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"O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye treat them with harshness, that ye may take away part of the dower [money given by the husband to the wife for the marriage contract] ye have given them, except where they have been guilty of open lewdness; on the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If ye take a dislike to them it may be that ye dislike a thing, and God brings about through it a great deal of good.  (The Noble Quran, 4:19)"

* Please read the display of all of the articles on this page before you click on anyone of them.

Women Issues
Women in Islam: Women in Christianity:
Status in Islam:

*  The ideal Muslimah (Female Muslim).

*  Females: The cursed gender - the non-Islamic ones!

*  How do the Bible and the Noble Quran view women?

*  My response to Sam Shamoun's rebuttal to my article "How do the Bible and the Noble Quran view women?"

*  My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Exposing Osama's Smokescreens and Rabbit Trails (PART 1)" article.



*  Can women become Prime Ministers or Presidents in an Islamic country?


Liberation, Education and Equality with men:

*  Liberation of women in Islam.

* Education is mandatory upon women in Islam.

*  Is there equality between men and women in Islam?

* "Two women equal to one man in Islam" is a lie.

*  Women's inheritance laws in Islam.

*  Women's Rights in Islam.

*   The Bible does not prefer for women to be born, but Islam does.


Marriage, Sex and Treatment:

* Polygamy in Islam.

*  Why did Allah Almighty prevent the wives of Prophet Muhammad from marrying any man after him?

* Marriage to non-Muslims is not allowed in Islam for both Muslim men and women.  See also about Fornication in Islam.

*   Is Temporary Marriage (Muta) allowed in Islam?  See how the Bible allowed muta.

*  Is Wife Beating really allowed in Islam?  See the favoring and opposing views.  You judge for yourself.  Also, how should women be treated by their husbands in general.  See the full details.

*  Women can get divorced from their abusive husbands according to the Noble Quran!

* The woman can not be forced into marriage in Islam!

*   Widows are protected in Islam from their in-laws, but are forced and not protected in the Bible.

*  My husband divorced me 3 times all at once!  Am I really divorced?

*  How can a woman divorce her husband in Islam?

*   How does Islam deal with divorce, child custody and support?

*   Is anal sex really allowed between the husband and the wife in Islam?

*    Is Oral sex (bringing mouth to significant other's private part by all and any graphic forms) allowed in Islam?

*  Why did Allah Almighty make lawful for Muslim men to have sexual intercourse with the married women whom are captives of war?

*  Treatment of Women in Islam compared to the Bible.

*  Menses - How does Islam treat women who are having their menses?  Islam honors them.


Rape, Dating, Fornication, Adultery and Abortion:

*  What is the punishment for rape in Islam?

*  If the husband rapes his wife, is that a sin in Islam?  Is there any answers to this in the Quran?

*  Dating: Why is it frowned upon in Islam?

* What is the punishment for fornication and adultery in Islam?

*  Double will be the punishment and humiliation for fornication in Hell.

*  Abortion in Islam is a crime!



*  Why did Allah Almighty order women to cover up in Islam?

*  Is Niqab (Women covering all of their faces) Mandatory in Islam?

*   Top 11 excuses of Muslim Women who don't wear Islamic Hijaab! (and the reasons for hijab).


Homosexuality and Pornography:

*  "Houses of Death" for women in Islam is a lie. Also, about the punishment of Gays and Lesbians in Islam.

*  Homosexual Marriage in Islam?

*  Science proved that Homosexuals are born natural.  How then can Islam prohibit homosexuality?

*  Pornography in Islam?  Is the GOD of Islam and Christianity a pervert?  Response to the so called "Porn" in the Noble Quran.

* "Suckling Pornography" in Islam?

* Rebuttals to Jim's hoax on "suckling porn in Islam" lie.

* Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun about "suckling porn in Islam".  Also, was Paul a homosexual when he sucked the blood from Timothy's penis by his mouth after circumcising him?

*  Women and Maidens in Heaven according to Islam.  Will women have companions?

*  Does Paradise in Islam really have Homosexuality in it?

*  Lesbianism in the Noble Quran? - Refuting the lies of the liar Sam Shamoun from the "Answering Islam" team of clowns.

*  A followup rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's lies regarding lesbianism in Islam.



*  The "Child Molester" lie against Muhammad peace be upon him.  

Aisha was "9" when she married our Prophet.  If this is weird or unacceptable to you, then are BOTH HER PARENTS and the whole Arabs' culture BACK THEN also guilty for giving her and others like her in marriage to other men, 1500 years ago?

Even today, girls in many third-world countries are married off at the same or similar age.  In fact, it is believed by many Jews and Roman Catholics that Mary was 12 - 14 when she had Jesus.  Also, the Biblical Prophets who had 100s of wives each most probably married young girls as well.

Also, what about Aisha's PARENTS (MOM AND DAD)?   Didn't they see it right and fit to marry their daughter at that age and at that time?  Who are we to judge?

Also, see why Muta (temporary) Marriage was allowed and why it was discontinued.

* "Most women in Islam are in hell" is a lie.

* Problems with our Muslim sisters who live in the US.

*  Some Islamic Wisdom for those who seek Guidance.

*  My advise to all women.

*  A story about a 16-year-old Muslimah girl in Texas.

*  "Muhammad married his daughter in law" is a lie.

*  Woman seeks Iranian presidency.

*   Muhammad the Womanizer?

