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Detailed rebuttals to the so called "Errors" in the Noble Quran:

The following Anti-Islamic claims are from http://www.answering-islam.org/Quran/Contra/index.html.   90% of those Anti-Islamic claims are very silly.  In my opinion, they are not even worth responding to.  But unfortunately, they have to be responded to because the Muslims and the non-Muslims need to learn about what both sides have to say.

See Also: Responses to the so called "Textual Errors" and "Historical Corruptions" in the Noble Quran.  Responses to questions such as why did Uthman (may Allah Almighty be pleased with him) burn the "other books"? etc...

And:  Did the Noble Quran really say that the sun sets and rises on the earth?


The count of the charges below is as follows:

62 + 1  + 11 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 26 + 22 = 125 anti-Islam articles.


To all Muslims:  Please do a word search in this page for any topic that you might have questions about.  From my experience with Christians, I've noticed that 99% of their so called "Hard Questions on Islam" come from the anti-Islamic claims that are all answered on this page.

Internal contradictions claims and responses:

1-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Who suffers loss if Muhammad was wrong?

2-  Islamic Responses:  My response.


2-  Anti-Islamic claim:  What will be the food for the people in Hell?

2-  Islamic Responses:   My response


3-  Anti-Islamic claim:  And it just doesn't add up.

3-  Islamic Responses: A new response by the Learner

Understanding The Law of Inheritance of the Qur'an (by the Learner) 

Response by a Muslim

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Khalid

Response by Randy Desmond

My response


4-  Anti-Islamic claim:  How many angels were talking to Mary?

4-  Islamic Responses: My response

The Learner's response

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond

Response by Khalid


5-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Further numerical discrepancies.

5-  Islamic Responses: My response

Gardens or Gardens?

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond


6-  Anti-Islamic claim:  How many days did Allah need to destroy the people of Aad?

6-  Islamic Responses:  My response


7-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Six or eight days of creation?

7-  Islamic Responses: My response

Response by MENJ

Six or Eight Days of Creation?

The Length of God's Days   A Numerical Discrepancy?

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


8-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Quick or slow creation?

8-  Islamic Responses: Quick or Slow Creation? 

The Meanings of "Thumma" and "Yawm" 

Response by Neil Littlejohn (Ismail)


9-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Which was created first, Heavens or Earth?

9-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond

Response by Frank


10-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Calling together or ripping apart?

10-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond


11-  Anti-Islamic claim:  What was man created from?

11-  Islamic Responses: What was Man Created From?

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


12-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Fully Detailed Or Incomplete?

12-  Islamic Responses:  My response.


13-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Worshiping the Same or a Different God?

13-  Islamic Responses:  Response by MENJ


14-  Anti-Islamic claim:  To Intercede or Not To Intercede? - That is the Question!

14-  Islamic Responses:  My response.


15-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Where is Allah and his throne?

15-  Islamic Responses: Where is Allah and his throne?  


16-  Anti-Islamic claim:  The origin of calamity?

16-  Islamic Responses: Is Evil from Satan, Ourselves or Allah?

My response.


17- Anti-Islamic claim:  How merciful is Allah's mercy?

17- Islamic Responses:  My response

Response by Understanding Islam

Response by the Learner


18-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Will there be inquiry in Paradise?

18-  Islamic Responses: Inquiry in Paradise  

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


19-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Are angels Protectors?

19-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond


20-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Is everything devoutly obedient to Allah?

20-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond


21-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Does Allah forgive shirk (believing in more than one God)?

21-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond

Response by the Learner (1)

Response by the Learner (2)

Response by the Learner (3)


22-  Anti-Islamic claim:  The event of worship of the golden calf.

22-  Islamic Responses:  Response by MENJ

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond

Response by the Learner (1)

Response by the Learner (2)


23-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Was Jonah cast on the desert shore or was he not?

23-  Islamic Responses: My response

Response by the Learner


24-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Moses and the Injil (New Testament)?

24-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond


25-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Can slander of chaste women be forgiven?

25-  Islamic Responses:  Response by MENJ

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Amiri-Shirifi


26-  Anti-Islamic claim:  How do we receive the record on judgment day?

