness is always open for the treacherous enemy as clearly stated in Noble Verse 5:34, but depending on the situation, if the enemy is so obviously not willing to sincerely repent even if they declare it, then Noble Verse 5:34 can not be applied to them and the punishment of Noble Verse 5:33 must be applied. 



1- The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an.
Author:  Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
Published by:  Amana Publications, 10710 Tucker Street, Suite B, Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2223 USA.
Telephone:  (301) 595-5777.
Fax:  (301) 595-5888.
ISBN:  0-91597-59-0 (HC).

2- The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an [1].  Foot notes #1237 and #1238, page 432.

3- The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an [1].  Foot note #738, page 257.




And again, just for the heck of it, let us look at the inhumane Murders and Terrorism in the Bible by its Prophets:


Terrorism in Islam?! (click here)
Let's look at the real terrorism in the Bible:

Pedophilia with 3-year old slave girls in the Bible!
Forcing 3-year old slave girls into sex during the Mosaic Law in the Bible!
(click here)

"kill all the boys and non-virgin women" under the Mosaic Law! (click here)

Another killing all men, women, children and animals by Moses! (click here)

Another taking all women and children as spoils of war by Moses!
(click here)

Moses was a murderer before he became a Prophet! (click here)

Both equal: "Kill Righteous and the wicked"! (click here)

Killing all of the
"suckling infants" by the thousands by Saul!
 (click here)

Dashing little children against rocks in the book of Psalm!
Praising the dashing of little children against rocks as a form of revenge! (click here)

42 innocent children were killed using Wild Bears by Prophet Elisha!
Prophet Muhammad on the other hand loved children even those who threw stones at him in the city of Al-Ta'if. (click here)

Maiming of the enemies' bodies under Moses' and David's Laws:
Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their alive bodies on trees until they DIE.
(click here)

David's Selective Murders!
David so carelessly killed an innocent man for only telling him news.
(click here)

X-Rated Pornography in the Bible, by King Solomon!
Literally, women's vaginas and breasts taste like "wine", and brothers can "suck" their sisters' and lovers' privates!
(click here)

Fathers' fingers into their daughters' vaginas!
Under the Mosaic Law, fathers were allowed to do "Digital Defloration" to their daughters.
(click here)

Shutting the loud mouths of those who unjustly attack Islam, with Truth.

Aisha in Islam:

Let's discuss the age of Aisha being 9 when she married our Prophet (CLICK HERE):

1-  See proofs, in the "Aisha being 9" article, from the Bible about little girls as young as 9 were married off and even sold off by their fathers as slave girls to men who were even older than their fathers.

2-  See also irrefutable proofs that pedophilia and terrorism exist in the Bible.  During the Mosaic times in the Bible's Old Testament, 3-year old slave girls were literally forced into sex under Moses' Orders and Command.  You sometimes have to read things twice to believe them!

See also: Maiming of the enemies' bodies in the Bible.   Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their live bodies on trees until they DIE.

*** Killing of innocent children in the Bible.

*** X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

*** Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible.

  See also proofs how Aisha's parents were the ones who married her to our Prophet, and that no Muslim or even pagan objected to the marriage because it was widely practiced.  The reason no one objected was:

  1. People used to have very short life-spans in Arabia.   They used to live between 40 to 60 years maximum.  So it was only normal and natural for girls to be married off at ages 9 or 10 or similar.

  2. Marriage for young girls was widely practiced among Arabs back then, and even today in many third-world non-Muslim and Muslim countries.

Please visit: The age of Aisha, girls similar to her in the Bible, and unbelievable pedophilia against 3-year old slave babies in the pedophilic Bible.

Also visit: Why Muta (temporary) Marriage was allowed and why it was discontinued.









Back to My Rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.

Rebuttals to Craig Winn - "The Prophet of Doom" book.

Answering Trinity.

Contradictions and History of Corruption in the Bible.

Questions about Jesus that trinitarian Christians don't have logical answers for.

What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth? and Why?

"Allah" was GOD Almighty's original Name in the Bible according to the Hebrew and Aramaic sources.

Scientific Miracles in Islam and the Noble Quran.

Most of the Bible's books and gospels were written by mysterious people!

Jesus mentioned Muhammad by the name in the Bible.

Did Isaiah 53 really prophesies about the crucifixion of Jesus? It supports Islam's claims about Jesus peace be upon him never died on the cross.  I also addressed John 19:36-37 from the Bible and proved that Jesus never got crucified, since GOD Almighty promised that he will protect Jesus' body and not let even a single bone be broken.   My question to all Christians is: How in the world is it possible for the feet to get nailed on the cross without any penetration to the bones by the nails, hence breaking part of the feet's bones?! I also added refutations to Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, Zechariah 12:10 and Psalm 34:20, which supposedly prove the Christians' belief about Jesus crucifixion.  I proved that this dogma has no truth what so ever and exposed the wrong Trinitarian English translation of Zechariah 12:10.

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