Narrated 'Umar: "I heard the Prophet saying, 'Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians praised the son of Mary, for I am only a Slave. So, call me the Slave of Allah and His Apostle.' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Prophets, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 654)"
Some Muslim fanatics are (believe it or not) guilty of polytheism (shirk)!
The sections of this article are:
1- Some Muslim fanatics are guilty of polytheism.
- The Jews had fell into the
same sin many Muslims are falling into today, and Allah Almighty considered them as
2- Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran that Prophet Muhammad is
NOTHING!....A refutation to some moronic Muslims who worship the Prophet and his
3- I don't think the Muslim fanatics really understand the true meaning of
polytheism? Satan himself didn't believe in
idols and multiple gods. But yet, he is considered an infidel. See the terrifying pictures
of things some of the Muslims do.
4- So what did Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad say about such Muslim
5- My Islam is the simple Islam of Jesus' disciples and Prophet Abraham in
the Noble Quran.
- So what is the Islam that I
6- My rebuttal to a Shia-bashing article that clearly proves my points.
7- Conclusion.
How can their be Muslim polytheists when Islam is clear about believing in the One and Absolute True Living Sovereign GOD Almighty and associating no partners with Him?
The answer is: Modern Muslim fanatics today are falling into the same satanic trap that Christians had fallen into. They lift and glorify some Muslim figures to a degree where these figures become holy. Not only that, but many Muslim fanatics do kill other Muslims for the sake of those figures, such as Shias and Sunnis blowing up each others' Mosques in Pakistan because they disagree on who should've been the first Caliph in Islam.
Let us examine both Sunnis and Shias to see exactly what I mean:
In the case of the Sunnis, I was personally told a Sunni Islamic fundamentalist before that anyone who curses or opposes any of the three Caliphs (Prophet Muhammad's disciples) Abu Baker, Omar or Uthman is an "infidel" who's blood becomes lawful; meaning it's ok to kill him. Even though, it is not allowed to kill an innocent soul in Islam, even if the person is not a Muslim.
Also, please visit: The laws for murder in Islam.
What does Allah Almighty say about Justice for all in an Islamic State?
I was told by another Sunni fundamentalist that we should live exactly in the same exact way as the Prophet and his disciples lived. We should dress like them, eat like them and live like them. Our argument was on whether Muslim men should be allowed to wear suites and ties as Westerners do or not? And when I told him that why should we live like them when they existed 1500 years ago and our life today is different? Why should we ignore the current life style and not take full advantage of the technologies that exist today to our benefit? His response to me was: "Don't you think that if Allah wanted to make the cloths of today lawful, He could've made the Muslims have them 1500 years ago?" I mean how can you possibly have a more ridiculous and stupid response than this?
In the case of the Shias, they believe in the "perfect, sinless and infallible" imams or leaders. A Shia Imam, a man created from dust, does not sin, and he does not make mistakes. He is perfect! I mean it's one thing to follow the law and be a good and obedient citizen, but it's completely another thing to consider your head of state a perfect, sinless and infallible person.
This is exactly what I am talking about. Some Muslims go way too far beyond the limits and lift the status of people who were created from dust. I am afraid this is polytheism by itself! I am afraid this is associating partners with Allah Almighty and glorifying them, especially that Allah Almighty Said:
"If God were to punish men according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, verily God has in His sight all His Servants. (The Noble Quran, 35:45)"
"If Allah were to punish Men for their wrongdoing, He would not leave, on the (earth), A single living creature: But He gives them respite For a stated Term: When their Term expires, They would not be able To delay (the punishment) For a single hour, just as They would not be able To anticipate it (for a single hour). (The Noble Quran, 16:61)"
I would like for any Muslim Sunni or Muslim Shia to tell me if Allah Almighty would leave on the face of the earth any of the Disciples or Imams alive if He were to punish Mankind for their sins.
The Jews had fell into the same sin many Muslims are falling into today, and Allah Almighty considered them as "polytheists".
