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What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Islam? Why can't we call it GOD?

The sections of this article are:

1-  The Role of the Holy Spirit in Islam.
2-  The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Bible.
3-  The Holy Spirit is a Creation of GOD Almighty and it is under Him just like the Angels according to the Noble Quran. 
Very important section for Muslims to read!
4-  Why can't we call it GOD as trinitarians do?
5-  The Miracle of Adam's creation is far greater than Jesus' creation!
6-  Conclusion.
7-  Rebuttals.
  See my rebuttals to Sam Shamoun's responses.


The Universe or the World that is outside our little world on earth has many unknown mysteries in it.  Even in our world we have a whole life that can not be seen by our naked eyes, and this world functions probably as we do.  The danger in interpreting things, especially when it comes to GOD Almighty, is that because of our natural human weakness and unlimited desire to explore and discover the "unknown," we might fall into the sin and blasphemy of insulting GOD Almighty and associating partners (creations of His) with Him.

"They ask thee concerning the Spirit (of inspiration). Say: "The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you, (O men!)"  (The Noble Quran, 17:85)"


GOD Almighty is neither a trinity, nor duality, nor plural in Islam:

"They do blaspheme who say: God is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One God. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them.  (The Noble Quran, 5:73)"

"Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him.  (The Noble Quran, 112:1-4)"

"Say: 'O People of the Book (i.e., Jews and Christians)!   Come to common terms as between us and you:  That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.'  If then they turn back, say ye: 'Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will).'  (The Noble Quran, 3:64)"

Please visit:  What is the Wisdom of Islam?

"Allah" was GOD Almighty's Original Name in the Bible according to the Hebrew and Aramaic sources.



1-  The Role of the Holy Spirit in Islam:

There are two roles that the Holy Spirit is responsible for according to Islam:

1-  It creates our "spirits."   Allah Almighty uses it to blow into our mothers' wombs our human-spirits.   That is why abortion is prohibited in Islam, because the fetus or foetus does have spirit (life) and it is a human being.  It's not just a little piece of unliving flesh:

"But He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His Spirit.  And He gave you (the faculties of) hearing and sight and feeling (and understanding): little thanks do ye give!   (The Noble Quran, 32:9)"

"When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My Spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him.  (The Noble Quran, 38:72)"

"When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My Spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him.  (The Noble Quran, 15:29)"

"And (remember) her who guarded her chastity: We breathed into her of Our Spirit, and We made her and her son a sign for all peoples.  (The Noble Quran, 21:91)"

"And Mary the daughter of 'Imran, who guarded her chastity; and We breathed into (her body) of Our Spirit; and she testified to the truth of the words of her Lord and of His Revelations, and was one of the devout (servants).  (The Noble Quran, 66:12)"


2-  It is used to provide Divine Guidance to the Believers, those whom Allah Almighty Loves and Favors.  It's not just the Holy Spirit that gives Guidance.  Angels too give it:

"Raised high above ranks (or degrees), (He is) the Lord of the Throne (of Authority): by His Command doth He send the Spirit (of inspiration) to any of His servants he pleases, that it may warn (men) of the Day of Mutual Meeting,-  (The Noble Quran, 40:15)"

"Say, the Holy Spirit has brought the Revelation from thy Lord in Truth, in order to strengthen those who believe, and as a Guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims.  (The Noble Quran, 16:102)"

"Thou wilt not find any people who believe in God and the Last Day, loving those who resist God and His Apostle, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred. For such He has written Faith in their hearts, and strengthened them with a Spirit from Himself. And He will admit them to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow, to dwell therein (for ever). God will be well pleased with them, and they with Him. They are the Party of God. Truly it is the Party of God that will achieve Felicity.  (The Noble Quran, 58:22)"

"Then will God say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Recount My favour to thee and to thy mother. Behold! I strengthened thee with the Holy Spirit, so that thou didst speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold! I taught thee the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel and behold! thou makest out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and thou breathest into it and it becometh a bird by My leave, and thou healest those born blind, and the lepers, by My leave. And behold! thou bringest forth the dead by My leave. And behold! I did restrain the Children of Israel from (violence to) thee when thou didst show them the clear Signs, and the unbelievers among them said: 'This is nothing but evident magic.'  (The Noble Quran, 5:110)"

So as you can see, Allah Almighty Created the Holy Spirit for specific functions not only on this earth, but also perhaps else where in the Universe where we don't know about.   But it is in no way GOD Almighty Himself.



