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More deliberate and preposterous lies by Jochen Katz and another clown of his, Quennel Gale!

The sections of this article are:

1-  The new preposterous lies by Jochen Katz and his other clown Quennel Gale.
2-  Listing of Murders, Pedophilia and Terrorism by the Bible's Prophets.




1-  The new preposterous lies by Jochen Katz and his other clown Quennel Gale:

Before we begin, it is important for the reader to know that this is not the first preposterous lie fabricated by Jochen Katz.  In his other lie, he tried so desperately to prove that the Bible's prophets did not commit inhumane murders, pedophilia against 3-year old slave girls, and terrorism.  In that article, he lied by purposely removing from my article during his so-called "rebuttal" and posting partial quotes from me to give the false message to the reader and to hide the mentioned points about some of his Bible's Prophets!   He had been exposed and annihilated badly in my response to him.

Also, at the very end of this article in section #2 below, you will see detailed listing of some of the inhumane murders, pedophilia and terrorism that was done by many of the Bible's Prophets.

In his, the lately master of lies and deceptions, Jochen Katz, or should I say "The Joking Cat", had uttered the following nonsense:

After their total humiliation and defeat in my rebuttal that further exposed the Bible and showed indisputably that 3-year old slave girls were forced into sex under the Mosaic Law, they decided to fabricate a quite an interesting new lie.  Before I proceed, let me first give you my article and my rebuttal:

1-  3-year old slave girls were forced into sex under the Mosaic Law in the Bible!

2-  My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Osama Abdallah's Obsession with Pedophilia in the Bible" article.

After their sound defeat in my rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's response, Jochen Katz and his other clown, Quennel Gale, decided to fabricate ANOTHER PREPOSTEROUS AND DELIBERATE LIE.  In his, Quennel Gale gives the following title to his so-called new rebuttal:



Quennel wrote:


Osama Abdallah’s Obsession with Pedophilia

SONG OF SONGS 7:2,3; etc.

Fantasizing Pedophilia into the Holy Bible

Quennel Gale


My response:

In regards to Song of Songs, which has nothing to do with my 'pedophelia with 3-year old girls in the bible' article, Quennel is soundly debunked at:

Here is the audio file from the "Sex in the Bible" documentary film that clearly proves that his bible said "women's vaginas taste like wine":


Women's vaginas taste like "wine" (Song of Songs 7:1-4, 8-9)
The Good Book of Love: Sex in the Bible documentary film.  (available here)

Listen to the narration (audio file).  (91 seconds)

Interpretation Voice of:
Carole Fountaine
Professor of Biblical Studies
Andover-Newton Theological School


The desperate liar further utters the following excrement from his brain:



He wrote:


Osama Abdallah has thoroughly embarrassed himself with his claims about Song of Songs 7:2. He tries to defend Muhammad by saying his actions were nothing more than the cultural norm. Then he contradicts himself and tries to judge the bible based on his standards, which happen to be modern but says that we shouldn’t do this with Muhammad! Such lies and inconsistencies are worthless in trying to refute the Holy Bible the only word of God. God bless all."


My response:

As the reader clearly sees above, not only you had been soundly refuted in regards to the 'women's vaginas taste like wine' point, but you've also shown that you are careless in your writings and must never be taken seriously.

Furthermore, I'd like to know how exactly I "thoroughly embarrassed" myself when you did not even address ONE POINT from my 'pedophilia in the bible' article?


Talk about lies!  This team of clowns, and especially the Quennel Gale retard, are the masters of lies, deceptions and delusions!  Very laughable indeed :-)

While he named his article as a rebuttal to my "Pedophilia against 3-year old slave girls in the Bible" article, ironically and most ridiculously, his article does not address, NOT EVEN REMOTELY, the detailed points and biblical verses that I put in my article!

This is by far the most ridiculous trick and lie Jochen Katz and his clowns ever fabricated to their readers!  After their miserable failure to refute my biblical verses and points that proved without doubt the pedophilia against 3-year old slave girls under the Mosaic Law, they decided to respond to a verse in my X-Rated Pornography in the Bible article and some of my


Aisha was 9 when she married our Prophet, and PROOFS that 9-year old girls were married to men who were their fathers' age also in the BIBLE, AND EVEN UNTIL TODAY IN OUR CULTURES

article, and claim that they have soundly refuted and debunked my pedophilia against 3-year old slave girls under the Mosaic Law article.

