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My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Osama Abdallah's Mantras" nonsense:

This article is a rebuttal to Mr. Sam Shamoun's article, which is located at:   Just for the sake of record, Mr. Shamoun did not respond to all of my rebuttal to him, which is located at:

Mr. Shamoun calls my rebuttal as "Mantras", yet he failed to address all of it!  So much for your arrogance and nonsense Mr. Shamoun.  Here in this article, I will expose you and prove to the reader once again that Islam is the Ultimate Truth of Absolute One and Living GOD Almighty.


He wrote:

A Response to many of

Osama Abdallah's Mantras


My response:

Your title is very funny and self-contradicting as I will show below.


He wrote:

Osama has taken aim at my answer to his gross errors regarding Luke 23:34. It is quite clear from Osama’s response that he was unable to address the issues, but chose instead to bring up irrelevant points and logical fallacies.


My response:

Osama did not take an aim at your answer.  Osama had literally debunked your answer, word for word, and proved the Bible to be full of contradictions and man-made alterations and innovations.


He wrote:

It appears to be a common ploy for Osama to simply repeat the outdated charge that the Bible is corrupt and that its authors were unknown over and over again ad infinitum and ad nauseum. It has almost become a mantra of sorts that Osama often chants, assuming that this will somehow prove his arguments.


My response:

When dealing with the Bible, one must cover all aspects of it.  The Bible's corruptions and history of man's tampering and alterations must always be put forward, because this is the most relevant issue!  Otherwise, what is the point from debating if we all know that the Bible is a corrupted book?

Therefore, it is important to bring forward the proof that the Bible is corrupted, so that things would be cleared up as to why there are many direct and clear contradictions in the Bible, and why there is utter nonsense existing in the Bible's grammar and wordings.


He wrote:

Here, in this article I will only focus on the main points to my arguments. I will omit the great bulk of Osama’s "response" since it didn’t address anything I had initially presented in my rebuttal. I will also link to articles which have already refuted Osama’s outdated arguments in order to avoid repeating myself for the umpteenth time.


My response:

I don't know how you can say that when all of my points are linked with each others.   Picking and choosing from my argument is not right, because it won't present the whole picture of my rebuttal.


He wrote:

Osama begins:

I am not really being inconsistent.  It's your funny Bible that is made up of 66+ different books and most of them were written by mysterious people according to the Bible's theologians.  I take the parts that agree with Islam as authentic and discard the parts that disagree with Islam.  You can call it "inconsistency" all you want, but as long as you refuse to learn the Truth of Islam, you will always be blind and foolish and think of those who don't buy your inconsistent Bible as foolish people, while the Bible itself is the master of inconsistency and foolishness.

Please visit: What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth? and Why?


Osama does the very thing that I stated above, namely repeat the same tired argument over and over again. Our good friend Quennel Gale wrote a very thorough response to Osama’s gross lies and misrepresentations:

To be quite frank, Quennel’s article is more of annihilation than a simple response.


My response:

It amazes me why Mr. Shamoun intentionally ignored my direct rebuttal to his friend Quennel Gale's article.  Quennel Gale did not refute anything.  All he did was go back and forth and give utter nonsense to my direct and clear quotes.

So much for talking, let's have the reader judge for him/herself.  My response to Quennel's rebuttal is located at:


He wrote:

In answer to which parts of the Bible do Muslims believe in, it is clear that the first Muslims believed IN ALL OF IT. More on this below.


My response:

That is not true as I will prove from our Islamic sources.


He wrote:

Third, Osama begs the question with his claim that he only accepts those parts that agree with Islam. How does he know that Islam is true? Because the Quran or Muhammad said so? It is rather interesting and sad that Osama doesn’t see the irrationality in his reasoning.


My response:

The Miracle of the Noble Quran is within it.  If the Noble Quran was a bunch of narartions, conversations and nonsense as most of the Bible is, then I would be the first to attack it.

My favorite Miracles in the Noble Quran are located in   The links of this section are as follows:


Very Important Discovery:
ch1-1-c-img1.jpg (12269 bytes)
A new star forming out of a cloud of gas and dust (nebula), which is one of the remnants of the "smoke" that was the origin of the whole universe. (The Space Atlas, Heather and Henbest, page 50)
Allah Almighty said: "Then He turned to the heaven when it was smoke...(The Noble Quran, 41:11)"
The Noble Quran on the Origin of the Universe
Only Islam claims that the universe was originated from Dust and Hot Gas, or Smoke.


Science in Islam:

The sub sections here are:

1-  Life originated from water in the Noble Quran.
2-  The Earth's rotation, formation, and Oceanology.
3-  The Universe, Astronomy, UFOs and Space Shuttles.
4-  Embryology, Human Anatomy, Formation, and Creation from the time of sexual intercourse to
      the time of birth.
5-  The number 19 code in the Noble Quran.
6-  Medicine, Insects and Animals.
7-  Psychology.
8-  Great Web Sites.
9-  Rebuttals.
10-  Prophecies.

Life originated from water in the Noble Quran:

Life originated from water in the Noble Quran.


The Earth's rotation, formation and Oceanology:

The Noble Quran confirms that the earth is rotating around its axle.

Allah Almighty said that the earth is "egg-shaped".

The Earth is round according to Islam.

The amazing creation of earth and iron in the Noble Quran.   Iron came from space, and the Noble Quran mentioned it.

The amazing creation of earth and mountains in the Noble Quran.   Science confirms that mountains prevent the earth from shaking while it is revolving around itself.  The Noble Quran made a similar claim.

Geology in the Noble Quran - See the Scientific confirmation.

Oceanology in the Noble Quran - See the Scientific confirmation.  The barriers between waters in both science and the Noble Quran.

The darkness of oceans and disappearance of light was mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by Science.


The Universe, Astronomy, UFOs and Space Shuttles:

The Noble Quran and Astronomers both claim that the Universe is 18 billion years old.

The Big Bang Theory and the Cosmic Crunch in the Noble Quran.  Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him predicted around the time when the Cosmic Crunch occurs, the Sun would rise from the West.

The Noble Quran on the Origin of the Universe. This article has pictures and quotes from Western scientific books that accurately confirm the astronomical claims of the Noble Quran.  The Noble Quran was the only book that claimed that the universe originated from Hot Gas or Smoke.  Science proved that this claim is true.

The explosion of Stars (FORMING RED ROSES), Galaxies and the Universe in the Noble Quran had been confirmed by NASA.

Comparison between Allah Almighty's claims about His Creation, and the scientific discoveries that 100% agree with Him.  Claims such as:  The universe is expanding, the existence of the sun's orbit, the protective atmosphere to the earth, Embryology and many more.

Allah Almighty said in the Noble Quran that He is "Expanding" the Universe.  Scientists already proved this claim to be true.

The "Clot" and the Creation of the Universe in the Noble Quran.

Is there mention of U.F.Os or other Human Planets in the Noble Quran?

What does the sun orbit?

Einstein's time relativity in the Noble Quran.

UFOs and Space Shuttles were explicitly mentioned in the Noble Quran!  Even the communication with UFOs was prophesied in the Noble Quran.

Aliens and UFOs in the Noble Quran.


Embryology, Human Anatomy, Formation and Creation from the time of sexual intercourse to the time of birth:

The Noble Quran on Human Embryonic Development.

Embryology in the Noble Quran.   The three stages of the foetus formation in the Noble Quran and Science.

Abortion in Islam is a crime!   The foetus is a human child in Islam.

The Noble Quran on the Cerebrum: Lying is generated from the person's forehead.

The region in the brain that controls our movements - In Noble Quran and confirmed by Science.

Sex determination and human creation in Islam.  Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad both claimed that the human gender is determined by the male's ejaculated semen.

Were human cloning and gender alteration prophesied in Islam?

Why does the Noble Quran, while speaking about determination of the identity of the individual, speak specifically about finger tips?  The Noble Quran recognized that finger tips (finger prints) are unique!

The blood circulation and the production of milk in the Breast: In the Noble Quran and Science.

Thinking with the heart besides the brain in the Noble Quran was proven by Science.


The number 19 code in the Noble Quran:

The Miracle of the number 19 in the Noble Quran.  Yes, the number 19 is miraculous in the Noble Quran and was proven to be essential in many of the Scientific Theories and Discoveries.  But it doesn't at all support Rashad Khalifa's removal of two Noble Verses from the Noble Quran, and his claim to be GOD Almighty's Messenger.


Medicine, Insects and Animals:

Animals' urine and it's relationship to medicine in Islam.

Camels could help cure humans.

Honey was proven to be healing for humans as was mentioned in the Noble Quran.

The fly insect and its cure: Mentioned in Islam and confirmed by Science (Bacteriophages).



The psychological Wisdom of Prayers in Islam was proven in Science and Psychology.

The Wisdom of the age of 40 in the Noble Quran, which had been Scientifically and Psychologically proven to be True.  See why Allah Almighty is more forgiving to those who are under the age of 40, and how Science and Psychology proved that people under 40 are less mature and tend to make more irresponsible decisions (i.e., mistakes and sins).


Great Web Sites:   This is an awesome web site that has Western scientific information that accurately confirms the Noble Quran's claims about astronomy, biology, geology and other sciences.

A detailed site that displays most of the scientific Quranic Verses that deal with astronomy, geology and biology.

The Bible, the Quran and Science.  Written by Dr Maurice Bucaille.  In his work, Dr. Baucille proves that the Quran correctly stated scientific facts unknown at the time of the Prophet - showing its divine origin!

Miracles of the Noble Quran.  Video files.

A web site for the number 19 miracle in the Noble Quran.

Evaluating Islam as a Religion based on Divine Revelation.



Does the Noble Quran support "The Earth moves around the Sun" theory?  Rebuttal to Mr. Avijit Roy's challenge.

My rebuttal to Avijit Roy's "Does the Quran support the Earth moves around the Sun theory" response.

My rebuttal to Avijit Roy's "Does Quran have any Scientific miracles?" article.

A Muslim response to criticism of Embryology in the Noble Quran.  By Nadeem Arif Najmi.

Allah Almighty said that the earth is "egg-shaped".  Rebuttal to the Christian "Answering Islam" team about "dahaha" in the Noble Quran.



Please visit The Noble Quran section, and read the "Prophecies" sub section to see the great Prophecies that were fulfilled only in the Noble Quran.  The Noble Quran also made mention and promised the discovery of lost ancient cities and people's bodies, and these promises were all fulfilled today.


He wrote:

For instance, Osama turns to the Holy Bible to prove that God commissioned his false prophet, and then uses Muhammad’s message to argue that the Holy Bible has been changed! This has Osama arguing in an illogical circle as the following illustration helps demonstrate:

OSAMA: Muhammad’s advent was predicted in the Holy Bible.
CHRISTIAN:    Muhammad’s teaching contradicts key, essential biblical doctrines.
OSAMA: The Holy Bible has been corrupted.
CHRISTIAN: How do you know this?
OSAMA: Because, as you yourself indicated, there are parts of the Bible which contradict the message God gave to Muhammad.
CHRISTIAN: How do you know that it wasn’t Muhammad’s message that was corrupt instead of the Holy Bible?
OSAMA: Muhammad was a true prophet of God and the Almighty Allah promised to protect the message given to him.
CHRISTIAN: How do you know that Muhammad was a true prophet of God?
OSAMA: One of the reasons that I know this to be true is that the Holy Bible itself predicted Muhammad’s coming.
CHRISTIAN: In other words, you use the Holy Bible to prove that Muhammad was a true prophet and then use Muhammad to prove that the Holy Bible has been corrupted?
OSAMA: Err, ahh, yes!?


My response:

Like I mentioned above, I believe in Islam because Islam's Miracles are preserved in the Noble Quran as I showed a sample above.  Finding Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in the Bible is a plus, because it will help us convert Jews and Christians to Islam.


He wrote:

This introduces another problem,


My response:

Only your pornful bible, the book of women's vaginas and breasts taste like "wine", has the problems.


He wrote:

namely, even though God supposedly preserved those passages that spoke of Muhammad he failed to do so for the rest of the Holy Bible! Again, note the following illustration:

CHRISTIAN:    How do you know that those passages predicting Muhammad remained intact?
OSAMA: I know this because the Quran tells me that there are prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible.
CHRISTIAN: So you are saying that Allah protected those passages from being corrupted?
OSAMA: Yes, alhamdulullah!
CHRISTIAN: So if God could protect those passages, why didn’t he simply protect all of it?
OSAMA: Err, ahh, well Allah chose not to protect all of it.
CHRISTIAN: Well, why not?
OSAMA: Allahu-alim ("God knows"- in other words there is no good answer)!
CHRISTIAN: And what makes you think that God didn’t protect the entire Bible?
OSAMA: Because it contradicts Islam.
CHRISTIAN: And what makes you certain that Islam is true?
OSAMA: I know it is true since it is the revelation Allah gave to his messenger.
CHRISTIAN: And how do you know he was a true messenger?
OSAMA: Because the Bible itself predicted his coming!


My response:

"Err, ahh, well"?  Very funny Mr. Shamoun.  It's quite hellarious that even the Bible itself admits that it has been tampered with and corrupted by man's garbage:

"`How can you say, "We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

The Revised Standard Version makes it even clearer: "How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie(From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

And regarding who wrote the books and gospels of the Bible, well here is a sample of what the NIV Bible's theologians and historians wrote:

"Serious doubts exists as to whether these verses belong to the Gospel of Mark.  They are absent from important early manuscripts and display certain peculiarities of vocabulary, style and theological content that are unlike the rest of Mark.  His Gospel probably ended at 16:8, or its original ending has been lost.  (From the NIV Bible Foot Notes, page 1528)"

"Although the author does not name himself, evidence outside the Scriptures and inferences from the book itself lead to the conclusion that the author was Luke.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1643)"

"The writer of this letter does not identify himself, but he was obviously well known to the original recipients.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1856)"

"The letter is difficult to date with precision....(From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1905)"

"It seems safe to conclude that the book, at least in its early form, dates from the beginning of the monarchy. Some think that Samuel may have had a hand in shaping or compiling the materials of the book, but in fact we are unsure who the final author or editor was.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 286)"

"Although, according to tradition, Samuel wrote the book, authorship is actually uncertain.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 322)"

"The date of the composition is also unknown, but it was undoubtedly during the monarchy.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 322)"

"The author is unknown. Jewish tradition points to Samuel, but it is unlikely that he is the author because the mention of David (4:17,22) implies a later date.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 360)"

"Who the author was cannot be known with certainty since the book itself gives no indication of his identity.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 368)"

"There is little conclusive evidence as to the identity of the author of 1,2 Kings.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 459)"

"Whoever the author was, it is clear that he was familiar with the book of Deuteronomy.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 459)"

"According to ancient Jewish tradition, Ezra wrote Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah (see Introduction to Ezra: Literary Form and Authorship), but this cannot be established with certainty.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 569)"

"Although we do not know who wrote the book of Esther, from internal evidence it is possible to make some inferences about the author and the date of composition.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 707)"

"The unknown author probably had access to oral and/or written sources....(From the NIV Bible commentary, page 722)"

"Regarding authorship, opinions are even more divided....(From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 773)"


How do you respond to this Mr. Shamoun?

Please visit: Just who were the original authors of the Bible? to see the book's bibliography to the above quotes.

Also, why don't you visit: Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible, and see exactly what I mean, instead of acting like a total fool and saying things that even the Bible refutes in it!


He wrote:

Osama makes the following claims regarding the variant readings of the Quran:

The Noble Quran did not come down in "variant readings". It came down in Arabic and in one dialect: the Quraishy dialect. You can learn more about the History of the Preservation of the Noble Quran at:


Here are the responses to this lie:


My response:

Mr. Shamoun, do you care to be a little more specific as to where I lied, or presented a lie?  I provided you with Islamic evidence and references that the Noble Quran was perfectly preserved!  Care to give a direct refutation to my proofs?


He wrote:

Osama then tries to respond to my statement that the Holy Bible is better attested than any book of antiquity, including the Quran:

That's not what the Bible's theologians think Mr. Shamoun. The Bible's theologians flat out admit and declare that most of the Bible's books and gospels were written by mysterious people! Read their quotes by yourself and judge for yourself at:

As to the Noble Quran and Islam supporting the preservation of the Bible, you obviously don't know what the Quranic Words "Injil" and "Torah" mean. They don't mean the "New Testament" and "Old Testament". They mean the revelations sent to Jesus in Injil, and to Moses in Torah, peace be upon both of those two Prophets. The New Testament of today has little to do with what Jesus spoke. In fact, if you were to collect the quotes of Jesus from the NT, then you would only get a column and a half of News paper worth. That's all. That's all what you have from Jesus' quotes in the 33 years he lived among the People of Israel.


Quennel Gale has already documented what Bible theologians think. Read the above link that discusses and exposes Osama’s misinformation.


My response:

The above link of Quennel Gale had been directly debunked, word for word, at:


He wrote:

We had also presented many links discussing this issue in our first response.


My response:

This link of yours had also been directly debunked, word for word, at:


He wrote:

Here are some more articles for our readers:


My response:

More boring links with no direct answers!


He wrote:

Second, Osama erroneously assumes that unless the author of the book is known the book’s authenticity is in doubt. Osama doesn’t tell us why this is so and this is simply a fallacious claim which is not supported by scholars or historians.


My response:

Not supported by scholars or historians?  Mr. Shamoun, you really need to read the articles I write to see the clear proof from the Bible's own scholars admiting that it was corrupted.  Here is the sample that I provided above:

It's quite hellarious that even the Bible itself admits that it has been tampered with and corrupted by man's garbage:

"`How can you say, "We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

The Revised Standard Version makes it even clearer: "How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie(From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

And regarding who wrote the books and gospels of the Bible, well here is a sample of what the NIV Bible's theologians and historians wrote:

"Serious doubts exists as to whether these verses belong to the Gospel of Mark.  They are absent from important early manuscripts and display certain peculiarities of vocabulary, style and theological content that are unlike the rest of Mark.  His Gospel probably ended at 16:8, or its original ending has been lost.  (From the NIV Bible Foot Notes, page 1528)"

"Although the author does not name himself, evidence outside the Scriptures and inferences from the book itself lead to the conclusion that the author was Luke.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1643)"

"The writer of this letter does not identify himself, but he was obviously well known to the original recipients.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1856)"

"The letter is difficult to date with precision....(From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1905)"

"It seems safe to conclude that the book, at least in its early form, dates from the beginning of the monarchy. Some think that Samuel may have had a hand in shaping or compiling the materials of the book, but in fact we are unsure who the final author or editor was.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 286)"

"Although, according to tradition, Samuel wrote the book, authorship is actually uncertain.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 322)"

"The date of the composition is also unknown, but it was undoubtedly during the monarchy.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 322)"

"The author is unknown. Jewish tradition points to Samuel, but it is unlikely that he is the author because the mention of David (4:17,22) implies a later date.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 360)"

"Who the author was cannot be known with certainty since the book itself gives no indication of his identity.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 368)"

"There is little conclusive evidence as to the identity of the author of 1,2 Kings.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 459)"

"Whoever the author was, it is clear that he was familiar with the book of Deuteronomy.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 459)"

"According to ancient Jewish tradition, Ezra wrote Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah (see Introduction to Ezra: Literary Form and Authorship), but this cannot be established with certainty.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 569)"

"Although we do not know who wrote the book of Esther, from internal evidence it is possible to make some inferences about the author and the date of composition.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 707)"

"The unknown author probably had access to oral and/or written sources....(From the NIV Bible commentary, page 722)"

"Regarding authorship, opinions are even more divided....(From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 773)"


How do you respond to this Mr. Shamoun?