I have written the following on my Message Board at:
Here is a Hadith (Saying of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him) that prohibits exaggeration in praising and glorification of others:
Narrated 'Umar: "I heard the Prophet saying, 'Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians praised the son of Mary, for I am only a Slave. So, call me the Slave of Allah and His Apostle.' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Prophets, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 654)"
While the Hadith here is talking about Prophet Muhammad only, but the wisdom behind and the bottom line of it is that any exaggeration in praising men created from dust is a sin!
The Jews had fell into this very sin before. Here is what Allah Almighty said about them:
"The Jews call 'Uzair a son of God, and the Christians call Christ the son of God. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. God's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! (The Noble Quran, 9:30)"
"They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of God, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; yet they were commanded to worship but One God: there is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him: (Far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him). (The Noble Quran, 9:31)"
While the Jews are not trinitarians as most Christians are, but they still had fell into the sin of polytheism by glorifying men created from dust. All they had to do is elate their priests and anchorites to a higher level than they deserve.
The Sunni Muslims do fall into this sin as well! Those from the Sunnis who blow up Shia Mosques just because Shias disagree with the political views of the first three Caliphs and how they handled certain situations in the past, 1500 years ago, is a BIG CRIME AND POSSIBLY A POLYTHEISM (shirk)!
Those of the Sunni Muslims that do that, along with the Shias that flog themselves with metal chains until they bleed to praise and glorify men created from dust are AS MUCH SINFUL AS THE JEWS WHOM ALLAH ALMIGHTY CURSED IN THE NOBLE QURAN AND CONSIDERED AS POLYTHEISTS, EVEN THOUGH JUDAISM HAS NO FORM OF POLYTHEISM IN IT.
Again, remember that Allah Almighty Said:
"If God were to punish men according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, verily God has in His sight all His Servants. (The Noble Quran, 35:45)"
"If Allah were to punish Men for their wrongdoing, He would not leave, on the (earth), A single living creature: But He gives them respite For a stated Term: When their Term expires, They would not be able To delay (the punishment) For a single hour, just as They would not be able To anticipate it (for a single hour). (The Noble Quran, 16:61)"
Again, I would like for any Muslim Sunni or Muslim Shia to tell me if Allah Almighty would leave on the face of the earth any of the Disciples or Imams alive if He were to punish Mankind for their sins.
Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran that Prophet Muhammad is NOTHING!....A refutation to some moronic Muslims who worship the Prophet and his companions:
Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:
"The similitude of Jesus before God is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was. (The Noble Quran, 3:59)"
"But does not man call to mind that We created him before out of nothing? (The Noble Quran, 19:67)"
While Noble Verse 3:59 on the surface seems to be only limited to Jesus and Adam peace be upon them, but to any person with an atom of a brain and thinking capability, it includes all Prophets and all Messengers of GOD Almighty. So technically we can say:
"The similitude of MUHAMMAD before God is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was. (The Noble Quran, 3:59)"
So why am I saying this? And what is the purpose of this section? First of all, this Noble Verse came down to respond to trinitarian christians who glorify and praise Jesus. Allah Almighty responded to them and made it crystal clear that Jesus is no more than a creation of GOD Almighty created from worthless dust, just like Adam and the rest of us.
As I fully described in the previous section above, some of the modern Muslims today are doing the same exact sin as the Jews did. They glorify not only the Prophet himself, but they also glorify and praise his companions; ordinary righteous people like any ordinary righteous person today WHO ARE NOTHING! (Noble Verse 19:67). They were not appointed by GOD Almighty for any Divine Mission, and yet, they are still being praised and glorified. Not that if they were appointed for a Divine Mission they should be glorified and praised. These people are being praised and glorified to a point where some Muslim fanatics literally kill other Muslims for them as I explained in the above section, because the others have some disagreements with their political ways and how they handled certain situations in the past, 1500 years ago.
