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My response to a Shia bashing article:

Below is a Shia bashing article and my response to it.  My response refutes both Sunnis and Shias.   I am not a Shia nor a Sunni, although I come from a "Sunni" family, as all Palestinian Muslims are Sunnis.  I am just a simple Muslim that doesn't belong to any sect.  You'll find my responses start with "Osama-".

The following is an email I received:

Note:  I underlined and bolded the important text that I wish for you to read in dark red.

Subj:    the position of the Shiites towards Sunnis
From:    I'll keep the sender anonymous.
To:    To a number of Islamic groups which my email address is part of.
Date:    4/22/03 3:01:11 PM Central Daylight Time


1.)   The constant struggle between truth and falsehood
2.)   The advice of the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to stick to his path, and the way in which the Shee'as differ with this
3.)   The Shiites : their dark history and their view of the people of the Sunnah
4.)   The Persian roots of the Shee'ah  religion
5.)   The problems that the Shee'ah  wanted to start in Makkah  

First Khutbah  

Critic- Oh Muslims, Fear Allaah, the Most High, and know that this life is one of trial and tribulation, a platform of struggle and patience. Know that the struggle between truth and falsehood has been constant since the day Aadam descended to the earth, and it will continue until the Day of Judgment.   The truth has been carried by the messengers and their followers and passed on to the scholars and those who correct the society, clarifying the truth to the public, showing them the clear path, clearing away the doubts placed in their minds, and striving in his path.

Osama- Ameen.  I am glad you mentioned Adam peace be upon him, because Allah Almighty did speak about killing your own brother and mentioned Adam's sons as an example:  The (selfish) soul of the other led him to the murder of his brother: he murdered him, and became (himself) one of the lost ones.   (The Noble Quran, 5:30)So, let's keep this Noble Verse in mind when dealing other Muslims such as the Shias.


Critic- Falsehood is carried by Satan and his armies from man and Jinn, who use all forms of false advertisement and deception, for the sake of frightening the public. At times dressing up their deception in Islaamic clothing, so that the simple and plain people get caught up in their falsehood, in the name of Islaam. Islaam is free from them, while they fight Islaam and Muslims in the name of Islaam. These are the people whose evil actions have been made beautiful to them and they think that they are doing good.  

Osama- I am glad you mentioned that, because you yourself could be falling in that same category.  When you allow the killing of another Muslim just because you think it is ok to do it, then the matter becomes quite dangerous, and you are giving yourself WAY TOO MUCH AUTHORITY that you will be held accountable for in the Day of Judgement.


Critic- Servants of Allaah, the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam advised his nation to follow him and stick to his path, as in the hadeeth of Al-Irbaadh Ibn Saariyah who said, "The Messenger of Allaah gave a moving sermon one day after the Morning Prayer. Because of it eyes watered, and hearts shook, so a man stood and said, 'This is the sermon of one bidding the people farewell, so what do advice us to do Oh Messenger of Allaah?' He said, "I advise you to fear Allaah, and to listen to and obey your leaders, even if he is an African slave, because whoever amongst you will live long (after me) then he will see many differences. So beware of innovated affairs, because they are misguidance, and whoever of you reaches that time, then stick to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Khalifahs after me, bite on to it with your molars." (Tirmithi)  

Osama- Following the leaders and those who have authority over us is mandatory in Islam.  Allah Almighty said: "O ye who believe! Obey God, and obey the Apostle, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to God and His Apostle, if ye do believe in God and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination.  (The Noble Quran, 4:59)".  But however, this does not prohibit anyone from disagreeing with any of the 4 Caliphs, because they are simply humans.

Osama- The way they became leaders is conflicting:  Abu Bakr was elected by the majority of the people, while Omar was appointed by Abu Bakr, and Uthman was chosen by Omar's son!  So, which one do we follow as our role model for an Islamic democratic System?  Certainly all three Caliphs did not FULLY follow Allah Almighty's Command about electing by majority: "It is part of the Mercy of God that thou dost deal gently with them Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about thee: so pass over (Their faults), and ask for (God's) forgiveness for them; and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when thou hast Taken a decision put thy trust in God. For God loves those who put their trust (in Him).  (The Noble Quran, 3:159)"

Osama- Please visit my article: None of the four Caliphs was perfect.