Please visit: Just who were the original authors of the Bible? to see the book's bibliography to the above quotes.

Also, why don't you visit: Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible, and see exactly what I mean, instead of acting like a total fool and saying things that even the Bible refutes in it!


He wrote:

What truly matters is if whether the evidence points to the book being written within the first generation of the eyewitnesses to these events, or is based on eyewitness testimony. Both the internal and external evidence demonstrates that the Gospels and the rest of the NT books were written within the first generation where literally hundreds, if not thousands, of both friendly and hostile eyewitnesses were still alive.


My response:

That is not true at all.  First of all, as I showed in this article: Just who were the original authors of the Bible?, the original authors of most of the New Testament were unknown.   Aside from this, there is clear and irrifutable evidence of third-party narrations throughout the entire Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments:


Who were the authors of the Bible?  Were they really the original Prophets and Desciples?

So, who then are the authors of the books of the Bible? Obviously the Church must know them very well since they are popularly believed to have received divine inspiration from God Himself. Right? Actually, they don't. For example, we will note that every Gospel begins with the introduction "According to....." such as "The Gospel according to Saint Matthew," "The Gospel according to Saint Luke," "The Gospel according to Saint Mark," "The Gospel according to Saint John." The obvious conclusion for the average man on the street is that these people are known to be the authors of the books attributed to them. This, however is not the case. Why? Because not one of the vaunted four thousand copies existent carries its author's signature. It has just been assumed that certain people were the authors. Recent discoveries, however, refute this belief. Even the internal evidence suggests that, for instance, Matthew did not write the Gospel attributed to him:

"...And as Jesus passed forth thence, HE (Jesus) saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and HE (Jesus) saith unto HIM (Matthew), follow ME (Jesus) and HE (Matthew) arose, and followed HIM (Jesus). (Matthew 9:9)"

Did "Matthew" write this about himself? Why then didn't Matthew write for example: "he (Jesus) saw ME, and my name is Matthew. I was sitting at the receipt of custom…" etc.

Such evidence can be found in many places throughout the New Testament. Granted, it may be possible that an author sometimes may write in the third person, still, in light of the rest of the evidence that we shall see throughout this book, there is simply too much evidence against this hypothesis.

This observation is by no means limited to the New Testament. There is even similar evidence that at least parts of Deuteronomy were not written by their claimed author, prophet Moses  . This can be seen in Deuteronomy 34:5-10 where we read

"So Moses....DIED... and he (God Almighty) BURIED HIM (Moses)... He was 120 years old WHEN HE DIED... and there arose not a prophet SINCE in Israel like unto Moses....(Deuteronomy 34:5-10)"

Did Moses write his own obituary? Similarly, Joshua too speaks in detail about his own death in Joshua 24:29-33.

"And it came to pass after these things, that Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, DIED, … And they BURIED HIM … And Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that overlived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the Lord, that he had done for Israel ….(Joshua 24:29-33)"

Such evidence is part of the large cache which has driven the Biblical scholars to come to the current recognition that most of the books of the Bible were not written by their supposed authors. For example, the authors of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible by Collins honestly say that the author of "Kings" is "Unknown." But if the author is unknown then why attribute it to God? How can it then be claimed to have been "inspired"? Continuing, we read that the book of Isaiah is "Mainly credited to Isaiah. Parts may have been written by others." Ecclesiastics: "Author. Doubtful, but commonly assigned to Solomon." Ruth: "Author. Not definitely known, perhaps Samuel." and on and on.

Let us have a slightly more detailed look at only one book of the New Testament, that of 'Hebrews':

"The author of the Book of Hebrews is unknown. Martin Luther suggested that Apollos was the author...Tertullian said that Hebrews was a letter of Barnabas...Adolf Harnack and J. Rendel Harris speculated that it was written by Priscilla (or Prisca). William Ramsey suggested that it was done by Philip. However, the traditional position is that the Apostle Paul wrote Hebrews...Eusebius believed that Paul wrote it, but Origen was not positive of Pauline authorship."

From the introduction to the King James Bible, New revised and updated sixth edition, the Hebrew/Greek Key Study, Red Letter Edition

and one book of the Old Testament:

"In tradition, [David] is credited with writing 73 of the Psalms; most scholars, however, consider this claim questionable."

Encarta Encyclopedia, under "David"

Is this how we define "inspired by God"?

I asked a reverand of the local church in my neighboorhod, on what gospel most often quoted and used, he quickly answered, the Gospel of St. John!


He wrote:

The late liberal theologian John A.T. Robinson in his book, Redating the New Testament, believed that all the NT books were completed before 70 A.D. The following comments from the late William F. Albright, considered to be one of the world's foremost archaeologists, regarding the composition of the New Testament are noteworthy:

We can already say emphatically that there is no longer any solid basis for dating any book of the New Testament after about A.D. 80, two full generations before the date between 130 and 150 given by the more radical New Testament critics of today. (Josh McDowell & Bill Wilson, He Walked Among Us- Evidence For The Historical Jesus [Thomas Nelson Publishers; Nashville, TN, 1993], p. 110 emphasis ours)

Albright also went on to say:

"In my opinion, every book of the New Testament was written by a baptized Jew in the forties and eighties of the first century A.D. (very probably sometime between about A.D. 50 and 75)." (Ibid.)

It is quite clear that Osama is alone in his radical claims regarding the alleged anonymity of NT authorship affecting its authenticity.


My response:

Well, I did provide the clear evidence from Christian theologians that the Bible's books and gospels are doubtful Mr. Shamoun.  You quoting from other Christian theologians doesn't really refute anything here, because it does not directly refute the historical evidence that are provided in the quotes I provided.


He wrote:

Third, it is obvious that Osama hasn’t read the articles that show what the words "Injil" and "Torah" mean. According to several Muslims, THESE TERMS DO REFER TO BOTH THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS RESPECTIVELY. Here is the link again:


My response:

Here is what Allah Almighty Himself said in the Noble Quran regarding the Torah and Injil:

"Then, in their wake, We followed them up with (others of) Our apostles: We sent after them Jesus the son of Mary, and bestowed on him the Injil.....(The Noble Quran, 57:27)"

57_24-26.gif (7878 bytes)

The underlined Arabic word says "Injil".  GOD Almighty in this Noble Verse clearly says that He gave the Injil to Jesus peace be upon him.  This means that Jesus' quotes of the Bible of today are the closest to the Truth of the Injil.   The rest isn't according to Islam.

As to the Torah, it is possible that it includes all of the Revelations of Allah Almighty to the People of Israel's Prophets peace be upon all of them.  But this still does not mean that the Old Testament of today is the Torah of the Noble Quran.

Allah Almighty did Say in the Noble Quran that the Jews had corrupted the Bible:

"Know they not Allah Knoweth what they conceal and what they reveal? And there are among them illiterates, who know not the Book (i.e., the Bible), but (see therein their own) desires, and they do nothing but conjecture.  Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: 'This is from Allah,' To traffic with it for a miserable price! Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.   (The Noble Quran, 2:77-78)"

Please visit: What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth? and Why?

Also, Allah Almighty did send Prophet Ishmael (Abraham's son) peace be upon him Revelations:

"Say ye: "We believe in God, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to God (in Islam)."  (The Noble Quran, 2:136)"

We today don't have those Holy Revelations.

Allah Almighty's Holy Revelations in the Torah and Jesus' Injil and Ishamel's Book all have One Bottom Line:  Believe in GOD Almighty and associate no partners with Him.   This is what the Noble Quran's Message is too.

Please visit:  What is the Wisdom of Islam?


He wrote:

In fact, had Osama read what we had written he would have seen that THERE IS NOT A SINGLE VERSE IN THE QURAN WHICH SAYS THAT THE TORAH WAS GIVEN TO MOSES:

Therefore, here is our challenge to Osama:


If you can’t, then how do you know that Moses even received the Torah? Where are you getting this information? We eagerly await Osama’s response.


My response:

I don't need to.  It is possible that the Noble Quran's "Torah" is referring to the collection of the Holy Books that were revealed to the People of Israel's Prophets peace be upon them.  But this however, does not mean that the current Old Testament is the Torah.

Like I mentioned above, Prophet Ishamael peace be upon him received Revelations from Allah Almighty.  We today don't have these Holy Revelations.  So the same could and would apply to the Bible's Old Testament today.


He wrote:

Finally, the Holy Bible doesn’t claim to be a complete or exhaustive record on the life of the Lord Jesus. It claims to be a sufficient record:

"Now Jesus performed many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples that are not recorded in this book. But these are recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." John 20:30-31

Seeing that the Holy Bible gives us all the information necessary for our salvation, what more do we need?


My response:

So Mr. Shamoun, given the Miracles of the Noble Quran that I provided above, it is quite possible that Prophet Jesus peace be upon him did foretell the coming of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him by the name as the Noble Quran claims:

"And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the apostle of God (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of an Apostle to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad." But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "this is evident sorcery!"  (The Noble Quran, 61:6)"

The New Testament as I proved above is NOT the Noble Quran's "Injil".   So what ever you have today from so-called "Gospels" and "Books" in the New Testament, don't really have much Truth in them according to Islam.

Also, the discovered Gospel of Barnabas seem to agree very well with the Noble Quran about the coming of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.


He wrote:

This is unlike the Quran which claims to be a fully detailed record even though it is far from being a complete guidance:

This last claim is quite ironic coming from a man who believes in a book which has basically little to nothing of importance to say about Jesus’ life and mission. Talking about a column? One can take all the alleged words of Jesus from the Quran and would still be unable to fill a paragraph, let alone the page!


My response:

Mr. Shamoun, the Noble Quran is not concerned about the innovations and lies that created the so-called "New Testament".  We don't really care what's in the New Testament, nor does Jesus really have any value in Islam other than he is a Prophet from GOD Almighty to his people.

All of the Prophets' sayings in the Noble Quran are brief, not just Jesus'.  The reason for this is because Allah Almighty is not concerned about Saying narrations and stories that are irrelevant to the True and Divine Message of Islam.  The people of Israel and their stories have no special place in Islam.

Islam is for all people and all times and places.  The Miracles of Islam are over whelming.  And the Truth of Islam is also miraculous and over whelming.  I personally find the Noble Quran to be very inspiring and connecting with GOD Almighty.

Again, please visit: What is the Wisdom of Islam?


He wrote:

Osama then tries to tackle my exegesis of Luke 23:34:

My response:

Mr. Shamoun, it's funny how you and your trinitarian fellows always try to elate Jesus to the level of the Creator of the Universe, while Jesus himself said otherwise as I will show in a moment.  Let me remind you that GOD in the Old Testament said that He will put the Spirit of Fearing GOD Almighty in Jesus!  Now any person with an atom of a brain would immediately realize that Jesus can not be the Creator of the Universe:

1.  A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
2.  The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him (Jesus)-- the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of
counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD
(Jesus fearing his GOD)--
3.  and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or
decide by what he hears with his ears;

(From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 11:1-3)

Also, please visit: The Spirit of GOD Almighty came upon others before and after Jesus in the Bible.

Now for what Jesus himself said, let us look at few quotes:

"I do nothing of myself (From the NIV Bible, John 8:28)"

"My Father (GOD) is greater than I (From the NIV Bible, John 14:28)"

"Father (GOD), into thy hands I commend my spirit (From the NIV Bible, Luke 23:46)"

"And Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. (From the NIV Bible, Mark 10:18)"

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (From the NIV Bible, Matthew 24:36)"

Do these quotes to a person with an atom of a brain suggest at all that Jesus is in the same level as the Creator of the Universe?


Osama, it is funny how you need to change subjects and toss red herrings instead of dealing with my exegesis of Luke 23:34. And had Osama even bothered looking up those links which were posted at the end of my rebuttal he would have discovered that I deal with all these passages in detail, and clearly show that IN THEIR RESPECTIVE CONTEXTS these passages do nothing to refute the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ.


My response:

Mr. Shamoun, I have debunked your article, word for word, at: My response to Sam Shamoun's rebuttal on Luke 24:44-48. 

In fact Mr. Shamoun, you have not yet addressed the several verses from the Old Testament that seem so clearly to be prophesizing about Islam!! 

Again, for your convenience, I have increased the size of the font, made the color blue, and centered my questions so that you can easily read them.   Care to respond to them Mr. Shamoun?

Again, please visit:

You have yet to answer my response to your "rebuttal".


He wrote:

The one passage I haven’t addressed is Isaiah 11, so I will now address it. Osama erroneously assumes that since the person referred to in Isaiah (which is Jesus of course) is inspired by the Spirit of the Lord to fear God, the person in question cannot also be God at the same time.


My response:

How can GOD Almighty fear Himself?!


He wrote:

Osama’s argument is directly a result of his a priori assumption of Unitarianism, i.e. that God is one in Being and one in Person. Osama thinks that since God is only one Person then the shoot of Jesse (i.e. Jesus) cannot be that God. If he were that God then this basically would imply that he essentially feared himself.


My response:

My argument is that GOD Almighty had put the "Spirit of fearing GOD" in Jesus.  This is another proof that Jesus is not GOD Almighty Himself!


He wrote:

Osama’s logic goes something like this:

  1. God is only one Person.
  2. The shoot of Jesse is both distinct from and fears God.
  3. Therefore, the shoot cannot be God.

The problem with this syllogism is that premise 1 is false since God is not only one Person according to the Holy Bible.


My response:

Well according to, the Bible contains tons of verses that prove without doubt that GOD Almighty is an Absolute One GOD Almighty!


He wrote:

The shoot of Jesse can be both distinct from God and be God at the same time, precisely what Isaiah stated in an earlier chapter! Isaiah, under inspiration, wrote:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God (El Gibbor), The Father of Eternity (abi ad), The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this." Isaiah 9:6-7


My response:

Mr. Shamoun is a deliberate liar who misquoted Isaiah 9:6-7!  It doesn't say "The Mighty God", nor does it say "The Father of Eternity"!   "El Gibbor" means "mighty God", and not "The Mighty God".

Here is what Isaiah 9:6-7 say:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with justice and righteousness from hence forth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.  (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 9:6-7)"

Notice it says "his name" shall be called.  It doesn't say "He will be the...."  This is very important, because the "God" title was given to others before and after Jesus in the Bible.  As to "everlasting Father", it doesn't say "Eternal Father".  The Jews also did call others "The Father of Judaism" before. 


The "God" title in the Bible was given to others:

The sections of this article are:

1-  In Isaiah 9:6 and the Old Testament.
2-  The "Mighty God" translation.
3-  Did Jesus ever claim to be "Mighty God" or "God"?
4-  Questions to you.
5-  Is Jesus the biological Son of GOD?
6-  The "God" title for Jesus and others in the New Testament.
Answering verses such as Luke 8:39 and others.
      - So can we trust the current English Translations then?  
7-  The Gospel of Luke is corrupted anyway according to the Bible's Theologians.
8-  What about "The everlasting Father" title for Jesus?   Doesn't that prove he is
      GOD Almighty?
9-  Conclusion.


In Isaiah 9:6 and the Old Testament:

Christians claim that since the predicted Prophet's name (Jesus) will be called "Mighty God" in Isaiah 9:6-7, then therefore, he must be GOD Almighty Himself.

Let us read the Verses: "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with justice and righteousness from hence forth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.  (Isaiah 9:6-7)"

It is quite unfortunate that in the old Jewish culture, people used to be named "Godly" names.  This is quite misleading and deceiving to Christians when they try to define the deity of Jesus.

Many people in the Jewish old culture were called "God" before Jesus' existence on earth.  The following translations were verified by and the Jewish Sabbath Temple:

Note: Some of the words have different translations in the site than in the Jewish Sabbath Temple translation.  I trust the Jewish Sabbath Temple translation, because they speak far better and more accurate Hebrew than the Bible Crosswalk site who are Christians and are desperate to prove the trinity dogma even if it means giving inaccurate and wrong/false translations:

1- Ezekiel means "Strong God".  It also means "Yahweh is Strong God".

2- Israel means "Challenge God", "he struggles with God", or "fight with God".  It also means "Defeat God".

3- Gabriel also means "Strong God".

4- Isaiah or Jesaiah means "Salvation from Yahweh".  It could also mean "Salvation".

5- Joshua means "Yahweh Saves".

6- Elli, which is a common name for men before and after Jesus, means "God" or "Yahweh".

7- Immanuel, which is another name for Jesus, means "With us is God".  This name is also common for men before and after Jesus.

8- Elihu means "My God is He". 

9- Gedaliah means "Jehovah is Great".  People before and after Jesus are given this name.  See 2 Kings 25:22-24.

10- Eliadah or Eliada means "God knows". 

11- Eliab means "my God is Father".

12- Elzaphan means "God is Protector"

13- Eliakim means "God raises".

14- Elisha means "God is Salvation". 

15- Eleazar means "God has helped"

16- Judah or Yahawdah means "Praised".  It generally means "Praised by Yahweh".

17- Hashabiah means "Jehovah has considered".

18- Mattithiah means "Gift of Jehovah".

19- Michael (nick name "Mike") means "who is like God".  Yet, non is like Him, the Almighty.  See Exodus 8:10.

20- Jesus means "Salvation".  It doesn't mean "God Saves" as Christians claim.  Jesus (Yeshua) means in Hebrew "salvation" and not "God saves".  Yud Shin Waw Ain - this name doesn't include the word "God".

Joshua (Yehoshya) - Yod Hey - Waw Shin Ain
Isaya (Yeshayah) - Yod Shin Ain - Yod Hey .

These two names are combination of Yod, Shin, Ain - salvation and Yod, Hey - Yahwe.

Yosh Hey (Yah) is common short from Yahwe, for example Alleluia comes from "Halelu Yah" - "Glorify Yahwe".


I confirmed the correctness of the above translations with the Jewish Sabbath Temple. See also how the Christian Translators are in error regarding some of the translations of the "Godly" names that were fixed above.


