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My new Islamic 'Holy Bible' Project - Are you all for it?

By the way, I am not a Hadiths rejecter.


ahmed_deedat.jpg (13174 bytes)
Ahmed Deedat
(July 1st, 1918 - August 8th, 2005)

(My rebuttal to "Deedat's downfall and death" absurd article)


It-Is-Truth is now restored at:



***** A Praise to the American Muslims by the US Government! *****

Audio File from FOX News Channel


Scientific Miracles in the Noble Quran Detailed History of Bible's Corruption My Free Muslim Marriage Connection Site DOWNLOAD my Noble Quran Search Software DOWNLOAD my Web Site's HTML Files Free Advertisement for all Muslim Business

Here is my log for the new/modified articles:

09/26/2005- I uploaded my newest self-extracting zip files for (1) My web site's HTML files; (2) How to Pray files (pictures and sound); (3) My web site's image files; (4) My web site's Media files at the Free Downloads section.

09/25/2005- I added several new links and proofs to the section "Crucifixion is a lie according to several of the Disciples' early writings" section.   I also added a link You can buy the Gospel of Barnabas from Amazon.com to the section The Gospel of Barnabas, the Book that mentions Prophet Muhammad or Mohammed by the name.  I also added a new article How the Gospel of Barnabas Survived?  I also added a new article by brother Bassam Zawadi Rebuttal to Denis Giron's "Islamic Science: Does Islamic Literature Contain Scientific Miracles?" article.  I also added a new main section "Authors on this Site".  

09/22/2005- I added a new captured image, ironically from a Bible search web site, containing the NIV Bible's theologians' quote admitting that the book of Mark is corrupt to the article Just who were the authors of the Bible?  This, once again, should silence Sam Shamoun and his clown, Quennel Gale, for declaring me to be a "liar" for proving that their gospel of porn is a man-altered book.  I also added the following gift of 31 new rebuttals to Sam Shamoun by brother Sami Zaatri, may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.

09/18/2005- I added a new Site-Main Section called "Crucifixion is a lie according to several of the Disciples' early writings", which is located on the Main Page's tabs section with the following new articles in it [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8].  I also added a new article The Quran V.S. the Bible - By brother Abdullah Smith, a new convert to Islam; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.  I also added more proofs of the different canons (new testaments) that exist among Christians that further prove that today's "Bible" is not the same as the one that existed during Prophet Muhammad's times to the article What parts of the "Bible" do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?  I also added another article Prophet Muhammad was literally addicted to Fasting, Praying and Prostrating (bowing down) to GOD Almighty!  I also added more points on the Wisdom and Discipline taught by fasting in the Holy Month of Ramadan to the article What is Fasting in Islam?  And what is the Wisdom behind it?  What is Ramadan?  I also added new notes to the former removed article The human body has 360 joints in it.  I also updated the 'Islamic Links' section with more emphasis on brother Saifullah's www.islamic-awareness.org web site, and some extremely important sections [1] [2] [3] on this site.

09/17/2005- I added more examples from the Bible where people bowed their faces down to the ground before others in honor to the article Do People and Angels bowing down to Jesus in Worship really prove that he is the Creator of the Universe? Also, the story of Angels bowing down to Adam in the Noble Quran also exists in the Jewish old Manuscripts.  I provided the proof for this as well in the article via an AUDIO file from the "Banned from the Bible" documentary film.  I also added another AUDIO file of graphical pornography in the Bible to the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

09/16/2005- I added a new article that refutes Sam Shamoun's "Is Muhammad a true Prophet?" points at Prophet Muhammad lived among pagans who literally worshiped in nakedness!  I also added another article Jesus kissed Mary Magdalene according to early Christians' authentic Manuscripts!

09/15/2005- I added several more sections and AUDIO files from the "Banned from the Bible" documentary film that further explain the many different and conflicting canons (bibles) that exists in the first 300 years, and how even Constantine's so-called "unified canon or bible" was also permanently lost and only small portions of it were found almost 1/2 century later, to the article The New Testament confirms the Apocalypse (Revelation in Greek) of Peter which claims that Jesus never died on the cross!  I also explained and proved why people would lie and make up stories back then.  I brought evidence from both the Noble Quran and the Bible.

09/14/2005- I added a new audio clip from the "Banned from the Bible" documentary film that proves that Salome inserted her finger into Mary's vagina for virginity check to the article Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible. This should further silence Sam Shamoun of the "Answering Islam" team and his clown, Quennel Gale, who both falsely charged me in the past of being a "liar" for writing this article.  I am actually glad that they do fiercely charge me of being a "liar", because this only further proves that they are totally ashamed of their own Bible.  See this other example of graphical pornography between brothers and sisters that I silenced them on too at My rebuttal to Shamoun's and Katz' "Osama's Dirty Lies" absurd and self-refuting article

09/13/2005- I added more sections, audio files from the "Banned from the Bible" documentary film by historians, theologians and books' authors, and more historical quotes and proofs to the article The New Testament confirms the Apocalypse (Revelation in Greek) of Peter which claims that Jesus never died on the cross!

09/10/2005- I added more proofs and points to the article Are two women equal to one man in Islam?  I also added more points and refutations to the article My rebuttal to Shamoun's and Katz' "Osama's Dirty Lies" absurd and self-refuting article.  I also added a new Main Section "Islamic Justice and Government" to the site's Main Tabs.

09/07/2005- I added a new article The New Testament confirms the Apocalypse (Revelation in Greek) of Peter which claims that Jesus never died on the cross!   I also added two rebuttals by brother Bassam Zawadi, may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him, at:

  1. Rebuttal to Denis Giron's "Islamic Hell: Absurdity of Science and Logic" article.
  2. Rebuttal to the "Introduction to Hadith" article.

I added more points to the article My rebuttal to Shamoun's and Katz' "Osama's Dirty Lies" absurd and self-refuting article, which literally contains graphical pornography quotes from the gospel of porn (i.e., the bible).  I also added three new sub-sections in the 'Rebuttals section' for Denis Giron, a former atheist who is now an agnostic, Faith Freedom team, and Infidels.org team.

09/01/2005- I added a new graphic sub-section toward the bottom of the article: My rebuttal to Shamoun's and Katz' "Osama's Dirty Lies" absurd and self-refuting article.  I apologize for the graphic language, but I am only quoting the gospel of porn (i.e., the bible) here.  See it for yourself.  You be the Judge!

08/31/2005- Two Muslim brothers contributed a knockout blow to the trinity lie about GOD Almighty becoming a man right from the Bible to the article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "How can Jesus be God when the Hebrew Bible says God is not a man?" article.  I also added more Hadiths and proofs to the article Good Manners in Islam.  I also added another article Prophet Muhammad's generosity in paying back debt (loan), and the prohibition of usury (riba) in Islam!

08/27/2005- I added a new article Rebuttal to James Arlandson's "Top ten reasons why sharia is bad for all societies" article by brother Bassam Zawadi. I also added more links and reorganized the 'Porn' main section.  I also added another article Is Muta (temporary marriage) allowed in the Bible?  I also added another article Why did Allah Almighty prevent the wives of Prophet Muhammad from marrying any man after him?

08/25/2005- An example of the US government's fascism:  "Military used on US soil! to shut down Utah Rave- attack innocent civilians, photographers, kids."   See the video and judge for yourself!  Also read my note regarding the incident.  I also added another article Pat Robertson is a perfect example of how trinity causes brain damage to its deceived followers!

08/21/2005- I added a new site-section called 'Good Manners', which is now located among the Main Tabs.  I also added a new rebuttal to Craig Winn by brother Bassam Zawadi that further exposes Craig's lies and twists of quotes.  I also added another new article My rebuttal to "Deedat's downfall and death" absurd article.

08/19/2005- I added a new article The Psalms of the Noble Quran.  Also Craig Winn had been miserably defeated by brother Jalal Abul-Rub of www.islamlife.com on a public Radio debate!

08/18/2005- I added more Noble Verses to the article Do the Ten Commandments, especially the "do not covet" part, exist in the Noble Quran?

08/17/2005- I added a new article Do the Ten Commandments, especially the "do not covet" part, exist in the Noble Quran? I also added a new section "David's selective murder to a news-telling messenger was never condemned!" to the article Is Muhammad a true Prophet? - On the topic of Sexual Immorality.  David literally killed an innocent man just because he told him news that he didn't like.

08/16/2005- I added more verses from the gospel of porn (the book of women's vaginas taste like "wine") that prove terrorism and mass killing of innocent suckling babies, children, women, unarmed men and even animals.

08/14/2005- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "How can Jesus be God when the Hebrew Bible says God is not a man?" article.  I also added more points to the "Muhammad and Aisha" section in my Is Muhammad a true Prophet? rebuttal.

08/10/2005- I added two more points: GOD Almighty's favoritism to Lot's daughters over the innocent children among Sodom and Gomorrah, and Jesus' actual breaking of the Mosaic Law through his kindness to the enemy, to the article Is Muhammad a true Prophet? - On the topic of Sexual Immorality.  I also added more proofs for the Noble Quran's Divine Claim regarding Jinns created from "smokeless fire", interestingly right from the Bible to the article The Bible's "Fallen Angels" are the Noble Quran's "Jinns". Jinns are Angels in the Noble Quran.

08/09/2005- I added a new article My rebuttal to Shamoun's and Katz' "Osama's Dirty Lies" absurd and self-refuting article.  This article contains real graphical pornography in the bible's quotes regarding graphical sex between women and their lovers and praises for fornication and adultery.  Viewer's discretion is advised, especially if you're at work!   I wouldn't click on this link if you're at work.  I also updated the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

May Allah Almighty rest the soul of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat and make him dwell in Paradise for Eternity.  Ameen.  Our eyes tear for you and our hearts are shattered.  May Allah Almighty Greatly Bless your Soul for all of the Great Services you've done for Islam and the Muslims brother Ahmed Deedat.  I couldn't resist tearing for you.  May you rest in Peace.  Ameen!

On my regular updates to the site, this is going to be Sam Shamoun's week or weeks.   I added a new article Is Muhammad a true Prophet? - On the topic of Sexual Immorality. This week or weeks will be dedicated for this topic and for him, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).  I will insha'Allah refute all of his points and prove to him and to the reader, once again, that Islam is the Divine Truth of GOD Almighty.


Once I am finished, I openly challenge Sam Shamoun for a round 2 debate on "Is Muhammad a true Prophet?"


08/07/2005- I added more terrorism (killing literally all men, women, children and animals) from the Bible, the book of women's vaginas and breasts taste like "wine".  The entire listing of terrorism and pedophilia in the bible can be seen at: Terrorism and Pedophilia section.

08/02/2005- I added new video clips of a "bull fight" and "two pit bull dogs fight" to the article Are Zoos allowed in Islam?  What does Islam say about animal cruelty?

08/01/2005- I added a new section "Another rebuttal to Matthew 19:8-9" to the article The Bible in both the Old and New Testaments clearly allows polygamy!  Even Jesus allowed polygamy through his parable of the "bridegroom" and his "10 virgin" wives.   I also added more proofs to the article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "The Quran and Lesbianism: An open challenge to Osama Abdallah" article that further annihilated Sam Shamoun's hilarious trash about Islam condoning lesbianism.   I also added evidence from the Bible that agrees with the Noble Quran's Divine Claims about GOD Almighty turning the rebellious ones from the Israelites into apes and swines to the article Allah Almighty transformed the rebellious Israelites into apes and swines. The Bible seems to clearly support this.

07/31/2005- I added more Noble Verses and proofs to the article Camel sacrifice in the Bible and the Noble Quran.  I also added a new section "Differences with the Bible" to The Noble Quran section.  I also added the following new articles:

  1. Rebuttal to Craig Winn's "Prophet of Doom: MUDDLED MESSAGE" article.
  2. Rebuttal to Craig Winn's "Prophet of Doom: SATAN'S BARGAIN" article.
  3. Rebuttal to Craig Winn's "Prophet of Doom: THE TORMENTED TERRORIST" article.


07/29/2005- I added more proofs to the article List of Craig Winn's fabricated lies and deliberate alteration of quotes, with clear-cut proofs!

07/25/2005- I added more refutations to the sub-article Does Islam really allow having sex with animals?

07/24/2005- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "The Quran and Lesbianism: An open challenge to Osama Abdallah" article.  I also added the following sub-articles, that part of the mentioned article, to several sections [1] [2] [3] [4]:

  1. Does Islam really allow for fathers to marry their bastard daughters?
  2. Does Islam really allow having sex with animals?
  3. Was Prophet Muhammad's marriage with Zaynab bint Jahsh really a sin?


07/22/2005- I added a new article praising the American Muslims with documented facts from FOX News Channel regarding the help they are giving to the US government against the war on terrorism.

07/21/2005- I added an audio file that I captured from the documentary film, "Sex in the Bible", that proves from the Hebrew language experts' commentaries that the Bible did say that women's vaginas taste like "wine", to the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.  This will silence all of the noise and the intentional and unethical accusations that were made by Sam Shamoun and Quennel Gale of the "Answering Islam" team regarding me being a "liar".  They knew I was telling the Truth, but they tried to play deceptive games with the reader.   Now the game is over, and their questionable ethics are exposed.
Note:  On 08/09/2005 above, I added a new article My rebuttal to Shamoun's and Katz' "Osama's Dirty Lies" absurd and self-refuting article.  In it, I exposed the lies of Shamoun and Katz when they claimed that the author I used was "unnamed", when in reality she is a Professor in Theology, who was also speaking on behalf of her department's research as she made it clear.  I made that clear in my initial article.  But the liars chose to deceive the reader, once again, by claiming that she was "unnamed".  Check out my rebuttal for their total humiliation and further exposition of the Bible's graphical pornography.  Viewer discretion is advised!

I added a new article A response by Ali Ahmed to my "Shia Mosques" article.

07/19/2005- I added more verses and proofs that prove that the Bible has little regard to animals to the article Are Zoos allowed in Islam?  What does Islam say about animal cruelty?

07/18/2005- I added new instructions/solutions to the article Stop abusive and annoying internet popups!

07/17/2005- I added a new section "Muslims are forbidden by Allah Almighty from Praying in those mosques!" to the article Some of the Shias' or Shiites' mosques are blasphemous mosques according to the Noble Quran!

07/15/2005- I added a new article Some of the Shias' or Shiites' mosques are blasphemous mosques according to the Noble Quran!  I also added another article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Where is the Blood?" article.

07/14/2005- I added more biblical verses that showed the mass slaughter of suckling infants by the tens of thousands to the article Girls at the age of 3 were forced into sex in both the Talmud and the Bible.  The next time a Jew or Christian flashes "Islamic terrorism" lies in your face, show them these gospel of porn (the book of women's vaginas and breasts taste like "wine") verses, and challenge them to produce ONE, JUST ONE Noble Verse from the Noble Quran that condones killing of innocent children, women or even hostile enemy men who drop their weapons before Muslims (surrender).  See the Rights of Prisoners of War in Islam.  So much for the "love your enemy" lies and contradictions from the gospel of porn!

07/12/2005- Too many requests and demands in the past, and in the recent days, by Muslims regarding having this web site shut the loud mouths of the anti-Islam hindus and infidels of www.faithfreedom.org web site.  I am honored that many of my Muslim brothers and sisters out there feel that this site can do the job.  Insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing), I will not let them down.  In response to the calls, I went ahead and purchased www.faith-freedom.org.  Soon insha'Allah, I will start a new wave of thorough and detailed rebuttals against those pagans.  I will also finish the unfinished business with the Prophet of Doom (almost finished) site, and launch another wave of rebuttals against the "Answering Islam" team, insha'Allah.  If you feel you can help and are ready to receive assignments from me, then please send me an email.  As always, I give full credit to the contributors to this site.

I also added more free advertisements to Muslim Businesses in the Free Advertisement for all Muslim Business section.


07/08/2005- The It-Is-Truth web site is now restored, by Allah Almighty's Grace, Mercy and Will, at: www.it-is-truth.net.   Please update your links.

07/01/2005- I added a quote from the Apocalypse of Peter about Jesus never got crucified to the article My new Islamic 'Holy Bible' Project - Are you all for it?

06/30/2005- I added a new life-long project and commitment: My new Islamic 'Holy Bible' Project - Are you all for it?  Also, I am currently in the process of restoring the files of the now defunct Islamic web site, www.it-is-truth.org (warning: the current site is not an Islamic one).  Insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing), the entire web site will be uploaded to my site soon in a special directory.  This is why I back up the major Muslim web sites out there.  The new web site is: www.it-is-truth.net. Right now this alias takes you to my main page.  But insha'Allah soon it will redirect to the It-Is-Truth sub directory that will contain all of the former web site's files.  If you linked www.it-is-truth.org on your web site then please change it to www.it-is-truth.net.

06/27/2005- I added more points to the article Refutation to the preposterous LIES of Jochen Katz about his Bible not containing inhumane murders from its Prophets!  I also added a new article The Speed of Light in the Noble Quran - A superb article by a Muslim Mathematician! 

06/25/2005- I updated the "Free Downloads" page, and posted the site's Image and Islamic-Prayer files as separate downloads.  This makes it very convenient for the reader to download my entire web site's HTML and Image files for free.

06/21/2005- Just want my readers to know that another wave of detailed and thorough rebuttals is on the way, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).  Stay tuned.

06/12/2005- I added more points and Noble Verses to the section about Abraham, peace be upon him, smashing the idols to the article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Fully Detailed Or Incomplete?" article.

06/11/2005- I added the following articles:

  1. My rebuttal to Sam and Jochen's "Is the Torah like the Qur'an, or is it not?" article.
  2. My rebuttal to Jochen Katz' "Pharaoh's Magicians - Muslims or Rejecters of Faith?" article.
  3. My rebuttal to Jochen Katz' "Pharaoh's Magicians - Muslims or Rejecters of Faith?" DETAILED article.
  4. My rebuttal to Jochen Katz' "Good News About Painful Torture?" article.
  5. My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Messengers were never sent to other than their own people?" article.
  6. My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Messengers Amongst the Jinns and Angels?" article.
  7. My rebuttal to Jochen Katz' "Shaking the Trunk of a Palm Tree?" article.

I added a new sub-section "The example of ending slavery in Islam" that further proves my points to the article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Fully Detailed Or Incomplete?" article.

06/09/2005- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Fully Detailed Or Incomplete?" article.

06/06/2005- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "To Intercede or Not To Intercede? That is the Question!" article.  I also considerably modified and added more points to the article Apostates in Islam - Islam prohibits the killing of apostates.  I also uploaded the latest version of a self-extracting zip file that contains all of my web site's HTML files.

06/05/2005- I added a new article My rebuttal to Jochen Katz' "Who suffers loss if Muhammad was wrong?" article.

06/04/2005- I added a new article GOD Almighty will remove some of the Muslims' sins and put them on the Jews and Christians at the Day of Judgement!  I also uploaded the latest version of a self-extracting zip file that contains all of my web site's HTML files.

06/03/2005- I added a new rebuttal How many days did it take to destroy the people of Aad?   I also updated the dumpster section by linking Jochen Katz to it, because he has truly proven himself to be a careless joker in this one.  You be the Judge between us.

06/02/2005- I reorganized the Responses to the so-called "contradictions" in the Noble Quran section, where there are currently 123 anti-Islam claims.   There are several empty new slots (anti-Islam articles) that need to be thoroughly refuted.  I am planning on launching another wave of thorough and detailed rebuttals soon, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing), after I finish few things that I am dealing with right now at work.  All volunteers are, as always, welcomed to email me.  I will insha'Allah reply to you very promptly. 

06/01/2005- I added more Noble Verses and proofs to the article My rebuttal to Jochen Katz' "What will be the food for the people in Hell?" article.

05/26/2005- I added a new article My rebuttal to Jochen Katz' "What will be the food for the people in Hell?" article.

05/21/2005- The "Email this Article to a friend" program (the push button on every article) and the other email services on this site are now back to normal.  They were temporarily disabled because of the recent malicious attack on my site that brought it down for almost 24 hours.  It was suspected that the hacker was able to hack into my site through this program, because "it was acting as an input channel or an open door" to my site.  Unless the site is static and I never FTP (transfer) any new articles or updates to it and/or there is no email service provided on it, then there would be no "open channels" or risks for it to be hacked.  But as my readers know well, I am constantly updating my site with new materials.  So may Allah Almighty help this site and help us all.  Please be advised that the email program is not as free and open in sending articles/emails as it used to.  I put a time-wait restriction of 2 minutes between sending articles to prevent any hacker from abusing it and excessively using it to help his malicious program decrypt my site's security faster and easier.  So in other words, while my program emails a batch of up to 5 people a single article upon your command, you will have to wait after that for at least 2 minutes to be able to send another up-to five emails batch for either the same article or a different one.  By the way, you will have to close all of your active internet browsers for at least 10 seconds in order for this program to work after you send your first emails batch.  This is to help further to prevent hacking by erasing the cache that is stored in any internet browser.  I hope that this is clear and not confusing.  I apologize for any inconvenience, and may Allah Almighty Greatly Bless those brothers and sisters who actively use my site and other sites and materials to help spread Islam to mankind.

