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This article contains foul language.  Viewer discretion is advised.









Shahid, the low-life loser, called me and my friends "motherfu****":

The sections of this article are:

1-  Shahid, the low-life loser, called me and my friends "motherfu****".
2-  More of his trash and foul talk.
3-  Shahid is a hypocrite according to the Noble Quran and Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him).

Shahid bin Waheed, the biggest low-life loser on the internet, had arguments with two of my friends: "Muslimah" and "Malik".  Here is what he sent regarding us:


He wrote:

CC: <I won't reveal the sister's name>
Subj: You motherfuckers are backbiters
Date: 1/11/2004 4:38:29 PM Central Standard Time

Stop terrorizing people you asholes, are you members a some kind of terrorist groups? And who is this Muslim slut Osama and ashole Malik is pimping for?

Get a life losers, no one is mad or was made. Hell is wished for you all now sincerely. Keep sending emails to you misionary masters. Malik, you are one hell of a MF Punjabi, who make a good pimp.


My response:

Of course it is easy for Mr. Shahid, the coward hypocrite, to hide behind a computer and insult sister Muslimah and everyone's mothers.  That's because he knows he's safe behind that computer.  I simply took it easy and decided to post his nonsense on my site to show Shahid's own readers how low, filthy, desperate and frustrated he is.   Have Shahid dared to say it to me in person I would've skinned him alive!  But too bad that no one knows where he's at.

Here are further bad remarks from Shahid against my friends on my Message Board.   The following is taken from:

If asholes like you are Muslims, than Kuffar are far better than you. None of you ignorant know about Islaam. You upgrade yourself claiming to be Muslims. BTW, do you believe that Osama was telling the truth, when he said hehas bloked Shahid? Than who am I?

Shahid here is asking us "who am I?"  Shahid, you are everything bad you said above, except the insult on your mother!  You are a mentally retarded individual who suffers from very low self-esteem.  Your frustration is eating you alive, and you know you are the scum of the earth!  You are the biggest joke on the internet, and I feel degraded that I have had you as a friend before, and allowed you to contribute to my site.

That's who you are Shahid bin Waheed; a lifeless loser!

To the reader, please visit: Shahid bin Waheed's "make your bite as bad as your bark" article.   He is literally a child in a 50-year old body!  Note his childish remarks and bad manners and lack of evidence.

This loser's trash talk about my wife and family.

Shahid calls himself "NetWisdom". See what the Proverbs of Solomon in the Bible say about his stupidity.  See also how Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran considers him as a kafir (disbeliever) and liar.

Shahid's hypocrisy and disrespects to his reader.

Shahid considers my readers, and family as "murtadds" (apostates).

Shahid finally used the bathroom, took a dump from his head, and stated why he considers me as MURTADD (APOSTATE).   Shahid bin Waheed finally revealed why he considers me as "murtadd" (apostate).  Look at his ridiculous points and arguments.   It'll probably cause you to throw up from disgust.

Shahid has some serious moral problems with Islam.

Shahid uses Noble Verse 7:146 to justify him calling almost everyone on my Message Board as disbeliever, but fails to see that it fits him perfectly.


More of his trash and foul talk:

The following is shahid's reply to a brother who have had enough of his foul and dirty language.  Please note that "" is me:

To: <I won't reveal his identity>,
Subj: Re: [Murtadd Osama Abd al-Shaytan: Your rebuttal AKA JOKE that ain't funny {ROFLOL}]
Date: 4/27/2004 12:40:31 PM Central Standard Time


Thanks for suggesting that I should work on "porn" site, perhaps, I may well consider this proposition if your wife, mother, sister/s and duughter/s any and/or all of them) will be the co-star/s with me. How this sound to you moron? You asked for it and you opened the door! And now live with it. But the offer is open, you sound like a pimp to me that is why you made this suggestion.

