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Refuting shahid bin waheed's $5000.000 challenge to me:

This article is a refutation to shahid bin waheed's desperate challenges to me.   Once again, I will shut his loud and foul-mouth (he is fond on using the f*** word) for him and throw him back to the dumpster section that I put him in on my web site, because this is where the likes of him from the trash and losers belong to.

The trash-mouth said the following:

"Here is my challenge to Murtadd Osama Abdallah: If he can present verifiable evidence that a truly Islaamic Alim (scholar) {A Mufti} endorses and/or approves Murtadd Osama Abdallah’s present rhetoric at his website and do not declare him to be a Kafir, I will give Murtadd Osama Abdallah $ 5000.00."



My response:

Shahid, bring me one joker beside you that sincerely and openly considers me as kafir (infidel) or murtadd (apostate)?  Even a salafi-clown like yourself on my message board publicly declared that he disagrees with you and showed much despising toward you for apostatizing me and others.  The reader can read the post at this link.  Note: In side the post, the Arabic word "takfeer" means "to apostatize" or to "declare one as an apostate or renegade".   It is ironic that even the ones from the strictest cult, the salafi clowns, on the internet did not declare me as an apostate.  This by itself debunks your challenge and you are now obligated to pay me $5000.00.  But of course, you being the coward hypocrite that you are, you wouldn't honor your words and challenge.

To the reader:  While I don't belong to any Islamic group or sect other than just being a Muslim, but my Islamic upbringing was mostly in the "Shafie" school of thought (math-hab or mathhab) and some "Hanafi" as well.  The salafis, or the salafi clowns as I call them, are the least in quantity and the strictest and most ridiculous!  They do not represent Islam.  They only represent the trash/cult that they belong to.  I've written a detailed article about them, and mentioned the clear evidence where Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him warned us against them.  He also gave us their evil sign.  Please visit:  Many of the modern Muslim Salafis are evil and hypocrites according to Prophet Muhammad.

As to the first part of his challenge, he is referring to my Apostates in Islam article, and how I clearly proved that Islam allows freedom of choice and religion to both Muslims and non-Muslims.  I think the Al-Azhar Ministers in Egypt had already covered this and discontinued this Law to be practiced, especially to new converts to Islam, since:

1- The anti-Islam propaganda is too strong, and non-Muslim Westerners might embrace and leave Islam without necessarily posing any hostility toward Islam.

2- Unlearnt Muslims themselves in the West are venerable to anti-Islam media and propaganda, and some of them might end up deserting Islam due to misunderstanding. Thus, it is not Islamically right to consider them as hostile enemies to Islam.

I will insha'Allah prove the above with irrefutable evidence, contact a lawyer, yank the $5000.00 out of the trash-mouth's throat, and shut his loud and trash mouth once again.






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My rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.

Good Manners in Islam.

What is the definition of a hypocrite in Islam? And will all "Muslims" make it to Heaven?

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