By the way, The users of my "Free Marriage Connection Service" DO NOT HAVE TO close their internet browsers when they send emails/contacts.  The restrictions that I previously added to that program are still sufficient enough. 


05/20/2005- I added more proofs, Noble Verses from the Noble Quran, and Verses from the Bible to the article The New Testament itself refutes the lie about those who don't believe Jesus got crucified are going to Hell.

05/19/2005- I added a new section "What is the core belief of Christianity then?" to the article The New Testament itself refutes the lie about those who don't believe Jesus got crucified are going to Hell.

05/17/2005- I added a new article My rebuttal to Jochen Katz' "The Qur'an and the flight of birds" article.  More rebuttals coming up, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

05/15/2005- I added more sections, points and proofs to the article Muslims do not worship the Kaaba (the black cube building in Mecca)!  See how the Bible's Prophets (including Jesus) Prayed the Islamic way.  I also added notes that refute the lies of the polytheist trinitarian pagans from the "Answering Islam" team that they made up about me, regarding me supposedly exaggerating when I added 105 to the count of rebuttals and responses after I refuted Andrew and Robert's 105 absurd topics/points, that they crammed in one long article, with thorough responses and further articles, in my Rebuttals and Exposing the lies of the anti-Islams section.  I also added more points and proofs to the article The New Testament itself refutes the lie about those who don't believe Jesus got crucified are going to Hell.  See how the polytheist trinitarian pagans' wishful fundamentalism has serious contradictions and holds no ground in the Bible.

05/12/2005- A second malicious attack was launched on my site in a little over a month.  I also added a new article The ideal Muslimah (Female Muslim).

05/09/2005- I added more proofs to the article Jihad (fighting for cause of GOD Almighty) started in the Bible.  Rebuttals are on their way, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

05/08/2005- I added a new article The Motion of Earth in the Noble Quran.  I also added more slurs by Jesus in the Bible for Craig Winn in the article List of Craig Winn's fabricated lies and deliberate alteration of quotes, WITH CLEAR-CUT PROOFS!  I also added a new article Did Jesus really forgive sins?  Or is this another trinity lie?  I also added more points to the article Jesus is a hypocrite for bowing down to GOD only during his desperate times.

05/05/2005- Over the next few weeks, I will be busy with work projects.  I may or may not be able to write articles.  But once I get a chance, I will go ahead and finish off Craig Winn's remaining few articles, refute Sam Shamoun's lame "responses" by further annihilating the trinity lie that he and polytheist trinitarian pagans believe in, and resume writing article, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

04/27/2005- I finished the "Upload your Picture" program for my "Free Muslim Marriage Connection" service.  Members can now upload their pictures to my site, and the pics would get displayed on their profiles after I approve them of course.  Check it out and see my pic :-).  My nickname is "Osama".

04/24/2005- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "A Brief Rebuttal to Anti-Missionary Attacks on the Trinity" article.  I also added more sections and points to the article "Let us create" in Genesis 1:26-27 doesn't prove trinity.  I also posted a new picture of Christian Church "chicks" sexually posing as cheerleaders in a FOX News article to the bottom of the Women in Islam VS women in Christianity section.

04/22/2005- The WIPO court's decision was made.  They decided on giving my www.hannityandcolmes.com to Fox News Channel.  They found me using the name under "bad faith".   I guess the liars who propagate false media and cover up the US' crimes in in Iraq and the deformation of the Iraqi children from the US deplete Uranium is not "bad faith".   The lies they said about Islam in the "Hannity and Colmes" show and the bastards such as Pat Robertson who came out and said all kinds of trash about Islam is not "bad faith". 

Anyway, while it pains me to back down from this challenge by not appealing this case in a US court, because to me it is more than just a web site, but not a single Islamic organization that I contacted wanted to help in this case.  And my readers are even worse!  I personally couldn't do it all by myself.  The financial consequences are too much to handle and I have a son and family that I want to build a bright future for.

I decided to close down my Paypal account and give up the mentioned web site.  Like I made clear in my original policy, I do not accept any financial rewards for the work I do for the Sake of Allah Almighty and the Muslims.  Rest assure though that I will find better means to spread Islam to all of America and the West, and to get them out of the darkness of the polytheist trinity paganism, and the pornography and open sexuality and sins that they're living in, into the Divine Light and Truth of Islam!  Insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).


04/13/2005- I added a new article Currently, only a little less than $500.00 were contributed to the case.

04/10/2005- I added a new section "Am I really not getting the "bigger picture" from the bible?" to the article The Golden Rule is nothing but a lie in the bible - killing of children and non-virgin women, enslaving, maiming of enemies, and so much more!  I also updated the article with more points and Noble Verses from the Noble Quran.

04/09/2005- I added more points and proved that Noble Verse 5:73 also condemns the "Hindu trinity" (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) to the article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Examining the Evidence which proves that the Spirit is God" blasphemous article.

04/08/2005- I added new proofs regarding the Noble Quran addressing all of the trinities that existed and still exist, and not just being limited to the "Holy Family" one, to the article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Examining the Evidence which proves that the Spirit is God" blasphemous article.

04/05/2005- A message on why my site was shut down for several hours, and my renewal of the warning about possible hacks in the future.  I also added some Noble Verses regarding those brothers and sisters who can not financially afford to help in the Fox News' lawsuit against my site.  Allah Almighty Commands them to only help if they can and to not help if they can't.

04/02/2005- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Examining the Evidence which proves that the Spirit is God" blasphemous article (PART II).   I also added another article The Golden Rule is nothing but a lie in the bible - killing of children and non-virgin women, enslaving, maiming of enemies, and so much more!

03/30/2005- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Examining the Evidence which proves that the Spirit is God" blasphemous article.  Learn about the was-and-still-is practiced "Holy Family Trinity" and see how the Noble Quran was never in contradiction or error regarding it.

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The Priest's "tallest (middle) finger represents the father, the next tallest (index), the mother, the small thumb, the child."


03/28/2005- I updated section #5 with new information regarding the Fox News' Lawsuit against my web site.

03/22/2005- I added a new article If Islam never existed, would "Allah" still be a known Name for GOD Almighty among the Arab Jews and Christians today?

03/20/2005- I added more proofs about the bible's corruption and lies regarding when Jesus supposedly refused to preach to the Gentiles (non-Jews) and initially wanted for the false religion of "Christianity" to be only and only taught to the Jews, in the article GOD Almighty supposedly Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible. See point #7 in section 1.  Jesus, in the book of lies, made it very clear that if the Jews did not disappoint him, the Gentiles, the "Jews' dogs", would not have been "saved".

03/19/2005- I added more proofs to the article GOD Almighty supposedly Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible.

03/17/2005- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's absurdities regarding Mark 10:18 where Jesus said he was not "good".  Also, you can contribute to my lawsuit through Paypal.

03/15/2005- I added a new section "Some minority Christians in Europe still do it today" to the article Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible.

03/14/2005- I added more proofs to section 4 in the article What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Islam? Why can't we call it GOD?

03/09/2005- May Allah Almighty rest the soul of the great Chechen Leader, Aslan Maskhadov.  May Allah Almighty grant him Paradise and help the Muslim nation of Chechnya get their independence someday; Ameen.  I also added more points and proofs to section 4 in the article What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Islam? Why can't we call it GOD?

03/07/2005- I made changes and added more points and proofs to the article What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Islam? Why can't we call it GOD?

03/06/2005- I added more points to the article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: RACISM" article, where I showed that the only racist is Jesus in the book of lies, the New Testament, for calling non-Jews as the "Jews' dogs."

03/05/2005- I added more slurs in the bible to the article List of Craig Winn's fabricated lies and deliberate alteration of quotes, WITH CLEAR-CUT PROOFS!  I also added more verses and points to the article GOD Almighty supposedly Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible.

03/01/2005- I added a new section "Paul contradicted GOD Almighty in the Old Testament!" to the article Paul nullified and contradicted the point of Baptism.

02/24/2005- I posted the details of Fox News Channel's lawsuit against me.

02/21/2005- I added more points and proofs to the article Paul nullified and contradicted the point of Baptism. and to the Rebuttal that is associated with it.  Paul calling the disbelievers, who are supposed to be doomed to Hell, as "sanctified" and "holy" people is utter stupidity and nonsense by him, and further proves without doubt that his words are not Divine Revelations from GOD Almighty.

02/20/2005- I added more proofs to the article List of Craig Winn's fabricated lies and deliberate alteration of quotes, WITH CLEAR-CUT PROOFS!  This hopeless loser considered "Surely the Lord knows best who errs from His way, and who follows the right course" as a slur!   GOD Almighty's Knowledge is considered a slur to him.  Hilarious indeed.

02/19/2005- The details of Fox News Channel's lawsuit will be listed in few days insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).  I am currently working on few more details to publish on my site.  I apologize for the delay.  I also added images of the entire Noble Quran's original Manuscripts' compilation and a link that contains more images that prove the Noble Quran's perfect Preservation at: Responses to the so called "Textual Errors" and "Historical Corruption" in the Noble Quran.  I also updated my personal challenge to all Christians at The Bible in both the Old and New Testaments clearly allows polygamy!  Even Jesus allowed polygamy through his parable of the "bridegroom" and his "10 virgin" wives. Interestingly also, Jesus said this parable (that contained polygamy in it) to a society that practiced polygamy.  Jesus obviously saw no problem in their polygamy practice!

02/13/2005- I finished the the page about Fox News Channel's law suit against me.  The paper is all complete and the case number and all the required references that prove the Truthfulness of my claim are listed in the article.  In brief, it is regarding my web site, www.hannityandcolmes.com.   They are objecting to me owning this link.  It's funny how the polytheist trinitarian pagans and racists knew about my ownership of the mentioned site for almost 3 years now and decided to take action now, after seeing me kicking the missionaries' butts left and right throughout my rebuttals and refuting satan's biggest lie, trinity.

Shawn Hannity, one of the pagans and worst racists, answered one of his audience and said on his radio show more than 1 1/2 years ago that he knew about my mentioned web site!

I added the following new rebuttals to Craig Winn:

  1. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 18" article.
  2. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 22" article.
  3. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 13" article.
  4. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 17" article.

I added more points and proofs to the article GOD Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible.  I also added a new article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 23" article.  I also added more verses and proofs to the section "Do Paul's 1 Timothy 3:2 and 1 Timothy 3:12 prove that polygamy is prohibited in the Bible?" in the article Polygamy is allowed in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

02/09/2005- I added more examples to the article GOD Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible.  I also added the following new rebuttals to Craig Winn:

  1. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 14" article.
  2. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 21" article.
  3. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 19" article.

I added the following new rebuttals to Craig Winn:

  1. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 24" article.
  2. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 16" article.

I added the following new rebuttals to Craig Winn:

  1. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Source Material • Islam’s Dark Past" article.
  2. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Epilogue • What Are You Going to Do?" article.
  3. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 25" article.

I added more examples to the article GOD Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible.  I also added a new powerful link According to John Kaminski, 9/11 was the an inside job done by those who took over the country's government to threaten and dominate the world! to the section Islam, the Laws of War, Jihad and Terrorism.

02/04/2005- I added links to 9 main articles that converted Christians before to Islam, by the Will, Mercy and Grace of Allah Almighty, to the top of the site's main page.  Also, get ready for my big come back in few days insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing), where I will continue to debunk and expose the satanic lie of trinity and prove Islam to be the One and Only True Divine Religion of GOD Almighty!   I will start off by finishing the unfinished business with some anti-Islam authors, insha'Allah.

01/20/2005- I want to wish a Happy and Blessed Eid to all of my Muslim brothers and sisters.  May Allah Almighty always keep you on the Right Path of Islam.  Ameen.

01/17/2005- I added a new article Life and our physical bodies originated from CLAY - The Noble Quran Claimed it and Science confirmed it!

01/06/2005- More points were added to the article Repetitions in the Noble Quran and the Bible.

01/02/2005- I added a new article Repetitions in the Noble Quran and the Bible.   By the way, in the next week or so I will resume my detailed refutations to Craig Winn of "Prophet of Doom" and shut his big mouth once and for all, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).  After that, I will go back to the "Answering Islam" team and resume debunking their materials and so-called "rebuttals", insha'Allah.

01/01/2005- I added a new article GOD Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible.  I also added another article Jihad (Fighting for the Cause of GOD Almighty) started with the Bible!

12/31/2004- I added a new article Are these Paul's words or GOD Almighty's Divine Revelations????  I also added many links to the Islamic Links section.  I also more music to my Music Page.

12/19/2004- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun’s "Variant Readings of the Quran" article.

12/15/2004- I added more proofs to the article Is Uzair the son of GOD?

12/10/2004- As a tribute to the good Christians for the Christmas season, I decided to add a new section "Christians have proven themselves to be the BEST people on earth today!  Without them, this world would taste biter!" to the article Please know that I love Jews and Christians and I have nothing against them.

12/08/2004- A few days ago, I added a new article and didn't post it here.  The article is called: By the way, I am not a Hadiths rejecter.  Like I mentioned, I will not be updating my site (doing serious or aggressive updates) on my site due to my busy work schedule.  The year is almost over, and the project that I am currently working on is due, at the latest, by the end of January.

11/27/2004- For the next few months I will not be updating my site due to my very busy work schedule.  I will, however, be monitoring it and checking my mail.  But you won't see new articles or updates for at least 12 weeks or so, kama yashau'Allah (as Allah Almighty Wills).  I also changed the "Limited" option to "Computer Administrator" option in the article Simple manual steps to insure a complete block on all of the bad processes and unwanted internet popups.

11/25/2004- I added more option-steps to the article Simple manual steps to insure a complete block on all of the bad processes and unwanted internet popups.  You might only need to do steps 1-6 and then skip to step #20.

11/21/2004- I added a new article Simple manual steps to insure a complete block on all of the bad processes and unwanted internet popups.

11/20/2004- I added a new article Jesus had no Divine Will according to the New Testament. How could he be our Creator?  In this article, I also proved that Jesus, who escaped from King Herod to Egypt, can not be the Creator of the Universe.  I also added another article Brother Osama, I have an excessive problem with masturbation. Any advise?

11/19/2004- I added a new article 14,874 emails sent from this site in just one month only!!

11/18/2004- I added several links from brother MENJ's web site about Paul, a self-claimed Prophet, that exposed his contradictions of Jesus' teachings and mocking of Moses' Law to the section Detailed History of Bible's Corruption, and list of textual Contradictions in the Bible.

11/17/2004- I added a new article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Topical Quotations" article.  I also added Please know that I love Jews and Christians and I have nothing against them.

11/16/2004- I added a new article List of Craig Winn's fabricated lies and deliberate alteration of quotes, WITH CLEAR-CUT PROOFS!  I linked this article to every rebuttal that I've written against him so far.  I also added a link that contains brief information about him during his interview with CBN's 700 Club at: Craig Winn - "The Prophet of Doom" book.

11/14/2004- I added the following new rebuttals to Craig Winn:

  1. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: LUST" article.
  2. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: LOVE OF MONEY" article.
  3. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: MUHAMMAD'S MORALITY" article.
  4. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: PREDESTINATION" article.
  5. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: DEMONS" article.
  6. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Al-Rahman (THE MERCIFUL)" article.
  7. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: ALLAH, ISLAM'S ILAH" article.
  8. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: INSPIRATION" article.
  9. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: MEGALOMANIA" article.
  10. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: EYE WITNESS" article.
  11. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Letter To The Reader" article.

11/12/2004- I added the following new rebuttals to Craig Winn:

  1. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: CHRISTIANS" article. 
  2. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: RACISM" article. 
  3. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: WOMEN IN ISLAM" article. 
  4. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: FIGHTING" article. 
  5. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: TERRORISM" article. 
  6. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: WAR" article. 
  7. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: JIHAD" article. 
  8. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Martyrs/Mercenaries" article. 
  9. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: MILITANTS" article. 
  10. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: MURDER" article. 
  11. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: TORTURE" article. 
  12. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: THIEVERY AND SLAVERY" article. 
  13. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: PEACE, ISLAM STYLE" article.
  14. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: PEACEFUL MUSLIM HYPOCRITES" article.
  15. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: NO FREEDOM, NO CHOICE" article.
  16. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: DECEPTION" article.
  17. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: INTOLERANCE" article.
  18. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: ALLAH'S HELL" article.
  19. Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: MUHAMMAD'S PARADISE" article.

I added more verses proving that women are treated as enemies in the Bible to the article Prophet Muhammad is a Murderer for KILLING the enemies?  WHAT ABOUT THE BIBLE'S PROPHETS' MURDERS that were blessed by GOD?   Killing the women and not the men for an even lesser sin!!  I also added another article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: ALLAH'S ASTRONOMY" article.  I also added another article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: ISLAMIC SCIENCE" article.  I also added another article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: STUPIDITY" article.  The "stupid" thinks that Allah Almighty Prohibiting Muslims from spying on others is "stupid".  I also added another article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: JEWS" article.

11/10/2004- I added a new article Rebuttal to Jochen Katz' 2 Samuel 1:2-16 about justifying David's selective murders.  Further exposing his ridiculous bias and cover-ups to the Bible's unjust murders.  I also added a personal article I feel angry I feel helpless.

11/09/2004- I added a new article The LIE of the "SATANIC VERSES" fabricated against the Noble Quran!  Also, what about satan's temptations to the Bible's Prophets?   I also added more sections and verses to the article Prophet Muhammad is a Murderer for KILLING the enemies?  WHAT ABOUT THE BIBLE'S PROPHETS' MURDERS that were blessed by GOD?

11/08/2004- I added a new section "According to Quantum Mechanics, all matter (including humans) will turn into IRON" to the article The dead turning into Fossils and Iron. The Noble Quran Claimed it, and Science today Confirmed it!

11/07/2004- I added a new article The dead turning into Fossils and Iron. The Noble Quran Claimed it, and Science today Confirmed it!  I also added more Noble Verses that further prove my points to the article Imprisonment (Zoos) and Cruelty to animals are strictly forbidden in Islam.  Warning!!  This article contains images of animal fights, captivity and torture.  Viewer discretion is advised.  See also how the Bible condones zoos and cruelty to animals, starting from Jesus himself.

11/04/2004- I added a new article Allah Almighty talked about lack of Oxygen and painful low pressure in space.  Science confirmed the Noble Quran's Divine Claim.   I also added more points to the section Rebuttals to Craig Winn's "The Prophet of Doom" book (69 articles).  Soon insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing), I will resume debunking the rest of his book.  I also added more links to the Main Page of this site.  I also updated the "Rebuttals" section in the article The amazing creation of earth and iron in the Noble Quran.  A critic tried to attempt to refute the fact that Allah Almighty Claimed that He Created 7 Ozone Layers as well as 7 different Heavens.  I also added more notes to the two removed articles: "Adam 90 feet tall", and "360 joints in human body".  I also added a new article More deliberate and preposterous LIES by Jochen Katz and another clown of his, Quennel Gale!  I also added another new rebuttal at: Even more preposterous LIES by Quennel Gale!

11/03/2004- Did the Noble Quran really say that the sun sets and rises on the earth?

11/02/2004- I decided to remove the article Many of the modern Muslim Salafis are evil and hypocrites according to Prophet Muhammad.  I also modified the article None of the four Caliphs was really perfect!  I also added a new article Allah Almighty transformed some Jews into apes and swines. The Bible seems to clearly support this.  

11/01/2004- I added a new article Living Creatures were sent down from space. Science confirms the Noble Quran's Claim.

10/31/2004- I added a new article Breastfeeding for 2 years in the Noble Quran.  Science had confirmed Islam's Divine Claims.  I also added more Verses from the Noble Quran and the Bible about "Figurative Speech" to the article Differences between the Noble Quran and Bible only prove Islam's Truthfulness and Divinity.  This article also includes a detailed rebuttal to "Answering Islam" article "Did the Jews say "we obey" OR "we disobey" to GOD Almighty's Divine Orders and Law?"  I also changed the look and feel of the site's Main Page.  I also added a new response to the "or more" point regarding Noble Verse 37:147 in the article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Allah's Guessing Game, Is Allah an All-Knowing GOD?" article.

10/30/2004- I added more quotes from Bible scholars admitting that the original manuscripts had been lost and the Bibles (with all their different and contradicting copies and versions) that we have today do not contain any of them to the article Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible.  (Read the last section in the article to see the quotes).

10/29/2004- I uploaded a new version of self-extracting zip file of all of my site's HTML files.  You can download my site's HTML files for free.

