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Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 18" article:

This article is a rebuttal to Craig Winn's article that is located at: http://www.prophetofdoom.net/chapter18.html.



Important Note to the Reader:

Craig Winn purposely twisted and modified the English translations that he used!  He changes words in translations and uses non-Muslim ones.  I've noticed this a lot through his translations of the Noble Verses that he used from the Noble Quran.

Please visit:

List of Craig Winn's fabricated lies and deliberate alteration of quotes, WITH CLEAR-CUT PROOFS!






Before we proceed with his article, let us first look at the DARKNESS in his porn-full bible; the book of pedophilia, murder, terrorism, and women's vaginas and breasts taste like "wine":


Terrorism in Islam?! (click here)
Let's look at the real terrorism in the Bible:

Pedophilia with 3-year old slave girls in the Bible!
Forcing 3-year old slave girls into sex during the Mosaic Law in the Bible!
(click here)

"kill all the boys and non-virgin women" under the Mosaic Law! (click here)

Another killing all men, women, children and animals by Moses! (click here)

Another taking all women and children as spoils of war by Moses!
(click here)

Moses was a murderer before he became a Prophet! (click here)

Both equal: "Kill Righteous and the wicked"! (click here)

Killing all of the
"suckling infants" by the thousands by Saul!
 (click here)

Dashing little children against rocks in the book of Psalm!
Praising the dashing of little children against rocks as a form of revenge! (click here)

42 innocent children were killed using Wild Bears by Prophet Elisha!
Prophet Muhammad on the other hand loved children even those who threw stones at him in the city of Al-Ta'if. (click here)

Maiming of the enemies' bodies under Moses' and David's Laws:
Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their alive bodies on trees until they DIE.
(click here)

David's Selective Murders!
David so carelessly killed an innocent man for only telling him news.
(click here)

X-Rated Pornography in the Bible, by King Solomon!
Literally, women's vaginas and breasts taste like "wine", and brothers can "suck" their sisters' and lovers' privates!
(click here)

Fathers' fingers into their daughters' vaginas!
Under the Mosaic Law, fathers were allowed to do "Digital Defloration" to their daughters.
(click here)

Shutting the loud mouths of those who unjustly attack Islam, with Truth.

Aisha in Islam:

Let's discuss the age of Aisha being 9 when she married our Prophet (CLICK HERE):

1-  See proofs, in the "Aisha being 9" article, from the Bible about little girls as young as 9 were married off and even sold off by their fathers as slave girls to men who were even older than their fathers.

2-  See also irrefutable proofs that pedophilia and terrorism exist in the Bible.  During the Mosaic times in the Bible's Old Testament, 3-year old slave girls were literally forced into sex under Moses' Orders and Command.  You sometimes have to read things twice to believe them!

See also: Maiming of the enemies' bodies in the Bible.   Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their live bodies on trees until they DIE.

*** Killing of innocent children in the Bible.

*** X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

*** Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible.

  See also proofs how Aisha's parents were the ones who married her to our Prophet, and that no Muslim or even pagan objected to the marriage because it was widely practiced.  The reason no one objected was:

  1. People used to have very short life-spans in Arabia.   They used to live between 40 to 60 years maximum.  So it was only normal and natural for girls to be married off at ages 9 or 10 or similar.

  2. Marriage for young girls was widely practiced among Arabs back then, and even today in many third-world non-Muslim and Muslim countries.

Please visit: The age of Aisha, girls similar to her in the Bible, and unbelievable pedophilia against 3-year old slave babies in the pedophilic Bible.

Also visit: Why Muta (temporary) Marriage was allowed and why it was discontinued.


Having said all of that, let us now proceed to his article.....




He wrote:



“The Prophet has a greater claim on the faithful
than they have on themselves.”


