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Rebuttal to Craig Winn "Prophet of Doom: Chapter 4" article:

This article is a rebuttal to Craig Winn's article that is located at:



Important Note to the Reader:

Craig Winn purposely twisted and modified the English translations that he used!  He changes words in translations and uses non-Muslim ones.  I've noticed this a lot through his translations of the Noble Verses that he used from the Noble Quran.

Please visit:

List of Craig Winn's fabricated lies and deliberate alteration of quotes, WITH CLEAR-CUT PROOFS!



Before we get into the detailed rebuttal of this article, let's look at the following from his Bible:


Terrorism in Islam?! (click here)
Let's look at the real terrorism in the Bible:

Pedophilia with 3-year old slave girls in the Bible!
Forcing 3-year old slave girls into sex during the Mosaic Law in the Bible!
(click here)

"kill all the boys and non-virgin women" under the Mosaic Law! (click here)

Killing all of the "suckling infants" by the thousands by King David!  (click here)

42 innocent children were killed using Wild Bears by Prophet Elisha!
Prophet Muhammad on the other hand loved children even those who threw stones at him in the city of Al-Ta'if. (click here)

Maiming of the enemies' bodies under Moses' and David's Laws:
Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their alive bodies on trees until they DIE.
(click here)

David's Selective Murders!
David so carelessly killed an innocent man for only telling him news.
(click here)

X-Rated Pornography in the Bible, by King Solomon!
Literally, women's vaginas and breasts taste like "WINE", and brothers can "suck" their sisters' and lovers' privates!
(click here)

Fathers' fingers into their daughters' vaginas!
Under the Mosaic Law, fathers were allowed to do "Digital Defloration" to their daughters.
(click here)

Shutting the loud mouths of those who unjustly attack Islam, with Truth.

Aisha in Islam:

Let's discuss the age of Aisha being 9 when she married our Prophet (CLICK HERE):

1-  See proofs, in the "Aisha being 9" article, from the Bible about little girls as young as 9 were married off and even sold off by their fathers as slave girls to men who were even older than their fathers.

2-  See also irrefutable proofs that pedophilia and terrorism exist in the Bible.  During the Mosaic times in the Bible's Old Testament, 3-year old slave girls were literally forced into sex under Moses' Orders and Command.  You sometimes have to read things twice to believe them!

See also: Maiming of the enemies' bodies in the Bible.   Cutting the hands and feet of the enemies in the Bible, and hanging their live bodies on trees until they DIE.

*** Killing of innocent children in the Bible.

*** X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

*** Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible.

  See also proofs how Aisha's parents were the ones who married her to our Prophet, and that no Muslim or even pagan objected to the marriage because it was widely practiced.  The reason no one objected was:

  1. People used to have very short life-spans in Arabia.   They used to live between 40 to 60 years maximum.  So it was only normal and natural for girls to be married off at ages 9 or 10 or similar.

  2. Marriage for young girls was widely practiced among Arabs back then, and even today in many third-world non-Muslim and Muslim countries.

Please visit: The age of Aisha, girls similar to her in the Bible, and unbelievable pedophilia against 3-year old slave babies in the pedophilic Bible.

Also visit: Why Muta (temporary) Marriage was allowed and why it was discontinued.



Having said all of that, let us now proceed:



He wrote:




“Abraham was tested by circumcision, shaving his pubic hair,
washing the fore-part and rear, using a toothstick,
and plucking his armpits.”

    Nothing is more essential to Islam’s credibility than Muhammad’s version of Abraham. Islam must prove that he was a Muslim, that his God was Allah, and that he worshiped in Mecca. Recognizing this, Muhammad tried desperately to make the case.
    We pick up the trail in Tabari’s History with something that sounds like Hitler’s idea of Arian supremacy. Tabari II:21 “Ham [Africans] begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth [Turks] begat all those who are full-faced with small eyes, and Shem [Arabs] begat everyone who is handsome of face with beautiful hair. Noah prayed that the hair of Ham’s descendants would not grow beyond their ears, and that whenever his descendants met the children of Shem, the latter would enslave them.” The slavery theme keeps reappearing because Muhammad used the slave trade to finance the spread of Islam. Turning Noah into a racist to justify such behavior wasn’t beneath Islam’s prophet—but then again, little was.
    We’re going to pass by Muhammad’s history lesson on the mythical tribes of Ad and Thamud. Their battles with the Almighty seemed important to Muhammad as he dedicated scores of Hadith to them. But I want to focus on the Islamic path to Abraham as it lies at the core of the prophet’s deception. Tabari II:50 “Nimrod was Abraham’s master and wanted him burned…. The first king who ruled over all the earth was Nimrod. There were four such kings who ruled all the earth: Nimrod, Solomon bin David, Dhu’l-Qarnain, and Nebuchadnezzar—two believers [Muslims] and two infidels.” Nimrod only ruled a city-state. Solomon’s kingdom only included a portion of the Middle East. Nebuchadnezzar’s realm like that of Dhu’l-Qarnain, as Alexander the Great, was large, but neither ruled over the whole earth. As for two of them being Muslims—Muhammad and Allah are again mistaken. There wasn’t a Muslim in the batch.
    According to Ishaq’s Sira: Tabari II:50 “Allah desired to send Abraham as an argument against his people and as a messenger to His worshippers since there had been no messengers between Noah and Abraham except Hud and Salih [the mythical rulers of Ad and Thamud].” If that’s true, there couldn’t have been Muslim worshippers. A thousand years had passed with no religious communication. Allah said he destroyed the Ad and Thamud and he never suggests Abraham visited them. So in an attempt to establish a religious context for his scam, Muhammad destroyed it. The scenario he has just laid out precludes worshippers, and without them, all he has shared thus far concerning the establishment of Islamic rites and the veneration of the Ka’aba, could not have been passed along.
   “As time drew near, the astrologers came to Nimrod, saying, ‘We have learned from our lore that a boy will be born in this city of yours who will be called Abraham. He will abandon your religion and break your idols in such and such a month and year.” Muslims are attempting to bestow on Abraham, whom they view as the father of Islam, the same kind of birth announcement enjoyed by Yahshua, the founder of Christianity, but they didn’t have a clue when either man actually lived.
    Both secular and scriptural histories tell us that Nimrod died centuries before Abraham was born. The clay tablets that were unearthed near ancient Babylon starting in the late 19th century suggest Nimrod died violently at the age of forty around 2800 B.C., two generations after the great flood. Apart from the Bible, Abraham is not as well known. Yet, archeologists have been able to confirm the Biblical accounting of when he lived by unearthing the places the Scriptures say he visited or that coexisted during his time. They have found dozens of corroborating artifacts that confirm Abraham lived between 2100 B.C. and 1950 B.C. These men were not contemporaries.
    Since their lives were separated by 700 years, everything Muhammad claims about them is both suspect and uninspired. Tabari II:53 “Another story about Abraham is that a star rose over Nimrod so bright that it blotted out the light of the sun and the moon. He became frightened and called the magicians, soothsayers, and prognosticators to ask about it. They said, ‘A man will arise in your domain whose destiny is to destroy you and your rule.’ Nimrod lived in Babylon but he left his town and moved to another, forcing all men to go with him but leaving the women. He ordered that any male child who was born should be slain.” This is a blatant, although not believable, rip-off of the star of Bethlehem that directed wise men to Christ and of King Herod killing the male children born that year in Bethlehem.
    The Bible tells us that Abram, the future Abraham, was born in Ur, the great Chaldean city, to Terah. His journey to the Promised Land is detailed in Genesis 11. Muhammad says: “Some task in Babylon came up for which Nimrod could trust only Azar, the father of Abraham. He sent him to do the job, saying, ‘See that you do not have intercourse with your wife.’ Azar said to him, ‘I am too tenacious in my religion for that.’ But when he entered Babylon he visited his wife and could not control himself. He had intercourse with her and fled to a town called Ur.”
    Tabari II:53
“When Abraham’s mother found that she was in labor she went out to a cave near her house and bore Abraham. She shut the cave up on him and returned home. Later when she went to see how he had done, she found him alive, sucking his thumb. Allah placed Abraham’s sustenance in it.” Muhammad was abandoned by his mother at birth, so he invented this story to mimic his own childhood.
    Tabari II:51 “Abraham had been in the cave for fifteen months when he said to his mother, ‘Take me out that I may look around.’” Why bother? After fifteen months of living in a cave, he would have been blind. “So she took him out one evening and he looked about and thought of the creation of the heavens and the earth and said, ‘Verily the One who created me and fed me is my Lord—I have no other god but Him.’” Thus, an infant conceived the first pillar of Islam. But alas, the Hadith and Qur’an quickly plummet into spiritual delirium. “He looked out at the sky and saw a star. ‘This is my Lord.’ He followed it with his eyes until it disappeared. When it set he said, ‘I do not like things that set.’ Then he saw the moon rising and said, ‘This is my Lord.’ [Perceptive kid—Allah began his life as a moon deity.] And he followed it until it disappeared. When it set, he said, ‘If my Lord did not guide me, I would have gone astray.’” A fifteen-month-old baby converts from paganism to Islam by watching the moon.  Sure, why not.
    Like so many Islamic Traditions, these were written to provide the context the Qur’an lacks. Let’s dive into the 6th surah to hear what Allah has to say: 006.074 “When Abraham said to his sire, Azar: ‘Why do you take idols for gods? I find you and your people in manifest error.’ Thus We showed Abraham the visible and invisible kingdom of the heavens and earth that he might be of those who are sure and believe. So when night overshadowed him, he saw a star. Said he: ‘This is my Lord?’ When it set, he said: ‘I do not love the setting ones.’ When he saw the moon rising, he said: ‘This is my Lord?’ When it set, he said: ‘If my Lord had not guided me I would be of the erring people who go astray.’” This is embarrassing. The conversation condemns the message. After Allah personally showed Abe his kingdom so that he might be sure, the Islamic babe turns to the sky, the source of idols, and says, “This is my Lord.” What is it about Islam that turns everyone’s brains to mush—Allah’s included?
    006.078 “Then when he saw the sun rising, he said: ‘My Lord is surely this, the greatest of all.’ So when it set, he said: ‘O my people, I am through with those. Surely I have turned my face toward Him who originated the heavens and earth, and I am not a polytheist.’” The sun, the most popular pagan deity, is now god, never mind it was the moon in the preceding Tradition. After becoming an idolater, he magically turns and says he’s through with idols. And after asking a star, the moon, and the sun if they were god, he says he’s not a polytheist. All the context in the world, all the explanations ever written, can’t undo the damage the Qur’an does to itself.
    Tabari explains it this way: Tabari II:51 “When day came upon Abraham and the sun rose, he saw the greatness of the sun and saw that here was something with more light than he had ever seen before. He said, ‘This is my Lord! This is greater!’ And when it set he exclaimed, ‘O my people, I am free from all the things which you associate with Him.’” Muhammad wants us to believe that all it took to “free” this fifteen-month old baby from pagan idolatry, worshiping the sun, moon, and stars, to become a Muslim in the oneness of Allah was for the sun to set.
    006.080 “His people disputed with him.” What people? Depending upon whether you believe Muhammad’s Hadith or Allah’s Qur’an, he’s with his mom or dad. He’s a toddler, having just emerged from a cave for the first time. “He said: ‘Do you dispute with me respecting Allah? He has guided me. I do not fear those that you set up with Him, unless my Lord pleases; my Lord comprehends all things; will you not mind?’”
    Let me see if I can decipher this. Over the course of one brief conversation, dishonest Abe tells his father that he and his people are in manifest error, and that idolatry is bad. After visiting heaven he says that big bright shiny things are gods, and that he is not a polytheist. Then he disputes with people he has never seen about their religion. He even says that he doesn’t fear their gods, unless of course, his god wants him to fear them. And, wouldn’t you know it, after such drivel, he tells them to mind him. This Qur’anic passage destroys the Islamic myth of divine inspiration, for this is not some minor event in the life of Islam. Abraham is purported to be the religion’s founder, and this is his moment of awakening.
    006.081 “Why should I fear what you have set up with Allah, that for which He has not sent down to you any authority.” We can only assume that the Abe babe is speaking of idols his people have erected in shrines like the Ka’aba. “O my father! Why do you worship that which neither hears, nor sees, nor can in any way help you?” Even something as simple as this indicts Muhammad. It’s a rip off. As we shall see in upcoming chapters, Arabian Hanifs (monotheists) during Muhammad’s day had it figured out. They had said of the rock idols in the Ka’aba, “Why do you worship that which neither hears, nor sees, nor can help you in any way?”
   “Do you reject my gods, Abraham? If you do not cease this, I shall stone you.” As sick as this sounds, it depicts Muslim behavior. If a son renounces Islam, his father will kill him. One of my friends, a former Muslim, had this very thing happen to him. Hearing the news, his loving father reached for his gun and fired it at his son, narrowly missing him. Mark Gabriel, who holds a Ph.D. in Islamic History, wrote a book about his experience called: Islam and Terror.
    006.083 “And this was Our argument which we gave to Abraham against his people. And We gave him Ishaq (Isaac) and Yah’qub (Jacob) [Oops. Abraham was given Isaac and Ishmael. Jacob came later]; each did We guide, and Nuh (Noah) did We guide before, and of his descendants, David and Solomon, and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron; and thus do We reward those who do good (following Muhammad’s example in the Sunnah). And Zachariah and Yahya (John), Isa (Jesus) and Elias; every one was of the good [i.e. Muslims]; And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot and every one We preferred above men and jinn.” One of the many problems with the Qur’an is that Allah was no brighter than Muhammad. Job was a gentile and a contemporary of Abraham. As such he could neither be Abe’s descendant nor follow Solomon.
    I am reasonably certain that the Yathrib Jews read their scriptures correctly to Muhammad. But having a poor memory, and a heinous agenda, he got them all fouled up. I don't say that to be mean spirited, just informative. Muhammad will convict himself of having a heinous agenda a thousand times over before we are through. As prophets go, he was pretty pathetic.
    Returning to the Islamicized Abraham, Ibn Ishaq tells us: Tabari II:52 “Then Abraham returned to his father Azar, having seen the right course. He had recognized his Lord.” Actually, all he had done was recognize who his Lord wasn’t. And while that may sound picky, that’s all Muhammad really did. Ultimately, he promoted the largest of the Meccan rock idols, Allah, and denounced the rest. “He was free of the religion of his people, but he did not tell them that.” This, too, is revisionism for the sake of Muhammad. Allah’s Messenger kept quiet about his first “revelation” for several years.
    One of the most repetitive and damning indictments in the Qur’an comes from the Meccans. They recognized that Muhammad’s notion of casting the smaller Ka’aba idols aside so that the largest idol could be feared as the one true god was lunacy. A big stone was no more god than a bunch of little ones. Ishaq:38 “Every house had an idol. When Allah sent Muhammad with the message of monotheism, the Quraysh said: ‘Would he make many gods into one god? This is a strange thing.’” So Muhammad, ever in character, changed the story of the great Hebrew patriarch Abraham to make his behavior seem inspired.
    This sorry tale is chronicled in both the Hadith and Qur’an. Tabari II:55 “His father told him, ‘Abraham, we have a festival. If you go to it you will learn to like our religion.’ The festival came and they went to it. On the way Abraham threw himself down and said, ‘I am sick. My foot hurts.’ When they went away he called to the last of them. ‘I shall deal with your idols after you have gone away and turned your backs.’ Abraham went to the house of the gods which was in a great hall. Opposite the entrance was a great idol, and at his side a smaller one, and next to him a smaller one, and so on.” Too bad Allah didn’t get out more. He would have known that in Abraham’s day the Temple of Ur housed just one god—Sin—a masculine moon deity like himself. Unlike the Ka’aba, there weren’t a bunch of rock idols lying around.
    “Azar made a living making the idols which his people worshipped, and he employed Abraham to sell them. Abraham would call out, ‘Who will buy what will be of no use to him?’ So they became unsellable. He would take them to the river and point their heads at it and say, ‘Drink!’ mocking his people. At length his mocking spread about among the inhabitants of his town, although Nimrod did not hear of it. Then when the time seemed right to Abraham to reveal to his people the error of what they were doing, and to tell them of Allah’s command and of how to pray, he glanced up at the stars and said, ‘I feel sick.’ They fled from him when they heard it, but Abraham had only said it to make them go away so that he could do what he wanted with their idols. When they left he went to the idols and brought them food. He said, ‘Will you not eat? What is the matter? Why do you not speak?’ reproaching their falsely elevated position and mocking them.”
    If you’ve got one, open your Qur’an to the 37th surah. So as not to take Allah’s word out of context, let’s read from the beginning, picking up the highlights as we go along. Seeing Allah as he really is will help elucidate the Islamic mystery. The peace-loving god tells his troops: “By those (angels) arranged in battle ranks who are strong in repelling and thus proclaim the Message of Allah! Verily, your Ilah (God) is one!” Thank god for small favors. 037.006 “We have decked the lower heaven with stars to protect them against all rebellious evil spirits, and provide security from every forward devil. So they cannot listen to the highest chiefs for they are pelted from every side, repulsed; they are under a perpetual torment, being driven off. Except such as they snatch away something by stealth, but then they are pursued by a flaming fire of piercing brightness.” In Islam, stars are used to guard against forward devils. The Islamic Ilah (God) named Allah would have us believe that he dissuades and torments “evil spirits” with physical objects.
    037.011 “Just ask their opinion (Muhammad). [Whose opinion—the stars’, the rebellious evil spirits’?] Are they the more difficult to create, or the other beings We have created? Them have We created out of a sticky clay! Are they stronger as a creation? Truly dost thou marvel, while they ridicule.” Nay, I dost both marvel and ridicule. 037.013 “When they are admonished, pay no heed. When they see a Sign, [they] turn it to mockery, and incite one another to scoff. And say, ‘This is nothing but evident sorcery!’” I agree.
    037.016 “What! When we die, and become dust and bones, shall we be raised up and also our fathers of old? Say (Muhammad): ‘Yea, and ye shall then be humiliated: Ye, in truth; and ye will be brought low.’” I suppose some Muslim scholar thought translating the Qur’an into Elizabethan English would make it sound religious. But lo, methinks it helpeth thee not. For your sake and mine, I will continue to edit most of the archaic language out of the text. I have also made a habit of correcting much of Allah’s grammar, punctuation, verbosity, and oblique sentence structure. 037.019 “Then will be a single cry; and behold, they will stare! They will say, ‘Woe to us! This is the Day of Doom.’ This you denied! Assemble the wrong-doers and their wives and the things they worshipped besides Allah, then lead them to the fierce flaming fires of Hell.” Even cleaned up, the message is repulsive.
    Allah stoops to interrogate his captives. 037.024 “But stop them, for they are to be questioned. ‘What is the matter with you that you do not help each other?’ Nay, but this day they make full submission.... ‘The sentence has come against us: we shall taste the punishment.’” Remember, according to Islam, people are never given a choice. They are predestined at birth to perish in hell’s fire. Thus, this questioning is for Allah’s entertainment. 037.033 “Truly, they will all share at the Penalty of Doom. That is how We shall deal with the Mujrimun (non-Muslims). For when they were told that there is no ilah (god) but Allah, they puffed themselves up with pride and were scornful. They said: ‘What, shall we give up our alihah (gods) for the sake of an insane possessed poet?’” This was “revealed” so Muhammad could lash out at the Meccans. They called him insane for turning many idols into one god. They said he was demon-possessed due to the hellish tone of his Qur’an.
    As you might expect, Allah didn’t see it that way. Muhammad’s alter ego had but one spokesperson. If he faltered, Allah crumbled with him. 037.037 “Nay, he has come with the truth, and he confirms the Message of the messengers before him. You shall indeed taste the grievous penalty of painful doom.” Tease Muhammad and Allah will burn you. It’s the Qur’an’s never-ending taunt.
    037.040 “Save the chosen slaves of Allah; For them there is a known provision: Fruits, Delights; they will be honored in the Gardens of Pleasure, on thrones facing one another. Round them will be passed a cup of pure white wine, delicious to the drinkers, free from ghoul (hurt) or intoxication, nor shall you be made mad or exhausted thereby.” We’ve got the thrones and Allah’s special brew, now all we need are the virgins. “And with them will be Qasirat-at-Tarf (virgin females), restraining their glances (desiring none but you), with big, beautiful eyes. As if they were (sheltered) eggs, preserved.”
    If the martyrs get virgins, what do their victims get? 037.054 “He said: ‘Would you like to look down?’ He looked down and saw him in the midst of the Fire, in the depths of Hell. He said: ‘You nearly caused me to perish! Had it not been for my Lord, I would have been among those brought there [the suicide bomber said to the innocent children he had blown to pieces]!’” Allah wanted the mass murderers to know: 037.059 “Except for your former death, you shall not be punished. This is the supreme triumph! For the likes of this let us strive. That is the better entertainment.”
    Hell’s torments sound a lot like what might have occurred around a desert campfire. 037.063 “For We have truly made it as a trial to torment the disbelievers. Zaqqum is a horrible thorn tree that grows in Hell. The shoots of its fruit-stalks are like the heads of devils. Truly they [non-Muslims] will eat it and fill their bellies with it. On top of that they will be given a mixture made of boiling water to drink especially prepared. Then they shall be returned to the Blazing Fire,” Allah, Islam’s terrorist ilah proclaimed.
    We have finally arrived at the passage the Hadith was trying to illuminate. We wanted to find out why Abraham said he was sick and why he was playing with idols. 037.083 “Surely among those who followed His Way (Islam) was Abraham. He came to his Lord with a sound heart. He said to his father and to his folk, ‘What is that which you worship? Is it a falsehood—alihah (gods) besides Allah that you desire?’” The Qur’an didn’t define what his “Way” was. Islam is supposed to be the religion of Abraham yet the Qur’an never explains what that might be.
    037.087 “‘Then what is your idea about the Lord of men and jinn?’ Abraham cast a glance at the Stars. And he said, ‘I am indeed sick!’” Abe’s question about the Lord of the worlds followed by the capitalization of “Stars” is a problem. In the Qur’an, capitalization is a tribute to deity. Second, why did Abraham need to lie to accomplish his god’s agenda? One of my translations actually alters the text by adding a parenthetical to obfuscate this problem: “Surely I am sick (of your worshipping these).” Another says “sick (with plague).” Even Muhammad calls Abe a liar. Tabari II:63 “The Messenger said: ‘Abraham told three lies in his life. Two of them were about Allah—his saying “I feel sick” and his saying “The chief idol is the one who did it.”’”
    037.090 “They turned their backs and went away. He turned to their gods secretly and said, ‘Will you not eat?’ ‘What is the matter with you that you don’t speak?’” Deprived of place, time, and circumstance, this doesn’t make sense. Where was he? Why did he go to these gods? What are their names? And since Allah never spoke or ate, the revisionist Abe is being hypocritical. The following Hadith, stolen from the Talmud, scrambles to make sense of this: Tabari II:55 “The people prepared food and placed it before the gods, saying, ‘When we come back the gods will have blessed our food and we will eat.’ When Abraham saw them with the food, he said, ‘Will you not eat? And when they did not answer, he said, ‘What ails you that you don’t speak?’ Then he attacked them. He took a piece of iron and cut off each idol’s extremities. Then when only the largest idol was left, he tied the axe to its hand. When the people came to get their food and saw their gods in this state, they said, ‘An evildoer has done this to our gods.’”
    That was from Muhammad’s Sunnah by way of the Jewish Talmud. This is from Allah’s Qur’an: 037.093 “He turned upon them secretly, attacking, striking (them) with the right hand. Then came (people) with hurried steps, and faced (him). He said: ‘What! do you worship what you hew out? But Allah has created you and your handwork!’”
    Let’s turn to the salient portion of the 21st surah, named “The Prophets,” to make certain we are looking at Islam’s poison pill from all possible sides. 021.051 “We bestowed on Abraham correctness of conduct, and well were We acquainted with him. Behold, he said to his father and his folk, ‘What are these images, to which you are devoted?’ They said, ‘We found our fathers worshipping them.’ He said, ‘Indeed you have been in manifest error—you and your fathers.’ They said, ‘Have you brought us the truth, or are you some jester?’” This Qur’anic indulgence also emerges out of the blue without reference to the audience, place, time, or religion. Devoid of this context the passage is senseless today. Yet in Mecca, the meaning would have been crystal clear. Muhammad was being recast as Abraham.
    021.056 “He said, ‘Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and earth, He created them and I am a witness to this. I have a plot for your idols and will do something against them after you go away and turn your backs.’ So he broke them to pieces, (all) but the biggest of them, that they might turn to it.” A second translation says: “Then he reduced them to fragments, all save the chief of them, that haply they might have recourse to it.”
    This is one of the most incriminating verses in the Qur’an. Muhammad did this very thing. The prophet took the largest of the pagan idols of the Ka’aba—Allah—and promoted it to the exclusion of the others. He broke the smaller rock gods and elevated the Black Stone so that his people “might turn to it.” It was as if the early Greeks had broken the statues of Athena, Poseidon, and Hermes so that they could worship the one true god Zeus. How was the biggest idol any more “god” than the other imposters?
    While I’ll continue to convey Islam’s version of dishonest Abe to illustrate how Muhammad crafted his religious scam, I would be remiss if I didn’t credit the prophet with his first miracle. He just pounded a nail into his own coffin.
    The Qur’anic story continues with these uninspired words: 021.059 “They said, ‘Who has done this to our alihah (gods)?’ ‘He is a mischief-monger.’ ‘We heard a youth talk of them called Abraham.’ ‘Then bring him before us that he may testify.’ They said, ‘Are you the one who did this?’ He said: ‘No, it was done by the biggest idol! Ask the other idols if they can speak!’…They were utterly shamed and confounded. ‘You know they do not speak.’ He said: ‘What! Do you then serve besides Allah what brings no profit, nor can harm you? ‘Fie [?] upon you, and upon the things that you worship besides Allah! Have you no sense?’ They said, ‘Burn him and protect our gods.’” Since Allah never spoke, why didn’t that shame Muhammad? And why would the supposed patriarch of monotheistic Islam tell his people that a pagan god smashed lesser idols? Would that not make the idol real? Moreover, the Muhammadized Abraham called a “god” false because it “cannot harm you.” The implication is that Allah is real because he’s fixated on sadistic torments. That’s not good.
    Now that we have an argument raging, it’s time to reshape Abraham of Ur into the image of Muhammad of Mecca. For this we will bounce between the 37th and 21st surahs. 037.097 “They said, ‘Build him a furnace, and fling him into the blazing red-hot fire!’ They then sought a plot against him, but We made them the ones most humiliated! And he said: ‘Surely I fly to my lord; He will guide me.’” When the townsfolk of Mecca developed their plot and tried to burn Muhammad’s britches, he flew off to Allah in his dreams. He jumped on al-Buraq, an imaginary winged steed, half ass and half donkey (like its rider), and cruised to heaven by way of Jerusalem. Although he humiliated himself with his tale of derring-do, Muhammad also claimed that it was really the Meccans who were dashed.
   021.069 “We said, ‘O Fire, be cool and safety for Abraham!’ Then they sought a stratagem against him and wished to set a snare, but We made them the ones that lost most!” I know Allah loves plots, but this is ridiculous. Why would the townsfolk design a plot to snare him after they were burning him? 021.071 “But We delivered him and Lot to the land [of Israel] which We have blessed for men and jinn.” This must be a joke. Allah has blessed Israel? Was that the blessing of the PLO or Islamic Jihad?
    As the Islamic Abraham flees the fire, we are confronted with an odd transition and unbelievable dialog. 037.100 “‘Lord, grant me a righteous (son)!’ So We gave him the good news of a boy ready to suffer and forbear. Then, when (the son) reached (the age of) (serious) work with him, he said: ‘Son! I see in a vision that I offer you in sacrifice: Now what is your view!’ (The son) said: ‘O my father! Do as you are commanded: you will find me, if Allah so wills, one practicing Patience and Constancy!’” Even with nine words artificially inserted into the text by the translators for clarification, this verse is bizarre. It is as if Muhammad overheard a half dozen Bible stories and tried to tie them all together in one paragraph. Over the course of five sentences he takes us from a gang of nameless people building a furnace to terrorize Abe to having him terrorize his son. And there is a significant detail missing—the son’s name isn’t stated because Muhammad can’t decide which son should be sacrificed or even where or when the event occurred.
    037.103 “When they had surrendered (to Allah), and he had flung him on his face, We called out, ‘Abraham! You have fulfilled the vision! Lo! that was a clear test. And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice, with a tremendous victim!’” Allah, the counterfeit god, continues to falsify history. 037.110 “Thus do We reward the doers of good. For he was one of Our believing slaves. And We gave him the good news of the birth of Isaac, a prophet among the good ones. We blessed him and Isaac: but of their progeny are (some) that do right, and (some) that obviously do wrong.” As a reward for Abraham’s faithfulness, Allah predicts the birth of the son he almost sacrificed. Brilliant.
    Somewhere, sometime, someone may have done a worse job plagiarizing, but it’s hard to imagine. The omissions, the lack of place, time, and purpose degrade one of the Bible’s great events. Muhammad, I mean Allah, was trying to rip off, I mean utilize, the story of Abraham and Isaac. The original provides such a refreshing change from this drivel it’s worth a quick review.
    First, Yahweh sets the scene and unfolds the story chronologically. Genesis chronicles the life of Abraham, the places he lived, the people he encountered, as well as the birth of his two sons, Isaac and Ishmael. Yahweh had told Abraham to send Ishmael out of the Promised Land, and the boy fell out of Abraham’s life and Yahweh’s plans, fading into Biblical oblivion. As we approach the 22nd chapter, God tells us that Abraham was living in Beersheba. He had just returned from visiting the Philistines in Gaza. Within that context, he speaks to him about Isaac, the patriarch’s miracle child from his wife Sarah, the beneficiary of the covenant.
    “Now it came about after these things, that Yahweh tested Abraham and called to him, ‘Abraham.’ ‘Here I am.’ Yahweh said, ‘Take your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a sacrifice on one of the mountains of which I will tell you.’” The Temple in Jerusalem was built on Mount Moriah by Solomon to commemorate Abraham’s faith. Yahshua would be sacrificed there to save mankind. To this day, it remains the most coveted place on earth. And it’s a three-day walk, forty miles north by northwest, from Beersheba.
    The details of the sacrifice were extraordinarily important to Yahweh. This drama had to be played out exactly as it would happen to Yahshua. The timing was important, too. The call came 2,000 years after the fall of Adam and two thousand years before the Messiah endured the same fate. Remember, Yahweh gave us a pattern—six eras of creation followed by an era of rest. It has been nearly 2,000 years since Christ’s sacrifice and the Bible tells us that 1,000 years of peace will follow his return.
    “So Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him along with Isaac. He split wood for the sacrifice and went to the place Yahweh had told him to go. On the third day Abraham raised his eyes and saw it from a distance. Abraham said to his young men, ‘Stay here with the donkey. The lad and I will go yonder. We will worship and return to you.’ Abraham took the wood for the offering and laid it on his son. He took the fire and the knife. (Fire is a metaphor for judgment and the knife is the implement of atonement.) Walking together, Isaac said, ‘My father.’ He answered, ‘Here I am, my son.’ ‘I see the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the offering?’ ‘Yahweh will provide for himself the lamb for the offering.’” (Notice that Abraham actually answers in God’s name—I Am, or Yahweh—every time he is called.)
    “When they came to the place of which Yahweh had told him; Abraham arranged the altar, bound his son Isaac, and laid him on the wood. Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to sacrifice his son. But Yahweh called to him from heaven, and said, ‘Abraham!’ ‘Here I am.’ ‘Do not stretch out your hand against the boy and do nothing to him for I know that you love Me, since you have not withheld your son, your only son from Me.’
    “Then Abraham raised his eyes and looked and saw a ram caught in the thicket by his horns; he took the ram and offered him in place of his son. ‘Because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, I will greatly bless you and I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heavens…and through your descendents all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.’ So Abraham returned to his men, and they arose and went together to Beersheba where Abraham lived.”
    Real scripture sets human events in context so that we can learn something. Yahweh not only explained the nature of his relationship with man but also explained what was to come, so when it happened, we might recognize the significance.