26-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond


27-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Can Angels disobey Allah?

27-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

Response by MENJ

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Shaahin Sharifi


28-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Three contradictions in 2:97 and 16:101-103.

28-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Shaahin Amiri-Sharifi


29-  Anti-Islamic claim:  The infinite loop problem.

29-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond


30-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Is the Torah like the Qur'an, or is it not?

30-  Islamic Responses:  My response.


31-  Anti-Islamic claim:  "An old woman" and God's character.

31-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond


32-  Anti-Islamic claim:  More problems with the story of Lot.

32-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Response by Randy Desmond


33-  Anti-Islamic claim:  The "pleasure" of Allah.

33-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


34-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Did Abraham smash the idols?

34-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


35-  Anti-Islamic claim:  What about Noah's son?

35-  Islamic Responses: My response

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


36-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Was Noah driven out?

36-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


37-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Pharaoh's Magicians: Muslims or Rejectors of Faith?

37-  Islamic Responses:  My response

Also see my my response to their so-called "detailed" article that they linked at the bottom of the above article.


38-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Pharaoh's repentance in the face of death?

38-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


39-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Abrogation?

39-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

See also my article:  Abrogation in the Bible.

Naskh "Supersession" I

Naskh "Supersession" II  

Naskh: Examples III

Naskh & Purity of Creed IV

Is the Qur'an the Word of God?  By minister Badawi  

The Authenticity of the Quran.  By minister Badawin


40-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Guiding to truth?

40-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


41-  Anti-Islamic claim:  What is the punishment for adultery?

41-  Islamic Responses: My response

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


42-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Who suffers the consequence of sins?

42-  Islamic Responses:  Response by MENJ

See also:

  1. The satanic and evil beliefs and doings are ALLURING (feel right and good) to their people according to the Noble Quran.
  2. Everything from good and bad that happens to us is determined by Allah Almighty.
  3. How can a Muslim connect with GOD Almighty in life?  Six important points backed with Noble Verses that every Muslim must always keep in mind.
  4. Is our destiny pre-determined by GOD?  Does GOD choose who is evil and who is good?   How come GOD didn't make all of us good if He is the "Most Merciful" and "Most Just"?
  5. Did GOD create some Men and Jinns to be destined to hell?
  6. After death, what would prevent a Muslim from entering Heaven?  Also, how long will the Disbelievers stay in Hell?
  7. How does a Muslim get to Heaven, saved, reach a state of perfect harmony with God?
  8. I liked your concept of God in Islam and that man can directly have fellowship with God.  But how does God stand the sin in man ? How does God see the sin between man and man?


43-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Will Christians enter Paradise or go to Hell?

43-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


44-  Anti-Islamic claim:  God alone or also men? Clear or incomprehensible?

44-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


45-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Was Pharaoh Drowned or Saved when chasing Moses and the Israelites?

45-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

Response by MENJ

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


46-  Anti-Islamic claim:  When Commanded Pharaoh the Killing of the Sons?

46-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


47-  Anti-Islamic claim:  When/how are the fates determined?

47-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


48-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Wine: Good or bad?

48-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

Response by MENJ

Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah

The Authenticity of the Quran.  By Minister Badawi.


49-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Good News of Painful Torture?

49-  Islamic Responses:  My response.


50-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Will all Muslims go to Hell?

50-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


51-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Will Jesus burn in Hell?

51-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

My response


52-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Jinns and men created for worship or for Hell?

52- Islamic Responses:  My response


53-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Who is the father of Jesus?

53-  Islamic Responses: Response by Misha'al ibn Abdullah


54-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Begetting and Self-sufficiency.

54- Islamic Responses:  My response


55-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Could Allah have a son?

55- Islamic Responses:  My response


56-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Did Jesus die already?

56- Islamic Responses:  My response


57-  Anti-Islamic claim:  One Creator or many?

57- Islamic Responses:  My response


58-  Anti-Islamic claim:  From among all nations or from Abraham's seed?

58- Islamic Responses:  My response


59-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Marrying the wives of adopted sons?