Another email sent by the loser to another brother who also have had it with his trash and foul talk.  I was not part of the email list, but one of the brothers in the list forwarded the email to me:

From: NetWisdom
To: <I won't reveal the list because it is personal to them>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 16:43:48 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Murtadd Osama Abd al-Shaytan removed his name from his crappy rebuttal after I mocked him

Listen you DUMBASS Qadyani

........Then I mocjked your master son of a Palestinian whore and unknown IDF soldier. The change came after that. To respond to your brain fart that I have eyesight problem, really? If I chose to ignore mental midgets like you that does not constitute an eyesight problem, it is avoiding and/or ignorning a filthy shit like you.
Bottom line you and your cyber slut sister "Bint-ul-Shaytan" means nothing to me. You brother AKA Murtadd Osama Abd al-Shaytan  and his website are toast. The days of glory are gone!!!


My response:

The reason why I documented all of his trash is because I do want him to lose all of his respect, even from his personal friends and relatives.  He thinks that by cowardly talking trash behind that key board he will succeed in intimidating us, and no one will hear about it.  I WILL MAKE SURE THAT THE ENTIRE WORLD KNOWS ABOUT IT.  What he fails to realize is that all of this trash of his will just keep on piling up more and more and more, and it will keep degrading him more and more and more until one day he will vanish completely not only from the internet, but also away from his own personal friends and relatives after being despised by all of them and finding himself being isolated like a smelly dung by all of them.

And on a side note, I never cared about having "days of glory".  My days of glory are my days of worship of Allah Almighty, which is everyday.  My web site is not a glory to me.  It is only a mean for me to spread Islam and to Serve Allah Almighty.

Again, to the reader, please visit: Shahid bin Waheed's "make your bite as bad as your bark" article.   He is literally a child in a 50-year old body!  Note his childish remarks and bad manners and lack of evidence.

This loser's trash talk about my wife and family.

Shahid calls himself "NetWisdom". See what the Proverbs of Solomon in the Bible say about his stupidity.  See also how Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran considers him as a kafir (disbeliever) and liar.

Shahid's hypocrisy and disrespects to his reader.

Shahid considers my readers, and family as "murtadds" (apostates).

Shahid finally used the bathroom, took a dump from his head, and stated why he considers me as MURTADD (APOSTATE).   Shahid bin Waheed finally revealed why he considers me as "murtadd" (apostate).  Look at his ridiculous points and arguments.   It'll probably cause you to throw up from disgust.

Shahid has some serious moral problems with Islam.

Shahid uses Noble Verse 7:146 to justify him calling almost everyone on my Message Board as disbeliever, but fails to see that it fits him perfectly.


Shahid is a hypocrite according to the Noble Quran and Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him):

Since Shahid bin Waheed is a complete moron when it comes to Islam's Laws, especially those that deal with Manners, let me shed some light upon him, since he gives himself the authority to call me "murtadd" (apostate) and a "mother f****":

"Who avoid vain talk;  (The Noble Quran, 23:3)"

"And when they hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: 'To us our deeds, and to you yours; peace be to you: we seek not the ignorant.'  (The Noble Quran, 28:55)"

"So leave them to plunge in vain talk and play about, until they encounter that Day of theirs which they have been promised!-  (The Noble Quran, 70:42)"

"(The sinners will say:) 'But we used to talk vanities with vain talkers;'  (The Noble Quran, 74:45)"

According to the Noble Verses above, any vain talk or foul language are prohibited.   Muslims must always stay away from vain talkers.  Those who participate with them will be from among them, and will face a great punishment.

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: "The Prophet said, "Whoever has the following four (characteristics) will be a pure hypocrite and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up.

1. Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays.

2. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie.

3. Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous.

4. Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner.
(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Belief, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 33)"

Those who are familiar with Shahid bin Waheed on message boards know well that he is very rude and intimidating in his words.  He enjoys insulting others and putting them down, and acting very arrogantly, while he fails to realize how stupid and ignorant he is.

According to the Hadiths and the Noble Verses above, Shahid's attitude and bad manners prove that he is a hypocrite.  We now wonder whether or not he will drop his nonsense and start acting more professionally and maturely, or will he be stubborn about it and continue to take pride in doing evil.

If he fails to change his bad manners due to stubbornness and arrogance, then according to Islam that he supposedly believes in, he will be considered a hypocrite, and hypocrites will:

"The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire: no helper wilt thou find for them;  (The Noble Quran, 4:145)"






Back to rebuttals to Shahid's articles.

My rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.

Good Manners in Islam.

What is the definition of a hypocrite in Islam? And will all "Muslims" make it to Heaven?

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