My response:

You mentioned several points:

1-  Abraham was not a Muslim, and his GOD was not Allah Almighty.   Muhammad needed to desperately prove that Abraham was a Muslim to strengthen his position and lies.

2-  Muhammad discriminated between races, considered Arabs as the "beautiful" race, and condoned slavery and promoted it to generate money off of it.

3-  Mistakes in historical accounts regarding Abraham.

4-  Nonsense about astronomy such as a star lighting above Abraham that its light covered the sun's.

5-  Allah Almighty making the fire being "cool" on Abraham is utter nonsense and illogical.

6-  Some of the Noble Quran's accounts on Abraham and others don't exist in the Bible.

Here is my response to your points:

Before I respond, let me first make it clear to the reader:  As I explained in my previous rebuttal, it is important for the reader to first know that the narrations above from Al-Tabari came from a book that contains historical accounts that were documented 100s of years after the Prophet's, peace be upon him, death.   Not everything you read is accurate and was necessarily told by the Prophet word for word, or even if at all!  It is important, if you wish to be objective and honest, to put the Noble Quran as the center for any Islamic argument.  If the Noble Quran makes a claim, then it is definitely agreed upon by all Muslims, and it is perfectly authentic.  Otherwise, GOD Almighty only Knows about what is true and what is false regarding the narrations that you use in Hadiths and Sunnah books.

In fact, the Al-Tabari volume is not very authentic and very doubtful when compared to the Hadiths' volumes and collections.  But even the Hadiths contain much corruptions in them, because they were documented 100s of years after the Prophet's death.   The "Sahih Bukhari" or "Authentic Bukhari" in English was the first volume to be compiled.  Bukhari is not an Arabic name!  Bukhari is derived from the word "Bukhara", which is a city in Afghanistan:

"We now come to the Iron Gate which corresponds exactly to the Quranic description, and has the best claim to be connected with Alexander's story.  It is near another Derbend in Central Asia, Hissar District, about 150 miles southeast of Bukhara......."  (  

For anyone who knows the Islamic history, this means that the Muslims spread Islam to the pagan Arabs, established the Islamic State in Arabia, then fought the Persians (Iranians) and the Romans; invaded the Persians and crushed the Romans, then fought the Hindus in Hindustan, invaded much of their lands such as "Pakistan", "Afghanistan", and much of the Indian territories, convert people there to Islam, and then Brother Bukhari appeared from his home town, Bukhara and decided to compile the Hadiths of "Sahih Bukhari".

Are these narrations all 100% perfect and reliable?  Any person with the least atom of a brain would say no.  I am not saying that all of the Hadiths must be rejected.  But for us to day to have close to 2,000,000 of them is quite ridiculous, because they can't all have been written down during our Prophet's times in Arabia.  Most of the Hadiths' chains of narrations today have 10s of narrators in them.  In the Hadith books, you would see something like the following:

"About such and such, that he heard his father say that such and such said, that he heard such and such say, that he heard such and such say, etc...."  Most of the narrations' links have tons of narrators in them, many times more than 10, and these people would be generations after each others!  In other words, they're not people at the same age or the same group.  And the worst dilemma of all, is that many of these chain of narrations have broken links in them, meaning, that two or three generations are missing in the chain!

Most of the hadiths are corrupt and are not recognized as authentic.  Most certainly the books of Al-Tabari and Ishaq are among the weakest and most doubtful sources, because they are more like history books that were written 300 years after the Prophet's death.  Their narrations were orally transmitted by others.   Many people took hadiths out of context, and many others added or took from them, and many others even fabricated lies, as Allah Almighty Warned us in the Noble Quran:

"A section of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) say:  Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers (Muslims), but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam).  (The Noble Quran, 3:72)"

Also, it is almost impossible to narrate a narration/saying accurately after 300 years in Arabic, because the language is very complex, poetical and artistic:


Problems with the proper Arabic language and the large quantity of narrations:

In Arabic, only original Arabs and those who speak proper (not slang) Arabic fluently, understand and appreciate the fact that the words are very minimum and their meanings are very maximum.  It is true and not a deception or innovation by translators to English that a single Arabic word can and would be translated to 3-5 English words!  The reason for this is because in Arabic (and this is part of the complexity in grammar, art and poetry of the Arabic language) meanings and not necessarily actual words can be all put together in one word.  In Arabic, a word is not original.  There are of course "root" words, but in most proper Arabic words, the actual word is not original; meaning that depending on the grammar, letters (of meaning) can be added to or taken from it to add or take from its meaning and intention.  This can change the entire meaning of the whole word  and sentence.

That is why Arabic poetry is historically known to be a very complex and advanced one.

Having said all of this, in the case of the hadiths, given the fact that there exists "weak/doubtful ones", and what is considered as "strong and reliable ones", it is difficult to know for sure if a single hadith was told as is 100% unchanged (intentionally or not intentionally) by the Prophet peace be upon him. One word taken off from the hadith and the whole meaning can and would be changed to something else.

For those "reliable or strong" hadiths, their sources are doubtful.  I have no doubt that the companions of the Prophet may Allah Almighty bless their souls did not intentionally commit forgery or lies.  But for one such as Abu Huraira to narrate thousands upon thousands of hadiths is preposterous!  Given the complexity and sensitivity of the Arabic language, it is extremely vital that every word be included in the narration.  I find it impossible to believe that Abu Huraira and many others like him were able to narrate everything perfectly in its original text.

That is why I accept the hadiths that are linked to the Noble Quran as the Truth and reject the others.

Also, there is no proof what so ever that all of the accepted hadiths of today were all written during the Prophet's time.  Some or even many of them were probably written down from individuals for personal use, but the thousands of hadiths (I was told close to 2 million hadiths!!) that exist today were not possibly all written during the Prophet's time. 

I only accept the hadiths that have a direct relationship to the Noble Quran, such as explaining how to Pray, fast, etc....

Example about my own name to simplify things:

Take "Osama" for example.  First of all, Osama in Arabic is written as "Osamat" with the "t" silent.  The "t" however is not always silent, and it can be used to give meanings and intentions to the name "Osama".  Osama can be written as "Osamatun", "Osamatan", "Osamatin", "Osamata", "Osamati", "Osamato".  The punctuations added to the "t" cause for any of these names to be pronounced.

When writing positively about "Osama", such as "Osama bin Zaid", the leader who defeated the Romans in one of the battles, these punctuations are added to his name for praising.  Unfortunately, I am not an expert in Arabic, nor can I explain in deep details about proper Arabic, but I know that use of punctuations IMPROPERLY can result in insulting the individual.  I can write negatively about a name using punctuations in their proper places.

THE REASON WHY THE NOBLE QURAN IS SO PERFECT IS BECAUSE its grammar was constructed in a very complex way, and the Arabic words were not only original words, but were put together uniquely in an excellent artistic fashion that no Arabic poet could match up to back then when Allah Almighty challenged the Arabs to come up with a "SURAH LIKE IT".

To the reader, please visit: 
What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?

Having said all of that, here is my response to the above points:

1-   "Muslim" is an Arabic word that is derived from the root word "Salam", which means peace.  Muslim simply means one who submitted himself in peace and embraced the belief in the Absolute One and Living GOD Almighty, and associated no partners (god, humans or idols) with Him.  Allah Almighty Said:

"Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him.  (The Noble Quran, 112:1-4)"

"Then Praise be to Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earth- Lord and Cherisher of all the worlds!  To Him be Glory throughout the heavens and the earth: and He is Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom!.  (The Noble Quran, 45:36-37)

"Say: 'O People of the Book (i.e., Jews and Christians)!   Come to common terms as between us and you:  That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.'  If then they turn back, say ye: 'Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will).'  (The Noble Quran, 3:64)"

"And behold! I inspired the Disciples to have faith in Me [Allah] and Mine Messenger [Jesus]; they said, ''We have faith, and do thou bear witness that we bow to Allah as Muslims.'  (The Noble Quran, 5:111)"

"God forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with God is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed. (The Noble Quran, 4:48)"

"Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to God, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith? For God did take Abraham for a friend.  (The Noble Quran, 4:125)"

Abraham, peace be upon him, was not the only "Muslim" before Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.  Islam started from Adam, peace be upon him, and continued all the way until Prophet Muhammad.  All of the Prophets without any exceptions believed in the Absolute One and True Living GOD Almighty and Worshiped only Him.  Abraham was a true Muslim and the father of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Prophet Muhammad was not desperate to prove anything about Abraham.   Islam is True by itself.  It is very simple by nature and is the natural human religion by birth; meaning humans from their very early days naturally believe in the One GOD Almighty.  Abraham was a Muslim because he submitted "his whole self to God" Almighty and did Righteousness.


2-  As to Prophet Muhammad being a racist and an enslaver, these are all lies against the Prophet.   The book of Al-Tabari was written literally 100s of years after the natural death of our beloved Prophet.  Many had injected lies and corruptions and fabricated stories to poison Islam.  The Hadiths are corrupt and filled with man's alterations and lies.  They can't all be trusted, especially the ones that clearly CONTRADICT THE NOBLE QURAN!  Racism is not part of the Noble Quran.  Allah Almighty Said:

"O mankind! [this includes all races and all nations] We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other.  Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.  And Allah has full knowledge and is well-acquainted.  (The Noble Quran, 49:13)"

This Noble Verse clearly refutes the bogus narration that exists in the Al-Tabari about our Prophet saying that the Arabs are the "best" race. 

Now as to slavery and enslaving people, again, this is another lie!  IT IS THE BIBLE that promotes slavery and enslaving of people!  I have written a detailed section with tons of quotes from both the Noble Quran and the bible to back up this claim:


"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other.  Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.  And Allah has full knowledge and is well-acquainted.  (The Noble Quran, 49:13)"

Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari:  "The Prophet said, "Give food to the hungry, pay a visit to the sick and release (set free) the one in captivity (by paying his ransom).(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Food, Meals, Volume 7, Book 65, Number 286)"


Human equality in Islam V.S. Christianity:

See how Islam came to liberate slaves and end the Judeo-Christian and Pagan slavery, and how the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments promotes slavery.


In Islam:

Are Muslims the "Chosen People" of GOD?  If not, then who are?  No race, color or gender is better than the other.

The liberation of slaves in Islam.   The ending of the Judeo-Christian and pagan slavery.

Why did slavery exist during Islam? And how did Islam deal with it?

"Your Slaves are your brothers" in Islam

The Prophet divided the food between the slaves and the free.

Treatment of Slaves in Islam.  If you beat your slave, then you will go to hell.

Can a slave request his freedom from his Muslim Master and be granted his freedom in Islam?  Yes.  The Muslim Master must pay him/her money too to get a nice jump start in life too according to the Noble Quran.

YES, freedom of Religion is allowed in Islam!  Islam totally disagree with Afghanistan's Taliban or any Muslim State that execute any Muslim for deserting Islam!  Islam also totally disagrees with killing any non-Muslim Missionaries trying to spread their religion in Muslim States.  See the proof for yourself from the Noble Quran. 

Islam prohibits terrorism.

The woman can not be forced into marriage in Islam.

Why did Allah Almighty make lawful for Muslim men to have sexual intercourse with the married women whom are captives of war?

Is there equality between men and women in Islam?

What does Allah Almighty say about Justice for all in an Islamic State?

Does Islam really allow the killing of innocent unbelievers?

Women have the right and are commanded by Allah Almighty to seek education in Islam.

Prophet Muhammad taking revenges for himself and committing murders is a lie!  Does Islam really encourage Muslims to take revenge?  Absolutely Not!

Forgiveness and revenge in Islam.  There is a difference between being a peaceful person, and a coward hypocrite in Islam.

Why did Muhammad take up arms and Christ didn't?  Why did Islam spread by the sword if it were indeed a Religion of Truth, and Christianity didn't?  See my response to this misunderstanding.  Did you know that even Jesus killed his enemies in the Bible?

Is Ethnic cleansing allowed in Islam?


Human equality in Christianity?

Introduction: When it comes to human affairs and relations, slavery is one of the back bones of the spine of Christianity and its principles:  "All who are under the yoke of slavery should consider their masters worthy of full respect, so that God's name and our teaching may not be slandered.  (From the NIV Bible, 1 Timothy 6:1)"

"Let all who are under the yoke of slavery regard their masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be defamed.  (From the RSV Bible, 1 Timothy 6:1)"

In either translation, we clearly see that the Bible is not a book for freeing slaves.   Slavery was practiced very badly during the times of Judaism and Christianity, and was fought against and ended during the times of Islam.  It is part of the Bible's "teaching" to practice and promote slavery!  And fighting it would "slander" or "defame" the teachings of the Bible.

