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Is the GOD of Islam and Christianity a pervert?

Although its late at night, and I don't really think its worth writing this article, but I feel that I must write it because some Christians (with all respect to the reader) have gone way too far in their pathetic attempts to insult Islam.

I receive the most ridiculous emails!  Some Christian debaters tried to prove that the GOD of Islam is a pervert GOD, because He promised mates for the believers in Paradise who are equal of age (Noble Verses 78:31-33) and were never touched by Jinn or Men before (Noble Verses 55:54-56).

Important Note: I provided more online translations to Noble Verses 55:54-56 and 78:31-33 from different sources at the end of this article that prove that there is no mention of any pornography in the Noble Quran what so ever.  I also elaborated on the Arabic translation of the Noble Verses and provided analysis about their meaning in Arabic.


Some people just dig their own graves!

I would like to respond to those immature anti-Islamic Christians by asking them this:

Was the GOD of the Bible a pervert when He thought about creating PENISES and VAGINAS to humans here on earth?

Was the GOD of the Bible a pervert when He created the "sexual turn on" for men when they see women and for women when they see men?  Does the word "masturbation" sound familiar to you?!

Was the GOD of the Bible a pervert when He decided to make humans reproduce through sexual intercourse?

After all, He is the One who designed and created all of it, correct?


So what is the dumb point then?

So what, if Allah Almighty prepared maximum sexual pleasure for us in heaven? He is the one who created sex here on earth anyway, correct?

He is the one who created in you the high sexual desires for women or for men (depending on your gender), correct?

So are the anti-Islamic Christians suggesting that the GOD of Christianity is a pervert then? (since He created sex)?

Heaven is Heaven. It has the maximum pleasure in everything; in nature views, happiness, sex, food, etc...

Please visit Women and Maidens in Paradise according to Islam.  How will women live in Paradise, and will they have companions?

Rebuttal to the so-called "Suckling Pornography" lie against Islam.


Further sites to research:

And since we're talking about lust, then how about asking the Anti-Islamic Christians to examine the lust and sex in the Bible?  Visit X-Rated Pornography in the Bible, where you will see actual quotes of:

1- Women talking about how good their lovers are in bed.

2- How "round" and "tasty" women's' "breasts" and "vaginas" are.  Bible even claims that women's' vaginas taste like "wine".

3- How the Bible teaches children to flirt and have fornication.

4- How the Bible lacks a great deal of teaching discipline especially when it comes to illegal sex and fornication.

Important Note:  If the Anti-Islamic Christians are going to consider Islam to be a religion of perverts just because Allah Almighty promised the Believers (the winners of Paradise) the maximum pleasure in EVERYTHING (including sex), then I would like to kindly ask them to review their own Bible and dare to make these remarks about it.

Fathers are literally allowed to stick their fingers into their own daughters' vaginas in the Bible before the daughters get married.

Raping girls at the age of 3 is allowed in the Jewish Holiest Book, the Thalmud.

What is the punishment for rape in Christianity and Islam?  See how the Bible tolerates it and even indirectly promotes it to happen to single women.

Contradicting errors even in Porn in the Bible.  

History of man's corruption in the Bible.  The Bible was not even written by the Prophets of GOD and the Disciples of Jesus.

Christianity is the cause of our social corruptions today.

Women rights in Christianity?

Response to the so called "Pornography" in the Noble Quran.

Church Priests/Ministers who changed their sex and still preach in their Churches.

Priests with the AIDS.

Women and Maidens in Paradise according to Islam.  How will women live in Paradise, and will they have companions?


Question to Christians:

I was told by many Christians that according to their beliefs, the winners of Paradise will have their earthly bodies in Heaven.  Meaning, they will have their heads, faces, arms, legs, mouths, groins, breasts, etc...

If so, then do you believe that you will have sex in Paradise as part of your life (as it is now here on earth) if you end up entering it?


More Translations to the above Noble Verses:

For Noble Verses 78:31-33:

Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali:  "Companions of equal age"

Translation by M.M. Pickthall: "And maidens for companions"

Translation by M.H. Shakir: "And those showing freshness of youth, equals in age"

Another translation of Noble Verses 78:31-33 in a different Quran Translation web site.

There is no mention of any Pornography in Noble Verses 78:31-33.  The Noble Verse 78:33 which says "Companions of equal age" says in Arabic "Kawa'eba Atraba".  Some modern Arabic literature writers say that "Kawa'eba" is referring to bosomed females.  Bosomed females generally have beautiful thin legs, bosomed breasts, thin stomach etc...  But the Noble Quran DOES NOT elaborate on it this way.  It only said two words "Kawa'eba Atraba", which literally means "bosomed females".  Other Arabic literature writers say that "Kawa'eba" is referring to companion or friend, thus "Kawa'eba Atraba" would literally mean "Companions of equal age."

There is no problem with Allah Almighty promising the believers beautiful mates in Paradise.  The point is however, the Noble Quran does not in anyway expose women's private parts like the Bible so ridiculously does with women.  It's a shame that the Bible exposed every private part of King Solomon's wife for instance and said that her vagina and breasts taste like wine.  It's a shame to call such trash a Divine Inspiration from GOD Almighty.  Visit X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

My dear Christian friend, I am not trying to upset you.  I wasn't the one who wrote the Bible.  And I wasn't the one who corrupted it either.  Please open your heart to Islam, the One True Religion that Calls for the Oneness and Worship of Allah Almighty, and Allah Almighty will help you.


For Noble Verses 55:54-56:

Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali: "whom no man or Jinn before them has touched"

Translation by M.M. Pickthall: "whom neither man nor jinni will have touched before them"

Translation by M.H. Shakir: "before them neither man nor jinni shall have touched them"

Another translation of Noble Verses 55:54-56 in a different Quran Translation web site.

Again, there is no mention of any Pornography in Noble Verses 55:54-56.

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