10/27/2004- I added a new article Refutation to the preposterous LIES of Jochen Katz about his Bible not containing inhumane murders from its Prophets!  I further exposed the Bible and showed how King David carelessly killed an innocent man for only telling him news.  I also added a new section "Did David worship Saul when he prostrated his face down to the ground before him?" to the article Do People and Angels bowing down to Jesus in Worship really prove that he is the Creator of the Universe?

10/26/2004- I added a new article Differences between the Noble Quran and Bible only prove Islam's Truthfulness and Divinity.  This article also includes a detailed rebuttal to "Answering Islam" article "Did the Jews say "we obey" OR "we disobey" to GOD Almighty's Divine Orders and Law?"  I also added more verses where 42 innocent children were killed by Prophet Elisha in the Bible to the article Prophet Muhammad is a Murderer for KILLING the enemies?  WHAT ABOUT THE BIBLE'S PROPHETS' MURDERS that were blessed by GOD?

10/24/2004- I added a new article Prophet Muhammad is a Murderer for KILLING the enemies?  WHAT ABOUT THE BIBLE'S PROPHETS' MURDERS that were blessed by GOD?   Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their alive bodies on trees until they DIE.  I also added Biblical verses showing the cutting of the hands and feet of the enemies by some of the Prophets of GOD Almighty in the Bible to the article Did Prophet Muhammad prescribe camel urine as medicine for headaches?

10/18/2004- I added a new article Obvious mistranslations of the Hebrew Manuscripts.  See proofs of alterations and deceptions done by the Jews and Christians to disprove Islam in the Bible.

10/17/2004- I added more points and proofs to the article Girls at the age of 3 were forced into sex in both the Talmud and the Bible.

10/09/2004- I added more points and proofs to the article Girls at the age of 3 were forced into sex in both the Talmud and the Bible.

10/08/2004- I added a new link to the main page and this page Stop abusive and annoying internet popups! This software works and it is free!

10/07/2004- I added more points and proofs to the article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Osama Abdallah's Obsession with Pedophilia in the Bible" article.

10/06/2004- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Osama Abdallah's Obsession with Pedophilia in the Bible" article.

10/04/2004- I added a new note to the article The age of Aisha being 9, and very young girls, as young as 3, being forced into sex in the Bible.  Detailed rebuttals about the hypocrisy of the "Answering Islam" team for defending their pornful and pedophilic bible in a too ridiculously biased way are coming soon insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

10/03/2004- I added Noble Verse "We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and in their own souls, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?  (The Noble Quran, 41:53)" to the section The Scientific Miracles in the Noble Quran.  This Noble Verse along with many others is a clear Prophecy/Sign about us today finding Scientific Miracles (including ones on astronomy) that are clearly detailed in the Noble Quran.

09/23/2004- I added more quotes and proofs to the article Girls at the age of 3 were forced into sex in the Jewish Talmud and the Bible.

09/22/2004- I added more points and proofs to the article Lesbianism in the Noble Quran? - Refuting the lies of the liar Sam Shamoun from the "Answering Islam" team of clowns.

09/21/2004- Thursday 9/23/2004, 7:30 am NY time, I will be speaking via phone on "Brother Wease" talk show in Rochester, New York insha'Allah (if GOD Almighty is Willing).   I also added more points and refutations to the article Lesbianism in the Noble Quran? - Refuting the lies of the liar Sam Shamoun from the "Answering Islam" team of clowns.

09/20/2004- I added a new article Lesbianism in the Noble Quran? - Refuting the lies of the liar Sam Shamoun from the "Answering Islam" team of clowns.

09/14/2004- I added more points and sound proofs from the Bible itself to the article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Refuting Osama Abdallah on Jeremiah 23:5-6" article.

09/12/2004- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Refuting Osama Abdallah on Jeremiah 23:5-6" article.  Once again, Jesus was proven to be only a creation from GOD Almighty, and he is NOT GOD Almighty Himself.

09/08/2004- I added a new section "The earth literally has two sun rising points and two sun setting points!  Noble Quran and Science agree on this" to the article The Earth is round according to Islam.

09/04/2004- I added a new link from brother MENJ's site:   "Jesus obeyed Satan".  Sam Shamoun of the "answering Islam" team admitted it through his teeth, that Jesus obeyed satan for a little while when he was tempted.  How can Jesus be the Creator of the Universe when he was tempted by satan and obeyed him for a little while?   This not only takes away Jesus' perfection, but it also put him in sin.

09/02/2004- I added more proofs and notes to the article Isaiah 42-54 seem to predict Islam and the removal of GOD Almighty's Covenant from the people of Israel.  Isaiah 42 speaks about the people of "Kedar", "rejoicing".  It also speaks about the Prophet who will be their "light"; the Prophet of Arabia.   The people of Kedar are today's Saudis and Yemenis.  They are the original Arabs, and not a single one of them or their tribes is a Christian.  All of them today are pure Muslims.  Isaiah 42 is a clear Prophecy and Sign about Islam and Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

08/28/2004- I added a new section "Hindus allow for an uncle to marry his niece (the mother's brother can marry her daughter). What if a pagan hindu embraces the pagan trinity? Can he still marry his niece?" to the article Christians have to follow the Old Testament.

08/25/2004- Mr. Sam Shamoun of "answering Islam" had openly admitted that his own grandmother was married at the age 12.  I posted few points about his Biblical prophets marrying 100s of wives each and the possibility of many of their wives being little girls as young as 9 or 10, and the Prophets being much much older than them.  I also posted Exodus 21:7-8 in the Bible where it allows fathers to sell their daughters as slave girls to other men, and these men can have sex with them.  There is no age limit to these girls being sold off.  I posted an open question and challenge for Mr. Sam Shamoun that will clearly prove his hypocrisy and bias for insisting on denying the fact that his own Bible married girls at very young age long before Islam did to much much older men.   All of this was added to the article Aisha was "9" when she married our Prophet.  If this is weird or unacceptable to you, then are BOTH HER PARENTS and the whole Arabs' culture BACK THEN also guilty for giving her and others like her in marriage to other men, 1500 years ago?

08/23/2004- I added a new article Attention Paltalk Debaters: Quick and decisive rebuttal to the stupidity in the Bible regarding women.

08/22/2004- I added a new article Mr. Shamoun further embarrasses himself, and ironically, slips and admits TWICE that his bible is corrupt in this small email debate.

08/21/2004- I added more proofs that debunk the lies that were made about me being a "heretic" to the article The desperate clowns of "Answering Islam" are relying on a trash and foul-mouth dumpster to refute me.  I proved from my "Free Muslims Marriage Connection Site" that about 40% of the registered Muslim members chose "Just Muslim" instead of "Sunni" or "Shia" Muslim for the Religion field, which shows that they believe in almost the same Islamic Principles that I believe in.  And even the remaining Sunnis and Shias from the total of 1136 registered members, so far, don't consider me as a "heretic", because they chose to support my site and register their profiles in it.

08/19/2004- I added more points to the articles Rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad, Aisha, Islam, and Child Brides" article and Aisha was "9" when she married our Prophet.  If this is weird or unacceptable to you, then are BOTH HER PARENTS and the whole Arabs' culture BACK THEN also guilty for giving her and others like her in marriage to other men, 1500 years ago? 

08/14/2004- I added a new article The Bible directly claims that ANY "Son of GOD" is a "God"! (Refutation to Jesus' being God meaning that he is GOD Almighty).

08/13/2004- I added a new article Answering Jeremiah 23:5-6:  A big blow to Sam Shamoun's trinity nonsense existing in the Old Testament.

08/12/2004- I added a subsection "The Righteous and Beloved Jews in the Noble Quran" to the article What is the place of Jesus, Jews and Christians in Islam?  I also added a subsection "Is arguing in public allowed in Islam?" to the article Good Manners in Islam.

08/07/2004- I added more scientific proofs to the article The explosion of Stars (FORMING RED ROSES), Galaxies and the Universe in the Noble Quran had been confirmed by NASA.  I also added more points and proofs to the article The "God" title in the Bible was given to others in the OT and NT.  Answering Isaiah 9:6.  The "El" (God) title that was given to Jesus in the Old Testament, and the "HOTHEOS" (God) title in the New Testament, were given to others before and after Jesus in the Bible.

08/01/2004- I added a new section "Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran that Prophet Muhammad is NOTHING!....A refutation to some moronic Muslims who worship the Prophet and his companions" to the article Some Muslims extremists today from both the Sunnis and Shias are guilty of polytheism.

07/30/2004- I added a new article Logical Inconsistencies and stupidity in the Bible's New Testament.

07/27/2004- I added more Noble Verses and proofs to the article The Bible's "Fallen Angels" are the Noble Quran's "Jinns". Jinns are Angels in the Noble Quran.

07/25/2004- I cleaned up all of the dead links in the Links to 100s of Islamic Web Sites section, and will soon insha'Allah do new research on the internet and compile another big list of good Islamic web sites and articles.  I have also categorized the Free Advertisement for all Muslim Businesses section for easy browsing, and added more businesses.

07/22/2004- I added more verses and fixed few errors in the article The Bible's "Fallen Angels" are the Noble Quran's "Jinns". Jinns are Angels in the Noble Quran.

07/21/2004- I added a new article The Bible's "Fallen Angels" are the Noble Quran's "Jinns". Jinns are Angels in the Noble Quran.

07/05/2004- I changed the wording of the article The Noble Quran and Astronomers both claim that the Universe is 18 billion years old and made the numbers more understandable and readable by adding commas to them without changing any of the contents or values of the numbers in the article.

07/04/2004- I added more scientific proofs from Western Scientific resources to the articles The amazing creation of earth and iron in the Noble Quran and My response to Shahid bin waheed's rebuttal to my "The amazing creation of Earth and Iron" article.

06/30/2004- I added a new section "The book of Ezekiel clearly and directly refutes the Salvation through trinity lie!" to the article Jesus in the Bible guaranteed Paradise to non-Trinitarians and even non-Christians who are Monotheists.

06/25/2004- I added a new article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 8" article.

06/24/2004- I added a new article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 7" article.

06/23/2004- I added a new article Is the Noble Quran a Creator or Creation?  I also added a new article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 6" article.

06/15/2004- I added a new article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 3" article.  I also added another new article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 4" article.  I also added another new article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 5" article.

06/14/2004- I added a new article Rebuttal to "Prophets and Kings in Israel before the time of Moses?" article.

06/12/2004- I added a new article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 2" article.

06/11/2004- I added a new article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 1" article.

06/09/2004- I added a new article Women can get divorced from their abusive husbands according to the Noble Quran!

06/06/2004- I added a new article Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Prologue" article.

05/31/2004- I uploaded the latest version of my web site's self-extracting zip file.  You can download my entire web site for free at this link.

05/30/2004- I added a new section of rebuttals Craig Winn - "The Prophet of Doom" book.  It's a big book that contains 69 articles.  I will have it refuted soon insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

05/29/2004- I added a new article Jesus being at GOD Almighty's "Right Hand" is only SYMBOLIC and not literal in the Bible.  I also added another article Will Jesus return according to Islam?

05/19/2004- I added a new article to the dumpster section.

05/17/2004- I added a new article The satanic and evil beliefs and doings are ALLURING (feel right and good) to their people according to the Noble Quran.

05/15/2004- I added a new article I am sorry for Mr. Nick Berg. But the US killed MANY IRAQI Nick Berg babies with its Deplete Uranium!!! See pictures...

05/13/2004- I changed my web site's main email address.

05/12/2004- I added a new article Refuting shahid bin waheed's $5000.000 challenge to me.

05/07/2004- I added a new article My rebuttal to Brian G. Bloedel's article "Islam, The Koran (Noble Quran) and the Torah".

05/04/2004- I added a new article In Hell, the disbelievers will directly ask Allah Almighty if there is a way out.  NO RESPONSE by Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran!  I also added another article It is possible for a person in Heaven to be sent to Hell according to the Noble Quran!

05/03/2004- I added a new article If Hell will never be empty, then the claim about Allah Almighty Having 100 Levels of Mercy is silly!

05/02/2004- I added a new section "The liars have changed their position and message.  Hilarious indeed!" to the article The desperate clowns of "Answering Islam" are relying on a trash and foul-mouth dumpster to refute me.

05/01/2004- I added a new article Is Oral sex (bringing mouth to significant other's private part by all and any graphic forms) allowed in Islam?

04/30/2004- I added a new article The desperate clowns of "Answering Islam" are relying on a trash and foul-mouth dumpster to refute me.

04/28/2004- I added a new article My response to shahid bin waheed's rebuttal to my "None of the four Caliphs was really perfect" article.

04/26/2004- I added a new article My response to Shahid bin waheed's rebuttal to my "The amazing creation of Earth and Iron" article.

04/25/2004- I added a new section "The Roman Catholic Encyclopedia admits that the Bible had been "altered" " to the article Just who were the real authors of the Bible? Today's Books and Gospels' authors of the Bible are UNKNOWN.  See the comments from the NIV Bible itself!  I also added a new rebuttal Rebuttal to Silas' "Who is the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18" article.

04/24/2004- I added a link about the biography Rashad Khalifa.  It includes a picture of him.

04/20/2004- I added a new article Shahid calls himself "NetWisdom". See what the Proverbs of Solomon in the Bible say about his stupidity.  See also how Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran considers him as a kafir (disbeliever) and liar.

04/18/2004- I added a new article Repetitive dua (verbal prayers) in a short amount of time is insulting to Allah Almighty!  I also added many points and several subsections to the article What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth? and Why?

04/17/2004- I added a new section "Shahid stealing from my web site" with two new articles with clear proofs to the rebuttals section Rebuttals to Shahid bin Waheed.

04/15/2004- I added a conclusion section to the article Allah Almighty cursed the Extremists for constantly apostatizing believers and creating Tumult (fitnah) in the Noble Quran.

04/13/2004- I added a new section "The New Testament was written in the 3rd century by Constantine and his church by their own words" to the article Just who were the real authors of the Bible? Today's Books and Gospels' authors of the Bible are UNKNOWN.  See the comments from the NIV Bible itself!

04/12/2004- I added a new section "The apocalypse of Peter confirms ISLAM'S Jesus never got crucified AND Hell will eventually be empty!" to the article The early Christians rejected Trinity.  Early Christians had major problems and disagreements about who truly Jesus was and whether or not he got crucified or not.

04/11/2004- I want to wish all of my Christian readers and friends a happy and blessed Easter.  I pray that Allah Almighty would bestow His Blessings upon you and your families by leading you to Islam.  Ameen.

04/10/2004- I added a new article Lies posted by the Answering Islam team against Islam without providing references.  I also added a new article A Christian Texas man accused of ripping out hearts of victims plucks out own eye.

04/07/2004- I added a new section "Those who falsely charge innocent people will get double the sin and punishment" to the article Allah Almighty cursed the Extremists for constantly apostatizing believers and creating Tumult (fitnah) in the Noble Quran.

04/01/2004- I also added more points and proofs to the section of "Gospel of John" in the article Just who were the real authors of the Bible? Today's Books and Gospels' authors of the Bible are UNKNOWN.  See the comments from the NIV Bible itself!

03/28/2004- I added a new article The detailed story of how the Kaaba was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael peace be upon them.  I also added more points and proofs to the section of "Gospel of John" in the article Just who were the real authors of the Bible? Today's Books and Gospels' authors of the Bible are UNKNOWN.  See the comments from the NIV Bible itself!

03/26/2004- I added a new article None of Jesus' disciples witnessed the crucifixion. They "all fled" and "deserted" Jesus. This further confirms Islam's claims.

03/22/2004- May Allah Almighty rest the soul of Sheikh (Minister) Ahmed Yaseen, the founder of the Hamas Movement in Palestine.  He was a true hero to all Palestinians and Muslims, and his name will always live inside every sincere Muslim's heart insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

03/19/2004- I added a new article Allah Almighty cursed the Extremists for constantly apostatizing believers and creating Tumult (fitnah) in the Noble Quran.

03/09/2004- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Exposing Osama's Smokescreens and Rabbit Trails (PART 1)" article.

03/02/2004- I added a new article Was Jesus crucified on a tree (according to Peter), cross (according to others), or never got crucified (according to Islam)?  I also added a new section "Jesus twice confirmed the Law of Moses to be the way to Eternal Life" to the article Jesus in the Bible guaranteed Paradise to non-Trinitarians and even non-Christians who are Monotheists. 

02/15/2004- I added a new article My rebuttal to Avijit Roy's "Does the Quran support the Earth moves around the Sun theory" response.

02/08/2004- I added a new article My rebuttal to Avijit Roy's "Does Quran have any Scientific miracles?" article.

02/07/2004- I added a new article Did GOD Almighty really appear in A FORM OF A MAN to Abraham in Genesis 17 and 18 (specifically in Genesis 18:2)?

02/03/2004- I just wanted to wish every Muslim a happy Eid (Holiday).  May it bring peace and blessings upon everyone.

01/30/2004- I added more proofs and points to the article The explosion of Stars (FORMING RED ROSES), Galaxies and the Universe in the Noble Quran had been confirmed by NASA.

01/26/2004- I added more Noble Verses, Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad) and proofs that further prove my points in the articles Hell according to Islam will eventually be empty, and Some Muslims extremists today from both the Sunnis and Shias are guilty of polytheism.

01/24/2004- I added a new article The date of the yearly Pilgrimage to Mecca is the date when Islam was "perfected".

01/22/2004- I added a new article Dinosaurs in the Noble Quran.

01/12/2004- I added a new article Shahid, the low-life loser, called me and my friends "motherfu****".

01/11/2004- I added a new "Islam Message Board" in My Message Boards section.

01/07/2004- I added more proofs about circumcision of females being prohibited in Islam at: Where did "genital mutilation" for females come from?  Is it allowed in Islam and Christianity?

01/04/2004- I added a new article Dating: Why is it frowned upon in Islam?

01/03/2004- I added a new section "Is the "servant" of Isaiah 42 and the servant of Isaiah 53 the same person?" to the article Isaiah 42-54 seem to predict Islam and the removal of GOD Almighty's Covenant from the people of Israel.

12/31/2003- I finally finished writing my all new Message Board.  I built it all by myself by the Grace and Will of Allah Almighty.

12/29/2003- I added a new section "The Arabs, whom Islam came from, are the descendents of Ishmael, and they are the "great nation" along with all Muslims" to the article The "great nation" of Ishmael and its definition in the Bible.

12/28/2003- I added a new section "So is Jesus the salvation or not?!" to the article Jesus in the Bible guaranteed Paradise to non-Trinitarians and even non-Christians who are Monotheists.  I further proved that the Bible's interpretation by trinitarian Christians is bogus.  According to the verses mentioned in the article, Jesus in the NT is clearly not the only salvation to GOD Almighty.  Otherwise, we are left with a major CONTRADICTION in the Bible between Jesus being the only salvation to GOD Almighty, and Jesus not being the only one.  At any rate, the most ironic thing of all is that trinity is all based on man's interpretation.  The word itself, "trinity", does not even exist in the Bible.  Not even once!  Yet, it is the central faith to most Christians today.

12/26/2003- I added a new article The "great nation" of Ishmael and its definition in the Bible.  I also added advertisement to Bridges TV - The all new and first Muslim TV Station on Cable in the US!   Please sign up with them to support them and help them spread the TV station to all of the US states, Canada and Europe.

12/25/2003- A message for the answering Islam web site.   I have not ignored nor forgotten about your latest so-called "rebuttal" to my "360 joints in the human body" article.  Once my computer science graduate school (Ph.D.) starts again on January 20th insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing), I will do extensive research in the human anatomy research section in the university's library (in the Ph.D. research section) and shut your lousy mouths and site once and for all insha'Allah.  You said that you have given me the "worst Muslim argument" award.  My response to you is:  An insult from the disgraced is a compliment by itself.   I will once again insha'Allah debunk your mantras and prove you to be clearly in the wrong.

12/24/2003- For the dates of 12/24 and 12/25 of 2003, I would like to wish great blessings and happy holiday for both the Muslims and Christians for the birth of Jesus, the Messiah, peace be upon him.  It is not just the Christians who love and adore Jesus.  The Muslims too love him and adore him (adore him as in "a child being adorable"...love him so much but without worshiping him), and even respect him far more than the Christians do, because they follow his clear commandments of not associating him or any other creation with the Absolute One Creator GOD Almighty.  So, Merry Christmas to both Muslims and Christians.  I also added a new section "The Divine Wisdom from Circumcision and the allowing of altering the physical body through it" to the article Were human cloning, gender alteration and plastic surgeries prophesied in Islam?  In that section, I showed why Allah Almighty created most males with handicapped penises and why He allowed for circumcision to be done, even though it is a physical modification of the body.

12/23/2003- I added more points and proofs to the article Were human cloning, gender alteration and plastic surgeries prophesied in Islam?