Osama- And by the way, the word "Caliph" is not only limited to the four Caliphs that came after Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.  The Hadith (Saying) you gave applies to every true Islamic leader in any time and place.


Critic- So The Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam advised us to stick to his Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Khaleefahs after him. Yet some people whom Satan has tricked and taken as soldiers and cavalry, have deviated from the Sunnah and shown their animosity to it, while cursing the companions of the Messenger and his rightly guided Khaleefahs, lying about them, even declaring apostasy for some of them. We seek refuge in Allaah from this group and its actions.   This group is the one who nowadays call themselves the Shee'ah. They are the most evil of creation to have set foot on the earth.  

Osama- So because they don't agree with the first 3 Caliphs and because they believe Ali should've been the first Caliph, and because some of them go so far and curse the 3 Caliphs, you think this gives you the right to declare Jihad on them, and kill them?

Osama- This is where you fall in satan's deception!  I personally don't agree with those Shias who curse any of the Caliphs, nor do I agree with them in cursing mother Aisha, but I still would never give myself the right to chop anyone's head for the sake of any sinful human being!

Osama- Let us look at what Allah Almighty said about the 3 Caliphs and mother Aisha and all of Mankind in general:  "If God were to punish men according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, verily God has in His sight all His Servants.  (The Noble Quran, 35:45)So as we clearly see here, none of the Caliphs deserve for you to kill other Muslims for.

Osama- It really saddens me that Muslim fanatics like yourself, whether Sunnis or Shia, fail to see how they litter Islam with their dung!  It upsets me that you fail to see how you corrupt Islam through your personal complications, low self-esteem, ego, stubbornness and foolishness.

Osama- I have written a good article about Muslims like you:  Some Muslim fanatics are (believe it or not) guilty of polytheism!

Osama- You keep saying "Servants of Allaah!", and you don't even know what that statement truly means.  I am going to start calling you "Slave of dust", because the Caliphs whom you worship and kill other Muslims for were created from dust.


Critic- Servants of Allaah! The animosity of the Shee'ah towards the people of the Sunnah is severe. This animosity has been ingrained in their souls since the time they took the belief of corrupt partisanship as a rule and path for their religion.

Osama- First of all, Shiism is not a religion.  It's just a foolish Muslim sect, just like the modern Sunnis, Sufis, Yazidis, etc...  All of these sects are wrong, because like yourself, they have littered Islam with their dung!  Islam is very simple and peaceful, and it is certainly innocent from the fanatics:

"And behold! I inspired the Disciples to have faith in Me [Allah] and Mine Messenger [Jesus]; they said, ''We have faith, and do thou bear witness that we bow to Allah as Muslims.'  (The Noble Quran, 5:111)"

"Say: 'O People of the Book (i.e., Jews and Christians)!   Come to common terms as between us and you:  That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.'  If then they turn back, say ye: 'Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will).'  (The Noble Quran, 3:64)"

"Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to God, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith? For God did take Abraham for a friend.  (The Noble Quran, 4:125)"

Osama- In case failed to see the point of these Noble Verses, tell me how is Islam in these Noble Verses related to the dust-worshiping and polytheist Islam that you follow today?  How are you following the "way of Abraham" as Allah Almighty put it in Noble Verse 4:125 when you elate the Caliphs in Allah's status and are willing to kill others for them?  And how are the political opinions about the Caliphs relevant to the belief in Allah Almighty and true Islam?   After all, didn't Allah Almighty say that if he were to punish them for their sins, then he wouldn't leave them alive?

Osama- Please visit: What is the Wisdom of Islam?