    The fourth year of the Islamic Era begins oddly. Ishaq:426 “After Uhud, a group of men from Adal and Qarah came to the Messenger of Allah and said, ‘O Prophet, we are good Muslims and have accepted Islam. Please send us some of your Companions to instruct us in the religion. Teach us to recite the Qur’an, and teach us the laws of Islam.’” If they were unaware of the faith, the Qur’an, and Islamic law, how could they have been “good” Muslims? Tabari gives us the answer. Tabari VII:145 “The tribe of Lihyan was seeking vengeance for the killing of their chief, and they paid these men to ask for instructors.” They were “good” Muslims because they wanted to become better militants. At least Islam is consistent.
    Tabari VII:145 “Other authorities have a different account of this expedition. One variant says: ‘The Messenger sent out a group of ten men, putting Asim in command. When they arrived someone told the Lihyans about them. They sent a hundred archers against the Muslims.” Why do you suppose they would do that? Weren’t these men on a religious mission? No, not hardly. Not only were they armed to the teeth, the mission itself was called a raid. Furthermore, most of Muhammad’s terrorist attacks hadn’t been against the Quraysh, but instead against neighboring tribes. The bad boys of Medina had developed a reputation. Today, our politicians and media would say that they had ties to al-Qaeda.
    Tabari VII:144/Ishaq:426 “The Muslims bivouacked for the night and were taken by surprise. So the Muslims took up their swords [not Qur’ans] to fight them, but the Lihyans said, ‘We do not want to kill you. We only want to get some money by selling you to the Meccans. We swear by Allah’s Covenant that we will not kill you.’ ‘By Allah,’ Asim said, ‘we will never accept an agreement from an unbelieving infidel.’ They fought until they were killed.” Both pagan and Muslim swore by the same god. What’s more, the pagans referenced “Allah’s Covenant,”—Qusayy’s scheme—the foundation of Islam.
    Later, we are told, Tabari VII:145 “Khubayb gave himself up” and became a prisoner. “They took him to Mecca and handed him over to the sons of al-Harith, as Khubayb had killed their father at Uhud.… They took Khubayb out of the Haram (sacred area around Mecca) to kill him. He asked to pray two rak’ahs, and he made two prostrations. After that, it became the Sunnah [example] for those about to be executed to pray two rak’ahs. Khubayb said, ‘My death is for Allah…he will bless the limbs of my mangled corpse.’” This is what the suicide bombers who destroyed the World Trade Center said between shouts of “Allahu Akbar!” “They took him out and beheaded him.”
    Next we discover that Khubayb was crucified, not beheaded: Tabari VII:146 “The Messenger sent Amr to the Quraysh as a spy. He said, ‘I came to the cross on which Khubayb was bound and untied him. He fell to the ground, and I withdrew a short distance. When I turned round, I could not see a trace of Khubayb—the earth had swallowed him up.” While Muslim militants are granted a stay in Allah’s brothel, Khubayb, appears to have gone down, not up.
    Moving on, it’s time for another assassination. Tabari VII:147 “Amr was sent by Muhammad to kill Abu Sufyan [the Quraysh leader and merchant]. The Prophet said, ‘Go to Abu Sufyan and kill him.’ …When I entered Mecca I had a dagger ready to slay anybody who laid hold of me. My Ansar companion asked, ‘Should we start by circumambulating the Ka’aba seven times and praying two rak’ahs?’ I said, ‘I know the Meccans better than you do.’ But he kept pestering me until in the end we went to the Ka’aba, circumambulated it seven times, and prayed.” A good Muslim is a religious assassin.
    The Quraysh understood the corrosive influence of Islam better than we do. Tabari VII:148 “One of the Meccans recognized me and shouted, ‘That is Amr!’ They rushed after us, saying, ‘By Allah, Amr has not come here for any good purpose! He has come for some evil reason.’ Amr had been a cutthroat and a desperado before accepting Islam.” So naturally, he was attracted to Muhammad and inspired by Islam.
    “The Meccans set out in pursuit so I said, ‘Let’s get out of here! This is what I was afraid of! We will never reach Abu Sufyan now, so save your own skin.’ We left at full speed, took to the hills, hiding in a cave. In this way we gave them the slip.” A life was spared because the Quraysh understood the nature of Islam. They recognized their enemy and correctly profiled their behavior.
    While not all Muslims are terrorists, virtually all terrorists are Muslims. This should tell us something about Islam. According to independent surveys, eighty-five percent of terrorist acts worldwide are directly attributable to the Islamic faith. Yet Muslims represent less than twenty percent of the world’s population. Since the militants are called “a radical minority” let’s say that only twenty percent of Muslims are jihad fighters in Allah’s Cause. If that’s true, four percent of the world’s population takes Islam seriously. One out of twenty-five humans emulate Muhammad's example and follow Allah’s orders as revealed in the Qur’an and Hadith. These men and women are 2,000% more lethal than the rest of us.
    Tabari VII:148 “Amr said, ‘Let’s wait here until the cry has died down. They are sure to hunt for us tonight and tomorrow.” In shades of Mogadishu, the Meccans sent too few men into harm’s way. “I was still in the cave when Uthman bin Malik came riding proudly on his horse. He reached the entrance to our cave and I said to my Ansar companion, ‘If he sees us, he will tell everyone in Mecca.’ So I went out and stabbed him with my dagger. He gave a shout and the Meccans came to him while I went back to my hiding place. Finding him at the point of death, they said, ‘By Allah we knew that Amr came for no good purpose.’ The death of their companion impeded their search for us, for they carried him away.” Murder number one.
    “We remained in the cave for two days until the pursuit had died down and then went out to Khubayb’s cross. My companion said, ‘Shall we take Khubayb down from his cross?’ I went to the cross and untied Khubayb [again]. I carried him on my back and had gone about forty paces when a guard spotted me. I threw Khubayb down, and will never forget the sound his body made when it fell. I managed to throw the guard off, ran to my companion, mounted his camel, and went to the Prophet to tell him what had happened.”
    A foiled assassination attempt and an isolated murder may seem unworthy of the attention I’m affording them. But they were important to Muhammad, Ishaq, and Tabari, and thus to fundamental Islam. And by sharing every episode recorded by Islam’s first biographer and historian, leaving nothing of consequence out, I am confirming a profound truth. Islam, as it was taught and lived by Muhammad, was a terrorist dogma.
    Tabari VII:149 “On the way I went into a cave with my bow and arrows. While I was in it a one-eyed man from the Banu Bakr came in driving some sheep. He said, ‘Who’s there?’ I said [lied], ‘I’m a Banu Bakr.’ ‘So am I.’ Then he laid down next to me, and raised his voice in song: ‘I will not be a Muslim and will not believe in the faith of the Muslims.’ I said, ‘You will soon see!’ Before long the Bedouin went to sleep and started snoring. So I killed him in the most dreadful way that anybody has ever killed. I leant over him, struck the end of my bow into his good eye, and thrust it down until it came out the back of his neck. After that I rushed out like a wild beast and took flight.” Murder number two.
    “I came to the village of Naqi and recognized two Meccan spies. I called for them to surrender. They said no so I shot and arrow and killed one, and then I tied the other up and took him to Muhammad.” Murder number three. Kidnapping number one. The Muslims were having fun. Tabari VII:150 “I had tied my prisoner’s thumbs together with my bowstring. The Messenger of Allah looked at him and laughed so that his back teeth could be seen. Then he questioned me and I told him what had happened. ‘Well done!’ he said, and prayed for me to be blessed.” These are the ominous words of the Islamic Hadith, the only words written about this man and his religion within centuries of his death. And they are perverse. Three cold-blooded murders and a hostage taking earned a jovial laugh and a hearty, “Well done!”
    Although I have shared this with you before, it bears repeating. While some Hadith may be exaggerated and some may be untrue, it doesn’t matter. All that counts is that this is the sum total of what is known about the Muhammad of Islam. I have reported every significant event recorded by Tabari and Ishaq—the earliest, most respected, and comprehensive chroniclers of the Islamic faith. Therefore, what you have been reading is all Muslims know about their prophet. And that, I dare say, explains their behavior.
    Tabari VII:150 “In the month of Ramadhan (February 626), the Messenger married Zaynab bt. Khuzaymah. She had been married to Tufayl, who had divorced her.” I believe that makes her the fifth member of the prophet’s collection.
    Tabari VII:151/Ishaq:433 “In this year there occurred the disaster of the expedition sent out by the Messenger to Bi’r Ma’unah. The polytheists had charge of the pilgrimage that year [confirming that the Hajj was pagan]. Abu Bara (One-Who-Plays-With-Spears), the chief of the Banu Amir, came to the Prophet and presented a gift. Muhammad said, ‘I do not accept presents from pagans, so become a Muslim if you want me to accept it.’” He was willing to steal from any Abu, Tufayl, or Harith, but would not accept diplomatic gifts. Further, there is no empirical evidence that shows men behave better who worship one false god rather than many of them.
    “Muhammad expounded Islam to Abu Bara and invited him to accept it. He explained its advantages for him and Allah’s promises to believers. He recited the Qur’an. Bara did not accept Islam. He said, Muhammad, this affair of yours is most excellent. If you were to send some of your Companions to my people to call them to your religious affair, I would hope that they would respond.’” This is great stuff. Muhammad presented the “advantages for him” to convert his subjects to Islam: “It’s the perfect tool for a chief like you,” der prophet undoubtedly said. Muhammad’s religotic was designed to empower dictators. This is why the poligious doctrine survives after fourteen centuries. Islam wasn’t called submission for nothing. Religion is an effective tool in the wrong hands.
    Allah’s prophet reviewed the dark spirit’s “promises:” booty for fighters, loot for the living and virgins for the victims; what’s not to like? But, Chief Bara wouldn’t accept Islam. Instead, he wanted his people converted. And that is the essence of the doctrine of submission. Even today, the tyrannical despots who rule the Islamic world aren’t Muslims—their people are. The “religion” is used to control the masses, to fleece them for benefit of cleric and king. The chief knew that Islam would only be to his advantage if his people were coerced into submission.
    Tabari VII:152/Ishaq:434 “The Apostle was afraid to send his people to Abu’s tribe for fear they would kill them. But Chief Abu gave Muhammad a surety [collateral guarantee] so the he sent Mundhir [The-Quick-to-Seek-Death] with forty to seventy riders. After halting at Bi’r Ma’unah, they sent Haram to Amir Tufayl with a letter from Muhammad. When Haram arrived, Amir killed him. Then he set out and took the Muslims by surprise, surrounding them while they were encamped. On seeing them, the Muslims snatched up their swords and fought until they were all killed except Ka’b. The enemy left him at the point of death.” Remember, this is after Allah had revealed the 8th and 3rd surahs, so the Muslims believed that they had to fight to the death.
    As we pick up the story, word gets back to the prophet. Ishaq:434 “Amr and an Ansari were out grazing camels and saw vultures circling around the camp. They went to investigate and saw their Companions lying in their blood. The Ansari said, ‘What do you think we should do?’ Amr answered, ‘Go tell the prophet.’” But they were spotted and the Ansari was killed. Amr was taken prisoner. He lied, we’re told, “taking an oath on his mother’s life,” so they set him free. Amr hightailed it “towards Medina, until, when he was at Qarqarah, two Banu Amir men halted near him in the shade. They had a compact of protection with Allah’s Messenger which Amr knew nothing. Amr waited until they were asleep. Then he killed them, thinking that he had taken vengeance for the Muslims who had been slain. When he came to the Messenger, he told him what had happened. The Prophet said, ‘You have killed men for whom I shall have to pay blood-money.’”
    Muhammad’s soul wasn’t troubled by the news that innocent men had been murdered. His only worry was that coin was going to slip from his pockets. Islam was never about saving souls; it was about stealing money.
    In the midst of these Islamic terrorist raids, assassinations, murders, and kidnappings for ransom, the next headline appears somewhat benign. It reads: “Expulsion of the Banu Nadir.” Tabari VII:156/Ishaq:437 “In the fourth year of the Islamic Era the Prophet expelled the Banu Nadir [a large Jewish community in Yathrib] from their homes. The cause of this was that Amr killed two men to whom had been given a promise of protection by the Apostle. Their chief wrote Muhammad asking him for blood-money. So the Prophet turned towards the Nadir [Jews] to seek their help in the payment of the blood money. With him were Bakr, Umar, and Ali.” The Muslims had raided a caravan just north of Mecca. Muhammad’s adoptive son grabbed another east of Medina. They allegedly “earned” huge ransoms “selling” the Badr captives back to their families. They had plundered the Qaynuqa Jews, stealing their gold, armor, businesses, and homes. So, how could the pirate chest be bare?
    The answer is as old as time. Those who steal don’t value anything. They go on binges and need ever-larger fixes. Easy come; easy go. So turban in hand, Muhammad had to go begging, this time to the kin of those he had previously plundered. Wouldn’t you like to have been a fly on the wall? Tabari VII:157/Ishaq:437 “When the Prophet came to ask for their help in the payment of the blood-money, the Jews said, ‘Yes, Abu al-Qasim [Muhammad]. Of course, we will give you the help you want in the way you want it.’ Then they spoke privately with one another… [Before we listen to what Islam wants us to believe the Jews said in “private,” ask yourself, how did the Muslims know? And since they couldn’t have known, what were they trying to accomplish by pretending to know?] Muhammad had gone outside and was sitting by a house wall. The Jews said, ‘Who will go on the roof of this house and drop a stone, relieving us of him?’” The Muslim sages were trying to justify the exceedingly hostile behavior their prophet was about to exhibit.
    I do not doubt that the Jews might have wanted the prophet dead. I would have wanted him dead. He was a menace to society—a violent terrorist and common criminal. However, this plot is absurd. There is no chance Allah’s guy, the grand pontiff of Medina, was sitting in the dirt against the wall of a Jewish home. And there was no chance someone had a stone big enough to kill a man sitting on a thatched (and thus pitched) roof. Further, the Nadir were prosperous farmers. If they wanted to execute Muhammad they would have used an implement more lethal than a stone.
    Ishaq:437 “Amr Jihash, who was one of the Jews, came forward and said, ‘I am your man.’ He went up to the roof to drop the stone as arranged. Muhammad was with Bakr, Umar, and Ali [future Caliphs all], and the news of what the people intended came to him from Heaven. He got up and said, ‘Do not leave until I come to you.’” This is Ali’s second run as stooge. A few years earlier he had been asked to wear the prophet’s pajamas, laying in wait for assassins wielding swords.
    Guillaume in his translation of Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah, said: “It is clear that a later story has been attached to this incident. Obviously, if the prophet had overheard their designs there was no need of a supernatural communication from heaven.” In other words: the godly inspiration was a hoax.
    While this account has more holes than a leaky roof, Tabari shares another take on Islam’s excuse. Tabari VII:157 “Amr went up to the roof to roll the stone. News of this came to the Prophet from Heaven, and he got up as though he wished to relieve himself. His companions waited for him but he was gone for a long time. The Jews began to say, ‘What has delayed Abu al-Qasim?’ Muhammad’s Companions left and Kinanah said, ‘News of what you intended has reached him.’”
    This justification is essential for Islam. It serves to excuse grotesque barbarism, grand larceny, and ultimately, genocide. Yet it was Muhammad who had to come to the Nadir to beg for blood money to excuse a double homicide. That does not bode well for their credibility. Ishaq:437 “The Prophet went back to his home. When his Companions thought that he had been gone a long time they got up to look for him. On the way they told a man the story of the treachery intended by the Jews and ordered them to get ready to fight them and march against them.” Since Muhammad had run away without telling his gang anything, how did they know?
    Tabari VII:158 “When the Messenger’s Companions returned they found him sitting in the mosque. They said, ‘O Prophet, we waited for you but you did not come back.’ ‘The Jews intended to kill me,’ he replied, ‘and Allah informed me of it. [One rock to another, I suppose.] Call Muhammad bin Maslamah to me.’ When Muhammad came, he was told to go to the Jews and say, ‘Leave my country. You have intended treachery.’ He went and said, ‘The Messenger orders you to depart from his country.’ They replied, ‘We never thought that an Aws would come with such a message.’ ‘Hearts have changed,’ Muhammad said. ‘Islam has wiped out our old covenants.’”
    This is a stinging indictment. First, these Hadiths are contradictory. While conflicting scripture is common for Islam, this time it’s being used to justify a hideously immoral act. Second, Muhammad, the bad boy who had been banished from Mecca for reneging on the Quraysh Bargain and for threatening to slaughter his kin, was now claiming that Yathrib was his country. It wasn’t Allah’s; it wasn’t Islam’s. It was his. Third, without any actual provocation, he ordered established families, thousands of them, from their homes because he wanted their property and their money.
    The most incriminating lines were saved for last: “Hearts have changed. Islam has wiped out our old covenants.” Muhammad’s poligious doctrine was corrosive —more dangerous than Mein Kampf. Anyone who trusts it is ruined—as is everyone around them. Today’s terrorists have not corrupted their religion; Islam has corrupted them. There will be no peace until this false, intolerant, and violent doctrine is expunged from the earth.
    Tabari VII:158/Ishaq:437 “After telling his Companions about the treachery which the Jews had meditated against him, the Apostle ordered them to prepare for war and to march against them.” To “meditate” is to quietly engage in thought or contemplation. If this is true, the Jews said nothing and did nothing. If it’s not true, Islam’s prophet is a liar. Either way, Muhammad was totally unjustified in ordering his militants to attack. The siege of the Nadir was an act of terrorism and piracy, proving that the sole founder of Islam was a vicious criminal.
    Tabari VII:158/Ishaq:437 “Muhammad personally led his men against the Nadir and halted in their quarter. The Jews took refuge against him in their homes, so he ordered their date palms to be cut down and burnt. They shouted, ‘Muhammad, you have forbidden wonton destruction of property and have blamed those who perpetrated it. Why are you doing this?’” Muhammad didn’t answer the question directly. He delegated the excuse to his god. A situational scripture authorizing destruction was “handed down.” 059.005 “The palm trees you cut down or left standing intact was by Allah’s dispensation so that He might disgrace the transgressors.” I’ll let you decide if the creator of the universe etched this line on an eternal tablet before the world was created or if Muhammad just made it up. But you should know that the 59th surah was revealed following the banishment of the Qaynuqa Jews the prior year, and yet the verse’s authorization was recited in past tense. Also, the obliteration of the date farm “disgraced the transgressors” only in the sense that Muhammad was the transgressor. Muslims confiscated the groves.
    Wackidi writes: Tabari VII:158/Ishaq:437 “Abd Allah bin Ubayy sent a message to the Nadir saying, ‘Stand firm. I have two thousand Bedouin men who are united around me. Stay, and they will battle with you as will the Qurayza.’ However, Sallam, a Qurayza Jew said, ‘We shall not break our compact as long as I am alive. We are eminent among the Jewish people by virtue of our wealth.’ Continuing to speak to the Nadir Jews the Qurayza leader said, ‘Accept what Muhammad has proposed before you have to accept what is worse.’ ‘What could be worse?’ Huyayy, the Nadir chief asked. ‘The seizure of your wealth, the enslavement of your children, and the killing of your men,’ the Qurayza Jew replied. Huyayy refused to accept his advice. He told a Muslim courier, ‘We will not leave our homes and farms; so do what you see fit.’”
    How bizarre, a man named Slave-to-Allah rallied to aid the Jews against the Muslims. But it’s the Qurayza response that is foreboding. They were the largest community in Yathrib. By capitulating to the tyrant, by sacrificing their brethren, they doomed themselves to the very fate they feared. They were soon plundered, raped, sold into slavery, and murdered. This should be a haunting warning to the West, and particularly to the Israelis. Divided as they are now, with many willing to appease Islamic tyrants and trade land in hopes of retaining their treasure, they will lose everything.
    As we continue with this horrific tale, consider the implications of the following Hadith in the context of Allah being either a pagan idol or Lucifer. “The Messenger magnified Allah and the Muslims magnified Allah with him.” This means they yelled, “Allahu Akbar!”—“Allah is Greatest!” Ishaq:437 “So Allah cast terror into the hearts of the Jews. Then the Prophet said, ‘The Jews have declared war.’” According to the lying prophet, the Jews had “declared war,” yet they never wielded a sword or shot an arrow. They were simply “besieged”—starved into submission.
    Tabari VII:158 “Judayy went to Abd Allah Ibn Ubayy to ask for support. He said, ‘I found him sitting among a number of his companions while the Prophet’s crier was calling men to arms. He said, ‘This is a clever trick of Muhammad’s.’” Yes, indeed. The Profitable Profit Plan was about to benefit from another “clever trick.” If mugging a jogger in Central Park is “clever,” this was downright brilliant.
    “The Messenger of Allah besieged the Nadir Jews for fifteen days. In the end they made peace with him on the condition that the Prophet would not kill them and that their property and their coats of mail would be his.” They were forced to make “peace,” Islamic style. The false prophet said: “You give me your property and I will allow you to live.” But of course, our profiteer acted with Allah’s blessing, making him an Apostle and terror religious.
    If, after reading these words, you believe that Muhammad, the instigator and perpetrator of this heinous crime, was a conduit to God, you are as lost as he was. If you believe that Islam was conceived as a tolerant and peaceful religion to save men’s souls, you are sadly mistaken.
    For non-Muslims, I trust you find these words sobering. The negative implications associated with our continued ignorance of Islam are staggering. This is not merely a history lesson. Muhammad claimed that he had “spiritual authority” for his barbarism. He started a “religion” to justify his atrocities and to perpetrate others. That makes Islam the most evil dogma ever conceived—and the most dangerous.
    What’s more, the first Muslims were proud of themselves. They conceived many Hadith to express their joy. The first is rather blunt: Tabari VII:159 “The Messenger of Allah besieged the Banu Nadir for fifteen days until he had reduced them to a state of utter exhaustion, so that they would give him what he wanted. The terms in which the Prophet made peace with the Jews were: he would not shed their blood, he would expel them from their lands and settlements, providing for every three of them a camel and a water-skin.” It’s getting harder to write polite commentary on this %#$@&! behavior. With Islam, the price of peace has been defined: your home, your property, your business, your country, your everything.
    Tabari VII:159 “The Prophet fought them until he made peace with them on condition that they evacuate Yathrib. He expelled them to Syria but allowed them to keep what their camels could carry, except for their coats of mail and weapons.” Imagine what it was like to record this Hadith. What must the Islamic sage have thought? Imagine being a Muslim today and stumbling upon this. What are your options? If you reject these Hadith Collections, there is no record of the prophet and thus there is no Islam, as he was the lone messenger. Apart from the Sira and Sunnah nothing is known about Muhammad or Islam’s formation. Without his example, the Five Pillars all vanish. Without context and chronology, the Qur’an becomes a meaningless and disjointed rant.
    It’s a lose-lose proposition. If you accept the Hadith as true, as the path to God, the model of morality, you are destined to become a like-minded terrorist. But if you reject them, you lose everything: your culture, political system, laws, religion, prophet, and god. Further, the faithful will kill you.
    In context, the siege and banishment of the Nadir was outrageous. The people who had built Yathrib, who had lived there peacefully for a thousand years, were forced out of their homes and from their farms by men who had just barely arrived. Less than seventy Muslims had invaded their town, yet, burning with hatred and uncontrollable greed, they plundered it.
    Ishaq:438 “The Jews loaded their camels with their wives, children, and property. There were tambourines, pipes and singing. They went to Khaybar with such splendor as had never been seen from any tribe.” The Jews were giving the Muslims an important message. Even deprived of their worldly possessions, Yahweh’s chosen possessed something better than Allah’s chosen would ever know.
    Ishaq:438 “The Nadir left their property to Muhammad and it became his personal possession, to do with it as he wished. He divided it among the Emigrants, to the exclusion of the Ansar.” But gone was not forgotten. Before we leave this dreadful example of what fundamental Islam did to men’s minds and souls you must know that the Nadir will be hunted again. The next time it won’t be so pleasant.
    Muhammad’s biographer claims Allah revealed these Qur’an verses to his prophet to celebrate the occasion: Ishaq:438 “Allah wreaked His vengeance on the Jews and gave His Apostle power over them and control to deal with them as he wished. Allah said, ‘I turned out those who disbelieved of the Scripture People from their homes. You did not think that they would go but I came upon them and terrorized them. And in the next world I will torment them again with a painful punishment in Hell. The palm trees you cut down were by Allah’s permission; they were uprooted on My order. It was not destruction but it was vengeance from Allah to humble the evildoers. The spoil which Allah gave the Apostle from the Nadir belongs to him.” Ishaq is suggesting that the 59th surah was handed down regarding the Nadir siege rather than the Qaynuqa raid. But that can’t be, since the rest of the surah deals with the defeat at Uhud that prompted the Qaynuqa attack.
    Muhammad dropped a string of prophetic pearls, all dutifully collected by al-Bukhari, so that Muslims would not miss his message of racial hatred, terrorism, oppression, and greed: Bukhari:V4B52N153 “The properties of Banu Nadir which Allah had transferred to His Apostle as Fair Booty were not gained by the Muslims with their horses and camels. The properties therefore, belonged especially to Allah’s Apostle who used to give his family their yearly expenditure and spend what remained thereof on arms and horses to be used in Allah’s Cause.” Since the dastardly deed was Muhammad’s scheme start to finish, the booty was all his. And, in direct contradiction with the Qur’an, Muhammad didn’t use his ill-gotten gain to bribe his mercenaries. He used it to buy the affection of his wives and to acquire more weapons of war. Saintly behavior, it was not.
    Muhammad was not the first tyrant to besiege and plunder, to terrorize, a defenseless community. He was not the first warlord to lure mercenaries into his ranks by sharing some of the property he had stolen. Allah’s messenger wasn’t the first pervert to buy love following a conquest. And Islam’s prophet wasn’t the first psychopath to trade booty for weapons so that he could continue plundering. But he was the first do do so while perpetrating a religious scam.
    Bukhari:V4B52N176 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘You Muslims will fight the Jews till some of them hide behind stones. The stones will betray them saying, “O Abdullah (slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.”’” This must have been a real crowd pleaser because there is a second variation. Bukhari:V4B52N177 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”’” By this time, the talking Black Stone had delivered ninety percent of the Qur’an, so Muhammad was familiar with interpreting their special form of communication.
    The next Hadith is among the most telling in Islam. Bukhari:V4B52N220 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror. While I was sleeping [besieging], the keys to the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.’” He started with his own family, the Quraysh, and then moved on to Yahweh’s family, the Jews.
    Some of the poetic highlights associated with this abusive behavior include: Ishaq:440 “Helped by the Holy Spirit we smited Muhammad’s foes. He is a true Messenger from the Compassionate, an Apostle reciting Allah’s Book. He became honored in rank and station. So the Apostle sent a message to them with a sharp cutting sword.” The “Holy Spirit” is another concept stolen from the Bible. It is grossly misapplied by Muhammad. I cover the Holy Spirit’s actual nature on page 608 in response to another bogus claim. But there was some Islamic truth revealed here. “The Apostle sent a message with a sharp cutting sword.”
    Ishaq:441 “A man who had neither shown treachery nor bad faith haply had a change of fortune and took revenge, cutting down their palm trees and killing the Nadir. A sharp sword in the hand of a brave man kills his adversary. The rabbis were disgraced for they denied mighty Lord Allah.” Ishaq:442 “Sword in hand we brought down the Nadir. By Muhammad’s order we beguiled them.” Actually it was the Muslims who were “beguiled.”
    Moving on, we find that it didn’t take long before the Muslim militants needed another fix: Tabari VII:162/Ishaq:445 “There is a difference of opinion as to which of his expeditions [terrorist raids] took place after the one against the Banu Nadir. Some say Muhammad remained in Yathrib for two months before leading a raid on Najd, directed against the Banu Muharib and Tha’labah. As the armies approached one another, no fighting took place, because our army was afraid of theirs.” Allah’s killer angels must have been preoccupied. This also suggests that the Nadir Jews were unarmed.
    The Sira and Ta’rikh say: Tabari VII:162/Ishaq:445 “The rules of the Prayer of Fear were revealed during this raid. [And confirmed in surah 4:102] The Messenger of Allah divided the Companions into two groups; one stood facing the enemy while the other stood behind the Prophet. He magnified Allah by shouting ‘Allahu Akbar.’ Then he and those behind him performed a rak’ah and prostrated themselves.”     Magnifying Allah is “The Prayer of Fear”—how appropriate for a terrorist dogma. According to the Hadith, “The Prayer of Fear” is comprised of shouting: “Allahu Akbar!”—“Allah is Greatest!”
    Greater than whom is the obvious question. Greater than Ar-Rahman? Greater than Hubal, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, or Manat? Or does Allah want to be greater than Yahweh? And while you might think that I’m poking fun, I’m not. This is a lose-lose game for Islam. If Allah is claiming to be the greatest pagan god, Islam is a farce. And Allah cannot be greater than Yahweh because he claimed to be the Ilah of Abraham and the author of the Torah and Gospels.
    “Allahu Akbar!” is the war chant of Islamic terrorists everywhere, even today. The fact it’s called “The Prayer of Fear” reveals the doctrine’s purpose.
    Islamic dictionaries translate “Allahu Akbar” as “Allah is Greater, Greatest, or Most Great.” Yet contemporary Muslim apologists would prefer you to believe that it means “God is Great.” Those who profit from imposing Islam recognize that exposing such truth would devastate their power base. So they willfully and knowingly contradict Allah and Muhammad, the Qur’an and Sunnah, to protect what they covet. Since so much is at stake, let’s examine Islam’s most telling and most frequently quoted slogan in context. While out on a terrorist raid: “The Prophet magnified Allah by shouting ‘Allahu Akbar.’” To “magnify” is to make bigger or greater. Yet God is infinite. Yahweh cannot be magnified or be made greater. But a man can be magnified, and so can Satan.
    The only scenario in which Islam’s most important slogan makes sense is as follows: Muhammad created Allah’s persona. A rock idol became his alter ego. But it was worse than that. Muhammad was possessed, selling his soul to the Devil. He spoke on Lucifer’s behalf. The fallen angel masqueraded as Gabriel and inspired much of the Qur’an. Insecure and insignificant, deceitful, evil, and covetous, they needed to be feared and to be magnified.
    In the overall scope of things, this next Tradition is of little consequence. Yet, in its own way, it helps establish the relationship between the true nature of Islam and the behavior of Muslims. Tabari VII:164 “We went out with the Messenger on a raid to Dhat Riqa in the neighborhood of Nakhl. At one point, a Muslim killed a polytheist woman. When Muhammad was on his way back to Yathrib, her husband swore he would not rest until he had wrought bloodshed among the Prophet’s Companions. He followed our tracks. Muhammad set up guards at night, an Ansar and an Emigrant.… The woman’s husband saw them and shot an arrow. The Ansari pulled it out, put it down, and remained standing in prayer. The man shot a second and third arrow at him, but exactly the same thing happened. Finally the Ansari, after bowing and prostrating himself, woke his companion. ‘Sit up. I have been wounded.’ The Emigrant leapt to his feet. When the woman’s husband saw the two of them there, he fled. Then the Emigrant, seeing the Ansari’s bloodstained condition, exclaimed, ‘Allah Almighty! Why didn’t you wake me the first time he shot you?’ ‘I was in the middle of reciting a Surah and I did not want to stop without finishing it.’” Islam precludes rational thought and behavior.
    After murdering one man’s wife, Muhammad added a sixth to his harem. Tabari VII:167 “The Messenger married Umm Salamah. In this year also, the Prophet commanded Zayd bin Thabit to study the Book of the Jews, saying, ‘I fear that they may change my Book.’ In this year the polytheists were in charge of the Meccan Pilgrimage.” These three sentences end year four of the Islamic Era. An overly-sexed prophet comes within one of having a different girl for every night of the week. Then the prophetic imposter called the Bible his book, rather than Allah’s, and said that he was afraid the Jews would change it. Muhammad may, therefore, have been so delusional that he thought these local Jews would alter Scripture to foil him. Or he was so deviously deceitful he needed more scripture than the Jews were willing to sell. So he asked Zayd to study the “Book” as a source of future Qur’an revelations. And he did just that. I’ll give you one guess as to who Muslims, via their Hadith, claim was responsible for collecting the Qur’an’s surahs into a book. Then, proving that Islam was just regurgitated paganism, the Pilgrimage, or Hajj, was in the hands of the polytheists.




