Thief bin waheed stole from my web site:
While I haven't investigated this piece of trash's web site due to my busy schedule,
and him as a whole being and irrelevant person to everyone, but I have just run into an
interesting link in his site:
Just in case this thief and liar changes his article, I have copied his article to my site.
The thief stole my article on 7/10/2003.
See date on his "What's new" section. The thief wrote at the top of his
article "By: Shahid bin Waheed"
The thief's article was taken word for word and verse for verse from:
I created this article on 01/29/2001.
See date on my "What's
new" section.
The thief thought that such an old article would be forgotten by me. He didn't know
that I have my entire web site memorized! While I gave brother Ibrahim Wilson, may Allah Almighty always be
pleased with him, the credit for giving me the information, THIEF BIN WAHEED gave no one
any credit and attributed the article to himself! It's ironic that thief bin waheed
had been telling me to close my site. Well if I close mine, then how can you have
one thief? From where else will you steal your information and not give credit for
it? Or will you easily find another one? You probably will.
Back to rebuttals to Shahid's articles.
My rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.
What is the definition of a hypocrite in Islam? And will all "Muslims" make it to Heaven?