Critic- It is no wonder, because a snake gives birth to none other than a snake, and whoever reads the annals of history will find the murder and pillage that they committed on the people of the Sunnah, and will find their treaties with the enemies of Islaam far too notorious to be mentioned here.   Concerning this, Ibn Taymiyyah said, "The Shee'ah perceive that the disbelief of the people of the Sunnah is greater than the disbelief of the Jews and the Christians, because those are people who were disbelievers from the start, while the Sunnis were Muslims and then committed apostasy, so they are then greater in disbelief by their consensus than the disbeliever who never entered Islaam."  

Osama- Just because there are bad Shias out there who might have betrayed Sunnis before, it doesn't make all Shias: (1) Infidels; (2) Betrayers; and (3) Not worthy of trust.  Your whole point is weak.

Osama- I am sorry to say that our real enemy today is not the Jews and the Christians.  It's the fanatics like yourself who poison and corrupt Islam from the inside!  It's the fanatics like yourself who fail to see that generalizing is an evil thing.  It's fanatics like you who divide the Muslims and fail to isolate the real problem and the real evil doers from a Muslim group.


Critic- Servants of Allah! The Shee'ah, who rejected the Leadership of those who recognize Abu Bakr and 'Umar, may Allaah be pleased with them, as Muslims, have shown in many occasions there treachery and treason throughout Islaamic history. Therefore, the Shee'ah have lived most of their lives in disgrace and humiliation, as an outcome of their actions, and as a consequence of their accusing the companions of the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam of treachery, and their cursing of them, and their accusing them of turning back to disbelief after Islaam, except for a few of them.

Osama- So just because they disagree with the 3 Caliphs you're giving yourself the liberty and the freedom to consider them as infidels.  I am sorry to say this, but wait until Allah Almighty enjoys Himself in torturing you in Hell Fire for this!  The real evil doer here is you for being a closed-minded and a hating fanatic.


Critic- The companions of the Messenger of Allaah are the ones who spread Islaam and narrated it to us, in the process, giving their lives and their wealth, all in the path of Allaah.   So may Allaah humiliate those whose Deen is based on the belief of the scheming Jew 'Abdullaah ibn Saba'. Because of this, they have lived in hypocrisy under the name "Taqiyyah". So whenever they see a strong Islaamic nation, they attack it with their tongues, and deceive it with their actions, showing that nation or government all of its sincerity and allegiance, giving praise and thanks to it, all for the reason of taking its wealth, and governmental positions. If they succeeded in overtaking that government and they would attack the unity of the Muslims of the people of the Sunnah, both scholars and common people, men and women, old and young, attacking them as a lion attacks its prey, in any way possible, whether it be through destruction or ruin.  

Osama- The only one that takes credit for spreading Islam is Allah Almighty.  Yes the Companions of the Prophet did spread Islam through preaching and fighting battles that were imposed upon them.  But this doesn't make them perfect and untouchable!  Anyone can still question some of the things they did and point out errors.  Anyone can share his disagreement with them.  It's not a crime to do that!  It's called freedom of speech, something which exists in Islam that you and the ego-loving fanatics like you highly disagree with.

Osama- You are failing to realize that you're making the same mistake as the Jews and Christians did when they glorified and praised people created from dust!  Here is what Prophet Muhammad said:  Narrated 'Umar: "I heard the Prophet saying, 'Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians praised the son of Mary, for I am only a Slave. So, call me the Slave of Allah and His Apostle.'  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Prophets, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 654)"

Osama- Even the Prophet didn't want to be glorified.  He didn't want for Muslims to praise him as Allah.  So, you praising the Caliphs and considering anyone who disagrees with their politics as an infidel is a grave sin that you will pay for dearly at the End.  And for your information, praising people and glorifying them too much is one form of polytheism in Islam.


Critic- You find them throughout history, siding with the disbelievers and polytheists and assisting them against the Muslims. History is witness to this fact.