If Muhammad himself is nothing; a nobody; a piece of (not even a) bacteria when compared to GOD Almighty according to the Noble Quran, can you imagine what those glorified ones from his companions are to GOD Almighty? They are much lesser than Muhammad himself, and yet, some Muslims commit the crime of polytheism (shirk) and literally worship them through their evil actions.
I don't think the Muslim fanatics really understand the true meaning of polytheism?
Muslim fanatics almost always forget that satan himself believes in the One True GOD Almighty and associated no partners with Him. Satan was not an idol worshiper. So a person doesn't have to be like a hindu, who worships idols beside GOD Almighty, to be considered an evil person in the Eyes of Allah Almighty in Islam. This is a very important point, because believing in Allah Almighty is one thing, and doing the work of satan is another.
I personally don't think that Muslim fanatics really and truly appreciate the Wisdom behind believing in the One True Living GOD Almighty and associating no partners with Him. I don't think that those Muslims who blow other Muslims' Mosques, and those who beat themselves until they bleed almost to death; in remembrance of the unjust death of imam Hussein, an Honorable person who is nonetheless still created from dust according to Noble Verse 19:67, are being fully Respectful and fully Glorifying to Allah Almighty. Let us look at few pictures of what Muslims Shias do:
![]() A Shia mother cuts her son with a knife in preparation for "Ashoura" mourning, where Imam Hussein was unjustifiably killed. |
![]() Another child getting cut by his parent. |
![]() Muslim Shias beating themselves until they bleed in the Ashoura mourning. |
![]() Another picture of Muslim Shias beating themselves for the sake of Imam Hussein. |
![]() Muslim Shias beating themselves with chains until they bleed. |
![]() Another picture of Muslim Shias beating themselves with chains until they bleed, all for the sake of Imam Hussein; a man created from dust. |
![]() A shia girl lifting a picture of Imam Hussein. This same glorification and praising of people created from dust also exists among Muslim Sunnis by them considering anyone who opposes or disagrees with any of the Caliphs' politics as an infidel who must be killed. |
![]() Another picture of a child bleeding from being cut by a knife from his Shia parents. |
![]() Another picture of a child being cut with a knife by his Shia parents. |
![]() |
The above pictures, even though they are strictly
for Muslim Shias, reveal how ridiculous some Muslims can be! Both Sunnis and Shias
from the Muslims have fanatics in them that glorify people created from dust and literally
glorify these people to a point of almost worship! A Muslim Shia beating himself and
his children until they all bleed for the sake of Imam Hussein; a man created from dust,
is I am afraid guilty of associating partners with Allah Almighty through his EXCESSIVE
GLORIFICATION AND PRAISING OF men created from dust. And a Muslim Sunni who blows up
Shia Mosques because they disagree with the politics of the first 3 Islamic Caliphs: Abu
Baker, Omar and Uthman, is also associating partners with Allah Almighty, and is a
murderer who kills other Muslims.
The Muslim fanatics from both Sunnis and Shias had littered Islam with their innovations (bidaa)! They have polluted Islam with their complications, low self-esteems, stubbornness and lack of love toward humanity. They don't represent Islam in any way! They don't realized that through their evil actions, the are being far worse than satan himself to Islam, because while satan defied Allah Almighty and challenged Him openly, those people are committing crimes against Islam under the name of Islam and Allah Almighty.
What ever happened to Allah Almighty's and Prophet Muhammad's Commands regarding Murder and Justice:
"The (selfish) soul of the other led him to the murder of his brother: he murdered him, and became (himself) one of the lost ones. (The Noble Quran, 5:30)"
"O ye who believe! Stand out firmly For justice, as witnesses To Allah, even as against Yourselves, or your parents, Or your kin, and whether It be (against) rich or poor: For Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (Of your hearts), lest ye Swerve, and if ye Distort (justice) or decline To do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted With all that ye do.
