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Shahid's hypocrisy and disrespects to his reader:

This article is a rebuttal to Shahid bin Waheed's new nonsense that is located at:


He wrote:

What is the definition of a hypocrite in Islam?

And will all "Muslims" make it to Heaven?

Refuting Pseudo-Muslim Osama Abdallah!

By: Shahid Bin Waheed

Before pseudo-Muslim Osama Abdallah added his maniacal bray to his website, he sent me the following email, which must be very reassuring and comforting along with his article to his followers and/or those who think of him to be some kind of learned of Islaam. I have cited in bold red the part of the email in which he has defined the entire Muslim Ummah’s worth.

Pseudo-Muslim Osama Abdallah wrote to me:
Mr. Shahid,

The entire Muslim ummah today, to me, is not even worth the stuff you flush in the toilet after using the bathroom.

To see my views clearly about this, please visit:


My response:

Shahid had proven himself to be a total deceiver for failing up until now to tell his reader why he thinks of Osama Abdallah (me) as an apostate.  He first used to call me an apostate or "murtadd" in Arabic.  Now and after I clearly proved him to be a child in a 50-year old body, and shattered his image, he is resorting to calling me "pseudo-Muslim".

Shahid is clearly a failure and a loser who is so good in giving childish and immature name callings without giving proofs to back his ridiculous claims up.  That is why I call him a "child in a 50-year old body", because he is acting like silly children who need discipline, while he is a fully grown man.  It's amazing that there are such pathetic people of this low level.

Shahid, why don't you explain to your reader why you keep calling me an apostate?  What is your theological back up to this?  Or is this just a childish name calling?

Now in regards to my views about the political and economic situation of the entire Muslim nation, well, I still hold these views.  Yes, the current Muslim nations of today are worth nothing!  Islam is far greater than this.  The Muslims of today are filled with hypocrisy and cowardliness.  I have fully explained these views in greater details and backed all of my claims with the Noble Quran at:

But still, how am I an apostate or pseudo-Muslim?  What does any of this have anything to do with my personal beliefs in Islam?


He wrote:

The pseudo-Muslims like Osama Abdallah and Akbarally Meherally have some serious problems due to their sheer ignorance of Islaam, which they refuse to overcome by learning under appropriate guidance and/or supervision according to the teachings of Islaam, as we read,

Surah An-Nisaa 82
Do they not then consider the Qur’ān carefully?

The above Ayaah tells us that everyone has the right to ponder in the Glorious Qur’aan. But, level of ‘tadabbur’ (deliberation) are different, each one is governed by separate rule. However, pseudo-Muslim Osama Abdallah’s example is of that person who has never walked the corridors of a medical school, yet he started practice medicine by gagging all the reasons.

My response:

Again, why am I a "pseudo-Muslim" to you?  Don't you think that you owe it to your reader to give the minimum explanation as to why theologically Osama Abdallah is an apostate?

Otherwise, wouldn't you agree with me that you are a big joke?


He wrote:

I have nothing against if one disagrees with me as long as our disagreement/s are within the boundaries of the Islaamic Shariah and Islaamic aqeedah. Those who knows me knows it well beside that my writings are testament of this. However, When I called Osama Abdallah and Akbarally Meherally “Murtadd”  (I stand by for this deliberation). I have made all the sincere efforts to have the problem corrected.


My response:

You are obviously dying for attention.   Well, I will give you that attention and show everyone how much of a loser you are.   This attention is coming on the expense of your reputation and perhaps even salvation, because you are acting very irresponsibly and immaturely, and you are giving yourself a Divine authority by apostatizing Muslims.