Osama- History does not tell us that.  In fact, the most deadliest battles that happened among Muslims were all from Sunnis.  Look at the history of the Abbasites and Umawites in what we call today Iraq and Syria respectively.  Look at the 100s of thousands they killed from each others.  Look at the history of the Hajjaj in Iraq, the leader of Mecca who once demolished the Kaaba (I forgot his name).  These were all Sunni Muslims.   The Shias had nothing to do with any of this, nor did any of the non-Muslims.   The Shias have no major history in siding with nonbelievers, or in creating conflicts among Muslims.


Critic- Here, I would like to mention just one incident which will show you their treason and treachery to Islaam and the Muslims. This episode being that of the Shee'ah Minister, Ibn Al-'Alqami. We will mention it here, to show to the people of the Sunnah what the Shee'ah will do to them when given the opportunity.   Ibn Katheer mentions in his famous book of history, Al-Bidaayah Wan-Nihaayah: "Ibn Al-'Alqami was a minister for the Abbasid Khaleefah Al-Mu'tasim Billaah. Ibn Al-'Alqami was a Raafidhi Shee'ah, while the Khaleefah was a Sunni, upon the way of the Sunnah as were both his father and grandfather, except that he was lenient and careless at times. His Shee'ah minister would set traps for him and the Abbasid Khilaafah from one time to another, staging his plans for the destruction of the Sunnah and the establishment of a Shee'ah state.  

Osama- Where is the proof for Ibn Katheer's claim: "His Shee'ah minister would set traps for hi and the Abbasid Khillafah from one time to another, staging his plans for the destruction of the Sunnah and the establishment of a Shee'ah state."  I am not defending Ibn Al-'Alqami, but I do want more proofs than just a weak claim.  Also, even if Ibn-'Alqami is guilty, this still doesn't prove anything about the Shias.  I am certain you can always find bad Shias just as you can find bad Sunnis. 

Osama- Look at Sunni Ministers of today in Saudi Arabia.  They're full of hypocrisy!  Wouldn't you agree that it is quite ironic that Saudi Arabia, the land of Mecca and Medina, is a Kingdom while Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran condemned Kings and considered them as evil people?

Osama- "Kings, when they enter a country, despoil it, and make the noblest of its people its lowest thus do they behave.  (The Noble Quran, 27:34)"  The quote "thus do they behave" means that they still do it today.  So any Shia fanatic who is as closed-minded as you can write bad things about Sunnis and use this argument to prove that all Sunnis are hypocrites.  Using your generalizing and stereotyping logic and common sense, his argument would be a valid one.


Critic- "So, by way of his being a minister in the government, and the Khaleefah being heedless of him, he tried his utmost to deregulate the armies of the Khaleefah and hinder enrollment in the army. In his days, the army had reached around one hundred thousand soldiers, some of their commanders having the power and respect of kings. Yet he continued to deregulate the armies until the number of soldiers came down to about ten thousand only. He changed their posts from the front lines to other less meaningful positions, such as guards for the marketplace and door attendants at the Masjid.  

Osama- Well, in my humble opinion, it's the leader's fault for being stupid.  But just keep in mind one thing:  Don't trust everything you read, especially when it comes to history.  It's very well possible that the writers of this history wanted to put the blame on the Shia to cover up for an utter failure in the Sunni's leadership.  What ever the case may be, it is ultimately the leader's fault. 


Critic- "Once he had accomplished this, and the city of Baghdad had no army to protect Islaam and the Muslims, he wrote to the Tatar (the Mongols). He encouraged them to overtake the land, describing it as easy and telling them the reality of the government and its forces. So when the armies of the Tatar overtook Baghdad under the leadership of their chief Hulaako Khan, he brought with him his comrade At-Toosi, and the first to go out and meet them was the minister Ibn Al-'Alqami. After meeting with Hulaako, he returned to the Khaleefah.  

Osama- To my knowledge, the Mongols marched with millions of soldiers.  They came from the lands of Mongolia and China, and we all know how big these two nations are, especially the latter.  So, this piece of history about reducing the army to 10,000 soldiers only and blaming the Shias for it seems to be a big joke!  Again, don't trust everything you read, especially history that involves political opinions.