My Challenge:  I invite any Jew or Christian to bring me one Bible verse that orders its followers to free slaves!

Slavery and racism in the Bible.  (Some of my rebuttals are included).

Instant death to those who desert Christianity in the Bible.

The sinless and perfect men in the Bible who are above all.

Being passive in the Bible- The New Testament according to (Romans 13:1-5) orders us to follow the laws of dictators and murderers and not the laws of GOD.  Being Coward, Passive and Pathetic in the Bible.

Bad things said about Jesus peace be upon him in the New Testament.

The Bible literally allows for the strong to eat the weak.  See how injustice is done in the Bible.  When the influential individual sleeps with his neighbor's wife, then no harm is done to them.  But when the the ordinary individual does it, then they get put to death according to the Bible's teachings and commands.

Can a slave request his freedom from his Jewish or Christian Master and be granted his freedom in the Bible?  No.  Slaves are to be inherited forever in the Bible.

Why did Muhammad take up arms and Christ didn't?  Why did Islam spread by the sword if it were indeed a Religion of Truth, and Christianity didn't?  See my response to this misunderstanding.  Did you know that even Jesus killed his enemies in the Bible?


3-  In regards to the mistakes in the historical accounts regarding Abraham, there are two main points that need to be mentioned:

(a)  The book of Al-Tabari is a history book filled with narrations from all kinds of different sources.  Much of it was most probably copied straight from the Bible.   It is as I explained and proved above a DOUBTFUL AND UNRELIABLE BOOK!   This is not my opinion.  This is a fact.

(b)  The Bible itself contains OVERWHELMING contradictions and errors in its historical accounts and authenticity as well.  Consider the following few examples that consist of historical contradictions in the Bible:

II Samuel 10:18 talks about David slew the men of 700 chariots of the Syrians and 40,000 horsemen and Shobach the commander.
I Chronicles 1:18 says that David slew the men of 7000 chariots and 40,000 footmen

I Chronicles 9:25 says that Solomon had 4000 stalls for horses and chariots.
I Kings 4:26 says that he had 40,000 stalls for horses

Ezra 2:5 talks about an exile Arah having 775 sons.
Nehemiah 7:10 talks about the same exile Arah having 652 sons.

II Samuel 24:13 So God came to David, and told him, and said unto him, shall SEVEN YEARS OF FAMINE come unto thee in thy land? or will thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they pursue. thee?
I Chronicles 21:11 SO God came to David, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Choose thee. Either THREE YEARS OF FAMINE or three months to be destryed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee;

How did Judas die?
"And he cast down the pieces of silver into the temple and departed, and went out and hanged himself." (Matthew 27:5)
"And falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all of his bowels gushed out." (Acts 1:18)

2 Samuel 6:23 Therefore MICHAL the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death.
2 Samuel 21:8 But the king took the two sons of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, whom she bare unto Saul, Armoni and Mephibosheth; and the five sons of MICHAL the daughter of Saul, whom she brought up for Adriel the son of Barzillai the Meholathite.

2 Kings 24:8 Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. And his mother's name was Nehushta, the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem.
2 Chronicles 36:9 Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem: and he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD.

26th year of the reign of Asa I Kings 16:6-8
36th year of the reign of Asa I 2 Chronicles 16:1

How old was Ahaziah when he began to reign?
22 in 2 Kings 8:26
42 in 2 Chronicle 22:2

Who was Josiah's successor?
Jehoahaz - 2 Chronicle 36:1
Shallum - Jeremiah 22:11

Also, your original scriptures are all doubtful according to the Bible's own theologians and historians.  It's quite hilarious that even the Bible itself admits that it has been tampered with and corrupted by man's garbage:

"`How can you say, "We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

The Revised Standard Version makes it even clearer: "How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie(From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

And regarding who wrote the books and gospels of the Bible, well here is a sample of what the NIV Bible's theologians and historians wrote:

"Serious doubts exists as to whether these verses belong to the Gospel of Mark.  They are absent from important early manuscripts and display certain peculiarities of vocabulary, style and theological content that are unlike the rest of Mark.  His Gospel probably ended at 16:8, or its original ending has been lost.  (From the NIV Bible Foot Notes, page 1528)"

"Although the author does not name himself, evidence outside the Scriptures and inferences from the book itself lead to the conclusion that the author was Luke.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1643)"

"The writer of this letter does not identify himself, but he was obviously well known to the original recipients.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1856)"

"The letter is difficult to date with precision....(From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1905)"

"It seems safe to conclude that the book, at least in its early form, dates from the beginning of the monarchy. Some think that Samuel may have had a hand in shaping or compiling the materials of the book, but in fact we are unsure who the final author or editor was.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 286)"

"Although, according to tradition, Samuel wrote the book, authorship is actually uncertain.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 322)"

"The date of the composition is also unknown, but it was undoubtedly during the monarchy.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 322)"

"The author is unknown. Jewish tradition points to Samuel, but it is unlikely that he is the author because the mention of David (4:17,22) implies a later date.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 360)"

"Who the author was cannot be known with certainty since the book itself gives no indication of his identity.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 368)"

"There is little conclusive evidence as to the identity of the author of 1,2 Kings.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 459)"

"Whoever the author was, it is clear that he was familiar with the book of Deuteronomy.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 459)"

"According to ancient Jewish tradition, Ezra wrote Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah (see Introduction to Ezra: Literary Form and Authorship), but this cannot be established with certainty.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 569)"

"Although we do not know who wrote the book of Esther, from internal evidence it is possible to make some inferences about the author and the date of composition.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 707)"

"The unknown author probably had access to oral and/or written sources....(From the NIV Bible commentary, page 722)"

"Regarding authorship, opinions are even more divided....(From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 773)"


How do you respond to this?

Please visit: Just who were the original authors of the Bible? to see the book's bibliography to the above quotes.

Also, why don't you visit: Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible, and see exactly what I mean, instead of acting like a total fool and saying things that even the Bible refutes in it!

It is quite obvious that Christians today believe in third party authors' words as the words of GOD.  This is a very serious corruption in the Bible that must be taken into deep consideration by the Bible's followers.  Please visit "Is the Bible the true word of GOD?" to see a full and complete paper about the logical corruptions in the Bible, along with many Christian famous priests and ministers opinions that agree with the Bible's corruption.  I have their personal quotes in that site.

Also, as to the parts of the Bible that Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, please visit:

After that, please visit:  Prophet Muhammad was foretold in many places in the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments.



4-   In regards to the nonsense about astronomy such as a star lighting above Abraham that its light covered the sun's, again, the book of Al-Tabari is doubtful and unreliable.   We can't tell for sure if Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did indeed say these words, especially when they contradict the Noble Quran:

"It is He Who made the sun to be a shining glory and the moon to be a light (of beauty), and measured out stages for her; that ye might know the number of years and the count (of time). Nowise did God create this but in truth and righteousness. (Thus) doth He explain His Signs in detail, for those who understand.  (The Noble Quran, 10:5)"

Allah Almighty never talked about stars shinning more than the sun upon earth in the Noble Quran.


I'd like Craig Winn to answer the following wrong statements about astronomy in his Bible:


Contradictions with Science:

Earth is flat, has edges, standing on pillars and never moves:

"He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.   (From the NIV Bible, Psalm 104:5)"

"The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength.  The world [The deceiving translators should've said "earth", not "world"] is firmly established; it cannot be moved.   (From the NIV Bible, Psalm 93:1)"

"Say among the nations, "The LORD reigns."   The world [Again, the deceiving translators should've said "earth", not "world"] is firmly established, it cannot be moved; he will judge the peoples with equity.  (From the NIV Bible, Psalm 96:10)"

"The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises.  (From the NIV Bible, Ecclesiastes 1:5)"

"He shakes the earth from its place and makes its pillars tremble.  (From the NIV Bible, Job 9:6)"

"Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand.  (From the NIV Bible, Job 38:4)"

"that it might take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it?  (From the NIV Bible, Job 38:13)"

"He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth.  (From the NIV Bible, Job 37:3)"

"for he views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens.  (From the NIV Bible, Job 28:24)"

"Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea.  (From the NIV Bible, Job 11:9)"


How do you respond to this?

To the reader, please visit:  Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible.


5-  As to Allah Almighty making the fire being "cool" on Abraham, this is true and is confirmed in the Noble Quran:

"We said, "O Fire! be thou cool, and (a means of) safety for Abraham!"  (The Noble Quran, 21:69)"

It doesn't matter if the Noble Quran's account does not exist in the Bible.  The Bible as I proved in responses #3 & #4 does contain contradictions and errors in its historical accounts, as well as, wrong scientific statements.

Also, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did not copy anything from the Bible.  It is true that Allah Almighty talked about some stories regarding the People of Israel and some events that happened in the past which exist in the Bible, but Allah Almighty's account in the Noble Quran came to correct the errors, contradictions and corruptions in the Bible and to demonstrate that the Bible is corrupt.

Also, just because the Bible contains history in it and was written by many authors, it doesn't make it an entirely Divine and Perfect Holy Book.  Like I proved above, there exists OVERWHELMING contradictions and errors in historical accounts and claims in the Bible, as well as the validity and authenticity of the books and gospels that make up the Bible of today, because they were written by MYSTERIOUS people; people who are not known to us today, and who were not even Prophets and Messengers from GOD Almighty!

Please visit: Just who were the original authors of the Bible? to the quotes from the Bible's theologians and historians admitting to this problem.



6-  As to some of the Noble Quran's accounts on Abraham and others don't exist in the Bible, I have answered this thoroughly in response #5.



He wrote:

    Returning to the Sira, Ishaq replays Muhammad’s fantasy in front of Nimrod rather than in the great hall of idols. After daring the gods to talk, Abraham is questioned by a king who died 700 years earlier. Tabari II:57 “‘Have you seen this Allah whom you worship and whose worship you call others? Who is he?’ Abraham replied, ‘My Lord, Who gives life and causes death.’ [The question was too tough so he did the old political side step.] Nimrod said, ‘I give life and cause death.’” They chatted about this for a while and then Abraham said, “‘Allah causes the sun to rise in the East, so can you make it rise in the West?’ [Good thing he didn’t mention the chariot thing, the angelic handholds, or the garment of luminosity.] Knowing that it was as Abraham said, Nimrod was ashamed. He gave no answer; he knew that he was not able to do that. Allah said, ‘Thus was the unbeliever abashed’—that is to say, the proof was against him.’” Now that Muslims know that the sun does not follow Allah’s commands, shouldn’t they be ashamed? Isn’t the proof clearly against them?
    Tabari II:58 “They pushed Abraham into the furnace. Then the heavens and earth and all creatures therein except humans and jinn shouted to Allah, ‘Our Lord! Abraham, the only one on your earth who worships you, is being burned in fire for your sake. Permit us to help him.’” Everybody talks to Allah except humans and demons. Who might they be? “Allah answered, ‘I am his friend. I will protect him. O fire! Be coolness and peace for Abraham.’” So following this fireside chat, we read: “Imprison him in a building and cast him into Hell. … Abraham raised his head [and contradicted most all of what we have read thus far], ‘You are alone in heaven and I am alone on earth.’…Had Allah not followed the command for coolness with peace, Abraham would have frozen to death.”
    Tabari II:62 “Abraham and Lot set out for Syria. On the way Abraham met Sarah, who was the daughter of the king of Harran.” Actually, Abram left Ur for Haran traveling along the banks of the Euphrates River. He was accompanied by his father, Terah, his wife and half sister, Sarai, and his nephew, Lot. “She had criticized her people about their religion, so he married her, since he would be able to have a believing wife without having to convert her.” This verse implies one becomes a Muslim by criticizing a religion. “Then Abraham went forth, a fugitive for the sake of his Lord…to practice his religion and worship safely.” Why would Abe fear for his safety after being saved from the fire? And why, if he was God’s messenger, did he leave town? Shouldn’t he have stayed and tried to save the Babylonians?
    No. Recasting Abraham was more important. Muhammad fled Mecca as a fugitive. He ran to Yathrib, today’s Medina because some pagans promised to protect him. The revisionist Abraham makes the cowardly Muhammad appear more godly. “He settled in Harran. Then he left as a fugitive and traveled to Egypt which was under the rule of one of the earliest Pharaohs.” Well, not exactly. The first Egyptian ruler was probably the Scorpion King. He ruled more than five hundred years before Abraham’s arrival.
    “Sarah was one of the best humans ever. She would not disobey Abraham in any way.” That was Muhammad’s idea of a perfect woman. From Bukhari’s Book of Belief: Bukhari:V1B22N28 “The Prophet said: ‘I was shown the Hell Fire and the majority of its dwellers were women who are disbelievers or ungrateful.’ When asked what they were ungrateful for, the Prophet answered, ‘All the favors done for them by their husbands.’”
    Next we find that Muhammad “Islamicized” Abram’s encounter with Pharaoh. The only germane insight into this affair is Pharaoh’s gift of Hagar, a “Coptic” slave-girl. Flunking history, the Allah/Muhammad duo didn’t know that the Coptics were centuries away from arriving on the international scene. Leaving Pharaoh, Abraham tells Sarah, “You are my sister in Allah, for in all this land there are no Muslims except ourselves.” So what happened to all those scrolls and to the nations who were worshiping around Allah’s House?
    Some of what follows includes: “Hagar was of good appearance and Sarah gave her to Abraham, saying, ‘Take her. You may take pleasure in Hagar, for I have permitted it.’” “The Messenger said, ‘When you conquer Egypt treat its people well. They’re kin and deserve protection.’” “Abraham left Egypt for Syria, for he was afraid of the Egyptian king and anxious about his evil ways. He settled in Beersheba in the land of Palestine, which is the desert of Syria.” While most of this comes out of the Bible, it is flavored with the standard Muslim embellishments. One such addition is revealing. There was no Palestine during Abraham’s life. The word was first composed by the Romans 2,100 years after Abraham died. The patriarch actually returned to Canaan, named after his great, great uncle. (Folks with King James Bibles may think Isaiah invented the name, but it’s an errant translation. Isaiah 14:29 uses “pelesheth,” which means: “rolling in dust.”
    Tabari II:66 “Abraham dug a well in Beersheba and said, ‘Drink from it and do not let a menstruating woman dip water from it.’” Muhammad, a sexual libertine if there ever was one, hated menstruation with a passion. As you know, he said that the reason Allah’s Stone turned from white to black was “it was fingered by menstruating women.” And as sick as that sounds, this next Hadith is used by Muslims to justify brutalizing their daughters. Tabari II:72 “Sarah swore to cut something off of Hagar. ‘I shall cut off her nose, I shall cut off her ear—but no, that would deform her. I will circumcise her instead.’ So she did that, and Hagar took a piece of cloth to wipe the blood away. For that reason women have been circumcised and have taken pieces of cloth down to today.”
   “A menstruating woman came and dipped water from the well. Whereupon the water dried up.” While I do not know the connection, the next paragraph begins: “When Allah wished to destroy Lot’s people, he sent his messengers to Abraham, commanding him to leave their community. [Weren’t we just told that the only two Muslims were Abe and Sarah? And Abraham was in Beersheba, not Sodom, so why ask him to leave?] They had done vile deeds which no one in the two worlds had done before, disbelieving their prophets and rejecting the good counsel which Lot brought them from their Lord. The messengers were ordered to visit Abraham and give him and Sarah tidings of the coming of Isaac and also of Jacob who was to come after him.” For Islam to have any hope of being credible, the good news had to be of Ishmael not Isaac. Jacob wasn’t Sarah’s kid, and neither Jacob nor Isaac are of any value to Islam.
    At this point, the Muslim mathematicians jumped into the fray: Tabari II:68 “Abraham was sixteen when he was thrown into the fire, and Isaac was seven when he was sacrificed, while Sarah was ninety when she bore him. The place of his sacrifice was about two miles from Bayt Iliya [?]. When Sarah learned what Allah wanted with Isaac, she fell ill for two days and died on the third. Sarah was 127 when she died.” Muslim math is as confused as Muslim science: 127-90=7. So much for Arabic numerals.
    Now we get to the important part. Tabari II:69 “After Ishmael and Isaac were born, Allah commanded Abraham to build a House for Him in which He would be worshipped and His name mentioned.” This must be the House that Allah didn’t build in heaven, that Adam didn’t build, that Seth didn’t build, that Noah didn’t circumnavigate after Allah didn’t raise it above the flood.
   “Abraham did not know exactly where he was expected to build it, since Allah had not made this clear [nor anything else], and he felt uneasy in the matter. Some scholars say that Allah sent the Sakinah to him [a rip-off of the Hebrew Shekhinah—the presence of Yahweh] to show him where to build the House. The Sakinah went with Abraham, who was also accompanied by his wife Hagar [Hagar was never Abraham’s wife and Muslims know it.] and his son Ishmael, who was a small boy.”
    The Tradition continues: “A man came to Ali bin Talib [Muhammad’s adopted son, his son-in-law, future Caliph, and said, ‘Will you tell me about the House?’ He replied, ‘It was the first built with the blessing of the standing-place of Abraham, and whoever enters it will be safe. If you wish, I will tell you how it was built. Allah said to Abraham, “Build Me a House on earth!” Abraham felt uneasy, so He sent the Sakinah. The Sakinah is a gale-force wind with two heads, and one head followed the other until they reached Mecca and coiled up at the site of the House, the way a snake coils.’”
    There are some who suggest that Allah is Satan, the snake who tempted Adam. Using this metaphor to describe Allah’s presence supports that theory. But whether or not that is true, this passage is troubling. Mecca is nearly a thousand miles from Beersheba. These places are separated by rugged mountains and virtually impassible desert. There is no plausible way a hundred-year-old man, a slave girl, and a small child could have endured such a journey. And this may be why neither Muhammad nor Allah ever bothered to tell us how they accomplished the improbable voyage.
    Tabari II:70 “Abraham was commanded to build where the Sakinah had rested. When he had finished it except for one stone, [guess which one] the boy went away to build something else. But Abraham said, ‘No, I still need one more stone, as I still order you.’ So the boy went looking, and when he found one he brought it to Abraham. But Abraham had already set the Black Stone in place. He said, ‘Father, who brought you this Stone?’ Abraham answered, ‘It was Gabriel who brought it to me from heaven.’ Then the two of them finished it.” And I could have sworn that Muhammad told us that the stone was brought to earth by Adam. (Tabari I:298) Was he lying then, or now?
    Version two follows. It is also from Ali: “When he built it he went forth and left Hagar and Ishmael behind. Ishmael became very thirsty. Hagar climbed Safa to look for water but saw nothing. Then she went to Marwah, but the same thing happened. Then she returned to Safa and looked around, but could not find Ishmael. After looking seven times without success she said, ‘Ishmael, you have died where I cannot see you.’” You may be wondering why she would look for water now and yet not have bothered during the three-month desert crossing. You may be wondering why she would look on the top of barren mountains rather than in a valley oasis. You may be wondering why she repeated the process seven times, endangering the life of her child. The answer is Islam. Muhammad needed to make the hajj rites religious. Even today Muslims are required to run between these mountains seven times. This explains why they do it.
    However, there were problems. Abraham was supposed to be the father of Islam. In this Hadith, he didn’t perform any of the rites. He merely re-re-re-rebuilt the House and bailed. And the one who performed the Islamic ritual, Hagar, left Islam’s most important child alone in the desert (as did Muhammad’s mother, not so coincidentally).
    The sacred Meccan well of Zamzam needed Biblical credibility too, so... “The boy scraped the ground with his finger and the spring of Zamzam welled up. Hagar began to dam up the water, but Gabriel said, ‘Leave it.’”
    In the versions that follow, we’re told, “Abraham and Ishmael set out for Mecca. They took pickaxes without knowing where the house was. So Allah sent a wind, which had two wings and a head of a snake. It swept the area around the Ka’aba clear for them to build the foundations of the original House.” Not on the foundations, nor to see the foundations, but to build the foundations of the original House. “This was when Allah said, ‘When We prepared for Abraham the place of the House.’” [Qur’an 22:26]
    Since three contradictory versions were not enough: Tabari II:71 “Allah commanded Abraham to build the House and to call on humanity to perform the pilgrimage. He left Syria with his son Ishmael and his mother Hagar. Allah sent the Sakinah which had the power of speech. Abraham followed it to Mecca. When it came to the place of the House, it spun round and round and said to Abraham, ‘Build on me! Build on me!’ [Allah’s House was built upon a snake.] Abraham laid the foundations and raised the House, working with Ishmael until they came to the cornerstone. Abraham said, ‘O my little son, find me a stone which I can put here as a sign to the people.’ He brought him a stone, but Abraham did not like it. When Ishmael came back the cornerstone had already been brought and put in place.” After failing math, science, and history, Islam is failing architecture. The cornerstone is the first rock laid, not the last. And cornerstones are big and rectangular. The Allah Stone is small and oval. But again, it wasn’t by accident. The Bible refers prophetically to Christ as “the cornerstone” and you-know-who was desperate to be just like him.
    How was Abraham supposed to call humanity to this place? The valley was uninhabited. It was in the middle of a foreboding desert. The first settlement wouldn’t be established for 2,500 years. Furthermore, the Islamic Abraham was piling un-hewn, un-mortared rocks in a desert ravine. The first heavy rain would have done it in.
    Perhaps the fifth version of Abraham in Mecca will be more rational. After circumcising Hagar, rather than cutting off her nose: Tabari II:72 “Sarah said, ‘She will not live in the same town with me.’ So Allah told Abraham to go to Mecca, where there was no House at the time. He took Hagar and her son and put them there.… Allah pointed out to Abraham the place to build the House [which would make Allah the snake]. …. When they reached Mecca, there was nothing there but acacia trees.” If that is true, Muhammad’s earlier accounts must have been false. “The House at the time was but a hill of red clay…. When he was done, Abraham headed back to Syria…. Gabriel dug out Zamzam with his heel for Ishmael.” All I can assume is that neither Muhammad nor Allah had a clue as to how the rock-pile got there. These wildly divergent explanations are preceded and followed by dozens more. It is as if Muslims think truth can be found in a pile of lies, if only the pile is big enough.
    The Traditions move on to recount a variety of patriarchal Meccan visits. Never mind that Mecca didn’t exist. Muhammad wants us to believe in fairytales, in talking stones and trees: Tabari II:78 “And everything that heard him—stones, trees, hills, and dust said, ‘Here I am, Allah, here I am.’”
    Continuing to give meaningless ritual religious meaning: Tabari II:81 “Abraham took Ishmael with him on the day of Tarwiyah [the 8th day of the hajj] and stayed at Mina with the Muslims who were there. He prayed with them the prayers of midday, afternoon, sunset and late evening. He spent the night and prayed the dawn prayer with them. In the morning he went out to Arafat, and he spoke to them there until sunset drew near.” This Hadith goes on to detail all of the remaining hajj rituals, all of which are still performed by Muslims as if they were acting out Abraham’s example. “He showed them the sacrifice-ground of Mina, then performed the sacrifice and shaved his head. From Mina he went into the crowd to show them how to perform the march around the Ka’aba. Then he took them back to Mina to show them how to throw the stones, until he had completed the pilgrimage and proclaimed it to mankind.”
    Because the previous account was unbelievable for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which was that there were no Muslims in Mecca, Muhammad felt compelled to give it an angelic twist. Tabari II:82 “The Prophet said, ‘Gabriel came to Abraham on the day of Tarwiyah and went with him to Mina, Arafat, back to Mina, threw stones, performed the sacrifice, shaved his head, and finally hurried to the House. Then Allah ordered Muhammad to ‘follow the religion of Abraham.’” [16:123] That must mean that the religion of Abraham, Islam, can be defined as running between two desolate mountains, tossing stones at stones, shaving one’s head, and walking around a rock pile. And so it would be. Even today, Islam is known for its rites and rituals rather than for its righteousness or reason.
    As we turn the page, we find ourselves embroiled in the mother of all disagreements. Even Muhammad and Allah are at odds: “The earliest sages of our Prophet’s nation disagree about which of Abraham’s two sons it was that he was commanded to sacrifice. Some say it was Isaac, while other say it was Ishmael.” Mind you, these are the very same people we are reliant upon for remembering the Qur’an and passing it along orally so that other sages could jot it down. This might well explain why it is so disjointed, contradictory, and I dare say silly, (not to mention perverted, demented, and disgusting).
    Tabari reports: “Both statements are supported by testimony related on the authority of the Prophet. Both statements are equally sound since they both came from the Prophet. Thus only the Qur’an [which also came from the Prophet] could serve as proof that the account naming Isaac was clearly the more truthful of the two.” But if that is the case, Islam falters, since it draws its legitimacy from Ishmael. Muhammad claims that he was “prophet quality” because he was a direct descendant of Ishmael.
    Tabari II:83 “‘We ransomed him with a tremendous victim,’ [Qur’an 37:107] refers to Isaac.” But how can that be? In verse 104 Allah says, “We called out, ‘Abraham, You have fulfilled your dream, thus do we reward the good. That was indeed a trying test. So…We gave him the good news of Isaac.” How can Abe have nearly sacrificed Isaac if the reward for fulfilling that trying test was Isaac?
    In version two: “‘Messenger, repeat the knowledge Allah has given you about the son of the two victims.’ The Messenger laughed and they said, ‘Who are the two victims?’ The Prophet said, ‘When Abd al-Muttalib was ordered to dig Zamzam [Not Ishmael or Gabriel?], he vowed that if Allah would make it easy for him, he would sacrifice one of his sons. The choice fell upon Abdallah, but his uncles prevented it, saying, ‘Ransom your son with one hundred camels.’ So he did that, and Ishmael was the other victim.’” The first boy spared, Abdallah, “Slave-to-Allah,” was Muhammad’s father. And as we shall soon see, he botched that story as badly as he did the other.
    Tabari II:84 “When Abraham was told to sacrifice Isaac, Satan said, ‘By Allah, if I cannot deceive the people with this, I shall never be able to do it.’” Satan not only swears by Allah, he says that the bogus connection between Abraham and Islam is his best way to fool mankind. And he was right!
    It’s also interesting that the deception would be over sacrifice. Judaism, Christianity, and all rational civilizations use sacrifice as the means to promote justice and maintain spiritual or societal order. Commit a crime and you will be required to sacrifice your money, your freedom, or your life. If crime is without cost, anarchy reigns. In Judaism, the sacrificial rite for the forgiveness of sin was rich in symbolism. It was based upon the “Mercy Seat” of the Arc of the Covenant. And it was connected prophetically to the blood of an unblemished lamb or dove. It’s all explained in the Torah. In Christianity, Christ became the perfect lamb and sacrificed himself on our behalf.
    But in Qur’anic Islam, there is no sacrifice. While the Sunnah perpetuates Qusayy’s senseless slaughter, it’s for appeasement, not atonement. There is no symbolism, no prophetic implication, and no moral reason, as forgiveness is capricious in Islam. And that is why totalitarian governments use draconian measures to maintain order. Muhammad was an amoral thief empowered by situational scriptures, so he failed to appreciate the necessity of sacrifice and he never understood the Biblical concept of sacrificial atonement. It’s why the “ransom of great sacrifice” mentioned in the Qur’an is left unexplained.
    Tabari II:87 “Caliph Umar said, ‘I asked a former Jew, who was considered to be a great Jewish scholar before he converted to Islam. He said, ‘Ishmael, by God, O Prince of Believers. The Jews know that, but they are envious of you Arabs because it was your father who was named in Allah’s command and to whom Allah ascribed such merit.’”
    Then why do you suppose the prophet said, “When Isaac grew up, Abraham had a dream in which he was told, ‘Fulfill your promise that if Allah grants you a son by Sarah you will sacrifice him. [In other words: “If you give me a son I’ll kill him for you.”] Then he drew the knife across Isaac’s throat, but the knife did not scratch him, for Allah had placed a sheet of copper on Isaac’s throat. When Abraham saw it he turned him over and tried to cut him on the nape of his neck.’ This confirms Allah’s Qur’an: ‘When he surrendered, he flung him down upon his face.’” [37:103]
    In the next Hadith it’s Ishmael: “When Abraham was alone with his son on the trail on Mt. Thabir [a mountain near Mecca], it is said he said to Ishmael, ‘O my son, I saw in a dream that I was to sacrifice you. What do you think?’ Ishmael told him, ‘O my father, Do as you were ordered…and sharpen your knife-blade so that it will finish me off quickly.” 