He wrote:

Signs of Islaam are sufficient to identify a Muslim i.e. one who professes to be a Muslim and no Muslim is allowed to interpret his/her declaration of Islaam as hypocrisy, without certain knowledge and proof. This matter is discussed in the Glorious Qur’aan Ayaat 4: 94-96 is detail. Another point worth mentioning is that if some one skips Salah, does not fast and is involved with all sort of sins- still, no one has the right to say that he/she has gone outside the fold of Islaam. Thus, cannot be treated a disbeliever. The great Imaam Abu Hanifah said: ?We do not call people of Qiblah “Kafirs” because of some sins?. Similar statements appear in Hadeeth narrations as well, such as, “Do not say ‘the people of Qiblah” are Kafirs, no matter how sinful and evil-doing that may be.”


He wrote:

So now you are contradicting and refuting yourself.  First you call me an apostate, and now you give an Islamic verdict that clearly debunks your mantras.  "Do not say "the people of Qiblha (those who pray)" are Kafirs (infidels), no matter how sinful and evil-doing that may be." is as clear as it gets.

Tell us Shahid, by reading the quote you gave above, how can you then justify apostatizing those whom you disagree with?


He wrote:

It must be clearly understood clearly that this relates of the authority of Glorious Qur’aan and Sunnah, from which it is proved that calling or taking some one who calls himself a Muslim to be a Kafir is not permissible. It clearly means that until such time he/she says or does something that provides the positive proof of Kufr (disbelief), his profession of faith in Islaam shall be deemed as sound and he will continue to be taken as a Muslim and, for all practical purposes, he will be dealt with as one would deal with Muslims.


My response:

Ok, so since you are not permitted to call me an apostate, then where exactly did I show that I deserted Islam?  Since you yourself had refuted your stupidity and mantras in your articles, then the question keeps coming back again and again to you:

Where did Osama Abdallah prove that he is an apostate?  Don't you think that you owe it to your reader to give that proof?  Otherwise, aren't you even disrespecting your reader?


He wrote:

But, there may be a person who professes Islaam, attests to faith, yet disgraces himself by uttering words of disbelief or prostrates before and idol or ? denies an injunction of Islaam that is absolute and obvious, or takes to a religious way or mark of disbelievers.  Such a person will certainly be declared a Kafir and/or Murtadd because his deeds prove his infidelity. The Arabic word (be careful or investigate) used in Ayaah 4:94 of Glorious Qur’aan, provides a hint to this effect, otherwise the Jews and Christians both claims to be the believers. Osama Abdallah and Akbarally Meherally fall in the last category followed by arrow pointing to it, since both have repeatedly denied multiple injunctions of Islaam and have acted as inquisitors. Their websites and their articles are testament of their Kufr and being Murtadd.


My response:

Oh really?  Why have you then utterly failed to show us where I exactly showed that I am an infidel?  All you did was apostatize me based on my personal views of the political and economical situation of the Muslim world.  While I am right about my views, but this has nothing to do with my beliefs in Islam.  You're obviously too dumb to even look at your own country, Pakistan, and see the poverty and corruption there.  You're also too dumb to look at your country and see many of the Sunnis and Shias blowing each others' Mosques.


He wrote:

We read in Glorious Qur’aan,

Surah Al-Baqarah 137
So if they believe in the like of that which you believe, then they are rightly guided; but if they turn away, then they are only in opposition. So Allāh will suffice you against them. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.

In other words, we can say that their faith will be valid and trustworthy only when they have the same faith as common Muslims do. If they do not do that, than, let it be known and understood that they are the ones who wish to create dissension and fitnah.


My response:

And where exactly do I fit in all of this?  The only one here who is creating a dissention among Muslims is you.   You're the hypocrite who selectively call people "apostate" without giving the least consideration to how Allah Almighty would feel about this.

The likes of you are unfortunately many.   That is why in your own country, Pakistan, you see some Muslim sunnis and shias blowing each others into pieces.  Arrogance and stupidity is what you stand for.   You don't stand for Islam's unity.  You stand for Islam's division and corruption. 

You're closed-minded, childish, silly, irresponsible in your writings, and even insulting/disrespecting to your reader.  That is why calling you a child in a 50-year old body is an accurate description.