2-  The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Bible:

The Bible is similar to the Noble Quran regarding the role of the Holy Spirit.  It never claimed that the Holy Spirit is GOD Almighty Himself.  In section 4 below, you will see some of the types of the Holy Spirit, or Spirit, that GOD Almighty Created for Mankind.  But for now, let us see what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit:

"When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth.  (From the NIV Bible, Psalm 104:30)"

"Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?  (From the NIV Bible, Psalm 139:7)"

"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.  (From the NIV Bible, Psalm 143:10)"

So far, these verses are talking about the Spirit from GOD Almighty.  The first verse above, Psalm 104:30, perfectly agrees with the Noble Verses above about GOD Almighty Blowing His Spirit into our mothers' wombs when we're fetus.


So does this now mean that the Holy Spirit, in the Bible, is part of GOD Almighty?

Absolutely not!  The Bible is filled with figurative speech.  I've written a detailed article proving this using many examples.  The Holy Spirit mentioned above is a creation from GOD Almighty.  It's purpose is to create our spirits as mentioned in Psalm 104:30.  Another purpose for the Holy Spirit is to Guide the Believers:

1 Samuel 16:16 "Let our lord command his servants here to search for someone who can play the harp. He will play when the evil spirit from God comes upon you, and you will feel better."    GOD HAS AN EVIL SPIRIT?!  Obviously not, it's only metaphoric as mentioned above.

1 Samuel 18:10 "The next day an evil spirit from God came forcefully upon Saul. He was prophesying in his house, while David was playing the harp, as he usually did. Saul had a spear in his hand..."  ANOTHER EVIL SPIRIT FROM GOD?!  Again, it is only metaphoric.

1 Samuel 19:9 "But an evil spirit from the LORD came upon Saul as he was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand. While David was playing the harp,..." ANOTHER EVIL SPIRIT FROM GOD?!

1 Kings 22:23 "God sent LYING SPIRITS to lie to people"  Does GOD lie?!

Numbers 24:2 "When Balaam looked out and saw Israel encamped tribe by tribe, the Spirit of God came upon him"

Judges 3:10 "The Spirit of the LORD came upon him, so that he became Israel's judge and went to war. The LORD gave Cushan-Rishathaim king of Aram into
the hands of Othniel, who overpowered him."

Judges 6:34 "Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet, summoning the Abiezrites to follow him."

Judges 11:29 "Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah. He crossed Gilead and Manasseh, passed through Mizpah of Gilead, and from there he advanced against the Ammonites."

Judges 14:6 "The Spirit of the LORD came upon him in power so that he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as he might have torn a young goat. But he told
neither his father nor his mother what he had done."

Judges 14:19 "Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon him in power. He went down to Ashkelon, struck down thirty of their men, stripped them of their belongings and gave their clothes to those who had explained the riddle. Burning with anger, he went up to his father's house."

Judges 15:14 "As he approached Lehi, the Philistines came toward him shouting. The Spirit of the LORD came upon him in power. The ropes on his arms became like charred flax, and the bindings dropped from his hands."

1 Samuel 10:6 "The Spirit of the LORD will come upon you in power, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person."

1 Samuel 10:10 "When they arrived at Gibeah, a procession of prophets met him; the Spirit of God came upon him in power, and he joined in their prophesying."

1 Samuel 11:6 "When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of God came upon him in power, and he burned with anger."

1 Samuel 16:13 "So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power. Samuel then went to Ramah."

Luke 1:35 "The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you (Mary), and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God."

Luke 2:25 "Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him."

There are, as I mentioned, several types of this Spirit as mentioned in section 4 below. 


So if Jesus is GOD because the Holy Spirit came upon him, then the others mentioned above should also be GOD Almighty too.




3-  The Holy Spirit is a Creation of GOD Almighty and it is under Him just like the Angels according to the Noble Quran:

Allah Almighty Said:

"The Day that the Spirit and the Angels will stand forth in ranks, none shall speak except any who is permitted by (God) Most Gracious, and He will say what is right.  (The Noble Quran, 78:38)"

"A questioner asked about a Penalty to befall- The Unbelievers, the which there is none to ward off,- (A Penalty) from God, Lord of the Ways of Ascent. The Angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years: Therefore do thou hold Patience,- a Patience of beautiful (contentment).  (The Noble Quran, 70:1-5)"

"Therein come down the Angels and the Spirit by God's permission, on every errand:  (The Noble Quran, 97:4)"

"Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to God) Most Gracious as a servant. He does take an account of them (all), and hath numbered them (all) exactly. And everyone of them will come to Him singly on the Day of Judgment. On those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, will (God) Most Gracious bestow love.  (The Noble Quran, 19:93-96)"

These Noble Verse are the Ultimate knock out to the polytheist trinitarian pagans who are trying, through their absurd writings, to prove that the Holy Spirit in the Noble Quran is the other part of Allah Almighty; that he is at least a dual GOD if not a triune one.

