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Jesus kissed Mary Magdalene according to early Christians' authentic Manuscripts!

First of all, it is important to know that the reason many of the early Christians' authentic and widely accepted canons and manuscripts were not included in Constantine's "canon" (which by the way this canon got lost permanently and only portions of it were discovered almost 1/2 century later) was mostly due to political bias.  The early Christians' manuscripts that were banned by Constantine were widely accepted for centuries before him by many Christians.  Certainly, the Gospel of Philip which talks about Jesus and Mary Magdalene was one of the widely accepted and followed ones.  See the section toward the end of this article for the Bible's many canons and more details.

Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus' close companions.  Jesus also cared especially for her by, for instance in one occasion, driving out 7 demons from her Luke 8:2.

Anyway, according to widely accepted early Christians' doctrines, Jesus kissed Mary Magdalene.  He apparently had strong feelings toward her.


1-  From

"Interest in Mary Magdalene grew following the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Gospels in 1945. The Gospel of Philip explicitly said Jesus kissed Mary Magdalene in the mouth, making the disciples jealous of her. Other gospels in the Nag Hammadi texts also spoke of the intimate relationship between her and Jesus, even referring to her as his "beloved."

Her importance was shown by her presence in major events of Jesus' life. She anointed his feet with a costly perfume, an act the disciples tried to stop but which Jesus allowed, making him live up to the title the Messiah, the "Annointed One." "


2-  From

"Luke chapter 8, tells us that Mary was one of Jesus' followers and travelled with him." Luke 8 Chapter.

"But the Bible isn't the only source. In 1945, at Nag Hammadi in southern Egypt, two men came across a sealed ceramic jar. Inside, they discovered a hoard of ancient papyrus books. Although they never received as much public attention as the Dead Sea Scrolls, these actually turn out to be much more important for writing the history of early Christianity. They are a cache of Christian texts. The Nag Hammadi texts tell us about early Christians. They were written in Coptic, the language of early Christian Egypt. As most ancient Christian texts have been lost, this discovery was exceptional. The discovery includes the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip and the Acts of Peter. None of these texts were included in the Bible, because the content didn't conform to Christian doctrine, and they're referred to as apocryphal. They tend to concentrate on things that one doesn't read about in the Bible. For example, New Testament gospels says after the resurrection Jesus spent some time talking with the disciples, but you don't learn much about what he said. In the gospels of Nag Hammadi you can read what he said.

Although they're not Biblical texts, experts still believe that they give us significant insights into Christian history. In these apocryphal texts we might have genuine traditions about Jesus that for one reason or another didn't make it into the New Testament.

For the first time in hundreds of years there was a new source of information about Mary Magdalene. She appears very frequently as one of the prominent disciples of Jesus. In certain texts where Jesus is in discussion with his disciples, Mary Magdalene asks many informed questions. Whereas the other disciples at times seem confused, she is the one who understands.

One of the documents discovered at Nag Hammadi is the Gospel of Philip, in which Mary Magdalene is a key figure. It has been the cause of one of the most controversial claims ever made about her.

During their long burial in the desert, some of the books were attacked by ants. In this Gospel, the ants made a hole in a very crucial place.
The text says:

And the companion of the [...] Mary Magdalene. [...] loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on her [...]. The rest of the disciples [...]. They said to him "Why do you love her more than all of us?" The Savior answered and said to them, "Why do I not love you like her? When a blind man and one who sees are both together in darkness, they are no different from one another. When the light comes, then he who sees will see the light, and he who is blind will remain in darkness."

The 'lacuna', or gap, which hides where Jesus kissed Mary has tantalised scholars for decades."


3-  From

"There are many indications of intimacy and love between Jesus and Mary Magdalene in the Gnostic material. When Karen King was translating "The Gospel of Mary," she had to determine which Mary was being discussed because the Mary written about had no last name. She identified Mary as Mary Magdalene because twice in the text Mary was described as the woman Jesus loved more than the others. This refrain appears often in the Gnostic texts, and in "The Gospel of Philip" Mary Magdalene is described as the "companion" of Jesus. According to different scholars that word, in its original Greek usage, has innuendos of something more, perhaps of sexual partnership. Also in "The Gospel of Philip" are the provocative lines that "Jesus kissed Mary Magdalene upon the …. " The last word is missing in the papyrus document. Typically the missing word is translated as mouth. In the ABC Frontline special Elaine Pagels interprets this statement as symbolic and indicative of a transmission of knowledge but, given the other phrases of intimacy, her interpretation seems overly head-oriented. While all the academic scholars on the ABC program state there is no evidence for the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene in the Gnostic or Orthodox texts available to us, most of them, particularly Karen King and Father Richard McBrien of the University of Notre Dame, were sympathetic to the idea of some kind of love relationship between Jesus and Mary. The ABC Frontline special ended with the commentator debunking the legendary underpinning of The Da Vinci Code but then saying, "The story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is indeed a love story." "

So as we clearly see from the evidence above, the early Christians' doctrines that were found in Egypt clearly testify that Jesus and Mary had a romantic relationship.  The fact that the gospel of Philip is not included in many of today's bibles does not mean a thing, because according to history, many Bible/Canons existed during the early Christians' days.



7-  The many different Canons (New Testaments) that Christians believe in, and the hundreds of manuscripts:

There existed many different Bibles during the time of the Roman Emperor, Constantine, which were widely believed in by different Christian sects in the year 312.  In other words, during the first 3 centuries of "Christianity" (300 years), 50 different canons with 100s of books/gospels combined existed!  That is a lot of canons, a lot of books/gospels, and a lot of time (300 years) of different Christian religions existed.   Also, Constantine's own "unified canon or bible" got lost and only small portions of it were found!  So what we have today from "Bible(s)" are not even Constantine's books.

Let us listen to the following AUDIO files from the "Banned from the Bible" documentary film by some popular historians, theologians and books' authors were the spokes people in this film.  So, like I mentioned above, the information in the AUDIO files is very reliable, authentic and objective:

1-  Constantine's unified "Bible" was permanently lost!  Only portions of it were found almost 1/2 century later.

Theologians' voices are:

  1. John Dominic Crossan, Author, Excavating Jesus.
  2. Dr. Marvin Meyer, Author, The Gnostic Bible.

2-  Hundreds of conflicting manuscripts existed among early Christians.

Theologians' voices are:

  1. Daniel Smith-Christopher, Ph.D., Hebrew Bible Studies, Loyola Marymount University.
  2. Anthea D. Butler, Ph.D., Global Christianity, Loyala Marymount University.

The different "Canons" of the Bible!

Different and conflicting variations of "gospels" and "books" that are disagreed upon by the Churches today.








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