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Old 18.02.2013, 20:06




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Makaveli1992 مدهشMakaveli1992 مدهشMakaveli1992 مدهش
تم شكره 22 مرة في 17 مشاركة
Default The dirty tactics of christian missionaries!

Christian missionaries act as Opportunistic Bacteria, they stay weak & unharmful until the body becomes immune suppressed then they become virulent & harmful!

They can’t work in healthy conditions, so they always choose countries of war, conflicts, starvation, ignorance, epidemics….

They are active in hospitals, schools, hostels, refugee’s camps..

Lately, missionaries carry on their activities in Al-Zaatari Camp in Jordan where people fled from the ongoing war in Syria.

They play on the starvation and illness of the needy to make them embrace Christianity in a cheap way.

Western colonization used to pave the way for missionaries in every land they colonized, not because they love Christianity & believe in it, no, they abandoned it in their countries & replaced it with secularism. They look at it as backwardness & representative of dark ages.

Bibles which are published in our countries are printed in France & UK, France where women dance naked in clubs for few francs & UK where men marry men!

Do they seem worry about Christianity?

No, but they bring christian missionaries to our countries with cast-off clothes in order to create shaky generations which accept defeat.

They know that Islam is the reason of honour & power in Muslim’s hearts & It urges them to be strong & resist the transgressors.

And because christian denominations hate each others, Arabic churches are annoyed & bothered by western churches & they themselves warn us from them!

Dear missionaries don’t try to blow out the light of the sun; soon or later the sun of Islam will shine & blow out your heresies to purify the atmosphere again.

Then, you’ll not find bad conditions to grow in.
للمزيد من مواضيعي


الموضوع الأصلي : The dirty tactics of christian missionaries!     -||-     المصدر : مُنتَدَيَاتُ كَلِمَةٍ سَوَاءِ الدَّعَويِّة     -||-     الكاتب : Makaveli1992

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Old 09.08.2013, 18:09

قلبي مع الله



قلبي مع الله is offline

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قلبي مع الله على طريق التميز
تم شكره 2 مرة في مشاركة واحدة

I like your subject jazak Allah khairan
Don't you think that they might say that Islam came to the ignorants during the ignorant period, people were oppressed hungry and weak?

Signature of قلبي مع الله
قل بفضل الله وبرحمته فبذلك فليفرحوا هو خير مما يجمعون

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christian, dirty, missionaries!, tactics

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