Need I say more about this loser?   Obviously not.

He wrote:

Update! Sunday, November 23, 2003
There is no rehabilitation of Stupidity & there is no substitute of Commonsense! But Murtadd Osama Abdallah is unaware of these facts.


My response:

Same nonsense and bad manners.  Shahid is obviously suffering from utter failure and weakness in points.  That is why he is resorting to bad manners.  He's clearly proven himself to be a "child in a 50-year old body".


He wrote:

Perhaps Murtadd Osama Abdallah have proved me wrong in his dreams, but in reality he has hopelessly failed each time he has tried desperately. Rather wasting everyone’s time not to mention mine, I would respectfully urge the readers to examine Murtadd Osama Abdallah’s maniacal bray with what I have responded as my refutation?


My response:

Osama Abdallah has not proved your wrong in his dreams.  Osama Abdallah had proven you to be ridiculous and childish to all of your and his readers. 

Also you said "I would respectfully".  Since when you have any respect to your reader with your "brain fart" and "bark" nonsensical comments.   I too urge the reader to visit both of our links to see how much of a joke you truly are.


He wrote:

Fact of the matter is that Murtadd Osama Abdallah didn’t even come close to refuting me. He rather chose to sidestep all the facts that I have presented in my earlier writings referenced in my article that Murtadd Osama Abdallah is falsely claiming, that he has answered. I hardly concern myself whether he answers or not, since I have already provided the proofs of his irtidaad.


My response:

I think anyone who reads the section of articles I've written about you would see that I have debunked you detail for detail, and proved you to be a "child in a 50-year old body".

As to "irtidaad", which means "became apostate", again, you have up until this point utterly failed to show your reader where Osama Abdallah had deserted Islam.


He wrote:

However, his new demand to provide proof is just one of his diversionary tactics that he uses to pull wool over readers eyes. When Murtadd Osama Abdallah kept sending emails full of profanity, intimidations and threats, at that point I refused to bow to his tactics and remained firm based of the teachings of Glorious Qur’aan,


My response:

I don't pull wool over my readers' eyes.  I give them the detailed Truth, and I leave it for them to judge for themselves.  As to the emails that I supposedly sent you, since when I really cared to send you any email, except for the ones where I replied to you when you sent me articles to my site.

Show us what I said to you, and what are those threats and profanity comments I made to you.  Anyone can "fart" (as this is your word) a lie.  This is exactly what you're doing here.  Have you had the proof, you would not have hesitated one second to provide it to your reader.  You know it, and I know it, and the reader knows it.

So basically Shahid, you're not only a "child in a 50-year old body", but you're also a liar.  Amazing indeed.


He wrote:

Surah At-Tahrim 9
O Prophet (Muhammad)! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be severe against them; their abode will be Hell, and worst indeed is that destination. {1}
Let me very briefly point out that at many places in the Glorious Qur’aan Allaah (SWT) has declared that Muslim Ummah is the best Ummah He has raised on earth.


My response:

The only hypocrite here is you, because you keep going around and around over your nonsense with failure upon failure to prove to your reader anything.  So initially I am an "apostate" to you, and now I am a "hypocrite", right?

As to the Muslim Ummah, I love my Muslim brothers and sisters in Islam more than anything.  When I said that the current Muslim Nations are not worth the stuff you flush in the toilet, I made it clear in that email (which was a reply to you and contained no profanity or threats as you falsely claimed and failed to provide) that I am referring to the economical and political situations.

Even the Prophet peace be upon him said in one Hadith that the Muslims will be divided into 73 sects, and 72 of them will go to Hell.  The sect that I belong to that I believe will make it to Heaven is the "no group" group.  I call myself a Muslim and that's it.  I am neither sunni nor shia, nor do I bother myself with their many sects and conflicts.