In the above examples, we clearly see that the old Jewish culture gave "Godly" titles to people who are not in anyway divine.

Notice that in Isaiah 9:6, it clearly says "and his NAME shall be...."  This clearly proves that "Mighty God" is just a name given to the coming Prophet (Jesus).  Since this is just a name, this also clearly proves other people in the old Jewish culture were named that name before, even if they're not mentioned in the current Bible.

Have Isaiah 9:6 said "and he will be God Almighty Himself" or "and he will be the God Almighty" then this would be different, because we now would be talking about not just a NAME given to someone, but rather GOD Almighty Himself.

Important Note: There is not a single Verse in the New Testament where Jesus was called directly or named directly "Mighty God" or "God".  Notice in Isaiah 9:6 it clearly says "and his name shall be...."  Jesus was called "Son of GOD" as many others in the Bible were called Sons of GOD as shown below in this article, but he never even once was addressed as "Mighty God" or "God", nor he ever claimed to be "Mighty God" or "God". 

The Jews believe that Isaiah 9:6 was referring to somebody else, other than Jesus.  The Book of Isaiah which obviously contains Isaiah 9:6 came 700 before the birth of Jesus.  The Jews had absolutely no problem calling somebody who came 700 years before Jesus "El Gibor (Mighty God)".  That person's name is Hezekiah.  The Jews believe that Isaiah 9:6 is referring to Hezekiah and not Jesus, and they did indeed address Hezekiah as "Mighty God".  This proves that many people before Jesus were named even at birth "El Gibor (Mighty God)", just like people were also named "Ezekiel (Strong God)", "Elli (God)", "Gabriel (Strong God)", etc...


The "Mighty God" translation:

"Mighty God" in Isaiah 9:6 is "El Gibor".  This is not exactly "Mighty God", but close.  "Strong" is more correct (but it is different from strong of "hazak").  Here both El and Gibor are nouns - this is short full spell is "El Hu Gibor".

Anyway "El Gibor" and "Gabriel" are same thing. They both mean "Strong God". "Gabriel" is an angel's name in the Bible.

The word "Gibor" in Isaiah 9:6 and the word "Gibor" of Gabriel have exactly the same root, and they are both the same word.  The word itself can also be translated as "Man of God".

By the way, "EL" can also mean "Judge".  So "El Gibor" can also be translated as "Strong Judge". 

The "Mighty God" translation is just one possibility.  This type of differences in translation exists throughout the Hebrew language, where words' meaning change depending on the sentence.  That is why there is no one single solid Bible Translation!.  Theologians have difficulties agreeing on some key issues in translations.  That's why we see so many different Bibles with so many different translations.

But anyhow, even if "Mighty God" was the right translation, it is still just a NAME given to Jesus and nothing more.  It doesn't in anyway prove that he is the creator of the Universe.  Many people as shown above were given the misleading "Godly" titles before Jesus.


Did Jesus ever claim to be "Mighty God" or "God"?

From Sheikh Ahmed Deedat's work; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him:

Let us look at John 10:30 "I (Jesus) and the Father are One."  This verse is  severely misunderstood and is taken out of context, because beginning at verse John 10:23 we read (in the context of 10:30) about Jesus talking to the Jews. In verse John 10:28-30, talking about his followers as his sheep, he states: "...Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father who gave them me, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are One."

These verses prove only that Jesus and the Father are one in that no man can pluck the sheep out of either's hand. It does not at all state that Jesus is God's equal in everything. In fact the words of Jesus, " My Father, who gave them me is Greater than ALL...,"  in John 10:29 completely negates this claim, otherwise we are left with a contradiction just a sentence apart. All includes everyone even Jesus. 

Also let us look at verse John 17:20-22 "That the ALL may be made ONE. Like thou Father art in me, I in thee, that they may be ONE in us. I in them, they in me, that they may be perfect in ONE".  In this verse, the same word ONE used, the Greek, HEN is used, not only to describe Jesus and the Father but to describe Jesus, the Father and eleven of the twelve disciples of Jesus. So here if that implies equality, we have a unique case of 13 Gods.

Of the verse in question, "I and the Father are One" in (John 10:30), we also need to take note of the verses following the 30th verse in the text. In those verses, the Jews accuse Jesus falsely of claiming to be God by these words. He however replies, proving their accusation wrong by their own text: "The Jews answered him saying,'For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy, and because that thou being a man, makest thyself a God '" (John 10:33).  

Jesus replies to this accusation saying: "Jesus answered them, 'Is it not written in your Law, "I said ye are gods. If He can call them gods, unto whom the word of God came, say ye of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world, "Thou blasphemeth," because I said I am the son of God?'" (John 10:34-36).

Let us look at Acts 2:22 "O you men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a MAN approved of God among you..."  Peter in the Book of Acts testifies about Jesus.  Jesus thus even to his disciples, as to early Christians, not poisoned by Pauline doctrine, was a man, not a God.



Question: In John 10:30 Jesus says, "I and the Father are one [hen]." Doesn't this show that they are one in essence?

This statement does not suggest either a dual or triune deity. What John's Jesus meant by the word hen ("one") becomes clear from his prayer concerning the apostles: "That they may be one [hen], just as we are one [hen]" (John 17:22), which means that they should be united in agreement with one another as he (Jesus) is always united in agreement with God, as stated: "I [Jesus] always do the things that are pleasing to Him [God]" (John 8:29).
There is thus no implication that Jesus and God, or the twelve apostles are to be considered as of one essence.

Please visit Does calling Jesus "Son of God" prove that he is GOD?

Do People and Angels bowing down to Jesus in Worship really prove that he is the Creator of the Universe?  See how the word "Worship" used for Jesus doesn't even exist in the original Greek Bibles.  The Trinitarian English translations are nothing but hoaxes and deceptions.

Did Jews continually try to stone Jesus prove that he claimed to be GOD?

Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  Does that make him GOD?

Jesus claimed that whoever saw him saw the Father.  Wouldn't that prove that Jesus is GOD Himself (i.e., the Creator of the Universe)?

Does Baptizing prove Trinity?

Does GOD's spirit in Jesus prove that Jesus is GOD? Others had it too.

Answering John 1:1

Did Jesus ever claim to be "Mighty God" or "God"?  Responding to the "I and the Father are one. (John 10:30)" claim.

Thomas is misunderstood in verse John 20:28.

Does Jesus saying "I am" prove that he is GOD?

Misunderstanding Jesus' claim about him being the "Alpha and Omega".


Questions to you:

From the names above, do you honestly think that "Strong God", "Yahweh is Strong God", "Yahweh Saves", "God", "Yahweh", "My God is He", "God is Salvation", "Jehovah is Great" and "Mighty God" have much differences in their meanings?

I mean, why consider Jesus as GOD Himself, which is a great blasphemy, when he was given a normal "Godly" title that was given to others before him?

If Jesus was named "Jehovah is Great (Gedaliah)" for instance, then we would see Trinitarian Christians trying their best to prove that he is GOD Almighty Himself.   Why then not consider the people who were named "Gedaliah" before and after Jesus as GOD Almighty Himself also?  Why not consider these people divine as well?

Important Note: So if Jesus was named "Michael or Mike (who is like God)", then we would see Trinitarian Christians claim that he is GOD Almighty, since Exodus 8:10 clearly states that there is non like GOD, and yet Jesus (Mike) is like GOD which would without a doubt make him GOD.  

This is the type of false interpretations and conclusions that Trinitarian Christians fall into.

Very Important Note: The reason why the foretold person would be regarded as "Mighty God" is not because he will be GOD Almighty Himself.  His name or title being "Mighty God" is nothing but a way to show that the person will be very important and very powerful.  He will be like a God on earth because of his Might.  I must emphasize that again, the person's "NAME" will be called "Mighty God".  Isaiah 9:6 never said that the person will be GOD Almighty Himself, or GOD Almighty will be that person.   The word "NAME" means that the name will be just a (misleading) Godly title as many misleading Godly titles were given to others before and after Jesus peace be upon him in the Bible.  I must also emphasize that in the New Testament, Jesus was not even once called or addressed as "Mighty God" or "God", nor did he ever claim to be "Mighty God" or "God".  So if he were indeed the foretold person in Isaiah 9:6 (which I personally believe he were), then this means that Jesus peace be upon him is not GOD Almighty, but a powerful Messenger of GOD Almighty or someone who has Might that was chosen by GOD Almighty.  The Jews as I mentioned above, believe that the person is Hezekiah and not Jesus.  Either way, the person in Isaiah 9:6 is not GOD Almighty Himself.


Is Jesus the biological Son of GOD?

Trinitarian Christians claim that since Jesus was called "Son of GOD", then this would make him the Creator of the Universe Himself.  This is a great blasphemy, because this belief holds no concrete ground what so ever!.  You do not call someone GOD Almighty Himself from a conclusion, especially when it easily can be refuted.

Many people before Jesus were called "Sons of GOD" in the Bible.  Let us look at few of them:

1- Exodus 4:22 "Thus saith Jehovah, Israel is my son, even my firstborn.Israel was GOD's Son before Jesus since Israel is the "first born".  Does this make Israel divine?

2- Jeremiah 31:9 "I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn."  Ephraim is another name for Israel. 

3- Psalm 2:7 "....Jehovah had said onto me (David), thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee."  Since GOD Almighty chose David to be His begotten Son, does this make David divine too?

4- Psalm 82:6  "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.' "  As clearly shown here, for someone to be called "god" or "God" in the Bible it wouldn't make him GOD Almighty Himself, the LORD or Jehovah.  I also want to point out that any "Son of GOD" in the Bible is a "god" or "God". 

The "Son of GOD" title that was given to Jesus wasn't the only title for him.  Jesus was also called "Son of David."  Keep in mind that Jesus came at least 1,000 years after King David.  Jesus was also called "Son of Man".  See Matthew 1:1, Matthew 9:27, Matthew 12:23, Matthew 15:22, Matthew 20:30-31, Matthew 22:42, and many other verses.

Is the Man whom Jesus was called his son (possibly David) divine?  Is David divine since Jesus is his Son?

How come Christian Roman Catholics have created the Theological Science of Maryology, and never created the Theological Science of Davidology?  I mean think about it, if Jesus the "Almighty GOD" was called "Son of David", then shouldn't this make David a divine person, since he is one from the many billions that GOD created in this world?

Jesus was called:

Son of GOD
Son of David
Son of Man

Why consider Jesus as the actual biological Son of GOD, when the same expression was used for King David being Jesus' Father who existed 1,000 years before Jesus?

Why can't "Son of GOD" that was used for Jesus be just an expression just like the "Godly" titles and "Son of GOD" expressions that were used for others before Jesus as well as shown above?


The "God" title for Jesus and others in the New Testament:

As clearly shown in the section "Did Jesus ever claim to be "Mighty God" or "God"?" above and all of the articles I linked at the bottom of it, Jesus peace be upon him never claimed to be GOD or anything part of GOD.  He never gave the "God" title to himself.

There are however verses in the New Testament that give Jesus the "God" title such as the following:

" 'Return home and tell how much God has done for you.'   So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.  (From the NIV Bible, Luke 8:39)

But it is important to know that this "God" title in the New Testament was given to others beside Jesus as well.  It is not the unique "The LORD" or "Jehovah" title that was given only to the Father, was given to Jesus.  No where in the Bible was Jesus given such title.

Let us look an instance where the "God" title was given to others beside Jesus in the New Testament:

When I debate with Christians about this "God" expression given to Jesus compared to other Prophets and people, they claim that the word "God" with a capital "G" refers to God himself, and the word "god" with small "g" refers to humans.  They also claim that they came to this type of translation from the Greek translation.  Some lies and discrepancies had been inserted into the Bible through capitalizing the letter "G" when it is supposed to be a small "g" when referring to Jesus:

The following is from the work of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him:

Let us look at John 1:1 "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God." This is often presented from the Gospel of John to prove that Jesus was God. There are however several problems with this claim:  By this verse it is assumed that Jesus was the "word" and since the word was God and became flesh, Jesus is God. The statement that John reproduced in his gospel however was uttered not by John but by A. Philo of Alexandria, years before Jesus or John were born. It is therefore completely unlikely that Philo was even remotely referring to Jesus.

There is also another reason for not capitalizing the "G" in John 1:1, considering the Greek of the above verse which disproves the assertion that Jesus is referred to as God in the verse. In the verse above, the first time the word God is used, the Greek is HOTHEOS (the same exact word given to Satan as God in 2 Corinthians 4:4. The NIV Bible Author wrote "god" for Satan instead of "God"), which means The God. The second time the word God is used,"....and the word was God," the word for God is TONTHEOS, which means "a god".  Europeans have evolved a system of capital and small letters non-existent in Greek. The God, HOTHEOS is translated as God with a capital G, whereas Tontheos, which means A or ANY God is translated with a small g, god. In this case however, we see the unlawful translators trying to prove Jesus being God by putting capital G for both whereas it doesn't belong in the case of the "word".

Here is how 2 Corinthians 4:4 is read in the current English translation of the NIV Bible:

"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.  (From the NIV Bible, 2 Corinthians 4:4)"

It should've been written as "The God of this age....." since the same Greek word was used for Jesus in describing him for being a "God".

Let us look at Psalm 82:6  "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.' "  As clearly shown here, for someone to be called "god" or "God" in the Bible it wouldn't make him GOD Almighty Himself, the LORD or Jehovah.   I also want to point out that any "Son of GOD" in the Bible is a "god" or "God". 


So can we trust the current English Translations then?  

Absolutely not!  Given that facts above about verse John 1:1, how can we expect from an ordinary English speaking Christian who wants to spread his religion with all his heart honestly and faithfully to understand this lie of capitalizing the small "g" in John 1:1 and other verses, and not capitalizing the "g" in 2 Corinthians 4:4 for Satan for instance?  Must we allow our faith to be all based on what other authors decide to insert from their own personal views into the Bible?  


The Gospel of Luke is corrupted anyway according to the Bible's Theologians:

Regarding the verse Luke 8:39 above, we can't really trust it's validity anyway, because the entire gospel of Luke is corrupt according to the Theologians and Historians of the NIV Bible.

The following was taken from the Just who were the authors of the Bible? article.


The Gospel of Luke:

"The author's name does not appear in the book, but much unmistakable evidence points to Luke.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1529)"

Again, we don't know for sure whether it was Luke or not who wrote the "Gospel of Luke" since his name doesn't appear in the Book. The Gospel itself seems to be a compromising one to the Word of GOD. Let us look at the following:

"Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, (Luke 1:3)"

Few problems with this Gospel from the quote above:

1- The author was not inspired, and knew for sure that he was not inspired by GOD Almighty to write the Book since he didn't mention about any divine inspiration, and he said "...since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning..." Where do we see GOD's inspiration in this?

2- The author wrote it for the purpose of "his most excellent Theophilus." Since when we compromise GOD Almighty and document His Holy Words for the purpose of other higher (in rank) human beings?

I say it again, I hope you see the real danger in making these assumptions when you are willing to DIE for the fact that such Gospel is the actual True Word of GOD Almighty!

Also, beside, what evidence are they talking about?!  The New Testament wasn't even documented on paper until 150-300 years (depending on what Christian you talk to) after Jesus.   So unless the Book/Gospel was signed by its author, there is no way we would know for sure that it was indeed his book from the first place, let alone considering as the True Living Word of GOD.


Further from brother Vipor Poison; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him:

Luke 1:3

Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus,

The following is from the Catholic Encyclopedia:

If Theophilus existed in either the 2nd or the 4th centuries then how could the writer of this gospel be the same Luke who is supposed to be with Jesus in the 1st century.

Maybe he lived to about 200 years.


What about "The everlasting Father" title for Jesus?  Doesn't that prove he is GOD Almighty?

"Everlasting Father" is different than "Eternal Father".   Jesus was never called "eternal" ever in his life.  Plus also, King Hezekiah was also called "Everlasting Father" by the Jews.  Also, Ezra was called "The Father of Judaism" in Yemen by the Yemenis Jews (Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 6, Encyclopedia Judaica Jerusalem, page 1108).

So as we clearly see, it was normal to give Fatherly and GODly names and titles to people in the Old and New Testament days.  Jesus being called "Everlasting Father" doesn't mean anything more than him being a great person and leader.  He was the Jews' Messiah.  But most certainly, the title does not make Jesus in any way the Creator of the Universe.

Please visit According to Jesus, GOD in the Bible will take His Kingdom from the Jews and give it to the Muslims.



Christians believe in Jesus as GOD Almighty, yet, he never claimed to be GOD.  There is absolutely no concrete base for Trinity.  Just because Jesus was called "Son of God" and "God", even though he never said he was "God", it doesn't make him GOD.  David was called GOD's BEGOTTEN Son in Psalm 2:7, and Satan was called "God (same word used for Jesus in Greek)" in 2 Corinthians 4:4.  Israel was called GOD's first born Son in Exodus 4:22.  There are many other examples for GOD's Sons in the Bible.

All what Christians have are conclusions.  Conclusions come from theories.   Theories are always venerable for disproof.  Have Jesus said "I am your LORD worship me" as GOD said in the Old Testament, then we would have a solid concrete ground.  But as far as I am concerned, Trinity is very weak and bogus! with all respect due to Trinitarian Christians.  Non of GOD's religions (including the New Testament) taught Trinity.  The word "Trinity" doesn't even exist in the Bible!. 

Trinity is a false interpretation that was caused by the unfortunate exaggerating and misleading "Godly" name that was given to Jesus and to others in the Old Jewish Culture.  The only unique title that GOD Almighty had in the Bible that non was ever called (including Jesus) was "Yahweh" or "Jehovah".

Bring me one Bible Verse that directly referred to Jesus as "Yahweh" or "Jehovah" and then I'll consider Trinity to be a valid belief in the Bible.

He wrote:

According to Isaiah, the shoot of Jesse who will reign on his son David’s throne is the Mighty God himself and the Source of eternal life. Isaiah takes the same titles of the child and applies them elsewhere to the true God Yahweh:

"A remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God." Isaiah 10:21

"O LORD, You are my God. I will exalt You, I will praise Your name, For You have done WONDERFUL things; Your COUNSELS of old are faithfulness and truth." Isaiah 25:1 NKJV

"LORD, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us." Isaiah 26:12

"This also comes from the LORD of hosts, Who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in guidance." Isaiah 28:29

"For this is what the high and exalted one says, the one who rules forever, whose name is holy: ‘I dwell in an exalted and holy place, but also with the discouraged and humiliated, in order to cheer up the humiliated and to encourage the discouraged.’" Isaiah 57:15

There are individuals who, sharing Osama's skepticism towards Christianity, seek to deny that Isaiah 9:6 predicts the coming of the Messiah.


My response:

As I have clearly shown above, many before and after Jesus in the Bible were called "God"!   Jesus never once was called or addressed as "Jehovah" or "Yahweh" in the Bible.