12/21/2003- I added a new article Hebrews 5:7-8 confirm Islam's claim about Jesus never got crucified and contradicts the Bible!

12/07/2003- I added a new article Shahid finally used the bathroom, took a dump from his head, and stated why he considers me as MURTADD (APOSTATE).

12/04/2003- I added a new article Ariel Sharon's "Security Fence" (the great wall that will cover all of Palestine and Israel) CONTRADICTS the Biblical Prophecy in Ezekiel 38:11.

12/02/2003- I added a new list of 17 rebuttals to Walid's Book and all of its sections at: Rebuttals to Walid's articles.

11/29/2003- I added a new article Shahid considers my readers, and family as "murtadds" (apostates).

11/27/2003- I added a new article The fly insect and its cure: Mentioned in Islam and confirmed by Science (Bacteriophages).  I also added a new section "Allah Almighty "breathes" from His Spirit into the foetus" to Abortion in Islam is a crime!  I also added more points and rebuttals to the articles Rebuttal to Quennel Gale's "Silly Sayings of the Prophet" article and My rebuttal to Gary Bee's 32 questions: "The Wisdom of Muhammad from the Hadith" article.

11/26/2003- I added a new article Abortion in Islam is a crime!

11/25/2003- I added more points to the article Shahid's hypocrisy and disrespects to his reader.  I further proved that Shahid bin Waheed is not only a hypocrite and a "child in a 50-year old body" due to his childish name-callings, bad manners and immaturity, but also, I proved him to be a liar.  Anyway aside from all of this, I want to wish all Muslims in the world a Happy Eid.

11/23/2003- I added a new article America, the West, and their Pornographic and Capitalist Kingdom in the book of Daniel.  I also added a new article The fall of pagan Babylon to pagan Persia in the Bible, and then the fall of pagan Persia (Iran + Iraq) to Islam.

11/20/2003- I added a new article Shahid's hypocrisy and disrespects to his reader.  I also added a new rebuttal Rebuttal to Quennel Gale's "Silly Sayings of the Prophet" article.

11/15/2003- I added a new rebuttal to Gary Bee's 32 questions and attacks against Islam at: My rebuttal to Gary Bee's 32 questions: "The Wisdom of Muhammad from the Hadith" article.

11/14/2003- I added a new article What is the definition of a hypocrite in Islam? And will all "Muslims" make it to Heaven?  I also added more points and proofs to the article Jesus is the "Beast" in the Noble Quran who will come and fight the devil.

11/12/2003- I added a new article An article about Sam Shamoun's change of opinion regarding the Bible.  I also added a new article Refuting Shahid: A child in a 50-year old body! Note his childish remarks and bad manners and lack of evidence.

11/11/2003- I added more rebuttals from the NooruAllah Web Site to Silas and Sam Shamoun's 57 and 75 list of articles respectively.  Also, I added a new article Was Paul a homosexual when he sucked the blood from Timothy's penis by his mouth after circumcising him?

11/09/2003- I added more proofs to the article UFOs and Space Shuttles were explicitly mentioned in the Noble Quran!  Even the communication with UFOs was prophesied in the Noble Quran.  I also added a new article The disagreement between the Noble Quran and Bible about some historical events does not disprove Islam.

11/08/2003- I added a new article Responding to Jochen Katz negative remarks toward me and my web site.  I also added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Demonstrating how Paul's writings nullify Osama's desperate attempts to finding Bible Contradictions" article.

11/05/2003- I added a new article "Son of God" means "Servant of God" in Hebrew. Bible agrees with Islam, not with pagan trinity.

11/02/2003- I added new rebuttals to Andrew's 60 questions and Robert Morey's 45 questions at: Rebuttal to Andrew and Robert Morey at www.bible.ca.

10/28/2003- I added more Noble Quranic proofs about astronomy that further proved my points in The Noble Quran confirms that the earth is rotating around itself.  I also showed how the Bible and the Hindu scriptures declared false and embarrassing claims about the earth and astronomy.

10/27/2003- I added a new article Thinking with the heart besides the brain in the Noble Quran was proven by Science.  Happy Ramadan to all Muslims.

10/24/2003- I added a new article The psychological Wisdom of Prayers in Islam was proven in Science and Psychology.  I also added a new section to the article The Wisdom of the age of 40 in the Noble Quran, which had been Scientifically and Psychologically proven to be True.  See why Allah Almighty is more forgiving to those who are under the age of 40, and how Science and Psychology proved that people under 40 are less mature and tend to make more irresponsible decisions (i.e., mistakes and sins).

10/22/2003- I added a new article The darkness of oceans and disappearance of light was mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by Science.  I also added a new article The region in the brain that controls our movements - In Noble Quran and confirmed by Science.  I also added more scientific evidence to the article Allah Almighty said in the Noble Quran that He is "Expanding" the Universe.  Scientists already proved this claim to be true.  I also added a new article The Noble Quran confirms that the earth is rotating around itself.

10/21/2003- I added a new section "How can you justify "digital defloration" to your sister or daughter?" to the article Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible.  I also added more verses and proofs Jesus is a hypocrite for bowing down to GOD only during his desperate times. I showed Jesus' numerous vain repetitions in his prayers, which he forbade his followers to do, and claimed that only "heathens" do it.  When Jesus was put to the ultimate test, he failed his words and compromised them!

10/15/2003- I decided to bring back the article Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible.  Even though the article had offended many before, and because of that I decided to remove it, but this time I revised it to be as minimum offensive as possible, without compromising the main points of the article.

10/14/2003- I added a new article How could satan offer Jesus the earth if he knew that Jesus was his and the earth's Creator?

10/12/2003- I added a new rebuttal My rebuttal to Silas' "Rebuttal to A. Meherally's response" article.  I responded in the article to Silas' long list table of attacks on Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.  This concludes all of the rebuttals to all of Silas' 57 article.

10/11/2003- I added a new rebuttal Rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad, Aisha, Islam, and Child Brides" article.  I also added a new rebuttal Rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad and the Satanic Verses" article.  I also added a new rebuttal My rebuttal to Silas' "The Death of Muhammad" article.  I also added a new article Rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad’s Error about Mary Being Aaron’s Sister" article.  I also added another rebuttal My rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad the Sinner" article.  I also added a new article My rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad and the Treaty of Hudaybiyya" article.  I also added a new rebuttal Rebuttal to Silas: Was Muhammad a Sinner?

10/10/2003- I added rebuttals to most of Silas' articles at: Rebuttals to Silas' Articles section.  I also added a new rebuttal Rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad and the Bible - Response to Akberally Meherally" article.  I also added a new article Jesus is the "Word" in both the Bible and the Noble Quran.  I also added a new rebuttal My rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad and the Animals" article.  I also added a new rebuttal My rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad and Dogs" article.  I also added a new rebuttal My rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad and the Snakes" article.  I also added a new rebuttal My rebuttal to Silas' "Comments on a Response to 'Muhammad's Suicide Attempts' " article.   I also added another rebuttal Rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad and Satan" article.

10/09/2003- I added a new rebuttal Rebuttal to Silas' "A Comparison of Jesus and Muhammad" article.  I also added another rebuttal Rebuttal to Silas' "Wife Beating in Islam" article.  I also added another rebuttal Response to Silas' "Ahmed, Allah, and Abrogation" article.  I also added another rebuttal Response to Silas' "Who is the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18?" article.  I also added a new article See proofs of Silas' intentional misquotes of an Islamic book to prove his lie.

10/08/2003- I created a list of every single article that Silas published (57 articles), and will be adding direct refutations to all of them soon insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing) at: Rebuttals to Silas' Articles section.  Sam Shamoun's list of articles all been refuted walhamdulillah (thanks to Allah Almighty).

10/07/2003- I added a new rebuttal to Sam Shamoun The True Narrative of Jesus the Son of Mary as revealed in the Qur'aan.  I also added another rebuttal My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Mary the Mother of Jesus: A Houri in Paradise?" article.  I also added another rebuttal My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun and Jochen Katz "Muhammad and the Making of Wills" article.  I also added a new rebuttal My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "The Seven Wonders of the Quran" article.  I also added another article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Paul and Muhammad Compared" article.

10/06/2003- I added more proofs of historical errors and contradictions in the Bible that further prove my point in the article My response to Sam Shamoun's "Muhammad's Alleged Night Journey to the Jerusalem Temple" article.  I also added a new article Al-Isra, The Night Journey "With Proofs" From Christian Sources.  I also added a new rebuttal My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Islam and the Sins of the Prophets" article.

10/05/2003- I added a new rebuttal My response to Sam Shamoun's "Muhammad's Alleged Night Journey to the Jerusalem Temple" article.  I also added another rebuttal My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "The Quran Affirms: Paul Passed on the True Gospel of Christ" article.  I also added another rebuttal My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Allah's Guessing Game, Is Allah an All-Knowing GOD?" article.  I also added another rebuttal My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Allah - An Immaterial Entity or an Invisible Man?" article.

10/04/2003- I created a list of every single article that Sam Shamoun published (65 articles), and added direct refutations to almost all of them at: Rebuttals to Sam Shamoun's Articles section.  This section by the Will of Allah Almighty will be finalized and all finished very soon.  The next one on my list will be Silas, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).  I also added a new article Paul nullified and contradicted the point of Baptism.

10/01/2003- I added a new article A 12-year old Christian girl getting married in Romania.

09/30/2003- I added new scientific proofs that prove the Noble Quran's claims to the article Allah Almighty said in the Noble Quran that He is "Expanding" the Universe.  Scientists already proved this claim to be true.  I also added a new article Peaceful Jihad through the Noble Quran and preaching Islam.  I also added a new article Karma (what comes around goes around) in Islam. However, there is no reincarnation in Islam.   I also added a new article Who should you take advise from and obey? The Signs of the Good people.  I also added a new article Muslims are commanded by Allah Almighty to raise the wrath of the fight-seeking disbelievers toward them, and to fight evil with courage.

09/28/2003- I added a new section "A listing of contradictions in the English translation from taivan2@yahoo.com; may Allah Almighty lead him to Islam" to the article The Bible's English translations are all different and corrupted.

09/27/2003- I added more points to the article When is Polygamy allowed in Islam?  Polygamy might not be allowed for just any man at anytime.  I also added a new section "Proofs from the Noble Quran, Hadiths and Science that Camel Urine does have cure in it for humans" to the article Did Prophet Muhammad prescribe camel urine as medicine for headaches?  I also added the listing of the seven Heavens in the Universe and seven Layers of the earth that were referred to in the Noble Quran to the article The amazing creation of earth and iron in the Noble Quran.

09/24/2003- I added a new link to the main page: Donate to CAIR's "Bring Islam to your local Library" Library Project.  With $150.00 donation to CAIR, you can help Islam's finest books reach all of the United State's 17,000 Public Libraries.  Please do not miss out on this good deed brothers and sisters!  Let's help Islam spread rapidly in the West - starting with the US!

09/20/2003- I added a new article Paradise: Who are the People of Paradise? And who are the "Muminoon (Believers)" in Islam?  I also created a section of rebuttals for every author/person in Rebuttals and Exposing the lies of the "Answering Islam" team.  I also added a new article Paradise: Ways that lead to Paradise.

09/16/2003- I added a new article Honey was proven to be healing for humans as was mentioned in the Noble Quran.  I also added another article Embryology in the Noble Quran.  I also added another article Why does the Noble Quran, while speaking about determination of the identity of the individual, speak specifically about finger tips?  The Noble Quran recognized that finger tips (finger prints) are unique!  I also added another article The blood circulation and the production of milk.  I also added another article Einstein's time relativity in the Noble Quran.

09/13/2003- I added a new section "Articles and astronomical proofs that Iron came from space as the Noble Quran mentioned" to the article The amazing creation of earth and iron in the Noble Quran.  I also added more scientific proofs to the articles Oceanology in the Noble Quran - See the Scientific confirmation and Geology in the Noble Quran - See the Scientific confirmation.

09/12/2003- I added a new article Oceanology in the Noble Quran - See the Scientific confirmation.   I also added another new article Geology in the Noble Quran - See the Scientific confirmation.

09/11/2003- I added a new article Jesus was never "disfigured beyond human recognition" in the New Testament as the Old Testament predicted!

09/10/2003- I added a new rebuttal My response to Sam Shamoun's rebuttal to my article "Paul, Peter and John are in clear contradiction with each others regarding the disbelieving husbands to believing wives!".  I also added a new rebuttal My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Osama Abdallah's Mantras" nonsense.

09/07/2003- I added new pictures of my son Ziyad.

09/06/2003- I added a new article Isaiah 42-54 seem to predict Islam and the removal of GOD Almighty's Covenant from the people of Israel.

09/05/2003- I added more verses and points to the articles Isaiah and Jesus are in contradiction regarding GOD Almighty's Covenant,  GOD in the Bible will take His Kingdom from the Jews and give it to the Muslims, and  What is the future of Jerusalem in the Noble Quran?

09/04/2003- I added a new article Isaiah and Jesus are in contradiction regarding GOD Almighty's Covenant. I also added more points and verses to Paul, Peter and John are in clear contradiction with each others regarding the disbelieving husbands to believing wives!

08/31/2003- I added two new sections "Paul in the book of Galatians and the most recent Archeological Discoveries suggest that Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia and NOT in Egypt's Sinai desert" and "Christian Archeologists prove from the Bible that Mount Sinai is in "Saudi Arabia" today" to the article The city of Paran is the city of Mecca in both the Bible and the Noble Quran.

08/28/2003- I added a new article My response to Jochen Katz rebuttal to my article "Exposing the Cheap lies of the Answering Islam team".  I also added a new section inside a table/frame that shows the clear contradiction that Jochen Katz had put himself into in the article My rebuttal to Jochen Katz on "A rude email sent to me by the Answering Islam team" (I proved him to be a double-faced hypocrite with my captured image against him and his team members).  Here I showed how Jochen Katz contradicted himself regarding the forged email that he created with my personal truthspeask@answering-christianity.com email address.

08/27/2003- I added a new article My response to Sam Shamoun's rebuttal to my article "How do the Bible and the Noble Quran view women?" I also modified the article How do the Bible and the Noble Quran view women?  I also added a new article Paul, Peter and John are in clear contradiction with each others regarding the disbelieving husbands to believing wives!

08/24/2003- I added more points and proofs to False and failed Prophecies about the Hour put in the mouth of Jesus in the books of Mark, Luke and Revelation in the New Testament.

08/22/2003- I added a new article My response to Quennel Gale's rebuttal to my article "Just who were the real authors of the Bible?"   I also added more evidence from Luke 9:23-27 and Revelation 3:11 that clearly show Jesus' false prophecies regarding the Hour coming before the generation he was living among would pass in the article False and failed Prophecies about the Hour put in the mouth of Jesus in the books of Mark, Luke and Revelation in the New Testament.  I also added a new article Jesus is the "Beast" in the Noble Quran who will come and fight the devil.

08/17/2003- I added a new article My response to Sam Shamoun's rebuttal on Luke 24:44-48. I also modified the article A serious forgery in Luke 24:44-48 about Jesus' "resurrection on the third day" claiming that it was foretold in the OT when it wasn't!

08/15/2003- I added a new article My rebuttal to Jochen Katz on "Exposed Lies of the Answering Islam team".

08/14/2003- I added a new article U.S. Jew among 3 nabbed in plot to smuggle a "SAM" missile into the US.

08/02/2003- I added a new article My rebuttal to Jochen Katz on "A rude email sent to me by the Answering Islam team" (I proved him to be a double-faced hypocrite with my captured image against him and his team members).

08/01/2003- I added a new article My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun regarding Jesus asking GOD Almighty for forgiveness. I also added a new article A serious forgery in Luke 24:44-48 about Jesus' "resurrection on the third day" claiming that it was foretold in the OT when it wasn't!

07/04/2003- I added a new section "A rude email from the 'Answering Islam' arrogant Christians sent to me" to the article Rebuttals and Exposing the lies of the "Answering Islam" team.

06/24/2003- I added a new article May Allah Almighty rest the souls of the innocent American Soldiers who died in Iraq along with the innocent Iraqis who died in the war!

06/22/2003- I added a new section "1 Kings 11:1-4 does not condemn polygamy!" to the article Polygamy is allowed in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

06/21/2003- I added a new article How can Jesus be GOD Almighty when he asked for GOD's Forgiveness?

06/16/2003- I added two more sections: "Do Paul's 1 Timothy 3:2 and 1 Timothy 3:12 prove that polygamy is prohibited in the Bible?" and "Christians are hypocrites for following ONLY 1 Timothy 3:2 and 1 Timothy 3:12" to the article Polygamy is allowed in both the Old and New Testaments.  I also removed the article Can a Muslim pray his 5-daily prayers earlier than their due times?, because it offended many of my Muslim brothers and sisters.  I am sorry.  I also added a new section "What about "The everlasting Father" title for Jesus?  Doesn't that prove he is GOD Almighty?" to the article The "God" title in Isaiah 9:6 was given to others before and after Jesus in the Bible.

06/15/2003- I added a new push button: "Email this article to a friend", to every article on my site.  I also added a new "Title Search" to the search pull down menu on top of every article.  I am sorry for not checking my emails for a long time.  I've been very busy working on those two systems, and adding the push button and Title Search option to 800+ html files, that make up my entire web site.

05/28/2003- I added a new article Advertised personal sins will not be forgiven in Islam.  Allah Almighty will not forgive the sins that are publicly disclosed and bragged about.

05/26/2003- I added a new article Allah Almighty predicted that Christians would be great, peaceful and honorable people!  But this still doesn't guarantee all of them Paradise!  I also added a new article Can a Muslim pray his 5-daily prayers earlier than their due times?  I also added more points and Verses that further prove the article GOD in the Bible will take His Kingdom from the Jews and give it to the Muslims.

05/20/2003- I added a new article Do chapter Psalm 110 and Matthew 22:41-46 ("The LORD said to my Lord") prove that Jesus is the Creator of the Universe?

05/19/2003- I added a new article Jesus is a hypocrite for bowing down to GOD only during his desperate times. See another proof in the Bible that Jesus can not be the Creator of the Universe.  I also added another article False and failed Prophecies about the Hour put in the mouth of Jesus in the New Testament.

05/13/2003- I added new terrifying pictures that prove how most Muslim fanatics are guilty of polytheism to the article Some Muslim fanatics are (believe it or not) guilty of polytheism!

05/12/2003- I added a new article The Bible is the book for the low-lifes, perverts and criminals!

05/09/2003- I added a new rebuttal for the Revelation 14:4 verse in the Bible about its degradation to women in the article How do the Bible and the Noble Quran view women?

05/04/2003- I added a new article The lust for virgins and the degradation of non-virgins in the Bible's OT and NT.  I also added a new article Widows are protected in Islam from their in-laws, but are forced and not protected in the Bible's NT and OT.  I also added a new section "My Challenge to all Christians" to the article Polygamy in both the Old and New Testaments.  I also added more points and proofs to the articles The Bible does not prefer for women to be born, but Islam does and How do the Bible and the Noble Quran view women?

04/24/2003- I added a new article My response to a Shia bashing article. My response refutes both Sunnis and Shias.

04/22/2003- I added a new section "I don't think the Muslim fanatics really understand the true meaning of polytheism?" to the article Some Muslim fanatics are (believe it or not) guilty of polytheism!  I also modified and added more points to the article The interpretation of the "Produce a Surah (Chapter) like it" challenge of Allah Almighty to Mankind in the Noble Quran.

04/20/2003- I added a new section "Jesus' parable allows polygamy between 1 man and 5 women!" to the article Polygamy in both the Old and New Testaments.

04/19/2003- I added a new article Some Muslim fanatics are (believe it or not) guilty of polytheism!

04/17/2003- I added a new article How do the Bible and the Noble Quran view women?

04/15/2003- I added a new article Is the US being a "Jesus Christ" or a Zionist dog?

04/10/2003- I added a new article Was Hitler's Holocaust against the Jews prophesied in Islam?   I also added another article Were human cloning and gender alteration prophesied in Islam?  I also added another article "Jesus is my lord and savior" actually CONTRADICTS the Old Testament.

04/04/2003- I added a new article My Open Challenge Response #3.  This article is listed in Prophecies about Islam in the Bible - My open challenge to anyone to refute this.  In this response, I exposed the intentional lies made by the NIV Bible's translators in Genesis 16:11-12.

03/13/2003- I added a new article Was 9/11 Prophesized in Islam?

02/28/2003- I added a new article My Open Challenge Response #1.  This article is listed in Prophecies about Islam in the Bible - My open challenge to anyone to refute this.

02/27/2003- May Allah Almighty rest the soul of "Mr. Fred Rogers", the world-wide children's favorite "neighbor", and is probably the best manners teacher in the entire world!