"He suggested to the Khaleefah to go out and meet with Hulaago, and to lower himself in front of him, for the welfare of the nation, and to offer him one half of all the land taxes collected yearly in Iraq. He continued to convince the Khaleefah until he went out to meet Hulaako  in the presence of over 700 judges, scholars, and prominent figures.  

Osama- Again, if this were true, we still don't know the real intentions of Ibn Al-'Alqami.  Given the numbers and strength of the enemy, he probably saw this as the ideal solution to save the entire nation from a devastating defeat.  Again, don't trust everything you read, especially when it comes to political opinions!  You could be right about the Shia Ibn Al-'Alqami, and I am not defending him or taking his side here.  But just keep in mind that military defeats are often blamed on the military leader.  Take the Arabs' defeat in the 1967 war with Israel for instance:  The Egyptians until today blame the military leader, AbdulKareem Arif (I believe his name) and not the president, Jamal AbdulNasir for the defeat.  No one likes to admit to any defeat, and the stronger in authority WOULD ALMOST ALWAYS BLAME THE LOWER ONES if he could get away with it.


Critic- "So when they came close to the house of Hulaako, they drew back from the Khaleefah, all but 17 people who entered with the Khaleefah. As far as those who stayed back, they came down from their horses and were killed, every one of them. The Khaleefah met with Hulaako and then returned to Baghdad in the company of At-Toosi and Ibn Al-'Alqami as well as others. He then returned to Hulaako and brought with him much gold and jewels. As soon as he returned, the order was given to kill him, and it is said the one who gave the suggestion was Ibn Al-'Alqami himself along with At-Toosi."  

Osama- It is said the one who gave the suggestion was Ibn Al-'Alqami himself along with At-Toosi?  So you're basing your entire belief on one ridiculous assumption that people had back then?!   Again, I am not taking sides here, but come on now, you should be smarter than this!  Like I said, don't believe everything you read especially when it comes to political opinions.


Critic- Ibn Katheer then says, "After the Khaleefah was killed, they went and stormed through the country, killing everyone they were able to from men, women, and children, old and young, sick and healthy. Many people hid inside wells and gardens, hiding for days so as not to be found, or ran to the hills and mountains. The Tatar continued their rampage, killing the people even on the roofs of their homes and inside the Masjid, until the streets ran of blood like rainwater in a valley. No one was safe from them, except the Jews, Christians and those that took refuge in the home of Ibn Al-'Alqami the Shee'ah, the same one who set this trap for the Muslims. The killing continued until it was said that the number of dead reached one million eight thousand bodies."  

Osama- The Tatar were not Jews nor Christians nor Shia Muslims.  They were Buddhists.  They did not care about Jews and Christians.  I hope you see that this piece of history is highly opinionated!  It's all based on opinions and says of people!  The Mongols wanted to invade the entire earth.  It was their World War.  Anyone that stood in their face was washed out by them.  They didn't come to kill only the Sunni Muslims and save the Jews and Christians and perhaps the Shias with them.  No, they came to conquer and enslave everybody!  But they utterly failed, and stories were told after them.  Many of those stories are Truthful, and many are exaggerations and fabrications.


Critic- Servants of Allaah! This is a summary of what Ibn Katheer has recorded of the treason of the Shee'ah to Islaam and the Muslims, which tells us the reality of their ways in every time and place. So will the Muslims wake up and stand up to them? And will they awaken from their heedlessness, and teach their children the truth about the Shee'ah and their plans for the people of the Sunnah? The Shee'ah ingrain in the minds and hearts of their children the hatred of the Sahaabah, and teach them that the people of the Sunnah are their enemies, and that they are disbelievers which need to be wiped off the face of the earth. Yet the children of the Sunnah know nothing about this nor do they know of the false beliefs of the Shee'ah!  