He wrote:

Others go so far as to deny that these are the titles of the child. Jewish Messianic Scholar and Apologist Dr. Michael L. Brown responds:

"The oldest Jewish translation of Isaiah 9:6[5], found in the Septuagint, understands all the names as referring to the king, rendering this verse into the Greek as follows: ‘For a child is born to us, and a son is given to us, whose government is upon his shoulder: and his name is called the Messenger of great counsel [Megale he arche]: for I will bring peace on the princes, and health to him.’ The Targum, while explicitly identifying this as a Messianic prophecy, renders the verse in Aramaic with an interesting twist, ‘... and his name is called from before the One who is wonderful in counsel, the mighty God who exists forever, the Messiah, because there will be abundant peace upon us in his days’ (translated literally). The problem with this translation, aside from the fact that it is grammatically strained, is that almost all the names are heaped on God, and only the last two are given to the son - although it is the naming of this royal child that is central to the verse. How odd! Clearly, the names refer to the son, not to the Lord who gave them. In other words, the Targumic rendering would be like saying, ‘And God - the great, glorious, holy, wonderful, eternal, unchangeable Redeemer and King and Lord - calls his name Joe.’ There is no precedent or parallel to this anywhere in the Bible and no logical explanation for this rendering, nor is it even a natural, grammatical rendering of the Hebrew. The characteristics of the royal child are central - highlighted here by his names - not the characteristics of the Lord. As the brilliant Hebrew and Rabbinic scholar Franz Delitzsch noted, even Samuel David Luzzato, one of the greatest Italian rabbis, rightly observed that ‘you do not expect to find attributes of God here, but such as would be characteristic of the child.’ This agrees with the Talmudic and midrashic writings, along with the comments of Abraham Ibn Ezra, all of which state that the names refer to the child." (Brown, Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Volume Three, Messianic Prophecy Objections [Baker Books, Grand Rapid MI, 2003], pp. 32-33; bold emphasis ours)

In fn. 86, Brown writes:

... Cf. the following Rabbinic statements: ‘R. Yose the Galilean said: "The name of the Messiah is Peace, for it is said, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace"’ (Midrash Pereq Shalom, p. 101); ‘The Messiah is called by eight names; Yinnon [see Ps. 72:12], Tzemach [e.g., Jer. 23:5]; Pele’ [Wonderful, Isa. 9:6(5)], Yo’etz [Counselor, Isa. 9:6(5)], Mashiach [Messiah], El [God, Isa. 9:6(5)], Gibbor [Hero, Isa. 9:6(5)], and Avi ‘Ad Shalom [Eternal Father of Peace, Isa. 9:6(5)];’ see Deuteronomy Rabbah 1:20." (Ibid. p. 210)

The great medieval commentator Abraham Ibn Ezra, despite applying the passage to Hezekiah, admits:

"The correct view in my opinion is that all these are names of the child. pele’ – because the Lord did wonders in his days. yo’ets – such was Hezekiah [as it is written], "And the king took counsel" [see 2 Chron. 30:2]; ’el gibbor – because he was strong, and the kingdom of the house of David was prolonged because of him; [abi] ‘ad – the word has the same meaning as "dwelling in eternity" [in Isa. 57:15]; sar shalom – because there was peace in his days." (Brown, Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Volume 2, Theological Objections, 2000, p. 46)

Section nine of the Huppat Eliyahu and section 7 of Rabbeinu HaKadosh in Otsar Midrashim apply all these names to the Messiah.

We see that, unlike Osama, Isaiah had no problem in asserting that the shoot of Jesse was both distinct from God and was God at the same time.

For more on Isaiah 9:6, please read the following articles:


My response:

As I have clearly shown above, many before and after Jesus in the Bible were called "God"!   Jesus never once was called or addressed as "Jehovah" or "Yahweh" in the Bible.


He wrote:

Osama asks me the following question:

Mr. Shamoun, let me ask you this:  Since you trinitarians are so big on the godhead and trinity dogmas, then why aren't these terms even mentioned in the Bible?   Let alone why aren't they elaborated on in the Bible? You call trinity "The Holy Trinity", while the word itself doesn't even exist in the Bible!   You're making conclusions out of nonsense. All of your trinity believe is based on man-made conclusions.  I feel sorry for you.

Here is my response: Mr. Abdullah the words Trinity or Holy Trinity do not have to be in the Holy Bible in order for it to be true. The Holy Bible teaches all the essential elements of the doctrine of the Trinity, which are:

  1. There is only one God.
  2. There are three distinct Persons who are called God and are given all the attributes of God.


My response:

This had been soundly refuted above and at:   Consider these articles:

The absolute Oneness of GOD Almighty in the Bible's Old Testament.

Texts referring to GOD as "One, Alone, None Other, None Else".

Principles of Bible Interpretation about GOD Almighty.

The word "LORD" in the Bible referring to the Almighty GOD alone.

The word "Elohim" proves Trinity?

More on absolute Oneness of GOD Almighty in the Bible's Old Testament.

The "God" title in the Bible was given to others in the OT and NT. Answering Isaiah 9:6.

Does GOD saying "Let us create" prove Trinity?  GOD saying "We" and "Us" doesn't prove Trinity.

Does GOD's spirit in Jesus prove that Jesus is GOD? Others had it too.  GOD's Spirit came upon many others beside Jesus.

"Jesus is my lord and savior" actually CONTRADICTS the Old Testament.


He wrote:

Since Osama is operating under the false assumption that unless the term itself is found in the Bible it cannot therefore be true, we wonder what will he say regarding the Islamic concept of Tauhid. The following section is taken from one of the articles posted on MENJ's site:

Tauhiyd comes from the verb wahhad which literally means TO UNITE. In Islamic terminology, it means to realize and maintain the unity of Allâh in one's actions (inwardly and outwardly). The actual word tauhiyd does not occur in the Quran or Sunnah though the present tense of the verb (from which tauhiyd is derived) is used in Sunnah. The Prophet sent Muadh ibn Jabal as governor of Yemen in 9 A.H. He told him, "You will going to the people of the book, so first invite yuwahhidu Allâh [them to the assertion of the oneness of Allâh"].[1]

Further, the division of tauhiyd into the components known to us today WERE NOT DONE BY THE PROPHET OR HIS COMPANIONS. It was systematically defined as such in order to convey, as concisely as possible, the simple unitarian belief of Islam. This was necessary because as Islam quickly spread to the four corners of the world, new converts began to interpret the teachings of Islam in line with their own philosophical concepts of Allâh and so confusion arose. Preconceived interpretations, all of which are blameworthy, were propagated by those who wanted to destroy Islam from the inside. The first such enemy of Islam was an Iraqi convert from Christianity named Sausan who preached man's absolute free will while denying (qadr) Divine Decree[2]. His student, Ma`bad ibn Khalid al-Juhani[3], spread such deviant ideas until he was tried and executed by the Umayyad Caliph. There were three other such executions over the period of 26 years. The later Umayyad Caliphs were relatively more corrupt and cared less about such religious issues. At the same time, the masses were also relatively less educated about their religion. This proved to be a deadly combination. As the number of deviants increased through the liberation of various lands, apostates were no longer executed. Instead, Muslim scholars rose to execute the tide of heretics intellectually. Tauhiyd, precisely defined, EMERGED OUT OF THIS DEFENSE STRATEGY. Tauhiyd had been divided into the three following categories: tauhiyd ar-rububiyah, tauhiyd al-asma was-sifaat, and tauhiyd al-`ibadah or tauhiyd al-`uluuhiyah. Tauhiyd has been likened to a tree, the roots being tauhiyd ar-rububiyah, the trunk being tauhiyd al-asma was-sifaat, and the fruit being tauhiyd al-`ibadah. Each category of tauhiyd will now be discussed in some detail. (

According to this author, neither the term Tauhid nor its component parts were taught by Muhammad or his Companions, but arose from the need to accurately define and defend Islamic monotheism from heretical elements that were plaguing the Muslim communities. Amazingly, when Christians admit that the word Trinity or its precise theological formulation do not appear in the Holy Bible, but was the result of trying to systematically and accurately define the Biblical teaching in order to safeguard it against the heretics who were plaguing the Christian communities with their false concepts, Muslims such as Osama often take this as an evidence that the Trinity is not a biblical teaching. Talk about a double standard!


My response:

The word "Tauhid" or "Tawhid" or "Tawheed" is derived from "Ahad" from this Noble Verse:

"Qul Huwa Allahu AHAD.  (The Noble Quran, 11:1)"

In English:

"Say: He is God, the One and Only (AHAD); God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him.  (The Noble Quran, 112:1-4)"

Again Mr. Shamoun, you have utterly failed to provide any proof!


He wrote:

If Osama is consistent he needs to reject the word Tauhid and its three branches since neither the Quran, Muhammad or his Companions taught or used these words. Using his logic, this would also imply that the Quran does not teach the unity of Allah since it doesn’t use these terms or concepts to express it!


My response:

Again, the word "Tauhid" or "Tawhid" or "Tawheed" is derived from "Ahad" from this Noble Verse:

"Qul Huwa Allahu AHAD.  (The Noble Quran, 11:1)"

In English:

"Say: He is God, the One and Only (AHAD); God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him.  (The Noble Quran, 112:1-4)"

Again Mr. Shamoun, you have utterly failed to provide any proof!


He wrote:

Osama again tries to divert the issue by claiming that there is a serious forgery in Luke 24:44-48 and that Isaiah 53 proves his assertion regarding the Quranic view of Jesus, as well as casting doubt on the authorship of the Gospels. These issues have already been addressed in the links given above. The following link deals with his claim regarding Luke 24:44-48 as well providing links on the real meaning of Isaiah 53:

So we will omit all of Osama’s smokescreens and red herrings and focus on his next claim.


My response:

Just for the reader's convenience, Mr. Shamoun is referring to:


He wrote:

Osama cites John 19:30-40 along with several OT passages and claims that there is a contradiction:

Let us look at the obvious contradiction in the above verses:

Taken from the above verses: "These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: 'Not one of his bones will be broken,' and, as another scripture says, 'They will look on the one they have pierced.' (From the NIV Bible, John 19:36-37)"

"he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken. (From the NIV Bible, Psalm 34:20)"

Notice in Psalm 34:20, it says that GOD Almighty will protect "all his bones". So, not even an inch from his bones will be damaged according to the Scriptures.

As you might know, the crucifixion back then was done by nailing to the cross the hands and the ankles or the feet. If GOD Almighty was going to protect Jesus' body that not even a single bone will be broken, then how would the crucifixion and the death of Jesus be possible then?!

My question to all Christians is:   How in the world is it possible for the feet to get nailed on the cross without any penetration to the bones by the nails, hence breaking part of the feet's bones?!

Important Note: Both Muslims and Christians believe that the grave of Jesus today is empty. It doesn't have his body in it, because both believe that he was raised to Heaven. The difference between Muslims and Christians in this issue is that Muslims believe that Jesus never died on the cross but was raised to GOD Almighty.   Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross and was RESURRECTED to GOD Almighty. This is, however, not supported at all and was never foretold in the Old Testament. I elaborated more and provided more evidence from both the Bible and the Noble Quran that support Islam's claim regarding this issue down in this article.

Please visit the article Contradictions in the resurrection story in the Bible.


The first thing to note is Osama’s gross misreading of the passages:

Notice in Psalm 34:20, it says that GOD Almighty will protect "all his bones".; So, not even an inch from his bones will be damaged according to the Scriptures.

The text says nothing about bones not being damaged, but of bones not being BROKEN. Second, although there have been Christians that believe Psalm 34:20 predicted the crucifixion of Christ, a careful reading of the text shows that this is not referring to the Messiah. The passage that John seems to be alluding to is Exodus 12:46, as the NET online Bible note 102 states:

A quotation from Exod 12:46, Num 9:12, and Ps 34:20. A number of different OT passages lie behind this quotation: Exod 12:10 LXX, Exod 12:46, Num 9:12, or Ps 34:20. Of these, the first is the closest in form to the quotation here. The first three are all more likely candidates THAN THE LAST, since the first three all deal with descriptions of the Passover lamb. (

For more info please read the following article:

As far as Jesus’ bones being broken, this only shows that Osama hasn’t done enough research into this issue:

Fixing the Hands to the Cross

For centuries, most artists rendered the crucifixion of Jesus with nails in His hands. However, anatomical studies have shown that this will not support the weight of an adult male. Archaeological discoveries have shown that the nails were placed between the radius, ulna, and carpal bones. By this manner no bones would be broken.

Fixing the Feet to the Cross

After flexing the feet into an extreme position the feet were nailed, usually with one nail, to the stipe, between the second and third metatarsal bones. The result was that the individual was pinned in place with the knees bent, bearing full weight on the nails. This was an incredibly difficult position to maintain due to strain on the thigh muscles (try to stand with your knees flexed for just five minutes.) (; underline emphasis ours)


The procedure of crucifixion may be summarized as follows. The patibulum was put on the ground and the victim laid upon it. Nails, about 7 inches long and with a diameter of 1 cm (roughly 3/8 of an inch) were driven in the wrists . The points would go into the vicinity of the median nerve, causing shocks of pain to radiate through the arms. It was possible to place the nails between the bones so that no fractures (or broken bones) occurred. Studies have shown that nails were probably driven through the small bones of the wrist, since nails in the palms of the hand would not support the weight of a body. In ancient terminology, the wrist was considered to be part of the hand. (Davis) Standing at the crucifixion sites would be upright posts, called stipes, standing about 7 feet high (Edwards). In the center of the stipes was a crude seat, called a sedile or sedulum, which served a support for the victim. The patibulum was then lifted on to the stipes. The feet were then nailed to the stipes. To allow for this, the knees had to be bent and rotated laterally, being left in a very uncomfortable position. The titulus was hung above the victim's head. (; bold emphasis ours)

In fact, the lower arm between the hand and the elbow has TWO bones, i.e. you CAN drive a nail between them without damaging any of the bones themselves.

Similarly, feet consist of twelve bones (excluding the bones of the toes which are not important here) tied together with sinews and ligaments. It is easy to drive a nail between the bones without hurting any of these bones. Indeed, there are two famous "surgical lines" in foot amputation where you can take off part of the foot without damaging any of the bones. The x-ray image to the left shows a foot after amputation of the toes and part of the ray bones. One can clearly see the gap between the two heel bones (in the center of the image) which would be a suitable place to drive through a large nail. Hence, the spike merely separated the bones as it passed through the flesh.

The greater question is, how could a man who was so brutally crucified, pierced through his heart, declared officially dead, and sealed in a tomb for three days be raised from the dead? Only the miraculous power of God could do such a thing, and yet "many infallible proofs" (Acts 1:3) indicate that Jesus died such a death and was raised from the dead. The fact is that the miraculous power of God is involved in the fulfillment of many of the Biblical prophecies. Could God prevent the bones of Jesus from being broken? That's what the Scripture says happened. One may invent reasons for not believing, or he can accept the Biblical and historical evidence and believe God. It's a matter of willful choice. Osama chooses to ignore the evidence and willfully disbelieve.

As far as contradictions within the resurrection accounts are concerned, please read the detailed refutation listed here:

And do consult the following links which provide the overwhelming evidence demonstrating the historicity of the crucifixion, death and bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ:


My response:

I will address this in two ways:

1-  Proving that at least one bone was broken.
2-  Proving that Jesus never got crucified right from the Old Testament.


1- Proving that at least one bone was broken:


What would happen if humans didn't have bones?
You'd be floppy like a beanbag. Could you stand up? Forget it. Could you walk? No way. Without bones you'd be just a puddle of skin and guts on the floor.

Bones have two purposes. Some, like your backbone, provide the structure which enables you to stand erect instead of lying like a puddle on the floor. Other bones protect the delicate, and sometimes soft, insides of your body. Your skull, a series of fused bones, acts like a hard protective helmet for your brain. The bones, or vertebrae, of your spinal column surround your spinal cord, a complex bundle of nerves. Imagine what could happen to your heart and lungs without the protective armor of your rib cage!

How many bones do humans have?
When you were born you had over 300 bones. As you grew, some of these bones began to fuse together. The result? An adult has only 206 bones!

How do my bones move?
With a lot of help. You need muscles to pull on bones so that you can move. Along with muscles and joints, bones are responsible for you being able to move. Your muscles are attached to bones. When muscles contract, the bones to which they are attached act as levers and cause various body parts to move.

You also need joints which provide flexible connections between these bones. Your body has different kinds of joints. Some, such as those in your knees, work like door hinges, enabling you to move back and forth. Those in your neck enable bones to pivot so you can turn your head. Still other joints like the shoulder enable you to move your arms 360 degrees like a shower head.

Are your bones alive?
Absolutely. Bones are made of a mix of hard stuff that gives them strength and tons of living cells which help them grow and repair themselves. Like other cells in your body, the bone cells rely on blood to keep them alive. Blood brings them food and oxygen and takes away waste.

If bones weren't made of living cells, things like broken toes or arms would never mend. But don't worry, they do. That's because your bone cells are busy growing and multiplying to repair the break! How? When you break your toe, blood clots form to close up the space between the broken segments. Then your body mobilizes bone cells to deposit more of the hard stuff to bridge the break.

What's bone marrow?
Many bones are hollow. Their hollowness makes bones strong and light. It's in the center of many bones that bone marrow makes new red and white blood cells. Red blood cells ensure that oxygen is distributed to all parts of your body and white blood cells ensure you are able to fight germs and disease. Who would have thought that bones make blood!?!


The human hand has 27 bones; your face has 14!
The longest bone in your body? Your thigh bone, the femur -- it's about 1/4 of your height. The smallest is the stirrup bone in the ear which can measure 1/10 of an inch.
Did you know that humans and giraffes have the same number of bones in their necks? Giraffe neck vertebrae are just much, much longer!
You have over 230 moveable and semi-moveable joints in your body.

Given the facts above about the large amount of bones the human body has (27 in the hand alone), it is virtually impossible to drive nails in the hands and feet and not break a single bone from the 300+ bones the body has!

Also, it is vitually impossible for Jesus to have his arms spread out on the cross, and later have his dead body's weight being pulled by gravity and not break a single bone from the upper part of the body!


2-  Proving that Jesus never got crucified right from the Old Testament:


Also notice that Isaiah 53:11 clearly states that "he will see the light".  What is that light?  Could it be the light of Heaven?  Probably be raised to Heaven?    Christians do believe that Jesus peace be upon him was indeed raised to Heaven, and so do Muslims too.  However, we see no mention throughout the ENTIRE Old Testament including obviously Isaiah 53 any mention of resurrection, nor any mention for resurrection on the 3rd day or any day.  So does this mean that the servant will get pierced (by being put on the cross perhaps) and then get raised without dying? 