My response:

You mentioned 2 points:

1-  Errors in accounts about Abraham.

2-  The House of GOD Almighty that was built by Abraham.

Here is my response to the points:

1-  Again, the book of Al-Tabari is like the Bible; it contains so much corruptions and errors in it.  THERE IS NO TELLING IF THE NARRATIONS ABOVE ARE TRUE OR FALSE!  ONLY ALLAH ALMIGHTY KNOWS.  I will repost what I wrote above in case someone decides to copy and paste this section in his/her debate:

Let me first make it clear to the reader:  As I explained in my previous rebuttal, it is important for the reader to first know that the narrations above from Al-Tabari came from a book that contains historical accounts that were documented 100s of years after the Prophet's, peace be upon him, death.   Not everything you read is accurate and was necessarily told by the Prophet word for word, or even if at all!  It is important, if you wish to be objective and honest, to put the Noble Quran as the center for any Islamic argument.  If the Noble Quran makes a claim, then it is definitely agreed upon by all Muslims, and it is perfectly authentic.  Otherwise, GOD Almighty only Knows about what is true and what is false regarding the narrations that you use in Hadiths and Sunnah books.

In fact, the Al-Tabari volume is not very authentic and very doubtful when compared to the Hadiths' volumes and collections.  But even the Hadiths contain much corruptions in them, because they were documented 100s of years after the Prophet's death.   The "Sahih Bukhari" or "Authentic Bukhari" in English was the first volume to be compiled.  Bukhari is not an Arabic name!  Bukhari is derived from the word "Bukhara", which is a city in Afghanistan:

"We now come to the Iron Gate which corresponds exactly to the Quranic description, and has the best claim to be connected with Alexander's story.  It is near another Derbend in Central Asia, Hissar District, about 150 miles southeast of Bukhara......."  (  

For anyone who knows the Islamic history, this means that the Muslims spread Islam to the pagan Arabs, established the Islamic State in Arabia, then fought the Persians (Iranians) and the Romans; invaded the Persians and crushed the Romans, then fought the Hindus in Hindustan, invaded much of their lands such as "Pakistan", "Afghanistan", and much of the Indian territories, convert people there to Islam, and then Brother Bukhari appeared from his home town, Bukhara and decided to compile the Hadiths of "Sahih Bukhari".

Are these narrations all 100% perfect and reliable?  Any person with the least atom of a brain would say no.  I am not saying that all of the Hadiths must be rejected.  But for us to day to have close to 2,000,000 of them is quite ridiculous, because they can't all have been written down during our Prophet's times in Arabia.  Most of the Hadiths' chains of narrations today have 10s of narrators in them.  In the Hadith books, you would see something like the following:

"About such and such, that he heard his father say that such and such said, that he heard such and such say, that he heard such and such say, etc...."  Most of the narrations' links have tons of narrators in them, many times more than 10, and these people would be generations after each others!  In other words, they're not people at the same age or the same group.  And the worst dilemma of all, is that many of these chain of narrations have broken links in them, meaning, that two or three generations are missing in the chain!

Most of the hadiths are corrupt and are not recognized as authentic.  Most certainly the books of Al-Tabari and Ishaq are among the weakest and most doubtful sources, because they are more like history books that were written 300 years after the Prophet's death.  Their narrations were orally transmitted by others.   Many people took hadiths out of context, and many others added or took from them, and many others even fabricated lies, as Allah Almighty Warned us in the Noble Quran:

"A section of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) say:  Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers (Muslims), but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam).  (The Noble Quran, 3:72)"

Also, it is almost impossible to narrate a narration/saying accurately after 300 years in Arabic, because the language is very complex, poetical and artistic:


Problems with the proper Arabic language and the large quantity of narrations:

In Arabic, only original Arabs and those who speak proper (not slang) Arabic fluently, understand and appreciate the fact that the words are very minimum and their meanings are very maximum.  It is true and not a deception or innovation by translators to English that a single Arabic word can and would be translated to 3-5 English words!  The reason for this is because in Arabic (and this is part of the complexity in grammar, art and poetry of the Arabic language) meanings and not necessarily actual words can be all put together in one word.  In Arabic, a word is not original.  There are of course "root" words, but in most proper Arabic words, the actual word is not original; meaning that depending on the grammar, letters (of meaning) can be added to or taken from it to add or take from its meaning and intention.  This can change the entire meaning of the whole word  and sentence.

That is why Arabic poetry is historically known to be a very complex and advanced one.

Having said all of this, in the case of the hadiths, given the fact that there exists "weak/doubtful ones", and what is considered as "strong and reliable ones", it is difficult to know for sure if a single hadith was told as is 100% unchanged (intentionally or not intentionally) by the Prophet peace be upon him. One word taken off from the hadith and the whole meaning can and would be changed to something else.

For those "reliable or strong" hadiths, their sources are doubtful.  I have no doubt that the companions of the Prophet may Allah Almighty bless their souls did not intentionally commit forgery or lies.  But for one such as Abu Huraira to narrate thousands upon thousands of hadiths is preposterous!  Given the complexity and sensitivity of the Arabic language, it is extremely vital that every word be included in the narration.  I find it impossible to believe that Abu Huraira and many others like him were able to narrate everything perfectly in its original text.

That is why I accept the hadiths that are linked to the Noble Quran as the Truth and reject the others.

Also, there is no proof what so ever that all of the accepted hadiths of today were all written during the Prophet's time.  Some or even many of them were probably written down from individuals for personal use, but the thousands of hadiths (I was told close to 2 million hadiths!!) that exist today were not possibly all written during the Prophet's time. 

I only accept the hadiths that have a direct relationship to the Noble Quran, such as explaining how to Pray, fast, etc....

Example about my own name to simplify things:

Take "Osama" for example.  First of all, Osama in Arabic is written as "Osamat" with the "t" silent.  The "t" however is not always silent, and it can be used to give meanings and intentions to the name "Osama".  Osama can be written as "Osamatun", "Osamatan", "Osamatin", "Osamata", "Osamati", "Osamato".  The punctuations added to the "t" cause for any of these names to be pronounced.

When writing positively about "Osama", such as "Osama bin Zaid", the leader who defeated the Romans in one of the battles, these punctuations are added to his name for praising.  Unfortunately, I am not an expert in Arabic, nor can I explain in deep details about proper Arabic, but I know that use of punctuations IMPROPERLY can result in insulting the individual.  I can write negatively about a name using punctuations in their proper places.

THE REASON WHY THE NOBLE QURAN IS SO PERFECT IS BECAUSE its grammar was constructed in a very complex way, and the Arabic words were not only original words, but were put together uniquely in an excellent artistic fashion that no Arabic poet could match up to back then when Allah Almighty challenged the Arabs to come up with a "SURAH LIKE IT".

To the reader, please visit: 
What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?


2-  As to the House of GOD Almighty that was built by Abraham, this is confirmed in the Noble Quran.  I've written a detailed article that talks about this subject using the Noble Quran and Hadiths from Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, which are far more authentic than the Al-Tabari, and yet, they themselves are still full of doubts since they were written literally 100s of years after our Prophet peace be upon him:

Important Note:   The narrations from the hadiths in the following article are as close to the Truth as one can get as far as the story of the Kaaba building.  The main points are mentioned in the Noble Quran, and these are ABSOLUTELY TRUE.  The details are from the Sahih volumes that I mentioned, and they are the closest to the Truth as they can get when compared to other weak and doubtful volumes such as Al-Tabari.

Another Important Note:   The Hadiths' collections as a whole are exactly like the Bible.  They're full of corruptions, contradictions and doubts.  The only way to know which are false and which are closest to the Truth is by comparing each narration (this goes for both the Bible and Hadiths) with the Noble Quran.  Those that agree with the Noble Quran are valid and those that disagree are invalid.  Again, please visit: What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?


The detailed story of how the Kaaba was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael peace be upon them:

The sections of this article are:

1-  The detailed story of how the Kaaba was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael, peace be upon them.
2-  Verses from the Noble Quran and the Bible that compliment the story.

Narrated Ibn Abbas:  "When the Prophet saw pictures in the Ka'ba, he did not enter it till he ordered them to be erased. When he saw the pictures of Abraham and Ishmael carrying the arrows of divination, he said, "May Allah curse them (i.e. the Quraish)! By Allah, neither Abraham nor Ishmael practiced divination by arrows."  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Prophets, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 571)"

Narrated Ibn Abbas:  "The first lady to use a girdle was the mother of Ishmael. She used a girdle so that she might hide her tracks from Sarah. Abraham brought her and her son Ishmael while she was suckling him, to a place near the Ka'ba under a tree on the spot of Zam-zam, at the highest place in the mosque. During those days there was nobody in Mecca, nor was there any water So he made them sit over there and placed near them a leather bag containing some dates, and a small water-skin containing some water, and set out homeward. Ishmael's mother followed him saying, "O Abraham! Where are you going, leaving us in this valley where there is no person whose company we may enjoy, nor is there anything (to enjoy)?" She repeated that to him many times, but he did not look back at her Then she asked him, "Has Allah ordered you to do so?" He said, "Yes." She said, "Then He will not neglect us," and returned while Abraham proceeded onwards, and on reaching the Thaniya where they could not see him, he faced the Ka'ba, and raising both hands, invoked Allah saying the following prayers:  

'O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring dwell in a valley without cultivation, by Your Sacred House (Kaba at Mecca) in order, O our Lord, that they may offer prayer perfectly. So fill some hearts among men with love towards them, and (O Allah) provide them with fruits, so that they may give thanks.' (14.37) Ishmael's mother went on suckling Ishmael and drinking from the water (she had). 

When the water in the water-skin had all been used up, she became thirsty and her child also became thirsty. She started looking at him (i.e. Ishmael) tossing in agony; She left him, for she could not endure looking at him, and found that the mountain of Safa was the nearest mountain to her on that land. She stood on it and started looking at the valley keenly so that she might see somebody, but she could not see anybody. Then she descended from Safa and when she reached the valley, she tucked up her robe and ran in the valley like a person in distress and trouble, till she crossed the valley and reached the Marwa mountain where she stood and started looking, expecting to see somebody, but she could not see anybody. She repeated that (running between Safa and Marwa) seven times." 

The Prophet said, "This is the source of the tradition of the walking of people between them (i.e. Safa and Marwa). When she reached the Marwa (for the last time) she heard a voice and she asked herself to be quiet and listened attentively. She heard the voice again and said, 'O, (whoever you may be)! You have made me hear your voice; have you got something to help me?" And behold! She saw an angel at the place of Zam-zam, digging the earth with his heel (or his wing), till water flowed from that place. She started to make something like a basin around it, using her hand in this way, and started filling her water-skin with water with her hands, and the water was flowing out after she had scooped some of it." 

The Prophet added, "May Allah bestow Mercy on Ishmael's mother! Had she let the Zam-zam (flow without trying to control it) (or had she not scooped from that water) (to fill her water-skin), Zam-zam would have been a stream flowing on the surface of the earth." The Prophet further added, "Then she drank (water) and suckled her child. The angel said to her, 'Don't be afraid of being neglected, for this is the House of Allah which will be built by this boy and his father, and Allah never neglects His people.' The House (i.e. Kaba) at that time was on a high place resembling a hillock, and when torrents came, they flowed to its right and left. She lived in that way till some people from the tribe of Jurhum or a family from Jurhum passed by her and her child, as they (i.e. the Jurhum people) were coming through the way of Kada'. They landed in the lower part of Mecca where they saw a bird that had the habit of flying around water and not leaving it. They said, 'This bird must be flying around water, though we know that there is no water in this valley.' They sent one or two messengers who discovered the source of water, and returned to inform them of the water. So, they all came (towards the water)." The Prophet added, "Ishmael's mother was sitting near the water. They asked her, 'Do you allow us to stay with you?" She replied, 'Yes, but you will have no right to possess the water.' They agreed to that." The Prophet further said, "Ishmael's mother was pleased with the whole situation as she used to love to enjoy the company of the people. So, they settled there, and later on they sent for their families who came and settled with them so that some families became permanent residents there. The child (i.e. Ishmael) grew up and learnt Arabic from them and (his virtues) caused them to love and admire him as he grew up, and when he reached the age of puberty they made him marry a woman from amongst them. 

After Ishmael's mother had died, Abraham came after Ishmael's marriage in order to see his family that he had left before, but he did not find Ishmael there. When he asked Ishmael's wife about him, she replied, 'He has gone in search of our livelihood.' Then he asked her about their way of living and their condition, and she replied, 'We are living in misery; we are living in hardship and destitution,' complaining to him. He said, 'When your husband returns, convey my salutation to him and tell him to change the threshold of the gate (of his house).' When Ishmael came, he seemed to have felt something unusual, so he asked his wife, 'Has anyone visited you?' She replied, 'Yes, an old man of so-and-so description came and asked me about you and I informed him, and he asked about our state of living, and I told him that we were living in a hardship and poverty.' On that Ishmael said, 'Did he advise you anything?' She replied, 'Yes, he told me to convey his salutation to you and to tell you to change the threshold of your gate.' Ishmael said, 'It was my father, and he has ordered me to divorce you. Go back to your family.' So, Ishmael divorced her and married another woman from amongst them (i.e. Jurhum). 

Then Abraham stayed away from them for a period as long as Allah wished and called on them again but did not find Ishmael. So he came to Ishmael's wife and asked her about Ishmael. She said, 'He has gone in search of our livelihood.' Abraham asked her, 'How are you getting on?' asking her about their sustenance and living. She replied, 'We are prosperous and well-off (i.e. we have everything in abundance).' Then she thanked Allah' Abraham said, 'What kind of food do you eat?' She said. 'Meat.' He said, 'What do you drink?' She said, 'Water." He said, "O Allah! Bless their meat and water." The Prophet added, "At that time they did not have grain, and if they had grain, he would have also invoked Allah to bless it." The Prophet added, "If somebody has only these two things as his sustenance, his health and disposition will be badly affected, unless he lives in Mecca." The Prophet added," Then Abraham said Ishmael's wife, "When your husband comes, give my regards to him and tell him that he should keep firm the threshold of his gate.' When Ishmael came back, he asked his wife, 'Did anyone call on you?' She replied, 'Yes, a good-looking old man came to me,' so she praised him and added. 'He asked about you, and I informed him, and he asked about our livelihood and I told him that we were in a good condition.' Ishmael asked her, 'Did he give you any piece of advice?' She said, 'Yes, he told me to give his regards to you and ordered that you should keep firm the threshold of your gate.' On that Ishmael said, 'It was my father, and you are the threshold (of the gate). He has ordered me to keep you with me.

Then Abraham stayed away from them for a period as long as Allah wished, and called on them afterwards. He saw Ishmael under a tree near Zamzam, sharpening his arrows. When he saw Abraham, he rose up to welcome him (and they greeted each other as a father does with his son or a son does with his father). Abraham said, 'O Ishmael! Allah has given me an order.' Ishmael said, 'Do what your Lord has ordered you to do.' Abraham asked, 'Will you help me?' Ishmael said, 'I will help you.' Abraham said, Allah has ordered me to build a house here,' pointing to a hillock higher than the land surrounding it." The Prophet added, "Then they raised the foundations of the House (i.e. the Ka'ba). Ishmael brought the stones and Abraham was building, and when the walls became high, Ishmael brought this stone and put it for Abraham who stood over it and carried on building, while Ishmael was handing him the stones, and both of them were saying, 'O our Lord! Accept (this service) from us, Verily, You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.' The Prophet added, "Then both of them went on building and going round the Ka'ba saying: O our Lord ! Accept (this service) from us, Verily, You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing." (2.127)   (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Prophets, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 583)"


Verses from the Noble Quran and the Bible that compliment the story:


The Prophecy of the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca in the Noble Quran:

"Behold!  We gave the site, To Abraham, of the (Sacred) House [That is the Kaaba that he built], (Saying):  'Associate not anything (In worship) with Me; And sanctify My House For those who compass it round, Or stand up, Or bow, or prostrate themselves (Therein in prayer).  And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men: they will come to thee on foot and (mounted) on every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways;  (The Noble Quran, 22:26-27)"

As we clearly see in the Noble Verses, Allah Almighty promised Abraham peace be upon him that He will cause for people from all around the world to come and proclaim the pilgrimage to the House (Kaaba) that he built.