02/25/2003- I added a new section "The "Alpha and Omega"quote doesn't even exist in the original Bibles!!" to the article Jesus claiming to be the "Alpha and Omega" in the book of Revelation.  See the historical proofs about how this quote was nothing but a lie inserted into the book of revelation.  I also added another article Muhammad isn't the "Beast" in Revelation 13! It's the satanic Western (mostly Christians) sexually open societies!

02/24/2003- I added a new section "Prophet Muhammad used to give so generously until sometimes there is nothing left to give" to the article Did Prophet Muhammad really take 20% of all of the Muslims' booty gains?  I also added a new article Muslims must never do good and expect worldly gains in return.

02/20/2003- I added a new section "Why did Jesus choose to say the Aramaic "Eloi" to the Hebrew speaking people?" to the article The original name in the Bible for GOD is not "Yahweh".  It is "Allah".

02/19/2003- I added more points and sections to the article The original name in the Bible for GOD is not "Yahweh".  It is "Allah".

02/18/2003- I added a rebuttal that someone sent me to the article Prophecies about Islam in the Bible - My open challenge to anyone to refute this. I also added a new article "Allah" is GOD's Name, "Elaw" means "GOD" in Aramaic: How can they be the same?  I also added a new section "How can a title beginning with "the" be a name? Yahweh, also means "the Eternal", which means "Al-Samad" in Arabic. It's just a title!" to the article The original name in the Bible for GOD is not "Yahweh".  It is "Allah".  See the proofs from Jewish and Christian sources.

02/17/2003- I added more Islamic quotes to the article Good Manners in Islam.

02/12/2003- I added a new section "Jesus did what he considered hypocrisy!!" to the articles Prophet Muhammad a double-faced hypocrite? and Jesus: Vain repetition in prayer is hypocrisy! Are Muslims doing just that in their prayers?

02/11/2003- I added a new article Prophet Muhammad a double-faced hypocrite?  I also added a new article Jesus: Vain repetition in prayer is hypocrisy! Are Muslims doing just that in their prayers?

02/10/2003- I added a new article Answer to the “Answers” of  Samuel Green 1-6 about the Gospel of Barnabas.  I also added The definition of "Son of God" in Islam.  I also added "Private Prayer should always be in silence" according to the Noble Quran to the Learn how to Pray section.

02/072003- I added a new article If someone tries to kill you, and fails, are you allowed to kill him back in Islam?

02/02/2003- I added a new article Females: The cursed gender!

01/29/2003- I added my all new Free Muslim Marriage Connection Web Site.  There are two unique features about this service:  (1) It's absolutely Free!; (2) The System sends you an email every time a Member initiates a contact with you!

01/25/2003- I reorganized the Answering Trinity section, and added more points to the article Questions about Jesus and Trinity that Trinitarian Christians don't have logical answers for.  I also added this new article Jesus' Miracles were not unique in the Bible.  I also added more points to the article Jesus saying "I am", which clearly prove that Jesus claimed to be a Prophet of GOD Almighty when he said that, and not GOD Almighty Himself.  I proved it from the original Hebrew resources.

01/20/2003- I added a new article What if I (Christian) am right and you (Muslim) are wrong?

01/16/2003- I added a number of pictures to the article Imprisonment (Zoos) and Cruelty to animals are strictly forbidden in Islam.  Warning!!   This article contains images of animal fights, captivity and torture.  Viewer discretion is advised.  I also added a new article The Noble Quran and Astronomers both claim that the Universe is 18 billion years old.  I also added a new section "The light of the Universe and the flat earth's dimensions in the Bible" to the article The Earth is flat according to the Bible.  I also added a new article The Bible says Christianity is a "Religion".

01/09/2003- I added a new article Does Allah Almighty stop creating?  I also divided the Hell will eventually be empty according to Islam article into sections.

12/30/2002- I added a new article Prophecies about Islam in the Bible - My open challenge to anyone to refute this.

12/25/2002- I added more points to the article Jesus in the Bible guaranteed Paradise to non-Trinitarians and even non-Christians who are Monotheists.

12/23/2002- I added Noble Verse 19:35 from the Noble Quran to further prove my argument that Hell will eventually be empty according to Islam!  I also added a new section and addressed the question: "So what is the point from believing in GOD then if everyone will end up in Heaven anyway?!" to the article.

12/08/2002- I added more points to the article If Islam is so against any form of idol worship, why do they bow to the kaaba? Why do they call it God's House? Do they believe He lives there?

12/06/2002- I added more Noble Verses and points to the article Allah Almighty's response to the pagan polytheists from the hindus, and trinitarians and others about the impossibility of having multiple GOD.  I also added more points and proofs to the article The GOD of the corrupted Bible gets drunk!

12/05/2002- I added a new article Allah Almighty's response to the pagan polytheists from the hindus, and trinitarians and others about the impossibility of having multiple GOD.

12/04/2002- I added a new article Why does Allah Almighty refer to Himself as "We" in the Noble Quran?

12/03/2002- I added a new animated file Learn how to perform Ablution (Wudu) to the Free Downloads section.

12/01/2002- I added a free advertisement to more Muslim businesses.  My brother in law's restaurant is listed there as well at the top of the list.

11/29/2002- I added a new article How can a Muslim connect with GOD Almighty in life?  I also added another new article What does Allah Almighty say about cheap and excessively-spending people?  I also added another article Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the non-idol worshiping Hindu Scriptures.  This article shows the prophecies about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him liberating Mecca from the pagans.  I also added a new section "An excellent scientific explanation from brother Rached" to the article Allah Almighty said that the earth is "egg-shaped" in the Noble Quran.

11/24/2002- I added three new sections "Will Hell itself suffer if no creation resides in it?", "The 100 Levels of Allah Almighty's Mercy" and "There are 112 Noble Verses that contain "Most Merciful" in them in the Noble Quran!" to the article Hell according to Islam will eventually be empty.

11/19/2002- I added a new section "How can a conservative Muslim know that whether he would or would not do fornication if he had the chance?" to the article Double will be the punishment and humiliation for fornication in Hell.

11/18/2002- I added a new article Double will be the punishment and humiliation for fornication in Hell.

11/17/2002- I uploaded a new version of the article The "lost tribes of Israel" are the Muslims of Afghanistan and Kashmir -- Proved from the Bible and History -- Afghan and Kashmiri cities mentioned and documented.  I also added more points to the article May Allah Almighty bless the Christians for fighting Paganism!

11/14/2002- I added a new article May Allah Almighty bless the Christians for fighting Paganism!

11/08/2002- I added a new article Prophet Muhammad predicted the coming of the "dictators" and bad leaders.

11/02/2002- I finished my all new Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad) Search Engine for this web site.  I also improved my Ziyad Chat program.  I named the chat room after my Son.

10/26/2002- I added a new version of my Offline Quran Search Software.   For those who already downloaded the big program (9.09 megabytes) before, all they need is to download the small upgrade version, which is only 94 Kilobytes.  You can look at the Screen Shots of the new program.  I also added more points and sections to the article Jesus in the Bible guaranteed Paradise to non-Trinitarians.

10/24/2002- I added a new article The "lost tribes of Israel" are the Muslims of Afghanistan and Kashmir -- Proved from the Bible and History -- Afghan and Kashmiri cities mentioned and documented.

10/22/2002- I uploaded a newer version of my Offline Noble Quran Search Software.   I fixed a GUI error in the software.  The software has advanced search text, and export results to a text file capabilities.  I posted new Screen Shots of the software for you look at.

10/20/2002- I uploaded my most recent version of my Offline Noble Quran Search Software.   The software now has advanced search text, and export results to a text file capabilities.  I posted new Screen Shots of the software for you look at.

10/17/2002- I added more points and proofs to the article Pilgrimage of Ezekiel to Mecca.

10/12/2002- I added a new article If the US bombs a Muslim country with a Nuclear bomb, would Islam then allow for the Muslims to bomb the Americans with Nuclear Weapons?  I also added more Noble Verses and Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad) to the articles: The Mercy of Allah Almighty, and the Wisdom of the age of 40, and Good Manners in Islam. I showed how Muslims are supposed to deal kindly and justly with non-Muslims.

10/09/2002- I added a new article Pilgrimage of Ezekiel to Mecca.

10/08/2002- I added more points and sections to the article Jesus in the Bible guaranteed Paradise to non-Trinitarians.

09/28/2002- I finished my all new Voting Poll Program for this web site. 

09/27/2002- I finished building my all new Noble Quran Search Engine.  I also added more points to the article Jesus in the Bible guaranteed Paradise to non-Trinitarians, which further proves from Jesus' own quotes that believing in Trinity is not necessary to win Eternal Life in Jesus' standards.

09/21/2002- I added a new Email Page.

09/11/2002- I added a new article Jesus in the Bible guaranteed Paradise to non-Trinitarians.

09/09/2002- I fixed the programmatic errors in my Ziyad Chat.  The chat room was named after my Son.

09/07/2002- I finished building my all new Site Search Engine, which is also located at the main page.

08/25/2002- I finished building my all new Chat Room, which I named it "Ziyad Chat Room" after my Son's name.

07/16/2002- I added a new article Muhammad in the Bible; Standing upon Mount Arafat.

07/02/2002- I added a new article Muhammad in the Bible, (Isaiah 60), Pilgrimage to Mecca..!

07/01/2002- I added a new article Muhammad in the Bible: GOD in the Bible will take His Kingdom from the Jews and give it to another Nation.  I also added a new article Jesus was never crucified according to the Gospel of Barnabas.  I also added more listing to Muslim Businesses at My Free Advertisement to Muslim Businesses page.

06/15/2002- I added more points to the article Non of the four Caliphs was really perfect!  My rebuttal to the Muslim Sunni and Shia sects.

06/12/2002- I added more points and Noble Verses to the article Imprisonment (Zoos) and Cruelty to animals are strictly forbidden in Islam.

06/04/2002- I added more points to the article Imprisonment (Zoos) and Cruelty to animals are strictly forbidden in Islam.  Animals can roam 100s of square miles.  Locking them in cages is worse than life in prison with hard labor!  Please say no to Zoos.

05/31/2002- I added a new article The Noble Quran on the Cerebrum: Lying is generated from the person's forehead. I also added another article The Noble Quran on Human Embryonic Development.

05/30/2002- I added more points and Noble Verses to the article Does Islam really order Muslims to not take Jews and Christians and non-Muslims as personal friends?

05/29/2002- I added a new detailed rebuttal to the Christian "Answering Islam" team about the Noble Quran's claim that the earth is round and egg-shaped to the article Allah Almighty said that the earth is "egg-shaped".  I also added a new section "Scientific facts and evidence with pictures about mountains preventing the earth from shaking" to the article The amazing creation of earth and its relationship with mountains.

05/23/2002- I added a new article The Noble Quran on the Origin of the Universe.  This article has pictures and quotes from Western scientific books that accurately confirm the astronomical claims of the Noble Quran.  The Noble Quran was the only book that claimed that the universe originated from Hot Gas or Smoke.   Science proved that this claim is true.

05/20/2002- I added a new article What does Allah Almighty say about Justice for all in an Islamic State?  I also added a new article Exposing the Hindu terrorists.  See the many crimes committed by the Hindus and many of the Indian Police against thousands of the innocent Muslims in India.

05/14/2002- I added a new section Jews caught doing evil and smuggling explosives and terror into the US.

05/13/2002- I added a new article Prophet Muhammad was foretold in Isaiah 42.

05/06/2002- I added a new article Is gambling allowed in Islam?  I also added a new Islamic Screen Saver.  I also added a new article What is the one thing that you most want me to understand about Islam?

05/05/2002- I added a new article The sinless and perfect men in the Bible.  I also added more points and Noble Verses that showed that Hell in Islam will have 7 levels and 19 Guards, and that the hypocrites will be in the most painful level to the article Would you describe Heaven and Hell according to the Islamic doctrine?

05/01/2002- I added a new article The GOD of the corrupted Bible gets drunk?!

04/29/2002- I added more points and proofs that showed that the Bible is the real "Homicide Bomber" in the article Suicide Bombing is allowed in the Bible.  I also added more points to the article The Signs of Armageddon (The End of Times Battles) in Islam.

04/25/2002- I added more points and a new section "The story of Saul and his Children" to the article Suicide Bombing in the Bible.   I further proved that suicide bombing is allowed in the Bible.

04/24/2002- I added more points and proofs to the article Suicide Bombing in the Bible.   I also added more verses and points to the article The Earth is flat according to the Bible.  

04/23/2002- I added a new article The Signs of Armageddon (The End of Times Battles) in Islam.  I also added another article How do you reconcile suffering with the portrayal of a great and loving God, Why war, why famine, why sorrow?  I also modified and added several verses from the Bible that directly claim that the Earth is flat, has Edges, has Four Corners, has Pillars, and has Foundations to the article The Earth is flat according to the Bible.   I also addressed Isaiah 40:22 that is frequently raised by Christians in their desperate attempt to prove that the Bible claims that the Earth is round, when in reality the verse claims that the earth is a flat circle.

04/22/2002- I added a new article Can Muhammad or any other Prophet make a Prophecy?  Simple refutation to the "Quran only" Muslims.

04/21/2002- I added new articles: If birth and death are controlled by GOD, then why does He punish those who commit suicide? and Why does GOD give the arrogants and wrong-doers much power in life and takes it away from the good people?

04/17/2002- I added a new article The corruptions and infidel dictatorships in the Muslim world today were prophesized by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.  I also added a new article The End of Times Battles in Islam.

04/16/2002- I added a new article Suicide Bombing in the Bible.

4/15/2002- I added a new article What are the Signs of the Hour?

04/14/2002- I added a new article Science proved that Homosexuals are born natural. How then can Islam prohibit homosexuality?  I also added a section "Why does Islam consider the 'brutal verses' in the Bible as corrupt?" to the article What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth?  See some examples of the parts of the Bible that Muslims don't believe in, and why?

04/13/2002- I added more Sayings (Hadiths) from Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him that command the Muslims to free all slaves and end the Judeo-Christian and Pagan slavery in the section Human Equality in Islam V.S. Christianity.  I also added more points that further prove that women in Islam can become Political Leaders to the article Can women become Prime Ministers or Presidents in an Islamic country?  I also added a new section "Response to the "Proofs" that men can rape their slave-girls in Islam" to the article Why did Allah Almighty make lawful for Muslim men to have sexual intercourse with the married women whom are captives of war?

04/12/2002- I added a new article Can women become Prime Ministers or Presidents in an Islamic country?  I also added a new article The Bible does not prefer for women to be born, but Islam does.

04/10/2002- I remodeled the sections of my web site's main page.

04/09/2002- I added a new section "My personal Islamic advise" to the article Everything from good and bad that happens to us is determined by Allah Almighty.

04/08/2002- I added a new article Did GOD send a Messenger for each nation on earth before?

04/06/2002- I added a new article Did Prophet Muhammad really take 20% of all of the Muslims' booty gains?

04/04/2002- I added more points to the article What do you think is the ideal solution for the situation in Israel and Palestine?  I showed how Islam honors Judaism.  I also added a new article Everything from good and bad that happens to us is determined by Allah Almighty.  I also added a new rebuttal to Is Ezra the Son of GOD?

04/03/2002- I added a new section "My personal note and experience with this issue" to the article Fathers can literally stick their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before they get married in the Bible.

04/02/2002- I added a new article What do you think is the ideal solution for the situation in Israel and Palestine?

03/29/2002- I added a new article Wife beating is not allowed in Islam in any case! to the section Is wife beating really allowed in Islam?  I also added a new article Christianity is the cause for most of the high divorces in the West.

03/27/2002- I added a new section "What is the punishment for the Muslim who kills an innocent disbeliever?" to the article The laws for murder in Islam.   I also added a new section "Was Muhammad a pedophile?" to the article Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was not a child molester.

03/25/2002- I added a new article Did Muhammad self-serve himself in the Noble Quran?   I also added a new section "Prophet Muhammad was sensitive to offensive smells" to the article What does Islam say about bad breath and body smell?

03/24/2002- I added a new article What does the sun orbit?  I also added more points and rebuttals to the article My detailed rebuttal to a Christian rebuttal about Muhammad was foretold by Jesus.  I addressed all of their rebuttal points and refuted them.

03/20/2002- I added a new article Are penis and breasts enlargements allowed in Islam?

03/19/2002- I added more points that further prove that music in Islam is lawful to the article Music in Islam is not haram (sinful).

03/18/2002- I added a new article Is Banking in the West allowed in Islam?  Is dealing with interests allowed in Islam?

03/17/2002- I added a new article Would you describe Heaven and Hell according to the Islamic doctrine?

03/16/2002- I added a new article What does Islam think about reincarnation?  I also added another article Does "Islam" really mean to force someone to Islam or else kill him?  I also added a new article If the current Muslim nations are too corrupt, then Allah Almighty will change them with better ones.  In this article I showed from the Noble Quran how Allah Almighty might be changing the current corrupt Muslim nations with new ones from the Western nations.

03/15/2002- I added a new section "But Moses' law came centuries after Abraham" with a detailed rebuttal to the article The Bible claims that Sarah (Isaac's mother) was Abraham's biological sister.  I also added a new article My detailed rebuttal to a Christian rebuttal about Muhammad was foretold by Jesus.  I addressed all of their rebuttal points and refuted them.

03/14/2002- I added a new article They say to me: "You say the Bible is corrupt. What makes you think that the Quran isn't too?"  I also added more Noble Verses and points to the section "Respecting Others' Properties" in the article Good Manners in Islam.  I also added a new article Is Allah really a "moon god"?  I also added a new article What does Islam say about bribery?

03/13/2002- I added more Noble Verses and scientific facts to the article Sex determination and human creation in Islam.  Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad both claimed that the human gender is determined by the male's ejaculated semen.

03/12/2002- I added a new section "Some hypocrites might receive forgiveness from Allah Almighty" and more Noble Verses and points to the article Muslims be careful from the Muslim hypocrites.  I also added a new section "The life span 1400 years ago was short" to the article Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was not a child molester.   I also added a new section "Can a Muslim man rape his domestic maid girl?" to the article Why did Allah Almighty make lawful for Muslim men to have sexual intercourse with the married women whom are captives of war?

03/09/2002- I added a new section Learn how to speak Arabic from this site. 

03/07/2002- I added a new article Does the Noble Quran support "The Earth moves around the Sun" theory?  Rebuttal to Mr. Avijit Roy's challenge.

03/06/2002- I added a new section "Can a Muslim man rape his slave woman?" to the article Why did Allah Almighty make lawful for Muslim men to have sexual intercourse with the married women whom are captives of war?  I also added a new article Is Islam a superstitious religion?

03/05/2002- I added more points to the article Hell according to Islam will eventually be empty!   I also added a new article A Muslim response to criticism of Embryology in the Noble Quran.  By Nadeem Arif Najmi.

03/01/2002- I added a new article Life originated from water in the Noble Quran.  I also added another article The Big Bang Theory and the Cosmic Crunch in the Noble Quran.   Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him predicted around the time when the Cosmic Crunch occurs, the Sun would rise from the West.  I also added another article Muslims be careful from the Muslim hypocrites.

02/27/2002- I added more sections and points to the article Polygamy in Islam.

02/22/2002- I added two more sections "What does the Noble Quran say about body cleanliness?" and "Not just body cleanliness is mandatory.  Good attitude is also mandatory" to the article What does Islam say about bad breath and body smell?

02/19/2002- I added a new article What does Islam say about bad breath and body smell?  I also added another article The Prophecy of the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca in the Noble Quran.

02/16/2002- I added a new article Orthodox Jews call for dismantling of Israel.  Like peace-loving Muslims, these peace-loving Jews believe that the State of Israel must go and that the Jews must live in peace and harmony with the Muslims in Palestine, which by the way had always been the case before 1948, when the Murderess, Racist and Zionist State of Israel came to existence.  I also added a new article Jeremiah 8:8 proves Historical Corruption in the Bible - by John McCarthy.

02/14/2002- I added a section "Non of the Muslim scholars agree with you!  How dare you suggest that Hell will be empty?" and more points to the article Hell according to Islam will eventually be empty!

02/13/2002- I added more sections and proofs to the article The Bible claims that Sarah (Isaac's mother) was Abraham's biological sister.  I also added a new section "My rebuttal to the Muslim Fanatics about the historical Muslims' battles with the Apostates" to the article Apostates in Islam - Freedom of Religion and Choice for both Muslims and non-Muslims in Islam.

02/12/2002- I added a new article The Bible claims that Sarah (Isaac's mother) was Abraham's biological sister.

02/11/2002- I added a new article Was Jesus a Capitalist or a Communist?  I also added another rebuttal by the Noorallah Web Site to Silas' "Muhammad, Islam and Terrorism" article at Rebuttals and Exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team.

02/06/2002- I added more points to the article Isaac and Ishmael in Islam and Christianity - Proof that Ishmael was the son to be sacrificed.

