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Important note as to why I created a special section for this loser, Shahid bin Waheed:

The desperate clowns of the answering Islam team are using this foul-mouth (he is literally fond on using the f*** word a lot as I proved below) piece of trash as an "orthodox" Muslim to insult Islam and to refute me and my site.  Preposterous indeed!  I have exposed and humiliated the clowns WITH FACTS at this article: The desperate clowns of "Answering Islam" are relying on a trash and foul-mouth dumpster to refute me, and have shredded the loser into pieces below also WITH FACTS.  Have they not LIED and used this loser to unjustly insult Islam and spread lies against me, I would not have wasted a single second on exposing him.  I would've left him to bark until he eventually shuts up.

Having said all of that, let's move on and see what kind of an "orthodox" Muslim this trash-mouth really is:


Rebuttals to Shahid bin Waheed's articles:

The sections here are:

1-  Rebuttals to Shahid bin Waheed's articles.
2-  Shahid stealing from my web site. 
See the clear evidence.
3-  Allah Almighty cursed the Muslim fanatics for creating tumult (fitnah) and injustice.


Refuting shahid bin waheed's $5000.00 challenge to me.  Will he honor his cheap words and pay me the $5,000?  Of course not!   What else can you expect from a foul-mouthed hypocrite?

Shahid, the FOUL-MOUTH low-life loser, is fond on using the f*** word.  According to Islam, those who use and insist on using foul language are hypocrites.  See the proofs.

His abusive language documented to a new convert to Islam, brother Vincent: [1] [2].

A post by brother "Katatonic Bliss" on my message board sharing his views about this loser.

Shahid so nastily talking about how his wife "LICKS, SUCKS AND SWALLOWS" in a different alias but under the same IP address.   He was trying to disrupt my message board with pornography without realizing that he was ONLY exposing himself, his perverted sick mind, and his trash and foul mouth.  He is truly a low-life loser.

Shahid bin Waheed's "make your bite as bad as your bark" article.   He is literally a child in a 50-year old body!  Note his childish remarks and bad manners and lack of evidence.

This loser's trash talk about my wife and family.

Shahid calls himself "NetWisdom". See what the Proverbs of Solomon in the Bible say about his stupidity.  See also how Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran considers him as a kafir (disbeliever) and liar.

Shahid's hypocrisy and disrespects to his reader.

Shahid considers my readers, and family as "murtadds" (apostates).

Shahid finally used the bathroom, took a dump from his head, and stated why he considers me as MURTADD (APOSTATE).   Shahid bin Waheed finally revealed why he considers me as "murtadd" (apostate).  Look at his ridiculous points and arguments.   It'll probably cause you to throw up from disgust.

Shahid has some serious moral problems with Islam.

Shahid uses Noble Verse 7:146 to justify him calling almost everyone on my Message Board as disbeliever, but fails to see that it fits him perfectly.

My response to Shahid bin waheed's rebuttal to my "The amazing creation of Earth and Iron" article.

My response to shahid bin waheed's rebuttal to my "None of the four Caliphs was really perfect" article.


Shahid stealing from my web site:

Thief bin waheed stole this article from my web site.

Another article stolen from my site.


Allah Almighty cursed the Muslim fanatics for creating tumult (fitnah) and injustice:

Please visit: Allah Almighty cursed the Salafis, Wahabis, and Taliban-Likes for constantly apostatizing believers and creating Tumult (fitnah) in the Noble Quran.

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said:
Narrated Abu Huraira: "Allah's Apostle said, "If a man says to his brother, O Kafir (disbeliever)!' Then surely one of them is such (i.e., a Kifir).  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab), Volume 8, Book 73, Number 125d)"

Allah Almighty also said:  "Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter.  (The Noble Quran, 2:217)"

Allah Almighty also said:  "On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.  (The Noble Quran, 5:32)"

Creation of tumult and injustice among Muslims is a crime worse than murder in the Sight of Allah Almighty!  Those who apostatize other Muslims (as most Muslim fanatics do to ordinary Muslims) are guilty of creating tumult and oppression.  When one goes as far as calling another as "disbeliever" then in reality he is trying to force unto Allah Almighty something that is not True.   That is why Prophet Muhammad said that if a Muslim calls another Muslim "O disbeliever" or "O apostate" or "O infidel", etc..., then the caller becomes such.






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