As you clearly see from these Noble Verses and the ones above in the beginning of the article, trinity and plurality of GOD Almighty is blasphemy!   So dear Muslim brothers and sisters, please be cautious from these satanic deceivers and their new tricks and desperate false interpretations of the Noble Quran.



4-  Why can't we call it GOD as trinitarians do?

First of all, it is important to know that satan's biggest lie, trinity, is only an interpretation and a conclusion.  There is not a single text in the Bible that says the Holy Spirit is GOD Almighty, nor does that satanic word, trinity, even exist in the Bible.  People during Constantine's days around year 300, because they were and still are naturally inclined to idol worship, polytheism and paganism as the Far Eastern religions are today, they decided to consider Jesus and the Holy Spirit as GOD Almighty.   Satan's deception and evil is overwhelming and powerful.  It is no surprise that people fell for this lie by the billions throughout history, as many more billions had fell for satan's lies in the Far Eastern pagan religions.  Trinity, like I said, doesn't even exist in the bible.  The word doesn't exist anywhere in the book, nor do we have any text that says Jesus is the Creator of the Universe.  The same also goes for the Holy Spirit.

The reason why Muslims don't call the Holy Spirit as GOD Almighty is because it is just a creation of GOD Almighty with specific and limited duties as I clearly demonstrated above from the Noble Quran.  Like the Angels and the other Universal Spirits, the Holy Spirit is unknown to us and we can't fully describe it.  But nonetheless, this doesn't give anyone the right to start getting colorful and smart and deceive the weak-minded and call it and other creations as GOD Almighty.

I have a long and detailed section that refutes the lie of trinity from the Bible.  It's best if you read it and see the Truth for yourself.

Also, it seems clear that the Bible has several types of Universal Spirits, or Holy Spirits.  For instance, we see a prediction about the "Spirit of Fearing GOD" being installed in the coming Prophet, Jesus:

Isaiah 11:1-3
1. A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
2. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him (Jesus)-- the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD
(Jesus fearing his GOD)--
3. and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears;

As we see in Isaiah 11:1-3, there is:

1-  Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding.

2-  Spirit of Counsel and of power.

3-  Spirit of Knowledge.

4-  Spirit of the fear of the LORD.

Also, the verses above say "and he will delight in the fear of the LORD", which clearly proves that Jesus is under GOD Almighty and can not be equivalent to Him or part of Him, because GOD Almighty has no fear in Him.  He Created fear, or the Spirit of Fear, and He installs it on whom ever He pleases.   But He Himself doesn't have that Spirit in Him!

The verses above also say "He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears;...", which further proves that Jesus is not part of GOD Almighty, because GOD Almighty Speaks and Hears whatever He Pleases!

The Bible's New Testament also records Jesus saying: ""Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good–except God alone."  (From the NIV Bible, Mark 10:18)"


If Jesus doesn't consider himself as "good", then how can any sane person put him on the same level as GOD Almighty?

I have yet to see a good answer to this one by any polytheist trinitarian.


Also, another important point to notice in Mark 10:18 is the word "alone":   ""Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good–except God alone.(From the NIV Bible, Mark 10:18)"

Jesus in this verse is clearly giving exclusivity to GOD Almighty when he said "alone".  If Jesus was truly part of GOD Almighty and/or the trinity lie was true, then Jesus, to say the least, would not have said that.


My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's absurdities regarding Mark 10:18 where Jesus said he was not "good".



Show me in the Bible where Jesus said he was not GOD!

I sometimes get asked by trinitarians to show them where Jesus said that he WAS NOT GOD Almighty in the Bible.  Ironically, it is like having this scenario:

Q.  Show me where John Doe said that he was not the President of the United States!  Show me the quote now!!

A.  He just said he works as a computer programmer you brainless idiot! :-)

Jesus said he was not good.  He can't possibly say I am your Creator and by the way I am not good.  The question itself shows the complete ignorance about what's written in the bible and reveals the total blasphemy and darkness that polytheist trinitarian pagans are living in.