59- Islamic Responses:  My response


60-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Messengers were never sent to other than their own people?

60-  Islamic Responses:  My response.


61-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Messengers Amongst the Jinns and Angels?

61-  Islamic Responses:  My response.


62-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Another eleven contradictions 

62- Islamic Responses:  (1)   My response
(2)   My response
(3)   My response
(4)   My response
(5)   My response
(6)   My response
(7)   The Learner's response
(8)   My response
(9)   My response
(10) My response
(11) My response



Grammatical Errors

Anti-Islamic claim:  Contradictory Grammar.

Islamic Responses to "Answering Islam's" and all of the other anti-Islamic sites' claims: 


Anti-Islamic claim:  To speak or not to speak?

Islamic Responses: Response by Randy Desmond


External contradictions:

Anti-Islamic Introductory question

Response by Randy Desmond


1-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Solomon listening to ants?

1-  Islamic Responses:  Response by MENJ

Response by Randy Desmond


2-  Anti-Islamic claim:  The stars and the moon

2- Islamic Responses:  My response


3-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Qur'an and Science: Section Four in Dr. Campbell's book.

3-  Islamic Responses: Response by a Muslim


4-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Qur'an and Embryology

4-  Islamic Responses: 

My responses:

  1. The Noble Quran on Human Embryonic Development.
  2. Embryology in the Noble Quran.   The three stages of the fetus formation in the Noble Quran and Science.
  3. Abortion in Islam is a crime!   The fetus is a human child in Islam.
  4. The Noble Quran on the Cerebrum: Lying is generated from the person's forehead.
  5. The region in the brain that controls our movements - In Noble Quran and confirmed by Science.
  6. Sex determination and human creation in Islam.  Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad both claimed that the human gender is determined by the male's ejaculated semen.
  7. Were human cloning and gender alteration prophesied in Islam?
  8. Why does the Noble Quran, while speaking about determination of the identity of the individual, speak specifically about finger tips?   The Noble Quran recognized that finger tips (finger prints) are unique!
  9. The blood circulation and the production of milk in the Breast: In the Noble Quran and Science.
  10. Breastfeeding for 2 years in the Noble Quran.  Science had confirmed Islam's Divine Claims.
  11. Thinking with the heart besides the brain in the Noble Quran was proven by Science.

Response by Nadeem Arif Najmi

It-is-truth answers


5-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Can non-living matter think, feel and have a will?

5-  Islamic Responses: My response


6- Anti-Islamic claim: The human embryonic development

6- Islamic Responses:  My response


7-  Anti-Islamic claim:  The place of Sun rise and Sunset

7-  Islamic Responses: My response

Response by Randy Desmond

Debate: Jamal Badawi's Response (Video file...needs RealPlayer)


8-  Anti-Islamic claim:  The Seven Earths

8-  Islamic Responses:  My response


9-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Stars created to be thrown at devils?

9-  Islamic Responses: Response by Fariduddien Rice


10-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Sun and moon are subject to man?

10-  Islamic Responses: Response by Fariduddien Rice


11-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Mountains and Earthquakes

11-  Islamic Responses:  My response

A Muslim Response

Jamal Badawi's debate with Anis Sorrosh


Claim used to exist on their site, but they later on silently removed it.

Anti-Islamic claim: Orbits of Earth, Moon, & Sun  (Site doesn't exist)

Islamic Responses: My response and detailed rebuttal to a similar article

Response by brother Frank


12-  Anti-Islamic claim:  The impossible conversation

12- Islamic Responses:  My response


13-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Solomon and the animals

13- Islamic Responses:  My response


14-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Shaking the trunk of the palm tree?

14-  Islamic Responses:  My response


15-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Thinking with the breasts

15- Islamic Responses:  My response

Response by Shaahin Amiri-Sharifi


16-  Anti-Islamic claim:  All things are made in pairs?

16- Islamic Responses:  A response by brother John Wuurt

My response



17-  Anti-Islamic claim:  The Qur'an Attacks ... Christianity?

