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Date:    4/3/03 12:29:37 PM Central Standard Time
From: (Lee Perl)


To Whom It Concerns,

Challenge #1 - Deu. 33:2 - This is a reference to God's handing down justice. God's deliverence of the nation of Isreal from Egypt's bondage. Jesus second coming with the final judgement. No mention by name or reference here about Muhammad, strictly God's dealing with judgement upon sinners false teachers and idolators. 

The relation to the quantity of 10,000 is not mentioned in any reference that I found, but the word that is used is MYRIAD. Which is a reference to a large number, but unspecific. 

As for Paran's location I will addmit I have nothing that states whether it is or is not Mecca. I can only go by current geographical information of today, and I have my personal doubts that it is or was Mecca. 

It may appear that Muhammad ended idol worship, but lets expose Islam a little more. Islam is difined as Submission to God, as history has documented Muhammad capitalized upon Submission. You convert at the end of a sword or die by the sword, history and current wordly locations document this very well.

Muhammad was very loyal to his beleifs and enforced them totally. As for being fruitful, I will agree, but one must note that Muhammad had many wives and a few, by todays standards, were pre-teen in age while he was up in age. 

Challenge #2 - Isaiah 21:7 - Isaiah is prophecising about Babylon's fall. As to the mention of the riders (horsemen, donkey and camel) Isaiah was referring to the messanger that would be bring the news of Babylon's fall. My Bible makes no reference to "Couple of horsement", mine states "Teams of Horses". No reference made to the number of riders. 

As for the mode of transportation that Jesus used, it was mostly by foot or by boat at that time. However, it was prophecised that Jesus would ride on a donkey on his final trip (ref. Zec 9:9, Mt. 21:2-7, Mk. 11:2 and Lk. 19:30). 

Challenge #3 - Gen. 12:1-3 - God made a covenant with Abraham to provide him with a land, Make Abraham a great nation, bless his offspring (both Issac and Ishmael). 

As for Ishmael and the entire Arab/Muslim nation you must reference Gen. 16: 11-12. The angle of God told Hagar, "you are now with child and you will have a son. You shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard of your misery. He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers."  This kind of sounds like the history of the Middleast, past and present, even the attitude towards the U.S.A. In fact, most recent wars and battles (Bosnia/Kosovo/ etc...) have been initiated by the Arab/Muslim. Major humanitarian violation continue today by Arab/Muslim followers. Sudan still practices the trade of slavery, groups in Egypt still force conversions (rape, disfigurement, branding, etc..) from other denomination to Islam. What God spoke in Gen. 16:11-12 is true.

As for the Arab/Muslim being cursed, God spoke it to Hagar in Gen. 16:11-12. The blessing God spoke of to Abraham is in relation to the Covenant that he made with Abraham and Saraha for a child, which is Issac. As for the blessing for this nation, it is Israel, which comes from Issac. 

One can be cursed whether or not you bow and worship to what you perceive to be God on a regular basis or where you worship. Accepting and knowing what God speaks and has spoken and honoring God with All you Heart, Mind and Soul is what seperates you from the sinners of this world. Without accepting God's word you are already cursed. 

In conclusion, the mention or prophecy of Muhammad in the Bible, by Prophets or by Jesus is not true. The comforter that you mention is of the Holy Ghost/Spirit. The Holy Ghost/Spirit that you claim in the forecoming of Muhammad is in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. With that being the case that alone would defeat your theory of the prophetic coming of Muhammad. What it boils down too is not the comparison of your God's miracles versus my God's miracles, but rather the state of your soul versus the state of my soul. And this I will compare. My soul has been given to the one true Lord, Jesus Christ, and my name has been written in the Book of Life. And when my time has come I will rejoice knowing that my eternal salvation will be in the hands of Jesus Christ. Now for you, when your time comes you'll have to surrender your soul to those principalities of darkness that own the right to it and drag you and your soul to hell. It's a choice that we all must make, now or later, and rest assured we all will make a choice. Which choice will you make, your life depends upon it. I pray to God that your heart and mind will be touched and that God will give you the wisdom of Solomon. 

God's Speed,

Leonard Perl

My response to this rebuttal.