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Shahid considers my readers, and family as "murtadds" (apostates):

Here is an email I received from the hypocrite, Shahid bin Waheed.  I have broken it down between "He wrote" and "My response" sections to make it easier for the reader to follow through with the details:

Note:  In the subject of the email, I used Shahid's own quote "make your bite as bad as your bark" against him.  It is not my style to use these types of childish remarks against my opponents.  I only gave it to Shahid since it is his, and he used it against me.  I have refuted him and his remark at: Shahid bin Waheed's "make your bite as bad as your bark" article.


He wrote:

Subj: Re: hypocrite shahid, "make your bite as bad as your bark".
Date: 11/27/2003 9:43:55 PM Central Standard Time

Murtadd Osama

No one can argue with ignorance let alone me. You as a Murtadd are total package of ignorance from head to toe.


My response:

The only one here who is arguing with utter ignorance is you for failing, up until this moment, to show your reader where Osama Abdallah is a "murtadd" (apostate).   Where and when did I desert Islam?  If calling me "murtadd" is just a childish name calling (which is it on your part), then you're obviously the one who is arguing with ignorance, not me.


He wrote:

Also I hardly concern myself with all those stupid supporter of yours who are in my book are as Murtadd as you are. So feel free to post their crap on your website and perhaps have it tattooed on your forehead as well.


My response:

So now my readers and fans are also apostates?  And you say that you don't talk with ignorance?!  Shahid bin Waheed, you are the master of ignorance and stupidity!


He wrote:

What you have been doing is using diversionary tactics rather proving me wrong with reason and logic.


My response:

Reason and logic?  You talk about reason and logic?  You obviously are living in your own pathetic world.


He wrote:

You have hopelessly failed to respond to my refutations of your Kufr with Qur’aan and Sunnah. Instead of that you have been asking me questions and in your desperate attempts asking me to prove something irrelevant that I am not obligated to do.


My response:

For the reader, "kufr" means "blasphemy".  What are those refutations that proved me to be an apostate?  Link them so everyone can see your dumb points.  Why are you afraid to get more specific?  Is that because you fear that your dumb points will be instantly be debunked?

Also, you are obligated to prove your dumb points to your reader.  The burden of proving Osama Abdallah to be an apostate lies on you!  So don't tell us nonsense such as "and in your desperate attempts asking me to prove something irrelevant that I am not obligated to do."


He wrote:

I extended my hand and called you brother since I believed your claim of correcting yourself and your website. Later, I learned that you have been the same snake in the grass all along and you lied to me. Thus, I went back to my previous position because you were a Murtadd who lied that he has corrected his mistakes.


My response:

First of all, when did I claim to you that I "corrected" myself?  And what are those articles on my site that causing you to have sleepless nights?  Show your reader the email and promise that I gave you to "correct" myself, and tell us what those corrections were!

You have done nothing but lie to and insult your reader with your careless writings and irresponsible and childish manners and attitude.  When I called you "a child in a 50-year old body" I did not lie!


He wrote:

I now know that you work of Jochan Katz helping him to look good. Perhaps his church may have brought your coward family from Palestine into USA on church sponsored visas.


My response:

Why are you insulting my family?  Real Truth Seekers and Apologists don't talk this way.  Only low-life losers do!


He wrote:

No wonder you owe a lot to Christians missionary. There are some LOSERS like you who have come into USA like this and successfully serving their Christian missionary masters by committing TREACHERY against Islaam. Therefore, you are not a surprise to me. You are the only evil bastard I came across from Palestine. Otherwise all Muslims from Palestine I know them or met them were and/or are very fine people and good Muslims.


My response:

The only reason why you changed your views about me and switched from calling me "brother Osama" to "Murtadd Osama" was because I opposed to your insults and bad manners toward brother Shibli Zaman, and of course my constant refusal to you calling brother Akberally Meherally a "murtadd" also.  Otherwise, I still until today would've been "brother Osama" to you.  So, you're not only a liar and lack a great deal of manners, but you're also a coward hypocrite who can't take a single disagreement.

Tell us Shahid, if your wife decides to divorce you, will she also become a "murtadd" to you?  It seems that anyone who disagrees with this loser becomes an apostate to him.  Amazing!


He wrote:

Do you know that you are a Murtadd-e-Millie and your son is a Murtadd-e-Fitri. Your wife should give you three days to repent and come back to Islaam or she should leave you; unless she is as Murtadd as you are?


My response:

So now, my son Ziyad, a 2 1/2 year old baby, is an apostate too.  Not only that, but my wife also has 3 days or else she too will be considered an apostate. 

To the reader, while Shahid bin Waheed is a complete filthy loser who only represents himself, but the evil salafis from the Muslims do have these types of warnings against wives, especially those married to husbands who don't pray regularly.  I personally heard on TV, where they accept phone calls and listen to situations and pass Islamic verdicts on air, that a believing wife should give her husband who doesn't pray regularly 3 days to repent and start praying regularly, or else she must seek divorce from him through the Islamic court.  And if she doesn't, then she would be committing adultery/fornication by living with him.

Anyway, I have posted an article where they had been debunked, and clearly proved that they are the hypocrites that the promised "Al-Mahdi" will come and cleanse the Holy Cities of Mecca and Madina from.  The Prophet peace be upon him himself called them "hypocrites".

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