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Why would God send the Gospel with His prophet Jesus, and then allow all of the disciples of Jesus to be misled by believing that Jesus died on the cross, and thus distort the original message of the Gospel?

The sections of this article are:

- The many bad English translations and Corruptions of the Bible had led people astray.
- Islam's claims about Jesus.

It is important to know that the Bible is corrupt and many parts of it suffer from bad mistranslations.  For instance, the English New Testament claims that Jesus was worshiped.  The Greek Bibles on the other hand disagree with this and claim that Jesus was never actually worshiped by anyone or being.  Any normal English speaking Christian would be easily misled and think from his English-translated Bible that Jesus was "worshiped", thus making him the Creator of the Universe.

Another suffering from bad translations is the false dogma that the Old Testament predicted for Jesus to die on the cross in Chapter Isaiah 53 and others.  This too was proven to be nothing but a mistranslation!

It is also important to know that the entire Bible of today is very doubtful according to its Historians and Theologians.  Nothing in the Bible can be trusted.  Please visit: The original Bible was lost!  See comments from the commentary of the NIV Bible (one of the most used Bibles world wide) itself admitting that most of the Books and Gospels of the Bible are corrupted.  No one ever claimed ownership of the current Books and Gospels.  The owners/writers are unknown.    

From all of the above evidence, I see no reason to believe in any Christian interpretations or claim.  Their sources are very unreliable and doubtful.   So, when they claim that the Bible says that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that his disciples saw him, then I have no reasons to believe them.  Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ordered us to simply ignore their claims for they do not stand on any solid ground.

Please visit Did Prophet Muhammad really recognize the Bible as an error-free book?


Islam's claims about Jesus:

Please visit the following articles:

Did Isaiah 53 really prophesies about the crucifixion of Jesus?  See how Isaiah 53 agrees with the Noble Quran's claims.

Did Jesus get crucified according to Islam?

Does the Noble Quran in Verse 19:33 confirm Jesus' crucifixion?

What is the place of Jesus, Jews and Christians in Islam?

Why did GOD end His revelations with Muhammad and not with Jesus?

According to Islam, why did GOD Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted?

How is it that Muslims believe that Jesus is Christ but they don't believe in atonement?

In the Quran it mentions the virgin conception of Jesus, why would God go to such extremes to produce a prophet when all other prophets came about the usual way - through intercourse and birth? If Jesus is not divine then what purpose did the virginal conception serve? 

Other related articles:

Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible.

What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe in?






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