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Detailed History of the Noble Quran's Compilation and Preservation!
Captured images
of some earliest Manuscripts that date back to the Prophet's first disciples!




The Noble Quran - Contradictions lies, History of Preservation, Worship, and Prophecies and Miracles:

The sections here are:

1-  Errors and Contradictions?  Also, History and Preservation.
2-  Differences with the Bible.
3-  The Noble Quran.
4-  Worship.
5-  Prophecies.
6-  Miracles.




1-  Errors and Contradictions?

Responses to all of the so-called "Errors" in the Noble Quran.

Responses to the "Textual Variants" lies in the Noble Quran.  History of the Noble Quran's compilation and preservation with captured images of some earliest Manuscripts that date all the way back to the Prophet's first disciples.

The Eloquence and the Miracle of the Noble Quran's Words, Text and Style.


The disagreement between the Noble Quran and Bible about some historical events does not disprove Islam.

The LIE of the "SATANIC VERSES" fabricated against the Noble Quran!!  Also, what about satan's
temptations to the Bible's Prophets?

Did the Noble Quran really say that the sun sets and rises on Murky Spring on earth?

GOD Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible.

Repetitions in the Noble Quran and the Bible.



2-  Differences with the Bible:

Differences between the Noble Quran and Bible only prove Islam's Truthfulness and Divinity.

Camel sacrifice in the Bible and the Noble Quran.   Contradiction or just a Ritual limitation?



3-  The Noble Quran:

Was the Noble Quran only sent for the Arabs? Or was it sent to Mankind?

Is the Quran eternal or is it created in time by Allah?

Is the Noble Quran a Creator or Creation?

The challenge of Allah Almighty to Mankind to produce a Chapter like in the Noble Quran.

Why do we see some additions in parenthesis in the English-translated Quran?  Does GOD need man to add words to clarify what He means?



4-  Worship:

Praying (Salah) is a must in the Noble Quran.

Learn how to pray.  Detailed instructions with pictures and audio.

The psychological Wisdom of Prayers in Islam was proven in Science and Psychology.

Repetitive dua (verbal prayers) in a short amount of time is insulting to Allah Almighty!

Jesus: Vain repetition in prayer is hypocrisy! Are Muslims doing just that in their prayers?

Can a Muslim pray his 5-daily prayers earlier than their due times?

Can we use other than the language of Arabic when we pray to Allah Almighty?

The detailed story of how the Kaaba was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael peace be upon them.

The date of the yearly Pilgrimage to Mecca is the date when Islam was "perfected".

Do Muslims really worship the cube building in Mecca?  Do Muslims really believe that Allah Almighty lives in the Kaaba?

Do Muslims really worship the black stone in Mecca?

How come Muslims don't have images of GOD as Christians do with Mary and Jesus?

Is the philosophy of idol worshiping similar to having a Holy Book such as the Noble Quran for instance to help a person to connect with GOD?



5-  Prophecies:

The End of Times Prophecies in Islam.  In the section, visit the sub-section that talks in details about Gog and Magog and the End of Times.

Pharaoh's body was saved and not lost in the drowning as Allah Almighty promised in the Noble Quran.  See the image of the discovered body of Pharaoh.

The Prophecy of the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca in the Noble Quran.

The appearance of the splitting of the moon in half was witnessed by many Muslims.

What are the Signs of the Hour?

The People of Gog and Magog and the End of Times Battles.  Read the "The "Chosen People?" of GOD, the End of Times and Gog and Magog" section.

The Iron Gates during the Gog and Magog days that were mentioned in the Noble Quran had been found.

Was Hitler's Holocaust against the Jews prophesied in Islam?

Did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him really claim that he knew when the Day of Judgement will come?

Prophecies from Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

Quran's correct prophecy of defeat of Romans.

Sex determination was explained in good details by Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago.

The recently found city of "Imad" or "Iram" was only mentioned in the Noble Quran.

The corruptions and infidel dictatorships in the Muslim world today were prophesized by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

Prophet Muhammad predicted the coming of the "dictators" and bad leaders.

Were human cloning, gender alteration and plastic surgeries prophesied in Islam?



6-  Miracles:

Scientific Miracles in the Noble Quran and Islam.

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