Osama- You are being a hypocrite for pointing out an unauthentic and doubtful example about one Shia person, and judging the entire Shia sect with it, while ignoring the modern Sunni hypocrites in Saudi Arabia who are allowing for Kings to rule over them.  You are being a hypocrite for ignoring the fact that the name of the lands of Mecca and Medina were changed from "the Arabian Peninsula" to "Saudi Arabia", which was named after the Saud family.   None of this means anything to you about the Sunnis, and one ridiculous and doubtful example about one Shia means a lot to you and allows for you to judge all Shias through it?!  What a ridiculous double standard!!


Critic- Servants of Allaah! Youth of Islam! These are things that we must know very well:  

Firstly, that most of the sects, which split off the Shee'ah, have Persian roots. If they show their allegiance and friendship to other than them, they are all lies and tricks.

Osama- Just your biased opinion.


Critic- Secondly, they are a people of confusion and wish to spread this amongst the masses in order to confuse them about their real goals. You will find one of their leaders declaring something obligatory, while another states the contrary, all to cause disruption in society. This is the way of the leaders of Iran. They use the same methods to stray the masses from the truth, and if they cannot cause them to follow them or go astray, then they use terrorist tactics to, either make them agree, or get rid of them. This was the method that they used with Ihsaan Ilaahi Zaheer, may Allaah have mercy upon him, when they assassinated him.

Osama- Again, just your biased opinion with no proofs.  By the way, I see the leaders of Iran today standing up to the Truth more than your fellow Sunnis.  Who else beside Iran supports Hizbullah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine?  Don't tell me Saudi Arabia does!


Critic- Thirdly, the secretive Raafidhah Shee'ah look at the Arabs with hatred and enmity, for nothing but the fact that they destroyed the glory of Persia, and overcame the power of Kisraa. History is enough of a witness to their agreements with the disbelievers and polytheists, and their use of them against the Sunnah and the Muslim community. In this time, the Shee'ah have established deep ties with the Jews, acting as cargo mules for the enemies of Islaam in every time and place.  

Osama- Again, just your biased opinion with no proofs.  Also, if you find some Iranians feel this way, then too bad for them!   This doesn't mean anything.  You can't expect all of them to be like what you wish for them to be.  They are a nation, and like every nation, you'll find different opinions and ways of life and beliefs about political and historical events and facts.


Critic- Fourthly, they have no law in their religion preventing them from that which is forbidden to us. Their faith is based on deception and this makes them the most lying of nations. Their practice of temporary marriage has made most of them adulterers and prostitutes, and the filthy things they say about the companions of the messenger of Allaah has made it easy for them to curse the believers and pronounce their disbelief.  

Osama- Again, just your biased opinion with no proofs.  Also, temporary marriage or Muta was allowed by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him at one time.  Even though I disagree with the whoredom that some of them have, by marrying and divorcing every couple of hours, but that's their problem with Allah Almighty.  I would call them adulters and adulteresses.  I would call them whores and sluts, but I would never call them infidels just for that reason alone.   Please visit Muta in Islam, to see when Muta is allowed and why?


Critic- These are the fundamentals that they base their religion upon, and which every Muslim should be aware of, so as not to be tricked by their plots. The one who is ignorant of them may be deceived by their outward appearance at times, and may even be tricked by the things they say and do, all because he is ignorant of the fact that their religion is one of lies.  

Osama- Well your fundamentals about basing a judgement on them stink!  You have utterly failed to show one solid proof about Shias being infidels.  All you gave were ridiculous opinions and quotes from doubtful books!  Be careful of what you say and do, because you will Ultimately face Allah Almighty in the End.


Second Khutbah

Critic- Oh Muslims! Some might say, "What you mentioned is fine, but the Shee'ah of today are far from the differences that occurred between themselves and the people of the Sunnah of old; they have left those discrepancies and are keen to unite the Muslims." The one who says this has strayed form the truth, because the Shee'ah of today are worse then the Shee'ah of old. Their system of belief and practice is built on the fundamental of destroying Islaam from the roots, shaking its foundations, causing differences between the Muslims, and destroying their unity, if able.  

Osama- Again, just your own opinion with no proofs.