The story began, when Abraham took Hagar and Ishmael to the city of Paran (Mecca), based on Allah Almighty's commands.   There was literally no life there; not even water.  Allah Almighty then ordered Abraham to build the House of GOD (Kaaba) and leave Hagar and his son Ishmael there.  When later Hagar and Ishmael became very thirsty after they ran out of the water they brought with them in the journey, Hagar prayed to Allah Almighty to provide water for them.  Hagar then started to desperately run to search for water seven times (I believe) back and forth between the Safa and Marwa hills.  Allah Almighty then caused Ishmael to rub his feet against the sand and a pool of water, the water of Zumzum came out.

This Prophecy of Allah Almighty sending people from all over the world to Mecca is fulfilled every single year in Saudi Arabia through the Muslims' yearly pilgrimage, where one to three million Muslims come to perform the Hajj (pilgrimage).

"When the Pilgrimage was proclaimed, people came to it from every quarter, near and far, on foot and mounted.  The 'lean camel' coming after the fatiguing journey through distant mountain roads typifies the difficulties of travel." [2]



1- The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an.
Author:  Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
Published by:  Amana Publications, 10710 Tucker Street, Suite B, Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2223 USA.
Telephone:  (301) 595-5777.
Fax:  (301) 595-5888.
ISBN:  0-91597-59-0 (HC).

2- The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an [1], foot note #2799, page 828.




Q11-  If Islam is so against any form of idol worship, why do they bow to the kaaba? Why do they call it God's House? Do they believe He lives there?

The sections of this article are:

1-  The House of GOD Almighty in the Noble Quran and the Bible.

2-  But aren't Muslims still physically bowing down to the Kaaba itself?
      -  See also how the Bible's Prophets (including Jesus) Prayed the Islamic way.

      -  The Kaaba also maximizes the Worship of GOD Almighty by unifying the Muslims.

3-  What is the difference then between the hindu idols and the Kaba?
4-  What about the black stone near the Kaaba?  How sacred is it?
5-  Conclusion.




1-  The House of GOD Almighty in the Noble Quran and the Bible:

To help the Jewish and Christian reader understand the Islamic way of Worship better, I'd like to first present the following from the Bible:

Genesis 28:16-18
16 When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it."
17 He was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven."
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.

Judges 20:18
18 The Israelites went up to Bethel (the House of GOD in Hebrew) and inquired of God. They said, "Who of us shall go first to fight against the Benjamites?" The LORD replied, "Judah shall go first."

1 Chronicles 6:47-49
47 the son of Mahli, the son of Mushi, the son of Merari, the son of Levi.
48 Their fellow Levites were assigned to all the other duties of the tabernacle, the house of God.
49 But Aaron and his descendants were the ones who presented offerings on the altar of burnt offering and on the altar of incense in connection with all that was done in the Most Holy Place, making atonement for Israel, in accordance with all that Moses the servant of God had commanded.

"Behold!  We gave the site, To Abraham, of the (Sacred) House (i.e., the Kaaba), (Saying):  'Associate not anything (In worship) with Me; And sanctify My House For those who compass it round, Or stand up, Or bow, or prostrate themselves (Therein in prayer).  And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men: they will come to thee on foot and (mounted) on every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways;   (The Noble Quran, 22:26-27)"

As we clearly see, the "House of GOD"Almighty is mentioned in both the Bible and the Noble Quran.  The Prostration to GOD Almighty in either His House or in the direction of His House (if you live far away) is the most proper way of Worship according to both the Bible and the Noble Quran.

As we also clearly see, the House of GOD Almighty was mentioned in the Bible first.  The Kaba or Kaaba (the black cube building in Saudi Arabia) is basically the symbolic point on earth (His House) that GOD Almighty Chose to have all of His True Believers meet Him through bowing down their faces in humility down to the ground before Him.

The actual bricks and cement that make up the Kaaba are not holy. 


They are no more holier than the bricks and cement that we see on regular basis in the towns that we live in.


While it is true that many ignorant and illiterate Muslims might incline toward idol worship and do consider the actual Kaaba as a very sacred thing to a point where they would go as far as rubbing their bodies against it to get "blessings", but these people are not representing the True picture of Islam.  If a person worships the Kaaba itself, then he/she becomes an idol worshiper:

"Behold!  We gave the site, To Abraham, of the (Sacred) House (i.e., the Kaaba), (Saying):  'Associate not anything (In worship) with Me; And sanctify My House For those who compass it round, Or stand up, Or bow, or prostrate themselves (Therein in prayer).  And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men: they will come to thee on foot and (mounted) on every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways;  (The Noble Quran, 22:26-27)"

"Say: 'O People of the Book (i.e., Jews and Christians)!    Come to common terms as between us and you:  That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.'  If then they turn back, say ye: 'Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will).'  (The Noble Quran, 3:64)"

"God forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with God is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed. (The Noble Quran, 4:48)"

"Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to God, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith? For God did take Abraham for a friend.  (The Noble Quran, 4:125)"


The Kaaba is only the House of GOD Almighty and is the meeting place for us to meet the Almighty LORD by bowing down our faces in humility down to the ground before Him in that direction. 


GOD Almighty Chose that spot on earth to be the meeting place with Him.


Since Allah Almighty ordered Abraham the father of Ishmael and Isaac peace be upon them to build the Kaaba, people called it the House of GOD Almighty, and it became the direction for us to bow down to Allah Almighty in worship:

"Behold!  We gave the site, To Abraham, of the (Sacred) House (i.e., the Kaaba), (Saying):  'Associate not anything (In worship) with Me; And sanctify My House For those who compass it round, Or stand up, Or bow, or prostrate themselves (Therein in prayer).  And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men: they will come to thee on foot and (mounted) on every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways;  (The Noble Quran, 22:26-27)"

So when Muslims prostrate to Allah Almighty, they prostrate in the direction that is as close as possible to Him.  It was also prophesied in the Noble Quran that people from all over the world would come to the city of Mecca (where the Kaaba is located) for pilgrimage.

Please visit: The detailed story of how the Kaaba was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael peace be upon them.

During the early days of Islam, the Muslims were commanded to bow down to Allah Almighty in the direction of the Farthest Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa) in Jerusalem, because it was the Holiest Mosque/Temple to worship Allah Almighty in back since it was not defiled with idols.  Allah Almighty then commanded Prophet Muhammad to order the Muslims to prostrate to Allah Almighty in the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca, because it was the House of GOD Almighty which was built by Prophet Abraham peace be upon him (mentioned also in the Bible), and because after the Muslims liberated Mecca in a 10,000 men army (this event was prophesied in the Bible), they cleaned the Kaaba from all idols.



2-  But aren't Muslims still physically bowing down to the Kaaba itself?

We've already seen the "House of GOD"Almighty in both the Bible and the Noble Quran above.  We've seen how the Prostration to GOD Almighty in either His House or in the direction of His House (if you live far away) is the most proper way of Worship.

Again, to help the Jewish and Christian reader understand the Islamic point better, I'd like to present the following from the Bible:

Numbers 24:3-5
3 and he uttered his oracle: "The oracle of Balaam son of Beor, the oracle of one whose eye sees clearly,
4 the oracle of one who hears the words of God, who sees a vision from the Almighty, who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened:
5 "How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling places, O Israel!

Deuteronomy 9:17-19
17 So I took the two tablets and threw them out of my hands, breaking them to pieces before your eyes.
18 Then once again I fell prostrate before the LORD for forty days and forty nights; I ate no bread and drank no water, because of all the sin you had committed, doing what was evil in the LORD's sight and so provoking him to anger.
19 I feared the anger and wrath of the LORD, for he was angry enough with you to destroy you. But again the LORD listened to me.

Deuteronomy 9:25
25 I lay prostrate before the LORD those forty days and forty nights because the LORD had said he would destroy you.

1 Kings 18:39
39 When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, "The LORD -he is God! The LORD -he is God!"

Even Jesus, peace be upon him, bowed down to Allah Almighty the Islamic way:
"Going a little farther, he [Jesus] fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.  Yet not as I will, but as you will.'  (From the NIV Bible, Matthew 26:39)" 


When Muslims bow down to Allah Almighty in worship at their homes, they do not for instance bow down to the sofa, or to the pair of shoes, or to the table, or to the wall, or to the door, or to the TV, or to any object that is in front of them in their homes.  They bow down to Allah Almighty only, regardless what's in front of them AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT WORSHIPING THAT OBJECT.  The Kaaba is the same thing.  We do not bow down to it in worship in any shape or form.  We bow down only to Allah Almighty in its direction because it is His Appointed House where He symbolically meets His Servants and True Believers.

The Kaaba makes the millions of Muslims all over the world Pray to Allah Almighty as one unified community.


The direction of the Kaaba not only unifies the Muslims, but it also maximizes the Glorification and Praising of GOD Almighty.

It maximizes the Glorification of GOD Almighty, because in the 5-daily Prayers, it is not only the individual who is Praising GOD, but also the millions of the Muslims world-wide (who are on the same time) are doing it almost simultaneously as if they were ONE CLOSE COMMUNITY.


Now in regards to whether Allah Almighty living there or not, no we do not believe that Allah Almighty lives there.  Allah Almighty is unlimited and is every where.

By the way, the Orthodox Jews too bow down to GOD Almighty in worship.  Below is a picture of how Jews worship Allah Almighty:

jews-2.jpg (21275 bytes)



3-  What is the difference then between the hindu idols and the Kaba?

The comparison is an unfair one because while the Muslims bow down to GOD Almighty and only to GOD Almighty in Worship, the hindus pray to and glorify their idols.  They address them as "your divinity" and "your holiness".  That's clearly idol worship!  You must never confuse the House of GOD Almighty, where GOD and His Servants meet, with the man-made idols and statues.  Allah Almighty Said:

"For ye do worship idols besides God, and ye invent falsehood. The things that ye worship besides God have no power to give you sustenance: then seek ye sustenance from God, serve Him, and be grateful to Him: to Him will be your return.  (The Noble Quran, 29:17)"

"And he said: "For you, ye have taken (for worship) idols besides God, out of mutual love and regard between yourselves in this life; but on the Day of Judgment ye shall disown each other and curse each other: and your abode will be the Fire, and ye shall have none to help.(The Noble Quran, 29:25)"

"And they set up (idols) as equal to God, to mislead (men) from the Path! Say: "Enjoy (your brief power)! But verily ye are making straightway for Hell!(The Noble Quran, 14:30)"

"Remember Abraham said: "O my Lord! make this city one of peace and security: and preserve me and my sons from worshipping idols.  (The Noble Quran, 14:35)"


The Muslims on the hand are not idol worshipers.  And neither were the Bible's Prophets (including Jesus), peace be upon them, who prostrated to GOD Almighty.


There is a difference between worshiping GOD Almighty in the direction of His House, and putting idols and praying to them.


Let's not forget also that the hindus' and the buddhists' idols are statues.  The same also for those who worship the fire, sun, moon, stars, etc...  Allah Almighty Said:

"Among His Sings are the Night and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon. Adore not the sun and the moon, but adore God, Who created them, if it is Him ye wish to serve.  (The Noble Quran, 41:37)"

"They ask thee Concerning the New Moons.   Say:   They are but signs To mark fixed periods of time In (the affairs of) men, And for Pilgrimage.  It is no virtue if ye enter the houses from the back:  It is virtue if ye fear Allah.  Enter houses Through the proper doors:  And fear Allah:   That ye may prosper.  (The Noble Quran, 2:189)"



4-  What about the black stone near the Kaaba?  How sacred is it?

The black stone is like the bricks and cement that make up the Kaaba.  It is not holy at all and is not worshiped in any shape or form.  The black stone is nothing but a Heavenly object (an asteroid) that GOD Almighty descended on earth to determine the exact location of where His House was going to be built by Abraham and his son Ishmael, peace be upon them.

While Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him kissed the stone before, because it was chosen by Allah Almighty to descend on earth to determine the location of the Kaaba, but that still doesn't make it anything holy.

It certainly makes it a remarkable and noticeable object that is worth visiting and seeing, but anyone who worships it is an idol worshiper!   And like I said above, those ignorant and illiterate from the Muslims who go as far as rubbing themselves against the Kaaba and/or the stone to get "blessings" are not representing Islam's True picture at all.

For more information, please visit: The black stone in Mecca is not worshiped by Muslims.



4-  Conclusion:

As I demonstrated and proved above, Islam and the Prophets are far from promoting any form of idol worship.  You must never confuse or mix the Worship of GOD Almighty with the worship of man-made idols.  The hindus' and buddhists' worship of idols is far from being even remotely compared to Islam.

It is clear that the Muslims today are the only ones who truly Glorify GOD Almighty in the Maximum way.  Even Jesus, the polytheist trinitarian pagans' god, Worshiped GOD Almighty and Glorified Him the Islamic way.   Even though it was done hypocritically because he only did it once during his most desperate times and he has never done it before, but he still nonetheless showed that the Islamic way is the BEST WAY to really Glorify GOD Almighty in.

Islam is truly the best Faith to Worship, Praise and Glorify GOD Almighty in.   Therefore, embrace Islam and you will be saved.



Isaiah 42:

This chapter seems to clearly speak about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him for the following reasons:

Isaiah 42

The Servant of the Lord

1 "Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations.
2 He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets.
3 A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;
4 he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands will put their hope."

The Justice brought to the nations, the complete System of GOD Almighty's Laws on earth, the Truthfulness of Prophet Muhammad all point to these verses:

"O ye who believe! Stand out firmly For justice, as witnesses To Allah, even as against Yourselves, or your parents, Or your kin, and whether It be (against) rich or poor: For Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (Of your hearts), lest ye Swerve, and if ye Distort (justice) or decline To do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted With all that ye do.  (The Noble Quran, 4:135)"

"O ye who believe! Stand out firmly For Allah, as witnesses To fair dealing, and let not The hatred of others To you make you swerve To wrong and depart from Justice. Be just: that is Next to Piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted With all that ye do.  (The Noble Quran, 5:8)"

"But if anyone earns A fault or a sin And throws it on to one That is innocent, He carries (on himself) (Both) a falsehood And a flagrant sin.  (The Noble Quran, 4:112)"

"Allah commands justice, the doing Of good, and liberality to kith And kin, and He forbids All shameful deeds, and injustice And rebellion: He instructs you, That ye may receive admonition.   (The Noble Quran, 16:90)"

"...Help ye one another In righteousness and piety, But help ye not one another In sin and rancour: Fear Allah: for Allah Is strict in punishment.  (The Noble Quran, 5:2)"


Continuing with chapter Isaiah 42:

5 This is what God the LORD says- he who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it:
6 "I, the LORD , have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles,
7 to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.

The Gentiles are the non-Jews.  These verses clearly suggest that the coming Prophet will be among the Gentiles.  As to the covenant, please visit: Jesus told the Jews that GOD will take His Kingdom from them and give it to the Muslims.  (The article is too lengthy to copy and paste here.  So I ask the reader to read it thoroughly since it does contain Jesus' own quotes from the New Testament).

The following sets of verses offer even more proofs:

8 "I am the LORD ; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols.
9 See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you."

Song of Praise to the Lord

10Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you islands, and all who live in them.
11 Let the desert and its towns raise their voices; let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Sela sing for joy; let them shout from the mountaintops.

Kedar is the son of Ishmael peace be upon him:  "These are the names of the sons of Ishmael, listed in the order of their birth: Nebaioth the firstborn of Ishmael, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,   (From the NIV Bible, Genesis 25:13)"

The "settlements where Kedar lives" is referring to the Arabs.  The Arabs before Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him were pagans.  They used to worship idols.  They had 360 idols in the Holy City of Mecca.

GOD Almighty in Isaiah 42:11 is clearly saying that He will send the people of Kedar (i.e., the Arabs) a Prophet and they should "rejoice" and "raise their voices" in happiness.

Also, "Let the desert and its towns raise their voices;" is clearly referring to Arabia, since Arabia is known to be made of mostly deserts.  Jerusalem was never called "desert", nor the Jews were ever called the people of "Kedar".

Important Note:  Jesus in the Bible never even once visited Arabia!  He only went to Egypt (when his mom escaped to Egypt from King Herod while he was a baby) and Palestine/Israel.  Jesus really had nothing to do with the Arabs of Kedar.  It was Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him that was born and lived in the lands of Kedar, and he taught the Muslims how to Worship and Glorify GOD Almighty.  Please visit:  What is the Wisdom of Islam?

Also, please visit: The original Name for GOD Almighty in the Bible was indeed "Allah".  See the proofs from the original Hebrew and Aramaic sources.

12 Let them give glory to the LORD and proclaim his praise in the islands.
13 The LORD will march out like a mighty man, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies.
14 "For a long time I have kept silent, I have been quiet and held myself back. But now, like a woman in childbirth, I cry out, I gasp and pant.
15 I will lay waste the mountains and hills and dry up all their vegetation; I will turn rivers into islands and dry up the pools.
16 I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.
17 But those who trust in idols, who say to images, 'You are our gods,' will be turned back in utter shame.

Ironically, many Western anti-Islamics criticize Islam for spreading by the sword.  Islam did probably spread by the sword, but the Muslims never really started any battle.  It was the 360 pagan Arab tribes, and later the Persian and Christian Roman Empires that declared wars against the Muslims, because Islam's theology was rapidly expanding and it began to threat the pagan religion of Arabia and later the two major Empires in the region.

"he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies" clearly means that this Prophet will fight by the sword the enemies of GOD Almighty.  It was Muhammad and his Muslim followers that spread Islam by crushing and defeating the enemies in the battles. 

Jesus never fought any war nor ever led any army, so this Prophecy can not apply to him.

Continuing with Isaiah 42:

Israel Blind and Deaf

18 "Hear, you deaf; look, you blind, and see!
19 Who is blind but my servant, and deaf like the messenger I send? Who is blind like the one committed to me, blind like the servant of the LORD?
20 You have seen many things, but have paid no attention; your ears are open, but you hear nothing."
21 It pleased the LORD for the sake of his righteousness to make his law great and glorious.
22 But this is a people plundered and looted, all of them trapped in pits or hidden away in prisons.
They have become plunder, with no one to rescue them; they have been made loot, with no one to say, "Send them back."

Here we see GOD Almighty is upset and greatly disappointed from the Jews.  He called them "deaf and blind".

23 Which of you will listen to this or pay close attention in time to come?
24 Who handed Jacob over to become loot, and Israel to the plunderers? Was it not the LORD ,
against whom we have sinned? For they would not follow his ways; they did not obey his law.
25 So he poured out on them his burning anger, the violence of war. It enveloped them in flames, yet they did not understand; it consumed them, but they did not take it to heart.

Like above, here also we GOD Almighty upset with the people of Israel.  Please visit: Prophet Muhammad was foretold in Isaiah 42.