My response:

First of all, as I proved in my previous rebuttals, the Al-Tabari and Ibn-Ishaq and other sources are extremely doubtful and unauthenticated.   Most Muslim scholars today firmly and strongly believe in this.  Not that the hadiths above are bad or anything, but as most Muslim Scholars agree, we Muslims can't take them as absolute Truth or accurate information.  Much of these volumes are either corrupt or taken out of context.  Again, this is according to the Muslims scholars.  This is why these volumes are considered "unauthenticated".

Also visit:  What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?



Now having said that, the polytheist trinitarian pagan raised the following points:

1-  Jihad in Islam against the hostile pagans, and the Judgement that came upon them after they were defeated!

2-  Jihad started with the Bible!   Yet, we don't see the hypocrite saying anything about the Judgement that came upon the enemies in the Bible!

3-  The status of the Jews and their treason against not only the Muslims, but also the Biblical Prophets as well!




Point #1:
( Jihad in Islam against the hostile pagans, and the Judgement that came upon them after they were defeated!)


From http://www.answering-christianity.com/jihad.htm:


What is Jihad and laws of war in Islam?

The sections of this article are:

1-  What is Jihad?
2-  The laws of war in Islam.
3-  The treatment of prisoners of war in Islam.
4-  Did Islam spread by the sword?  If so, was that Jihad?




1-  What is Jihad?

Jihad means struggling in the name of Allah Almighty.  Jihad doesn't always mean a war or battle.  Any mean for spreading Islam and the Truth, or to fight for what is right and condemn what is wrong (such as fighting the bad and helping the oppressed even if they were not Muslims) are considered Jihad.

I am doing Jihad right now by maintaining my web site, because it is a tool that can be used for spreading Islam and the Truth.  And because it is also a Media tool, it could be used for fighting for what is right and condemning what is wrong.

Islam is not a religion of arms and swords!  When Allah Almighty revealed the Noble Quran to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and Muhammad became the Messenger of GOD Almighty, Muhammad had to spread Islam to 365 Pagan Arab Tribes.  These tribes showed so much hostility toward the Muslims and Islam, and have imposed so many battles against the Muslims. 

Later, when Islam was the religion of what we call today Saudi Arabia, and the 365 Pagan Arab tribes mostly converted to Islam, the Muslims had to yet face another type of challenge.

The Nuclear Soviet Union and the United States of America of our days were the Great Empires of the Christian Romans and the Pagan Persians.  If you know geography and history well enough, then you would see that the Muslims were trapped between those two big Super Powers.

Hostility and Battles from those two Empires were imposed upon the Muslims.  For instance, when our Prophet peace be upon him sent his messenger to "Kisrah", the Emperor of Persia, introducing Islam to him, Kisrah ordered for the Muslims' Messenger to be executed!

Back then, like today, this was considered a coward act.  It was the Persians who showed the hostility toward the Muslims and declared the many battles against Islam.

The Christian Romans weren't any better.  For instance, in one of their many battles against the Muslims is when they saw the threat to their religion in the Middle East, the King "Herucl", sent out an army of 100,000 men and ordered them to go to "Madina" in what we call today Saudi Arabia to destroy Islam once and for all.

The Muslims were not stable yet at that time, and they only sent out an army of 3,000 men at that time to drive the Christian Romans away from Madina.  The battle was named "The battle of Mo'ta" and it took place in Mo'ta, Jordan today.

The Muslims' plan was to meet the Christian Romans far away from Madina, and to have them stray away from Madina.  The army of 3,000 men was successful enough to fight the Christian Romans for few days and then to pull away from the battle and headed South of Jordan.  The Romans strayed away from Madina and the small army of the Muslims was able to run away through the mountains.  More than half of the 3,000 Muslims however were killed in this operation.

The point is that Islam didn't spread by sword with much choice.  The wars were imposed upon the Muslims. The Muslims didn't ask for those wars. 

Islam is a Religion of Love and Peace and Forgiveness [1] [2] [3] [4] [5].

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him never took any personal revenge from anyone.

What does the Qu'ran say about violence?  Why does the Noble Quran contain Verses that command the Muslims to fight?  See the justified and good reasons behind it.


In regards to Jihad and fighting the hostile enemy, Allah Almighty Made it crystal clear in the Noble Quran about being peaceful to ordinary and peaceful non-Muslims, and being very hostile to the hostile enemy:

"Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors.  (The Noble Quran, 2:190)"

"But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things).  (The Noble Quran, 8:61)"

"If thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee: for I do fear God, the cherisher of the worlds.  (The Noble Quran, 5:28)"

"God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers.  (The Noble Quran, 60:8)"

"And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for God.  But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrongdoers.  (The Noble Quran 2:193)"

"Let there be no compulsion in religion:  Truth stands out clear from error:  whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that never breaks.  And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.  (The Noble Quran, 2:256)"

"Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to God's will) in Islam.   Leave them alone, to enjoy (the good things of this life) and to please themselves: let (false) hope amuse them: soon will knowledge (undeceive them).  (The Noble Quran, 15:2-3)"

"Say, 'The truth is from your Lord': Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it):......(The Noble Quran, 18:29)"

"If it had been thy Lord's will, they would all have believed,- all who are on earth! wilt thou then COMPEL mankind, against their will, to believe!  (The Noble Quran, 10:99)"

"Say: 'Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger: but if ye turn away, he is only responsible for the duty placed on him and ye for that placed on you.   If ye obey him, ye shall be on right guidance.  The Messenger's duty is only to preach the clear (Message).  (The Noble Quran, 24:54)"

"Say : O ye that reject Faith!  I worship not that which ye worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship.  And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship.  To you be your Way, and to me mine.  (The Noble Quran, 109:1-6)"

The reason for "Jihad" Noble Verses:

The so-called "Jihad" Noble Verses came for specific times and places.  They don't apply for all times and everybody!  I can't slay you, a non-Muslim, just because you're not a Muslim.  The pagan Arabs were very hostile people and only knew the sword as an answer.  Many wars were imposed upon the Muslims, and thus, it is only normal and natural to find Noble Verses that deal with these specific hostile situations.  But the Message of the Noble Quran is PEACE, as clearly proven in Noble Verses 2:190, 8:61 and 5:28 above.



2-  The laws of war in Islam:

Muslims are forbidden from attacking others who do not attack them:

"Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors.  (The Noble Quran, 2:190)"

Fighting in the cause of GOD Almighty those who fight us is what "Jihad" is all about.  I can't go and kill a non-Muslim just because he is a non-Muslim.  That is absolutely forbidden in Islam:

"On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.  (Noble Quran 5:32)"

"Those who invoke not, with God, any other god, nor slay such life as God has made sacred except for just cause, nor commit fornication; - and any that does this (not only) meets punishment.  (But) the Penalty on the Day Of Judgement will be doubled To him, and he will dwell Therein in ignominy.  (The Noble Quran, 25:68-69)" 

Jihad can only be declared when the Muslims are attacked.   Muslims are not allowed to attach those who do not attack them.  And even when war breaks out, if the enemy offers an honest peace, then we should accept it and end the blood shed:

"But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things).  (The Noble Quran, 8:61)

And if a treaty of peace was made, then we must honor that treaty to the end:

"Except those who join a group between whom and you there is a treaty (of peace), or those who approach you with hearts restraining them from fighting you as well as fighting their own people. If God had pleased, He could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you: Therefore if they withdraw from you but fight you not, and (instead) send you (Guarantees of) peace, then God Hath opened no way for you (to war against them).   (The Noble Quran, 4:90)"

"How can there be a league, before God and His Apostle, with the Pagans, except those with whom ye made a treaty near the sacred Mosque? As long as these stand true to you, stand ye true to them: for God doth love the righteous.  (The Noble Quran, 9:7)" 



3-  The treatment of prisoners of war in Islam:

Please visit Can Muslims torture prisoners of war?



4-  Did Islam spread by the sword?  If so, was that Jihad?

Please visit Why did Muhammad take up arms and Christ didn't?  Why did Islam spread by the sword if it were indeed a Religion of Truth, and Christianity didn't?  Jesus killed his enemies.

The Muslims did not start any battle with anyone.  It was the infidels from the 365 Arab Pagan tribes, and later the Persian and Roman Empires who waged wars against the Muslims.  So, yes, since the Muslims were not the aggressors, then this was Jihad; "Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors.  (The Noble Quran, 2:190)"






Point #2:
(Jihad started with the Bible!  Yet, we don't see the hypocrite saying anything about the Judgement that came upon the enemies in the Bible!)


From www.answering-christianity.com/jihad_in_bible.htm:


Jihad (Fighting for the Cause of GOD Almighty) started with the Bible!

The sections of this article are:

1-  Jihad in the Bible.
2-  Inhumane slavery as a direct result of the Bible's Jihad.
3-  Conclusion.




1-  Jihad in the Bible:

Christians often refer to Islam as a terrorist religion, and they abuse the Arabic word "Jihad" and portray it as a reference to terrorism.  We must not forget that JIHAD began in the Bible, where GOD Almighty Commanded His followers to fight for His Holy Cause.  Let us look at what the Bible says about Jihad:

GOD Almighty Chose the land of Palestine to be the Jews' "Promise Land", and thus, ordered them to go into it and fight the pagans there so they can have possession over it:

Numbers 13:26-28
26 They came back to Moses and Aaron and the whole Israelite community at Kadesh in the Desert of Paran. There they reported to them and to the whole assembly and showed them the fruit of the land.
27 They gave Moses this account: "We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit.
28 But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there.

One simple Question:   Did the disbelievers in the land of Palestine during the times of Moses start any war with the Hebrews who ORIGINALLY came from Egypt??  Absolutely Not!

Later on, the Hebrews or the "Israelites" or the "Jews" (call them as you wish) have committed Pedophilia, Murders and Terrorism against those disbelievers:

"Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.  (Numbers 31:17-18)"

Now what crime did the innocent children and non-virgin women commit in order for them to get killed?


It's funny how one of the 10 Commandments say "Thou shalt not kill.  (Exodus 20:13)", and yet, the bible ordered the killing of innocent children and non-virgin girls.


Also, according to the Talmud's historical elaborations on Numbers 31:17-18 above, Moses gave direct orders for his men to have SEXUAL INTERCOURSE with every VIRGIN GIRLS who was AT LEAST 3 YEARS OLD:


"....The Tannaïtic Midrash Sifre to Numbers in §157 comments on the above quoted commandment of MOSES to kill the Midianite women as well as the male children...."

"....According to the Tannaïte Rabbis, MOSES therefore had ordered the Israelites to kill all women older than three years and a day, because they were "suitable for having sexual relations." [138]...."

"Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse....."

"A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. "A girl three years old may be betrothed through an act of sexual intercourse," the words of R. Meir. And sages say, "Three years and one day old."....."

The detailed quotes, elaborations and bibliography are all listed at:

3-year old girls were forced into sex in the Bible!



Terrorism in Islam?! (click here)
Let's look at the real terrorism in the Bible:

Pedophilia with 3-year old slave girls in the Bible!
Forcing 3-year old slave girls into sex during the Mosaic Law in the Bible!
(click here)

Terrorism: "kill all the boys and non-virgin women" under the Mosaic Law! (click here)

Another killing all men, women, children and animals by Moses! (click here)

Another taking all women and children as spoils of war by Moses!
(click here)

Moses was a murderer before he became a Prophet! (click here)

Both equal: "Kill Righteous and the wicked"! (click here)

Killing all of the
"suckling infants" by the thousands by Saul!
 (click here)

Dashing little children against rocks in the book of Psalm!
Praising the dashing of little children against rocks as a form of revenge! (click here)

42 innocent children were killed using Wild Bears by Prophet Elisha!
Prophet Muhammad on the other hand loved children even those who threw stones at him in the city of Al-Ta'if. (click here)

Maiming of the enemies' bodies under Moses' and David's Laws:
Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their alive bodies on trees until they DIE.
(click here)

David's Selective Murders!
David so carelessly killed an innocent man for only telling him news.
(click here)

X-Rated Pornography in the Bible, by King Solomon!
Literally, women's vaginas and breasts taste like "wine", and brothers can "suck" their sisters' and lovers' privates!
(click here)

Fathers' fingers into their daughters' vaginas!
Under the Mosaic Law, fathers were allowed to do "Digital Defloration" to their daughters.
(click here)

Shutting the loud mouths of those who unjustly attack Islam, with Truth.

Aisha in Islam:

Let's discuss the age of Aisha being 9 when she married our Prophet (CLICK HERE):

1-  See proofs, in the "Aisha being 9" article, from the Bible about little girls as young as 9 were married off and even sold off by their fathers as slave girls to men who were even older than their fathers.

2-  See also irrefutable proofs that pedophilia and terrorism exist in the Bible.  During the Mosaic times in the Bible's Old Testament, 3-year old slave girls were literally forced into sex under Moses' Orders and Command.  You sometimes have to read things twice to believe them!

See also: Maiming of the enemies' bodies in the Bible.   Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their live bodies on trees until they DIE.

*** Killing of innocent children in the Bible.

*** X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

*** Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible.

  See also proofs how Aisha's parents were the ones who married her to our Prophet, and that no Muslim or even pagan objected to the marriage because it was widely practiced.  The reason no one objected was:

  1. People used to have very short life-spans in Arabia.   They used to live between 40 to 60 years maximum.  So it was only normal and natural for girls to be married off at ages 9 or 10 or similar.

  2. Marriage for young girls was widely practiced among Arabs back then, and even today in many third-world non-Muslim and Muslim countries.

Please visit: The age of Aisha, girls similar to her in the Bible, and unbelievable pedophilia against 3-year old slave babies in the pedophilic Bible.

Also visit: Why Muta (temporary) Marriage was allowed and why it was discontinued.




2-  Inhumane slavery as a direct result of the Bible's Jihad:

After the pagans had been defeated and taken as slaves, the Jews had all of them under their possessions:

From http://www.answering-christianity.com/slaves.htm:

Leviticus 25:44-46
"Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly." 

What kind of a human value does the Bible give to slaves?   If slaves and their children must be inherited and passed down to newer generations as slaves, then how in the world will they ever gain their freedom?  Does the Bible believe in Freedom?  Does the Bible believe in liberating human beings from slavery?   Apparently it does not.

Let's compare this with the Noble Quran:

Noble Verse 24:33 "Let those who find not the wherewithal for marriage keep themselves chaste, until God gives them means out of His grace. And if any of your slaves ask for a deed in writing (to enable them to earn their freedom for a certain sum), give them such a deed if ye know any good in them: yea, give them something yourselves out of the means which God has given to you. But force not your maids to prostitution when they desire chastity, in order that ye may make a gain in the goods of this life. But if anyone compels them, yet, after such compulsion, is God, Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (to them)," 

In this Noble Verse, we see that if a slave requests his freedom from his Muslim master, then his master not only must help him earn his freedom if there is good in the slave, but also pay him money so the slave can have a good start in his free life.   We also see in this Noble Verse that slaves are not to be forced into prostitution in anyway.

Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran Commands the Muslims to free their slaves if the slaves want to be free, and to pay them money too so they can have a good jump start in life.  In the Bible on the other hand, we see slaves not being allowed to be freed at all, and on the contrary, they and their children must be inherited forever.

Please visit:  Human equality and freedom in Islam Vs the Bible.



3-  Conclusion:

Due to the ridiculous and constant attacks that the Christian and Western media bring on Islam, it is time to shed the Light of Truth!  Jihad is a Biblical practice before it is Islamic.  In Islam, we are Commanded to fight evil where ever it is and by all means!  It doesn't always have to be through swords and blood shed.  GOD Almighty Commanded the Muslims to fight hard using the Divine Truth of the Noble Quran:

"Therefore listen not to the Unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost strenuousness, with the (Quran).  (The Noble Quran, 25:52)"

"Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: For thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.  (The Noble Quran, 16:125)"

The Bible as shown above is responsible for so much blood shed, pedophilia, murders and terrorism.  Yet, we don't see any Christian minister (who is very knowledgeable about the book) say anything about it.  But when Muslims do commit killing, such as what happened on 9/11, then Hell breaks loose and everyone becomes peaceful and a preacher, and Islam is the only evil thing out there, even though Islam is truly the BEST Peaceful and Just Divine Religion out there if it's practiced right.  Such hypocrisy, lies and deceptions by the ministers and other Islamphobics only survives with the "dumb, deaf and blind (2:18)" as Allah Almighty called them in the Noble Quran.  But to the reasonable and just people, the Truth is always realized, whether it is sooner or later.



Errors and History of Contradictions and Corruption in the Bible.

Jihad in Islam.

Islam and the Laws of War.

Allah, Islam, Quran, Muhammad questions and answers.

What is the place of Jews, Christians and non-Muslims in Islam?

Answering Trinity.

"Allah" was GOD Almighty's Original Name in the Bible according to the Hebrew and Aramaic sources.







Point #3:
(The status of the Jews and their treason against not only the Muslims, but also the Biblical Prophets as well!)


From http://www.answering-christianity.com/craig_winn_jews_rebuttal.htm:


My below responses will be divided into 3 main sections:

1-  The Jews' status in the Bible.
2-  The Noble Quran is clear about the Jews.  Some of them are Great people, and most of them are evil ones.
3-  After the Jews' betrayal to the Prophet peace be upon him, it became necessary to punish them and cleanse them out of the Holy Lands.



1-  The Jews' status in the Bible:

Now according to the Bible itself, most Jews are people of evil, lies and worst of all, betrayal.  Let us look at what the Bible also says about them:

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!  (From the KJV Bible, Matthew 23:37)"

"Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.  (From the KJV Bible, Matthew 21:43)"

"You have heard these things; look at them all. Will you not admit them? "From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you. They are created now, and not long ago; you have not heard of them before today. So you cannot say, 'Yes, I knew of them.'   You have neither heard nor understood; from of old your ear has not been open. Well do I know how treacherous you are; you were called a rebel from birth.   For my own name's sake I delay my wrath; for the sake of my praise I hold it back from you, so as not to cut you off.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 48:6-9)"

"So I will disgrace the dignitaries of your temple, and I will consign Jacob to destruction and Israel to scorn.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 43:28)"

"But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches, go, walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze. This is what you shall receive from my hand: You will lie down in torment.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 50:11)"


Further more from www.answering-christianity.com/bible_quran_differences.htm:

The Bible gives ample evidence of their blasphemy to GOD Almighty.  You can read in full details the following Biblical books:

Exodus 32 -  They built their golden calf god using their jewelry.

Exodus 34 -  The Jews are hard-headed people who don't listen.

Deuteronomy 31 - Moses is concerned about the Jews' future after his death because they are constantly rebellious against the Holy Words and Law of GOD Almighty.

Here are some sample verses from the chapters above:

Exodus 32
1 When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, "Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don't know what has happened to him."

Exodus 32
7 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of Egypt, have become corrupt.
8 They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf. They have bowed down to it and sacrificed to it and have said, 'These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.'
9 "I have seen these people," the LORD said to Moses, "and they are a stiff-necked people.

Exodus 34
8 Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshiped. 9 "O Lord, if I have found favor in your eyes," he said, "then let the Lord go with us. Although this is a stiff-necked people, forgive our wickedness and our sin, and take us as your inheritance."

Deuteronomy 31
25 he gave this command to the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of the LORD :
26 "Take this Book of the Law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God. There it will remain as a witness against you.
27 For I know how rebellious and stiff-necked you are. If you have been rebellious against the LORD while I am still alive and with you, how much more will you rebel after I die!
28 Assemble before me all the elders of your tribes and all your officials, so that I can speak these words in their hearing and call heaven and earth to testify against them.
29 For I know that after my death you are sure to become utterly corrupt and to turn from the way I have commanded you. In days to come, disaster will fall upon you because you will do evil in the sight of the LORD and provoke him to anger by what your hands have made."

Numbers 16
12 Then Moses summoned Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab. But they said, "We will not come!
13 Isn't it enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to kill us in the desert? And now you also want to lord it over us?
14 Moreover, you haven't brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey or given us an inheritance of fields and vineyards. Will you gouge out the eyes of these men? No, we will not come!"

Numbers 14
10 But the whole assembly talked about stoning them. Then the glory of the LORD appeared at the Tent of Meeting to all the Israelites.
11 The LORD said to Moses, "How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the miraculous signs I have performed among them?
12 I will strike them down with a plague and destroy them, but I will make you into a nation greater and stronger than they."

Numbers 14
22 not one of the men who saw my glory and the miraculous signs I performed in Egypt and in the desert but who disobeyed me and tested me ten times-
23 not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their forefathers. No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it.
24 But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.

Numbers 16
29 If these men die a natural death and experience only what usually happens to men, then the LORD has not sent me.
30 But if the LORD brings about something totally new, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them, with everything that belongs to them, and they go down alive into the grave, then you will know that these men have treated the LORD with contempt."
31 As soon as he finished saying all this, the ground under them split apart

Note:    I believe this is where they were transformed into apes and swines according to the Noble Quran.  The earth probably never opened up and swallowed them.  Or may be it did after they were shown to everyone.  Only Allah Almighty Knows about the exact timing.


2-  The Noble Quran is clear about the Jews.  Some of them are Great people, and most of them are evil ones:

From www.answering-christianity.com/blessed_jesus.htm:

What is the place of the Jews and Christians in Islam?

According to Islam, the righteous people from the Jews and Christians will have their Great Reward from Allah Almighty and will enter Paradise.  Let us look at the following Noble Verses:

"And there are, certainly, among the People of the Book [Jews and Christians], those who believe in God, in the revelation to you, and in the revelation to them, bowing in humility to God: They will not sell the Signs of God for a miserable gain! For them is a reward with their Lord, and God is swift in account.   (The Noble Quran, 3:199)"

"Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of God all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration.  They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all) good works: They are in the ranks of the righteous.   (The Noble Quran, 3:113-114)"

"Those who believe (in the Quran), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.   (The Noble Quran, 2:62)"

"Nay,-whoever submits His whole self to God and is a doer of good,- He will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.  (The Noble Quran, 2:112)"

"Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and establish regular prayers and regular charity, will have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.  (The Noble Quran, 2:277)"


The Righteous and Beloved Jews in the Noble Quran:

"Of the people of Moses (i.e., the Jews) there is a section who guide and do justice in the light of truth.  (The Noble Quran, 7:159)"

The above Noble Verses clearly speak about the righteous Jews and Christians who believe in Allah Almighty and do righteousness and will have their Great Reward and enter Paradise.

However, according to Allah Almighty, from among the people of the Book, most of the ones who will gain Paradise are Christians; few of them are Jews.    Let us look at the following Noble Verses:

"Strongest among men in enmity to the believers [Muslims] wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, 'We are Christians': because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. (The Noble Quran, 5:82)" 

"The Jews say: 'God's hand is tied up.' Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for the (blasphemy) they utter. Nay, both His hands are widely outstretched: He giveth and spendeth (of His bounty) as He pleaseth. But the revelation that cometh to thee from God increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. Amongst them we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Judgment. Every time they kindle the fire of war, God doth extinguish it; but they strive to do mischief on earth. And God loveth not those who do mischief. (The Noble Quran, 5:64)"

"But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few - ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for God loveth those who are kind. (The Noble Quran, 5:13)"

We must also know that according to Islam most of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) are perverted transgressors, deceiving, in some cases are hypocrites, and most of them are considered Truth rejecters!  Let us look at the following Noble Verses:

"Ye [Muslims] are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in God. If only the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors. (The Noble Quran 3:110)"    

"And they say: 'None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.' Those are their (vain) desires. Say: 'Produce your proof if ye are truthful.'  (The Noble Quran, 2:111)"

"A section of the People of the Book [Jews and Christians during Prophet Muhammad's time] say: Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers [Muslims], but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam).  (The Noble Quran, 3:72)

"Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: 'The Guidance of God,-that is the (only) Guidance.' Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against God.  (The Noble Quran, 2:120)"

"They say: 'Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To salvation).' Say thou: 'Nay! (I would rather) the Religion of Abraham the True, and he joined not gods with God.'  (The Noble Quran, 2:135)"


"They do blaspheme who say:  'Allah is Christ the son of Mary.'  But said Christ: 'O Children of Israel!  Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.'    Whoever joins other gods with Allah - Allah will forbid him the Garden, and the Fire will be his abode.  There will for the wrongdoers be no one to help.  (The Holy Quran, 5:72)"


3-  After the Jews' betrayal to the Prophet peace be upon him, it became necessary to punish them and cleanse them out of the Holy Lands:

From http://www.alminbar.com/khutbaheng/819.htm:


Let us never forget that the Jews fought against the most honourable person and the master of the Prophets and Messengers; our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, until the very last moment of his life, despite the fact that they knew for certain that he was the seal of the Prophets which the Torah and the Bible had mentioned. They also knew for sure that Allaah would grant him victory over them and all other disbelievers; but despite all of this, they still fought, betrayed and deceived him. Moreover, they actually plotted to assassinate him sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and never lowered the banner of war against him.

During the worst and most difficult times of times for the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, at the battle of the trench, while there were armies surrounding Madeenah, the Jews plotted to kill the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and his companions from within Madeenah. The companions, may Allah be pleased with them, were having a terrible experience during this battle, yet the Jews of Banu Quraydhah (who were one of the Jewish tribes of Madeenah), at this most critical of times, broke the pledge of non-aggression and mutual defence which they given to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.

The Jews intimidated the Muslims, which added to their sense of fear and danger of being in Madeenah. Their families were at great risk and had it not been for the mercy of Allaah, the Jews of Banu Quraydhah would have started another front in the war against the Muslims from within, just when the Muslims were at their most vulnerable.

Allaah rendered the Jews plans as futile as well as those of the confederate tribes who had surrounded Madeenah. He sent down His angels who cast terror into the hearts of the confederates and they withdrew, leaving the Jews of Banu Quraydhah alone with no support. 

When the battle was over, the Muslim army and the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam went back to their homes. He sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam then took off his armour and began to have a wash when the angel Jibreel, peace be upon him, came to him and said: “O Messenger of Allaah! You have taken off your armour, but I swear by Allaah that the angels have not yet put down their weapons, go to them” (and he pointed in the direction of Banu Quraydhah). Thereupon, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam instructed an envoy to command the Muslim army to go to attack Banu Quraydhah by proclaiming: “None of you should pray ‘Asr until they are within the territory of Banu Quraydhah.” After this, the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam set out with his army of believers who numbered close to three-thousand mujaahideen.

Banu Quraydhah were surrounded and blockaded for more than twenty nights until they offered to surrender on the condition that Sa’d Ibn Mu’aadh, may Allaah be pleased with him, would act as an arbiter in their case. They asked for this because he, may Allaah be pleased with him, was from the tribe of Aws who were their allies before Islaam and therefore they hoped that he would give a biased judgement in their favour. Also, they refused the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam as a judge because they where afraid of the consequences of his judgement.

So the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam sent for Sa’d, who was injured during the battle and therefore had to be carried. The judgement of Sa’d was that all their men should be beheaded, their properties be seized and distributed among the Muslims and that their women and offspring be held captive. Thereupon, the Messenger of Allaah exclaimed:Allaahu Akbar! O Sa’d! You have judged by the command of Allaah.”

Indeed, this is the judgment of Allaah with regard to the Jews who are the people of betrayal, deception, evil and corruption; the people who exhibited these repugnant characteristics even with the most honourable of the creations of Allaah; His Prophets and Messengers.


From http://www.islamic-message.net/English/Books/lopm/chptr21.htm:


           WHEN the Prophet (Pbuh) first arrived in Medina, the Jews whowere living there had welcomed him. The Prophet (Pbuh) had returned their greeting, as he wished to be on good terms with them. An agreement was also reached between the Muslims and the Jews, which gave the Jews the freedom to practice their religion andwhich also set out their rights and their duties. Among these duties was that in the case of war with Quraysh, the Jews would fight on the side of the Muslims.

            Despite this agreement, however, some of the Jewish tribes, who resented the Prophet's presence in Medina, soon began to cause trouble amongst the Muslims. They tried to set the Muslim Emigrants from Mecca and the Ansar against each other. The troublemakers were given many warnings but they continued to be a nuisance. In the end, the Muslims had no choice but to drive them from Medina. A new agreement was offered those Jews who remained but the trouble did not end there. One of the Jewish tribes, the Bani Nadir plotted to murder the Prophet (Pbuh) but their plan was discovered and they, too, were exiled from the city. Knowing that they could not defeat the Muslims themselves, some of the leaders of the exiled Jews secretly went to Mecca to enlist the help of Quraysh. Knowing what the Meccans would like to hear, they pretended to believe in the same things. They said that they thought that the old Arab tradition was better than the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) and that they believed that the Quraysh religion of worshipping many idols was better than the Prophet's with only one God. Then the Jews told them that if all the Arab tribes attacked Medina, the Jews inside the city would help to defeat the Prophet (Pbuh) and Islam once and for all.

            The leaders of Quraysh were pleased to hear all this and seizing on what seemed to them a very good opportunity, agreed to the plan and began to gather together a formidable army. In the meantime in Medina, only one Jewish tribe, the Bani Quraydhah, refused to betray the Muslims.

            Eventually the Muslims learned of the preparations being made for war in Mecca and of the plotting of the Jews within Medina itself. The betrayal of the Muslims by the Jews did not surprise the Prophet (Pbuh), who said of them: 'The hearts of the Jews have become closed to the truth. They have forgotten what Muses taught them long ago that there is only one God.'

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

 The likeness of those who are entrusted with the

Law of Moses, yet apply it not, is as the likeness of the ass carrying books.

Evil is the likeness of the people who deny the revelations of Allah. And Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.

(Koran lxii.5)

           The Muslims wondered how they could defend Medina. They heard that Abu Sufyan was coming to attack them with an enormous army which included many other Arab tribes, as well as Quraysh. What were theyto do with only a single week to prepare? The Prophet (Pbuh) and his men knew that it would be impossible for them to fight off all these tribes! The only thing they could do was to stay inside the city and try to defend it as best they could.

            Now among the people of Medina was a Persian named Salman, who had to live in the city some time before the Prophet's arrival there. As a convert to Christianity he had traveled to Medina after Christian sages had told him that a Prophet would be born in Arabia. On arriving in Medina he was, however, sold into slavery by the merchants with whom he had traveled. Later he became a Muslim, gained his freedom and became a member of the Prophet's household.

            When the people gathered to discuss a plan of action against the approaching enemy, Salman was present and it was he who suggested that they should dig a trench around the city. The Prophet (Pbuh) thought this a good idea, so the Muslims set to work, although it was in the middle of winter. They worked day and night, digging the trench as quickly as possible. The Prophet (Pbuh) himself carried rocks and when the men were tired he gave them the will to carry on. Someone later recalled how beautiful he looked, dressed in a red cloak with dust upon his breast and his dark hair nearly reaching his shoulders.

            There was little food at this time and the men were often hungry as they worked. On one occasion, however, a little girl gave some dates to the Prophet (Pbuh), which he spread out on a cloth. The men were then called to eat and the dates kept increasing in number until everyone had been fed. Even after everyone had eaten their fill, the dates continued to increase so that there were more than the cloth could hold.