(The Noble Quran, 4:135)"The quote "Follow not the lusts (Of your hearts)..." clearly means that Muslims must always live for justice, even if it's something they resent or dislike very much. So even if a Muslim Sunni for instance hates the guts of a Muslim Shia, this does not in any way allow for the first to go and kill the latter!
"But if anyone earns A fault or a sin And throws it on to one That is innocent, He carries (on himself) (Both) a falsehood And a flagrant sin.
(The Noble Quran, 4:112)""Allah commands justice, the doing Of good, and liberality to kith And kin, and He forbids All shameful deeds, and injustice And rebellion: He instructs you, That ye may receive admonition. (The Noble Quran, 16:90)"
"...Help ye one another In righteousness and piety, But help ye not one another In sin and rancour: Fear Allah: for Allah Is strict in punishment.
(The Noble Quran, 5:2)"Narrated Jarir bin 'Abdullah: "Allah's Apostle said, 'Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind.' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, ONENESS, UNIQUENESS OF ALLAH (TAWHEED), Volume 9, Book 93, Number 473)"
"Allah forbids you not, With regard to those who Fight you not for (your) Faith Nor drive you out Of your homes, From dealing kindly and justly With them: For Allah loveth Those who are just.
(The Noble Quran, 60:8)"
So what did Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad say about such Muslim polytheists?
Let us look at what Allah Almighty said about following our leaders:
"O ye who believe! Obey God, and obey the Apostle, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to God and His Apostle, if ye do believe in God and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination. (The Noble Quran, 4:59)"
"When there comes to them some matter touching (Public) safety or fear, they divulge it. If they had only referred it to the Apostle, or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have Tested it from them (direct). Were it not for the Grace and Mercy of God unto you, all but a few of you would have fallen into the clutches of Satan. (The Noble Quran, 4:83)"
These Noble Verses do not at all suggest that we should consider our leaders as perfect, sinless and infallible. They simply command the Muslims to be good and respectful citizens, and to avoid being ignorant and arrogant toward their leaders. If a person is in doubt about something, then he should refer it to those who know better than him and who have authority about it. Being stubborn and arrogant, and refusing to follow and respect the ruling authority is a violation of the two Noble Verses above.
Let us look at what Allah Almighty said about all human beings in general:
"If God were to punish men according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, verily God has in His sight all His Servants. (The Noble Quran, 35:45)"
"If Allah were to punish Men for their wrongdoing, He would not leave, on the (earth), A single living creature: But He gives them respite For a stated Term: When their Term expires, They would not be able To delay (the punishment) For a single hour, just as They would not be able To anticipate it (for a single hour). (The Noble Quran, 16:61)"
So as we clearly see, there is not a single human being, whether it is a Caliph or an imam, who is perfect, sinless and infallible. There is not a single person on this earth that we should kill other humans for, just because they don't agree with that person's leadership.
Let us look at what Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said:
Narrated 'Umar: "I heard the Prophet saying, 'Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians praised the son of Mary, for I am only a Slave. So, call me the Slave of Allah and His Apostle.' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Prophets, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 654)"
The Prophet peace be upon him is crystal clear on this issue. He ordered the Muslims to not exaggerate in praising him so that they don't fall into the same sin as Christians did with Jesus peace be upon him when they made him the creator of the universe.
As I mentioned above, while the Hadith here is talking about Prophet Muhammad only, but the wisdom behind and the bottom line of it is that any exaggeration in praising men created from dust is a sin!
The Jews had fell into this very sin before. Here is what Allah Almighty said about them:
"The Jews call 'Uzair a son of God, and the Christians call Christ the son of God. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. God's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! (The Noble Quran, 9:30)"
"They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of God, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; yet they were commanded to worship but One God: there is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him: (Far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him). (The Noble Quran, 9:31)"
While the Jews are not trinitarians as most Christians are, but they still had fell into the sin of polytheism by glorifying men created from dust. All they had to do is elate their priests and anchorites to a higher level than they deserve.