Let us look at the following Noble Verse from the Noble Quran (The Muslims Holy Scripture): "That they rejected Faith; That they uttered against Mary A grave false charge;  That they said (in boast):  'We killed Christ Jesus The son of Mary, The Messenger of Allah.'  But they killed him not, Nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjunction to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.  Nay, Allah raised him up Unto Himself; and Allah Is Exalted in Power, Wise.  And there is none of the people of the book (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him  (Jesus) Before his death; And on the Day of Judgment He (Jesus) will be a witness Against them.   (The Noble Quran, 4:156-159)"  

Now compare the Noble Verses to Isaiah 52:13 "...he will be raised and lifted up....".    Notice that Isaiah 52:13 did not say "....he will be RESURRECTED and lifted up...."  Not even once, did the Old Testament predict for the foretold Servant (Jesus) to be raised to GOD Almighty after death.  There absolutely no mention of any sort of resurrection in the Bible's Old Testament what so ever.

Also, "...he will be raised and lifted up...." seems to suggest that Jesus will be picked up right from the cross, or saved right from the cross by Allah Almighty.  "raised and lifted" seems to suggest that Jesus will not die, nor get crucified, but rather be raised and lifted by GOD Almighty to Heavens.

It just seems odd to see both words "raised" and "lifted", and not just one of them, in Isaiah 52:13, and yet think that they agree with the fabricated crucifixion story about Jesus in the NT. 

Why did GOD Almighty choose to say "raised" and "lifted" in Isaiah 52:13?

The very next verse also refutes the current New Testament:

It appears that Isaiah 52:14 "Just as there were many who were appalled at him - his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness-" further proves Islam's claims about Jesus peace be upon him never got crucified on the cross, because if Jesus was so badly disfigured beyond any human imagination, then this means his physical appearance (face and body) afterwards might have been very confusing to the people.   In other words, people might not be able to recognize him, HENCE, THIS MIGHT CAUSE FOR ANOTHER PERSON TO HAVE BEEN PUT ON THE CROSS INSTEAD OF HIM (JESUS).

According to what we have in the New Testament, Jesus was never "disfigured.....beyond human likeness"!  Jesus in the New Testament of today was NEVER DISFIGURED!

And certainly, the crucifixion does not cause for the person, NOR DID IT CAUSE FOR JESUS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, to be disfigured beyond any human recognition!

According to Islam, Jesus peace be upon him might have been put on the cross and might have got "pierced", but he never died.  According to Islam, he was raised to Allah Almighty and saved from death.  We Muslims believe that Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will come back again to earth and fight the army of Satan and defeat it, and then the Judgment Day will come.    According to Islam, every person (including Jesus) must taste death (The Noble Quran, 44:56). 

Which ever possibility is correct, whether it was another person got crucified, or Jesus himself was put on the cross and never got crucified, the claim of Islam is still supported by the Bible in either case as we clearly saw above in both Isaiah 52:13 and 52:14.

Please visit the article Did Jesus get crucified according to Islam?

The point is that Chapter Isaiah 53 agrees a lot more with Islam's claims than with the current Christianity's claims, and it is confirmed in Isaiah 52:13.

There are several other Noble Verses in the Noble Quran that talk about Jesus such as the following:

"So peace is upon me [Jesus] the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life.  (The Noble Quran, 19:33)"

To see detailed explanation of this Noble Verse and about Jesus peace be upon him in Islam, please visit the following links:

Does the Noble Quran in Verse 19:33 confirm Jesus' crucifixion?

Ask me any question section.   See responses to many questions about Jesus in Islam.


He wrote:

Osama tries to tackle the issue of Jesus being called "Lord":

Aside from the fact that the book of Acts is an unauthentic book as I clearly showed above from the NIV Bible's theologians quotes, but also Mr. Shamoun fell to realize that the word "Lord" doesn't necessarily mean GOD Almighty.  "Lord" is normally used for someone who is in leadership position.  We even call drug dealers as "drug lords".  So these verses don't prove anything about Jesus being the Creator of the Universe.  Jesus was certainly the Jew's Messiah and Leader.   But he was not the Creator of the Universe.


It is quite obvious that Osama really doesn’t have anything of substance to say here. I am well aware that the term Lord can have different meanings depending on the context and the referent. Yet, my article demonstrated that Christ is Lord in the sense of being Yahweh God since I showed that he has divine attributes and is the Source of Salvation. I also showed that Jesus was being addressed in prayer as Lord, something which, in light of the consistent OT pattern, demonstrates that the first Christians were worshiping Christ as God! Osama hasn’t even begun refuting these points.

Here are some additional passages demonstrating that Christ is Lord in the sense of being Yahweh God:

"because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and thus has righteousness and with the mouth one confesses and thus has salvation. For the scripture says, ‘Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.’ For there is no distinction between the Jew and the Greek, for the same Lord is Lord of all, who richly blesses all who call on him. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Paul applied the following OT citation to the risen Christ:

"And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the LORD has said, among the survivors whom the LORD calls." Joel 2:32

Hence to call upon the name of Yahweh is to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus! And:

"For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living." Romans 14:9

"These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings ..." Revelation 17:14

Christ is the sovereign Lord of all, being Lord of both the living and the dead and Lord over all other rulers and authorities. This makes him God Almighty!


My response:

All you have is ridiculous conclusions about Jesus being the Creator of the Universe.   Jesus never even once was addressed as "Jehovah" or "Yahweh".   Any reason for this Mr. Shamoun?

Why don't you visit the following links to see what Jesus really was:

The absolute Oneness of GOD Almighty in the Bible's Old Testament.

Texts referring to GOD as "One, Alone, None Other, None Else".

Principles of Bible Interpretation about GOD Almighty.

The word "LORD" in the Bible referring to the Almighty GOD alone.

The word "Elohim" proves Trinity?

More on absolute Oneness of GOD Almighty in the Bible's Old Testament.

The "God" title in the Bible was given to others in the OT and NT. Answering Isaiah 9:6.

Does GOD saying "Let us create" prove Trinity?  GOD saying "We" and "Us" doesn't prove Trinity.

Does GOD's spirit in Jesus prove that Jesus is GOD? Others had it too.  GOD's Spirit came upon many others beside Jesus.

"Jesus is my lord and savior" actually CONTRADICTS the Old Testament.


Jesus and his personal claims:

Questions about Jesus and Trinity that Trinitarian Christians don't have logical answers for.

Jesus' Miracles were not unique in the Bible.

The definition of "Son of God" in Islam.

How can Jesus be GOD Almighty when he asked for GOD's Forgiveness?

Jesus the "Alpha and Omega".   Not only this quote doesn't prove Jesus as GOD, but it was also written in a book that is unreliable in later bibles.  In the original Bibles, the quote doesn't even exist!!

Arche of the Creation of God as Alpha and Omega.  The "Alpha and Omega" doesn't even exist in the original Bibles!  It's a lie that was later inserted by trinitarians.  See the historical proofs in the article.  If their site is down, then you can read the article at this link ON MY SITE.

Does Jesus saying "I am" prove that he is GOD?   See how the Hebrew "I am" that Jesus said is different than the Hebrew "I am" that GOD Almighty said in the OT.

Jesus Said He Was God?

Do People and Angels bowing down to Jesus in Worship really prove that he is the Creator of the Universe?  See how the word "Worship" used for Jesus doesn't even exist in the original Greek Bibles.  The Trinitarian English translations are nothing but hoaxes and deceptions.  The article responds to Matthew 15:9 and other English mistranslated verses in the Bible.

Answering John 1:1.

Jesus in the Bible guaranteed Paradise to non-Trinitarians and even non-Christians who are Monotheists.

Did Isaiah 53 really prophesies about the crucifixion of Jesus? It supports Islam's claims about Jesus peace be upon him never died on the cross.  I also addressed John 19:36-37 from the Bible and proved that Jesus never got crucified, since GOD Almighty promised that he will protect Jesus' body and not let even a single bone be broken.  My question to all Christians is: How in the world is it possible for the feet to get nailed on the cross without any penetration to the bones by the nails, hence breaking part of the feet's bones?! I also added refutations to Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, Zechariah 12:10 and Psalm 34:20, which supposedly prove the Christians' belief about Jesus crucifixion.  I proved that this dogma has no truth what so ever and exposed the wrong Trinitarian English translation of Zechariah 12:10.

Did Jews continually try to stone Jesus prove that he claimed to be GOD?

Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  Does that make him GOD?

Did Jesus ever claim to be "Mighty God" or "God"?  Responding to the "I and the Father are one. (John 10:30)" claim.

Jesus claimed that whoever saw him saw the Father.  Wouldn't that prove that Jesus is GOD Himself (i.e., the Creator of the Universe)?

Thomas is misunderstood in verse John 20:28.

Jesus is a hypocrite for bowing down to GOD only during his desperate times. See another proof in the Bible that Jesus can not be the Creator of the Universe.

Do chapter Psalm 110 and Matthew 22:41-46 ("The LORD said to my Lord") prove that Jesus is the Creator of the Universe?


Other "Trinity?" Verses:

Does calling Jesus "Son of God" prove that he is GOD?

Does Psalm 16:8-11 refer to Jesus' resurrection as the book of Acts suggest?

Does Psalm 2:7 refer to Jesus or King David?

"Son of Man" does not mean "GOD" or "Son of GOD"

Does Genesis 1:1-3 really refer to Trinity?

Does Genesis 19:24 really prove Trinity?

Philippians 2 is not a Trinity "Proof Text".

Proverbs 8 contains no proof of Trinity!

Does Baptizing prove Trinity?

"Jesus" does not mean "God saves".

Does the word "Messiah" really mean GOD?

Rebuttal to the lie about the Arabic name "Eesa (Jesus)" originating from Hindu and Pagan gods.

Jesus' original name is Eesa. See detailed proofs from Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic.

Jacob does not mean "fought with GOD" as many Christians believe.


He wrote:

Osama makes the following erroneous claim regarding the worship given to Jesus:

Again, doubtful verses from the doubtful book of Acts.  Also, please visit: Do People and Angels bowing down to Jesus in Worship really prove that he is the Creator of the Universe? See how the word "Worship" used for Jesus doesn't even exist in the original Greek Bibles.  The Trinitarian English translations are nothing but hoaxes and deceptions.  The article responds to Matthew 15:9 and other English mistranslated verses in the Bible.

If Osama is claiming that the Greek word proskuneo does not mean worship, then this is blatantly false. A careful look at any Greek Lexicon will demonstrate the absurdity of such a claim.

If Osama is claming that the Greek word can also mean something other than worship, then he is correct. The word can have different meanings in different contexts, depending on who the subject or referent is in a particular text. The following articles present the lexical data and produce the evidence to show that Jesus receives the worship due to God:


My response:

I am suggesting that the "Greek word can also mean something other than worship".  If you read the word in the same context as the article I provided above, then you'll see that it has nothing to do with the polytheist trinity lie.


He wrote:

Osama posts the following email from Ghostwriter:

Excellent questions about Trinity from "Ghostwriter" to Christians:

The following is an email I received from "Ghostwriter"; may Allah Almighty further Guide him to the Truth of Islam.

Note: "PBUH!" means "peace be upon him", which is something Muslims always say after a Prophet's name.

From: Ghostwriter
Subj: Letter from a Christian who agrees with you and cites with gratitude Quran 2:62
Date: 1/18/2003 6:48:58 PM Eastern Standard Time

*Thank you* for all your excellent work on the web site.  Those of us who followed Jesus (PBUH!) first and then came upon the Noble Quran know that there is one great religion, and that Jesus (PBUH!) and Muhammad (PBUH!) were both messengers of that religion.

Questions and observations I have for fellow Christians who have not yet actually read the Noble Quran include the following. Perhaps you could post them on your site.


1-  Where, specifically, in the Gospel does Jesus (PBUH!) mention the Trinity?

(If you find no such reference from his lips to a god residing in three persons -- and you will not -- then perhaps you will be moved to consider the following questions:)

2-  How could Jesus (PBUH!) possibly have omitted to mention something of such extraordinary importance?

* How could the authors of the four Gospels have made the same extraordinary omission?

(For no direct reference to the Trinity appears in any chapter or verse of any of the four Gospels. It is a patching-on from a later era.)


Answered above. Much like Osama, Ghostwriter assumes that unless the word or the explicit formulation of the Trinity is found on the lips of Jesus in one succinct sentence then the doctrine is obviously false.

To show both the irrationality and irrelevance of this question, we present some questions of our own:

  1. Where specifically in the Quran does Jesus allegedly deny the Trinity? (we say allegedly since the words attributed to Jesus in the Quran are not the words of Christ, nor are they the words of the true God)
  2. Where in the Quran does Jesus ever deny that God is three Persons or that he is God’s Son in those exact words?
  3. Where in the Quran does Jesus claim that he hadn’t come to die for the sins of the people?
  4. Where does the Quran deny that the Holy Spirit is God, or claim that the Spirit is Gabriel?
  5. Where does the word Trinity appear in the Arabic text of the Quran?
  6. Seeing how significantly important the doctrines of the Trinity, the Deity of Christ and his vicarious death were to the Christians of Muhammad’s day, how could Allah fail to address and refute these teachings explicitly and/or by name?

Ghostwriter continues:

3-  Why does Jesus (PBUH!) in the Lord's prayer address the Lord as "Father" and then refer to the Father's children throughout as "Us" and "We," instead of separating himself from the rest of the children of God, as the Trinity would seem to demand?


Had the author read the Lord’s Prayer carefully, he would have noted that Jesus wasn’t praying at all. Rather, Jesus was teaching his disciples HOW THEY SHOULD PRAY:

"Whenever YOU pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them. Truly I say to YOU, they have their reward. But whenever YOU pray, go into YOUR room, close the door, and pray to YOUR Father in secret. And YOUR Father, who sees in secret, will reward YOU. When YOU pray, do not babble repetitiously like the Gentiles, because they think that by their many words they will be heard. Do not be like them, for YOUR Father knows what YOU need before YOU ask him. So pray this way: Our Father in heaven, may your name be honored, may your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we ourselves have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For if you forgive others their sins, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive you your sins." Matthew 6:5-15

Had the person continued reading the NT he would have found Christ carefully making a distinction in his relationship with God from all the others:

"Jesus replied, ‘Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father. Go to my brothers and tell them, "I am ascending to MY Father and YOUR Father, to MY God and YOUR God."’" John 20:17

Jesus does not say, "I am ascending to OUR Father and OUR God." Instead, Christ distinguishes between his and the disciples' relationship with the Father. At the Incarnation the Father and the Son entered into a new relationship since Christ became a servant of the Father. As such, the Father became Jesus' God. The Father was not always Jesus' God, but only became such when the eternal Word took on flesh. Christ did this in order that we might become what he already was and continues to be, namely sons of the Most High.

Ghostwriter next asserts:

4-  (And here, brothers and sisters, is the big question, the question that takes no small degree of courage to address honestly:)  If redemption through the blood of Christ, that one member of the Trinity, is all that is necessary for salvation, how are we to explain the many, many occasions in the Gospel that Jesus (PBUH!) details the necessity of submitting directly to the One God -- without ever mentioning the role of his (Jesus', PBUH!) redeeming blood?

Brothers and sisters: Are these not extraordinary teachings? Are they not central to the ministry of Jesus (PBUH!)? And must we not confront dozens of them in order to defend the Trinity and the notion of the sacrificial Christ?


Where is it written that Jesus had to mention the necessity of his death for sinners every time he spoke? Is there a command somewhere stating that unless Christ mentioned the necessity of his blood a certain number of times then his death wasn’t necessary for redemption? Again, if numbers determine truth then why is there only one Quranic verse (S. 4:157) which denies the crucifixion of Christ, a verse which is so controversial that Muslims have held widely differing interpretations regarding its precise meaning? See for instance the following article:

Secondly, the author attacks a straw man here. Which Christian claims that a believer doesn’t have to submit to God? The whole heart of the Gospel is that Christ died to ransom a group of people in order to make them wholly devoted to God:

"‘I (Jesus) will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you to open their eyes so that they turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a share among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’ Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, but I declared to those in Damascus first, and then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds consistent with repentance." Acts 26:17-20

"For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; it is not of works, so that no one can boast. For we are his workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we may do them. Ephesians 2:8-10

"For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people. It trains us to reject godless ways and worldly desires and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, as we wait for the happy fulfillment of our hope in the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. He gave himself for us to set us free from every kind of lawlessness and to purify for himself a people who are truly his, who are eager to do good." Titus 2:11-14

Ghostwriter continues:

I am thinking, specifically, of:

1. His instruction to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind." (Matthew 22:27.) -- Jesus [PBUH!] identifies this submission to the One God as the *supreme* commandment, and yet for some reason he makes no mention within it of the sacrificial Christ or to one god in three persons, which are supposedly central to his ministry! Quite an oversight! Or are we to assume that Jesus [PBUH!] never actually uttered these words about the supreme commandment?


Let us see what else Jesus said from that same Gospel:

"Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for me will find it. ‘Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me." Matthew 10:37-39

"Now a man came up to him and said, ‘Teacher, what good thing must I do to gain eternal life?’ He said to him, ‘Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.’ ‘Which ones?’ he asked. Jesus replied, ‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false witness, honor your father and mother and love your neighbor as yourself.’ The young man said to him, ‘I have kept all these things. What do I still lack?’ Jesus said to him, ‘If you wish to be perfect, go sell your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. THEN COME, FOLLOW ME.’ But when the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he was very rich." Matthew 19:16-22

In both passages Jesus demands a devotion that no mere human can demand or deserves. This is seen in the last passage where Jesus singles out the last six commands of the Ten Commandments. These commands were given to govern a person's relationship with others. The first four commandments govern a person's devotion to God. Amazingly, Jesus never asked the man whether he had observed the first four commandments since wholly devoting oneself to Christ in self-sacrificial love is to fulfill not just these commands, but the greatest commandment of all! In other words, Christ demands the kind of love that one is to give to God alone. The only way Christ could do this if he believed he was God, which in fact he was(is)!


My response:

Again, mere conclusions that don't mean anything.  If Jesus was the Creator of the Universe then he should've at least sait so, rather than relying on ridiculous conclusions to figure him out.

Again Mr. Shamoun, where in the Bible was Jesus called "Jehovah" or "Yahweh"?

The above links I provided above are detailed refutations to trinity.  I advise the reader to read them thoroughly, especially the following ones from the above collection:

The absolute Oneness of GOD Almighty in the Bible's Old Testament.

Texts referring to GOD as "One, Alone, None Other, None Else".

Principles of Bible Interpretation about GOD Almighty.

The word "LORD" in the Bible referring to the Almighty GOD alone.

The word "Elohim" proves Trinity?

More on absolute Oneness of GOD Almighty in the Bible's Old Testament.