01/29/2002- I added more points and addressed the Bible's Proverbs 12:10 verse in the article Are Zoos allowed in Islam?  What does Islam say about animal cruelty?  I also added more points and sections to the article Just who were the original authors of the Bible?  See comments from the commentary of the NIV Bible (one of the most used Bibles world wide) itself admitting that most of the Books and Gospels of the Bible are corrupted.  No one ever claimed ownership of the current Books and Gospels.  The owners/writers are unknown. 

01/25/2002- I added a new section "Doesn't Noble Verse 7:40 clearly state that the disbelievers will never ever leave Hell?" to the article Hell according to Islam will eventually be empty!  Jesus talked about and explained Noble Verse 7:40 before Muhammad did.

01/23/2002- I added a new article Are Zoos allowed in Islam?  What does Islam say about animal cruelty?

01/22/2002- I added a new article Does Genesis 1:1-3 refer to Trinity?

01/16/2002- I added a new article Tribute to the United States of America.  Tribute to the Wonderful American People.

01/15/2002- I added a new section "The Bible's New Testament refutes the "piercing" story" to the article Did Isaiah 53 really prophecies Jesus' crucifixion?  I showed verses from the New and Old Testaments of the Bible where GOD Almighty promised that he will protect Jesus' body from the crucifixion that not even a single bone will be broken!  My question to all Christians is:  How in the world is it possible for the feet to get nailed on the cross without any penetration to the bones by the nails, hence breaking part of the feet's bones?!  I also added refutations to Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, Zechariah 12:10 and Psalm 34:20, which supposedly prove the Christians' belief about Jesus crucifixion.  I proved that this dogma has no truth what so ever and exposed the wrong Trinitarian English translation of Zechariah 12:10.

01/10/2002- I added a new article Response by Frank to which was created first: The Earth or Heaven.  I also added more points to the article Almost every single Christian is going to hell according to the Bible.

01/06/2002- I added a new section "The Earth is flat and never moves?!  The Sun hurries back to where it rises?!" to the article The Earth is flat according to the Bible.   Once again, the Bible was clearly proven to be corrupt and full of man-made false information!  I also added more verses from the Bible's New Testament that clearly prove that most Christians are going to Hell to the article Almost every single Christian is going to hell according to the Bible.  I also added more Positive Emails that were sent to me.  I also added a new section "Muslims are commanded by Allah Almighty to treat their Captives with kindness and to feed them!" to the article Can Muslims torture prisoners of war?

01/04/2002- I added a new article Rebuttal to those who claim that Deplete Uranium is not equal to small Atomic bombs.  I also created a new section Atrocities done to Muslims.

01/03/2002- I added more points to the article Is Satan in Islam the same as Satan in the Bible?

01/01/2002- I added more points to the article Wife beating in Islam is a lie!  I also added more points to the article Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Muhammad's false Prophecies".  I also added more points to the article Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was not a child molester.

12/31/2001- I modified and added more points to the article Can Muslims torture prisoners of war?  I also added more points to the article The liberation of slaves in Islam.

12/30/2001- I added more points to the article Almost every single Christian is going to hell according to the Bible.

12/29/2001- I modified and added more points to the article Almost every single Christian is going to hell according to the Bible.

12/27/2001- I added a new section "Can a Muslim couple go on a date and have Muta, as Westerners do with their illegal sex without marriage?" to the article Is Muta (temporary marriage) allowed in Islam?  I also added a new section "It wasn't magic.  It was hypnotism!" to the article Was Muhammad influenced by magic or hypnotism?

12/26/2001- I added a picture of Osama bin Laden and some commentary on the Main Page, and My Muslim Heroes section.  I don't know how much trouble this will cause me, and frankly I don't care, but I think everyone should know why at least Osama bin Laden is the Hero of the Middle East and most of the Muslim world.

12/22/2001- I added a new article The preservation of the Quran.  Why did Uthman burn the "other books"?

12/20/2001- I added a new article Is our destiny pre-determined by GOD?  Does GOD choose who is evil and who is good?  How come GOD didn't make all of us good if He is the "Most Merciful" and "Most Just"?  I also added a new article Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Muhammad's false Prophecies".

12/18/2001- I added a new article The Earth is round according to Islam.  I also addressed the Biblical Verse Isaiah 40:22 in the article The Earth is flat according to the Bible.

12/16/2001- I added a new article Did Prophet Muhammad really split the moon with his index finger?

12/15/2001- I added a new section "Is Ethnic cleansing allowed in Islam?" to the article Can Muslims torture prisoners of war?

12/12/2001- I added a new article What is the best way to convert a Christian to Islam?   I also added a new article How can I convert to Islam?

12/08/2001- I added a new article Christians sliced off their penises in the name of the Bible.   I also added more points to the article Genital Mutilation in the Bible.   I also added more points that further prove that the Bible is ambiguous and self-contradicting to the article John 8:1-11 being a justifying verse for fornication, adultery and pornography in the Christian Whoredom.

12/06/2001- I added a new article Paul contradicted himself regarding the women's head covering.  I also added a new article The laws for murder in Islam.

12/05/2001- I added a new article The recently found city of "Imad" or "Iram" was only mentioned in the Noble Quran.

12/04/2001- I added a new article What does the Qu'ran say about violence?  I also added a new article Sex determination was explained in good details by Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago.

12/03/2001- I added more points that further proves that Islam truly respects and honors women to the article How do Islam and the Bible treat women who are having their menses?  I also added more points to the article The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 wisdom in Islam.  I also modified and added more points to the article Why did Muhammad take up arms and Christ didn't?  Why did Islam spread by the sword if it were indeed a Religion of Truth, and Christianity didn't?   I also added more points to the article Bad things said about Jesus in the Bible's New Testament.

12/02/2001- I added more points to the article Hell according to Islam will eventually be empty!   I also added more points to the article Was Pharaoh's body drowned or saved?

12/01/2001- I added more points to the article The Jewish Scientists confirm Islam's claims about Adam was 90 feet tall.  I also added more points to the article Are tattoos allowed in Islam?  I also added a new article Why does Islam have Jizyah (money paid by non-Muslims in the Islamic State) law?

11/30/2001- I added more articles to the section The History of the Noble Quran's Preservation.   I also added a rebuttal that further proves that Islam truly respects women to the article How do Islam and the Bible treat women who are having their menses?  I also added more points to the article Is masturbation allowed in Islam?

11/28/2001- I added a new article The Jewish Scientists confirm Islam's claims about Adam was 90 feet tall.

11/26/2001- I added a new article Is the Quran eternal or is it created in time by Allah?

11/19/2001- I added a new article Is growing beards mandatory in Islam? I also added more points to the article Does Islam really order Muslims to not take Jews and Christians as friends?  I also added more points to the article My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.  See the debate that I made up between pro and anti Sept. 11 attack on the US using the Noble Quran for both sides.  You judge for yourself.

11/17/2001- I added a new article Does Islam really order Muslims to not take Jews and Christians as friends?

11/16/2001- I added a section "So how come Muslim Fundamentalists execute those who desert Islam then?" to the article Apostates in Islam - Freedom of Religion and Choice for both Muslims and non-Muslims in Islam.

11/13/2001- I added more points to the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.  I also added more points to the article Just who were the original authors of the Bible?

11/12/2001- I added more sections about Homosexuality in the Bible in the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

11/10/2001- I added more points and sections to the article Will Hell eventually be empty?  For how long will Allah Almighty punish some of His creation?  I also added a new article Islamic Fasting was predicted by Isaiah in the Bible.   I also added a new article What is Fasting in Islam?  And what is the Wisdom behind it?  What is Ramadan?

11/09/2001- I added more points and sections to the article Will Hell eventually be empty?  For how long will Allah Almighty punish some of His creation?

11/08/2001- I added a new article Is Satan in Islam the same as Satan in the Bible?  I also added a new article Will Hell eventually be empty?  For how long will Allah Almighty punish some of His creation?

11/04/2001- I added a new article Rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad, Islam and Terrorism" article.  I also added a new article Does Islam believe in Evolution? I also added more points to the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.  I also added a new article Quran's correct prophecy of defeat of Romans.  I also added a new article The Bible claims that Jesus was a racist and stupid!  It also claims that Jesus was sent only to the Jews and not to Mankind!  See how the Bible even with it's corruption, still proves Islam's claims about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him being the only Prophet sent to all of Mankind.  I also added a new article How do Islam and the Bible treat women who are having their menses?

11/03/2001- I added a new article Is there a concept of Original Sin in Islam?  i.e. why part of God's perfect Creation is not righteous? I also added a new article Is the philosophy of idol worshiping similar to having a Holy Book such as the Noble Quran for instance to help a person to connect with GOD?

11/02/2001- I added a new article Can GOD change his mind?  Why did he allow for the Bible to get corrupted?  What wisdom is he trying to give us?  Your Islam is bogus!  I also added a new article Can we use other than the language of Arabic when we pray to Allah Almighty?  I also added a new article Why do we see some additions in parenthesis in the English-translated Quran?  Does GOD need man to add words to clarify what He means?

11/01/2001- I added a new article The story of King Heraclius of the Byzantine and the foretold Prophet (Muhammad) in the Bible.  See how he was convinced that Prophet Muhammad of Arabia was indeed the foretold Prophet that Jesus predicted to come.  I added more points and sections to the article Where did "genital mutilation" for females come from?  Is it allowed in Islam and Christianity?

10/31/2001- I removed the article 4000 Jews didn't show up to work at the World Trade Center Building on September 11, 2001, because there is not enough evidence to prove this big number.  To me, it is becoming apparent that this is only a hoax.  I also added more points and sections to the article Where did "genital mutilation" for females come from?  Is it allowed in Islam and Christianity?

10/29/2001- I added more points to the article Did Prophet Muhammad really recognize the Bible as an error-free book?

10/28/2001- I added a new article Are tattoos allowed in Islam?  I also added another article Where did "genital mutilation" for females come from?  Is it allowed in Islam and Christianity?

10/27/2001- I added a new article Are Homosexuals and eating Pigs allowed in the Bible?  

10/26/2001- I added a new article Does the Noble Quran in 17:104 say that the Jews will prevail in the State of Israel until the Day of Judgement?  I also added more points to the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.  She wished if her lover were her biological brother who was nursed by her "mother's breasts" so she doesn't have to take him home in secret.  What kind of a pervert and disgusting book the porn-full bible is?!  I also added another response by brother Matthew Smith, a new convert to Islam to the so called "contradictions" in the Noble Quran at Response to Katz's "Samaritan" complaint.  I also added another response by brother Samer Kadoura to the so called Pharaoh and Haman contradiction.  I also added more positive emails that were sent to me. 

10/25/2001- I added a new article Who are you Osama Abdallah?  Do you have a P.h.D in Islamic Studies?  I also added a new article Does Psalm 16:8-11 refer to Jesus' resurrection as the book of Acts suggest? 

10/24/2001- I added a new article Jesus claimed that whoever saw him saw the Father.  Wouldn't that prove that Jesus is GOD Himself (i.e., the Creator of the Universe)?

10/23/2001- I added a new article Did Jews continually try to stone Jesus prove that he claimed to be GOD?  I also added more points to the section The word "Allah" does exist in the original Bible. 

10/22/2001- I added several important sections and sub sections to the article Can Muslims torture prisoners of war?  Does Islam allow for Osama Bin Laden today for instance to torture his prisoners of war?  I also added more points to the article Muhammad the Racist? 

10/21/2001- I added more points from to the article Is masturbation allowed in Islam?  I also modified the article My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.  I also added a new section "Rebuttals from external web sites" to the section Rebuttals and Exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team.   I also added a new article Why is the US supporting with billions of dollars Israel, a country led by an accused war-criminal Ariel Sharon? 

10/20/2001- I added a new article How do you respond to the End of Times Prophecies in the Books of Psalms and Ezekiel against the Muslims of today in the Bible? 

10/19/2001- I added a new section "Comparing the Bible's claims to the Noble Quran's about who was the Son to be sacrificed, Isaac or Ishmael?  See the proof that Ishmael was that son, and the Bible is wrong and corrupted in its claims." to the article Isaac and Ishmael in Islam and Christianity.  I also added a new article I was told that what's happening in the Middle East today was all foretold in the Bible.  How do you respond to that?

10/18/2001- I added a new article Where do Martyrs go after death?  And will they be judged for their good and bad deeds?  I also added a new article Isaac and Ishmael in Islam and Christianity.  I also modified the articles What is the definition of Democracy in Islam?  How does Islam practice Democracy? and What is Jihad?  And why is it? and Wife beating in Islam is a lie! and Being Coward, Passive and Pathetic in the Bible.  

10/17/2001- I added a new section "Some Christians believe that the Old Testament prohibited Polygamy" to the article Polygamy in both the Old and New Testaments. I also added a new response by brother Matthew Smith (Yusuf) to Pharaoh and Haman article.  I also added a new section "So how come some Muslim extremists ban women from education?" to the article Men and Women have the right to seek education in Islam.  I also added more points to the article Being Coward, Passive and Pathetic in the Bible.  I also added a new section "Men should not try to dramatically change their wives.  No "male dominance" is allowed in Islam" to the article Wife beating in Islam is a lie!  I also added a new article What is the definition of Democracy in Islam?  How does Islam practice Democracy?  I also added a new article What is Jihad?  And why is it?

10/16/2001- I added a new article Was King Cyrus of Persia the Dhul-qarnain of the Noble Quran who stopped Gog and Magog?  I also added a new article Moses, Jesus and several other Prophets in the Bible never liked the Jews.  How can the Jews be considered GOD's "Chosen People" then?  I also added two sections "Will the army of Gog and Magog return?" and "The People of Gog and Magog seem to be the Jews, Christians, Oriental and Hindu Pagans of today" to the article The people of Gog and Magog and the Iron Gates in the Noble Quran.

10/15/2001- I modified and added more points to the article Apostates in Islam - Freedom of Religion and Choice for both Muslims and non-Muslims in Islam.

10/14/2001- I added a new article Was Adam created on Earth or in Heaven?  I also added a new section "Why did the US fight Iraq from the first place then?!  Why don't you blame Saddam Hussein?   Why blame the US only?  You are a hypocrite Osama!" to the article My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.

10/12/2001- I added a new section "What do you like to see the United States do in the Middle East?" in the article My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.  Please read this section to see my suggestion to the US government.  I also added a new article Israel betrayed the US by selling US technology to Communist China.  What a nice "wake up" slap on the face.  I also added a new article Was Muhammad peace be upon him a Polytheist?

10/11/2001- I added a new article Why would God send the Gospel with His prophet Jesus, and then allow all of the disciples of Jesus to be misled by believing that Jesus died on the cross, and thus distort the original message of the Gospel?

10/10/2001- I added a new article Why did Muhammad take up arms and Christ didn't?  Why did Islam spread by the sword if it were indeed a Religion of Truth, and Christianity didn't?  See my response to this misunderstanding.  Did you know that even Jesus killed his enemies in the Bible? I also added the Book Information (Bibliography) of the references in the section "The English-translated word "Worship" doesn't mean so in the Greek Bible" to the article Do People and Angels bowing down to Jesus in Worship really prove that he is the Creator of the Universe?  I also added more points and responses to the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.  I also added a new article Graveside party celebrates Hebron massacre "Response to Jewish Hypocrisy."

10/09/2001- I added more points to the debate section of the favoring and opposing views of the attack on the US to the article My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.  I also posted more Positive Emails that were sent to me.  I also added more points to the article The inheritance law in Islam V.S. Christianity.

10/07/2001- I added a new article After death, what would prevent a Muslim from entering Heaven?  Also, how long will the Disbelievers stay in Hell?  I also added more points to the article The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 wisdom in Islam.  I also answered the question How can a person be sure they will enter Heaven? [1] [2].

10/05/2001- I added a new article Are Muslims the "Chosen People" of GOD?  If not, then who are?

10/04/2001- I added a new section "The English-translated word "Worship" doesn't mean so in the Greek Bible" to the article Do People and Angels bowing down to Jesus in Worship really prove that he is the Creator of the Universe?

10/03/2001- I added a new article Do People and Angels bowing down to Jesus in Worship really prove that he is the Creator of the Universe? I also added a new article Does Islam allow for individuals to make their own verdicts and fight the enemy, or should the government do that?  What does Islam say about that?

10/01/2001- I added a new article The name of GOD Almighty: Allah or Yahweh?

09/29/2001- I added a new article Holocaust of the Iraqi people from the US and UN.  I also answered new questions Does Islam teach that is okay for you to harm me if I have harmed you, no matter what?  How does it account for intentions? [1], [2]   and What do you say in response to the fact that many Christians are killed in Islamic countries for their faith?  I know you said on your site that Muslims are forbidden from doing that...why does it still happen?  and  Why do the Muslims not like the Jews? in the Ask me any question section.

09/28/2001- I added a new article Who is your Messiah in Islam? Who is your Savior?  I also added a new section to the main page Islam and Terrorism.  I also posted more Positive Emails that were sent to me.

09/26/2001- I added a new article Can Muslims torture prisoners of war?  I also added a new article The many breeding grounds of terrorism.

09/25/2001- I added a new article Did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him really claim that he knew when the Day of Judgement will come?

09/21/2001- I added a new article Forgiveness and revenge in Islam.  There is a difference between being a peaceful person, and a coward hypocrite in Islam.  I also added a new article visit CNN tells us that Iraq lost more than 1.5 million civilians from the UN Sanctions that are imposed by the United States.  I also added more points to the article My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.

09/17/2001- I added two new sections "The airplanes and the buildings had Children, Elderly and Muslims in them. How can the attack be Islamicly justified then?" and "Islam prohibits the killing of non-Muslims living in Muslim lands!" to the article My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.  I also added Minister (Sheikh) Qaradawi's Islamic verdict that denounced the attack on the US to the article.  Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi is one of the most popular Minister in the Islamic world today.

09/16/2001- I modified and added more points to the article My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.   I showed where Islam orders the Muslims to offer peace to their enemies.  I also I elaborated more on the "It is not who did it!  It is why it was done that really matters!" and "So how come "Terrorists" use Islam as a justification then?" sections and provided more points and proofs from the Islamic perspective that show who can be fought against from the enemy and who can't.  I also added a new section to the article "The Jews had Zionised Christianity."   In it I talked about the army of Gog and Magog and the battle of Armageddon in the Noble Quran and the Bible.

09/15/2001- I added more points to the article My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.

09/14/2001- I added more points to the article My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.

09/13/2001- I added a new article My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.

09/10/2001- I added more articles that further expose the racism in Zionism in the The Jews' holiest book's racist views toward Jesus, Mary, Women and People section.  I also created Muslim-Christian Debate section.

09/09/2001- I added a new link to the section The Jews' holiest book's racist views toward Jesus, Mary, Women and People.  I also added a new article The Gog and Magog in the Bible and the Noble Quran.

08/28/2001- I added more proofs from the Noble Quran that show that the people of Gog and Magog are indeed the Oriental people of today at The people of Gog and Magog and the Iron Gates in the Noble Quran.

8/25/2001- I added a rebuttal to my article and my response to it at Prophet Muhammad taking revenges for himself and committing murders is a lie!.  I also added more points to the article Did Prophet Muhammad prescribe camel urine as medicine for headaches? 

8/24/2001- I added a new article Muhammad's family tree that shows his direct link with Ishmael peace be upon him.  I also added a new article Prophet Muhammad taking revenges for himself and committing murders is a lie!  I also added more points to the article What is the punishment for rape in Christianity and Islam?

08/23/2001- I added several more points to the article Wife beating in Islam is a lie!  I also added more points to the article Good Manners in Islam.  I also added more points to the article Are drugs such as weed, and pot allowed in Islam?  I also added a new article The 99 names and attributes of Allah Almighty.  I also updated the service Find a Spouse (Husband or Wife) in the Muslims' Club section.

08/21/2001- I added another section to the article Wife beating in Islam is a lie!  I also added an article to the section Is Muta (Temporary Marriage) allowed in Islam?

08/10/2001- I added several more sections to the article Wife beating in Islam is a lie!

08/06/2001- I added more rebuttals to the article Non of the four Caliphs was really perfect!   My rebuttal to the Muslim Sunni and Shia sects.   I also added more points to the article Is anal sex really allowed between the husband and wife in Islam?  I also added more points to the article Is homosexual marriage really allowed in Islam?

07/25/2001- I added a "Rebuttal" section that answers several of the emails that objected to the article Non of the four Caliphs was really perfect!  My rebuttal to the Muslim Sunni and Shia sects.

07/17/2001- I added a new article Non of the four Caliphs was really perfect!  My rebuttal to the Muslim Sunni and Shia sects.  I also added a new article to the Is Muta (Temporary Marriage) allowed in Islam? section.

07/06/2001- I added an article to The Rashad Khalifa Cult Exposed section.

06/23/2001- I added a new article Is the Palestinian "Suicide Bombing" in Israel's cities lawful in Islam?