By the way, even Quennel's new response does not refute anything, because yes, the pornful bible did say that women's vaginas and breasts taste like "WINE" in the book of "Song of Songs"!   I have used experts in the Hebrew language and bible theologians to prove this, while he desperately tried to disprove it. 

But the point here is ladies and gentlemen is that Quennel Gale's so-called "rebuttal" HAS NOTHING to do with my pedophilia against 3-year old slave girls under the Mosaic Law article, and yet, Jochen Katz (or the Joking Cat), the preposterous liar, tried to fool his reader by giving them the impression that Osama Abdallah's pedophilia in the bible article had been refuted.  Hilarious indeed!



2-  Listing of Murders, Pedophilia and Terrorism by the Bible's Prophets:


Terrorism in Islam?! (click here)
Let's look at the real terrorism in the Bible:

Pedophilia with 3-year old slave girls in the Bible!
Forcing 3-year old slave girls into sex during the Mosaic Law in the Bible!
(click here)

"kill all the boys and non-virgin women" under the Mosaic Law! (click here)

Another killing all men, women, children and animals by Moses! (click here)

Another taking all women and children as spoils of war by Moses!
(click here)

Moses was a murderer before he became a Prophet! (click here)

Both equal: "Kill Righteous and the wicked"! (click here)

Killing all of the
"suckling infants" by the thousands by Saul!
 (click here)

Dashing little children against rocks in the book of Psalm!
Praising the dashing of little children against rocks as a form of revenge! (click here)

42 innocent children were killed using Wild Bears by Prophet Elisha!
Prophet Muhammad on the other hand loved children even those who threw stones at him in the city of Al-Ta'if. (click here)

Maiming of the enemies' bodies under Moses' and David's Laws:
Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their alive bodies on trees until they DIE.
(click here)

David's Selective Murders!
David so carelessly killed an innocent man for only telling him news.
(click here)

X-Rated Pornography in the Bible, by King Solomon!
Literally, women's vaginas and breasts taste like "wine", and brothers can "suck" their sisters' and lovers' privates!
(click here)

Fathers' fingers into their daughters' vaginas!
Under the Mosaic Law, fathers were allowed to do "Digital Defloration" to their daughters.
(click here)

Shutting the loud mouths of those who unjustly attack Islam, with Truth.

Aisha in Islam:

Let's discuss the age of Aisha being 9 when she married our Prophet (CLICK HERE):

1-  See proofs, in the "Aisha being 9" article, from the Bible about little girls as young as 9 were married off and even sold off by their fathers as slave girls to men who were even older than their fathers.

2-  See also irrefutable proofs that pedophilia and terrorism exist in the Bible.  During the Mosaic times in the Bible's Old Testament, 3-year old slave girls were literally forced into sex under Moses' Orders and Command.  You sometimes have to read things twice to believe them!

See also: Maiming of the enemies' bodies in the Bible.   Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their live bodies on trees until they DIE.

*** Killing of innocent children in the Bible.

*** X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

*** Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible.

  See also proofs how Aisha's parents were the ones who married her to our Prophet, and that no Muslim or even pagan objected to the marriage because it was widely practiced.  The reason no one objected was:

  1. People used to have very short life-spans in Arabia.   They used to live between 40 to 60 years maximum.  So it was only normal and natural for girls to be married off at ages 9 or 10 or similar.

  2. Marriage for young girls was widely practiced among Arabs back then, and even today in many third-world non-Muslim and Muslim countries.

Please visit: The age of Aisha, girls similar to her in the Bible, and unbelievable pedophilia against 3-year old slave babies in the pedophilic Bible.

Also visit: Why Muta (temporary) Marriage was allowed and why it was discontinued.







Back to My Rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.

Rebuttals to Jochen Katz' articles.

Rebuttals to Quennel Gale.

The Dumpster section.

Refutation to the preposterous LIES of Jochen Katz about his Bible not containing inhumane murders from its Prophets!

X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

Aisha was 9 when she married our Prophet, and PROOFS that 9-year old girls were married to men who were their fathers' age also in the BIBLE, AND EVEN UNTIL TODAY IN OUR CULTURES.

Pedophilia against 3-year old slave girls in the Bible.

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