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Abdul Haleem



 According to Rashad Khalifa, “THE AGE OF 40 IS THE AGE OF RESPONSIBILITY; see  [Quran] 46:15.  It is the age after which the mature adult is responsible for his/her  choice, GOD ALONE or not.”


 Dr Rashad Khalifa, the man, the issues and the truth,


 Rashad Khalifa describes this “age of 40” doctrine as follows:


 “What is the age of responsibility? If a child dies at the age of 12, without even hearing about God, does this child go to Heaven or Hell? What if the child is 15 years old, or 21, or 25? At what age will the human being be held responsible for his or her beliefs? This question has puzzled researchers of all religions for a long time. The Quran sets the age of responsibility at 40; anyone who dies before this age goes to Heaven  . . . .”

 “Delivering this important piece of information is one of the responsibilities given to me as God’s Messenger of the Covenant. It is not my personal opinion. It is noteworthy that both Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were assassinated just a couple of months before their 40th birthdays.”


Appendix 32  of the Authorized English translation of the Quran of Dr.  Rashad Khalifa


Thus, according to Rashad Khalifa, an UNREPENTANT MASS MURDERER and IDOL WORSHIPPER - e.g. a Hindu terrorist who preyed on Kashimiri Muslims - would AUTOMATICALLY AND DIRECTLY GO TO HEAVEN IF HE/SHE WERE UNDER 40!


 What is the source of this “revelation” ?


 Rashad Khalifa cites, Quran 46:15, which he translates as follows:

 [46:15] We enjoined the human being to honor his parents. His mother bore him arduously, gave birth to him arduously, and took intimate care of him for thirty months. When he reaches maturity, and reaches the age of forty, he should say, "My Lord, direct me to appreciate the blessings You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do the righteous works that please You. Let my children be righteous as well. I have repented to You; I am a submitter."


Even THIS TRANSLATION says NOTHING about  an AUTOMATIC  “ticket to heaven” for those who die below age 40!

 For this reason Rashad Khalifa had to add a “footnote” to his Quran translation, which states

 "*46:15 God knows full well who deserves to go to Heaven and who deserves to go to Hell. It is His law that whomever He puts to death before the age of 40 shall go to Heaven."


 Excuse me, where does Quran 46:15 SAY all that?

Why was not Ibn Kathir correct, when he recognizes the following obvious meanings in the Quran's words:


<and reaches the age of forty>

meaning, his complete intellect, understanding, and patience reach the level of maturity. It has also been said that usually one will no change his ways once he reaches the age of forty.

<he should say, "My Lord, direct me>

meaning, "inspire me"

<to appreciate the blessings You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do the righteous works that please You.>

meaning, in the future

<Let my children be righteous as well.>

meaning, my offspring and descendants.

<I have repented to You; I am a submitter.">

This contains an instruction for anyone who reaches forty years of age to renew his repentance and to turn to Allah with strong resolution.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol 9, pp. 60-61 (Darussalam Publishers, Riyadh, 2000) [Note: I have substituted RASHAD KHALIFA'S translation for the publisher's translation in all cases where text of Quran 46:16 was quoted]


The answer is that in this case, Ibn Kathir actually RELIED ON THE QURAN, and it was Rashad Khalifa who is advancing arguments based on hadith narrated ONLY by Rashad Khalifa!


Since even RASHAD KHALIFA’s OWN QURAN TRANSLATION does NOT support this “go straight to heaven below 40” doctrine, he is, ultimately, forced to claim


“Delivering this important piece of information is one of the responsibilities given to me as God’s Messenger of the Covenant .  . . .”

Appendix 32  of the Authorized English translation of the Quran of Dr. Rashad Khalifa

 In other words, we must believe that Rashad Khalifa obtained status of an “imamate” and was received “revelations” as “messenger of the covenant.”

 This claim - even if true - would not be the product of a “Quran only” approach, but rather requires acceptance of RASHAD KHALIFA’s OWN AHADITH!





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