The Prophet peace be upon him also prophesied about the current Muslim Ummah (nation):

Narrated Thauban:  "The Prophet peace be upon him said:  'The nations shall gather and team up against you (i.e., Muslims) as the predators gather and team up against their preys.  A questioner asked: 'Is it because of us being low in numbers at that day?'  The Prophet replied: 'No, you that day shall be in great numbers, but you will be as powerless as the foam of the water on the surface of the river, and Allah shall remove any fear from your enemies toward you, and He shall put in your hearts a corruption.'  A questioner asked: 'O Apostle of Allah, what is the corruption?'  The Prophet replied: 'The love of life's amusements and the fear of death.'  (Translation of Sunan Abu Dawud, The Book of Fierce Battles - The Gathering of all Nations against Islam, Book 37, Number 4297)"

So even the Prophet peace be upon him criticized the Muslims of today and predicted their corruption and divisions.  Unless you're blind and can't see the current corrupted dictatorships ruling the Muslim world today and stealing their wealth, and the hypocrites that are many in these countries that support them, then you're whole point about me being an apostate is not only wrong, but also proves that you are a hypocrite and a stupid joker.

And the same question keeps raising itself:  How does any of this prove that I deserted Islam and became a disbeliever?!

Also, my comments about the Muslim Nations came very recent.  You've been calling me an apostate for quite a long time before that.  Prior to my comments, how was I an apostate?  You have utterly failed to provide to your reader the evidence up until this point.

Why is Shahid explaining his case about me being an apostate with something that came very recent, while his mantras and childish name-calling existed long before it?  Was his case too week that he now needs to resort to something recent, which is even weaker?


He wrote:

We find in the Qur’aanic injunctions as well that Muslims are the best Ummah; let me cite couple of examples out of many,
Surah Al-Baqarah 143
Thus We have made you (true Muslims - real believers of Islāmic Monotheism, true followers of Prophet Muhammad and his Sunnah (legal ways)), a just (and the best) nation, that you be witnesses over mankind {1} and the Messenger (Muhammad) be a witness over you. And We made the Qiblah (prayer direction towards Jerusalem), which you used to face, only to test those who followed the Messenger (Muhammad) from those who would turn on their heels (i.e. disobey the Messenger). Indeed it was great (heavy) except for those whom Allāh guided. And Allāh would never make your faith (prayers) to be lost (i.e. your prayers offered towards Jerusalem). Truly, Allāh is full of Kindness, the Most Merciful towards mankind.


My response:

I never claimed that Islam breeds bad people.  Real Muslims are truly the best people on earth.  My whole web site is for the service of Islam and my Muslim brothers and sisters.  I even created a free Muslim Marriage Service on my site for my Muslim brothers and sisters.

But as I proved above from Islamic sources, the Muslims of today are corrupt.   That's my whole point.  But still, this doesn't give you the right to apostatize me.  You've proven yourself to be a complete ludicrous person with this.   No reasonable person can take you seriously.

Again, my comments about the Muslim Nations came very recent.  You've been calling me an apostate for quite a long time before that.  Prior to my comments, how was I an apostate?  You have utterly failed to provide to your reader the evidence up until this point.

Why is Shahid explaining his case about me being an apostate with something that came very recent, while his mantras and childish name-calling existed long before it?  Was his case too week that he now needs to resort to something recent, which is even weaker?


He wrote:

{1} (V.2: 143) Narrated Abu Sa‘īd Al-Khudrī : Allāh’s Messenger said "Nūh will be called on the Day of Resurrection and he will say, ‘ Labbaik and Sa’daik, (I respond to Your Call and I am obedient to Your Orders) O my Lord! Allāh will say, ‘Did you convey Our Message of Islāmic Monotheism?’ Nūh will say, ‘Yes’. His nation will then be asked, ‘Did he convey Our Message of Islāmic Monotheism to you?’ They will say, ‘No warner came to us.’ Then Allāh will say (to Nūh), ‘Who will bear witness in your favour?’ He will say, ‘Muhammad and his followers.’ So they (i.e., Muslims) will testify that he conveyed the Message - and the Messenger (Muhammad) will be a witness over you, and that is what is meant by the Statement of Allāh : We made you (true Muslims - real believers of Islāmic Monotheism, true followers of Prophet Muhammad and his Sunnah (legal ways)) a just (and the best) nation that you be witnesses over mankind and the Messenger (Muhammad) will be a witness over you." (Sahih Al-Bukhāri, Vol.6, Hadīth No.14).