Jesus is not GOD!  The GOD Almighty of the Old Testament BOASTS about Himself!  He countlessly reminds the Jews about Worshiping Him and only Him because He is the "One who took them out of Egypt", and He's the "One who Saved them from Pharaoh", etc...  Not only that, but He also Punishes to death anyone who profanes His Holy and Blessed Name.

Jesus can not be this Holy and Mighty and Arrogant and Absolute GOD Almighty when he, for instance, escaped to Egypt for his life from King Herod!   The GOD Almighty's Divine Characteristics in the Old Testament can not in anyway fit Jesus who is not "good" and who runs for his life from a creation of GOD Almighty.

For more information, please visit: Jesus had no Divine Will according to the New Testament. How could he be our Creator?


I have ample detailed refutations to the lie of trinity on my site.  You can further see them to clearly understand that GOD Almighty is an Absolute One and only One and not a unity or trinity as satan claims.

Also visit:

The early Christians rejected Trinity.   Early Christians had major problems and disagreements about who truly Jesus was and whether or not he got crucified or not.

Early Christians' Doctrines confirm Jesus DID NOT GET crucified.  See proofs that the early Christians' scriptures during the 1st and 2nd centuries claimed that GOD Almighty Saved Jesus from crucifixion.

The "God" title in the Bible was given to others in the Old and New Testaments.    Answering Isaiah 9:6.  The "El" (God) title that was given to Jesus in the Old Testament, and the "HOTHEOS" (God) title in the New Testament, were given to others before and after Jesus in the Bible.  The only UNIQUE title that exists in the Bible is "Yahweh", which means "The Eternal".

Emanuel, Emmanuel, Yahshua, Yeshua, Yashua, Immanuel and Imanuel.  These were all "Godly" names given to others before and after Jesus in the Bible.  None of them is unique.   Only "Yahweh" was GOD Almighty's Unique Name.


5-  The miracle of Adam's creation is far greater than Jesus' creation!

It is often said by trinitarians that Jesus' miraculous birth is a clear proof that he is the Creator of the Universe.  I often hear this absurd nonsense and easily refute it by presenting Adam's creation.  Adam was created in a much more complex Miracle than Jesus.  At least Jesus had to be formed as a fetus in a woman's womb.  Yes she was virgin when GOD Almighty caused her to get pregnant, but nonetheless, Jesus had to be formed as a fetus in a human womb like you and me.

Adam on the other hand and Eve also were created in a much more complex Miracle.   Adam was created vitually out of nothing.  Eve, his wife, was created from his rib.  These two Miracles are far greater than Jesus' birth.

So the absurd claim about Jesus' birth proving that he is GOD Almighty is soundly debunked through simple common sense.

Also please visit:  None of Jesus' Miracles were unique either.



6-  Conclusion:

In the light of the Quranic Noble Verses and the Biblical verses above, the Holy Spirit is in no way GOD Almighty Himself.  To say the least regarding Islam, the lie of trinity and/or duality of GOD Almighty in Islam does not exist, and it had been soundly debunked throughout this article!  The Christian missionaries' new lies and tactics about introducing trinity in Islam's Doctrines has been exposed in this article through the Will and Wisdom of Allah Almighty.  All Praise due to Him.

As I demonstrated above using the Noble Quran, the Holy Spirit is only a Creation from GOD Almighty, and it has specific duties assigned to it.  Also in the Day of Judgement, the Holy Spirit and the Angels will be standing before GOD Almighty waiting for His Divine Orders and Commands, which indisputably proves that the Holy Spirit is below Allah Almighty and is in no way part of Him.



7-  Rebuttals:

My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Examining the Evidence which proves that the Spirit is God" blasphemous article.

My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Examining the Evidence which proves that the Spirit is God" blasphemous article (PART II).

My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "A Brief Rebuttal to Anti-Missionary Attacks on the Trinity" article.







My Rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.

Rebuttals to Sam Shamoun's Articles section.

Ask me any question section.

Errors and History of Contradictions and Corruption in the Bible.

Christians are Commanded to follow the Old Testament.

Allah, Islam, Quran, Muhammad questions and answers.

What is the place of Jews, Christians and non-Muslims in Islam?

Answering Trinity.

"Allah" was GOD Almighty's Original Name in the Bible according to the Hebrew and Aramaic sources.

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