*  Are penis and breasts enlargements allowed in Islam?

*  UK female journalist detained by Taliban embraces Islam.

X-Rated Pornography, Homosexuality, Fornication, Rape, and the Social Corruptions caused by Christianity:

*  X-Rated Pornography and Lesbianism in the Bible. 

*   Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible.

*  Girls forced into sex and marriage at the age of 3 (three) in the Talmud and the Bible (Detailed quotes and books' references are provided!).  Also, the age consent for girls' marriage 100 years ago only in the US and Europe was as low as 10. 

* My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Osama Abdallah's Obsession with Pedophilia" article.

*   Was Paul a homosexual when he sucked the blood from Timothy's penis by his mouth after circumcising him?

* The lust for virgins and the degradation of non-virgins in the Bible's OT and NT.

* Is Homosexuality allowed in Christianity?

*  What is the punishment for rape in Christianity?  The raped single victim gets punished, not the rapist! 

* Adultery punishment in the Bible's Old and New Testaments.

* Rebuttal to John 8:1-11 being a justifying verse for fornication, adultery and pornography in the Christian Whoredom.

*  Raping and Enslaving women in the Bible.

*  Is the GOD of Islam and Christianity a pervert?  Response to the so called "Porn" in the Noble Quran.

*  Christianity is the cause of our social corruptions today.

*  Christianity is the cause for most of the high divorces in the West.



*   Is Temporary Marriage (Muta) allowed in the Bible?  See how the Bible allowed muta.


Genital Mutilation:

*   Is Genital Mutilation for men and women allowed in the Bible?  It is allowed in the Jewish Talmud.  See the clear contradiction in the Bible regarding this issue.

*  Christians sliced off their penises in the name of the Bible.

* A Christian Texas man accused of ripping out hearts of victims plucks out own eye.


Equality with men?  And Treatment:

*  How do the Bible and the Noble Quran view women?

*  My response to Sam Shamoun's rebuttal to my article "How do the Bible and the Noble Quran view women?"

*   Widows are protected in Islam from their in-laws, but are forced and not protected in the Bible.

* Answering the Christian Feminists- Let's follow the Bible's New Testament word by word to see if Christian women are indeed equal to Christian men.

*   Women's inheritance laws in the Bible.  No inheritance for wife and daughters if a son is present.

*  Treatment of Women in the Bible compared to Islam.

*   A library about women in the Bible.

*   Questions about women's rights in the Bible that Christians don't have answers for.

*   Almost every single Christian is going to hell according to the Bible.  Bible blames women for it.

*  Menses - How does the Bible treat women who are having their menses?  The Bible humiliates them! 

*   The Bible does not prefer for women to be born, but Islam does.



*  Polygamy in the Old Testament and New Testament in the Bible. Jesus allowed polygamy.


Head Covering and Modesty:

* Paul contradicted himself regarding the women's head covering.

*  Some Christians believe in "Head Covering" for women.



*  My advise to all women.

* The Bible is the book for the low-lifes, perverts and criminals!


Comparison between two groups of women

The Angelic Group:

P6_GIRLPRAY.JPG (44197 bytes)
While this is a picture of a young teenage Muslim girl, but in general, this is a what a typical Muslim woman looks like: Pure, innocent, virgin (until marriage) and non-sexual.  A true man would be willing to die for a true and blessed Angel of that kind, because if she's faithful to her GOD Almighty, then she will definitely be faithful and honorable to her family.

More pictures of Chaste Muslim girls:

[1] [2] [3]

The Satanic Group - The biotic fuel for hell fire:

woman3.jpg (11881 bytes)

woman2.gif (8873 bytes) 

woman1.gif (2805 bytes)

swimsuit2.jpg (95242 bytes)

swimsuit3.jpg (56740 bytes)

Even though I tried to pick the least sexual pictures, but in general, this is what a typical Christian woman would look like when she is at either the beach (wearing bikinis) or health club, where 95% to 99% of her body is totally exposed to men.  What's most ironic is seeing them wearing the "Cross" necklaces.   Women in the west are considered nothing but "sex objects", and most of them are less likely to remain virgins before marriage.  No true man would die for cheap quality of this kind.  It is very tragic that women in the West are raised to show off their sexuality and are stereotyped by their sexuality.  

* I am not generalizing all Christian women.  I am certain there are many Angelic ones out there who remain virgins until marriage and are non-sexual, and they are fully devoted to GOD Almighty.  But I believe that it is safe to say that more than 90% of the Christian women world-wide are Satanic.


christian_church_chicks.jpg (60277 bytes)
This is an image of a popup window in a FOX News' article regarding Christian
girls, or should I say "chicks" doing some cheerleading work.  The cloths they're
wearing and them being "members of the lithia Christian Academy cheerleading"
further prove my point above about Christians being porn-lovers and sexually
open sinners.  These "chicks" don't see any problem in exposing almost all of

their legs to the public.  I am sure that they also don't have a problem in
wearing bikinis at the beaches.
  And it wouldn't surprise me if most of them,
if not all, are non-virgins.  And if you pay them good, they probably wouldn't
have a problem in showing their breasts to the public as the "girls gone wild" do.

Again, compare this Christian garbage to the Angelic picture of the
typical Muslim girl above who lives chaste and honors her body and virginity, and
most importantly, respects and adores GOD Almighty's Divine Commands.

You be the judge.

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