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rashad_khalifa.jpg (8712 bytes)
Rashad Khalifa (The "dajjal", liar and deceiver)
11/19/1935 - 1/31/1990


The Rashad Khalifa Cult Exposed:

A biography about Rashad Khalifa, including picture.

Yes, the number 19 is miraculous in the Noble Quran and was proven to be essential in many of the Scientific Theories and Discoveries.  But it doesn't at all support Rashad Khalifa's removal of two Noble Verses from the Noble Quran, and his claim to be GOD Almighty's Messenger.

My rebuttal to Rashad Khalifa's number 19 theory.

Hadith #1: Rashad Khalifa - 20th century Hadithist?  This article exposes the lies and false Sayings of Dr. Khalifa that he claimed were inspired by Allah Almighty.

Hadith #2: Claim that Noble Verses 9:128-129 were "fraudulently added" to the Noble Quran.

Hadith #3: No possibility of Divine punishment for crimes committed below age 40 - Even mass murder!

Hadith #4: Rashad Khalifa was commanded by Gabriel to tell the world he was the Messiah and "second coming" of Christ.

Rashad Khalifa rape case.  See the snap shot of the Arizona "Tucson Citizen," October 6, 1979, p. 2B news paper regarding his rape case with a teenager.

Debate Over 19 Publicized By

Code 19 Deceit.  This site is dedicated to exposing Code 19 Deceit.

"19" - The Number of Hell's Angels.

There was no "Rasul (Messenger)" who was not also a "Naby (Prophet)".

Invention of computers is not the "Creature" of Quran 27:82.

19 = The Numbers Don't Add UP - Some Examples.

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