The "God" title in the Bible was given to others in the OT and NT. Answering Isaiah 9:6.

Does GOD saying "Let us create" prove Trinity?  GOD saying "We" and "Us" doesn't prove Trinity.

Does GOD's spirit in Jesus prove that Jesus is GOD? Others had it too.  GOD's Spirit came upon many others beside Jesus.

"Jesus is my lord and savior" actually CONTRADICTS the Old Testament.


He wrote:

The writer claims:

2. His parable of the Prodigal Son. This contains no reference whatsoever to the sacrificial Christ, or to any intermediary whatsoever for salvation. And the parable certainly makes no reference to the repentant son returning from his sinful journey to a father who takes the form of three persons. He returns to ONE father, not three. Surely we must either conclude that this, the most celebrated of the parables, has nothing to do with the Trinity or with the notion of a sacrificial Christ -- or, if we wish to retain the Trinity and the notion of a sacrificial Christ, we must conclude that this is not an authentic teaching of Jesus [PBUH!]. Brothers and sisters, fellow Christians -- which is it to be?


Apart from the straw men and caricatures, it is quite obvious that the person has never read the Gospels carefully. If he has then he is willfully being deceptive here. If one were to read this parable IN CONTEXT, one will find whom the Father in the parable symbolizes:

"Now all the tax collectors and sinners were coming to hear him. But the Pharisees and the experts in the law were complaining, ‘THIS MAN welcomes sinners and eats with them.’ So Jesus told them this parable: ‘Which one of you, if he has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, would not leave the ninety-nine in the open pasture and go look for the one that is lost until he finds it? Then when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. Returning home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, telling them, "Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep that was LOST." I tell you, in the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need to repent. Or what woman, if she has ten silver coins and loses one of them, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search thoroughly until she finds it? Then when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, "Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had LOST." In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of God's angels over one sinner who repents.’" Luke 15:1-10

Jesus was using the parables to explain why HE chose to identify and eat with sinners. In other words, Jesus is the Shepherd, the woman and the prodigal’s father as described in the three parables since he is the Shepherd who seeks and saves his lost sheep. In the words of the Lord himself:

"Then Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this household, since he too is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save THE LOST.’" Luke 19:9-10

"I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me - just as the Father knows me and I know the Father - and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that do not come from this sheepfold. I must bring them too, and they will listen to my voice, so that there will be one flock and one shepherd." John 10:14-16

Furthermore, this shows a rather uninformed understanding of how parables function. Parables illustrate specific truths and, as such, not every aspect of a parable is intended to be literal; nor is it meant to correspond to every aspect of the truth or event that it illustrates. Jesus was illustrating his love for sinners and his desire in seeking them out in order to turn them away from their shameful acts and embrace him for their salvation.

The Ghost man continues:

3. His instruction to become as children (humble, trusting, submitting to the Lord) in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (See Matthew 18:3.) There is no mention here of the sacrificial Christ as necessary to this entry to the Kingdom, and certainly no mention of one god in three persons! Again: Are we to believe that this is not an authentic teaching of Jesus [PBUH!]? We must assume such a position if we wish to support the Trinity and the notion of a sacrificial Christ.


The writer again shows that he has either not the read the Gospels, or is deceptively and deliberately twisting passages out of context:

"At that time the disciples came to Jesus saying, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ He called a child, had him stand among them, and said, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you turn around and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven! Whoever then humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a child like this IN MY NAME welcomes ME. ‘But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe IN ME to sin, it would be better for him to have a huge millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." Matthew 18:1-6

The context shows that Jesus was claiming that entrance into the kingdom depends on having childlike faith IN HIM as the object of one’s salvation. So this passage undermines the author’s claim!

Again, the Ghost speaks:

4. His insistence on the importance of the individual's development of personal faith, without intermediaries, in the One God. This, my brothers and sisters, is Islam! If that word frightens us, or if we wish to make ourselves feel more comfortable with the actual content of this divine ministry, sidestepping for the moment its verbal labels, we may call it "Jesus' ministry" or "Jesus' teachings." (PBUH!) But his ministry is manifestly one of submission to the One God, and we must think long and hard about the consequences of rejecting it in its true form. There are dozens of examples of such Gospel teachings about the development of STRONG individual faith WITHOUT INTERMEDIARIES, among them Matthew 6:23, 7:7, 17:20, Mark 11:23, Luke 9: 61-62, Luke 15:8, etc. etc. -- and yet there is no mention in any of these or the many other such passages of the sacrificial Christ or of one god in three persons! Is not this a remarkable fact? How are we to account for it?


Several corrections are in order. The author is evidently ignorant of basic Muslim teachings since the claim that there are no intermediaries in Islam is false. Note for instance the following traditions:

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:
The Prophet said, "A man keeps on asking others for something till he comes on the Day of Resurrection without any piece of flesh on his face." The Prophet added, "On the Day of Resurrection, the Sun will come near (to, the people) to such an extent that the sweat will reach up to the middle of the ears, so, when all the people are in that state, they will ask Adam for help, and then Moses, and then Muhammad (p.b.u.h)." The sub-narrator added "Muhammad will intercede with Allah to judge amongst the people. He will proceed on till he will hold the ring of the door (of Paradise) and then Allah will exalt him to Maqam Mahmud (the privilege of intercession, etc.). And all the people of the gathering will send their praises to Allah. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 24, Number 553)

... They would come to me and I would say, ‘I am for that.’ Then I will ask for my Lord's permission, and it will be given, and then He will inspire me to praise Him with such praises as I do not know now. So I will praise Him with those praises and will fall down, prostrate before Him. Then it will be said, ‘O Muhammad, raise your head and speak, for you will be listened to; and ask, for your will be granted (your request); and intercede, for your intercession will be accepted.’ I will say, ‘O Lord, my followers! My followers!’ And then it will be said, ‘Go and take out of Hell (Fire) all those who have faith in their hearts, equal to the weight of a barley grain.’ I will go and do so and return to praise Him with the same praises, and fall down (prostrate) before Him. Then it will be said, ‘O Muhammad, raise your head and speak, for you will be listened to, and ask, for you will be granted (your request); and intercede, for your intercession will be accepted.’ I will say, ‘O Lord, my followers! My followers!’ It will be said, ‘Go and take out of it all those who have faith in their hearts equal to the weight of a small ant or a mustard seed.’ I will go and do so and return to praise Him with the same praises, and fall down in prostration before Him. It will be said, ‘O, Muhammad, raise your head and speak, for you will be listened to, and ask, for you will be granted (your request); and intercede, for your intercession will be accepted.’ I will say, ‘O Lord, my followers!’ Then He will say, ‘Go and take out (all those) in whose hearts there is faith even to the lightest, lightest mustard seed. (Take them) out of the Fire.’ I will go and do so."

When we left Anas, I said to some of my companions, "Let's pass by Al-Hasan who is hiding himself in the house of Abi Khalifa and request him to tell us what Anas bin Malik has told us." So we went to him and we greeted him and he admitted us. We said to him, "O Abu Said! We came to you from your brother Anas Bin Malik and he related to us a Hadith about the intercession the like of which I have never heard." He said, "What is that?" Then we told him of the Hadith and said, "He stopped at this point (of the Hadith)." He said, "What then?" We said, "He did not add anything to that." He said, Anas related the Hadith to me twenty years ago when he was a young fellow. I don't know whether he forgot or if he did not like to let you depend on what he might have said." We said, "O Abu Said! Let us know that." He smiled and said, "Man was created hasty. I did not mention that, but that I wanted to inform you of it.

Anas told me the same as he told you and said that the Prophet added, ‘I then return for a fourth time and praise Him similarly and prostrate before Him me the same as he ‘O Muhammad, raise your head and speak, for you will be listened to; and ask, for you will be granted (your request): and intercede, for your intercession will be accepted.’ I will say, ‘O Lord, allow me to intercede for whoever said, ‘None has the right to be worshiped except Allah.’ Then Allah will say, ‘By my Power, and my Majesty, and by My Supremacy, and by My Greatness, I will take out of Hell (Fire) whoever said: ‘None has the right to be worshipped except Allah.’" (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 601)

The Muslim now faces a dilemma since his salvation is not anchored in Allah, but in a man. It is Muhammad who intercedes for Muslims and saves them from hell based on HIS WORK AS AN INTERCESSOR! These traditions show that the God of Islam does nothing to save a great number of Muslims, especially those in hell, apart from relegating the work of intercession to a finite, imperfect creature. For more on this subject, we highly recommend the following exchange between Jameel and Mohamed Ghounem:

(Note: There is a contradiction in the Quran regarding the permissibility of intercessors on the Day of Judgment. For more info, please read the following:

This leads me to my second point. Christians do not believe that some creature intercedes for us, but believe that God himself in the person of his Son intercedes and makes atonement for all believers. Christ is God who became man in order to die for our sins and rose again to intercede for all true believers in the very presence of his Father.

Third, it is quite obvious that this person has no knowledge of basic Christian doctrine. What true bible-believing Christian denies the importance of STRONG individual faith without INTERMEDIARIES? The Christian has faith in Christ who, as we stated, is not just some intermediary but God incarnate. So our hope and devotion is in the triune God alone.

I omit the rest of the Ghost’s statements as well as some more of Osama’s smokescreens and ad hominems since both men operate under the assumption that repeating themselves ad nauseum will somehow convince their readers that their case has been proven.


My response:

Again, this topic is too huge to refute here.  Therefore, I will direct the reader to the above links which I will post here for his/her convenience:

Answering Trinity- A full proof from the Bible that Jesus is not GOD. 

The absolute Oneness of GOD Almighty in the Bible's Old Testament.

Texts referring to GOD as "One, Alone, None Other, None Else".

Principles of Bible Interpretation about GOD Almighty.

The word "LORD" in the Bible referring to the Almighty GOD alone.

The word "Elohim" proves Trinity?

More on absolute Oneness of GOD Almighty in the Bible's Old Testament.

The "God" title in the Bible was given to others in the OT and NT. Answering Isaiah 9:6.

Does GOD saying "Let us create" prove Trinity?  GOD saying "We" and "Us" doesn't prove Trinity.

Does GOD's spirit in Jesus prove that Jesus is GOD? Others had it too.  GOD's Spirit came upon many others beside Jesus.

"Jesus is my lord and savior" actually CONTRADICTS the Old Testament.


Jesus and his personal claims:

Questions about Jesus and Trinity that Trinitarian Christians don't have logical answers for.

Jesus' Miracles were not unique in the Bible.

The definition of "Son of God" in Islam.

How can Jesus be GOD Almighty when he asked for GOD's Forgiveness?

Jesus the "Alpha and Omega".   Not only this quote doesn't prove Jesus as GOD, but it was also written in a book that is unreliable in later bibles.  In the original Bibles, the quote doesn't even exist!!

Arche of the Creation of God as Alpha and Omega.  The "Alpha and Omega" doesn't even exist in the original Bibles!  It's a lie that was later inserted by trinitarians.  See the historical proofs in the article.  If their site is down, then you can read the article at this link ON MY SITE.

Does Jesus saying "I am" prove that he is GOD?   See how the Hebrew "I am" that Jesus said is different than the Hebrew "I am" that GOD Almighty said in the OT.

Jesus Said He Was God?

Do People and Angels bowing down to Jesus in Worship really prove that he is the Creator of the Universe?  See how the word "Worship" used for Jesus doesn't even exist in the original Greek Bibles.  The Trinitarian English translations are nothing but hoaxes and deceptions.  The article responds to Matthew 15:9 and other English mistranslated verses in the Bible.

Answering John 1:1.

Jesus in the Bible guaranteed Paradise to non-Trinitarians and even non-Christians who are Monotheists.

Did Isaiah 53 really prophesies about the crucifixion of Jesus? It supports Islam's claims about Jesus peace be upon him never died on the cross.  I also addressed John 19:36-37 from the Bible and proved that Jesus never got crucified, since GOD Almighty promised that he will protect Jesus' body and not let even a single bone be broken.  My question to all Christians is: How in the world is it possible for the feet to get nailed on the cross without any penetration to the bones by the nails, hence breaking part of the feet's bones?! I also added refutations to Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, Zechariah 12:10 and Psalm 34:20, which supposedly prove the Christians' belief about Jesus crucifixion.  I proved that this dogma has no truth what so ever and exposed the wrong Trinitarian English translation of Zechariah 12:10.

Did Jews continually try to stone Jesus prove that he claimed to be GOD?

Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  Does that make him GOD?

Did Jesus ever claim to be "Mighty God" or "God"?  Responding to the "I and the Father are one. (John 10:30)" claim.

Jesus claimed that whoever saw him saw the Father.  Wouldn't that prove that Jesus is GOD Himself (i.e., the Creator of the Universe)?

Thomas is misunderstood in verse John 20:28.

Jesus is a hypocrite for bowing down to GOD only during his desperate times. See another proof in the Bible that Jesus can not be the Creator of the Universe.

Do chapter Psalm 110 and Matthew 22:41-46 ("The LORD said to my Lord") prove that Jesus is the Creator of the Universe?


Other "Trinity?" Verses:

Does calling Jesus "Son of God" prove that he is GOD?

Does Psalm 16:8-11 refer to Jesus' resurrection as the book of Acts suggest?

Does Psalm 2:7 refer to Jesus or King David?

"Son of Man" does not mean "GOD" or "Son of GOD"

Does Genesis 1:1-3 really refer to Trinity?

Does Genesis 19:24 really prove Trinity?

Philippians 2 is not a Trinity "Proof Text".

Proverbs 8 contains no proof of Trinity!

Does Baptizing prove Trinity?

"Jesus" does not mean "God saves".

Does the word "Messiah" really mean GOD?

Rebuttal to the lie about the Arabic name "Eesa (Jesus)" originating from Hindu and Pagan gods.

Jesus' original name is Eesa. See detailed proofs from Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic.

Jacob does not mean "fought with GOD" as many Christians believe.

Other Verses and Paganism in Christianity:

Jesus using the word "Muslim" in Luke 6:40.

The early Christians rejected Trinity.

Persecution of Early Unitarian Churches in Malabar, Abyssinia and Ireland.

The pagan Christianity's Trinity is the same as the Hindu's Trinity.

Some Christians do worship Mary!

Contradictions in Trinity.

The Nature of Jesus in the Bible refutes Trinity.

The Trinity belief fails the exam.

Historical background of the Trinity.

The Creed of St. Athanasius.

The Doctrine of the TRINITY...Mystery or Confusion?

Jewish and Muslim sites that disprove Trinity.

Contradictions In the Resurrection Story.

What language did Jesus really speak during his ministry?

Funny Trinity.  Some humor about Trinity that is true.

Jesus was never crucified according to the Gospel of Barnabas.


He wrote:

In responding to my defense of why Christians call themselves servants of the cross, Osama ends up actually contradicting himself:

Mr. Shamoun, I regretfully don't expect you to really understand any of this, but as I clearly proved above, the entire Bible, especially the New Testament, is not authentic at all!  The problem with the book and gospels of the NT is that they were written in a 300-year span.  Many of them have long years of differences between them.  For instance, the book of Mark is believed to be 50 years older than the book of Matthew.   This is what I personally heard from the commentary of Ministers on the movie "From Jesus to Christ".  So as we can see, we can't really take every thing that was said from Jesus and about Jesus as authentic from the Bible, because the so-called books and gospels were not (1) Written by Jesus himself; (2) Nor were they written in the same time or year.  There are even centuries between some of them!   So it should be easy for you to see how easy it was to insert fabrications and lies into the Bible.

Osama states that the entire Bible is inauthentic. Earlier he provided a link indicating which parts of the Bible Muslims accept and why, and makes the same assertion there. Yet, he also makes the following interesting claims:

2-  The Bible and Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad) were written in a
      3000-year and 200-year span respectively.  They both contain Truth and falsehood
      in them.

... Islam is a witness on the Bible.  It filters out the truth from falsehood and corruption in the Bible.  Anything that agrees 100% with Islam is valid, and anything else that has even the slightest disagreement with Islam is discarded: (Source)

In fact, in his most recent "response" (which is anything but an actual response, being simply another example of Osama's mantra syndrome) to Quennels' refutation of his claims, Osama writes:

We Muslims NEVER declared that the entire Bible is not from GOD Almighty. We declare that the Bible is mixed between GOD Almighty's Holy Words and man's alterations and innovations, which makes the entire Bible corrupt/doubtful. The Noble Quran makes a clear mention about this ... (; bold capital emphasis ours)

Osama says that anything that agrees with the Quran is valid, implying that there are parts of the Bible which are not corrupt. He even goes so far as to say that the Bible does contain truth. But if the entire Bible is corrupted, then how can there be any parts which are valid? So which is it? Do you accept parts of it or reject it all?


My response:

Mr. Shamoun, how hard it is for you to understand that we only accept the parts that agree with the Noble Quran as CLOSEST TO THE TRUTH?

As I mentioned above, it's quite hellarious that even the Bible itself admits that it has been tampered with and corrupted by man's garbage:

"`How can you say, "We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

The Revised Standard Version makes it even clearer: "How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie(From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

And regarding who wrote the books and gospels of the Bible, well here is a sample of what the NIV Bible's theologians and historians wrote:

"Serious doubts exists as to whether these verses belong to the Gospel of Mark.  They are absent from important early manuscripts and display certain peculiarities of vocabulary, style and theological content that are unlike the rest of Mark.  His Gospel probably ended at 16:8, or its original ending has been lost.  (From the NIV Bible Foot Notes, page 1528)"

"Although the author does not name himself, evidence outside the Scriptures and inferences from the book itself lead to the conclusion that the author was Luke.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1643)"

"The writer of this letter does not identify himself, but he was obviously well known to the original recipients.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1856)"

"The letter is difficult to date with precision....(From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1905)"

"It seems safe to conclude that the book, at least in its early form, dates from the beginning of the monarchy. Some think that Samuel may have had a hand in shaping or compiling the materials of the book, but in fact we are unsure who the final author or editor was.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 286)"

"Although, according to tradition, Samuel wrote the book, authorship is actually uncertain.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 322)"

"The date of the composition is also unknown, but it was undoubtedly during the monarchy.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 322)"

"The author is unknown. Jewish tradition points to Samuel, but it is unlikely that he is the author because the mention of David (4:17,22) implies a later date.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 360)"

"Who the author was cannot be known with certainty since the book itself gives no indication of his identity.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 368)"

"There is little conclusive evidence as to the identity of the author of 1,2 Kings.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 459)"

"Whoever the author was, it is clear that he was familiar with the book of Deuteronomy.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 459)"

"According to ancient Jewish tradition, Ezra wrote Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah (see Introduction to Ezra: Literary Form and Authorship), but this cannot be established with certainty.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 569)"

"Although we do not know who wrote the book of Esther, from internal evidence it is possible to make some inferences about the author and the date of composition.  (From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 707)"

"The unknown author probably had access to oral and/or written sources....(From the NIV Bible commentary, page 722)"

"Regarding authorship, opinions are even more divided....(From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 773)"


How do you respond to this Mr. Shamoun?