            Similarly, there is the story of the lamb, that has come down to us from one who was there: 'We worked with the Apostle at the trench. I had a half-grown lamb and I thought it would be a good thing to cook it for Allah's Messenger. I told my wife to grind barley and make some bread for us. I killed the lamb and we roasted it for the Prophet (Pbuh). When night fell and he was about to leave the trench, I told him we had prepared bread and meat and invited him to our home. I wanted him to come on his own, but when I said this he sent someone to call all the men to come along. Everyone arrived and the food was served. He blessed it and invoked the Name of Allah over it. Then he ate and so did all of the others. As soon as one lot were satisfied, another group came until all the diggers had eaten enough, but still there was food to spare.

            On March 24, 627 A.D., Abu Sufyan arrived with more than ten thousand men. The Muslims numbered only three thousand. Quraysh and their allies surrounded Medina but between the two armies was the long, wide trench. The Prophet (pbuh) and his men stayed behind this trench for nearly a month defending the city against their more powerful enemy. Many times warriors tried to cross the trench and enter the city, but each time they were pushed back by the Muslims. The Muslims were afraid that if any did manage to cross over, the Jews inside Medina would join forces with them and the Muslims would be beaten. The Jewish tribe of Bani Quraydhah, who had stood by the agreement with the Muslims, were pressed by a Jewish emissary from the enemy without, to break their promise. Eventually they agreed to do so and when the news of this reached the Prophet (pbuh) and his companions they were greatly troubled. Sa'd ibn Mu'adh, the leader of the tribe of Aws, was sent by the Prophet (pbuh) with two other men to find out if this were true. When they arrived in the part of Medina where the Jews lived, they found were even worse than they had previously thought. Sa'd ibn Mu'adh, whose tribe was closely allied with the Bani Quraydhah, tried to persuade their leader not to break the treaty with the Muslims, but he refused to listen. This meant that the Muslims could not relax their guard for one moment, for they were now threatened not only by the enemy beyond the trench, but by the Bani Qurayzah, within the walls of the city.

            Things became more difficult for the Muslims day by day. It was extremely cold and food began to run out. To make matters worse, the Bani Qurayzah began openly and actively to join forces with the other Jews and cut off all supplies to the Muslims, including food. The enemies of Islam then planned how to capture Medina.

            The situation looked desperate and the Prophet (pbuh) prayed to Allah to help the Muslims defeat their enemies. That very night a sandstorm blew up which buried the tents of Quraysh. The storm continued for three days and three nights making it impossible for the enemy to light a fire to cook a meal or warm themselves by.

            On one of these dark nights the Prophet (pbuh) asked one of his men, Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman, to go on a dangerous mission. The Prophet (pbuh) told him to make his way across the trench to the enemy camp where he should find out what they were doing.

            With much difficulty Hudhayfah crossed the trench and made his way to a circle of Quraysh warriors talking in the darkness. He sat near them, but as there was no fire, no one noticed him. He then heard Abu Sufyan's voice: 'Let us go hom!' he said. 'We have had enough. The horses and camels are dying, the tents keep blowing away, most of the equipment has been lost, and we can not cook our food. There is no reason to stay!' Shortly after hearing this Hudhayfah made his way quickly and quietly back across the trench and the next morning the Muslims rejoiced to find that what he had overheard had come true-Quraysh and their allies had gone away! The siege of Medina had ended in a great victory for Islam.

            But this was not to be the end of the difficulties, for the Archangel Gabriel came to the Prophet (pbuh) and told him that he should punish the Bani Qurayzah for betraying him and the Muslims. On hearing this, the Prophet (pbuh) ordered the Muslims to march against the Bani Qurayzah as they hid in their fortress. The Muslims besieged them for twenty-five days until they finally gave in. On surrendering, they asked the Prophet (pbuh) to let someone judge their case, and he agreed. He also allowed them to choose who would give the ruling.

            The man chosen to judge the Bani Qurayzah was Sa'd ibn Mu'adh, leader of the Aws, a tribe which had always protected Bani Qurayzah in the past. Sa'd ibn Mu'adh who had himself been wounded in the battle, decided that the Jews should be tried by their own Holy Law, according to which anyone who broke a treaty would be put to death. As a result all the men of the Bani Qurayzah were executed and the women and children made captive.

            If the Jews had succeeded in their pact, Islam would have been destroyed. Instead from that day on, Medina became a city where only Muslims lived. Very soon after peace had been restored to Medina, Sa'd ibn Mu'adh died of his wounds. It was said that the Archangel Gabriel came in the middle of that night and said to the Prophet (pbuh) 'O Muhammad, who is this dead man? When he arrived, the doors of heaven opened and the Throne of Allah shook.' The Prophet (pbuh) got up as soon as he heard this, but found that Sa'd was already dead. Although he had been a heavy man, the men who carried his body to the grave found it quite light. They were told that the angels were helping them. When he was buried, the Prophet (pbuh) said three times 'Subhan Allah!' (Glory be to Allah!), and 'Allahu Akbar!' (Allah is Most Great!). When asked why he did this, he replied, 'The grave was tight for this good man, until Allah eased it for him.' This is one of the rewards that Allah gives to martyrs and good Muslims.





He wrote:



