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Shahid finally used the bathroom, took a dump from his head, and stated why he considers me as MURTADD (APOSTATE):

I normally don't write this way, but this pathetic loser had finally revealed why he considers me a "murtadd" (apostate), or someone who deserted Islam, after my continuous challenges to him to produce his proof if he was truthful. 

What's more ironic is that the answering Islam team are using him as an "orthodox" Islamist to desperately try to prove that I am a "heretic" who doesn't represent Islam.  They use a clown to discredit my site.   Obviously they are more clowns than he is.

Anyway, let us look at Shahid bin Waheed's nonsense.  The following is an email I received from him:


He wrote:

Subj: Re: Refuting the Absurdities of Imposter Walid & Murtadd Osama Abdallah
Date: 12/6/2003 7:15:24 PM Central Standard Time

Hahahahaha Hey Murtadd

What kind of logic is that if I don't answer your bullshit (your socalled three articles of whining) than I must spare you? Hahahahaha

I did the autopsy of your decompsed BS before. If you got guts, knowledge and ability you PROVE me wrong. If you are the son of same man whose name is in your birth certificate? Let me inflame you here!!!

Here are some links in which I have proved you to be a complete IDIOT and a Murtadd years ago:

More is at this link:

This is what you have been avoiding and dodging like a coward that you actaully are.

The crap you have posted at your website that you called three article and I call "cry baby" or "whining" does not need any response. A 5th grader can do a better job than that.

Contrary to that I have proved that you have fraudulent and non-Islaamic material at your webiste.

You have Kuffar impersonating as Muslims like your buddy "Haleem the Hindu" at your website and I have refuted your crap that you posted to mislead people. Couple of examples are: your bullshit of "hell will eventaully be empty" and "Jesus is the beast mentioned in Qur'aan."


NO wonder Christian misionaries are having time of their life using your stupidity and the stupidity of Murtadd Akbarally Meherally. Both of you are poster boys of ignorance and Kufr. That is why Jochan Katz uses your material to stay in business of deception. He remained quite when he faces some one knolwedgeable and learned, like "Noorullah website" and yours truly.

So why don't you stop monkeying around and go back to school O' master orator of insignificance & master of CAP (copy and paste).


My response:

Shahid is a 50-year old man.  He is not young at all!  Notice his childish and ridiculous language and remarks that only shows how weak his points are, and how much of a loser he is that he has to resort to low-life losers' name callings.

As to his links above, I have absolutely no problem with anyone disagreeing with me.   Disagreeing with someone is something, and being closed-minded and considering him as an apostate just because he disagrees with you is another.

His links above:

My articles that his links are concerned with:

As to brother Abdul Haleem, he just went to the Pilgrimage to Mecca 2 years ago.  How can a clown like Shahid dare to call him a "hindu" or pagan?!  Shahid is good in giving name-callings and titles.  I am surprised that there are Muslims out there that listen to him and take him seriously.

As to my article about "Hell will be eventually empty in Islam", well I have provided all of the proofs from the Noble Quran and Hadiths at:

Shahid in his so-called rebuttal (very short and ridiculous article) did not even address Noble Verse 7:40, which my entire argument revolves around:  "To those who reject Our signs and treat them with arrogance, no opening will there be of the gates of heaven, nor will they enter the garden, until the camel can pass through the eye of the needle: Such is Our reward for those in sin.  (The Noble Quran, 7:40)"

In this Noble Verse we clearly see a promise from Allah Almighty to let all of the disbelievers enter Paradise if the miracle of the Camel going through the needle's eye happens.  Jesus peace be upon him did talk about the same miracle and said that it is humanly impossible, but definitely possible with GOD Almighty.   See Matthew 19:23-26 for more details.

So Shahid is not only stupid for calling me "murtadd", but he also intentionally gave partial rebuttal to a sub point while leaving the main point unanswered!

I invite the reader to read both my articles and his responses and see that there is nothing I have done that would even remotely suggest that I am challenging Islam or deserted it.  No wonder why Shahid kept failing to provide his proof when I challenged him to why he was calling me "murtadd".

He said: "Contrary to that I have proved that you have fraudulent and non-Islaamic material at your webiste."  Presenting a response or disagreement is onething, and apostatizing people is another.  Also, I did not put any frauds on my site.  When the reader reads the links above, he will clearly see how much of a clown Shahid bin Waheed really is, and how the answering Islam team are even worse than him in mantras and utter stupidity for using a fool like this to try to prove that I am a "heretic".

The utter failure of the answering Islam team to present rebuttals to my exploding web site in growth is what prompted them to resort to such a pathetic and cheap tactic in taking a short cut to discredit my site.

Shahid bin Waheed is the clown that they're using to reach this goal.  Through him they are trying to prove that I am a "heretic" and a "deviant" person, while in reality it is Shahid who is the heretic and the deviant one, and the desperate clowns that are using him are also that as well.

With this I conclude my article.







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Good Manners in Islam.

What is the definition of a hypocrite in Islam? And will all "Muslims" make it to Heaven?

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