Please visit: Just who were the original authors of the Bible? to see the book's bibliography to the above quotes.

Also, why don't you visit: Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible, and see exactly what I mean, instead of acting like a total fool and saying things that even the Bible refutes in it!


He wrote:

Note the contradictory claims being made by Osama:

Mr. Shamoun, I regretfully don't expect you to really understand any of this, but as I clearly proved above, THE ENTIRE BIBLE, especially the New Testament, is not authentic at all!


We Muslims never declared that THE ENTIRE BIBLE is not from GOD Almighty.

Hence, Osama has affirmed two contradictory positions:

  1. The entire Bible is not authentic.
  2. The entire Bible is not inauthentic.

Osama clearly doesn't know what he believes.


My response:

No Mr. Shamoun, it is you who has a messed up mind that is having a difficult time comprehending what's easy to learn.

Why don't you respond to the above quesiton that I just issued to you along with the quotes that I provided it with it?

This aught to help you understand better.


He wrote:

Isn’t it amazing that Osama uses this corrupted book to prove that God predicted his false prophet? Osama is clearly confused.


My response:

Again, this had been refuted above.  I do not accept Islam from the Bible.   The Noble Quran's Miracles live in it and I showed ample evidence above that proves that.


He wrote:

Osama produces links on alleged scientific miracles in the Quran. These links only show that Muslims are good at mistranslating and twisting the Quran in order to make it agree with modern science. The articles also demonstrate the failure of Muslims to deal with the refutation of their claims. Read for instance the following articles:


My response:

Again, more boring links that don't provide direct answers/rebuttals to anything!   Care to respond to these Miracles Mr. Shamoun:

My favorite Miracles in the Noble Quran are located in   The links of this section are as follows:

Very Important Discovery:
ch1-1-c-img1.jpg (12269 bytes)
A new star forming out of a cloud of gas and dust (nebula), which is one of the remnants of the "smoke" that was the origin of the whole universe. (The Space Atlas, Heather and Henbest, page 50)
Allah Almighty said: "Then He turned to the heaven when it was smoke...(The Noble Quran, 41:11)"
The Noble Quran on the Origin of the Universe
Only Islam claims that the universe was originated from Dust and Hot Gas, or Smoke.


Science in Islam:

The sub sections here are:

1-  Life originated from water in the Noble Quran.
2-  The Earth's rotation, formation, and Oceanology.
3-  The Universe, Astronomy, UFOs and Space Shuttles.
4-  Embryology, Human Anatomy, Formation, and Creation from the time of sexual intercourse to
      the time of birth.
5-  The number 19 code in the Noble Quran.
6-  Medicine, Insects and Animals.
7-  Psychology.
8-  Great Web Sites.
9-  Rebuttals.
10-  Prophecies.

Life originated from water in the Noble Quran:

Life originated from water in the Noble Quran.


The Earth's rotation, formation and Oceanology:

The Noble Quran confirms that the earth is rotating around its axle.

Allah Almighty said that the earth is "egg-shaped".

The Earth is round according to Islam.

The amazing creation of earth and iron in the Noble Quran.   Iron came from space, and the Noble Quran mentioned it.

The amazing creation of earth and mountains in the Noble Quran.   Science confirms that mountains prevent the earth from shaking while it is revolving around itself.  The Noble Quran made a similar claim.

Geology in the Noble Quran - See the Scientific confirmation.

Oceanology in the Noble Quran - See the Scientific confirmation.  The barriers between waters in both science and the Noble Quran.

The darkness of oceans and disappearance of light was mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by Science.


The Universe, Astronomy, UFOs and Space Shuttles:

The Noble Quran and Astronomers both claim that the Universe is 18 billion years old.

The Big Bang Theory and the Cosmic Crunch in the Noble Quran.  Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him predicted around the time when the Cosmic Crunch occurs, the Sun would rise from the West.

The Noble Quran on the Origin of the Universe. This article has pictures and quotes from Western scientific books that accurately confirm the astronomical claims of the Noble Quran.  The Noble Quran was the only book that claimed that the universe originated from Hot Gas or Smoke.  Science proved that this claim is true.

The explosion of Stars (FORMING RED ROSES), Galaxies and the Universe in the Noble Quran had been confirmed by NASA.

Comparison between Allah Almighty's claims about His Creation, and the scientific discoveries that 100% agree with Him.  Claims such as:  The universe is expanding, the existence of the sun's orbit, the protective atmosphere to the earth, Embryology and many more.

Allah Almighty said in the Noble Quran that He is "Expanding" the Universe.  Scientists already proved this claim to be true.

The "Clot" and the Creation of the Universe in the Noble Quran.

Is there mention of U.F.Os or other Human Planets in the Noble Quran?

What does the sun orbit?

Einstein's time relativity in the Noble Quran.

UFOs and Space Shuttles were explicitly mentioned in the Noble Quran!  Even the communication with UFOs was prophesied in the Noble Quran.

Aliens and UFOs in the Noble Quran.


Embryology, Human Anatomy, Formation and Creation from the time of sexual intercourse to the time of birth:

The Noble Quran on Human Embryonic Development.

Embryology in the Noble Quran.   The three stages of the foetus formation in the Noble Quran and Science.

Abortion in Islam is a crime!   The foetus is a human child in Islam.

The Noble Quran on the Cerebrum: Lying is generated from the person's forehead.

The region in the brain that controls our movements - In Noble Quran and confirmed by Science.

Sex determination and human creation in Islam.  Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad both claimed that the human gender is determined by the male's ejaculated semen.

Were human cloning and gender alteration prophesied in Islam?

Why does the Noble Quran, while speaking about determination of the identity of the individual, speak specifically about finger tips?  The Noble Quran recognized that finger tips (finger prints) are unique!

The blood circulation and the production of milk in the Breast: In the Noble Quran and Science.

Thinking with the heart besides the brain in the Noble Quran was proven by Science.


The number 19 code in the Noble Quran:

The Miracle of the number 19 in the Noble Quran.  Yes, the number 19 is miraculous in the Noble Quran and was proven to be essential in many of the Scientific Theories and Discoveries.  But it doesn't at all support Rashad Khalifa's removal of two Noble Verses from the Noble Quran, and his claim to be GOD Almighty's Messenger.


Medicine, Insects and Animals:

Animals' urine and it's relationship to medicine in Islam.

Camels could help cure humans.

Honey was proven to be healing for humans as was mentioned in the Noble Quran.

The fly insect and its cure: Mentioned in Islam and confirmed by Science (Bacteriophages).



The psychological Wisdom of Prayers in Islam was proven in Science and Psychology.

The Wisdom of the age of 40 in the Noble Quran, which had been Scientifically and Psychologically proven to be True.  See why Allah Almighty is more forgiving to those who are under the age of 40, and how Science and Psychology proved that people under 40 are less mature and tend to make more irresponsible decisions (i.e., mistakes and sins).


Great Web Sites:   This is an awesome web site that has Western scientific information that accurately confirms the Noble Quran's claims about astronomy, biology, geology and other sciences.

A detailed site that displays most of the scientific Quranic Verses that deal with astronomy, geology and biology.

The Bible, the Quran and Science.  Written by Dr Maurice Bucaille.  In his work, Dr. Baucille proves that the Quran correctly stated scientific facts unknown at the time of the Prophet - showing its divine origin!

Miracles of the Noble Quran.  Video files.

A web site for the number 19 miracle in the Noble Quran.

Evaluating Islam as a Religion based on Divine Revelation.



Does the Noble Quran support "The Earth moves around the Sun" theory?  Rebuttal to Mr. Avijit Roy's challenge.

My rebuttal to Avijit Roy's "Does the Quran support the Earth moves around the Sun theory" response.

My rebuttal to Avijit Roy's "Does Quran have any Scientific miracles?" article.

A Muslim response to criticism of Embryology in the Noble Quran.  By Nadeem Arif Najmi.

Allah Almighty said that the earth is "egg-shaped".  Rebuttal to the Christian "Answering Islam" team about "dahaha" in the Noble Quran.



Please visit The Noble Quran section, and read the "Prophecies" sub section to see the great Prophecies that were fulfilled only in the Noble Quran.  The Noble Quran also made mention and promised the discovery of lost ancient cities and people's bodies, and these promises were all fulfilled today.


He wrote:

Osama proceeds to assault Paul:

Mr. Shamoun, you quote from Paul, a person who never even met Jesus in person.  He claimed that he met Jesus and people just took him for granted.  I hope you see the real weakness in your Bible.  Paul by the way is very controversial among the Christian community.  Many popular Christian ministers don't believe in him.

Also please visit: Is circumcision allowed or not allowed in the Bible? See the clear contradiction between Jesus and Paul.


Mr. Abdallah you quote from Muhammad’s book, a man who lived over 500 years after Christ. He claimed that he was God’s prophet without any proof and yet you take his word for it. I hope you see how desperate and weak your arguments sound.


My response:

I showed ample evidence that shows Islam's Miracles.  Also Mr. Shamoun, I would really like for you to read: What is the Wisdom of Islam?


He wrote:

Osama asserts that many popular Christians denied Paul. Amazingly, some of the men listed are not even Christians, such as Hyam Maccoby who was a Jew! Others, such as John Shelby Spong deny the virgin birth and miracles of Jesus, going so far as to suggest that Mary was perhaps raped (God forbid) and that is how she conceived Christ. Note for instance what he writes here:

So, in the task of rediscovering the true meaning of the stories of Jesus' birth, the first thing that must be faced is that these narratives are not accounts from memory of something that actually happened. Let me be clear, as most religious people like to hedge their language so that they do not offend. There was no annunciation of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. There was no star that shone in the sky to announce Jesus' birth. There were no wise men who followed that star. There were no gifts of gold, frankincense, or myrrh. There was no murder of innocent male babies by the wicked King Herod. There was no tax enrollment ordered by Quirinius, the governor of Syria, and thus no journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. There was no manger. There was no heavenly messenger who proclaimed the birth of this Jesus to hillside shepherds, no angelic chorus that sang "Glory to God the highest." There was no journey to the Temple in Jerusalem at age 12. All of these are storytelling creations of the Jewish mind, seeking to explain in a thoroughly Jewish way the experience that people had with the adult Jesus ...

There is also no irrefutable body of data about the parents of Jesus that is available for our knowledge, despite the elaborate traditions of Christian history. Mary might loom large in the developing Christian tradition, but she does not loom large in the early Christian writings. Her name appears only once in the biblical narrative before the ninth decade C.E. That sole mention was contained in a critical shout from a nameless person in the crowd and came in the form of a question: "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary?" It was a hostile question designed to insult or to question Jesus' origins. (People were normally identified with their father's name — if the father was known.) Certainly there was no suggestion, in this first biblical reference to the mother of Jesus, that she was a virgin or that Jesus' birth was in any way miraculous.

The suggestion that Jesus' paternity was in doubt or was a source of scandal also finds an echo in the Song of Mary in Luke's gospel, where the mother of Jesus is made to say, "He has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden," which could easily be a reference to the status of an unmarried but pregnant woman. Further hints of the scandal of his birth occurs in the Fourth Gospel, where a loud debate about Jesus' origins produces a member of the crowd who accosts Jesus with the words, "We were not born of fornication" (John 8:41). The clear implication of this text was that Jesus was so born.

It is also clear from a study of early Christian documents that early Jewish critics of Jesus and the Jesus movement made similar charges, even suggesting that Jesus was the child of a Roman soldier (whether by rape or by consent is not always clear). Perhaps the virgin-birth tradition was born as a Christian defense against such charges. Those are the facts of history; beyond them, we can say little more. (

This means that if Spong is right then Muhammad was a liar and the Quran a lie for saying that Jesus was born of a virgin and performed miracles! Apart from this being a fallacy of appealing to authority, it is rather sad that Osama needs to appeal to such individuals in order to support his point.

As far as Paul is concerned, he was quite unlike Muhammad since the former was backed up by God supernaturally and confirmed by the eyewitnesses. Make sure to read the following responses and documentation for this:

Also, make sure to go here:

And look for all the articles dealing with Paul.


My response:

If Paul was truthful, he wouldn't have utter nonsense and contradictions.  Also, Paul had different agenda than Jesus.  The following links should help:

How can you say that the Bible has corruption in it when Saint Paul in 2 Timothy 3:16 clearly said that "All Scripture is God-breathed"?

Paul, Peter and John are in clear contradiction with each others regarding the disbelieving husbands to believing wives!

Is circumcision allowed or not allowed in the Bible?  See the clear contradiction between Jesus and Paul.

Paul contradicted himself regarding the women's head covering.

My response to Sam Shamoun's rebuttal to my article "Paul, Peter and John are in clear contradiction with each others regarding the disbelieving husbands to believing wives!".

Famous Theologians and Historians believe that Paul was not truthful.


He wrote: 

Osama seeks to deny that the rites of Hajj are pagan in origin:

No, I don't know well that Islam is a religion that promotes pagan rituals and idolatry.  This is a childish statement from you.  Also, Islam is completely anti paganism and polytheism.  It's your pagan trinity that is all about godheads and multiple gods and polytheism.  Islam is not about that at all:

"Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him. (The Noble Quran, 112:1-4)"

Please visit: Was Muhammad peace be upon him a Polytheist?

Was Muhammad a Pagan?!  A rebuttal by brother Yishan Jufu.

Allah Almighty's response to the pagan polytheists from the hindus, and trinitarians and others about the impossibility of having multiple GOD.


YES YOU DO KNOW THAT THEY ARE PAGAN IN ORIGIN, which is why you go out of your way to provide alleged evidence denying it. If they didn’t originate from paganism then why even bother writing articles proving otherwise?


My response:

"why even bother writing articles proving otherwise?"  It's because of morons like you who are full of deceptions that need to get their loud mouths shut by the Truth!  That is why I wrote these articles.

Again, here are the links that Mr. Shamoun unlinked in his response:

Was Muhammad peace be upon him a Polytheist?

Is Muhammad GOD or part of GOD in Islam

Was Muhammad a Pagan?!   A rebuttal by brother Yishan Jufu.

Allah Almighty's response to the pagan polytheists from the hindus, and trinitarians and others about the impossibility of having multiple GOD.


He wrote:

Please consult my initial response for the links documenting the origin of these rites. Lord willing, I will be refuting Yishan’s alleged "responses" in the near future.


My response:

Mr. Shamoun, the reader is free to read your utter nonsense from my page.  How come they're not free to read my material from your page?

Why do you unlink my links to my articles?!


He wrote:

Osama tries to pull another fast one by shifting the focus of my argument concerning Muhammad’s kissing the black stone to a totally irrelevant point:

In Islam, it is not mandatory for any Muslim to kiss the stone.  But however, it is believed that this stone was sent from Heaven.  That's why the Prophet peace be upon him kissed that stone.  But like I said, it is not mandatory to kiss that stone or any object.


We don't care what the Bible says because we don't follow it.  Like I said, it is not mandatory in Islam to kiss that stone.  The Prophet peace be upon him decided to kiss it because it is believed that the stone was sent from Heaven.  It was his personal preference to show Allah Almighty gratefullness.  But we're not obligated to follow that practice.


Osama may claim that he doesn’t care about what the Holy Bible says, but Muhammad sure did:

"If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee: the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord: so be in no wise of those in doubt." S. 10:94

Those are they unto whom We gave the Scripture and command and prophethood. But if these disbelieve therein, then indeed We shall entrust it to a people who will not be disbelievers therein. Those are they whom Allah guideth, SO FOLLOW THEIR GUIDANCE. Say (O Muhammad, unto mankind): I ask of you no fee for it. Lo! it is naught but a Reminder to (His) creatures. S. 6:89-90

Now then, for that (reason), call (them to the Faith), and stand steadfast as thou art commanded, nor follow thou their vain desires; but say: "I believe in whatever Book Allah has sent down; and I am commanded to judge justly between you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord: for us (is the responsibility for) our deeds, and for you for your deeds. There is no contention between us and you. Allah will bring us together, and to Him is (our) final goal. S. 42:15

Muhammad is told to follow the guidance of Israel and to confirm his message with the previous revelation. Therefore, when we check the previous record we find that Muhammad’s kissing a black stone is idolatry pure and simple.

Hence, whether it is mandatory to kiss the stone or not is irrelevant to the issue at hand, and is simply a red herring. The point that I was making is that the true God would not permit his servants to kiss any stone object as Muhammad did. Osama needs to address my arguments and not simply make things up.


My response:

What does kissing the stone have anything to do with your pornful bible, the book of women's vaginas and breasts taste like "wine"?

Now, in regards to the Bible, here is my refutation to your claims:


Introduction: We must first of all know that the entire Bible is corrupted and unreliable and is mostly filled with man-made laws and corruption!  GOD Almighty Said: "`How can you say, "We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

The Revised Standard Version makes it even clearer: "How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie.   (From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

In either translation, we clearly see that the Jews had so much corrupted the Bible with their man-made cultural laws, that they had turned the Bible into a lie!

See Also Deuteronomy 31:25-29 where Moses peace be upon him predicted the corruption/tampering of the Law (Bible) after his death.

The Book of Moses predicted that the Law (Bible) will get corrupted.  The Book of Jeremiah which came approximately 826 years after did indeed confirm this corruption.


Did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him really recognize the Bible as an error-free book?

The sections of this article are:

1-  Did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him really recognize
      the Bible as an error-free book?
2-  What about the Jews whom the Prophet punished according
      to their Mosaic Law?

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him never recognized the Bible as an error-free book:

Narrated Ubaidullah:  "Ibn 'Abbas said, "Why do you ask the people of the scripture about anything while your Book (Quran) which has been revealed to Allah's Apostle is newer and the latest? You read it pure, undistorted and unchanged, and Allah has told you that the people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) changed their scripture and distorted it, and wrote the scripture with their own hands and said, 'It is from Allah,' to sell it for a little gain. Does not the knowledge which has come to you prevent you from asking them about anything? No, by Allah, we have never seen any man from them asking you regarding what has been revealed to you!"  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Holding Fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah, Volume 9, Book 92, Number 461)"

Narrated AbuNamlah al-Ansari: "When he was sitting with the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) and a Jew was also with him, a funeral passed by him. He (the Jew) asked (Him): Muhammad, does this funeral speak? The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Allah has more knowledge. The Jew said: It speaks. 