My response:

Nothing of substance here that proves anything against me.  You use quotes such as "brain farts" and "bark" to those you disagree with.  Well, as the reader clearly sees, the only one who is "brain farting" is the clown Shahid bin Waheed.


He wrote:


Surah Al-i-'Imran 110
You (true believers in Islāmic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad) and his Sunnah) are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-Ma‘rūf (i.e. Islāmic Monotheism and all that Islām has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and all that Islām has forbidden), and you believe in Allāh {1} . And had the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) believed, it would have been better for them; among them are some who have faith, but most of them are Al-Fāsiqūn (disobedient to Allāh - and rebellious against Allāh’s Command).

{1} (V.3: 110) a) Narrated Abu Hurairah The Verse: "You (true believers in Islāmic Monotheism and real followers of Prophet Muhammad and his Sunnah), are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind" means, the best of the people for the people, as you bring them with chains on their necks till they embrace Islām (and thereby save them from the eternal punishment in the Hell-fire and make them enter Paradise in the Hereafter). (Sahih Al-Bukhāri, Vol.6, Hadīth No.80). b) CHAPTER 144. The prisoners of war in chains. Narrated Abū Hurairah: The Prophet said, "Allāh wonders at those people who will enter Paradise in chains." (Sahih Al-Bukhāri, Vol.4, Hadīth No. 254).* * The people referred to here may be the prisoners of war who were captured and chained by the Muslims and their imprisonment was the cause of their conversion to Islām. So, it is as if their chains were the means of winning Paradise.
According to the above Ayaat (verses) Allaah (SWT) has conferred superiority on the Islaamic Ummah over others, also by virtue of injunctions as well. But Murtadd Osama Abdallah has said many times in his emails and at his website that I quote:

” The entire Muslim ummah today, to me, is not even worth the stuff you flush in the toilet after using the bathroom.

To see my views clearly about this, please visit:


My response:

Again, I never claimed that Islam breeds bad people.  Real Muslims are truly the best people on earth.  My whole web site is for the service of Islam and my Muslim brothers and sisters.  I even created a free Muslim Marriage Service on my site for my Muslim brothers and sisters.

But as I proved above from Islamic sources, the Muslims of today are corrupt.   That's my whole point.  But still, this doesn't give you the right to apostatize me.  You've proven yourself to be a complete ludicrous person with this.   No reasonable person can take you seriously.

Again, my comments about the Muslim Nations came very recent.  You've been calling me an apostate for quite a long time before that.  Prior to my comments, how was I an apostate?  You have utterly failed to provide to your reader the evidence up until this point.

Why is Shahid explaining his case about me being an apostate with something that came very recent, while his mantras and childish name-calling existed long before it?  Was his case too week that he now needs to resort to something recent, which is even weaker?


He wrote:

Murtadd Osama Abdallah’s absurd claim is completely against the teachings of Islaam is in contrast direct contrast of Glorious Qur’aan,
Surah Al-Hujurat 1
O you who believe! Make not (a decision) in advance {1} before Allāh and His Messenger, and fear Allāh. Verily! Allāh is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

{1} (V.49: 1) i.e. hasten not to decide in matters of war or religion before Allah and His Messenger, that you may decide the contrary to what Allah and His Messenger may decide.


My response:

These Noble Verses talk about Muslims not making decisions before the Prophet peace be upon him okays it.  They have nothing to do with today's Muslims' corruption.