    Opening Volume VIII of Tabari’s History, The Victory of Islam, we are confronted by an editor’s note. Rather somber in tone, it reveals that years five through eight of the Islamic Era were ugly. We discover: “The religion embodied in the Qur’an changed dramatically. Mecca capitulated. Medina became a purely Muslim polity. The last remaining Jewish tribe was annihilated. Internal Arab opposition from the ‘hypocrites,’ disintegrated. In short, although Muhammad had begun the period as a local phenomenon, by the end he was ‘King of Arabia.’”
    But some things remained the same. If six wives were good, seven were better. Tabari VIII:1 “In this year the Messenger married Zaynab bt. Jahsh [a first cousin].” But it wasn’t as simple as all of that. The story that follows may be more shocking than pedophilia—and that’s because Allah wallows in it.
    It begins with our hero stumbling into the home of his adopted son Zyad. “Allah’s Messenger came to the house of Zayd bin [son of] Muhammad. Perhaps the Messenger missed him at that moment. Zaynab, Zayd’s wife, rose to meet him. Because she was dressed only in a shift, the Holy Prophet turned away from her. She said: ‘He is not here. Come in, you are as dear to me as my father and mother!’    Muhammad refused to enter. Zaynab had dressed in haste when she heard that the Prophet was at her door. She jumped up eagerly and excited the admiration of Allah’s Messenger, so that he turned away murmuring something that could scarcely be understood. However, he did say overtly, ‘Glory be to Allah Almighty, who causes hearts to turn!’” (That, of course, would make Allah the god of lust, better known as Lucifer.)
    Since the Islamic Era dawned with pedophilia, it should be no surprise that our lustful libertine has migrated to the verge of incest. The same man who asked his son Ali to serve as bait for Arab swordsmen in Mecca and a Jewish rock roller in Medina now sends his other son, Zayd, off on a terrorist raid so that he might excitedly admire his daughter-in-law. Glory be.
    Tabari VIII:2 “When Zayd came home Zaynab told him that Muhammad had come. Zayd said, ‘Why didn’t you ask him to come in?’ Zaynab replied, ‘I asked him but he refused.’ ‘Did he say anything?’ ‘Glory be to Allah Almighty, who causes hearts to turn!’ So Zayd went to Muhammad. ‘Prophet, I have heard that you came to my house. Why didn’t you go in? [Dad,] Perhaps Zaynab has excited your admiration, so I will leave her.’”
    Tabari VIII:3 “Zayd left her, and she became free. While the Messenger of Allah was talking with Aisha, a fainting overcame him. When he was released from it, he smiled and said, ‘Who will go to Zaynab to tell her the good news? Allah has married her to me.’” Gods like that can only be found buried in Arabian rock piles. “Then the Holy Prophet recited [Qur’an 33] to the end of the passage. Aisha said, ‘I became very uneasy because of what we heard about her beauty and another thing, the loftiest of matters—what Allah had done for her by personally giving her to him in marriage. I said that she would boast of it over us.’” The victim of prophetic pedophilia had become so insecure, she was jealous of the object of inspired incest. This isn’t a very attractive picture.
    Before we peek into the 33rd surah to see why the god of Islam authorized his lone prophet to indulge in this kind of immorality, let's examine a second Hadith. Incest is a serious offense. If Allah’s lone conduit was guilty of such a crime, he became worthy of condemnation, not admiration. Tabari VIII:4 “One day Muhammad went out looking for Zayd. Now there was a covering of haircloth over the doorway, but the wind had lifted the covering so that the doorway was uncovered. Zaynab was in her chamber, undressed, and admiration for her entered the heart of the Prophet. After that Allah made her unattractive to Zayd.’”
    Now that we have exposed Zaynab and confirmed that the motive was lust, it’s time to expose Allah and the nature of Muhammad’s situational scriptures. While the 33rd surah, called “The Confederates,” isn’t the Qur’an’s most lethal, it is the most vulgar. 033.001 “Prophet (Muhammad)! Fear Allah, and do not obey the Disbelievers and Hypocrites: Lo! Allah is Knower, Wise.” A second translation says: “Prophet! Be careful of Allah and do not comply with the unbelievers and hypocrites.” Allah is condemning “hypocrites,”—the same people Muhammad has been assailing for being peaceful and disobedient Muslims. But in the context of this story on incest, it’s lunacy for him to do so. Our boy was committing pedophilia while lusting for incest and Allah had the nerve to call his critics hypocrites! The greatest hypocrite who ever lived prevailed by projecting his own faults on those with the good sense to question his scandalous lifestyle.
    033.002 “Follow that which comes to you by inspiration from your Lord: for Allah is well acquainted with (all) that you do.” The last Hadith said that while engaged in pedophilia with Aisha, the prophet was inspired to commit incest with Zaynab. If you were wavering on whether the Qur’an was divine revelation or simply situational scriptures, you have just been given a rather poignant clue. Imagine the preposterousness of God jotting down and then endorsing a specific incident of prophet immorality before creating the universe and then handing such rubbish down to a pirate as his final revelation to mankind. Yet that is precisely what must have happened if Islam is to be believed.
    033.003 “And put your trust in Allah; enough is Allah as a disposer of affairs. Allah has not made for any man two hearts in his body: nor has He made your wives whom you divorce your mothers: nor has He made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths. But Allah tells the Truth, and He shows the (right) Way.” Endorsing incest is sticky business. So that we aren’t too rash in our condemnation, let’s give the Islamic god another chance: “Allah hath not assigned unto any man two hearts within his body, nor hath He made your wives whom ye declare your mothers, nor hath He made those whom ye claim (to be your sons) your sons. This is but a saying of your mouths. But Allah saith the truth and He showeth the way.” That translation wasn’t any better.
    A third and fourth translation serve to confirm my original theory of child abuse stemming from Muhammad’s mother having abandoned him. If this occurred it would explain why he craved women, why he mistreated them, and why he saw them fulfilling maternal roles. “Allah has not made for any man two hearts within him; nor has He made your wives who you liken to your mother, nor has He made those whom you assert to be your sons your real sons...” And: “...your wives whom you declare to be like your mother, your real mother...”
    Next, the dark spirit of Islam demeans adoption to satiate Muhammad’s cravings. 033.005 “Call them by (the names of) their fathers: that is juster in the sight of Allah. But if ye know not their father’s (names, call them) your brothers in faith, or your slaves. But there is no blame on you if ye make a mistake therein. (What counts is) the intention of your heart: and Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.”
    This pretence of scripture continues to wallow in the muck of Muhammad’s troubled mind. 033.006 “The Prophet has a greater claim on the faithful than they have on themselves, and his wives are their mothers. And the possessors of relationship have the better claim in the ordinance of Allah to inheritance, one with respect to another, than (other) believers, and (than) those who have fled: nevertheless do what is just to your closest friends: This is written in the Book.” Let me take a whack at interpreting this for you. A fifty-seven year-old man in bed with a twelve year-old girl just told us that his god, a pagan rock idol, inspired him to say that he has first dibs on anyone and anything he covets. Then he says that his claim to inheriting the Ka’aba Inc. is superior to others. But to assure that the Meccan Muslims would continue supporting him, he says that they are next in line. What makes this so damning is that the justification is alleged to be scriptural. It’s the heavenly endorsement of the Profitable Prophet Plan—the means to steal power, sex, and money.
    Islam is a paper-thin scam. It was perpetrated to satisfy Muhammad’s insecurity. Bukhari:V8B78N628 “The Prophet was holding Umar’s hand. ‘O Allah’s Apostle! You are dearer to me than everything except my own self.’ The Prophet said, ‘No, by Him in Whose Hand my soul is, you will not have faith till I am dearer to you than your own self.’ Then Umar said, ‘However, now, by Allah, you are dearer to me than my own self.’ The Prophet said, ‘Now, Umar, you are a believer.’” That was all there was to Islam.
    But so that it wouldn’t be obvious to the unthinking, Muhammad confounded them with garbage like: 033.007 “And remember We took from the prophets their covenant: As from thee: from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: We took from them a solemn covenant: That (Allah) may question the (custodians) of Truth concerning the Truth they (were charged with): And He has prepared for the Unbelievers a grievous Penalty.” A second translation reads: “That He may ask the loyal of their loyalty. And He hath prepared a painful doom for the unbelievers.” Even with the parenthetical explanations added by the translators, it’s senseless. “Covenants” are reciprocal agreements; they can’t be taken. And why lash out at unbelievers? What have they done?
    If I’m right, what’s really happening here is that Muhammad made a deal with the Devil. Satan promised him power, sex, and money. But Lucifer wanted something in return—Islam—a doctrine founded on deceit, death, and damnation. He wanted to be worshiped as God. (Not loved, by the way, which is why Islamic “worship” is comprised entirely of obligatory duties and prostrations.) And knowing that there was a real God, Lucifer wanted Yahweh’s chosen people abused and their scriptures assailed. Then he wanted Muhammad to attack Christ, revealing scripture that placed the Messiah beneath him. And from what I can tell, they both got what they bargained for.
    But the Demonic Covenant, the Religion of fools, by fools, and for fools, was too foolish to remember what had happened one battle to the next. So now we’re told that the Badr victory was due to a hurricane. 033.009 “O ye who believe! Remember the Grace of Allah, on you, when there came down an army. But We sent against them a hurricane and forces that ye saw not: but Allah sees all that ye do. Behold! They came on you from above you and from below you, and behold, the eyes became dim and the hearts gaped up to the throats, stupefied with terror, and ye imagined various vain thoughts about Allah!” The deceitful duo is protesting: “I know you couldn’t see the angels, and a hurricane in Arabia is pushing it, but trust me on this, they were there all the same. Sure, it seems laughable, causing you to think various vain thoughts about Allah, but you just gotta believe us. Otherwise, how am I going to justify stealing your money, mind, soul, and freedom?”
    In a related Hadith: Bukhari:V8B75N417 “Allah’s Messenger said, ‘Allah has some angels who look for those who think about Allah while they’re out [fighting] and they encircle them with their wings. Allah [who hears all] asks these angels, ‘What do my slaves say?’ The angels reply, ‘Allahu Akbar!’ Allah [who sees all] asks, ‘Can they see Me?’ The angels answer, ‘No. They can’t see you.’ Allah [who knows all] says, ‘How would it have been if they had seen Me?’ ‘If they had seen You [one spirit said to another] they would have worshiped you more.’ Allah [who created the largest brothel] asks, ‘What do they desire?’ ‘They ask for your Paradise.’ ‘Have they seen it?’ ‘No. But if they had they would covet it all the more.’ ‘What do they fear?’ ‘Hell Fire.’ ‘Have they seen it?’ ‘No. If they had seen it they would flee it with extreme fear.’ Allah said, ‘I will not reduce every Companion to misery.’” Lucifer knows that fear is more compelling than lust. That is why his brothel is described in five surahs and hell’s torments are threatened 1,000 times.
    Moving on with our romp through Muhammad’s personal scriptures, we learn that even the militants were aghast. 033.011 “In that situation the Believers were sorely tried and shaken as by a tremendous shaking. And behold! The Hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease said: ‘Allah and His Messenger promised us nothing but delusion!’ Or… “Allah and His Messenger promised only to deceive us.” The bad Muslims, or hypocrites, are now “diseased” because they had the common sense and courage to say that Muhammad’s mutterings were deceptive. In Islam, morality is a sickness. Sanity is a disease.
    Returning to Uhud, the prophet reveals: 033.013 “Behold! A party among them said: ‘Men of Yathrib! You cannot stand (the attack); therefore go back!’ And a band of them asked for leave of the Prophet, saying, ‘Our houses are bare and exposed,’ though they were not exposed. They intended nothing but to run away. If the enemy [Meccan merchants] had entered from all sides [of Yathrib] and had they been exhorted to treachery, they would have committed it, and they would not have hesitated.” In Islam, peace is treachery. Everything is upside down.
    Next, our tattered hero uses the Pledge of Aqabah, the oath of war that preceded the Hijrah, to condemn peaceful Muslims: 033.014 “And yet they had already covenanted with Allah not to turn their backs, and a covenant with Allah must be answered.” At the Pledge of Aqabah, allegiance was sworn to Muhammad, not Allah. The first Muslims said it was an “oath to wage war against all mankind.”
    In a second translation: “And verily they had already sworn to Allah that they would not turn their backs (to a foe). An oath to Allah must be adhered to. Say: ‘Running away will not profit you if you are running away from death or slaughter; and even if (you escape), no more than a brief (respite) will you be allowed!’” This verse is so devastating to the “peaceful myth” of Islam, it deserves a third look: “Say: Flight will not avail you if you flee from death, killing, or slaughter. In that case you will not be allowed to enjoy yourselves but a little while. Say, ‘Who will screen you, saving you from Allah if he intends to harm and injure you?’”
    This sounds like Stalin’s command at the battle of Stalingrad. He ordered his comrades to eliminate any Russian who fled from death, killing, or slaughter. There were as many guns pointed at their backs as there were in their faces. Muhammad and Allah are saying the same thing to their comrades. “If you don’t fight to the death for us, we will kill you ourselves.” And throughout time good Muslims have done just that. They have slaughtered millions more bad Muslims than they have good infidels.
    Pacifists really annoyed Islam’s war god. 033.018 “Verily Allah already knows those among you who keep back and those who say to their brethren, ‘Come along to us,’ but come not to the fight in the stress of battle except for just a little while. Being covetous and niggardly with respect to you; but when fear comes, you will see them looking to you, their eyes rolling like one swooning because of death. But when the fear is gone they smite you with sharp tongues, covetous of goods, in their greed for wealth (from the spoil). Such men have no faith, and so Allah has made their deeds of none effect: and that is easy for Allah.” Bad Muslims pretend to go along with the program but when the going gets tough, they don’t fight; they faint. They only want the booty. So Allah will nullify their deeds sending every peaceful Muslim to hell.
The devilish duet consistently defines “bad Muslims” as nonviolent. 033.020 “They...wish the allied clans were (wandering) in the desert among the Bedouins. But if they were in your midst, they would only battle or fight with them for moment.”
    The next verse is among the most important in Islam. It makes every word in the Hadith relevant. 033.021 “You have in (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct for any one to follow.” Islamic terrorists the world over are doing just that. They are following the “beautiful pattern of conduct” established by Muhammad. They are simply following his example, heeding Allah’s advice.
    Other translations read: 033.021
“Verily in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example for him who looks unto Allah and the Last Day.” Or: “Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent prototype...” And: “You have indeed a noble paradigm [archetype, exemplar, standard, model, or role model] to follow in Allah’s Apostle.” The Hadith agrees with Allah’s assessment. BukhariV7B63N1891 “Indeed in the Apostle of Allah you have a good example to follow.”
    Reading the Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, and Muslim Hadith Collections is essential because Allah told Muslims to follow Muhammad’s example. Yet the behavior recorded in these books is criminal. They say that Muhammad was incestuous, a pedophile, pirate, liar, thief, sexual libertine, rapist, sadist, sexist, assassin, kidnapper, slave trader, racist and war-mongering terrorist. He got his jollies slaughtering all who didn’t capitulate. So following his example would make one a very bad person.
    If you think the world needs more people like Muhammad, then let’s let Muslims build more mosques. And while we’re at it, let’s continue to transfer a billion dollars a day into the coffers of those who manufacture men in the mold of Muhammad. Just think of what a wonderful world it would be.
    I’m going to skip over the next seven verses of the 33rd surah, called the “Allied Troops.” They speak of atrocities yet to come. Another battle must be fought with the Arabs and another Jewish settlement must be annihilated before we are ready to hear Allah’s justification.
    But you need to know that the transition I have omitted (for now) is the worst in the Qur’an. Satan segues from genocide to lust without a single intervening verse. It’s proof that the Qur’an was composed by a lesser life form. While we will review these passages later, the 26th and 27th verses of the 33rd surah are the most heinous in the Qur’an. They speak of horrific terror, Holocaust style genocide, grand larceny, and selling women and children into slavery. Then without missing a beat, Allah speaks to Muhammad about his playthings, his wives and consorts, and their glittering adornments: 033.028 “O Prophet, say to your wives and consorts: ‘If you desire this world’s life and its glittering adornment, then come! I will provide them for your enjoyment and set you free in a handsome manner. And if you desire Allah and His Messenger and the latter abode, then lo! Allah hath prepared for the good-doers an immense reward.” It’s hard to tell if the prophet wasn’t desirable and was thus trying to buy sex or if he wanted to bribe his consorts into leaving so that he could collect a fresh batch.
    Aisha explains: BukhariV7B63N188 “The Prophet gave us the option (to remain with him or to be divorced) and we selected Allah and His Apostle.” Even when it came to sex, Allah and his Apostle were inseparable. It’s another important clue.
    The addition of Zaynab and her exotic charms to the prophet’s lair stirred up a hornet’s nest and caused dissention in the ranks. So the unbridled pervert had his “god” warn the remainder of his sex toys: 033.030 “O Consorts of the Prophet! If any of you are guilty of unseemly conduct, shamelessness, or lewdness, the punishment will be doubled, and that is easy for Allah. But any of you that is devout, obedient, and submissive in the service to Allah and His Messenger, and does good, to her shall We grant her reward twice. We have prepared for her a generously rich provision.”
    When situational scriptures focus on murdering neighbors, stealing property, and sexual submissiveness, we have a problem. Good and bad Muslims alike have read these “scriptures” for 1400 years, and yet they seem oblivious to the fact they are ungodly. Therefore, one of only two conclusions can be drawn. Either Islam has corrupted souls and corroded minds to the point that Muslims can no longer reason, or the sword of Islam has prevented them from acting rationally. But either way, unless we free Muslims from Islam and establish in its stead a credible educational curriculum, there is no hope. Tyranny and terror will march on for benefit of cleric and king.
    Under the pretense of Qur’an revelation, Muhammad lectured his wives and put down the revolt that emanated from his incestuous act. 033.032 “O Consorts of the Prophet! You are not like any of the (other) women.    Fear and keep your duty, lest one in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire. Stay quietly in your apartment. Make not a dazzling display like that of the former times of Ignorance. Perform the devotion, pay the zakat; and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah wishes to cleanse you with a thorough cleansing. And bear in mind that which is recited in your houses of the revelations of Allah and the wisdom.” It’s hard to believe that anyone thinks these self-serving words are scripture.
    His harem in check, we find Muhammad confirming the central message of Islam: surrender, submit, obey, and pay. 033.035 “Lo! Men who surrender, and women who submit, and who believe and obey…who are humble, and pay the tax, and men who fast and guard their modesty and private parts—Allah hath prepared for them forgiveness and a vast reward.” While forgiveness sounds religious, contemplate what one might be forgiven for doing. Allah has condoned every perverse act known to man. And while we’re poking holes, ponder why a doctrine built on predestination rather than choice would even bother with forgiveness.
    By way of example: 033.036 “It is not fitting for a Muslim man or woman to have any choice in their affairs when a matter has been decided for them by Allah and His Messenger. They have no option. If any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a wrong Path.” That was a wonderful explanation of Muhammad’s motivation for implementing Islam. And it coincides perfectly with Hitler’s motivation for implementing Nazism.
    Now that Allah has reconfirmed that Islam is devoid of choice, merely a doctrine of submission, it’s time for another situational scripture condoning incest—the marriage of a father to his daughter-in-law. Muhammad’s Muslims knew it was wrong, and they were assailing their dictator. So the tyrant said his spirit friend revealed a verse which I’m going to leave in “King James” English so that you might appreciate its religious flair. (As an interesting aside, I was curious as to how long ago the “thee and thou” translation was made so as to determine if using 400-year-old English was reasonable or just another Islamic deception. The first Qur’an I opened said that it was completed courtesy of a 1419 A.H. endowment. That’s the year 2041 A.D.) 033.037 “Behold! Thou didst say to one who had received the grace of Allah and thy favor: ‘Retain thou thy wife, and fear Allah.’ But thou didst hide in thy mind and thy heart that which Allah was about to make manifest: thou didst fear the people, but it is more fitting that thou shouldst fear Allah. Then when Zayd had dissolved (his marriage) with her, with the necessary (formality), We gave her to thee, joining her in marriage to thee: in order that there may be no difficulty or sin for the Believers in the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality) (their marriage) with them. And Allah’s command must be fulfilled.” The odds against our Creator approving incest are incalculable.
    Not finished indicting himself, Satan now claims that incest is an ordained duty, that all messengers are scumbags, and that old societal values are passé. 033.038 “There can be no difficulty, harm, or reproach to the Prophet in doing what Allah has ordained to him as a duty. It was the practice (approved) of Allah amongst those of old that have passed away. And the commandment of Allah is a decree determined. (It is the practice of those) who deliver the Messages of Allah, and fear Him. Allah keeps good account.    Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Last of the Prophets with the Seal: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.” The prophetic nature of the hairy mole “seal” on his back was as phony as he was. And no prophet was ever commanded to be immoral.
    In the next series of verses the god of incest wallows in self promotion. He bribes Muslims with promises of generous rewards, and he says that his overly sexed messenger is “a lamp spreading light.” This is followed by another attack on the “bad” Muslims—the Hypocrites—who were obviously troubled by the “prophet’s” immorality. 033.048 “And obey not (the behests) of the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites. Disregard their noxious talk and heed not their annoyances, but put thy trust in Allah. For enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.”
    No sane person would even contemplate uttering the following words. Muhammad’s willingness to satiate his carnal desires by attributing them to God takes us beyond depravity. The Qur’an claims that Muhammad could have as many wives as he wanted. He can have sex with prisoners, cousins, nieces, and captives. 033.050 “O Prophet! We have made lawful to you all the wives to whom you have paid dowers [with stolen property]; and those whom your hands possess out of the prisoners of war spoils whom Allah has assigned to you; and daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of your maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated with you; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes her; this is a privilege for you only, and not for the rest of the Believers; We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom they possess; in order that there should be no difficulty for you and that you should be free from blame.”
    Sex with a prisoner is rape—a crime Muhammad would commit countless times with his god’s approval. Sex with family members is incest. Sex with youngsters is pedophilia. Sex with many wives is polygamy. Sex with anyone you wish is either fornication or prostitution, depending on whether money changes hands. And offering fellow militants sex with “the captives they possess” is bribery. There is only one spirit demented enough to approve such a lurid laundry list of offenses—Satan. And frankly, some of this is beneath him.
    Now that Allah had approved pedophilia, rape, incest, fornication, prostitution, bribery, and polygamy, it’s time to ordain an orgy. 033.051 “You may put off whom you please, and you may take to you whomever you desire. You may defer any of them you please, and you may have whomever you desire; there is no blame on you if you invite one who you had set aside. It is no sin. They should all be pleased with whatever you give them. Allah knows what is in your heart.” Wow! Speaking of sex, Allah said: “You may have whomever you desire. There is no blame.” This is so blatantly devoid of morality, it’s a disgrace to call Islam a religion. Even Hitler was better than this.
    Now that we’ve got an orgy going, how about gluttony? And with all this hedonism, Allah wants Muslims to give Muhammad the time he needs to enjoy his brothel (which, by the way, is his mosque—they were literally one in the same). 033.053 “O ye who believe! Enter not the Prophet’s apartments until leave is given you for a meal. (And then) not (so early as) to wait for its preparation. But when you are invited, enter; and, when your meal is ended, then disperse. Linger not for conversation. Lo! that would cause annoyance to the Prophet. Such (behavior) bothers him. He is ashamed to dismiss you, but Allah is not ashamed (to tell you) the truth. And when ye ask (his ladies) for anything, ask them from behind a screen: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and for theirs. Nor is it right for you that you should annoy Allah’s Messenger, or that you should marry his widows after him at any time. Truly such a thing is in Allah’s sight an enormous offense.” This is stunning. Conversation with a “messenger” is an “annoyance.” People “bother” an “apostle.” A “prophet” is “ashamed” to “tell the truth.” After all the evil Allah has drenched us in throughout this surah, this is unconscionable. If conversation is an annoyance, if people are a bother, and if truth is shameful, then there was obviously an ulterior motive for Islam—for it’s for damn sure (literally) it has got nothing to do with revealing truth or saving souls.
    No! Islam is about an insecure man coveting power, sex, and money. Period. The last line is proof. Only an insanely insecure man would fear his widows having sex with another man after he was gone.
    I find it laughable that Muhammad purports the Qur’an to be eternal, a perfect book, written by the pen before time began, when so much of it is preoccupied with his temporal situation and carnal desires. Methinks     Muhammad was making it up as he went along to acquire what he craved.
“Whether you divulge anything or conceal it, verily Allah has full knowledge of all things.” 033.056 “Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet. So O ye who believe! Send your blessings on him, and salute him with all respect—a worthy salutation.” Heil Hitler! “Those who annoy Allah and His Messenger and speak evil things of them—Allah has cursed them in this World and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating Punishment—the doom of torment for the disdained.” It’s not hard to see where der fuhrer got his ideas. 033.058 “And those who annoy or malign Muslims bear (on themselves) a crime of calumny [Hitler’s favorite word] and a glaring sin.”
    Now that we have made Muhammad’s sex toys subservient to their master, and Muslims subservient to Muhammad, it’s time to institute one of the most demeaning religious doctrines of all time—the veiling of Islamic women. 033.059 “Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and all Muslim women to draw cloaks and veils all over their bodies (screening themselves completely except for one or two eyes to see the way). That will be better. They will not be annoyed and molested.” Actually, by degrading women this way, they are “annoyed and molested.”
    With women subdued, Allah wants Muslims to know that those who speak out against his immorality and violence will be terrorized—literally. 033.060 “Truly, if the Hypocrites, those in whose hearts is a disease, those who stir up sedition, the agitators in the City, do not desist, We shall urge you (Muhammad) to go against them and set you over them. Then they will not be able to stay as your neighbor for any length of time. They shall have a curse on them. Whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain without mercy—a fierce slaughter—murdered, a horrible murdering. (Such was) the practice (approved) of Allah among those who lived before. No change wilt thou find in the practice of Allah.” Allah is a confessed murderer. He is a savage and merciless terrorist. According to this surah, he is insatiable. And keep in mind, the crime that earned Allah’s wrath—the godly seizure and torment—was sedition and agitation. If you speak out against Islam’s demonic teachings you will be demonized. It’s little wonder that 49 of the 50 least civil nations on earth are controlled by Islam.
    But Islam isn’t the only doctrine that terrorizes those it cannot subdue. Hitler’s Nazism, Lenin’s Communism, and the Pope’s Catholicism all did the same thing. Three of the four even claimed to have divine authority for inflicting terror. But since we don’t tolerate such behavior any more, why do we tolerate Islam? The Qur’an just ordered Muslims to seize, terrorize, and brutally murder anyone who disagrees with them. “The agitators…have a curse on them. When they are found they will be seized and slain without mercy.” That’s an unconscionable position—one completely incompatible with peace or civility.
    Before we move on, I’d like to make an important distinction. The inspiration for the intolerance and brutality of Islam, Nazism, and Communism is markedly different than that of medieval Catholicism. With Islam, Nazism, and Communism, the founders themselves were the problem. Their religotics were born ugly. Muhammad, Hitler, and Lenin were disgusting, demented, deceitful, power-hungry demagogues. The Catholic clergy had to corrupt Christ’s message to justify their brutality. In fact, they had to hide Christ’s message—outlawing Bibles and sermons in the common tongue—to perpetrate their ill-advised schemes.
    However, if one sees Constantine, not Christ, as Catholicism’s founder, all four religotics are identical. This may be why Pope John Paul II bowed to and kissed a Qur’an publicly, acknowledging his respect for it in front of cameras. It is why item #841 of the Catechism says: “The Church’s relationship with Muslims: The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst whom are the Muslims. They profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.” Such ignorance makes me want to cry.
    Marching ever toward hell, the Qur’an proclaims: 033.064 “Verily Allah has cursed the Unbelievers [whom he defines as Christians in the 5th surah] and has prepared for them a Blazing Fire to dwell in forever. No protector will they find, nor savior. That Day their faces will be turned upside down in the Fire. They will say: ‘Woe to us! We should have obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger!’ ‘Our Lord! Give them double torment and curse them with a very great Curse!’” That’s quite a picture. Allah is threatening to turn us upside down and rub our faces in the fire while Muhammad screams: “Give them a double dose of torment! Curse them!” Something tells me that this really isn’t God speaking and Muhammad isn’t really a prophet. But hey, all I’ve got to go by are their scriptures.
    The next verse requires some explanation. Allah said, 033.069 “Believers, be not like those who annoyed Moses. Allah proved his innocence of that which they alleged.” The allegation isn’t presented in the Qur’an. Allah simply moves on. So I’d like to share a moment of levity. Had Allah really been Yahweh, this is what you would have read in the Torah: Bukhari:V4B55N616 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘The Prophet Moses was a shy person and used to cover his body. An Israeli insulted him, saying, “He covers it because of some defect like leprosy or scrotal hernia.” Allah wished to clear Moses of this allegation, so one day he took off his clothes, put them on a stone and started taking a bath. When he moved towards his clothes the stone took them and fled. Moses picked up his staff and ran after the stone saying, “O stone! Give me back my clothes!” He reached some Israelis who saw him naked, and found him to be the best of what Allah had created. The stone stopped there and Moses took his garments and started hitting the stone with his stick. By Allah, the stone still has some traces of the hitting, three, four or five marks. This was what Allah meant when he revealed the surah saying: “O you who believe! Be you not like those who annoyed Moses. Allah proved his innocence of that which they alleged.”’” I vote we keep the Ten Commandments in the Bible instead.
    The “Allied Troops” surah ends with Allah proclaiming that men were his fourth choice, and that we are foolish and ignorant tyrants. 033.072 “We did indeed offer the opportunity to the Heavens, the Earth, the Mountains, but they refused to take it, being afraid (of Allah’s torment). But man undertook it. He was unjust and foolish. Lo, he has proved a tyrant and fool, ignorant. Allah has to punish the Hypocrites, men and women, and the Unbelievers.” The 33rd surah is sufficient to prove that Islam is a fraud, an intolerant, immoral, and vicious scheme that must be condemned.