The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: Whatever the people of the Book [Jews and Christians] tell you, do not verify them, nor falsify them, but say: We believe in Allah and His Apostle. If it is false, do not confirm it, and if it is right, do not falsify it.  (Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Knowledge (Kitab Al-Ilm), Book 25, Number 3637)"

The following two Sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him were sent to me by Yusif 65; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him:

Narrated Ubaidullah:  "Ibn 'Abbas said, 'Why do you ask the people of the scripture about anything while your Book (Quran) which has been revealed to Allah's Apostle is newer and the latest? You read it pure, undistorted and unchanged, and Allah has told you that the people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) changed their scripture and distorted it, and wrote the scripture with their own hands and said, 'It is from Allah,' to sell it for a little gain. Does not the knowledge which has come to you prevent you from asking them about anything? No, by Allah, we have never seen any man from them asking you regarding what has been revealed to you!'  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Holding Fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah, Volume 9, Book 92, Number 461)

Narrated Abu Huraira:  "The people of the Book used to read the Torah in Hebrew and then explain it in Arabic to the Muslims. Allah's Apostle said (to the Muslims). 'Do not believe the people of the Book, nor disbelieve them, but say, 'We believe in Allah and whatever is revealed to us, and whatever is revealed to you.' '  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Holding Fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah, Volume 9, Book 92, Number 460)

As we clearly see in the above Sayings of our beloved Prophet peace be upon him, we see that the source that the Jews and Christians use (i.e. the Bible or any other religious source such as their Popes', Rabbis or other religious people's verdicts) must be ignored because it is not reliable.  As we've seen in the above introduction, the man-made scribes (laws) had corrupted the Bible and turned it "into a lie" (Jeremiah 8:8).

Please visit According to Islam, why did GOD Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted?

What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth? and Why?

Just who were the real authors of the Bible? Today's Books and Gospels' authors of the Bible are UNKNOWN.  See the comments that prove that from the Theologians and Historians of the NIV Bible from the NIV Bible itself!  Just why in the world should I believe in today's Bible?


What about the Jews whom the Prophet punished according to their Mosaic Law?

The following was sent to me by brother Johnny Bravo; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.

The missionary argument is that Islamically the Bible is accurate because Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him ruled according to one of its law.  This is indeed very funny.  Christian Missionary, Sam Shamoun, after distorting dozens of verses from the Holy Quran and amazing his with his funny interpretations, informs his readers:

"Our usage of the Quran does not imply our belief in its authority nor its inspiration.  We quote it solely for the sake of convincing the Muslims of the Bible's authority and authenticity as a fact confirmed by their religious text."

Precisely!  Similarly, the ruling of stoning applied to the Jew and Jewess according to the Jewish scriptures also does not imply that the entire text of the Jewish Christian scriptures is authentic and pristine.  Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him was *also* using it as his evidence against the Jews. Yes there were many addition and deletion in the Jewish scriptures, they were corrupted, but despite their corruption, they still contained enough truth in them to lead any person to Islam.  Thus, had the Jews followed their own book, they would have had no other choice but to become Muslims because their book still contained enough truth therein to lead a person to Islam.  The problem with the Jews was that they didn't even bother to follow that which they themselves considered to be Divinely revealed by Allah. 

The punishment for stoning for example is the authentic revelation from Allah which we find intact in even the present day Jewish scriptures, but these Jews during the time of Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him did not bother to follow this Law revealed by Allah.    Had they applied all the laws and commandments in their scriptures, never mind the corruption, they would have had no choice but to become Muslims.

Well known commentator Ibn Kathir, explains:

"These Hadith's (Saying of Prophet Muhammad in Arabic) state that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him issued a decision that conforms with the ruling in the Tawrah, not to honour the Jews in what they believe in, for the Jews were commanded to follow the Law of Muhammad peace be upon him only.  Rather, the Prophet peace be upon him did this because Allah commanded him to do so.

He asked them about the ruling of stoning in the Tawrah to make them admit to what the Tawrah (Torah) contains and what they collaborated to hide, deny and exclude from implementing for all that time.  They had to admit to what they did, although they did it while having knowledge of the correct ruling.  What made them go to the Prophet peace be upon him for judgement in this matter was their lusts and desires, hoping that the Prophet peace be upon him would agree with their opinion, not that they believed in the correctness of his judgement."

[Tafsir Ibn Kathir Abridged. Volume 3. Pg. 182.  Darussalam Publishers and Distributors.  2000]

Sheikh Abdurrahman Abdul-Khaaliq states:

"The Torah, the Old Testament, and the Gospel, the New testament, still contain some truth and guidance that can be evidence against Jews and Christians.  If they implemented their laws, Jews and Christians would believe in the Prophet Muhammad's message, confirming what was sent before him, and thus would follow the guidance and light. Muhammad was sent down with clear evidence to his truthfulness and he followed the path of the Prophets before him, who were sent to the Jews and the Christians."

[Sheikh Abdurrahman Abdul-Khaaliq.  "The Bible's Testimony that Jesus is the Slave-Servant, and Messenger of Allah." pg. 8. The Daar of Islamic Heritage 1994]

So there we go.  It is worth noting that the Quran does not mention any "Bible" or "Mathew", "Mark", "Genesis", "Numbers" etc.  The Quran only mentions the Tauraat revealed to Musa (Moses) peace be upon him and the Injeel (Gospel) revealed to Esa (Jesus) peace be upon him.  Not any Gospel "according to Mathew" etc.  The Quran is MUHAYMIN over the previous scriptures (5:48), meaning criteria, watcher-over, control, guardian, dominant, trustworthy, witness, rectifying etc.  So whatever agrees with the Quran we accept that we reject whatever disagrees with the Quran.  The present day Jewish Christian scriptures may contain truth in them, we do not deny that, however their also contain the words of man and errors, interpolations and deletions.  A Muslim is commanded to use the Quran as the judge (5:48) to separate the truth from falsehood.  

Please visit According to Islam, why did GOD Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted?

Just who were the real authors of the Bible? Today's Books and Gospels' authors of the Bible are UNKNOWN.  See the comments that prove that from the Theologians and Historians of the NIV Bible from the NIV Bible itself!  Just why in the world should I believe in today's Bible?

Also, please visit: Contradictions and proofs of historical corruptions in the Bible.

What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth? and Why?


He wrote:

Osama again attempts to attack straw man and throw red herrings. He responds to my claim that the crescent moon and the five pointed star are pagan symbols with:

The crescent is only used for determining the start and finish of the Fasting Month of Ramadan.  Allah Almighty clearly refuted the bogus theory of "moon god" and all the other nonsense that anti-Muslims falsely claim against Islam.

Please visit: Is Allah really a "moon god"? It's funny how some anti-Islamics claim this, while the Noble Quran directly refutes this: "Among His Sings are the Night and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon. Adore not the sun and the moon, but adore God, Who created them, if it is Him ye wish to serve. (The Noble Quran, 41:37)"

Also, please visit: What is Fasting in Islam? And what is the Wisdom behind it? What is Ramadan?

As to the five pillars of Islam, they are:  (1) "Al-Shahadatyn", which means the "Two Bearing of Witnesses".  In order for a person to embrace Islam, he would have to say: "I bear witness that there is no GOD but Allah, and Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger".  (2) Praying; (3) Fasting the Month of Ramadan; (4) Al-Zakah, which is paying 2.5% of your annual income for charity; and (5) Al-Hajj, which is doing pilgrimage to Mecca if you're physically capable and you are debt free.

All of the five pillars were extracted directly from the Noble Quran.  Many Muslims strongly believe that the pillars of Islam are 6 and not 5.  The 6th one is Jihad, which is fighting for the cause of Allah Almighty and Justice.  Jihad is not just limited to physical wars.  Jihad can also be through peaceful actions.  I am right now doing Jihad by spreading Islam through my web site.  I don't have to go out and fight to do Jihad.  But when fighting is a must, then I must fight to defend the Truth and Justice.

Your bogus conclusions about Islam's pillars being similar to paganism is exactly similar to your bogus conclusion about trinity.  It is nothing but a bunch of gibrish nonsense.  Go ahead and keep going with your funny conclusions and keep making a fool out of yourself Mr. Shamoun.


First, I never brought up the issue of Allah being a moon god, so this is another red herring.


My response:

But you did say that the moon is a holy symbol in Islam.  I proved you to be full of nonsense from this Noble Verse:

"Among His Sings are the Night and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon. Adore not the sun and the moon, but adore God, Who created them, if it is Him ye wish to serve.  (The Noble Quran, 41:37)"

You see Mr. Shamoun, we adore NOT the sun nor the moon.  We only adore Allah Almighty.

So much for your moon being a holy symbol utter nonsense and deliberate lies!


He wrote:

Second, I am not talking about the use of the crescent in determining the days of fasting in the month of Ramadan. Rather, I am referring to the CRESCENT SYMBOL and FIVE POINT STAR that adorns Mosques and flags throughout the Muslim world.


My response:

Your full of nonsense!


He wrote:

Third, it is rather apparent that Osama has a hard time reading and likes to argue in a circle. It is irrelevant whether the Quran speaks of the five pillars since my argument didn’t center on whether the Quran prescribed these rites. Rather, my argument focused on THE ORIGIN OF THESE PILLARS, i.e. where did these rites come from and who initially instituted them? Muslims claim that Abraham and Ishmael instituted them, a claim that has been soundly refuted in the links given in my first response.


My response:

I have provided you with ample evidence that Islam HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH PAGANISM!  It is your pagan trinity that has everything to do with paganism and the three-god-head trash:

Ancient paganism and the dangers of compromise.

Pagans influence in the Christians' methods of worship today.

The pagan Christianity's Trinity is the same as the Hindu's Trinity.

Some Christians do worship Mary!

The Nature of Jesus in the Bible refutes Trinity.

Historical background of the Trinity.


He wrote:

One thing that the Muslim sources agree upon is that the pagan Arabs BEFORE THE ADVENT OF ISLAM were already practicing these rites. Since there is no historical and archaeological proof linking these rites to either Abraham or Ishmael, one is safe in assuming that Islam simply took these heathen rites and claimed that they were initially instituted by God.


My response:

Keep assuming, because you'll only look like an ass.  It looks good on you actually.


He wrote:

Fourth, since Osama claims that the Quran prescribes the five rites here is my challenge to him:

  1. Please produce one verse which says that one must recite the "Two Bearing of Witnesses" in order to be a Muslim.
  2. Please show me from the Quran where the five prayers are referred to by name and are made mandatory for the Muslims.
  3. Please produce a verse from the Quran stating that one must give 2.5% of his/her annual income for charity.


My response:

The bearing of witness was made by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him to organize Islam and to make accepting and embracing of Islam more organized.  WHERE IS PAGANISM IN THIS?

The 5-daily prayers were inspired to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.  The Noble Quran doesn't tell us how to pray.  It only commands us to pray.  Allah Almighty did leave certain things to be explained by the Prophet peace be upon him:

"O ye who believe! Obey God, and obey the Apostle, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to God and His Apostle, if ye do believe in God and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination.  (The Noble Quran, 4:59)"

"When there comes to them some matter touching (Public) safety or fear, they divulge it. If they had only referred it to the Apostle, or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have Tested it from them (direct). Were it not for the Grace and Mercy of God unto you, all but a few of you would have fallen into the clutches of Satan.  (The Noble Quran, 4:83)"

As to paying charity (Zakah), again, we are commanded in the Noble Quran to do it, but the amount was determined by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.  Allah Almighty left the details of it to be in the Hadiths for His Divine Wisdom and Perfection.

But again, what does any of this have to do with paganism?!


He wrote:

This concludes my response. It has been quite evident that Osama wasn’t able to write a coherent reply and was forced to toss out red herrings, commit logical fallacies and run around the issues.


My response:

You have yet to respond to the questions I raised above to you, and to the questions that I raised in the other articles that you have not responded to yet!


He wrote:

After one more planned response to Osama’s alleged "rebuttal" to another one of my articles, I will refrain from engaging Osama. Until and unless Osama writes a meaningful reply which is both coherent and accurate, I will not bother wasting time responding to his material since it contains no substance whatsoever.


My response:

How come you never answered the many questions I raised to you?  Are you too lazy to respond?  I doubt it, since you're good in writing long articles.  Are you too arrogant to respond?  Well, may yes and may be no.

But what ever the reason is Mr. Shamoun, the reader knows well that you have many important questions to respond to.  So in other words, you failed to respond to all of the questions that were asked to you, and yet, you call my articles "mantras".  So much for you and your mantras Mr. Shamoun.  You have proven yourself to be a joker who is not out there to seek the real Truth, but rather to impose his polytheist trinity paganism upon others.


He wrote:

In the service of the risen and immortal Lord of glory, Jesus Christ, God’s beloved Son and our only true love, forever and ever. Amen. Come Lord Jesus, come. We will always love you, risen King!


My response:

Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will return to fight the infidels and polytheist pagans.  Unfortunately for you, your group will be among the cursed.


He wrote:

Sam Shamoun


Earlier, I had stated that Osama knew very well that the pillars of Islam were pagan in origin. I would like to clarify what I meant by this. Osama knows that ACCORDING to the Muslim sources the pillars of Islam were being observed by the pagans prior to Muhammad's time.


My response:

The pillars of Islam are:

1-  Saying "I bear witness that there is no GOD but Allah, and Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger".

Where is the pagan origin in this?

2-  Praying the five daily-prayers.  EVEN JESUS PRAYED!

Where is the pagan origin in this?

3-  Fasting.  EVEN JESUS FASTED!

Where is the pagan origin in this?

4-  Paying charity to the poors.

Where is the pagan origin in this?

5-  Pilgrimage to Mecca.

Ok, the pagans used to do pilgrimage to Mecca during the times when Arabs used to be pagans.  But this still doesn't prove anything, because according to Islam, the Kaaba (the cube black building) was built by Prophet Abraham peace be upon him.  So, this again doesn't prove anything about Islam being pagan origin.


He wrote:

Osama and others seek to undermine the damage that this has on Islam being a so-called "revealed Monotheistic" religion by arguing the position of the Quran and the traditions that Abraham and Ishmael instituted these practices.

Osama is well aware that there is no pre-Islamic evidence connecting these rites with either Ishmael or Abraham, since he is (and has been) aware of our articles that clearly demonstrated this. See the first response for the links.


My response:

You have proven yourself to be a total joke!


The Prophecy of the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca in the Noble Quran:

I learned about this topic and the two Noble Verses below from my mother while I was discussing Islam with her; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with her.

Let us look at what Allah Almighty said in the Noble Quran:

"Behold!  We gave the site, To Abraham, of the (Sacred) House [That is the Kaaba that he built], (Saying):  'Associate not anything (In worship) with Me; And sanctify My House For those who compass it round, Or stand up, Or bow, or prostrate themselves (Therein in prayer).  And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men: they will come to thee on foot and (mounted) on every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways;   (The Noble Quran, 22:26-27)"

As we clearly see in the Noble Verses, Allah Almighty promised Abraham peace be upon him that He will cause for people from all around the world to come and proclaim the pilgrimage to the House (Kaaba) that he built.

The story began, when Abraham took Hagar and Ishmael to the city of Paran (Mecca), based on Allah Almighty's commands.   There was literally no life there; not even water.  Allah Almighty then ordered Abraham to build the House of GOD (Kaaba) and leave Hagar and his son Ishmael there.  When later Hagar and Ishmael became very thirsty after they ran out of the water they brought with them in the journey, Hagar prayed to Allah Almighty to provide water for them.  Hagar then started to desperately run to search for water seven times (I believe) back and forth between the Safa and Marwa hills.  Allah Almighty then caused Ishmael to rub his feet against the sand and a pool of water, the water of Zumzum came out.

This Prophecy of Allah Almighty sending people from all over the world to Mecca is fulfilled every single year in Saudi Arabia through the Muslims' yearly pilgrimage, where one to three million Muslims come to perform the Hajj (pilgrimage).

"When the Pilgrimage was proclaimed, people came to it from every quarter, near and far, on foot and mounted.  The 'lean camel' coming after the fatiguing journey through distant mountain roads typifies the difficulties of travel." [2]


He wrote:

So what does Osama do? He simply repeats the assertion that Abraham and Ishmael instituted these rites even though he is aware that this claim has been soundly refuted. He provides no counter evidence to undermine the data which conclusively show that neither Abraham nor Ishmael ever settled in Mecca, let alone institute practices which, according to the Muslims, were later perverted by the pagans.


My response:

Are you really serious man?!


He wrote:


  1. Osama cannot deny that the pagans practiced these rites.
  2. Osama seeks to undermine the damage this has upon the alleged divine origin of Islam by appealing to the Abraham/Ishmael connection.
  3. Osama has been unable to refute the arguments which show that these rites were NOT instituted by either Abraham or Ishmael.
  4. Despite this, Osama still repeats ad nauseum that Abraham instituted these rites since he is aware that this is the only way to deny that the pagans initially instituted them.

So it is in this sense that Osama knows that these rites are simply pagan through and through.


My response:

Using your nonsensical logic, Jesus too was also a pagan for praying and fasting to GOD Almighty!  This leave three: (1) Testifying that there is no GOD but Allah and Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger; (2) Paying charity; and (3) Doing pilgrimage to Mecca.

Since when paying charity is a harmful thing to the faith?

Since when testifying that GOD Almighty is One and Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger is paganism?

Since when the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca, the city of Abraham and Ishmael peace be upon them (which was proven historically and archeologically) is paganism?

You're obviously a total joke Mr. Shamoun.  You obviously have no respect to your Christian readers for assuming that they are so stupid to even miss the two pillars that Jesus himself did 600 years before Islam:  Praying and Fasting!   And even paying Charity to the poors, which makes it three!

You are indeed a stupid goon who is not worth much!






Back to My Rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.

How can Jesus be GOD Almighty when he asked for GOD's Forgiveness?

My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun regarding Jesus asking GOD Almighty for forgiveness.

Answering Trinity.

Contradictions and History of Corruption in the Bible.

Questions about Jesus that trinitarian Christians don't have logical answers for.

What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth? and Why?

"Allah" was GOD Almighty's original Name in the Bible according to the Hebrew and Aramaic sources.

Scientific Miracles in Islam and the Noble Quran.

Most of the Bible's books and gospels were written by mysterious people!

Jesus mentioned Muhammad by the name in the Bible.

Did Isaiah 53 really prophesies about the crucifixion of Jesus? It supports Islam's claims about Jesus peace be upon him never died on the cross.  I also addressed John 19:36-37 from the Bible and proved that Jesus never got crucified, since GOD Almighty promised that he will protect Jesus' body and not let even a single bone be broken.   My question to all Christians is: How in the world is it possible for the feet to get nailed on the cross without any penetration to the bones by the nails, hence breaking part of the feet's bones?! I also added refutations to Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, Zechariah 12:10 and Psalm 34:20, which supposedly prove the Christians' belief about Jesus crucifixion.  I proved that this dogma has no truth what so ever and exposed the wrong Trinitarian English translation of Zechariah 12:10.

Send your comments.

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