It seems that Shahid selectively apostatizes whom he pleases.  So if someone were to punch Shahid in the face to put some senses in him, then rest assure that Shahid will call that person a "murtadd" (apostate).  How much more hilarious this clown can be??


He wrote:

What is Kufr?
Lexically the word Kufr (disbelief) means to hide, to conceal. Ingratitude is also called Kufr, as it involves the concealing or the covering up of the beneficence shown to someone.
However, in the terminology of the Islaamic Shariah, Kufr signifies the denial of any of those things in which it is obligatory to believe. For example, the quintessence of Imaan (Iman) as well as the very basis of the Islaamic creed is the requirement that one should confirm with one’s heart and with certitude everything that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has brought {needless to say it is obviously the Glorious Qur’aan} down to us (Muslims and mankind) from Allaah and which has been established by definite and conclusive proof; therefore, a man who has the temerity to question and/or disregard even a single teaching of this kind will be described as a Kafir (disbeliever or infidel), this includes those who support and/or defends him/her. Murtadd Osama Abdallah has been doing so for years. That is why Osama Abdallah is a Murtadd! This is one of the proofs out of many that I have already cited.


My response:

"Murtadd Osama Abdallah has been doing so for years."  Yet, in these recent articles on my site, we see Shahid calling me "brother Osama": [1] [2] [3] (in this one, he even called me "dear brother Osama").

We wonder why did Shahid so dramatically change his views about me right after I opposed to him when he was fighting brother Shibli Zaman in a mailing list?  Why did my disagreement with him result in me becoming an apostate again (to him), while just a couple of weeks earlier, I was "dear brother Osama" to this hypocrite?!

Does Shahid bin Waheed have the Divine Right to apostatize anyone he chooses?

To the reader:  Is this Shahid a hypocrite, joker, or both?

I'll let the reader answer it for him/herself.

Shahid, why do you think I saved your emails with the articles you sent me?  It's because I knew that you were a clown who would change his mind in a heart beat!  You are not serious at all.  I only uploaded your work to my site to not deprive you from the good deeds that Allah Almighty would reward you for serving Islam.   Otherwise, I would not even care about a ludicrous and hypocrite clown such as yourself.

Very Important Note regarding Shahid's help and courage to me:  To be fair to Shahid, I must say that he was quick to jump to my aid when I declared a war of rebuttals against Silas and Sam Shamoun's 57 and 75 articles respectively.   Shahid bin Waheed was there for me, when only few jumped to help me.  This is where we formed a close friendship, and he started calling me "brother Osama".   But later and after seeing his terrible manners and childish name-callings to brother Shibli Zaman in a mailing list, I opposed to Shahid and shared with him my opinion.  I've also shared with him many times my refusal for him to call brother Akberally Meherally of an apostate.  He was quick to shift his views against me, and went back to his ridiculous and ludicrous nonsense, and started calling me "murtadd" (apostate) again.  That's hypocrisy!


He wrote:

The above PROOF is just a drop in the ocean, since Murtadd Osama Abdallah has committed more grave Kufr by virtue of claims, insults and attacks he has made on Islaam, Glorious Qur’aan, rightly guided Khalifs, mothers of the Believers and much more. I have refuted that all and that is why I have declared him a Murtadd beside Murtadd Akbarally Meherally of “” and have been warning Muslims and seekers of the truth about them.


My response:

Where did I attack the Noble Quran, Islam, the mothers of the Believers (i.e., the Prophet's wives), and the Caliphs of Islam?  Have you had the proof you would not have hesitated to post it.  But because you have no proofs, you just suffice in lying to your reader.  What a shame from a 50-year old man!!

Shahid bin Waheed had truly proved to everyone once again that he is a "child in a 50-year old body".






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Good Manners in Islam.

What is the definition of a hypocrite in Islam? And will all "Muslims" make it to Heaven?

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