17-  Islamic Responses: 

My responses regarding "Son of God":

  1. The Bible directly claims that ANY "Son of GOD" is a "God"! (Refutation to Jesus' being God meaning that he is GOD Almighty).
  2. The definition of "Son of God" in Islam.
  3. Son of GOD: Some Muslims' Misconception.
  4. "Son of Man" does not mean "GOD" or "Son of GOD"
  5. "Son of God" literally means "Servant of God" in Hebrew.  Bible agrees with Islam, not with pagan trinity and today's wrong and twisted translations of "Son of God".

My response   (regarding GOD Almighty having wives........see the "Holy Family Trinity")

Response by Islamic Awareness  (regarding GOD Almighty having wives)

My response  (regarding Ezra)

Response by Islamic Awareness  (regarding Ezra)


18-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Moses and the Samaritan?

18-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

Response by Matthew Smith (Yusuf)

Samaritan error?


19-  Anti-Islamic claim:  The farthest Mosque?

19- Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

My response


20-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Alexander the Great, a Muslim?

20-  Islamic Responses:  My response

A Muslim's Response

Another Muslim Response

Another Muslim Response


21- Anti-Islamic claim: None else was named "John" before John the Baptist?

21- Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

My response


22-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Two Pharaohs who crucified?

22-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

Response by Khalid Jan


23-  Anti-Islamic claimBurnt bricks in Egypt?

23-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness


24-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Were they utterly destroyed?

24- Islamic Responses:  My response


25-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Jesus was not crucified?

25-  Islamic Responses:  My response


26-  Anti-Islamic claim:  The anachronistic title al-`Aziz given to Potiphar

26-  Islamic Responses:   Response by Islamic Awareness



The Quran in Contradiction to the Earlier Revelations:

Historical Compressions:

1-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Saul, David, Gideon and Goliath

1- Islamic Responses:  My response


2-  Anti-Islamic claim:  A Samaritan tempting the Israelites in Moses time?

2- Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

My response

Response by Matthew Smith (Yusuf).


3-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Prophets and Kings in Israel before the time of Moses?

3- Islamic Responses:  My response


4-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Moses and the Gospel?

4-  Islamic Responses: Muslim Response 


5-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Punishment for future disobedience?

5- Islamic Responses:  My response


6-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Mary, the sister of Aaron (Harun or Haroon in Arabic)?

6-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

My response

Response by Abdul Haleem.


7-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Pharaoh and Haman?

7-  Islamic Responses: Historical Errors Of The Qur'an: Pharaoh & Haman?

Were Burnt Bricks Used In Ancient Egypt In The Time of Moses(P)?

Response by Matthew Smith (Yusuf)

Response by Samer Kadoura.

My response


8-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Abraham's name

8- Islamic Responses:  My response


9-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Abraham and Solomon

9- Islamic Responses: My response


Other contradictions in comparison to the Bible:

Introductory remark

Muslim Response


10-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Did God teach Adam the names of the animals?

10- Islamic Responses: My response


11-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Animal sacrifices for Christians?

11- Islamic Responses: My response


12- Anti-Islamic claim:  Israel's Response to the Covenant: ‘We Obey’ or ‘We Disobey’?

12- Islamic Responses:  My response

Response by MENJ


13-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Where is the Blood?

13-  Islamic Responses:  My response


14-  Anti-Islamic claim:  How many messengers at Noah's time?

14- Islamic Responses: My response


15-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Why did the Queen of Sheba come to Solomon?

15- Islamic Responses: My response


16-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Ezra the Son of God?

16-  Islamic Responses:  Response by Islamic Awareness

My response

Response by Matthew Smith (Yusuf)


17-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Jesus reached old age?

17- Islamic Responses: My response


18-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Did the golden calf say 'Moo'?

18- Islamic Responses: My response

Response by a Muslim.


19-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Did disobedience result in extra commandments?

19- Islamic Responses: My response


20-  Anti-Islamic claim:  How many messengers were sent to Noah's people?

20- Islamic Responses: My response


21-  Anti-Islamic claim:  The Progeny of Abraham?

21- Islamic Responses: My response


22-  Anti-Islamic claim:  Two young men?

22- Islamic Responses:  My response

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