He wrote:

    The tests attributed to Abraham may be the low water mark for Islam’s credibility thus far. This strand of pearls begins to unwind in Tabari’s second volume, Prophets and Patriarchs: Tabari II:97 “After Allah had put Abraham to the test—when Nimrod bin Cush tried to burn him in the fire, when He commanded him to sacrifice his son after he had become old enough to walk, when He made him raise the foundations of the House, and devote himself to its rituals—after all of this, He put Abraham to the test with still further commands which He has mentioned. He said, ‘And when his Lord tried Abraham with commands and he fulfilled them.’ [2:124] The earliest scholars of the Islamic community (ummah) disagreed about the nature of these commandments with which Allah tested Abraham and which Abraham obeyed.”
    These tests were crucial because Islam—according to Muhammad—was the result of Abraham’s obedience. Yet the Qur’an is deficient—completely silent on the nature of these trials and their significance. So rather than let Allah wallow in blissful ignorance, the Companions rushed in to save the day. Tabari II:98 “Islam consists of thirty parts, and no one ever tested with this obligation carried it out, except Abraham.” “‘And when his Lord tried Abraham with commands,’ means that Allah tested him with the acts of ritual purification, five in the head and five in the body. [5+5=30] Those in the head are: trimming the mustache, rinsing the mouth, cleansing the nostrils with water, using the toothstick, and parting the hair with the fingers. Those in the body are: paring the nails, shaving the pubic hair, circumcision, plucking the armpit, and washing off traces of feces and urine.”
    Can’t be! Surely this is a misprint. There is no way that the adoptive father of the world’s fastest growing religion earned the dubious honor by passing such an inane “test.” Let’s examine another Hadith to make sure we’ve got this right. “Allah’s words, ‘When his Lord tried Abraham with commands,’ mean that Abraham was tested by circumcision, shaving his pubic hair, washing the fore-part and rear, using a toothstick, trimming the mustache, paring nails, and plucking his armpits.’”
    That wasn’t any better. How about this: Tabari II:99 “Abraham was tested with ten Islamic practices: rinsing the mouth, cleansing the nostrils with water, trimming the mustache, using a toothstick, plucking the armpit, paring the nails, washing finger joints, circumcision, shaving pubic hair, and washing the rear and vulva.” So after adding: “bathing on Friday,” a fourth version gets ritualistic with: “walking around the Ka’aba, running between Safa and Marwah, stoning pillars, and hurrying.” I disdain ritual. I am, therefore, unimpressed with its justification. Ritual is a tool used by power-hungry men to condition the masses and subject them to their rule. It is a control device for the oppressor to use against the ignorant. It separates men from God and discourages rational inquiry. But no ritual has ever been this ridiculous.
    Tabari claims that these Hadiths somehow illuminate portions of the 2nd surah. Let’s see how: 002.118 “Those who are ignorant say: ‘Why doesn’t Allah speak to us Himself or show us a sign?’ So said the people before them. We have indeed shown our clear signs already.” Neither Allah nor Muhammad ever bothered to provide any proof of divine inspiration—no signs, no miracles, no prophecies—so this, once again, refers to the miracles of the Bible.
   “Lo! We have sent you (Muhammad) with the truth, a bringer of glad tidings and a warner. And you will not be asked about the companions of the Blazing Hell Fire.” That’s almost funny. Allah is telling Muhammad that he won’t be asked about hell. Why then do you suppose hell is the Qur’an’s most oft repeated subject?
    002.120 “Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with you unless you follow their form of religion. Say: ‘The guidance of Allah is Guidance. … Those to whom We have given the Book read it as it ought to be read.” The Qur’an cannot be true and confirm the Bible as Allah claims if Judeo-Christianity is an errant “form of religion.” And at this point the Qur’an wasn’t remotely complete; it wasn’t even written down. Allah was therefore saying that people were doing something that simply couldn’t be done. That would make him a liar. What’s more, Allah was speaking to an illiterate man—one incapable of reading.
    “These [Jews] believe in it; and whoever disbelieves it are losers. Children of Israel, call to mind the special favor which I bestowed upon you, and that I [Allah] preferred you to all others and made you excel the nations.” Muhammad was in a pickle. Without the Jews being Yahweh’s chosen people, the prophets and scriptures upon which he based Islam lost their relevancy. If they were irrelevant, so was Islam.
    Like so much of the Qur’an, this surah provides no intelligent transition between subjects. It has rambled on about  god’s inability to provide a sign, to telling us that Muhammad was a warner. It flip-flops from telling him not to follow the religion of the Jews to calling the Jews God’s chosen people. Then after condemning Christ’s mission and crucifying Muhammad’s credibility in the process, it moves to a revisionist account of the Biblical patriarch Abraham. 002.124 “And (remember) when Abraham’s Lord tried him with (certain) commands, which he fulfilled: He said: ‘I will make you an Imam [Islamic leader] to the Nations.’ He pleaded: ‘And also Imams from my offspring!’ He answered: ‘But My Promise does not include evil-doers.’” The nature of the trials, or commands, which Abraham allegedly fulfilled was not listed. Considering that the passage of these trials made Abraham the father of Islam—the Imam of the nations—the omission was serious. Not surprisingly, it sent the Muslim sages scurrying for answers. Sadly, what we just reviewed was the best they could do. The Noble Qur’an translators even include this Hadith: Bukhari:V7B72N779 “I heard the Prophet saying, ‘Five practices are characteristics of the Fitra [religion of Abraham]: circumcision, shaving the pubic hair, cutting the moustaches short, clipping the nails, and depilating the hair of the armpits.’” This “religion” can’t be fixed. It needs to be discarded.
    Every Biblical story quoted in the Qur’an was designed to make Muhammad’s unprophet-like behavior seem religious or to make Islamic rituals seem sane. The next verse was no exception. 002.125 “Remember when We made the House a place of assembly for men and a place of safety; and the place Abraham stood to pray; and We covenanted with Abraham and Ishmael that they should sanctify My House for those who circumambulate it, use it as a retreat, bow down, prostrating themselves.”
    002.126 “And remember [This is an odd command. What are they remembering this from? The Bible doesn’t say anything remotely like this, and no other scriptures refer to Abraham.] Abraham said: ‘My Lord, make this a City of Peace, and feed its people with fruits, such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day.’” Even this is odd. Muhammad was verbally attacked during the entire time he preached in Mecca. As a result, he attacked Mecca militarily at the end of his career, putting him in direct opposition to the patriarch’s supposed prophecy.
    “He said: ‘As for those who reject, indulge them; soon I will compel them to the doom of the torment of Hell Fire, an evil destination!’”
To compel is to induce or coerce. Why would God want to act like Satan and coerce someone into hell?
    002.127 “Remember, Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House: ‘Our Lord! Accept this service from us.’” While I realize that no one was writing this stuff down, and that a short pencil is more effective than a long memory, god and his prophet ought to be able to do better. Just two verses earlier Allah said that he had made the House. Next we learn: “‘Our Lord, make of us Muslims, submissive to Your (will), and of our offspring a nation of Muslims, bowing to You; and show us our place for the celebration of rites.’” Abraham died 2600 years before the first Muslim was conned into Islam. In fact, the Arabic word for Muslim wouldn’t even be coined for twenty-six centuries.
    Yet a nation of Muslims is how Muhammad viewed the world. The prophet saw our planet in two pieces—the Nation of Islam (called Dar us-Islam) and lands yet to submit, the House of War (called Dar us-Harb). And while Islam has been at war with itself for all of its thirteen centuries, it will continue to fight the House of War until we capitulate. Many in the Western media and most politicians claim that the war on terrorism is unlike any other because the terrorists come from many nations. Now you know the truth: the terrorists represent one nation—the Nation of Islam.
    002.129 “Our Lord, raise up in their midst a Messenger from among them who shall recite to them Your revelations, and instruct them in the Book and in wisdom and make them grow.” By the time the second surah was “revealed” Muhammad had fled Mecca for the safety of Medina. Now in close proximity with Jews, he had a problem. These folks were literate, and as a result, they were harder to fool. They undoubtedly told Muhammad that he couldn’t be God’s final messenger because that role belonged to the Messiah. Moreover, there were hundreds of specific prophecies regarding the Messiah, none of which he met. So what do you suppose the wannabe Messiah did? Right. He made one up.
    But for it to be believable, he had to revise Abraham first: 002.130 “He who turns away from the religion of Abraham makes himself a fool with folly.” Abraham did not have a religion. He had a relationship. There were no rituals, rites, prostrations, pilgrimages, or prescribed prayers. In fact, the word “religion” doesn’t exist in the Torah. It can’t be found even once in all of the Old Testament. 002.131 “When his Lord said to him, ‘Be a Muslim,’ he said: ‘I submit [Islam] to the Lord of the worlds.’” Likewise, you won’t find the words Muslim, submit, or Islam.
    The revisionist Abraham said, “Our Lord, make us submissive [Islam] to You and make of our seed a nation [of Muslims]. And show us our ways of worship.” If Abraham received scrolls from Allah and performed the Islamic rituals, he could not have asked, “Show me the ways of worship.”
   “You, only You, are the Relenting. Our Lord, raise up in their midst a messenger.” You can almost hear Muhammad cry, “I’m that man.” Jesus has been demoted and Abraham promoted so that Abe could vouch for the credentials of Muhammad and thereby silence the prophet’s critics.
    Muhammad believes that Allah chose Islam for Abraham and his sons, especially Jacob, from whom all Jews are descended. 002.132 “And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons by Yah’qub (Jacob); ‘Oh my sons! Allah has chosen the Faith for you—the true religion; then die not except in the faith of Islam as Muslims. He said to his sons: ‘What will you worship after me?’ They said: ‘We shall worship your Ilah (God), the Ilah (God) of your fathers, of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, the one Ilah (God): To Him we submit in Islam.’” Why do you suppose Yahweh trifled with Judaism and Christianity if Abe were a Muslim? And could Abraham have referred to God as Allah if the name wouldn’t be invented for more than twenty centuries? Even then, it was the proper name of a pagan rock idol in Arabia, not Israel. How do you suppose Yahweh’s name could have been repeated 6,868 times in the Bible if his name were really Allah? And there is no way to weasel out of this predicament. Muslims scream that “Allah” is simply the Arabic word for “God,” yet that assertion is in direct conflict with the Qur’an. In this verse the Arabic word for “God” (capital “G”), “Ilah,” was used three times.
    Alright, now that we’ve turned Jews into Muslims it’s time to condemn them. 002.134 “Those are people whose nation has passed away. They shall reap the fruit of what they did, They say: ‘Become Jews or Christians if you would be guided.’ Say (Muhammad): ‘Nay! Only the Religion of Abraham the Hanif. He was not a Mushrikun [non-Muslim disbeliever].’” The Qur’an says nothing of the religion of Abraham. It only suggests prostrations and rituals—mindless drivel. Since the world’s best-documented faiths are Judaism and Christianity, and their Bible introduced Abraham to the world, you’d think that Islam would at least try. But no, all we get is feeble justification for a sorry mix of pre-existing pagan rites.
    “Hanifs” were monotheistic poets. While they inspired Islam’s first score of surahs, they were not Muslims. We will discuss them in upcoming chapters.
    002.136 “Say (Muslims): ‘We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the (twelve Jewish) tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered (in Islam).’” You’d think that after 1400 years, some bright Muslim would ask, “What was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, and Jacob?” If Allah knows, why is he keeping it a secret? Or, why not ask, “If we Muslims shouldn’t make any distinction between the revelations Moses and Jesus received and those claimed by Muhammad, why was Islam necessary?”
    If they were without distinction this cannot be true: “If they believe as you believe they are rightly guided; but if they turn away they are in great opposition. Allah will suffice you against them.” Allah says the revelations are identical—Judaism’s, Christianity’s, and Islam’s, and then he says “they are in great opposition.”
    There is some good news. The Islamic god was a self-indulgent fool: 002.138 “(Our religion is) the Baptism of Allah: And who can baptize better than Allah?” Not only is Allah a Jew, he’s a Baptist. And while that’s embarrassing, the symbolism is deadly for Islam. Muslims don’t baptize, and that’s a problem if their religion is the Baptism of Allah—especially since he’s the best Baptiser.
    Baptism by water is the outward expression of having chosen Christ as one’s savior. It is symbolic of receiving his Spirit—the spirit of Yahweh. While the Holy Spirit is something that the Qur’an both acknowledges and condemns, He, like the Torah, Gospels, and Christ, plays no part in Islam. Allah is a distant god. His spirit does not reside in man.
    While we turned to this surah in an effort to connect Traditions regarding Abraham to Allah’s account in the Qur’an, we have hit a veritable goldmine of Islamic blunders. This may be the most grotesque of all. 002.139 “Say (unto the People of the Scripture [Christians and Jews]): Will you dispute with us about Allah, seeing that He is our Lord and your Lord?” Muslims, in a desperate grope for credibility, are being told that Yahweh and Allah are the same god. It is hard to imagine a more vulgar lie. Yahweh and Allah are love and lust, redemption and punishment, personal and remote, brilliant and dimwitted, peace and terror. They are as different as their scriptures.
    Yet this deception is essential to Islam. If Allah isn’t Yahweh, Muhammad is a liar and the Qur’an is lunacy. There is no other justification for Muhammad’s reliance on Genesis and Exodus. Muslims must reconcile the irreconcilable, bridging the chasm between Yahweh’s and Allah’s wholly divergent characters. It is a desperate battle for survival that Islam cannot win.
    The infinitesimal chance Islam had of prevailing with this ridiculous assertion evaporated when the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered. The text and message on those uncorrupted scrolls rendered impossible the comprehensive corruption and conspiracy that would have been necessary to make the doctrines and gods similar, much less the same.
    002.140 “Nay! Do you say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do you know better than Allah? Who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony they received from Allah?” If this weren’t so stupid it would be funny. Allah is saying that Christians and Jews call Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, “Jews and Christians,” as if they knew more about them than Allah. Well, apparently they do. Abraham wasn’t, strictly speaking, a Jew. He was a Chaldean from Ur as was his wife Sarah. Anyone who has bothered to read Genesis knows that. But Allah was illiterate, just like Muhammad. Reading Genesis was therefore beyond him. Ishmael was the bastard child of an Egyptian slave. He was expressly excluded from Yahweh’s covenant with the Jews. No Jew or Christian would ever claim relations with him. Isaac, Abraham’s miracle son, provided the link between Abraham and Jacob. Jacob was the father of the twelve tribes and was therefore a Jew—the Jew. And last time I checked, the tribes of Israel were Jews, not Christians. The first Christian wouldn’t be born for twenty centuries.
    By this time it should be abundantly clear—Allah wasn’t God. The dark spirit of Islam wasn’t even sane. 002.141 “The fools among the people will say: ‘What has turned them from the Qiblah [the direction Muslims face in prayer] to which they formerly observed [facing Jerusalem]?’” Following the Satanic Verses, Ka’aba worship was on the rocks, so Muhammad had Muslims pray to a substitute shrine—the only holy site in the Bible —the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. But that didn’t last because the Jews began disputing his preposterous claims of prophethood. Something had to be done. The answer was simple enough. Muslims were ordered to turn away from Jerusalem and to bow toward the House that Allah-Adam-Abraham built.
   “We appointed the Qiblah which you were used to, as a hard test for those who followed the Messenger. Indeed it was a momentous change, except to those guided by Allah.” I don’t suppose anyone bothered to ask why bowing one direction versus another in ritualistic prayer was such a tough test. I would think that twisting one’s prayer blankie might be sufficient. Why go to all the trouble to twist the Torah?
    002.144 “Turn your face in the direction of the sacred Mosque [the Ka’aba]. Wherever you are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that this revelation is the truth from their Lord.” Allah is saying that the Jews and Christians know that the Ka’aba is of paramount importance to Judeo-Christianity. Further, he is protesting that the Jews and Christians have collaborated in a massive cover-up to keep the true importance of the pagan shrine a secret. Frankly, I am stunned that something this obviously false and foolish could be considered godly by anyone.
    Implicit in this farce is that the Judeo-Christian focus on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is bogus. For this to be true, the entire Bible, starting with Genesis 11 running through Revelation 22, would have to be fundamentally flawed, for virtually every page is rooted in the history of Israel, and focused on Jerusalem. To say that Jews and Christians conspired to artificially elevate the importance of Israel, Jerusalem, and the Temple at the expense of Mecca, a town that didn’t even exist during the two thousand years the scriptures were being written—in all sixty-six books of the Bible—is ludicrous.
    Yet the stakes are unimaginably high. If Allah’s contention is wrong, then Islam’s foundation is ripped asunder. All of the corrupted Biblical accounts in the world won’t help. If the Islamic connection to the Hebrew prophets and patriarchs falters, every important aspect of Muhammad’s religion fails: Allah isn’t god; Muhammad isn’t a prophet. And if they aren’t who they claim they are, they aren’t worthy of anyone’s prayers, allegiance, or soul.
    Therein lies the tale—the ticking time bomb of Islam. There is no room for an Arab prophet with a wholly divergent message, especially one without miracles or prophecies, in the line of Hebrews. The last messenger of the scriptures is undeniably the Messiah, not Muhammad.
    That gave the Messenger of Islam several enormous problems. He had to claim that the Messianic prophecies were corrupted and meaningless—an impossible task. He had to ignore the fact that Christ fulfilled them—a fool’s folly (one sadly shared by the Jews). Then he had to somehow distort Bible stories and characters to such an extent that it made his unprophet-like behavior and ridiculous pagan rites seem religious, rational, moral, and inspired. But that led to a new problem. How does one do that without debasing the faith upon which the new religion is based?
    It can’t be done—at least not rationally. But Islam has never been popular with rational people. It is like an acid, corroding everything it touches, eating away at the brain and heart. It corrupts men, turning them into unthinking, mindless murderers in pursuit of lustful pleasures. It causes Muslims to be so fearful of the truth, they threaten to kill anyone willing to expose their lie.
    Muhammad wasn’t finished telling his faithful that the Jews and the Christians had collaborated in the greatest hoax in all of recorded history. 002.146 “The people of the Book recognize him as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know.” Muhammad’s “god” is saying on behalf of his “prophet” that the Jews recognized Muhammad as the Messiah but were keeping it a secret. He was evidently counting on everyone being illiterate and naïve. And judging by the numbers of people he fooled, he may have been right.



My response:

You mentioned three points:

1-  The tests of Abraham.

2-  Islam is not foretold by the Jews and Christians' Book, the Bible.  It is inconsistent and alien to them.

3-  Noble Verse 2:146 confirms that the Jews and Christians know that Muhammad was a True Prophet but insisted on denying him.  This is a laughable hoax as will be shown below.

Here is my response to your points:

1-  As to Allah Almighty testing Abraham, peace be upon him, through difficult tests such as putting him in fire and making it "cool" on him, this is true and is confirmed in the Noble Quran:

"We said, "O Fire! be thou cool, and (a means of) safety for Abraham!"  (The Noble Quran, 21:69)"

It doesn't matter if the Noble Quran's account does not exist in the Bible.  The Bible as I proved in responses #3 & #4 does contain contradictions and errors in its historical accounts, as well as, wrong scientific statements.

Also, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did not copy anything from the Bible.  It is true that Allah Almighty talked about some stories regarding the People of Israel and some events that happened in the past which exist in the Bible, but Allah Almighty's account in the Noble Quran came to correct the errors, contradictions and corruptions in the Bible and to demonstrate that the Bible is corrupt.

Also, just because the Bible contains history in it and was written by many authors, it doesn't make it an entirely Divine and Perfect Holy Book.  Like I proved above, there exists OVERWHELMING contradictions and errors in historical accounts and claims in the Bible, as well as the validity and authenticity of the books and gospels that make up the Bible of today, because they were written by MYSTERIOUS people; people who are not known to us today, and who were not even Prophets and Messengers from GOD Almighty!

Please visit: Just who were the original authors of the Bible? to the quotes from the Bible's theologians and historians admitting to this problem.


2-   As to Islam not being foretold in the Torah (Law) and Injil (Revelations sent to Jesus), this is a lie, and is refuted even in the Bible itself:



Introduction:  Jesus said to the Jews: "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.  (From the KJV Bible, Matthew 21:43)"

What other nation beside the modern Muslims of today bow down to GOD Almighty in the most proper way?  What other nation beside the modern Muslims Glorify GOD Almighty in their 5-daily Prayers, and fast the Month of Ramadan for Him?

Let's look at what GOD Almighty said about Ishmael, the father of the Muslims: "And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.  (From the KJV Bible, Genesis 17:19-21)"

The Jews were GOD Almighty's chosen people:  "We did aforetime grant to the Children of Israel the Book the Power of Command, and Prophethood; We gave them, for Sustenance, things good and pure; and We favoured them above the nations.  (The Noble Quran, 45:16)

But after they utterly failed with GOD Almighty and His Messengers (Not Moses ever liked their actions, nor Jesus ever liked them and their killings of the Prophets):

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!  (From the KJV Bible, Matthew 23:37)"

"You have heard these things; look at them all. Will you not admit them? "From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you. They are created now, and not long ago; you have not heard of them before today. So you cannot say, 'Yes, I knew of them.'   You have neither heard nor understood; from of old your ear has not been open. Well do I know how treacherous you are; you were called a rebel from birth.   For my own name's sake I delay my wrath; for the sake of my praise I hold it back from you, so as not to cut you off.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 48:6-9)"

"So I will disgrace the dignitaries of your temple, and I will consign Jacob to destruction and Israel to scorn.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 43:28)"

"But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches, go, walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze. This is what you shall receive from my hand: You will lie down in torment.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 50:11)"

They became cursed, and GOD Almighty removed His Kingdom from them and gave it to another nation.  That nation is non other than the "blessed" Muslims who came from the "blessed" Ishmael.

The liars of the NIV Bible had inserted a forgery into their English translation.  In Genesis 16:11-12, they inserted a cheap name-calling "wild ass" for Ishmael, while the original scripts in the King James Version Bible called him "wild man":

"And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.  (From the KJV Bible, Genesis 16:11-12)"

Ishmael was a wild man, and a "blessed" one by GOD Almighty (Gen. 17:19-21).  He fought the pagan Arabs who practiced brutal slavery and degradation of women.  It was part of the pagan Arabs' custom to bury daughters alive at the age of 4, because a birth of a female brought shame to the family.  Many pagan Arabs used to practice it.

Ironically, the New Jerusalem Bible also agrees with this ridiculous pagan practice: "....and the birth of ANY daughter is a loss.  (From the New Jerusalem Bible, Ecclesiasticus 22:3)"

The "blessed" Ishmael peace be upon him was Allah Almighty's Apostle: "And Isma'il and Elisha, and Jonas, and Lot: and to all We gave favour above the nations:   (The Noble Quran, 6:86)"

"Also mention in the Book (the story of) Isma'il: He was (strictly) true to what he promised, and he was an apostle (and) a prophet.  (The Noble Quran, 19:54)"

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has a direct blood relationship with Prophet Ishmael peace be upon him.  Before Prophet Muhammad became a Prophet at the age of 40, he was a well-respected and honored person among his people.  The pagans used him to judge between their affairs.  They also used to trust him with their wealth.  He was called "Al-Sadiq, Al-Ameen", which means "The Honest, the Trust Worthy".

When Prophet Muhammad became the Messenger of Allah Almighty, he brought the Divine Religion of Islam that ended the Judeo-Christian and pagan brutal slavery, lifted the status of women and gave them their rights, and brought Justice, Light and Mercy to the Arabs and to the Muslims world-wide.


GOD in the Bible will take His Kingdom from the Jews and give it to another Nation:

The following is an email that sent to me by brother Silent Wisdom; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.  I did, however, add points to the article/email.

From: (Silent Wisdom)
To:    Osama Abdallah
Subj:    Muhammad in the Bible!
Date:    6/28/02 2:08:27 PM Central Daylight Time

As'Salamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa'Barakatu brother,

Here is some Further proofs about Prophecies of the Bible about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)..

3:3 God came from Teman, and the Holy One from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise.
3:4 And his brightness was as the light; he had horns coming out of his hand: and there was the hiding of his power.
3:5 Before him went the pestilence, and burning coals went forth at his feet.

In fact This is a Clear Prophecy about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as he was the Only Prophet coming from "Mount of Paran" in Mecca..This is a Clear Verse.

118:22 The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.
118:23 This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.
118:24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
21:44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.

What other nation beside the modern Muslims of today bow down to GOD Almighty in the most proper way?  What other nation beside the modern Muslims Glorify GOD Almighty in their 5-daily Prayers, and fast the Month of Ramadan for Him?