Servants of Allaah! Whoever knows of the plots of the Shee'ah minister Ibn Al-'Alqami, and the way in which he brought destruction to the Muslims, will not be surprised about the actions of the Shee'ah in the sacred city of Makkah. What happened in Makkah was not a demonstration, but a conspiracy; nor was it planned by the pilgrims of Iran alone.   What happened was only an attempt to widen the Gulf War, an attempt planned by the rule of Tehran. They wanted to bring the problems of Iran to the Gulf and shake the security and peace of the region.

Osama- There is no security in the region as long as that Saudi family of yours rules the holy lands of Mecca and Medina.  If Iran's intentions are to liberate the holy lands from the hypocrites who are ruling them, then may Allah Almighty bless Iran and the Iranian people.


Critic- Therefore, time has come to pull back the false veil of the Iranian Revolution. Time has come to show the reality of the war between Iran and Iraq…a war between the Arabs and the Persians. Islaam is free from such a war. Islaam is not the catalyst for the Iranians as much as Persian pride is.   The sparking of this dangerous call started before the Iranian revolution, shortly before the fall of the Shah, when the Shah put on large festivals and celebrations in remembrance of one of the great figureheads of Persian history, Koorash. He called a number of people from outside of Iran to one such festival, and fed them peacock in commemoration of this event. The Shah was overthrown, but the spark remained.   A spark to ignite the people of Persia and the Persian Empire long after being overthrown by Islaam. So when the current revolution started, and Iran started its war with Iraq, the authorities spread this idea through the minds of the Iranian people, and painted it in the picture of Islaam, in order to fool to weak and simple minded, so that they would put their lives on the frontlines for the vain cause of the revolution.  

Osama- The Iran-Iraq 8-year war was a personal war between Khomeini and Saddam Hussein.  May Allah Almighty burn both of them in Hell fire.  Ameen.  I know that many Iranians today who still believe in Zoroastrianism despise the Arabs and consider Islam as an "Arab religion and civilization" that was imposed upon them.  Those people who do not view Islam as a Faith of Savior and the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty are not Muslims.  Many of the pro-Shah are Zoroastrians, and these people are not representatives of the Shia Muslims.  If you look at the Shias in Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon and many in Iran, you would see that they are true Muslims who take pride only in Islam.  Mixing Iranian Zoroastrians with Iranian Muslims is quite irresponsible and reveals a great amount of ignorance.

Osama- I also know that many Iranians love and adore the Ayatollah Khomeini.  That's their opinion that I despise, because he and Saddam are responsible for killing and wounding millions!  I however would never call those Iranians infidels just for that!  Just please keep that in mind when referring to Shias.  You can't use historical examples like this to prove that Shias are infidels.  That's an insult to the intelligence of your reader and a deception to the foolish from the Muslims.


Critic- To prove that what happened in Makkah was a plot, and that those who planned it did not come for the sake of Hajj, all we have to do is look to the great amount of banners that were flown that day and the amount of knifes carried.   The newspaper 'Ukaath printed in its Wednesday edition, on the 18th of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, a picture of one of the printed invitation cards that were passed out before the riot, and I will read to you the text exactly as it was printed.   At the top it was written:   "In the Name of Allaah the Most High, and out of giving greatness to the signs of Allah, and life to the Sunnah of the Messenger, we call you to join us in showing your independence from the Polytheists. The time: The day of Jumu'ah, the sixth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, Four-thirty in the afternoon. The place: The Sacred City of Makkah, the courtyard."

Osama- I am sorry that there are bad and closed-minded Shias as there are in the Sunnis.  I have no doubt that some Shia fanatics do consider Sunnis as "infidels" just as there are Sunni fanatics who consider Shias the same.  This is not new.  It's true and it is disgusting!   The fanatics on both sides consider each others as infidels only because of differences in political opinions, such as who should've been the first Caliph: Abu Bakr or Ali; and was Aisha wrong for thinking that Ali killed Uthman and declared war on him?   All of these fanatics who elate people created from dust and glorify them in the same rank as Allah Almighty are guilty of polytheism!