    Returning to the Hadith, we find Muhammad out terrorizing his neighbors. Evil is as evil does. Tabari VIII:4/Ishaq:449 “In the fourth year of the Islamic Era the Prophet led a raid against Dumat Jandah because word had reached him that they had approached his territories.”
    This brings us to the Battle of the Trench. Tabari VIII:6 “What brought on the battle, according to what has been reported, was related to the expulsion of the Banu Nadir from their settlements by Allah’s Apostle.”
    Ishaq:450 “The account of the trench is as follows. A group of Jews were the ones who assembled parties against the Messenger. They went to the Quraysh in Mecca and invited them to rid themselves of Muhammad. They said, ‘We will be with you against him until we root him out.’” While it is easy to understand why the Jews who had been harassed, besieged, cast out of their ancestral homes, and looted might have been miffed at our illustrious Profit, their offer couldn’t have been credible to the Quraysh. Since they hadn’t lifted a finger to defend themselves against Muhammad’s aggression, how were they going to assist others?
    Tabari VIII:7 “The Quraysh said: ‘Jews, you are the people of the first Scripture, and you have knowledge about the subject on which we and Muhammad have come to differ. Is our religion better or his?’ ‘Your religion is better,’ they said. ‘You are closer to the truth than he.’” Based upon what we have read in the Hadith and Qur’an, that wasn’t saying much. Voodoo is closer to the truth than Islam.
    Ishaq:450 “They are the ones concerning whom Allah revealed: ‘Have you not seen those to whom a portion of the Scripture has been given? They believe in idols and false deities. They say, “These are more rightly guided than those who believe?”—until the words, “Hell is sufficient for their burning. They are jealous and Allah has cursed them.”’” [Qur’an 4:51] The 4th surah is as packed with perversity and is as delirious as the 33rd. Attributing idols and false deities to the Jews was one of the many incoherent thoughts mumbled by the rock idol who claimed to be the Jewish God.
    Tabari VIII:8/Ishaq:450 “When Muhammad received word of them and what they had determined to do, he laid out a trench to protect Medina. He encouraged the Muslims to dig it with promises of a Heavenly reward. The person who advised him about the trench was Salman. He said, ‘In Persia, whenever we were surrounded, we would dig a trench to protect ourselves.’ Certain men of the hypocrites slacked off and disobeyed the Messenger. They pretended to be too weak to work, slipping away to their families without the knowledge or permission of the Prophet.” As we learned in the 33rd surah, Muhammad considered Muslims to be his personal property.
    Composing scripture in Baghdad three hundred years after the fact, the sages attributed these words to their prophet: Tabari VIII:12/Ishaq:451 “I have heard some stories about the digging of the trench in which there is an example of Allah justifying His Apostle and confirming his prophetic office. For example, Muhammad spat on a rock, sprinkled water on it, and it crumbled. Then the Apostle said, ‘I struck the first blow and what you saw flash out was Iraq and Persia would see dog’s teeth. Gabriel informed me that my nation would be victorious over them. Then I struck my second blow, and what flashed out was for the pale men in the land of the Byzantines to be bitten by the dog’s teeth. Gabriel informed me that my nation would be victorious over them. Then I struck my third blow and Gabriel told me that my nation would be victorious over Yemen. Rejoice, victory shall come. Praise be to Allah. He has promised us victory after tribulation. And this increased the Muslims faith and submission.” With divine approval to make war: Tabari VIII:13 “These cities were conquered in the time of Umar, Uthman, and others. Muslims used to say, ‘Conquer for yourselves whatever seems good to you; for by Allah you have conquered no city but that Muhammad was given its keys beforehand.’”
    Back in the pit: Tabari VIII:13 “When Allah’s Apostle finished the trench, the Quraysh came and encamped near streams with 10,000 men from many tribes. The Messenger went out with 3,000 Muslims. The enemy of Allah, Huyayy bin Akhtab, came to Ka’b bin Asad, who had formed a treaty with the Qurayza [the only remaining Jewish settlement in Yathrib]. Ka’b made a truce with Muhammad on behalf of his people. When Ka’b heard Huyayy, he shut the door in his face. Huyayy asked to be allowed in, but Ka’b refused. ‘Woe to you, Huyayy,’ answered Ka’b. ‘You are a man who brings bad luck. I have made a treaty with Muhammad and will not break the pact. I have seen nothing but faithfulness and truth on his part.’” It’s hard to imagine less believable dialog. The Qurayza, after all, had seen the Qaynuqa and Nadir settlements besieged my Muhammad. They had witnessed his deceit, violence, thievery, and barbarism.
    Tabari VIII:15 “Ka’b said, ‘Leave me alone to deal with Muhammad.’ But Huyayy kept wheedling and twisting until Ka’b yielded. Huyayy promised, ‘If the Quraysh and Ghatafan retreat without having killed Muhammad, I will enter your fortress so that whatever happens to you shall happen to me.’ So Ka’b broke his treaty and renounced the bond.” The Muslims, who can’t keep their own story straight, cannot be believed when it comes to private conversations between opposing parties.
    Tabari VIII:15 “When the news reached Muhammad, he sent Sa’d, chief of the Aws to Ka’b. ‘If it is true, speak to me in words that we can understand but that will be unintelligible to others. So he went out and found them engaged in the worst of what had been reported. They slandered the Messenger and said, ‘There is no treaty between us.’ Sa’d reviled them, and they reviled him. Sa’d was a man with a sharp temper. He told the Jews, ‘Stop reviling him for the disagreement between us is too serious for an exchange of taunts.’” Since Sa’d was easily the most enraged anti-Semite in Medina, the Jews would never have granted him an audience. And once given, they would never taunt him—proclaiming their vulnerability. So why did the Islamic sages go to the trouble of writing such irrational dialog? Might Muhammad have already turned on the Qurayza and needed an excuse to justify his rage? Stay tuned.
    Returning to the siege of the Quraysh we find more evidence that Islam was all about money. Tabari VIII:16/Ishaq:454 “Soon the trial became great for the Muslims and fear intensified. Their foe came at them from above and below, so that the believers were beset with fear. The hypocrisy of the hypocrites became evident. One said, ‘Muhammad was promising us that we should eat up the treasures of Chosroes [the Persians] and Caesar [the Byzantines], and now none of us even can go out to relieve himself!’” We were told way back in Mecca that Muhammad lured Muslims into Islam by promising them that they would steal the treasures of the Persians and Byzantines by conquest. It must have been an effective ploy because even now the Medina Muslims were repeating it.
    Unfortunately for the victims of Islamic terror, the Persian trench prevailed. The merchants of Mecca were unable to traverse the crude defense. Tabari VIII:17 “The Muslims and the polytheists stayed in their positions for twenty nights with no fighting except for the shooting of arrows and the siege. When the trial became great for the people, the Messenger sent for the leaders of the Ghatafan [Meccan comrades]. He offered them a third of the date harvest of Medina on condition that they leave. [The bribe is interesting, as the dates being offered didn’t belong to Muhammad.] The truce between the sides progressed to the point of drawing up a written document, but there was no witnessing or firm determination to make peace; it was only a matter of maneuvering.” The prophet was a shifty fellow. But what I don’t get is Muslims. Since Muhammad was so obviously willing to deceive, cheat, bribe, rape, kidnap, or kill anyone he met, why do they trust him with their soul?
    The date farmers, having been corrupted by Islam, said, Ishaq:454 “Now that Allah has conferred Islam on us, and made us famous, shall we give them our property? By Allah, we will offer them only the sword until Allah judges between us.’ ‘As you wish,’ said Allah’s Messenger.”
    Tabari VIII:18 “The Quraysh rode out on their horses and said, ‘Get ready for warfare. Today you shall know the real horsemen.’ Then they advanced toward the trench [which they had been staring at for a month] and halted by it. When they saw it, they said, ‘By Allah, this is a stratagem that the Arabs have never employed.’” How is it possible that these men could have been so dense that they didn’t simply go to one of the many piles of dirt that had been taken out of the trench and push it back in?
    They didn’t, so we’re told that Ali, the darling of the Shi’ites in Baghdad, challenged Amr to a duel: Tabari VIII:18/Ishaq:455 “‘I summon you to Allah, to His Messenger, and to Islam.’ Amr replied, ‘I have no use for these.’ So Ali said, ‘Then I summon you to fight.’ Amr replied, ‘Why, son of my brother? By Allah, I do not want to kill you.’ Ali shouted, ‘But I, by Allah, want to kill you.’” Islam is so poisonous men actually want to kill family members. “Amr jumped from his horse and advanced toward Ali. The two fought until Ali killed Amr. He shouted, ‘Allahu Akbar!’” Ishaq:456 “As he returned to the Apostle smiling with joy [for having killed his uncle] Jumar asked him if he had stripped Amr of his armor. ‘No,’ Ali answered. ‘I saw his private parts and was ashamed.’”
    Tabari VIII:19 “Nawfal plunged into the trench and became trapped in it. The Muslims pelted him with stones. He said, ‘Arabs, a slaying is better than this.’ So Ali went down and killed him. The Muslims took his corpse. They asked the Messenger to sell them his body. The Prophet said, ‘We have no need for his body or its price. Do with it as you like.’” Just then, our favorite anti-Semite entered the fray. Tabari VIII:20 “His mother said, ‘Hurry up, son; you are late!’ Aisha replied, ‘I wish Sa’d’s coat of mail were ampler. I fear for him.’”
    Ishaq:457 “Sa’d was hit by an Arab arrow and the median vein of his arm was cut. He said, ‘Allah make your face sweat in the hellfire, grant me martyrdom, and do not let me die until I see my desire done to the Qurayza.” This is an odd request, even for an embittered racist. The arrow that had pierced him was from an Arab, not a Jew.
    Speaking of Jews, this next Hadith provides an excellent look into Muslim minds. Tabari VIII:22/Ishaq:458 “Hassan was with the women and children. A Jew passed by and began to walk around his settlement. There was no one to protect them while the Apostle and his Companions were at the Meccans’ throats. So I said: ‘Hassan, this Jew is walking around. I fear he will point out our weakness while the Muslims are too busy to attend to us. So go down to him and kill him.” All this poor Jewish man did was take a walk. Yet in the paranoid mind of a Muslim woman, he was at war.
    Tabari VIII:22/Ishaq:458 “‘Allah forgive you, daughter of Abd al-Muttalib,’ Hassan said. ‘You know that I am not the man to do it.’” Muslim sages reject this Tradition because they are embarrassed by Hassan’s cowardice. They aren’t however, troubled by what happened next…“When he said that to me I saw that nothing could be expected from him. I girded myself, took a club, and, having gone down from the fortress to the man, I struck him with the club until I killed him. When I had finished with him, I returned to the fortress and said, ‘Hassan, go down to him and strip him—only his being a man kept me from taking his clothes.’ Hassan replied, ‘I have no need for his spoils.’” The Jewish man was so menacing, a Muslim woman beat him to death with a club. And Islam was so corrosive, all the Muslim murderer could think about was stealing his possessions. Fundamental Islam did terrible things to people. This woman was so morally disoriented, she had no qualms about clubbing an unarmed man to death, but was too modest to strip him.
    In a Hadith that haunts us today, Muhammad told his fellow militants that deception was an authorized Islamic strategy. Tabari VIII:23/Ishaq:458 “The Messenger and his Companions continued in the fear and distress that Allah has described in the Qur’an. Then Nu’aym came to the Prophet and said, ‘I have become a Muslim, but my tribe does not know of my Islam; so command me whatever you will.’ Muhammad said, ‘Make them abandon each other if you can so that they will leave us; for war is deception.’”
    With prophetic encouragement, our neophyte Muslim went out to mislead non-Muslims. Tabari VIII:23/Ishaq:458 “Nu’aym went to the Qurayza. He had been their drinking companion in the Time of Ignorance. He said, ‘You know my affection for you and the special ties between us.’ ‘Yes,’ they said. ‘You are not a person whom we doubt.’ [If he was honest before Islam and a liar now, what changed him?] “Nu’aym said, ‘The Quraysh and Ghatafan have come to make war on Muhammad, and you have aided them against him.’” By saying this, Nu’aym tied himself directly to Sa’d and Muhammad, and thus identified himself as a Muslim. Therefore, this dialog isn’t believable.
    Nu’aym continued: Tabari VIII:23/Ishaq:458 “‘The position of the Quraysh is not like yours. This land is your land. Your wealth, your children, and your women are in it. You can’t move. The Quraysh live elsewhere. If they see an opportunity and booty, they will take it. If it turns out otherwise, they will return home and leave you exposed to Muhammad. You will lose if you have to deal with him alone. So don’t support the Quraysh until you take hostages from them as assurance they’ll stay.’ They said, ‘You have given good advice.’”
    Long story short, Nu’aym manages to cross the impenetrable trench and scampers off to chat with the Quraysh. Tabari VIII:24 “You know my affection for you and how I have separated from Muhammad. Word has come to me of something that I consider my duty to pass on as a matter of sincere advice. But keep it to yourselves what I say.” Again, this is ridiculous. Nu’aym volunteered for this mission because no one knew that he was a Muslim. If that were so, why would he begin by saying that he had separated from Muhammad? And while we’re pondering that, consider what other things Muslims might be willing to lie about if they are willing to renounce their religious affiliation? Peace? Tolerance?
    Ishaq:459 “‘Then know,’ Nu’aym said, ‘the Jews regret what they did regarding relations with Muhammad. They told him, “Will you forgive us if we take nobles from the Quraysh and give them to you, so that you can behead them?” If the Jews ask for hostages, don’t comply.’” So, with the Meccans duped, the Qurayza Jews crossed the impenetrable trench and told them: Tabari VIII:25 “We will not fight on your side until you give us hostages for we fear that war tests your mettle. When fighting becomes difficult you will go to Mecca, leaving us alone with this man. We do not have the strength to fight with Muhammad.” The ruse worked and the multinational alliance fell apart.
    Then doing what he did best, Lucifer whipped up some nasty weather. Ishaq:459 “Allah sent against them bitter cold winter nights and a wind that overturned their cooking pots, blowing away their tents. This combined with the disagreement and how Allah had disrupted their unity sowed distrust.”    So...“Muhammad began to wonder what they were doing.” Tabari VIII:26 “The Prophet asked, ‘Who will go and spy on the enemy?’ The Messenger stipulated that should he come back, Allah would cause him to enter paradise. But no one stood up. The Prophet prayed and then uttered the same words, but no one volunteered. Again he asked, ‘Whoever goes may be my companion in paradise.’ Yet none stood, so intense was the fear, hunger, and cold.” No one believed Muhammad. The first Muslim militants were obviously in it for the money, for the spoils of piracy and the thrill of terror, not the promises of paradise. If only today’s martyrs understood the implications of this Hadith—one directly from those who fought alongside Islam’s lone Profiteer.
    Cold, hungry, frustrated, duped, and windblown, the merchants of Mecca simply gave up and went home. As a result, they were about to learn a harsh lesson—a lesson America has failed to heed. The consequence of attacking Islam and then departing, allowing it to fester, is fatal.
    Tabari VIII:27 “The next morning, the Prophet left the trench and went back to Medina with the Muslims, and they laid down their weapons.” But not for long: the most disgusting tale in the sorry history of Islam was about to unfold.
    Before we turn the page and deal with the Islamic Holocaust, lets close the book on the Trench. Speaking of it, the 33rd surah says: 033.022 “When the Believers saw the clan’s forces, they said: ‘This is what Allah and his Messenger promised us.’ It added to their faith, obedience, and submission. Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah (and have gone out for Jihad (holy fighting)). Some have completed their vow to extreme (and have been martyred) fighting and dying in His Cause, and some are waiting, prepared for death in battle.” This is about as chilling as anything we have read thus far. Good Muslims can’t wait to die killing infidels for Allah. One translation says that they are: “waiting and prepared to die.” It’s the suicide bomber’s oath.