Let's look at what GOD Almighty said about Ishmael, the father of the Muslims: "And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.  (From the KJV Bible, Genesis 17:19-21)"

The Jews were GOD Almighty's chosen people:  "We did aforetime grant to the Children of Israel the Book the Power of Command, and Prophethood; We gave them, for Sustenance, things good and pure; and We favoured them above the nations.  (The Noble Quran, 45:16)

But after they utterly failed with GOD Almighty and His Messengers (Not Moses ever liked their actions, nor Jesus ever liked them and their killings of the Prophets):

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!  (From the KJV Bible, Matthew 23:37)"

"You have heard these things; look at them all. Will you not admit them? "From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you. They are created now, and not long ago; you have not heard of them before today. So you cannot say, 'Yes, I knew of them.'  You have neither heard nor understood; from of old your ear has not been open. Well do I know how treacherous you are; you were called a rebel from birth.  For my own name's sake I delay my wrath; for the sake of my praise I hold it back from you, so as not to cut you off.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 48:6-9)"

"So I will disgrace the dignitaries of your temple, and I will consign Jacob to destruction and Israel to scorn.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 43:28)"

"But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches, go, walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze. This is what you shall receive from my hand: You will lie down in torment.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 50:11)"

They became cursed, and GOD Almighty removed His Kingdom from them and gave it to another nation.  That nation is non other than the "blessed" Muslims who came from the "blessed" Ishmael.

The liars of the NIV Bible had inserted a forgery into their English translation.  In Genesis 16:11-12, they inserted a cheap name-calling "wild ass" for Ishmael, while the original scripts in the King James Version Bible called him "wild man":

"And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.  (From the KJV Bible, Genesis 16:11-12)"

Ishmael was a wild man, and a "blessed" one by GOD Almighty (Gen. 17:19-21).  He fought the pagan Arabs who practiced brutal slavery and degradation of women.  It was part of the pagan Arabs' custom to bury daughters alive at the age of 4, because a birth of a female brought shame to the family.  Many pagan Arabs used to practice it.

Ironically, the New Jerusalem Bible also agrees with this ridiculous pagan practice: "....and the birth of ANY daughter is a loss.  (From the New Jerusalem Bible, Ecclesiasticus 22:3)"

The "blessed" Ishmael peace be upon him was Allah Almighty's Apostle: "And Isma'il and Elisha, and Jonas, and Lot: and to all We gave favour above the nations:   (The Noble Quran, 6:86)"

"Also mention in the Book (the story of) Isma'il: He was (strictly) true to what he promised, and he was an apostle (and) a prophet.  (The Noble Quran, 19:54)"

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has a direct blood relationship with Prophet Ishmael peace be upon him.  Before Prophet Muhammad became a Prophet at the age of 40, he was a well-respected and honored person among his people.  The pagans used him to judge between their affairs.  They also used to trust him with their wealth.  He was called "Al-Sadiq Al-Ameen", which means "The Honest the Trust Worthy".

When Prophet Muhammad became the Messenger of Allah Almighty, he brought the Divine Religion of Islam that ended the Judeo-Christian and pagan brutal slavery, lifted the status of women and gave them their rights, and brought Justice, Light and Mercy to the Arabs and to the Muslims world-wide.

In Psalms 118:22 and Matthew 21:44, Both are Talking about a Stone, in Fact a Corner Stone that completes the Building of Prophets and God's Kingdom.

In Matthew 21:43, It's a Clear Warning from Jesus (peace be upon him) to Jews that the kingdom of God shall be taken away from them and will be given to another nation can serve it, This nation must be the Great nation of Ishmael mentioned in Bible..and definitely the nation of Islam ,followers of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The word Stone (Corner Stone) in both verses was used by prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself referring to his similitude with other prophets:

Sahih Al Bukhari:
Volume 4, Book 56, Number 735:

Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "My similitude in comparison with the other prophets before me, is that of a man who has built a house nicely and beautifully, except for a place of one brick in a corner. The people go about it and wonder at its beauty, but say: 'Would that this brick be put in its place!' So I am that brick, and I am the last of the Prophets."

For further understanding to the Corner Stone mentioned in Psalms 118, Here is the earlier Verses of the Chapter:

118:10 All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD will I destroy them.
118:11 They compassed me about; yea, they compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.
118:12 They compassed me about like bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.
118:13 Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall: but the LORD helped me.
118:14 The LORD is my strength and song, and is become my salvation.
118:15 The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.
118:16 The right hand of the LORD is exalted: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.
118:17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.
118:18 The LORD hath chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over unto death.
118:19 Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the LORD:
118:20 This gate of the LORD, into which the righteous shall enter.
118:21 I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation.

Salaam (peace)


To the reader, also please visit:


Muhammad (peace be upon him) was foretold in the Bible:

The sections here are:

1-  Introductory Questions and my open challenge.
2-  In the Gospel of John and New Testament.
3-  In the Book of Isaiah.
4-  In other Books in the Bible, and other Biblical Prophets proving Islam.
5-  The "lost people of Israel" are the people of Afghanistan and Kashmir today. 
      See proofs from the Bible and History.  Cities were mentioned and documented.

Introductory Questions:  

Why did GOD end His revelations with Muhammad and not with Jesus?
Answer to the question.

Question: What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth? and Why?
Answer to the question.

* The Bible and the Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad) were written in a 3000-year and 200-year span respectively.  They both contain a lot of Truth from GOD Almighty, and unfortunately, also a lot of falsehood and man-made corruption.

The Noble Quran, on the other hand, was documented as it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, and Allah Almighty promised that He would keep it perfectly protected by Himself Personally:

"We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption).  (The Noble Quran, 15:9)"

"Nay, this is a Glorious Quran, (inscribed) in a Tablet Preserved!  (The Noble Quran, 85:21-22)"

Prophecies about Islam in the Bible - My open challenge to anyone to refute this.


In the Gospel of John and New Testament:

In the Gospel of John: Muhammad is mentioned by the name and was foretold in the Gospel of John. This is a must read article!  It proves that Jesus peace be upon him predicted for the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him to come after him.

The Aramaic Bible predicts the coming of Muhammad by the exact word.

Further proofs from the Aramaic Bible Society.   A very good proof from the Aramaic Bible Society web site regarding Muhammad's name mentioned in the Greek Bible.  This is a must visit link!!.

Jesus told the Jews that GOD Almighty will take His Kingdom from them and give it to the Muslims.

My detailed rebuttal to a Christian rebuttal about Muhammad was foretold by Jesus.  I addressed all of their rebuttal points and refuted them.  The article also talks about the 24,000 books that the current Bible's 66 books came from, and how that makes the current 66 chosen books extremely unreliable and doubtful.


In the Book of Isaiah:

Isaiah 42-54 seem to predict Islam and the removal of GOD Almighty's Covenant from the people of Israel.

In the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah in the Bible foretold the story of "Al-alak" that is in the Noble Quran about Muhammad.   Isaiah in the Bible foretold the story of "Al-alak" in the Noble Quran which happened to Muhammad and never happened to any other Prophet.  It is the story where the Angel Gabriel repeatedly commands the Prophet to read, and the Prophet (i.e. Muhammad) repeatedly replies "I can't read".

Isaiah's Vision: He saw Jesus riding a donkey and Muhammad riding a camel.  He also saw the destruction of Babylon (i.e. Iraq today) and its idol gods, and replacing them with a Divine Religion (i.e. Islam today).

Prophet Muhammad was foretold in Isaiah 42.

Muhammad in the Bible, (Isaiah 60), Pilgrimage to Mecca..!

Islamic Fasting was predicted by Isaiah in the Bible.


In other Books in the Bible, and other Biblical Prophets proving Islam:

Deuteronomy 18:18's Prophet is non other than Prophet Muhammad.

The "great nation" of Ishmael and its definition in the Bible.

The fall of pagan Babylon to pagan Persia in the Bible, and then the fall of pagan Persia (Iran + Iraq) to Islam.

The story of King Heraclius of the Byzantine and the foretold Prophet (Muhammad) in the Bible.  See how he was convinced that Prophet Muhammad of Arabia was indeed the foretold Prophet that Jesus predicted to come.

The emigration of the Muslims to Madina was foretold in the Bible.

The story of the 10,000 Muslims who liberated Mecca (Paran) in the Bible.

Pilgrimage of Ezekiel to Mecca.

See the Proof that "Paran" in the Bible is "Mecca".  Paran in the Bible is Mecca today - See the Archeological discoveries that prove Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia.

Muhammad in the Bible; Standing upon Mount Arafat.

A great site that also shows Muhammad being foretold in the Bible.

Prophecy about Muhammad in Song of Songs 5:16.   Exposes the deliberate mistranslation of the Verse to disprove the coming of Muhammad peace be upon him.

Muhammad in the Old and New Testaments.

Muhammad in the Bible, by Sheikh (Minister) Ahmed Deedat.

Jesus' Sacred place among Muslims.  By the Christian Scholar Michael Wolfe.

Prophecies from Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

Also please visit Muhammad's (peace be upon him) life, prophecies and responses to all of the false charges against him.


The "lost people of Israel" are the people of Afghanistan and Kashmir today:

The "lost tribes of Israel" are the Muslims of Afghanistan and Kashmir -- Proved from the Bible and History -- Afghan and Kashmiri cities mentioned and documented.


3-  As to Noble Verse 2:146 confirming that the Jews and Christians know that Muhammad was a True Prophet but insisted on denying him, this is a laughable and complete hoax!  Here is what Noble Verses 2:140 - 2:150 Say to make it crystal clear to the reader:

[002:140] Or do ye say that Abraham, Isma'il Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do ye know better than God? Ah! who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony they have from God? but God is not unmindful of what ye do!

[002:141] That was a people that hath passed away. They shall reap the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do! Of their merits there is no question in your case:

[002:142] The fools among the people will say: "What hath turned them from the Qibla to which they were used?" Say: To God belong both east and West: He guideth whom He will to a Way that is straight.

[002:143] Thus, have We made of you an Ummat justly balanced, that ye might be witnesses over the nations, and the Apostle a witness over yourselves; and We appointed the Qibla to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Apostle from those who would turn on their heels (From the Faith). Indeed it was (A change) momentous, except to those guided by God. And never would God Make your faith of no effect. For God is to all people Most surely full of kindness, Most Merciful.

[002:144] We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is God unmindful of what they do.

[002:145] Even if thou wert to bring to the people of the Book all the Signs (together), they would not follow Thy Qibla; nor art thou going to follow their Qibla; nor indeed will they follow each other's Qibla. If thou after the knowledge hath reached thee, Wert to follow their (vain) desires,-then wert thou Indeed (clearly) in the wrong.

[002:146] The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know.

[002:147] The Truth is from thy Lord; so be not at all in doubt.

[002:148] To each is a goal to which God turns him; then strive together (as in a race) Towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, God will bring you Together. For God Hath power over all things.

[002:149] From whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; that is indeed the truth from the Lord. And God is not unmindful of what ye do.

[002:150] So from whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; and wheresoever ye are, Turn your face thither: that there be no ground of dispute against you among the people, except those of them that are bent on wickedness; so fear them not, but fear Me; and that I may complete My favours on you, and ye May (consent to) be guided;

Allah Almighty in Noble Verse 2:145 is clearly refuting the nonsense that the Jews and Christians had invented about refusing to prostrate to GOD Almighty (through the direction of the "Qibla"), and associating partners with Him such as calling creation created from dust as "sons of GOD".

GOD Almighty has no sons and no partners.  Even the "Son of God" translation that you see today is all wrong!  The following detailed article clearly proves that "son of God" literally means "Servant of God" in Hebrew:



"Son of God" means "Servant of God" in Hebrew. Bible agrees with Islam, not with pagan trinity:

The sections of this article are:

1-  Comparison between Hebrew and Arabic.
2-  "Son of God" is the same as "Servant of God" in Hebrew!
3-  Articles with detailed proofs about "Son of God" means "Servant of God" in Hebrew.
4-  Jesus "feared" GOD in the Old Testament: Another proof that he is a Servant.
5-  Conclusion.


Comparison between Hebrew and Arabic:

In this article, I will prove that the Bible's "Son of GOD" translation is wrong, because it literally means "Servant of GOD" as Islam clearly defines it.   I have shown ample evidence from Hebrew below.

The following definitions were taken from:

Word Hebrew or Arabic English Translation
Abbott Hebrew Father
Abb Arabic Father
Abel Hebrew Breath or Son of
Abd Arabic Servant of or Slave of

Important Note:  Since "Abd" means "Servant of" in Arabic, and "Abel" means "Breath of" in Hebrew, then this means "Abel" in Hebrew could also mean "Servant of" or "Creation of", since it literally also means "Breath of".


The following Hebrew words and their definitions were taken from:

Word Hebrew or Arabic English Translation
Ben Hebrew Son of
Bin Arabic Son of (as in Osama bin Laden)
Benie Elohim Hebrew Sons of GOD
Beni Arabic People of (as in Bani Israel, People of Israel)

Important Note:  Since "Beni" in Arabic means "People of", then this means that "Benie" in Hebrew also means "People of" or "Group of", or "Belongings of", which was falsely translated as "Sons of" throughout the entire Bible!


"In the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha

This literature contain a few passages in which the title "son of God" is given to the Messiah (see Enoch, cv. 2; IV Esdras vii. 28-29; xiii. 32, 37, 52; xiv. 9); but the title belongs also to any one whose piety has placed him in a filial relation to God (see Wisdom ii. 13, 16, 18; v. 5, where "the sons of God" are identical with "the saints"; comp. Ecclus. [Sirach] iv. 10).

In Judaism, it is through such personal relations that the individual becomes conscious of God's fatherhood, and gradually in Hellenistic and rabbinical literature "sonship to God" was ascribed first to every Israelite and then to every member of the human race (Abot iii. 15, v. 20; Ber. v. 1; see Abba). In one midrash, the Torah is said to be God's "daughter" (Leviticus Rabbah xx.)"


Important Note:  "filial relation to God" means that a person or creation has a special place in GOD Almighty's Sight.  Also, "sons of God" being identical with "the saints" means that the term "son of God" is not an accurate one in the sense of being physically or biologically "part of GOD" or "Son of GOD" respectively as the trinitarian Christians falsely claim.

Also, "In one midrash, the Torah is said to be God's "daughter'", further proves my point that "Son of GOD" today in the English bibles don't mean more than a "Creation of GOD" or "Servant of GOD"; perhaps a very dear or special servant of GOD Almighty, as the Torah was also called "daughter of GOD".


"Son of God" is the same as "Servant of God" in Hebrew!

"In modern English usage, the Son of God is almost always a reference to Jesus Christ, whom Christianity holds to be the son of the Christian God, eternally begotten of God the Father and coeternal with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

Human or part-human offspring of deities are very common in other religions and mythologies, however. For example in the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the earliest recorded legends of humanity, Gilgamesh claimed to be of both human and divine descent. Another well-known son of a god and a human is Hercules.

A great many pantheons also included genealogies in which various gods were descended from other gods, and so the term "son of god" may be applied to many actual deities as well."


Important Note:  So as we can see, the "Son of GOD" theory originally comes from pagan Greek origins.   And since most of the Bible's New Testament was written in Greek, then it had been without a doubt negatively influenced by such pagan theology, where Jesus being called "Son of GOD" is literally interpreted today as "part of GOD" or the "Creator of the Universe".


"In the Hebrew Bible Israel is both a man (Jacob, the son of Isaac) and the nation that descended from him.

Because of the shared name and organic identity, God speaks to the nation as though he were a single person. Israel is, in fact, God's son (Exod 4:22 — beni vechori yisrael; Deut 14:1 — banim atem l'Adonai; Jer 31:9 — ki hayiti le'yisrael le'av; Hosea 11:1 — mimitzrayim qarati livni).

Israel's Father nurtures him to grow up and become a worshiping servant (Exod 4:23 — "Let my son go that he may serve me")."


Important Note:  Here we see when Israel became GOD Almighty's "son", he reached the point of being GOD Almighty's "servant".  This means that "son of GOD" is nothing but a "Servant of GOD" as clearly defined in Islam.  It doesn't at all mean that the individual is part of GOD Almighty, or he is GOD the Father Himself.

This is further proven in this quote:

"The Inner Son Rescues His People
Read together, these texts make clear that the Plan (etzah) is set in God's mind. He will use the anointed one — and his circle of faithful-to-God disciples — as his agent for bringing rebellious Israel back to his sonship calling.

YHVH formed me from the womb to be His Servant,
to bring Jacob back to him,
in order that Israel might be gathered to Him.

It is too small a thing that you should be
my Servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob,
and to restore the preserved ones [netzurim] of Israel . . . (Isa 49:5, 6)

It's worth noting that the apostles Paul and Barnabas quoted this passage in reference to themselves, as being members of the Messiah's Remnant Israel (Acts 13:46-48; cf. Luke 2:32).

Thus, within the writings of Isaiah we observe the tensions, paradoxes, and hopes for fixing what is broken — both within God's servant people and in the creation as a whole. To accomplish this there are two who serve the Lord, two with the title "Eved." "


Important Note:  Again, we see that the Son of GOD's main responsibility is to Serve GOD Almighty and to Worship Him alone.  So a Son of GOD is basically a Servant of GOD.  Also, Jesus being called "Son of GOD" is also no different.  Him being the "Son of GOD" means he is a Servant of GOD Almighty, or Abdallah, since "Abd" means "Servant of" and "Allah" means "GOD" or "The Supreme GOD Almighty above all gods".


Articles with detailed proofs about "Son of God" means "Servant of God" in Hebrew:

Below are a list of articles that clearly prove from Hebrew resources that "Son of God" also means "Servant of God".


Article #1:

The following article was taken from:

Is Jesus "God's Son" or "God's Servant?"

Do you see a difference between these two Bible versions?

King James Version
Acts 3:25 - Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.

Acts 3:26 - Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.

New King James Version
Acts 3:25 - You are the sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, 'And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

Acts 3:26 - To you first, God, having raised up His Servant Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning every one of you away from his iniquities.

In the KJV, we find that Jesus is God's Son. In the NKJV, we find that He is God's servant. These are clearly not the same! The Greek word found in the text here is "pais". It can be used in Greek for either "son" or "servant." So which one is correct here?

The solution is simple: look at the context in which it is used. In English, we have many words that can have more than one meaning. If a translator, going from English to another language, came across the word "bear," he would have a choice of meanings. But it wouldn't take rocket science to figure out which one to use.

If the passage described a man with a heavy burden, the translator would understand that the man is going to "bear," or "carry" the burden. If, on the other hand, the passage described a hairy beast climbing a tree, the translator would understand the correct meaning here applies to a forest-dwelling animal that will eat nearly anything it finds. It's not really very hard.

Now look at the Bible passage above. What is being discussed?

It's clear, isn't it? The passage is talking about "children," and "fathers" and "seed." The word "pais" means "son." But the New King James translators chose "servant." Why? They were not alone. The New World Translation, created by the Jehovah's Witnesses who deny the deity of Jesus, translated this word "servant" also. So do the NIV, ASV, NASB and other modern Bible translations.

Could it be that these modern translators disagree that "pais" can be translated "son?" No, the NKJV committee translates this very word as "boy," "child" or "son" in Matthew 2:16; 17:18; 21:15; Luke 2:43; 9:42; and John 4:51. Yet they refused to translate the word as "son" in this powerful sermon where Peter presents Jesus as Messiah and Son of God.

One has to ask, why were these translators so determined to deny the deity of Jesus in this passage? Is this a Bible you can trust with your eternal destiny?


Article #2:

The following excerpt was taken from:

"Mr. Tom Harpur says in the preface to his book: "The most significant development since 1986 in this regard has been the discovery of the title "Son of God" in one of the Qumran papyri (Dead Sea Scrolls) used in relation to a person other than Jesus.....this simply reinforces the argument made there that to be called the Son of God in a Jewish setting in the first century is not by any means the same as being identical with God Himself." For Christ's Sake, pp. xii."

The article goes into great depth in refuting the polytheist trinity paganism.  I recommend reading it.


Article #3:

The following excerpt was taken from:

"....And there is only one Jehovah God, who qualifies! In fact, the whole idea of Christ being just a man or lesser god, makes the Christian belief ridiculous.

Isaiah 43:10-11

That word translated Lord there is in the Hebrew [yehovah] Jehovah. There is no god before who is the Saviour, and no god after. Jehovah God is the only possible Saviour. No man, nor superman, could accomplish the task of being burdened with all our sins, judged for them, and be resurrected without them. Even a non-Christians can understand the bankruptcy of any other idea. For when we actually stop to think about it seriously, it's quite ludicrous! Unless this man was the very revelation of God (the only one able to become sin for us, and withstand the judgment thereof), we have no Saviour! And that is exactly what God said in Isaiah chapter 43 verse 11. Who could accomplish such a feat to be a saviour? The answer in all reasonableness is, no one but Jehovah God is the Saviour."

Again, the article goes into great depth in refuting the polytheist trinity paganism.   I recommend reading it.


Jesus "feared" GOD in the Old Testament: Another proof that he is a Servant:

Let us look at the following verses from the Bible:

1.  A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
2.  The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him (Jesus)-- the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of
counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD
(Jesus fearing his GOD)--
3.  and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or
decide by what he hears with his ears;

(From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 11:1-3)

In regards to the Spirit of GOD Almighty resting on Jesus, please visit:  The Spirit of GOD Almighty came upon others before and after Jesus in the Bible.

Anyway, a simple question here must be asked:  How can Jesus be the Creator of the Universe if he feared GOD Almighty?  Trinitarians often say "Jesus is the Son of God".  And when one tries to get further elaboration from them about what exactly "Son of God" means, they end up telling him that Jesus is the Creator of the Universe.

Almost every single trinitarian Christian that I debated believes that Jesus is the Creator of the Universe.

Let us look at what Jesus said about himself and about GOD Almighty:

"I do nothing of myself  (From the NIV Bible, John 8:28)"

"My Father (GOD) is greater than I  (From the NIV Bible, John 14:28)"

"Father (GOD), into thy hands I commend my spirit  (From the NIV Bible, Luke 23:46)"

"And Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.  (From the NIV Bible, Mark 10:18)"

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.  (From the NIV Bible, Matthew 24:36)"

Do these quotes suggest at all that Jesus is in the same level as the Creator of the Universe? 



As we've seen above, in Hebrew, "Son of God" can also be translated as "Servant of God", which literally means "Abdallah" in Arabic.   Abd = Servant, and allah = Allah, or the Supreme GOD Almighty that is above all gods.  So, Jesus being called "Son of God" does not mean anything about him being part of GOD or GOD Almighty Himself.  It simply means "Servant of God" since Jesus existed among Jews and preached the Gospel to them.