06/22/2001- I added a new article Women have the right and are commanded by Allah Almighty to seek education in Islam.

06/19/2001- I added a new article Isaiah in the Bible foretold the story of "Al-alak" that is in the Noble Quran about Muhammad.  I also added Isaiah saw Jesus riding a donkey and Muhammad riding a camel.  He also saw the destruction of Babylon (i.e. Iraq today) and its idol gods, and replacing them with a Divine Religion (i.e. Islam today).  I also added The emigration of the Muslims to Madina was foretold in the Bible.

06/17/2001- I added a rebuttal section to the article John 8:1-11 being a justifying verse for fornication, adultery and pornography in the Christian Whoredom.  I also added a new article Did Prophet Muhammad really recognize the Bible as an error-free book?  I also added a new article Does Islam really allow the killing of innocent unbelievers?

06/12/2001- I added a new article Why did GOD Almighty wait 600 years to send Muhammad peace be upon him?

06/11/2001- I added more points to the article Why do some Muslims call the West "Great Satan"?

06/09/2001- I added a new article Is there equality between men and women in Islam?

06/08/2001- I modified the article What is the future of Jerusalem in the Noble Quran?

06/04/2001- I added more points to the article Adultery punishment in the Bible's Old and New Testaments.   I also added a new article Rebuttal to John 8:1-11 being a justifying verse for fornication, adultery and pornography in the Christian Whoredom.

06/03/2001- I added a new article Islam's claim about the 360 joints in the human body was proven to be true!

06/02/2001- I added a new article The Bible says: The earth is flat!

06/01/2001- I added a lot more points to the article The story of Gog and Magog and the Iron Gates in the Noble Quran.

05/29/2001- I added new articles to the The Rashad Khalifa Cult Exposed section.

05/26/2001- I added more Noble Verses from the Noble Quran that prove the absolute freedom of religion in Islam in the article Apostates in Islam- Freedom of religion and choice.  I also added a new article Answering the Christian Feminists.   I also added a new article Adultery punishment in the Bible's Old and New Testaments.  I also added more points to the article What is the punishment for rape in Christianity and Islam?

05/24/2001- I added a new article Is Muhammad GOD or part of GOD in Islam?   I also added points to the articles Muhammad the womanizer? and Marriage to non-Muslims is not allowed in Islam.  I also added more proofs from Roman Catholic resources that Mary is considered the "Mother of GOD" in the article Some Christians do worship Mary!

05/19/2001- I added more points to the article Why were Muslim men allowed to sleep with their female Captives of War in Islam?

05/12/2001- I added more to the article Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was not a child molester.  I also added more to the article The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 wisdom in Islam.

05/11/2001- I added a picture and a news paper article of a 9-year old Thai girl who gave birth, to the article Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was not a child molester.

05/08/2001- I added a new article Jesus Said He Was God?  I also added more proofs to the article My husband divorced me 3 times all at once!  Am I really divorced?

05/04/2001- I added a new article Muhammad the Womanizer?  I also added more points to the article Wife beating in Islam is a lie!

05/03/2001- I added a new article The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 wisdom in Islam.

05/02/2001- I added a new article Woman seeks Iranian presidency.

04/29/2001- I added a new article My husband divorced me 3 times all at once!  Am I really divorced?

04/27/2001- I added more points for the section on the book of Ecclesiasticus in the Bible in the article Just who were the original authors of the Bible?  I also added a new article Muhammad the Racist?

04/26/2001- I added more points to the article What is the Wisdom of Islam? And how will Allah Almighty Judge non-Muslims?

04/25/2001- I added more points to the article Just who were the original authors of the Bible?  I also added more points to my rebuttal in the article Slavery and racism in the Bible.  I also added more articles to the Human Equality in Islam V.S. Christianity section.  I also added a new article Non-Jews as seen in the Jewish Talmud.

04/24/2001- I added a new rebuttal in the article Slavery and racism in the Bible.

04/23/2001- I added a new article CNN.com - Israel's 1967 attack on U.S. ship deliberate, book says - April 23, 2001.  I also added more points to the article Slavery and racism in the Bible.

04/22/2001- I added a lot more points and proofs to the articles X-Rated Pornography in the Bible, and Fathers can literally stick their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before they get married in the Bible.

04/19/2001- I added more points to the article "GOD" in Arabic and Aramaic sound the same.  I also added more points to the article Are most Christians today idol worshipers?  I also added another article The pagan Christianity's Trinity is the same as the Hindu's Trinity.

04/18/2001- I added a section that exposes the Bible's Old Testament's historical corruptions in the article Just who were the original authors of the Bible?  I added tons of quotes from the NIV Bible itself that exposed the ample corruptions.

04/16/2001- I improved the article Fathers can literally stick their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before they get married in the Bible.

04/14/2001- I added a new section called Exposing the Rashad Khalifa Cult.  I also added a new article The black stone in Mecca is not worshiped by Muslims.

04/12/2001- I added and modified articles in the section Human Equality in Islam V.S. Christianity.  I also added more links to the section The Jews and their Talmud offensive views toward Jesus, Mary, the Gentiles and People in general.

04/10/2001- I added a new article Philippians 2 is not a Trinity "Proof Text"

04/09/2001- I added a new article Some Christians do worship Mary!

04/06/2001- I added more points to the article The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.  I also added a new article Is there mention of U.F.Os or other Human Planets in the Noble Quran?

04/05/2001- I added a new article Does Psalm 2:7 refer to Jesus or to King David?  I also modified the article The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.  I also added a lot more quotations and proofs from Talmudic and Biblical sources that further prove my point in the article Fathers can literally stick their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before they get married in the Bible.

04/04/2001- I added quotes from Christian resources that prove that GOD's original name was not "Yahweh", but "Allah" to the article The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.  I proved that the Hebrew word "Yahweh" means "The LORD" or "The GOD", which is only a title.  I also proved from Jewish and Christian resources that GOD Almighty's original name was indeed "Allah".

04/03/2001- I added an email from a Christian that agrees with my points about the Bible's corruption to the article Just who were the original authors of the Bible?  I also added a link for further research to the article Can we call the Angel Gabriel peace be upon him the Holy Spirit?

04/02/2001- I added a new article Why did slavery exist during Islam? And how did Islam deal with it?   I also added more points to the article What is the punishment for Gays and Lesbians in Islam?

03/30/2001- I added more verses from the Bible to the article Slavery and racism in the Bible.  I also modified the article What is the punishment for fornication and adultery in Islam? where I proved that the Sayings of our Prophet's peace be upon him history is not documented on whether they came before or after Noble Verse 24:2's revelation.

03/28/2001- I enhanced the section Women in Islam V.S. Christianity.  I also added more points to the articles X-Rated Pornography in the Bible and The strong eats the weak in the Bible.

03/27/2001- I modified the section Human Equality in Islam V.S. Christianity.  I also modified the article Can we call the Angel Gabriel peace be upon him the Holy Spirit?

03/26/2001- I modified the section Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible.  I also added a new article Can a woman be forced into marriage in Islam?  I also added a new article Can we call the Angel Gabriel peace be upon him the Holy Spirit?

03/23/2001- I added a new article about The story of Gog and Magog and the Iron Gates in the Noble Quran.   I also added a lot more points to the "Book of Revelation" section that further prove that the book is nothing but a big hoax in the article Just who were the original authors of the Bible?  I also added the article "Son of Man" does not mean "GOD" or "Son of GOD"

03/22/2001- I modified the articles My response to "Muhammad didn't have witnesses to prove that he was truthful" and Did Isaiah 53 really prophecies Jesus' crucifixion? and The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.  I also added more points and further exposed the lies of the anti-Islamics against our beloved Prophet peace be upon him, and further exposed the X-Rated Pornography in the Bible in the article My response to the so called "Child Molester" lie against our Prophet peace be upon him.  I also modified the article Just who were the original authors of the Bible?

03/21/2001- I added a new article My response to "Muhammad didn't have witnesses to prove that he was truthful".  I also added more proofs from verse Isaiah 52:13 that further prove Islam's claims about Jesus peace be upon him never died on the cross and was lifted to Allah Almighty and further clarifies Chapter Isaiah 53 in the article Did Isaiah 53 really prophecies Jesus' crucifixion?  I also exposed the intentional mistranslation of Isaiah 53:9 that hopelessly try to prove the dogma of trinity.  I also added more points to the article The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.

03/20/2001- I added a new article The strong eats the weak in the Bible.  The Bible allows it to happen.  I also modified the article The story of the 10,000 Muslim Saints who liberated Mecca (Paran) in the Bible.  I also added a new article Did GOD create some Men and Jinns to be destined to hell?

03/19/2001- I added a Saying of our Prophet that prove that the Noble Quran and the religion of Islam were sent not just to the Arabs only, but to all of Mankind in the article Was the Noble Quran only sent for the Arabs? Or was it sent to Mankind?  I added more points that prove the strong eats the weak in the Bible, in the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

03/16/2001- I added a new article Treatment of Slaves in Islam.  If you beat your slave, then you will go to hell.  I also added more points to the article Wife beating in Islam is a lie! and showed that the husband would get flogged up to 10 stripes if he flirts with other women.  I also added more points to the article Are drugs allowed in Islam?  I also added a very important point to the article What is the punishment for fornication and adultery in Islam? where I proved that the Sayings of our Prophet's peace be upon him history is not documented on whether they came before or after Noble Verse 24:2's revelation.  I also added a question to Can you explain the challenge of Allah Almighty to both Mankind and Jinns to produce a Chapter like any of the Chapters in the Noble Quran? to the Ask me any question section.  I also added more Noble Verses that prove the Noble Quran was sent to Mankind and not just to the Arabs alone in the article Was the Noble Quran only sent for the Arabs? Or was it sent to Mankind?

03/15/2001- I added more points to the article The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.

03/14/2001- I added more points to my article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.  I also added more points to the articles in Human Equality in Islam V.S. Christianity section.   I also added a new article The interpretation of the "Produce a Surah (Chapter) like it" challenge of Allah Almighty to Mankind in the Noble Quran.

03/13/2001- I further modified and improved the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.  I also exposed a fourth lie from the anti-Islamic "Answering Islam" team at Rebuttals and Exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team.

03/12/2001- I improved my article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

03/07/2001- I added more points to the article Answering Trinity.  I also modified the article Does Paradise in Islam really have Homosexuality in it?

03/06/2001- I added a proof and reference from the Book of Ezra in the Aramaic Bible where the word "Allah" was used for the name of GOD Almighty in the Article The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.

03/02/2001- I added more points to the article Being passive in the Bible and following man's laws.  I added a section about the corruption in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, which further expose the historical corruption of the Bible to the article Just who were the original authors of the Bible?

03/01/2001- I added a lot more points and references which further expose the historical corruption of the Bible to the article Just who were the original authors of the Bible?

02/26/2001- I added more points to the article How would you reply to Rashad Khalifa's number 19 theory, where he removed 2 Noble Verses from the Noble Quran because their references were not multiples of the number 19?

02/23/2001- For my business, I added a free version demo to my site, and it is available for download.   I also modified the article How would you reply to Rashad Khalifa's number 19 theory, where he removed 2 Noble Verses from the Noble Quran because their references were not multiples of the number 19?

02/22/2001- I added proofs that Jesus never even once claimed to be "Mighty God" or "God" in the articles God title in Isaiah 9:6 was given to others as well before Jesus and Answering Trinity.  I also added a new question How would you reply to Rashad Khalifa's number 19 theory, where he removed 2 Noble Verses from the Noble Quran because their references were not multiples of the number 19?

02/21/2001- I added more points that prove Jesus peace be upon him is not the Creator of the Universe in the articles: God title in Isaiah 9:6 was given to others as well before Jesus and Answering Trinity.  I also added more points to the article Does Paradise in Islam really have Lesbianism in it?

02/19/2001- I added a question to the reader at the beginning of the article Just who were the original authors of the Bible?  I added more evidence that proves Fathers can literally stick their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before they get married in the Bible.

02/18/2001- I added more proofs that the word "Allah" was used in the Aramaic Bible in the article The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.

02/16/2001- I added comments at the top of the Ministers changed their sex and still preach at their Churches, and Priests with AIDS articles that prove the Bible is corrupt.  I also modified Can you show us where in Islam does it prohibit for Gays and Lesbians to marry each others?   I also added a new question that was asked to me Where in the Quran does it say that Muhammad was the last Prophet and Messenger of GOD?

02/15/2001- I added a new article Does Paradise in Islam really have Lesbianism in it?   I also added another question that was asked to me Can you show us where in Islam does it prohibit for Gays and Lesbians to marry each others?

02/14/2001- I added an email and my response to it from one of the Christian "Answering Islam" team to the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

02/13/2001- I added a new article Is anal sex really allowed between the husband and the wife in Islam?

02/12/2001- I added more online Quran Translation links that expose the lie of the anti-Islamics' claim about the Noble Quran containing "X-Rated Pornography" in it, in the article Is the GOD of Islam and Christianity a pervert?

02/11/2001- I added more points to the article Was the Noble Quran only sent for the Arabs? Or was it sent to Mankind?

02/10/2001- I added more points to the article Apostates in Islam- Freedom of Religion in Islam.

02/09/2001- I added more points to the article Women and Maidens in Paradise according to Islam.  I also added a new article If the husband rapes his wife, is that a sin in Islam?  Is there any answers to this in the Quran?

02/08/2001- I modified the article Is the GOD of Christianity and Islam a pervert?   I also added a new article Women and Maidens in Paradise according to Islam. to the Ask me any question section.

02/06/2001- I added more Noble Verses from the Noble Quran that prove freedom of religion in Islam in the article Apostates in Islam- Freedom of Religion in Islam.

02/05/2001- I modified the article The original name of Jesus peace be upon him.

02/02/2001- I added more Godly names that prove Jesus is not GOD for the articles The "God" title in Isaiah 9:6 was given to others as well and Answering Trinity.

01/31/2001- I modified the article What is the Wisdom of Islam? And how will Allah Almighty Judge non-Muslims?  I also modified the article Was the Noble Quran only sent for the Arabs? Or was it sent to Mankind?

01/30/2001- I modified the article What is the Wisdom of Islam? And how will Allah Almighty Judge non-Muslims?  I also added a question to the Ask me any question section.  I also modified the article How should Jews and Christians follow the Bible in Islam?  I also added a question Was the Noble Quran only sent for the Arabs? Or was it sent to Mankind?

01/29/2001- I added more Noble Verses from the Noble Quran to the article Wife beating in Islam is a lie!. I also added a new article Books mentioned in the Bible that are not part of the "Today's Bible"

01/27/2001- I modified the article Wife beating in Islam is a lie!.

01/26/2001- I modified the article What is the punishment for fornication and adultery in Islam?  I added Bible verses that deal with adultery punishment just for the sake of comparison.

01/24/2001- I added a new article What is the punishment for fornication and adultery in Islam?  I also replaced a picture in the article The city of Paran is the city of Mecca.  I also modified the article Polygamy in both the Old and New Testaments by adding another link to a Christian site that agrees with Polygamy.

01/23/2001- I added even more quotes that prove the Bible's corruption from the NIV Bible Historians' commentary at Just who were the original authors of the Bible?

01/22/2001- I added new discoveries to the article The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.   I added more names in the article The "God" title in Isaiah 9:6 was given to others as well.  I also added a lot of changes to the article Answering Trinity.

01/20/2001- I added a new article "Son of GOD" contradiction in the Bible and the Noble Quran.

01/19/2001- I added a new question What is the place of the Jews and Christians in Islam? to the Ask me any question section.

01/18/2001- I added two new articles A dangerous forgery was inserted at the end of the so-called "Gospel of Mark", and Contradictions In the Resurrection Story.   I also added a new response Why did Uthman, Prophet Muhammad's third disciple burn the "other books"?  I also added an article called The Bahai Faith.  It is located in the The Bahais are not Muslims.  Also Answering Hinduism and Other Pagan religions.

01/16/2001- I modified the article Jesus used the word "Muslim" in Luke 6:40.   I also modified the article The Blessed Jesus in Islam.  I also modified the article Just who were the real authors of the Bible?

01/15/2001- I added more proofs from the Aramaic Bible that used the word "Allah" in it in the article The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.

01/13/2001- I added bibliography to the article Just who were the real authors of the Bible?   I also modified the article The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.

01/12/2001- I modified the article Jesus using the word "Muslim" in Luke 6:40.  I also added a new question Does Islam allow for Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men? And does it allow for Muslim men to marry non-Muslim women? in the Ask me any question section.

01/11/2001- I increased the fonts for the articles of brother Mishaal ibn Abdullah in the Responses to the so called "110 Contradictions" in the Noble Quran section.   I also added more positive emails that were sent to me.   I also modified a lot from the article Did Isaiah 53 really prophecies Jesus' crucifixion?

01/10/2001- In the Responses to the so called "110 Contradictions" in the Noble Quran section, I divided/spreaded brother Mishaal ibn Abdullah's long paper into many articles.

01/09/2001- I modified the Women in Christianity VS. Islam section.  I also modified the Answering Trinity section.  I also modified the Contradicting errors in the Bible section.  I also modified the question Why did Allah Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted?

01/08/2001- I modified the article Is masturbation allowed in Islam?  I also added more positive emails that were sent to me.  I also modified the article Paul's corruption in 2 Timothy 3:16. 

01/06/2001- I modified the article How can you say that the Bible has corruption in it when Saint Paul in 2 Timothy 3:16 clearly said that "All Scripture is God-breathed"?

01/05/2001- I modified the article Is masturbation allowed in Islam?  I also added a new article Fathers can literally stick their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before they get married in the Bible.  I also modified the article Did Isaiah 53 really prophecies Jesus' crucifixion?  I also modified the article Are drugs such as weed, and pot allowed in Islam?  I also modified the article Apostates in Islam- Freedom of Religion in Islam.  I also added The Proof that "Paran" in the Bible is "Mecca".

01/04/2001- I added a new article Did Isaiah 53 really prophecies Jesus' crucifixion?  I also added a Search Capability on this site's main page.

01/03/2001- I added a new article "Your slaves are your brothers" in Islam.  I also modified the article What is the punishment for rape in Christianity and Islam?

01/02/2001- I added two new questions: Are drugs such as weed, and pot allowed in Islam? and Is masturbation allowed in Islam? 

12/30/2000- I added more positive emails.  I also added a new response by a new convert to Islam.  I also modified The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible article.

12/23/2000- I added a new question Why should I convert to Islam? What does Islam have to offer for me? And how can you guarantee for me that I will be saved in the Life After through believing in Islam?  I also modified The "God" title in Isaiah 9:6 was given to others as well. 

12/21/2000- I modified the article My response to the "Houses of Death" lie for Women in Islam.  I also added a question Why did Allah Almighty make lawful for Muslim men to have sexual intercourse with the married women whom are captives of war?

12/17/2000- I added a new article Proverbs 8 contains no proof of Trinity!

12/16/2000- I added new articles: (1) Historical background of the Trinity; (2) The Creed of St. Athanasius; (3) The Doctrine of the TRINITY...Mystery or Confusion?   I also added a new article The "Clot" and the Creation of the Universe in the Noble Quran.

12/15/2000- I added a new question that was asked to me How can you say that the Bible has corruption in it when Saint Paul in 2 Timothy 3:16 clearly said that "All Scripture is God-breathed"?  I also added another question Since Muslims do not believe that Jesus was the true Messiah sent to die for our sins, do Muslims believe that one will eventually come (like the Jews) or do they believe that there never will be one? 

12/12/2000- I added more Christian Responses to my site.  I also modified the article Some very disturbing pictures of Iraqi Infants that had been infected by the U.S "Uranium Bombs".  I also modified the article Christians and the Old Testament.  

12/10/2000- I added more Christian Responses to my site.  I also added more Positive Emails that I received.  I also modified the article Jesus' crucifiction in Islam.

12/09/2000- I added more Christian Responses to my site.  I also added more Positive Emails that I received.  I also modified the respond to the question If Islam is truly a religion of mercy, then how do you explain the obvious connection between Islam and much of the world's terrorism?  I also added a new article Some very disturbing pictures of Iraqi Infants that had been infected by the U.S "Uranium Bombs"

12/06/2000- I modified the article If Islam is truly a religion of mercy, then how do you explain the obvious connection between Islam and much of the world's terrorism?  I also added more Positive Emails that I received.  I also added more Christian Responds to my site. 

12/05/2000- I modified the article Just who were the real authors of the Bible?  I also added a new question How come Muslims don't have images of GOD as Christians do with Mary and Jesus? and What is the future of Jerusalem in the Noble Quran? to the Ask me any question section. 