Critic- They wrote this in the name of Allaah, using the name of the Lord for the purpose of hatred! Look at the way they worship their leaders, obeying them in matters which Allaah has forbidden, that being in the sacred city of Allaah, in the sacred month of Dhul-Hijjah, they take their priests and rabbis as Lords other than Allaah.   On top of this, they claim that this crime of theirs is from the Sunnah of the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, while the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has said, in the hadeeth narrated by Ibn 'Abbaas: "The three most hated people to me are: One causing disruption and corruption within the Sacred Boundaries (of Makkah), and one who wishes to introduce into Islam the ways of the times of ignorance, and one who seeks the blood of another without any reason except that he wishes to spill it." (Bukhaari)   They claim that their actions were done out of giving greatness to the signs of Allaah, but tell us when has this ever been done by violating the sacredness of Makkah, the sacred months, and the sacredness of the Muslims?  

Osama- As I explained above, the fanatics from both Sunnis and Shias are guilty of polytheism.


Critic- Seeing is believing, and the newspapers circulated pictures of the riots that took place. Pictures which make emotions fly, showing how they rampaged the courtyards of the sacred Mosque, and ran terror into the hearts of the Pilgrims, running over the innocent, violating the holy status of Makkah, a place where mankind gathers to console their hearts, turn to their Lord, and seek His forgiveness. Responding to His call from every crevice of the earth, only to be exposed to a scene of murder and rage.  

Osama- It's sad, but still it give you no right to take the liberty and the freedom of considering all or most Shias as infidels.   It's Allah Almighty's duty, no yours!  You can hate those Shias who disrupted the pilgrimage, but this still does not make them infidels.  Their lack of education and self-esteem, and extreme carelessness does not make them infidels. 


Critic- So we should ask: What type of faith possesses a people to commit such acts, if they really have faith? Any sane person can tell that behind these acts are those that only wish to endorse terrorism and animosity towards the Muslims and their sacred lands.   Servants of Allaah! The question that comes to mind after all this is: Is it possible for those who change the Qur'aan, lie against the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam), curse his companions (may Allaah be pleased with them all), and make lying part of their faith; is it possible for those that do such things to be Muslims?

Osama- I think we should ask ourselves this:  How are you as a Sunni fanatic being any better than those Shia fanatics whom you criticize?  I don't see you as any better than them?  You still worship dust like they do!  You still elate people in the same rank as Allah Almighty, while Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran clearly said about those people that He would kill them if He were to punish them for their sins:  "If God were to punish men according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, verily God has in His sight all His Servants.  (The Noble Quran, 35:45)"

Osama- I still don't see how can you consider yourself as a true Muslim when you're willing to kill a Muslim for having a political disagreement and an offending opinion about the 3 Caliphs?

Osama- And by the way, for those Shias who believe that Ali should've been the first Caliph based on this Saying from Prophet Muhammad:  Sa'd b. Abi Waqqas reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) left 'Ali b. Abi Talib behind him (as he proceeded) to the expedition of Tabuk, whereupon he ('Ali) said: "Allah's Messenger, are you leaving me behind amongst women 4nd children? Thereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said: Aren't you satisfied with being unto me what Aaron was unto Moses but with this exception that there would be no prophet after me.  (Translation of Sahih Muslim, Book 31, The Book Pertaining to the Merits of the Companions (Allah Be Pleased With Them) of the Holy Prophet (May Peace Be Upon Him) (Kitab Al-Fada'il Al-Sahabah), Number 5914)" 

Osama- I'd say to them that in this Saying of our Prophet peace be upon him, we see that Ali was like a Prophet because of his clean heart and goodness. But he wasn't anything sacred in Islam.  In fact, Aaron never ruled the People of Israel!  Joshua took the leadership after Moses peace be upon him died.  So Ali being like Aaron does not automatically qualify him to be the leader after Prophet Muhammad.  Please visit:  None of the four Caliphs was really perfect.






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