The Sunni Muslims do fall into this sin as well! Those from the Sunnis who blow up Shia Mosques just because Shias disagree with the political views of the first three Caliphs is a BIG CRIME AND POLYTHEISM!
Those of the Sunni Muslims that do that, along with the Shias that flog themselves with metal chains until they bleed to praise and glorify men created from dust are AS MUCH SINFUL AS THE JEWS WHOM ALLAH ALMIGHTY CURSED IN THE NOBLE QURAN AND CONSIDERED AS POLYTHEISTS, EVEN THOUGH JUDAISM HAS NO FORM OF POLYTHEISM IN IT.
My Islam is the simple Islam of Jesus' disciples and Prophet Abraham in the Noble Quran:
Humans are really ridiculous! They love to create gods and worship them. I guess it's part of our human instinct. Look at the far Eastern religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, etc... They all worship idols and they truly believe in those helpless idols. Even the followers of the Western religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are somewhat idol worshipers. The difference between us and the followers of the far eastern religions is that we glorify humans, and they glorify idols made from wood and stones.
The Muslim fanatic who blows up other Muslims' Mosques for the sake of a ridiculous political opinion about who should've been the first Islamic Caliph, is as much of an idol worshiper and a polytheist as a Hindu in India. And as a matter of a fact, the Hindu in this case is a far better human being than this Muslim fanatic, because while the Hindu practices his faith peacefully, the Muslim fanatic practices his faith through force; violating the Holy Commands of Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran:
"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. (The Noble Quran, 2:256)"
"No soul can believe, except by the will of God, and He will place doubt (or obscurity) on those who will not understand. (The Noble Quran, 10:100)"
"Say, 'The truth is from your Lord': Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it)....(The Noble Quran, 18:29)"
Please visit: Apostates and freedom of religion and choice in Islam.
It is not allowed to kill an innocent soul in Islam, even if the person is not a Muslim.
So what is the Islam that I follow?
I simply follow the Islam that existed before Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Remember that Islam ended with Muhammad, it didn't start with him. Islam, the believing in the One True Living GOD Almighty, started with Adam, taught to Mankind through of all the Prophets, and ended with Muhammad.
My Islam is the Islam of Prophet Jesus' disciples and Prophet Abraham:
"And behold! I inspired the Disciples to have faith in Me [Allah] and Mine Messenger [Jesus]; they said, ''We have faith, and do thou bear witness that we bow to Allah as Muslims.' (The Noble Quran, 5:111)"
"Say: 'O People of the Book (i.e., Jews and Christians)! Come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.' If then they turn back, say ye: 'Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will).' (The Noble Quran, 3:64)"
"Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to God, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith? For God did take Abraham for a friend. (The Noble Quran, 4:125)"
This is my Islam. The Islam of no divisions and no sects. The simple and peaceful Islam of believing in the One True Living GOD Almighty and associating no partners with Him. I don't believe in the modern fanaticism of Islam. That is not Islam. That is satan's work fooling the foolish from the Muslims who are trying to justify their polytheist work through glorifying other humans.
Please visit: What is the Wisdom of Islam?
My rebuttal to a Shia bashing article that clearly proves my points:
Please visit: My response to a Shia bashing article. My response refutes both Sunnis and Shias.
Any Muslim who lifts the status of other humans higher than everyone else is an idol worshiper and a polytheist. This is not my opinion. This is the direct opinion of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and it is clearly defined in the Noble Quran.
Non of the four Caliphs was really perfect! My rebuttal to the Muslim Sunni and Shia sects.
Some of the Shias' or Shiites' Mosques are Blasphemous Mosques according to the Noble Quran!
Apostates in Islam, and freedom of religion and choice.
Allah, Islam, Quran, Muhammad questions and answers.
What is the place of Jews, Christians and non-Muslims in Islam.
Human rights and equality in Islam V.S. Christianity.
It is not allowed to kill an innocent soul in Islam, even if the person is not a Muslim.