12/03/2000- I added a new article If Muhammad peace be upon him was fake?  I also added more Positive Emails that I receive.  My site Walhamdulillah (Thanks to GOD Almighty) had helped someone embrace Islam.  I also added a new question If Muhammad was the Messenger of GOD, then how come he was sometimes influenced by magic? to the Ask me any question section.  I also modified the article How did Islamic people handle believers in other faiths during the time period of the Crusades?  I also modified my Music in Islam section.  I added favoring and opposing views links.

11/29/2000- I added more articles to the Answering Trinity section.

11/28/2000- I added a new question If Islam is truly a religion of mercy, then how do you explain the obvious connection between Islam and much of the world's terrorism? to the Ask me any question section.  I also made major changes to the article Did Prophet Muhammad prescribe camel urine as medicine for headaches? 

11/27/2000- I added a new article Some Christians believe in "Head Covering" for women.

11/25/2000- I created a section for Opposing and Favoring views for the question Is Niqab (Women covering all of their faces) mandatory in Islam?  I also added more Positive emails that I received.  I also added more links to the Islamic Links section.  I also added the question How could Allah create the world in 6 days if science has proved that the world and universe took millions of years to make?  in the Ask me any question section.

11/21/2000- I modified the article The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible. 

11/18/2000- I modified the article The Blessed Jesus in Islam.  I also added more positive emails that were sent to me.  I also added more Christian Responds to my site.  I also modified the article Prophecies by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.   I also modified the article How did Islamic people handle believers in other faiths during the time period of the Crusades?

11/16/2000- I added the article How did Islamic people handle believers in other faiths during the time period of the Crusades? to the Ask me any question section.  I also added a lot more links to the Islamic Links section.  I also modified Questions about Trinity that Christians don't have logical answers for.  I also modified the God title in Isaiah 9:6 was given to others as well before Jesus.

11/15/2000- I modified the article Polygamy in the New Testament.  I also modified the article Allah was mentioned in the Bible.  I also added a new rebuttal to Rebuttals and Exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team. 

11/09/2000- I modified the article Prophecies from Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.  I also modified the article Rebuttal to the lie of "Allah" being a pagan god.  I also modified the article Rebuttal to the lie about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him prescribing camel urine as medicine.

11/09/2000- I added a new article Prophecies from Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

11/07/2000- I uploaded pictures to the The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.

11/06/2000- I added more Positive Emails from Muslim brothers and sisters.  I also added More disturbing pictures of Israeli tortures to the unarmed Palestinian Civilians.  I also exposed another lie from the Answering Islam team.

11/05/2000- I added more Christian Responds to my site, and more Positive Emails from Muslim brothers and sisters.  I also modified Exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team.

11/04/2000- I modified the article Is the GOD of Islam and Christianity a pervert?

11/01/2000- I added a URL link and toll free 800 number to the organization that you can donate to to the Palestinian Orphans at Some very disturbing pictures of Israeli tortures to the unarmed Palestinian Civilians.  I also added more pictures.  I also added a new article Is the GOD of Islam and Christianity a pervert?

10/31/2000- I added a lot more to Christian Scholars refuting the status of the NT as an inspired scripture.  I also added a section Some Christian responds that I received.  I also added a new section Some very disturbing pictures of Israeli tortures to the unarmed Palestinian Civilians.

10/26/2000- I added a new article Christian Scholars refuting the status of the NT as an inspired scripture.

10/24/2000- I modified the article Answering Trinity.  I also modified the article Some Hadiths (Sayings) that conflict with the Noble Quran.

10/23/2000- I added a new article The Temporary (Muta) Marriage is prohibited in Islam.  I also added a new article Niqab (Women covering all of their faces) is not Mandatory in Islam!

10/19/2000- I added more positive emails that were sent to me.

10/14/2000- I also added new quotes from the Catholic Encyclopedia that proves further that The original Bible was lost.

10/14/2000- I added a new article Some Sayings of our beloved Prophet that conflict with the Noble Quran.  I also modified Good Manners in Islam.   I also added a new article Comparison between Allah Almighty's claims about His Creation, and the scientific discoveries that 100% agree with Him.

10/11/2000- I added a new article Praying (Salah) in the Noble Quran.  I also modified Rebuttals and exposing the lies of the "Answering Islam" team.   I also added a new article A lecture by Dr. Gary Miller.

10/10/2000- I added new articles to the Response to the so called "Textual Errors" in the Noble Quran.  I also modified my Rebuttal to the lie about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him prescribing camel urine as medicine.   

10/04/2000- I added a new article The original Bible was lost.  I also added a new article The early Christians rejected Trinity.

09/30/2000- I modified my Music in Islam page.  I modified my Rebuttal to the lie about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him prescribing camel urine as medicine.   I also modified the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.   I also added A response to #40 in the Responses to the so called 110 contradictions in the Noble Quran.  I also modified the article The Blessed Jesus in Islam.

09/27/2000- I modified my Music in Islam page.  I added more Sayings from Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him that prove that Music is indeed allowed in Islam.

09/26/2000- I added a Rebuttal to the lie about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him prescribing camel urine as medicine.   I also added more Positive emails that were sent to me.

09/24/2000- I modified What is the punishment for rape in Christianity and Islam?  I also modified The GOD of the Bible VS. The GOD of the Noble Quran.   I also modified Polygamy in the Bible's New Testament.  I also added more Positive emails that were sent to me.  I also modified the section Rebuttals and exposing the lies of the "Answering Islam" team.

09/20/2000- I added a new article Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in Hindu Scriptures.  I also added more Positive emails that were sent to me.

09/17/2000- I created a new section Rebuttals and exposing the lies of the "Answering Islam" team.

09/14/2000- I modified Apostates in Islam: Islam honors freedom of religion.  I also modified Good manners in Islam.  I also added more Positive emails that were sent to me.  I also modified X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

09/12/2000- I modified The "God" title in Isaiah 9:6 was given to others as well.  I also added a new article The Blessed Jesus in Islam

09/09/2000- I added more articles to the Answering Trinity section.

08/26/2000- I modified the article My response to the so called "Child Molester" lie against our Prophet peace be upon him.  I also added The GOD of the Bible VS. The GOD of the Noble Quran.  I also added more encouraging emails.   I also added more articles to the Answering Trinity section.

08/18/2000- I added more articles to the Answering Trinity section.

08/16/2000- I added a new article The "God" title in Isaiah 9:6 was given to others as well.  I also added many articles to the Answering Trinity section.  I also added more Positive emails.

08/05/2000- I modified the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

08/01/2000- I modified the article The amazing creation of earth and iron in the Noble Quran.

08/01/2000- I added a new article Contradicting translations on 1 John 5:7.  I also added Funny Trinity.  Some humor about Trinity that is true.

07/30/2000- I added more articles to the Answering Trinity section.

07/25/2000- I added more Positive emails.

07/23/2000- I added a new article The road map to Paradise.   It's a funny article.

07/22/2000- I modified the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.  I also modified the article Answering Trinity.

07/22/2000- I added few more responses [26, 23, 18, 17, 11 and 18] to Responses to the so called "Errors" in the Noble Quran.

07/18/2000- I modified the whole section of Answering Trinity.

07/15/2000- I modified the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

07/12/2000- I added a new article My response to the lie that Muhammad peace be upon him married his daughter in law.

07/12/2000- I modified the article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.  I also modified the article Slavery in the Bible's Old and New Testaments.

07/09/2000- I modified the article The story of the 10,000 Muslim Saints who liberated Mecca (Paran) in the Bible.

07/08/2000- I changed the design of Women in Christianity and Islam.

07/08/2000- I added a new article What does "Jesus" mean? does it really mean "God saves" as Christians claim?  I also added a new article A story about a 16-year-old Muslimah girl in Texas.

07/06/2000- I modified the article The story of the 10,000 Muslim Saints who liberated Mecca (Paran) in the Bible.

07/05/2000- I added a new article The story of the 10,000 Muslim Saints who liberated Mecca (Paran) in the Bible.

07/04/2000- I added a new article Jesus' Sacred place among Muslims.  By the Christian Scholar Michael Wolfe.  I also added new responses #9, #5 and #41 to the list of the so called 110 contradicting errors in the Noble Quran.

07/04/2000- I modified Question #20 in Ask me any question section: Is the First Chapter in the Quran (Surat Al-Fatiha) a prayer from Muhammad? or a True Word of GOD (Allah)?

07/02/2000- I added a new response to Question #20 in Ask me any question section: Is the First Chapter in the Quran (Surat Al-Fatiha) a prayer from Muhammad? or a True Word of GOD (Allah)?

07/02/2000- I added a new article Women's Rights in Islam.  I also added a Response to the so called "Textual Errors" in the Noble Quran.

06/27/2000- I added a new article Good Manners in Islam.

06/27/2000- I modified Question #3: Why did Allah Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted? in Ask me any question section.  I also added a new article The lie of 1 John 5:7 and Timothy 3:16.  I also added The Gospel of John: Gospel or Gossip?

06/25/2000- I added a new article The Muslims contributed so much good to the world.

06/24/2000- I added A new response to claim #39 in the Response to the so called "110 Errors" in the Noble Quran section.

06/24/2000- I modified History of Man's Corruption in the Bible.  I also added Question#19: Are the "Nation of Islam" Organization really Muslims? in the Ask me any question section.  I also modified Question #18: If Jesus was Muslim as Muslims claim, then why did he convert water into wine in one case, and said that wine is his blood in another since wine and alcohol are against Islam?

06/19/2000- I modified Almost every single Christian is going to hell according to the Bible.  I also added a new article The Aramaic Bible predicts the coming of Muhammad by the exact word.

06/17/2000- I modified Muhammad was mentioned in the Bible.

06/17/2000- I added a new article Prophecy about Muhammad in Song of Songs 5:16.  Exposes the deliberate mistranslation of the Verse to disprove the coming of Muhammad peace be upon him.  I also added a new answer in the Ask me any question section to Question #18: If Jesus was Muslim as Muslims claim, then why did he convert water into wine in one case, and said that wine is his blood in another since wine and alcohol are against Islam?

06/16/2000- I added a new article Almost every single Christian is going to hell according to the Bible.

06/15/2000- I added a new article Some Islamic Wisdom for those who seek Guidance.  I also modified my Answering Trinity paper.

06/12/2000- I added a new article Sister Hawaa' Barayev Martyrdom Attack On a Russian Military; may Allah Almighty rest her soul.

06/10/2000- I modified my article The word "Allah" exists in the Bible.  I also added a new article Is music allowed in Islam?

06/09/2000- I modified the article History of man's corruption in the Bible.  I also modified my Question #3 in the Ask me any question section.  Q3: Why did GOD Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted?

06/08/2000- I modified my article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.  I also added Contradicting errors even in Porn in the Bible.  I also added a new article The lie of verse 1 John 5:7.  I also added an article Paul's doctrines are proven to be historically doubtful.  I also modified my article Are two women equal to one man in Islam?   I also modified my answer to Question #3: Why did Allah Almighty allow for the original copy of the Bible to be lost or corrupted?

06/06/2000- I modified my article Polygamy is not allowed in Islam.  I also modified my article The word "Allah" exists in the Bible.

06/03/2000- I modified my article X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

06/02/2000- I modified my article Polygamy is not allowed in Islam.  I also added an article Marriage to non-Muslims and Fornication (zina) in Islam.

06/01/2000- I added my Third rebuttal to Answering Islam's rebuttals.  I also added a new article Why did Allah Almighty order women to cover up in Islam?

05/29/2000- I modified my Answering Trinity paper.  I also changed some of the formatting of brother Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi's rebuttal to answering-islam's rebuttal to my answering trinity paper.  I also modified Human Equality in Islam.

05/28/2000- I modified What is the Wisdom of Islam?

05/27/2000- I modified Women in Islam and Christianity.  I also modified Are two women equal to one man in Islam?  I also added A New Rebuttal to Answering Islam's so called refutations to my Answering Trinity paper.  I also added Questions about women's rights in the Bible that Christians don't have answers for.

05/23/2000- I added a new article Are two women equal to one man in Islam?

05/20/2000- I added a new article My response to the so called "Most women are in hell" lie against Islam.

05/16/2000- I modified Jesus using the word "Muslim" in Luke 6:40.  I also modified The word "Allah" exists in the Bible.

05/08/2000- I modified Christians must follow the Old Testament.  I also added another question to Questions about Jesus that Trinitarian Christians don't have logical answers for.

05/06/2000- I added a lot more verses that expose the X-Rated Porn in the Bible.

05/04/2000- I added my Rebuttal to Answering Islam's Rebuttal:  Part 1.  I also added my comments to their rebuttal on Answering Trinity.  I also added Q13- What language did Jesus really speak during his ministry? and the answer to it in Ask me any question.  I also added more pictures to Women in Islam and Christianity.

04/29/2000- I modified Women in Christianity and Islam.  I added pictures that compare Muslim women to Christian women.

04/29/2000- I modified Question#11 in Ask me any questionQ11- If Islam is so against any form of idol worship, why do they bow to the kaaba? Why do they call it God's House? Do they believe He lives there?  I also added Question#12 in Ask me any question: Q12- How does God see the sin between man and man?

04/25/2000- I added a new article The Bible is in contradiction with itself in explaining paradise.

04/19/2000- I modified the page Ask me any question.  I also added a new response to question number 2.

04/16/2000- I added a proof about Mary getting pregnant with Jesus at the age of 14, 13 when she got married with Joseph.  He was 36 when he married her.  This is in response to some of the Christians childish attacks on Islam by calling our beloved Prophet a "Child Molester" for marrying an 11 year old girl.  Visit My response to the "Child Molester" claim against our Prophet peace be upon him.

04/16/2000- I added a new answer to Muhammad in the Bible and to question number 2 in Ask me any question page.  Q2: Why did GOD end His revelations with Muhammad and not with Jesus?

04/15/2000- I added a new article Numerical Miracles in the Noble Quran.  I also added a new answer from a Muslim sister in Ask me any question page for question number 6.  Q6: How does a Muslim get to Heaven, saved, reach a state of perfect harmony with God?

04/11/2000- I added a new section to X-Rated Porn in the Bible.  The new section is: Does the Bible allow for women to be Lesbians?  The answer is yes and I provided the references that prove it.

04/09/2000- I added a lot more stuff to X-Rated Porn in the Bible.  I also added a new question and answer to Ask me any question.  Q11-  If Islam is so against any form of idol worship, why do they bow to the kaaba? Why do they call it God's House? Do they believe He lives there?

04/07/2000- I modified Women in Islam VS. Christianity.

04/06/2000- I modified question number 10 in Ask me any question.  Q10- What is the punishment for rape in Christianity and in Islam?

04/04/2000- I added a new question and answer to Ask me any question.  Q10- What is the punishment for rape in Christianity and in Islam?

04/02/2000- I modified Answering Hinduism and other Pagan religions.  I also added What is the Wisdom of Islam?

04/01/2000- Please download Free Islamic Screen Savers.

04/01/2000- I modified question #1 in Ask me any question.  I also added new material to "Allah" exists in the Bible.  I also added new material to Jesus using the word "Muslim" in Luke 6:40.

03/30/2000- I added more evidence to the Egyptian Airplane's "Jewish Planned" tragedy.

03/27/2000- I added a new question and answer to Ask me any question.

03/26/2000- I added a new question and answer to Ask me any question.  I also modified Jesus in Islam.

03/25/2000- I modified the article X-Rated Porn in the Bible.

03/23/2000- I added a new article X-Rated Porn in the Bible.

03/20/2000- I modified the article Jesus a Baby Killer and a Murderer in the Bible?  I also wrote a new article False prophecies about the Judgment Day in the Bible.   I also modified The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible.

03/19/2000- I added an article Jesus using the word "Muslim" in Luke 6:40.

03/15/2000- I added more videos to my Music Page.  I also wrote a new article Strange things in the Bible.  I also added a question and its answer in Ask me any questions.

03/13/2000- I modified the article Most Christians are idol worshipers.  I modified my Music Page.   I also modified the layout of the main page and added a link to my Islamic Links page.

03/11/2000- I added two more questions to Ask me any questions.

03/10/2000- I added a new link Ask me any questions.

03/09/2000- I modified my Answering Trinity article and added more proofs that Jesus is not the Creator of this universe.

03/06/2000- I added a new Muslim business (http://www.arabianebazaar.com/) to the List of Muslim businesses on the internet.  This is a free service.  Please visit the link and visit the Muslims' businesses sites.  I also modified My Islamic links.

03/04/2000- I added a new article about Social corruptions caused by Christianity.

03/01/2000- I added a new article about The new discovered "Red Star" by N.A.S.A. was mentioned in the Noble Quran.  I also added new Islamic links.

02/23/2000- I added a new article about The positive opinion of the Western and Far Eastern great non Muslim philosophers about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

02/16/2000- I modified Muhammad was foretold by the name in the Bible.

01/23/2000- I modified The word "Allah" does exist in the Bible, and Response to the "Child Molester" lie against our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.  I also added an article Ask Dr. Gary Miller, a Canadian former Christian theologian who embraced islam.  I also modified Muhammad peace be upon him was foretold in the Bible in the book of Isaiah and the Gospel of John.

01/15/2000- I added new responses written by the Learner in Responses to the so called "Errors" in the Noble Quran.

12/23/99- I added more stuff to Polygamy in the New Testament.  Jesus himself did allow polygamy.  I also added more stuff to Apostates in Islam (true religious freedom) and Apostates in Christianity (Instant death to apostates).

12/20/99- I wrote Is sexual sinning really allowed in Christianity?.  I also modified Jesus ordered Christians to follow the laws of the Old Testament.

12/18/99- I wrote The amazing creation of earth and its relationship with mountains.

12/9/99- I wrote My personal testimony.

12/6/99- I added more internet links that expose racism against women and gentiles in The Jewish Holy Scriptures.

12/1/99- I added 11 new responses to 11 new claims of "contradictions" against the Noble Quran.  They are listed under #50 link of the first list in Responses to all of the so called "Errors" in the Noble Quran.

11/29/99- I added a new section for free advertisement for Muslim Businesses.

11/27/99- I wrote a new article about the Amazing creation of earth and its relationship to iron in the Noble Quran.  This is a must read for Muslims and non Muslims !!.

11/25/99- I added verses from the New Testament from the N.I.V Bible that mention the name of Saint Barnabas.  I also added The so called "Apostles of GOD" in the New Testament have conflicts with each others under the "Answering Trinity" section.

11/21/99- I added a new response that refutes the anti-Islamic claim about the lie of "Jesus peace be upon him burning in hell" in response #41 in Answers to the so called "Errors" in the Noble Quran.  I also fixed an error in the conclusion section in my Answering Trinity paper.

11/11/99- I added a new link Muhammad is predicted in the Bible, which has links to the Gospel of Barnabas that predicts the coming of Muhammad be the exact name.

11/06/99- I added a new link Do a word search on the Noble Quran and the Sayings of Muhammad peace be upon him, and find a local Mosque.

10/26/99- I wrote a new article Things that Western Christians don't know about Islam and Muslims.   Also, I added a link Download free Islamic Screen Savers.

10/24/99- I wrote new responses in Responses to the so called "Errors" in the Noble Quran.  The responses are Mary sister Aaron in faith and Punishment for disobedience.

10/20/99- I modified Slaves in the Bible, and Women in the Bible papers.

10/18/99- I wrote a new article, The word "Allah" doesn't exist in the Bible, really?

10/17/99- I added a link of the Gospel of Barnabas (which predicts the coming of Prophet Muhammad by his exact name.   You can do a word search on "Muhammad" in that site) to Jesus predicted the coming of Muhammad in the Gospel of John paper.

10/16/99- I modified Jesus predicted the coming of Muhammad in the Gospel of John.

10/14/99- I wrote a new article, Human equality in Islam.  I also modified Is there human equality in the Bible?

10/13/99- I wrote a new article, Is there human equality in the Bible?.  I also added more to my paper on Polygamy in the New Testament.

10/9/99- I added more links to Responses to the so called "Errors" in the Noble Quran.

10/8/99- I corrected an error that I had.  I changed the words "Kosovo" to "Kosova" in the Kosova Crisis site.

10/1/99- I added a new article The Bible was not written by its original authors and was written for the sake of men and not for the sake of GOD.

9/29/99- I added a link about the "Nation of Islam" which is link #8 under "Hot Islamic topics and Issues".

9/27/99-  I modified the "Apostates in the Bible" article, which is located on both sites at www.answering-christianity.com/death.htm.

9/26/99- I added the Palestinian flag with few words about my country.   http://www.answering-christianity.com/.

9/17/99- I added the responses to all of the so called "Errors" in the Noble Quran.  www.answering-christianity.com/quran/quranerr.htm.

Note:  I purchased my web site on Tuesday, 9/21/1998.  From 9/21/1998 - 9/16/1999, this log page did not exist.  When my site started to considerably grow bigger everyday, it became necessary for me to create a log for my activities on this site to help the reader checkout my new additions and modifications.  That is why I created this log page.

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