Allah Almighty said: "And they say: "(God) Most Gracious has begotten offspring." Glory to Him! they are (but) servants raised to honour.  (The Noble Quran, 21:26)"

Jesus himself in his own quotes in the New Testament refuted trinity as shown above.   The Bible in the Old Testament also refuted trinity by saying that Jesus will have the spirit of fearing GOD Almighty in him. 

How can GOD Almighty fear Himself?  And why would the Creator of the Universe have any fear in Him?

Jesus clearly was the Servant of GOD Almighty as Islam claims.  Jesus was the Jews' Messiah and Leader, and Allah Almighty's Messenger to them.  But he was not part of GOD Almighty, nor His biological son.


See also the following articles:

"Allah" was GOD Almighty's original Name in the Bible according to the Hebrew and Aramaic sources.

Scientific Miracles in Islam and the Noble Quran.

Does calling Jesus "Son of God" prove that he is GOD?

The definition of "Son of God" in Islam.

Son of GOD: Some Muslims' Misconception.

Jesus said that GOD shall take His Kingdom from the Jews and give it to the Muslims.

Most of the Bible's books and gospels were written by mysterious people!

Jesus mentioned Muhammad by the name in the Bible.

Did Isaiah 53 really prophesies about the crucifixion of Jesus? It supports Islam's claims about Jesus peace be upon him never died on the cross.  I also addressed John 19:36-37 from the Bible and proved that Jesus never got crucified, since GOD Almighty promised that he will protect Jesus' body and not let even a single bone be broken.    My question to all Christians is: How in the world is it possible for the feet to get nailed on the cross without any penetration to the bones by the nails, hence breaking part of the feet's bones?! I also added refutations to Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, Zechariah 12:10 and Psalm 34:20, which supposedly prove the Christians' belief about Jesus crucifixion.  I proved that this dogma has no truth what so ever and exposed the wrong Trinitarian English translation of Zechariah 12:10.

What is the place of Jesus, Jews and Christians in Islam?

The Blessed Jesus in Islam.

Isaiah 42-54 seem to predict Islam and the removal of GOD Almighty's Covenant from the people of Israel.

In the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah in the Bible foretold the story of "Al-alak" that is in the Noble Quran about Muhammad.   Isaiah in the Bible foretold the story of "Al-alak" in the Noble Quran which happened to Muhammad and never happened to any other Prophet.  It is the story where the Angel Gabriel repeatedly commands the Prophet to read, and the Prophet (i.e. Muhammad) repeatedly replies "I can't read".

Isaiah's Vision: He saw Jesus riding a donkey and Muhammad riding a camel.  He also saw the destruction of Babylon (i.e. Iraq today) and its idol gods, and replacing them with a Divine Religion (i.e. Islam today).

Prophet Muhammad was foretold in Isaiah 42.

Muhammad in the Bible, (Isaiah 60), Pilgrimage to Mecca..!

Islamic Fasting was predicted by Isaiah in the Bible.

Muhammad peace be upon him in the Bible.



He wrote:

    The trials and tribulations of Dishonest Abe, also known as a figment of Muhammad’s imagination, end where they began—by ripping off a well-documented Bible story. Tabari II:111 “Lot bin Haran bin Terah, son of Abraham’s brother, and his people, the folks of Sodom, traveled from Babylon following their religion. They went to Syria as fugitives with Sarah. It is said that Terah, Abraham’s father, went with them.” Yes, Terah was Abe’s dad, not Azar, like the Traditions have been insisting. And yes, they were close when they said that they left Babylon. It was actually Ur, a hundred miles south. And yes, the troop included Lot and Sarah. They were not, however, fugitives, they had no religion, and the people of Sodom were not with them. Lot would eventually live in Sodom, but that wouldn’t occur for a couple of thousand miles and many years.
   “Terah died. Abraham, Lot and Sarah went on to Syria and then to Egypt, which was then ruled by a Pharaoh named Sinan bin Al-wan bin Ubayd bin Uwayj bin Imlaq bin Lud bin Shem bin Noah. He was the brother of Dahhak/Nimrod, who had appointed him governor of Egypt.” These boys would have been so much better off if they had just stuck with the Biblical account rather than drumming up this nonsense. Truth is, they would have been better off if they had just stuck with Judaism and never perverted it into Islam—and so would we.
   “After this, Abraham, Lot and Sarah went back to Syria and settled in Palestine. Allah sent Lot to the people of Sodom. They were disbelievers in Allah and immoral. Allah said, ‘You commit lewdness such as no creature before. You come into males, cut the roads, and commit abominations in your assemblies.’” [Qur’an 29:28] Allah, please, watch the language. They have a perfectly good word for that male thing. It’s called homosexuality. As for the lewdness, they have a word for that too. And even you should know it—as it was named after the town. But as for “cutting the roads,” I’m at a loss.
    Fortunately, Muslim sages are ever ready to enlighten us. Tabari II:112 “Allah’s statement, ‘you cut the road’ means: When the traveler, the son of the road, passed by they would block the road and perform with him that ugly deed.... Some say that they used to shorten whoever passed by. Other say that they used to break wind in their assemblies, while some said that they used to have intercourse with each other there.... Some Islamic scholars agree, while others differ. The abomination was breaking wind.” I wonder if that was why Allah taught Adam about “the fart and the little fart?” It may have been why Muhammad revealed this pearl in Bukhari’s Book of Wudu: Bukhari:V1B4N139 “He asked Allah’s Messenger about a person who imagined to have passed wind during the Salat prayer. Allah’s Messenger replied: ‘He should not leave his Salat unless he hears sound or smells something.’” You see, Islam can be tolerant.
    Others say: “They would accost a rider and seize him and mount him,” explains surah 29:28. Or: “Allah’s statement refers to the fact that no male jumped upon a male before the people of Lot.” Then you have Muhammad’s version: “The Messenger of God said, ‘And you commit abominations in your assemblies means they would cut off wayfarers and mock them, and that was the abomination that they committed.’” Horror of horrors! Being mocked was Muhammad’s curse in life. Virtually everyone he encountered berated him.
    The Messenger had a lot to say about Lot. Although Lot never preached a day in his life and was the furthest thing from a prophet, the temptation to transform him into a mini-Muhammad was too great to pass up. Tabari II:115 “Lot called on them to worship Allah. By Allah’s command he tried to prohibit them from doing those things which Allah disliked such as brigandage, committing lewd acts, and entering males in the posteriors. Because they persisted, he threatened them with painful doom. They rejected his admonitions, saying to him ‘Bring Allah’s doom upon us, if you are telling the truth!’” I could have sworn that we’ve heard this story before.
   “At length Lot asked his Lord for help against them, since the matter was dragging on, as was their persistence in sinfulness. Then Allah—when he wanted to disgrace them and destroy them and help His Messenger Lot against them—sent Gabriel and two other angels. It had been said that the two other angels were Michael and Israfil.” Every word of this was loaded, chosen specifically to distress Muhammad’s Meccan tormentors. “Mess will me and my god will get you.”
    Tabari II:120 “Gabriel picked up their land with his wing and turned it over. He lifted it so high the inhabitants of heaven heard the crowing of roosters and the barking of dogs. He turned them upside down and rained upon them stones of clay.” [Qur’an 15:74]
    The 15th surah says: “Thus did We turn it upside down, and rained down upon them stones of what had been decreed. Surely in this are signs for those who examine. And surely it is on a road that still abides. Most surely there is a sign in this for the believers. The dwellers of the Rock rejected the messengers.”
    Allah is daring us to use his depiction of Sodom as a proof of his divinity. But Sodom wasn’t turned upside down, it wasn’t stoned with clay, nor was it ever close enough to heaven for the angelic host to hear the roosters. And the roads have long since disappeared. We know that because archeologists have found Sodom, Gomorrah, and the other cities of the plain. And guess what? They are exactly where the Bible said they would be. They were destroyed exactly when the Bible said that they were destroyed. And yes, they were buried exactly how the Bible proclaimed—under brimstone. Once again, the Bible was precisely accurate and the Muhammad/Allah team couldn’t even plagiarize it without burying themselves.
    Some of the lowlights of the versions that follow include: Tabari II:121 “Gabriel spread out his wings and gouged out their eyes.” “Then Allah took them to Syria.” Which is odd because that’s where we were told they were in the first place.
    This next one is a hoot. There are more errors than sentences. “Gabriel seized its girdle, then snatched it up so high into the sky that the angels could hear their dogs. He threw rocks at the laggards, one after the other. There were three towns called Sodom that lay between Medina and Syria. It has been mentioned that there were four million people in the town.” Four thousand, maybe. They all had different names, like Gomorrah, and they were unearthed on the shores of the Dead Sea.
    Muhammad’s convoluted story of Lot is repeated a half dozen times in different surahs and that many times again in the Traditions. It’s no wonder it was the prophet’s personal favorite. He had the opportunity to turn a nobody into a messenger whose people got pummeled because they mocked him.
    We leave Volume II of Tabari with these stirring words, “O Messenger! How many books did Allah reveal? He said, ‘One hundred and four books. To Adam He revealed ten leaves, to Seth fifty leaves, and to Enoch thirty leaves. To Abraham he revealed ten leaves and also the Torah, Gospel, the Zabur, and the Rurqan.’” Oops. Even Allah knows better. The Torah wasn’t written until the time of Moses. But what makes this statement particularly lame is that eighty-five percent of the Torah chronicles the history of people who lived after Abraham died.
    Tabari II:130 “I said, ‘O Messenger! What were the books of Abraham?’ He answered, ‘They were all proverbs such as, ‘O dominated, afflicted and deceived king! I did not send you to collect all the world, one part to another, rather I sent you so that I would not have to hear the cry of the oppressed.’” If they were all that feeble, it’s little wonder no one other than the illiterate messenger ever read them.



My response:

Here in this section you brought nothing of substance that shows contradictions between the Bible and the Al-Tabari narrations about the stories of Abraham and Lot.  At either case, and as I showed and proved above with ample evidence, both the Bible and the Hadith narrations are doubtful and filled with lies, corruptions, alterations and fabricated stories.  Again, Consider the following few examples that consist of historical contradictions in the Bible:

II Samuel 10:18 talks about David slew the men of 700 chariots of the Syrians and 40,000 horsemen and Shobach the commander.
I Chronicles 1:18 says that David slew the men of 7000 chariots and 40,000 footmen

I Chronicles 9:25 says that Solomon had 4000 stalls for horses and chariots.
I Kings 4:26 says that he had 40,000 stalls for horses

Ezra 2:5 talks about an exile Arah having 775 sons.
Nehemiah 7:10 talks about the same exile Arah having 652 sons.

II Samuel 24:13 So God came to David, and told him, and said unto him, shall SEVEN YEARS OF FAMINE come unto thee in thy land? or will thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they pursue. thee?
I Chronicles 21:11 SO God came to David, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Choose thee. Either THREE YEARS OF FAMINE or three months to be destryed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee;

How did Judas die?
"And he cast down the pieces of silver into the temple and departed, and went out and hanged himself." (Matthew 27:5)
"And falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all of his bowels gushed out." (Acts 1:18)

2 Samuel 6:23 Therefore MICHAL the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death.
2 Samuel 21:8 But the king took the two sons of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, whom she bare unto Saul, Armoni and Mephibosheth; and the five sons of MICHAL the daughter of Saul, whom she brought up for Adriel the son of Barzillai the Meholathite.

2 Kings 24:8 Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. And his mother's name was Nehushta, the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem.
2 Chronicles 36:9 Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem: and he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD.

26th year of the reign of Asa I Kings 16:6-8
36th year of the reign of Asa I 2 Chronicles 16:1

How old was Ahaziah when he began to reign?
22 in 2 Kings 8:26
42 in 2 Chronicle 22:2

Who was Josiah's successor?
Jehoahaz - 2 Chronicle 36:1
Shallum - Jeremiah 22:11

Also, your original scriptures are all doubtful according to the Bible's own theologians and historians.  It's quite hilarious that even the Bible itself admits that it has been tampered with and corrupted by man's garbage:

"`How can you say, "We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

The Revised Standard Version makes it even clearer: "How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie(From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

And regarding who wrote the books and gospels of the Bible, well here is a sample of what the NIV Bible's theologians and historians wrote:

"Serious doubts exists as to whether these verses belong to the Gospel of Mark.  They are absent from important early manuscripts and display certain peculiarities of vocabulary, style and theological content that are unlike the rest of Mark.  His Gospel probably ended at 16:8, or its original ending has been lost.  (From the NIV Bible Foot Notes, page 1528)"

"Although the author does not name himself, evidence outside the Scriptures and inferences from the book itself lead to the conclusion that the author was Luke.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1643)"

"The writer of this letter does not identify himself, but he was obviously well known to the original recipients.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1856)"

"The letter is difficult to date with precision....(From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1905)"

"It seems safe to conclude that the book, at least in its early form, dates from the beginning of the monarchy. Some think that Samuel may have had a hand in shaping or compiling the materials of the book, but in fact we are unsure who the final author or editor was.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 286)"

"Although, according to tradition, Samuel wrote the book, authorship is actually uncertain.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 322)"

"The date of the composition is also unknown, but it was undoubtedly during the monarchy.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 322)"

"The author is unknown. Jewish tradition points to Samuel, but it is unlikely that he is the author because the mention of David (4:17,22) implies a later date.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 360)"

"Who the author was cannot be known with certainty since the book itself gives no indication of his identity.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 368)"

"There is little conclusive evidence as to the identity of the author of 1,2 Kings.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 459)"

"Whoever the author was, it is clear that he was familiar with the book of Deuteronomy.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 459)"

"According to ancient Jewish tradition, Ezra wrote Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah (see Introduction to Ezra: Literary Form and Authorship), but this cannot be established with certainty.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 569)"

"Although we do not know who wrote the book of Esther, from internal evidence it is possible to make some inferences about the author and the date of composition.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 707)"

"The unknown author probably had access to oral and/or written sources....(From the NIV Bible commentary, page 722)"

"Regarding authorship, opinions are even more divided....(From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 773)"


How do you respond to this?

Please visit: Just who were the original authors of the Bible? to see the book's bibliography to the above quotes.

Also, why don't you visit: Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible, and see exactly what I mean, instead of acting like a total fool and saying things that even the Bible refutes in it!

It is quite obvious that Christians today believe in third party authors' words as the words of GOD.  This is a very serious corruption in the Bible that must be taken into deep consideration by the Bible's followers.  Please visit "Is the Bible the true word of GOD?" to see a full and complete paper about the logical corruptions in the Bible, along with many Christian famous priests and ministers opinions that agree with the Bible's corruption.  I have their personal quotes in that site.

Also, as to the parts of the Bible that Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, please visit:

After that, please visit:  Prophet Muhammad was foretold in many places in the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments.


As to the Hadiths, their narrations and especially the ones above from the Al-Tabari history book, came from historical accounts that were documented LITERALLY 100s of years after the Prophet's, peace be upon him, death.   Not everything you read is accurate and was necessarily told by the Prophet word for word, or even if at all!  It is important, if you wish to be objective and honest, to put the Noble Quran as the center for any Islamic argument.  If the Noble Quran makes a claim, then it is definitely agreed upon by all Muslims, and it is perfectly authentic.  Otherwise, GOD Almighty only Knows about what is true and what is false regarding the narrations that you use in Hadiths and Sunnah books.

In fact, the Al-Tabari volume is not very authentic and very doubtful when compared to the Hadiths' volumes and collections.  But even the Hadiths contain much corruptions in them, because they were documented 100s of years after the Prophet's death.   The "Sahih Bukhari" or "Authentic Bukhari" in English was the first volume to be compiled.  Bukhari is not an Arabic name!  Bukhari is derived from the word "Bukhara", which is a city in Afghanistan:

"We now come to the Iron Gate which corresponds exactly to the Quranic description, and has the best claim to be connected with Alexander's story.  It is near another Derbend in Central Asia, Hissar District, about 150 miles southeast of Bukhara......."  (  

For anyone who knows the Islamic history, this means that the Muslims spread Islam to the pagan Arabs, established the Islamic State in Arabia, then fought the Persians (Iranians) and the Romans; invaded the Persians and crushed the Romans, then fought the Hindus in Hindustan, invaded much of their lands such as "Pakistan", "Afghanistan", and much of the Indian territories, convert people there to Islam, and then Brother Bukhari appeared from his home town, Bukhara and decided to compile the Hadiths of "Sahih Bukhari".

Are these narrations all 100% perfect and reliable?  Any person with the least atom of a brain would say no.  I am not saying that all of the Hadiths must be rejected.  But for us to day to have close to 2,000,000 of them is quite ridiculous, because they can't all have been written down during our Prophet's times in Arabia.  Most of the Hadiths' chains of narrations today have 10s of narrators in them.  In the Hadith books, you would see something like the following:

"About such and such, that he heard his father say that such and such said, that he heard such and such say, that he heard such and such say, etc...."  Most of the narrations' links have tons of narrators in them, many times more than 10, and these people would be generations after each others!  In other words, they're not people at the same age or the same group.  And the worst dilemma of all, is that many of these chain of narrations have broken links in them, meaning, that two or three generations are missing in the chain!

Most of the hadiths are corrupt and are not recognized as authentic.  Most certainly the books of Al-Tabari and Ishaq are among the weakest and most doubtful sources, because they are more like history books that were written 300 years after the Prophet's death.  Their narrations were orally transmitted by others.   Many people took hadiths out of context, and many others added or took from them, and many others even fabricated lies, as Allah Almighty Warned us in the Noble Quran:

"A section of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) say:  Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers (Muslims), but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam).  (The Noble Quran, 3:72)"

Also, it is almost impossible to narrate a narration/saying accurately after 300 years in Arabic, because the language is very complex, poetical and artistic:


Problems with the proper Arabic language and the large quantity of narrations:

In Arabic, only original Arabs and those who speak proper (not slang) Arabic fluently, understand and appreciate the fact that the words are very minimum and their meanings are very maximum.  It is true and not a deception or innovation by translators to English that a single Arabic word can and would be translated to 3-5 English words!  The reason for this is because in Arabic (and this is part of the complexity in grammar, art and poetry of the Arabic language) meanings and not necessarily actual words can be all put together in one word.  In Arabic, a word is not original.  There are of course "root" words, but in most proper Arabic words, the actual word is not original; meaning that depending on the grammar, letters (of meaning) can be added to or taken from it to add or take from its meaning and intention.  This can change the entire meaning of the whole word  and sentence.

That is why Arabic poetry is historically known to be a very complex and advanced one.

Having said all of this, in the case of the hadiths, given the fact that there exists "weak/doubtful ones", and what is considered as "strong and reliable ones", it is difficult to know for sure if a single hadith was told as is 100% unchanged (intentionally or not intentionally) by the Prophet peace be upon him. One word taken off from the hadith and the whole meaning can and would be changed to something else.

For those "reliable or strong" hadiths, their sources are doubtful.  I have no doubt that the companions of the Prophet may Allah Almighty bless their souls did not intentionally commit forgery or lies.  But for one such as Abu Huraira to narrate thousands upon thousands of hadiths is preposterous!  Given the complexity and sensitivity of the Arabic language, it is extremely vital that every word be included in the narration.  I find it impossible to believe that Abu Huraira and many others like him were able to narrate everything perfectly in its original text.

That is why I accept the hadiths that are linked to the Noble Quran as the Truth and reject the others.

Also, there is no proof what so ever that all of the accepted hadiths of today were all written during the Prophet's time.  Some or even many of them were probably written down from individuals for personal use, but the thousands of hadiths (I was told close to 2 million hadiths!!) that exist today were not possibly all written during the Prophet's time. 

I only accept the hadiths that have a direct relationship to the Noble Quran, such as explaining how to Pray, fast, etc....

Example about my own name to simplify things:

Take "Osama" for example.  First of all, Osama in Arabic is written as "Osamat" with the "t" silent.  The "t" however is not always silent, and it can be used to give meanings and intentions to the name "Osama".  Osama can be written as "Osamatun", "Osamatan", "Osamatin", "Osamata", "Osamati", "Osamato".  The punctuations added to the "t" cause for any of these names to be pronounced.

When writing positively about "Osama", such as "Osama bin Zaid", the leader who defeated the Romans in one of the battles, these punctuations are added to his name for praising.  Unfortunately, I am not an expert in Arabic, nor can I explain in deep details about proper Arabic, but I know that use of punctuations IMPROPERLY can result in insulting the individual.  I can write negatively about a name using punctuations in their proper places.

THE REASON WHY THE NOBLE QURAN IS SO PERFECT IS BECAUSE its grammar was constructed in a very complex way, and the Arabic words were not only original words, but were put together uniquely in an excellent artistic fashion that no Arabic poet could match up to back then when Allah Almighty challenged the Arabs to come up with a "SURAH LIKE IT".

To the reader, please visit: 
What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?

The above Al-Tabari narrations' disagreement with the pornful bible; the book of women's vaginas and breasts taste like "wine", does not make them any less than the bible itself, because the bible contains OVERWHELMING contradictions in its own historical accounts.   To the reader, please visit:  Errors, Contradictions and Historical Corruption in the Bible.

So much for your pornful bible being the measuring stick for the Truth, when it is notorious in lies and corruptions!







Back to My Rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.

Rebuttals to Craig Winn - "The Prophet of Doom" book.

Answering Trinity.

Contradictions and History of Corruption in the Bible.

Questions about Jesus that trinitarian Christians don't have logical answers for.

What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth? and Why?

"Allah" was GOD Almighty's original Name in the Bible according to the Hebrew and Aramaic sources.

Scientific Miracles in Islam and the Noble Quran.

Most of the Bible's books and gospels were written by mysterious people!

Jesus mentioned Muhammad by the name in the Bible.

Did Isaiah 53 really prophesies about the crucifixion of Jesus? It supports Islam's claims about Jesus peace be upon him never died on the cross.  I also addressed John 19:36-37 from the Bible and proved that Jesus never got crucified, since GOD Almighty promised that he will protect Jesus' body and not let even a single bone be broken.  My question to all Christians is: How in the world is it possible for the feet to get nailed on the cross without any penetration to the bones by the nails, hence breaking part of the feet's bones?! I also added refutations to Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, Zechariah 12:10 and Psalm 34:20, which supposedly prove the Christians' belief about Jesus crucifixion.  I proved that this dogma has no truth what so ever and exposed the wrong Trinitarian English translation of Zechariah 12:10.

Send your comments.

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