My response:

Again, first of all, as I proved in my previous rebuttals, the Al-Tabari and Ibn-Ishaq and other sources are extremely doubtful and unauthenticated.   Most Muslim scholars today firmly and strongly believe in this.  Not that the hadiths above are bad or anything, but as most Muslim Scholars agree, we Muslims can't take them as absolute Truth or accurate information.  Much of these volumes are either corrupt or taken out of context.  Again, this is according to the Muslims scholars.  This is why these volumes are considered "unauthenticated".

Also visit:  What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?



Now having said that, the polytheist trinitarian pagan raised the following points:

1-  Prophet Muhammad's marriage from Zaynab bint Jahsh.

2-  The Jews' status again in Islam, and their treason.

3-  Captives are to be treated with kindness according to the Noble Quran!




Point #1:
(Prophet Muhammad's marriage from Zaynab bint Jahsh)


From http://www.answering-christianity.com/adopted_sons.htm:


Did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him really marry his daughter in law?

It is quite ironic that the haters of Islam try with their best attempts to discredit the True and Wonderful Religion of Allah Almighty, Islam, even if it were a lie and they knew that it was a lie.

One of the constant points that are usually brought up by the anti-Islamics against our beloved Prophet peace be upon him and Islam is the one where Muhammad married his adopted son's wife after they got divorced. 

According to the Western culture, an adopted son becomes an actual son.  But this law does not exist in Islam.

Let us look at Noble Verses 33:4-5 "Allah has not Made for any man two hearts in his (one) body: nor has He made your wives whom ye divorce by Zihar your mothers: nor has He Made your adopted sons your sons.  Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths.    But Allah Tells (you) the Truth, and He Shows the (right) Way."

Zihar is the divorce done by pagan Arabs before Islam, where a man would say to his wife you are to me like my mother.  The man could marry another woman, where the woman couldn't marry another man, which was very degrading to all women.

Zayd's, the Prophet's alleged "adopted son" by the haters of Islam, wife, was the one who wanted to divorce him and marry the Prophet.  She was not forced into the marriage by any means.  Let us look at Noble Verse 58:1 "God has indeed heard (and accepted) the statement of the woman who pleads with thee concerning her husband and carries her complaint (in prayer) to God: and God (always) hears the arguments between both sides among you: for God hears and sees (all things)."

Let us look at Noble Verse 33:37 "Behold! thou didst say to one who had received the grace of Allah and thy favour: 'Retain thou (in wedlock) thy wife, and fear Allah.'  But thou didst hide in thy heart that which Allah was about to make manifest: thou didst fear the people, but it is more fitting that thou shouldst fear Allah.  Then Zayd had dissolved (his marriage) with her, with the necessary (formality), we joined her in marriage to thee: In order that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in (the matter) of marriage with the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality) (their marriage) with them.  And Allah's command must be fulfilled."

According to Islamic laws, where from the above Noble Verses do we see our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him marrying his daughter in law?!

According to Noble Verses 33:4-5 above, we clearly see that an adopted son is NOT in the place of an actual son.  An adopted son is a son from a stranger person.    The foster father would still have to treat the adopted son with kindness and fulfill all of his needs.  But the adopted son can never be an actual son. 

According to Noble Verse 33:37 above, we clearly see that Allah Almighty allowed for the Muslims to marry the former wives of their adopted sons!.

If a man called another's son "his son", it might create complications with natural and normal relationships if taken too literally.  The truth is the truth and can not be altered by men's adopting "sons".  "Adoption" in the technical sense is not allowed in Muslim Law.  Those who have been "wives of your sons proceeding from your loins" are within the Prohibited Degrees of marriage, but this does not apply to "adopted" sons; "Prohibited to you (for marriage) are your mothers, daughters, sisters; father's sisters, mother's sisters; brother's daughters, sister's daughters; foster-mothers (who gave you suck), foster-sisters; your wives' mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom ye have gone in no prohibition if ye have not gone in (those who have been) wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time, except for what is past for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.  (The Noble Quran, 4:23)"



Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did not marry his daughter in law as the deceivers from the anti-Islamics always claim.  Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is a Great Messenger from Allah Almighty.  Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran does not recognize an adopted son as a real son, because He, the Almighty, has His Great Wisdom behind it, to save us from complications and genetically and cultural problems.





Point #2:
(The Jews' status again in Islam, and their treason)


See my response to this point above in Point #3.






Point #3:
(Captives are to be treated with kindness according to the Noble Quran!)


From http://www.answering-christianity.com/prisoners_of_war.htm:


Can Muslims torture prisoners of war?

The sections of this article are:

- Can Muslims torture prisoners of war?
- Did Prophet Muhammad ever abuse his Captives or take personal revenges from them?
- Muslims are commanded by Allah Almighty to treat their Captives with kindness and to feed them!
- When is the captured enemy must not be considered a "Captive" or "Prisoner of War"?  And how can Muslims punish them? 
Is Ethnic Cleansing allowed in Islam?
   - So what are those times where Muslims must not accept any captive?
   - Further explanations from Sheikh (Minister) Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
- Conclusion.



For the Captives of war, absolutely not!  But for the enemy who has treacherous designs against the Muslims, there is a punishment that he must face as shown below in the article.  Those "treacherous designs" are the tricky and deceiving evil actions such as causing a war between the Muslims and other non-Muslim tribes by using tricks and deceptions.  Another example is when some of the hypocrites during Prophet Muhammad's times used to falsely embrace Islam to be accepted among the Muslims, and then later try to create conflicts among Muslim men and cause them to revenge from each others, because they belonged to tribes that had bloody wars with each others before they embraced Islam.  The punishment for such enemy is Noble Verses 5:33-34 as shown below in this article.

Let us look what Allah Almighty Said regarding the captives or the prisoners of wars:

"O Prophet! say to those who are captives in your hands: 'If Allah findeth any good in your hearts, He will Give you something better than what has been taken from you, and He will Forgive you: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.    But if they have treacherous designs against thee, (O Messenger!), they have already been in treason against Allah, and so hath He given (thee) power over them.  And Allah is He who hath (Full) knowledge and wisdom.  (The Noble Quran, 8:70-71)"

The following explanation of Noble Verses 8:70-71 was taken from the commentary of Sheikh (Minister) Abdullah Yusuf Ali's (may Allah Almighty rest his soul) English translation:

"This is a consolation to the prisoners of war.  In spite of their previous hostility, Allah will forgive them in His mercy if there was any good in their hearts, and confer upon them a far higher gift than anything they have ever lost.  This gift in its highest sense would be the blessing of Islam, but even in a material sense, there was great good fortune awaiting them, e.g., in the case of Al-Abbas (who was among the unbelievers and was taken as a prisoner of war). 

Note how comprehensive is Allah's care.  He encourages and strengthens the Muslims, at the same time condemning any baser motives that may have entered their minds.    He consoles the prisoners of war and promises them better things if there is any good in them at all.  And He offers comfort to those who have left their homes in His Cause, and knits them into closer fellowship with those who have helped them and sympathized with them.

If the kindness shown to them is abused by the prisoners of war when they are released, it is not a matter of discouragement to those who showed the kindness.  Such persons have in their treachery shown already their treason to Allah, in that they took up arms against Allah's Prophet, and sought to blot out the pure worship of Allah.  The punishment of defeat, which opened the eyes of some of their comrades, evidently did not open their eyes.  But Allah knows all, and in His wisdom will order all things for the best.  The Believers have done their duty in showing such clemency as they could in the circumstances of war.  For them "Allah sufficeth" (Noble Verse 8:62)" [2].

Note:  For the captives, paying money is not always the way to freedom.  It is true that they would lose their weapons and other equipment such as their carts, horses, camels, etc..., but to gain their way out of captivity doesn't always have to be through paying money. 

When the Muslims won the first battle of Islam against the Pagans, the battle Badr, our Prophet peace be upon him told his captives that whoever wants to earn his freedom he must teach 10 illiterate Muslims how to read and write, and he will then be set free.


Did Prophet Muhammad ever abuse his Captives or take personal revenges from them?

Absolutely not!  Our Prophet peace be upon him forgave the enemies of Islam.  When the Muslims liberated Mecca from the Pagan Arabs, and the Pagans' army gave up, because they were widely out numbered by the Muslims, our Prophet peace be upon him said his very famous word that was taught to us in schools:

"Go, you are free."

Please visit Prophet Muhammad never took any personal revenge.  This article covers this issue. 


Muslims are commanded by Allah Almighty to treat their Captives with kindness and to feed them!

Let us look what Allah Almighty said in the Noble Quran:

"They perform (their) vows, and they fear a Day Whose evil flies far and wide.  And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive -- (Saying), 'We feed you For the sake of Allah alone:  No reward do we desire from you, nor thanks.'  (The Noble Quran, 76:7-9)"

In these Noble Verses, we clearly see how Allah Almighty orders the Muslims to treat their captives with kindness and to not expect anything back in return.  Muslims must do it for the love of Allah Almighty, hence they have to feed their captives in kindness and love.

Notice here how Allah Almighty is so Great, Merciful and Gracious, that even the captives are given His Love.  Allah Almighty's door for Mercy and Forgiveness is always open.

Please visit The Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah Almighty.


When is the captured enemy must not be considered a "Captive" or "Prisoner of War"?  And how can Muslims punish them?    Is Ethnic Cleansing allowed in Islam?

What power did Allah Almighty give to Prophet Muhammad over the enemies who had treacherous designs against Islam; "....and so hath He given (thee) power over them.....(The Noble Quran, 8:71)"?

The captured enemy can not be considered a captive or prisoner of war if he had treacherous designs against the Muslims.  There is a punishment that this enemy must face as show below in Noble Verses 5:33-34.  Those "treacherous designs" are the tricky and deceiving evil actions such as causing a war between the Muslims and other non-Muslim tribes by using tricks and deceptions.  Another example is when some of the hypocrites during Prophet Muhammad's times used to falsely embrace Islam to be accepted among the Muslims, and then later try to create conflicts among Muslim men and cause them to revenge from each others, because they belonged to tribes that had bloody wars with each others before they embraced Islam.  The punishment for such enemy is Noble Verses 5:33-34 as shown below in this article.

And yes, Ethnic cleansing can be applied to that person or group of treacherous people.  Ethnic cleansing is not allowed in Islam for any other case!  Normal people can not be Ethnically cleansed as the Yugoslav Serbs did to the Muslim Kosovars just because they differ in religion or race.  Only the treacherous people or individuals can be Ethnically cleansed or exiled.

Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

"The punishment of those who wage war against God and His Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter; Except for those who repent before they fall into your power: in that case, know that God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.  (The Noble Quran, 5:33-34)"

There are times when Muslims must accept no captives.  This is the time when the Muslims are ordered to punish the enemy severely. 


So what are those times where Muslims must not accept any captive?

When they had been betrayed by the enemy.  Let us look at some incidents where Noble Verse 5:33 had been applied to the enemy:

The first incident is when the Muslims were just starting Islam in Madina.  Along with the Muslims there, there were some Christians and three big Jewish tribes:  Bani Al-natheer, Bani Qaynuqaa, and Bani Quraytha.  When the Pagans of Mecca wanted to end Islam once and for all, they finally agreed along with several other Pagan tribes out side Mecca to attack the Muslims in Madina. 

Prior to this, the Muslims had already signed a treaty of united defense of Madina with the Jews.  When the Pagans of Mecca and their allies finally started marching to Madina, the Muslims became aware of it.  One of our beloved Prophet's close companions, Salman Al-Farisi (may Allah Almighty be pleased with him, rest his soul and grant him Paradise), suggested that the Muslims should dig a big trench to along all of the plain areas of Madina to disable the Pagans from attacking the Muslims. 

The Jews' tribes were stationed in the North side of Madina.  They didn't need to dig any trench because they had such high mountains that they could easily defend by stationing their troops on top of the mountains, which would then disable the Pagans from entering Madina from the North.  But the Jews will always remain Jews no matter what.    They betrayed our Prophet and told the Pagans that they could attack them from the North along with the Jewish army.  Allah Almighty had blessed the Muslims with a big victory after long battles and Allah Almighty's blessings of the winds that blocked the eye sights of the enemies of Islam. 

After the Pagans withdrew back to Mecca, our Prophet peace be upon him executed Noble Verse 5:33 and exiled Bani Quraytha, the first Jewish tribe to betray the Muslims, from Madina.  Later on, the other two Jewish tribes were exiled too.

The second incident is in the following narration about our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, which further explains in details when the Muslims need to apply Noble Verse 5:33 to the enemy: 

Narrated Abu Qilaba: "Anas said, "Some people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribe came to Medina and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they went as directed and after they became healthy, they killed the shepherd of the Prophet and drove away all the camels. The news reached the Prophet early in the morning and he sent (men) in their pursuit and they were captured and brought at noon. He then ordered to cut their hands and feet (and it was done), and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron, They were put in 'Al-Harra' and when they asked for water, no water was given to them." Abu Qilaba said, "Those people committed theft and murder, became infidels after embracing Islam and fought against Allah and His Apostle.  (Sahih Bukhari, Ablutions (Wudu'), Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234)" 

Notice in the above incidents that the enemy had betrayed the Muslims.  In the first incident, the Jews betrayed the Muslims by breaking up the treaty and fighting along side with the Pagans.  In the second incident, the Pagans killed the Shepherd and and stole all of the Camels after they gained the Muslims' trust by embracing Islam.    These are the only times where Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ever applied Noble Verse 5:33 to anyone. 

Please visit Did Prophet Muhammad prescribe Camel Urine as Medicine?  See from Medical proofs that several of our medicines today are indeed extracted from animal urines.

The point is that Muslims are not allowed to kill ordinary "Prisoners of War" as it is clearly stated in Noble Verses 8:70-71. The sever punishment for the enemy and the refusal to accept any captives is when the Muslims had been betrayed by the enemy (Noble Verse 5:33). 

Note:  Notice also in Noble Verse 5:34 that the door for mercy and forgiveness for the sincere enemy is open.    The Muslims can not do any harm to the enemy if the enemy repents. 


Further explanations from Sheikh (Minister) Abdullah Yusuf Ali:

The following explanation of Noble Verse 5:33 comes from the Noble Quran that I used, which was translated by Sheikh (Minister) Abdullah Yusuf Ali; may Allah Almighty rest his soul:

"For the double crime of treason against the State, combined with treason against Allah, as shown by overt crimes, four alternative punishments are mentioned, any one of which is to be applied according to circumstances, viz., execution (cutting off  of the head), crucifixion, maiming, or exile." [3].



Islam is a merciful religion and Allah Almighty gives the enemies of Islam the opportunity to be forgiven when they're captured in the battle field.  Muslims must always treat their captives with kindness and feed them.

If the enemy was caught after they played a very dirty trick on the Muslims and caused the Muslims much damage from their evil deceptions and tricks as the Jews and some of the people of Tribe of Urania did to our Prophet and the Muslims, then Noble Verse 5:33 must be applied for their punishment.

The door for mercy and forgiveness is always open for the treacherous enemy as clearly stated in Noble Verse 5:34, but depending on the situation, if the enemy is so obviously not willing to sincerely repent even if they declare it, then Noble Verse 5:34 can not be applied to them and the punishment of Noble Verse 5:33 must be applied. 



1- The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an.
Author:  Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
Published by:  Amana Publications, 10710 Tucker Street, Suite B, Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2223 USA.
Telephone:  (301) 595-5777.
Fax:  (301) 595-5888.
ISBN:  0-91597-59-0 (HC).

2- The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an [1].  Foot notes #1237 and #1238, page 432.

3- The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an [1].  Foot note #738, page 257.









Back to My Rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.

Rebuttals to Craig Winn - "The Prophet of Doom" book.

Answering Trinity.

Contradictions and History of Corruption in the Bible.

Questions about Jesus that trinitarian Christians don't have logical answers for.

What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth? and Why?

"Allah" was GOD Almighty's original Name in the Bible according to the Hebrew and Aramaic sources.

Scientific Miracles in Islam and the Noble Quran.

Most of the Bible's books and gospels were written by mysterious people!

Jesus mentioned Muhammad by the name in the Bible.

Did Isaiah 53 really prophesies about the crucifixion of Jesus? It supports Islam's claims about Jesus peace be upon him never died on the cross.  I also addressed John 19:36-37 from the Bible and proved that Jesus never got crucified, since GOD Almighty promised that he will protect Jesus' body and not let even a single bone be broken.   My question to all Christians is: How in the world is it possible for the feet to get nailed on the cross without any penetration to the bones by the nails, hence breaking part of the feet's bones?! I also added refutations to Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, Zechariah 12:10 and Psalm 34:20, which supposedly prove the Christians' belief about Jesus crucifixion.  I proved that this dogma has no truth what so ever and exposed the wrong Trinitarian English translation of Zechariah 12:10.

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